pirates of the caribbean

Post on 13-Nov-2014

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Transcript of pirates of the caribbean

AS 2.5• You will have a choice of THREE

questions, you choose TWO for each film.

• There will be questions on Characterisation, Conflict and Narrative Structure.


• Filmmakers use narrative conventions to portray characters and show their development through such aspects as stereotypes, performance, costuming and dialogue.

• How does the filmmaker use narrative conventions to portray character and/or show character development? You should discuss at least one convention in detail.


What is a stereotype?

• A fixed or commonly held notion of a person or group based on an over-simplification of some observed or imagined behavior or appearance.

What stereotypes are there in Pirates of the Caribbean?

• Pirates• Hero• Damsel in Distress• Villain• Anti-hero• Natives• English

Damsel in Distress

• Classic theme in art, literature and film.

• Usually young, classically beautiful, noble.

• She is placed in a dire predicament by a villain and requires rescuing by the hero.

21st Century Damsel

• According to actress Keira Knightley, Swann is "a 21st century girl trapped in an 18th century world. She kind of starts out as a damsel in distress and then kicks butt "


• Refers to the character that, in face of danger, adversity or a position of weakness display courage and the will for self-sacrifice.

Villains• A cruelly malicious

person who is involved in or devoted to wickedness or crime.

• The villain serves as an obstacle the hero must struggle to overcome and is his binary opposite.

Anti Hero

• A character with villainous or generally negative behavior, who advances their own selfish needs through working alongside the good guys. The anti-hero usually comes good in the end!


• Johnny Depp carried out thorough research into real life 18th century Pirates to prepare himself for the role of Captain Jack Sparrow.


• Depp felt that pirates were the equivalent to modern day rock stars, infamous, above the law, need to create and live up to a certain reputation.

• He wanted his character to be completely over the top, flamboyant and eccentric.


• Costume was very important to Depp in helping him to create the character of Jack.

• The long dreadlocks helped to establish the ‘rock star’ image, they were also within keeping to the location of the Caribbean.


• The decorations in his hair were a collection of things that ‘Jack’ had collected from his travels (just like Richards)

• The ‘tricorne’ was a signature hat (no one else has a hat like it and it helps emphasise his importance. )

Things about Jack!

(A) Survives more by wit and cunning than weapons and strength. He relies on non-violent negotiations.

(B) His survival strategy is to turn his enemies against one another.

(C) He tries to flee dangerous situations.(D) Flamboyant and eccentric.