PIONEERING TODAY LLC @MELISSAKNORRIS.COM ...Place your top crust, cut slits for steam escape, crimp...

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Transcript of PIONEERING TODAY LLC @MELISSAKNORRIS.COM ...Place your top crust, cut slits for steam escape, crimp...





Apple Preserving & Uses

By Melissa K. Norris

When it comes to fruit, there is little more versatile than the apple. It can be made into any number of

delicious foods, and you’ll find my favorite recipes contained within.

No homestead or home is complete without the wonderfulness of an apple and while I’m not sure the

old adage, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” we still like to include and use some type of

apple product every day.

The beauty is many of the products you may be purchasing from the store can easily (and much more

frugally) be made at home, without added or unhealthy ingredients we don’t want. When you make it

yourself, you control what is in it, and more importantly, what’s not!

Not only will these recipes and tutorials help keep your budget in line, but they’ll provide you with a

well stocked pantry. And come holiday time, there’s little better than having:

• a jar of apple pie filling ready to go

• apple butter for pancakes or gift bags

• low or no sugar apple pie jam smothered on a piece of toast

• and let us not forget applesauce, it can be used in place of oil keeping cost and fat down in our

bake goods, without affecting the flavor.

• Raw apple cider vinegar for cooking, cleaning, and health benefits galore!





Apple Pie Filling Nothing says fall like a good crisp apple. I love the way an apple

fits perfectly in the palm of my hand. The way they perfume the

air, promising delectable delights. And it means I get to can up a

new batch of homemade apple pie filling in my pressure canner.

My father-in-law adores apple pie and it’s my

responsibility privilege to provide the apple pies for

Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. You can water bath apple

pie filling, but I prefer to pressure can my apple pie filling

because it’s much faster and uses less water, and it’s much

faster, did I mention is was much faster?

My favorite apple in pies and applesauce is the Gravenstein. I

planted my own this year, but will have to wait a few years for a

large crop. Thankfully, my parents have an ancient one in their


My original apple pie filling recipe used cornstarch, but the

cornstarch does break down after time and is not considered a

safe canning ingredient (neither is flour or arrow root) because it

can cause thick spots in your pie filling that doesn’t allow the

heat to get all the way through that kills harmful bacteria.

ClearJel® is the only tested and approved thickener… but if you

don’t want to use it, simply omit and then at the time of serving

or baking, add your favorite thickener just as if you were baking from fresh apples.



Apple Pie Filling Recipe

This recipe makes 4 quarts or 7 pints of apple pie filling.

(Adapted from Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving)

12 cups sliced, peeled, and cored apples

2 3/4 cups raw sugar

3/4 cup ClearJel®

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

1/2 teaspoon ginger

3 3/4 cups water

1/2 cup lemon juice

Place peeled, cored, and sliced apples in boiling water for 1 minute, working 6 cups of apples

at a time. Blanching keeps apples from becoming mushy when canning. With a slotted spoon,

place apples in a bowl and cover.

In a large stainless-steel pot, combine sugar, ClearJel®, spices, and water. Bring to a boil over

medium-high heat (don’t use a hard boil), stirring constantly, and cook until it thickens and

bubbles. Add lemon juice and boil for 1 minute, constantly stirring. Remove from heat and fold

in apples.

Ladle apple pie filling into warm prepared jars. Wide mouth work best for this recipe, but

narrow can be used. Leave 1-inch headspace, run a spatula down the inside of the jars to

remove air bubbles. Wipe rim with a damp clean towel. Center lid and screw bands down until


Place jars filled with apple pie filling in hot water bath canner and when water has reached a

full boil process for 25 minutes.

I have to confess, I licked the side of the syrup pot before washing. We have to taste test, right? It was soooo good.

When ready to bake your pie, pour one quart apple pie filling into pastry lined pie plate. Place your top crust, cut slits

for steam escape, crimp edges, and bake at 400 degrees for 50 minutes.



Low Sugar Apple Pie Jam

This apple pie jam recipe is seriously the next best thing to apple pie filling.

Except, dare I say it, maybe better because one can smear it on just about

anything and not have to wait for said apple pie to bake? Okay, dare

accepted, I said it.

Seriously, apple pie jam is my new… jam.

I first came across this recipe in the Ball Complete Book of Home Canning

but you guys, 9 cups of sugar to 6 cups of apples, we don’t have to be a

math major but that is just wrong. There should never be more sugar than

fruit, really, there should never be as much sugar as fruit either.

Good news, I did the alterations and now you can have your apple pie jam

and eat it too, without the loads of sugar.

One of the beautiful things about Pomona’s Pectin (and no, they’ve never

paid me a dime or sent me free product, but if they’re reading this, I’m

totally game) is it doesn’t require copious amounts of sugar to set like

traditional pectin. It also doesn’t have a lot of questionable ingredients like

many brands that are derived from highly GMO crops. Pomona’s website

states it’s made from dried citrus peels, not corn or apples, and is GMO free.

My other favorite part, I can do multiple batches of jam from one box of pectin and I can make them low sugar or

sugar free (yep, totally true) because Pomona Pectin uses calcium water to get the set, not sugar.

How to Make Apple Pie Jam

Peel, core, and chop up 8 cups of apples. I prefer to use a sweet apple so I don’t

need to add as much sugar. My favorite apple for baking and cooking is a

Gravenstein and that’s what you see featured here. Place it in a big old stainless-

steel pot and add 8 Tablespoons bottled lemon juice and 1 cup water. Bring to a

boil and cook for 10 minutes until apples are soft.

Add 4 teaspoons of calcium water

(comes in the Pomona Pectin and activates the pectin). Boil for 1 more


Add your spices and the sugar mixed with the powdered pectin. Return to a

boil and stir constantly (because burnt sugar is so not wanted here) for 2

minutes. You’ll see and feel the mixture start to thicken up. Take it off the


Follow recipe below



Options for Apple Pie Jam Canning Recipe

You can use 3/4 cup of finely chopped dried cranberries. Add them with the

calcium water and spices.

Apple Pie Jam Low Sugar Recipe

Prep time: 20 mins Cook time: 10 mins Total time: 30 mins

Author: MelissaKNorris (adapted from Ball Complete Book of Canning)

Serves: 3 pints


• 8 cups peeled, chopped, and cored apples

• ¾ cup dried cranberries (optional)

• 8 tablespoons bottled lemon juice

• 1 cup water

• 4 teaspoons calcium water

• 4 teaspoons powder pectin

• 1 teaspoon cinnamon

• ½ teaspoon nutmeg

• 2 cups sugar


1. Peel, core, and chop up 8 cup of apples. I prefer to use a sweet apple so I don't need to add as much sugar. My

favorite apple for baking and cooking is a Gravenstein and that's what you see featured here.

2. Place it in a big old stainless steel pot and add 8 Tablespoons bottled lemon juice and 1 cup water. Bring to a

boil and cook for 10 minutes until apples are soft.

3. Add 4 teaspoons of calcium water (comes in the Pomona Pectin and activates the pectin). Boil for 1 more


4. Add your spices and the sugar mixed with the powdered pectin. Return to a boil and stir constantly (because

burnt sugar is so not wanted here) for 2 minutes. You'll see and feel the mixture start to thicken up. Take it off

the heat.

5. Pour into clean canning jars to a ¼ inch headspace. Remove air bubbles and add more jam if needed to keep

the headspace. Place in a water bath canner, making sure the water level is 1 inch above the surface of the jars

and process jars for 10 minutes. Remember, don't start your time until the water is at a full boil.

6. Turn off heat and remove the canner lid, after 5 minutes remove jars to a towel covered counter top and let

cool. Check seals after 24 hours, remove bands and wipe down the surface of the jars and store in the pantry.

7. You can use ¾ cup of finely chopped dried cranberries. Add them with the calcium water and spices.




We try to eat things seasonally, whether we grow them ourselves, or buy them from the store. Luckily, my neighbor

shared her abundant apple crop as my orchard is too young to produce yet. Making applesauce is really easy and

doesn’t require a pressure canner (though I use mine) as apples are an acidic food and can be safely canned via a hot

water bath method.

If you have a sieve or food mill, you can make apple sauce without ever touching a knife. (If you don’t have a sieve or

food mill, you’ll need to cut, peel, and core your apples.) Put your whole apples in a pot with about a half inch of

water, just enough to keep apples from scorching.

Bring to a boil and then simmer for about a half hour or until apples have

split their skin and are soft all the way through. (If you’ve chopped your

apples, it will only take about 15 minutes simmering.) Keep an eye on

your apples; they will scorch if cooked too long.

Allow to cool slightly, then

ladle the apples into your

food mill or sieve and

process. Take applesauce

and put back in a large pot.

Taste. If using Gravenstein

apples, I don’t add any

sugar or spices. My parent’s tree didn’t produce much this year and my

neighbor’s apples were a bit tart.

I added a 2/3 cup sugar to 9 cups of applesauce. You can use brown or white sugar.

If you like cinnamon, start with a teaspoon and increase to your preference. Cook

and stir over low heat until sugar dissolves. (It only takes a few minutes.) Pack hot

into jars, leaving ¼ inch headspace. (For those of you new to canning, I have a

complete beginner’s guide to canning here) Adjust lids and process. If using a water

bath method, process for 10 minutes. If using a pressure cooker, process at 5 pounds

of pressure for 8 minutes



Old Fashioned Apple Butter

Learn how to make apple butter like the pioneers of old… because

can’t one get much more old-fashioned than jars of thick apple

creaminess. I love the twist on this recipe to use apple cider in place of

water for an even more apple experience.

Old Fashioned Apple Butter

(This made about 8 cups of finished apple butter)

4 pounds of apples, peeled, cored, and roughly chopped

(approximately 17 medium apples)

1 cup apple cider (if you don’t have apple cider, use water, but you

may need to increase the sugar depending upon taste)

1 cup apple cider vinegar

2 to 3 cups of sugar

2 teaspoons of your favorite ground spices

In a large stainless steel pot combine apples, cider (or water), and vinegar and bring to a boil, simmer, stirring often

until apples are cooked through and soft. Puree apples (don’t liquefy) with a blender, food processor, immersion

blender, potato masher or a food mill.

Combine apple puree, sugar and spices into a large pot. Stir until sugar and spices are dissolved. Bring to a boil then

reduce heat to a gentle simmer, stirring often as it can scorch. Continue to cook until it’s reached desired thickness.

To check for doneness, take out a spoonful and hold it up. The butter should stay mounded on the spoon. Or, chill a

plate and put a spoonful on the chilled plate. It should hold it’s shape and there should not be a separation of liquid.

Now you’re ready to jar. If it’s not ready yet, simply continue cooking until it’s reached the desired thickness.

Prepare your water bath canner and wash jars in hot soapy water and rinse. Pour or ladle fruit butter into prepared jars

to a ¼ inch head space, remove air bubbles, check head space and add more if needed to the ¼ inch head space. Wipe

rim cleans, place lids and bands on, and put into prepared water bath canner with the rack and water heated.

Finish filling all of our jars using the above procedure. Submerge jars into water, with at least 1 to 2 inches of water

over top of the lids. Bring water to a boil. Process 8 ounce (or smaller jelly jars) and pint sized jars for 10 minutes.

If 1,000 feet above sea level, increase processing time by 5 minutes for every 3,000 feet. For 1,001 to 3,000 feet

process for 15 minutes, for 3,0001 to 6,000 process for 20 minutes.



After processing, remove canner from heat and take off lid. Let jars sit for 5 minutes then remove from canner onto a

towel and let jars cool and set for 24 hours.




Fried Apples – Healthy Snack or Paleo Dessert

In my attempt to be sugar free (except for that found naturally in fruit), I

decided to make a fried apple snack the healthy way. After I cored and sliced

my apple, I melted one tablespoon of coconut oil in my cast iron skillet. I laid

the apple slices in the hot oil and fried them for about 2 to 3 minutes on each

side, just enough to heat things up and get them that gorgeous golden-brown


Then I sprinkled nutmeg, cinnamon (ceylon), and finely chopped pecans over

them. (After researching the way most spices are irradiated, I purchase all of

mine organically and GMO-free from our affiliate Mountain Rose Herbs, and

it’s also cheaper than the grocery store) The scent of heaven invaded my

kitchen. You think I’m exaggerating, but I’m not, or not that much.

My four-year-old daughter came in deciding an apple for her snack smelled like

a great idea, too. I sprinkled a dash of powdered sugar on hers because even if I

wasn’t going to eat the sugar, I could touch it. It was only a teaspoon and most

of ended up in the pan, as you can tell. But she loved it and as an occasional

treat, we’ll definitely be making this again.

Fried Apples – Healthy Snack or Paleo


Prep time: 2 mins Cook time: 6 mins Total time: 8 mins

Author: MelissaKNorris

Recipe type: Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Paleo

Serves: 2


• 1 organic apple-I prefer Gala or Fuji

• 1 teaspoon ceylon cinnamon

• 1 teaspoon nutmeg

• 1 teaspoon powdered sugar (optional)

• ¼ finely chopped pecans

• 1 Tablespoon coconut oil




1. Heat coconut oil in a cast iron skillet over medium heat. Slice your apple. Lay apple slices in the pan. Cook 2

to 3 minutes each side until just turning golden brown. Sprinkle spices, nuts, and sugar (optional) on top. Try

not to inhale them all at once or you'll burn your tongue.

Pumpkin Applesauce Cake with a Buttermilk Glaze

4 eggs

1 and ½ cups sugar

¾ cup applesauce

¼ cup oil

2 cups cooked pumpkin or 15 ounce canned pumpkin

2 cups flour

2 tsp. baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

2 teaspoons cinnamon

1 teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a bowl mix eggs, sugar,

applesauce, oil, and pumpkin. Beat by hand until light and

fluffy (or use an electric mixer).

Mix together flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt. Stir into pumpkin mixture until thoroughly


Spread evenly in a 9×13 pan. Bake 25 to 30 minutes.

Buttermilk Glaze

1/3 cup sugar

1/8 teaspoon baking soda

¼ cup buttermilk (Don’t substitute regular milk. If you don’t have buttermilk, add ¼ Tablespoon lemon juice and

allow to sit for a minute.)

¼ cup butter

Combine ingredients in saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat and boil for 5 minutes. Watch carefully; once it

reaches a boil it will boil over very easy. I turned my heat down to medium low and allowed to simmer, occasionally


Remove from heat and add ½ teaspoon vanilla extract. Poke holes in top of cake with a toothpick and pour glaze over

still warm cake.



French Apple Dump Cake

I came up with this recipe when I needed to bake something to take to our coffee hour after church service. I was

short on time, but this dessert is not short on taste. I took home an empty pan with many people wanting the recipe. So

I thought I’d share it here.

French Apple Dump Cake

1 can apple pie filling- (I used one-quart sized jar of my home canned apple pie filling)

2 tablespoons butter

2 eggs

3 Tablespoons homemade cake mix

Homemade Cake Mix

1 and 1/2 cups flour

3/4 cup brown sugar

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt


1/2 cup finely chopped pecans

3 tablespoons butter

Pour apple pie filling in the bottom of 9×13 pan. Blend 2 tablespoons butter, eggs, and 3 tablespoons of homemade

white cake mix in blender for 15 seconds. Pour over top of pie filling. Don’t stir. Sprinkle homemade cake mix on top

of egg and apple pie filling. Toss pecans on top. Chop 3 tablespoons of cold butter and layer on top. Bake at 350

degrees for 50 minutes. Serve!



Other Uses for Apples

How to Make Raw Apple Cider Vinegar at Home

Learning how to make apple cider vinegar at home is one of the

easiest things to make and even if you’ve had trouble, I’ve got

troubleshooting tips so your homemade apple cider vinegar turns

out, because it’s one of those things that every homestead (and

home) should have on hand.

You know that saying an apple a day keeps the doctor away, well I

think apple cider vinegar should go into that saying too.

As a frugal loving Mamma, I love that I can take something I’d

normally throw away, and turn it into a useful and actually

good for me item. To make apple cider vinegar, which this method

is technically apple scrap vinegar, you only need 2 ingredients and

a Mason jar.

Because we’re using apples and they fall on the heavy pesticide

list, I only use organic apples or ones we’ve grown (or neighbors)

where I know they’ve not been sprayed. Totally up to you, but the

quality of the ingredients we put in determines the quality of the

end product.


Apple peels, cores, and scrap pieces of apple

Water (Note: If you’re on city water or water that has chlorine in it, either boil the water for 20 minutes and let it cool

or let it sit uncovered in the fridge for 24 hours to remove most of the chlorine.)

Mason jar and band

Coffee filter/cheese cloth/towel

How to Make Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother

1. Place your apple peels, cores and scrap pieces of apples into a clean wide mouth Mason jar until 2/3 of the

way full. Cover with water until apples are completely submerged.

2. Place a breathable material on top of the lid and hold it in place with either a metal band or a rubber band to

keep out contaminants and most importantly, to keep out the fruit flies.

3. Store it on the counter top or where you’ll remember to keep an eye on it for 2 to 3 weeks. Check that the

apples have remained below the surface of the water every few days. *This is the first ferment See below for

tips to know it’s ready to strain



4. After 2 to 3 weeks (you can even go 4 weeks, just keep an eye on your liquid level being above the apple

scraps), strain out the solids and put the liquid into a clean Mason jar and place a lid on it. Put it in a dark area

and let it continue to ferment until it becomes vinegar, usually about 4 to 6 weeks. *this is the second ferment

and this stage goes on until the vinegar is all used up

How to tell Homemade Raw Apple Cider

Vinegar is Ready to Strain

Bubbles During the first ferment (before you strain out the

solids) check for bubbles. The presence of bubbles means there is

good bacteria activity.

Color change The color should start to darken up and no longer

be clear water, but a light yellow at this stage.

Odor You should start to smell a slight vinegar odor. It shouldn’t

be a bad smell, but a light tang so to speak. It first turns to alcohol

and then it turns to vinegar.

Troubleshooting tips for Homemade Apple

Cider Vinegar

If you develop mold on your apple cider vinegar it’s because

the apple scraps were not kept beneath the surface of the water.

Use a weight to hold the scraps beneath the water or a smaller jar

with water inside to act as a weight. Remove any pieces with

mold and allow it to ferment for another week. If mold grows back, toss it out and start over, making sure to use a

weight from the beginning.

There’s a film on top, what now? Try skimming off the layer of film and letting it ferment for another week, making

sure everything is submerged beneath the water.

How to make apple cider vinegar without sugar. Many people will use a small amount of sugar or honey to help

jump start the vinegar (this provides the bacteria more to feed on), but I’ve never found the need to do this as apples

have a good amount of sugar in them already. You can also use a few teaspoons of raw apple cider vinegar with the

mother in it as well, but again, I’ve never had to do this.

The apple cider vinegar has cloudy stuff in it? Congratulations, you’ve got a strain of good bacteria and yeast

growing called the mother!



28 Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the oldest foods and it’s been in use for

thousands of years. Not only is it easy to make at home, but apple cider

vinegar is one of the most versatile tools you have in your home and

medicine cabinet.

As a modern homesteader and natural living pioneer lifestyle loving junky,

yep, I totally admit it, I absolutely adore having an item I can put to use in

many different ways. Especially when said item is one I can make at home

with ease.

What are the Components in Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is fermented apples. We’re quickly learning that not

only is fermentation of our food a way to preserve it (our ancestors knew

this) but it also has many health benefits as well. Apple cider vinegar is

taking apples and water and letting them ferment twice to create vinegar,

which is high in acetic acid.

Apple cider vinegar also contains pectin, some B vitamins, folic acid, niacin,

Vitamin C, minerals potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron, though not enough to be your multi-vitamin. *Source

Apple Cider Vinegar in Your Health

Apple cider vinegar is thought to help with many areas in our health, and recently science is showing this to have real

promise as well.

Keep in mind, not all apple cider vinegar is created equal. Look closely, some apple cider vinegar on the store shelves

is really colored and flavored to look like apple cider vinegar. Read the fine print on the label.

If you’re not making it at home (trust me, it’s one of the easiest things you’ll ever make in the fermenting world) then

look for one with the mother, it’s that kind of cloudy, stringy, cob webby thing floating inside the vinegar. And

because apples have such a high pesticide load, go for organic.

Health Concerns with Apple Cider Vinegar, it’s important to note that too much apple cider vinegar can cause a

reduction in potassium levels and in bone density.

Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor and this is not providing any kind of diagnosis or treatment. This is for informational

and entertainment purposes only.

With apple cider vinegar, a little bit goes a long way. It’s best thought to start with 1 to 2 teaspoons and always

diluted with water or liquid if drinking it, some people work up to 1 to 2 Tablespoons, but it’s not recommended to go

over this amount.



1. Apple cider vinegar with diabetes and blood sugar. Showing to help improve insulin sensitivity in diabetic

patients. In this study, people drank 2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in water 2 minutes before eating a

high carbohydrate meal. They then tested their blood sugar levels at different intervals and showed overall

improvement. *Source/study data

However, before adding in any changes to your regular diet/protocol, if you have any health conditions check

with your doctor and pharmacist first.

2. Apple cider vinegar with blood pressure. Keep in mind, this study was done on rats, not on humans, but

there was some promise. It showed that the rats blood pressure and renin activity were reduced. *Source/study


3. Apple cider vinegar with cholesterol. Again, this study was conducted on rats and not on people, but it does

show promise in helping aid the body to maintain a healthier cholesterol level. The study showed some levels

of cholesterol were lowered, but not all. *Source/study data

4. Apple cider vinegar for weight loss. This was pretty minimal in overall weight loss, but in a study done in

Japan with 175 people those who used apple cider vinegar lost 1 to 2 more pounds over 3

months. *Source/study data

5. Indigestion or stomach acid. If you have stomach acid issues, sometimes its caused by an imbalance of the

ph levels in your stomach. Some people swear by drinking a teaspoon or two of apple cider vinegar in a glass

of water helps with indigestion or stomach acid issues. Again, consult with your doctor if you have health

issues or concerns.

Using Apple Cider Vinegar for Your Skin Care

Apple cider vinegar should always be diluted before being used topically. Start with a 25% vinegar to 75% water

ratio first to see how your skin reacts.

6. Facial Toner/acne. Apple cider vinegar is acidic and has anti-bacteria properties, making it a perfect skin toner. It

helps with bacteria and the acetic acid in the vinegar helps maintain the ph balance of your skin, especially if you’ve

used a cleaner with soap.

7. Hair rinse. Mix 1 cup of water with 2 to 4 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and rinse your hair with it. It helps

removes any buildup of product and also increases shine.

8. Scalp Treatment for Dandruff. Because apple cider vinegar is acidic and has anti-microbial properties, it can

work wonders for your scalp. Apply the above rinse to your scalp, working it into the roots of the hair, then rinse.

9. Under arm treatment. Many people want to use natural deodorants, but a lot of these deodorants use baking soda

and a percentage of people break out from the alkalinity of the baking soda. Using a pre-rinse under the arms of

diluted vinegar helps create a more natural ph level and allows some people to use the baking soda based deodorants

without irritation.

10. Sun Burn many people swear by dabbing apple cider vinegar diluted with cold water onto a sun burn.

11. Athletes foot. Some people say soaking your feet in a diluted mixture of water and apple cider vinegar helps with

athlete’s foot.

12. Bug bites. Many people like to use diluted apple cider vinegar as a treatment to help take away the itch from a

bug bite.



Apple Cider Vinegar in the Cleaning Cupboard

13.Clogged drain cleaner. Take about 1/4 cup of baking soda and dump it down your drain, chase it with vinegar

until it stops foaming. Wait about 15 minutes and then pour boiling water down your drain.

14. Multi-purpose cleaner. Use 1/4 to 1/2 apple cider vinegar and dilute with water. Use as a multi-purpose cleaner

for windows, mirrors, counter tops, etc.

15. Laundry cleaner. Oh yes, place vinegar and water into the fabric softener dispenser of your washing machine. It

helps kill odor causing bacteria.

16. Faucet cleaner. You know that gunk around the handles of your sink faucet? Place a paper towel with vinegar

around it, leave for a few minutes, then come back and wipe clean.

17. Floor cleaner. Instead of using soap to mop your floors (hello soap scum buildup) add some vinegar to your

warm water and mop the floor with it.

18. Fruit Fly Killer. Fruit flies drive me bonkers. Fill the bottom of a small glass jar or bowl with apple cider vinegar

and add a couple of drops of dish soap. Fruit flies will come flocking, fall beneath the surface of the soap, and drown.

Apple Cider Vinegar in the Kitchen

19. Soak your beans. We all know beans can create a little bit of… ya know, gas. When soaking your dry beans, add

a Tablespoon of vinegar to the water and soak for at least 8 hours to help decrease the gas.

20. Soak your grains. Vinegar helps break down the phytic acid in grains and flour, which helps many people digest

it easier.

21. Flakier pie crust. Oh, yeah, melt in your mouth pie crust happens with vinegar. Here’s my great-grandmother’s

flaky pie crust recipe with the secret ingredient- apple cider vinegar!

22. Better no-knead bread texture. Yes, add a couple of Tablespoons to your no knead bread recipes for a lighter

texture, like this no-knead bread in 5 minutes a day recipe!

23. Quick buttermilk. Let me tell you, buttermilk makes the best breads and biscuits, but if you don’t have

buttermilk, don’t despair, just add 1 Tablespoon of vinegar to 1 cup milk and let sit for 2 minutes.

24. Salad dressing. Make your own salad dressing with 3 parts oil of your choice and 1 part vinegar and spices to

flavor (I kind of like garlic myself).

25. Homemade Mayo. Whip up some homemade mayo!

26. Flavored Vinegar. Don’t spend money on those flavored vinegars, make your own! Here’s how to make

blueberry basil thyme vinegar You can toss just about any fruit, berries or cherries work really well, let them sit in the

vinegar to infuse it, then strain and store in the fridge until ready to eat it up!

Bonus! 2 Extra Ways to Use Vinegar

27. Produce Wash. Make a vinegar wash to clean your produce before putting it up in the fridge, use 3 parts water to

1-part vinegar, but of course, your sink needs to be clean before filling it with this mix to wash the veggies and fruits

with. Let them sit for 5 to 10 minutes, rinse, dry and store in the fridge.

28. Wash your winter squash. When you bring in your pumpkins, spaghetti squash, acorn squash, butternut squash

and other winter squashes, wipe off the outside of them with a towel dampened with vinegar. This will help kill any

bacteria and remove any dirt on the surface to help them last longer while on the shelf.

I’m not a doctor. This isn’t meant as a diagnosis or a treatment plan for you, just so we’re clear, it’s for educational

and entertainment purposes. I believe this to be true for modern and holistic/natural medicine, each person has to be

responsible for what they use and do their own due diligence. I talk about treatment plans with my doctor, my

naturopath, my pharmacist, and do further research online or in books. I recommend you do the same.