Pilot qustionnaire a22222

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Pilot qustionnaire a22222

Pilot Questionnaire and Analysis

Short Film

Do you enjoy post apocalyptic films

Question 1


This shows us that our audience enjoy our genre of film which means we have chosen the correct audience.They may enjoy this genre due to it giving them entertainment from uses and gratifications this may also lead to social interaction as they are the opinion leaders in the two step flow theory and will share this film with others in society.

How old would you prefer the two characters to be

Question 2


This age category is more realistic as this shows that they are not too young to be scientists which will help the film have more verisimilitude.

Do you want the two characters who are male and female to be in a relationship?

Question 3


Most of the people asked said no and this can allow us to explore the characters more without needing to create a conventional relationship. This is possibly due to our sophisticated not wanting a traditional male vs female binary oppositions like in most Hollywood blockbusters.

What certificate would you prefer the film to be

Question 4


Most people chose the 15 certificate which we expected as the content of the film is really a 15. This means we can make the shots more graphic and allows us to have more freedom within the script and what we can do on screen. This means we could also use the counter culture attraction of violence to entice our older sophisticated audience.

Do you want it to have a complex narrative

Question 5


This shows us that our audience want to be challenged and to have a complex narrative where they have to solve enigmas. This will give them entertainment from uses and gratifications.

Would you want a sad or happy ending

Question 6


This shows us that our sophisticated audience don’t want a conventional ending and want to be surprised. This is becoming a norm for postmodern films as they are not showing the full narrative and leave questions for audiences to think for them selves.


Would you like a picture or print image

Question 1


The majority of people chose print which shows how our audience want different looking posters to make it more original. This is due to people wanting it to be more postmodern resulting in us mixing media together.

What colour scheme do you want?

Question 2

dark grey and orangeblack and greenblack and whitedark blue and grey

The majority of people chose the dark grey and orange which shows how they want a dark poster and the orange can connote that the person is in a sense of danger but, the greys will connote how he is in a dark place and is all alone and afraid.

What shot type would you like the image to be

Question 3

Long shotMedium long shotMedium shotclose up

Most of the people wanted a long shot which would suggest that they want the character in the image to be alone and also connotes the surrounding dangers.

Do you want the title to take up most of the page

Question 4


Surprisingly most people didn’t want the title to take up the majority of the poster maybe due to them wanting the print work to capture their attention instead. This is due to them being more abstract thinkers and not needing large titles to capture their attention as they are more sophisticated.

What lighting would you prefer

Question 5


This suggests that our audience want it to have low key lighting to connote how the film is troubling.

Is a tagline neededQuestion 6


This was very close however the majority believed that a tagline is not needed however it is very close so we still may use a tagline in our poster. This was probably close as even sophisticated people still notice the importance of conventions however the abstract thinkers still went against it.

Would you like it to include social media

Question 7


This shows us that our audience are digital natives and use converged devices and access web 2.0, so they want the social media icons so that they can access it on the internet.

Should it be focused on imagery or iconography

Question 8


This again was very close however the majority have said iconography which is not a surprise due to the other questions that lead to connotations. This is due to indie film posters being conventionally more symbolic and simple.

Should it include reviews and quotes

Question 9


This shows us that our audience want to be informed whether it is good or not through the help of critics, however they will also want to know this as they will want to compare it to their own thoughts on the film. The use of reviews is important for independents as they gain success through awards and this can lead to wider distribution.

Radio advert

Should it be direct or indirect

Question 1


This shows us that our audience want it to be direct so that it gets their attention and interest. This is conventional for a lot of radio adverts as they want to show who they are targeting. We will do this through voiceovers.

Should it include lines from the actual film

Question 2


This shows us that most people want lines from the film so that they can get an idea of what type of film it is. This dialogue would be played over a bed and there will be a cool out when the dialogue comes in.

Should include separate background music

Question 3


The majority want background music as this will help show the tone of the film and also engage them into the advert.

How long should the clip take

Question 4


The majority said 30-40 seconds which is around about the normal time for most radio adverts and this allows us to give them plenty of information on the film. This shows us that our audience are intent listeners due to them being active and being hedgehog thinkers.

Should there be a voiceoverQuestion 5


This shows us that our audience want some information of the film to be told to them so that they know more about it and thus can gain interest in it.

What type of music should it use

Question 6


The majority of people wanted orchestral music or rhythmic which fits with our audience as they want it to be sophisticated but enticing. We would use a blend and cross fades when we add in the horror type bed.

When would you most likely use the radio

Question 7


This shows us that we must air our advert in the morning as that is most likely they will be listening to it due to them probably going to work. This means we will have to choose a radio station with a breakfast channel as that would appeal to our audience more.

Improvements Overall the pilot questionnaire was a success and helped us understand what our audience wants however some of the answers were very close so we may have to make a split decision. We will have to add in some more context into the questionnaires as some of the people didn’t entirely understand what some of the questions meant without knowing the films plot.