PILGRIM NEWS & NOTESIs it really worth all of the time and effort to be able to have Pilgrim Camp?...

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Transcript of PILGRIM NEWS & NOTESIs it really worth all of the time and effort to be able to have Pilgrim Camp?...

PILGRIM NEWS & NOTES Official Publication of the Midwest Pilgrim Holiness Church June 1, 2015

Does Camp Meeting Really Pay?

Many years before our conference was formed, there was an old Pilgrim Holiness District Superintendent by

the name of Rev. William Hall, who used to stand to his feet at the Pilgrim Holiness Camp in Charleston, IL,

and he’d ask, “Is Camp Meeting REALLY worth it?” Then he’d say, “Why don’t we ask the Wheeldons?”

You see, Elmer & Golda Wheeldon had a wayward son (Lavern). He was unsaved and was running away

from God. Pilgrim Camp was on and Lavern found himself in attendance! When the altar call was given that

night, Lavern walked down the aisle, surrendered his heart to the Lord and was gloriously saved! The next

night he was back at Pilgrim Camp and was wonderfully sanctified wholly!

Within a matter of days he had advertised in the local newspaper that he was selling his car. The ad stated,

“Car for sale . . . Going to Bible School!” That never happened, for 10 days after the Charleston Pilgrim Camp

came to a close, he was tragically killed in an accident.

Is Camp Meeting REALLY worth it? I would imagine that if we could talk to Bro. & Sis. Wheeldon today (or

better yet, Lavern) and ask them that question, it would be a heart-felt YES!

Our wonderful Conference President and wife, Rev. & Mrs. James Southerland, work tirelessly, planning,

praying and preparing so that each camp will be a success.

Sis. Janis Leach serves as our very capable Registrar. She puts in countless hours to insure everyone is

comfortable with their accommodations! Even before camp meeting has ended she is already working to make

sure that the attendees will have a place to stay for our NEXT camp! “Thank You” seems so inadequate!

Have you ever thought about how much food is needed to feed the crowd at camp meeting? How does all

the food even make it to the campground? That’s where Rev. & Mrs. Paul & Nancy Gray come in!

Paul & Nancy Gray have been purchasing camp groceries for Pilgrim Family Camp AND Pilgrim Youth

Camp for well over 30 years and that is a BIG job! Not only do they purchase all of the food needed for both

camps, but for around 40 years Paul Gray has been the one responsible for running the sound and recording

the services so that we can enjoy camp throughout the year!

Is it a lot of hard work? YES!

Is it costly? YES!

Is it really worth all of the time and effort to be able to have Pilgrim Camp? Ask the Wheeldons!



Rev. James A. Southerland, Sr. originally served as the first Gen. Secretary of the Midwest Pilgrim

Holiness Church, prior to being elected to the position of President in 1970, and he served in that

capacity until 1986. He was re-elected to that position in 2003 and has ably served as President up

to this present time. He may be contacted via email HERE

“ . . . The Spirit of God Moved on the Face of the Waters” I'm not sure what all this statement in Genesis 1:2 means. However, we do know that a chaotic world was

reconstructed and brought to life in this visitation of the Spirit. The foundations of life were laid and the

stage was set for the new creations which came into being from God’s hands. The great life sustaining re-

sources of energy were created in the voids of the deep. A world of oil and gas was formed to be yet undis-

covered for thousands of years. The sea became alive with the miracle of life from the tiniest of molecules to

the mighty creatures of the deep.

A minister with a burdened heart came upon this passage that he had read so many times. He was drawn

back to it again. His attention was also drawn to the reference, “...the earth was without form, and void; and

darkness was upon the face of the deep. It was then that God said, ‘Let there be light: and there was light.’”

He made a comparison to the life of a sinner friend who was so deeply involved in his sins and showed no

apparent thought of God or judgment or spiritual accountability. He was led to pray that the Spirit would

move upon him, to “hover” over him and to “brood” over him. It wasn't long until change began to come to

his sinner friend. First came concern, then conviction and finally repentance! The minister related that over

the years he had been led to pray the same prayer with positive results.

My first week at Frankfort Pilgrim College as a 17-year-old college freshman, Rev. R. K. Storey, our Dean

of Men, conducted a dorm meeting just before bedtime. He told us of his desire that we might experience a

great move of the Spirit on our campus. He asked us to take a 30-minute segment of time through the night

to get up and pray for the moving of God among us. When no one volunteered to take the 3:00-3:30 AM time,

I felt impressed to lift my hand. After Bro. Storey dismissed us, he asked me to linger behind for a moment.

He said, “Jim, this is my time, too. Will you meet me in the chapel and let's prayer together?” As a mission-

ary to the Philippines, he and his wife had lost a child and spent nearly 2 years in a Japanese prison camp

(being rescued by General Douglas MacArthur and the American troops).

As we began to pray, during that 3:00 AM session, I found myself listening to this spiritual giant as he

asked God to “breathe” upon the FPC Campus. I heard words like “brood over us, Blessed Holy Ghost!” I

found myself weeping as the Lord drew near and moved upon the waters of my small soul. I was there when

God began to answer those petitions. I was there when the Holy Ghost moved and hovered over the chapel

services. I was there when we got on our knees to pray in Bro. J. Wesley Adcock's General Epistles class. As

the Holy Spirit lingered, I heard the bell ring, but class didn't end. Students from other classrooms began to

pour into our classroom while we were still lost in intercessory prayer. The Glory of the Lord continued to

hover over us. Finally, we went to the Chapel where “brooding” of the Spirit continued. There were all night

prayer meetings in the dorms. Many were gloriously saved and sanctified. “Calls” from God were con-

firmed. Some were pointed to mission fields and some to pastorates and to other fields of labor for the Lord.

Will you join us in asking God to “hover” and “brood” over our 2015 Pilgrim Camp? Let us ask God to

“breathe” upon our workers and the Conference and Camp services!!


Antigua - (by Jean Roll)

Here in Golden Grove New Ext. Antigua & Barbuda West Indies, God is working!

We had around 63 for Mother's Day, including around 17 mothers. A member of our community and frequent

attendee gifted the church with nice curtains to go across the back wall.

The worship service on Sunday AM, May 17th, was a beautiful display of God’s faithfulness. The songs that

were sung were on forgiveness. Rev. Maurice Roll spoke on the value of a soul. Before the special song and mes-

sage we had a young man to come forward and give his life to Christ. For those who have worked here, his

name is Tony McDonald. Then five children came forward to pray as well. After Rev. Roll's message, Dillion Da-

vid, a young man who used to attend, gave his life to Christ and four children came up to pray. God poured out

his blessings on us! Praise the Lord!

We are still waiting on the utility companies to come through for us on electricity and water. These are two

things which are required to be recognized as a church here. Please pray that they will come through soon.

Thanks to everyone for your prayers, love, and support!

Lima, OH - (by Pastor Don Nichols)

We thank the Lord for His help during these busy months at the Lima PHC. Our annual Gideon report was giv-

en by a retired school psychologist from the Sidney, Ohio, area. Nearly $1,400 were raised for Gideon Bibles.

We are thankful for the promise that His Word will not return void.

Sunday evening, April 26th, the Rob Loper Family reported on their work in Grand Turk. Martha is a graduate

of our school and we are proud of how God is using her. $1,043.06 came in for their support.

84 members of the Yount family gathered in the School Commons on May 9th to celebrate the 90th birthday of

Mrs. Virble Yount. Many of them spent Mother’s Day there as well. Mrs. Yount was a pastor’s wife for a num-

ber of years, as her late husband, Rev. John Yount pastored PHC churches in Petersburg, French Lick, Linton,

and Evansville. He also held a couple of revivals at the old First Pilgrim Holiness Church in Lima.

Sharree Pouzar graduated from God’s Bible School and College May 16th, summa cum laude. She is a daughter

to Jeff and Marea Pouzar. Sharree will remain at GBS, serving as the Financial Aid director.

Greg and Stephanie Burley hosted the student trip to the Annual Student Convention at Adrian College in Adri-

an, MI. The students did well, and we are thankful for their achievements.

Rochester Hills, MI - (by Pastor Dan Plemmons) Good things have been happening in Rochester Hills! Our church family enjoyed having the Bob & Brenda

Hunter family with us on Sunday, May 24. Bob gave his Life Story, and then Brenda gave it from her perspective

as the Christian wife who fasted and prayed for 14 years until he was saved.

We have a new gentleman that has started attending, and what a blessing he has been already. He came to me

not long ago and asked if he could help with some needed repairs around the church. He has donated time and

resources to these projects, and we are so thankful! God is working, and we want to occupy until He comes!

News from around the Conference News items on this page have been submitted by various Pilgrim Churches. We reserve the right to edit the

submissions as necessary to fit space requirements. Email all church news to pauldplemmons@yahoo.com

- Editor


Church News (Continued)

Peebles, OH - (by Pastor Wayne Kennedy)

The last several months have been busy ones for the Peebles church. We had a wonderful spring revival with

Rev. and Mrs. John Case. Victories were won and everyone was challenged in their hearts. The pastor's brother-

in-law, who had been a backslider for a number of years, prayed through on Sunday morning.

New people from the community have been attending, and we are anticipating others to visit with us soon.

Mother's Day was celebrated this year by giving honor to a special lady in the church. Lib Young was the main

caregiver for Paul and Myrtle Houchen. The Houchens had attended the Peebles Pilgrim Holiness Church since

1948. Both of them passed away this last year. Sis. Houchen's family showed their appreciation to Lib by pre-

senting her with a beautiful inscribed clock.

Many hours of work have gone into repairs on the church property and at the parsonage.

We do ask for prayers for Wayne Nichols whom attends our church. He has spent the last several months in

and out of the nursing home and hospital following several surgeries and set-backs. We really miss his guitar

playing in the services. God has been blessing and helping in our little corner of Adams County.

Report on the 2015 Ministerial Convention

God's presence was evident in this year's Ministerial Convention. We were blessed with the music ministry

of Dave & Connie Hilligoss, Mark Arnett, Don & Fayrene Walden, Anthony & Crystal Harris, Don & Ruth

Nichols and Jack Hart.

Dr. Steve Gibson effectively shared several sessions on the topics of evangelism and discipleship. Wednesday

afternoon, he led a panel discussion, with a question and answer forum. The panel consisted of Anthony

Harris, John Forsee, Don Raines and Joe Stratton.

Wednesday morning, Bro. Southerland interviewed Bro. Gray concerning what led to the formation of our

conference in 1967. On Thursday morning, Conference President, Bro. Southerland, shared more details from

his perspective, about the formative years of the conference. These sessions were informative and practical.

Powerful devotional challenges were given by Pastors Tim Forsee and Richard Smith.

Wednesday noon was a time of fasting and prayer. Part of that time was to intercede for our nation.

Ministerial Convention is always a time of fellowship, reflection and seeking after God. It was a blessing

once again. We were challenged, encouraged and left feeling refreshed in our spirits.

- Ruth Nichols

“Dad, how long is it until next church camp?” That’s the question my boys were asking as we were pulling out

of the Frankfort Campgrounds last year. “365 days, boys,” I replied. “How long is that, daddy?” “A long

time,” I said. Of course, that answer didn’t suffice.

As I sat down to write this article, I asked my boys if camp meeting was really worth it. Their response was

a resounding YES! To seven and five-year-old boys, getting to see their camp friends, staying in the camper,

going to children’s service, eating at the snack bar and joining in any other activities little boys can come up

with, makes camp meeting worth it at any cost.

However, few realize the annual challenges we face during each camp meeting. There are hundreds of

work hours in preparation for each camp. Printing literature, making telephone calls, getting ushers, taking

reservations, worker selections, music selections, getting someone to run the sound, organizing the supporting

activities for the week, and we can go on and on with a list that is nearly unbelievable. Months and weeks be-

fore camp, people begin devoting time to planning and preparing for the ten days that will bless, challenge,

convict, encourage and thrill hundreds of people. During camp the work must go on. There are bathrooms to

clean, pots and pans to wash, food to cook, guard duty and on the list goes. But what a rewarding time. Camp

meeting could not happen if everyone didn’t work together.

Then there is the issue of finances. Camp meetings are a tremendous expense. Everyone does their part to

keep the costs low, from the cook, to the one that buys the supplies, and the council. However, with increasing

prices every year, the dollars have to be stretched farther and farther. Budgets have to be adjusted with the

hopes that offerings and pledges will cover the needs.

Keeping all of this in mind, is camp meeting worth the effort, money, time and sacrifice that are involved in

the ten days a year that make up the Midwest Pilgrim Holiness Camp?

I believe that can be answered in the lines of a song by Rodney Griffin:

Cause if just one more soul were to walk down the aisle

It would be worth every struggle, it would be worth every mile

A lifetime of labor is still worth it all

If it rescues just one more soul!

Francis Asbury said camp meetings have the “potential to be a battle axe and weapon of war to break down

walls of wickedness, part of hell, superstition and false doctrine.”

I grew up attending camp meetings that did just that. Satan’s strongholds were torn down, victories were

Pastor to Pastor Pastor to Pastor

Minis ter ing to those who minis ter to others

Camp Meeting!


(Continued from previous page)

won, and spiritual lives were established. As children we would sit on a rock and watch for the Spirit of God to

settle down in the prayer chapels at West Milton, OH, during the Wesleyan Holiness camp, and the ladies

would come out the chapel door shouting and the bobby pins went flying. It wasn’t unusual for someone to

walk the seat backs or take off with one of the platform flags.

Then when I turned twelve we started attending the Pilgrim church and I got to attend my first youth camp.

The memories and relationships that were formed through those years have impacted my entire life. It was fun

watching the “Ton of Fun” quartet sing, or anticipating Sis. Line’s crazy antics teaching us the memory verses.

The sporting events, afterglow, and banquet added to the experience, but it was what happened in those morn-

ing devotional sessions or the evening services that truly changed lives and had an eternal impact. Countless

people can no doubt point back to a moment in youth camp that made the difference between a lifetime of mis-

ery or the blessed life of serving God.

We are now approaching the forty-ninth Pilgrim Camp and Conference. Time and energy, sweat and tears,

have already gone into making this another camp that multitudes can enjoy. The fellowship, food and friends

make for a nice camp, but the spiritual impact is what matters. We are looking for sinners to be saved, the

saved to be sanctified and the sanctified to be encouraged. Camp is a time of spiritual oasis for many. A time to

rejuvenate and receive the extra spiritual boost that we need to make it another mile. What a joy it is each year

to see the hundreds of souls that are marching down this highway of holiness along with you.

So preachers, keep preachin' and singers go sing

And laymen keep sharing that Jesus is King

The angels have gathered, they're surrounding the throne

And they'll start rejoicing for just one more soul!

Is Camp Meeting worth it? The resounding answer is …YES! The investments of labor, time and money

seem small when you see people at an altar of prayer settling eternal matters. Memories of the camp meeting

continue for months, and some moments are remembered for years.

Camp leaves a lasting mark on those who participate. We all recognize that while it comes at a cost, Camp is

an experience we do not want to be without.

Pastors: Encourage your flock to attend.

Laymen: Make the effort to support the camp and bring others with you. We need our camp to keep go-

ing strong for every generation until He returns!

Rev. Wayne Kennedy pastors the Pilgrim Holiness Church in Peebles, Ohio, where he lives

with his wife, Tabitha, and their two boys.

If you would like to connect with Pastor Kennedy, click Here


Someone said, “Love the children when they are small and they will love you when you are old!” I suppose

that it’s not really difficult to see in this statement that there is value investing in children. Jesus said, “Suffer

the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not.”

Then, “He took them in His arms and fervently invoked a blessing, placing His hands upon them.” Some

would say that Jesus could have been doing something more profitable, but He was clearly delineating the im-

portance of investing in children. This is what I feel the basis is for PYC! (Pilgrim Youth Camp)

I’m sure that some would think that the word ‘invest’ has to do with money, but investment in children or

just people in general, is much more than that. When I think of investing in children I can easily use PYC as an

example. Sure, it does take money to operate PYC…lots of it too!!! I don’t want to belittle the importance of in-

vesting financially in youth camp, but perhaps there is an even greater facet that actually dwarfs that of the fi-

nancial investment! I’m referring to the investment in TIME.

It can be so much easier to put a $20 bill or $50 or even a $100 bill in the offering for youth camp rather than

invest our time. It takes time to plan, commitment to fit that time into our schedules and time to build a quality

staff. Now, there is a deeper definition of investment . . . the staff!

When you look at the staff you’ll find incredible investments both in time and money. Some use their vaca-

tion allowance, some take time off work without vacation which means a loss of income. If I could sit down

with every one of the 70+ PYC staff and total the money, time and emotion that encompasses PYC, we would sit

back in wonder and awe at the commitment this staff exudes!!

But there is a larger investment for many before PYC even begins. Pastors, pastor’s wives, and youth leaders

working at home to get the teens interested in coming and then making sure that they have what they ‘need’ to

come . . . snack stand money, clothes, toiletries!

The growing list of people whose lives have been radically changed through PYC over these 37 years contin-

ues to bear out that all the toil, tears and time are making this investment well worth it! Let me express my grat-

itude to all those that have invested in PYC. Worth noting is the initial vision of Rev. Don & Ruth Nichols to

begin PYC in 1979! They truly have invested heavily in young people!

Thank-you to all who have continued to be involved in PYC: all are needed, whether you gave money, time,

energy, emotion or faithfully prayed. May God bless each one who has given, and those who continue to give!

A Word from the Conference Youth Director

Investing in Pilgrim Youth Camp

Rev. John Zeigler Pastors the Weisbach Community Church in Shoals, IN where he lives with his

wife, Leanne, and their three children, Janae, Jonathan, & Caleb.

He has served as Conference Youth Director since 1997. He has a passion for the young people that

God has placed in his trust, and they know he is their friend.

If you would like to connect with Pastor Zeigler, click Here

The FIRST Conference Council of the Midwest PHC Mark Gray enjoying camp

Bro. Southeralnd w/ son, Allen Wonderful memories are associated with this photo Revs. Southerland & Whitney

The Saints of God rejoicing in His presence!

Our FIRST Ordination service

The Pilgrim children LOVED The Victory Trio!


Scenes from the Early Years . . .

Roy & Esther Norton Evangelist Rev. L. Wayne States Laura Masters (center) is sorely missed!

The Wheeldons Rev. Eugene Gray visits with Orville McNamer Rev. Glen Soper - Our faithful Bell Ringer!

Dorcas Thomas Rev. JB Zeits (right) lived a long & fruitful life!

Shirley Gray Rev. James Sneed (left) went to Heaven in 2011 Rev. Ron Hartkopf prays during camp

Rev. Lewis Russell with Rev. Eugene Gray

We Honor Pilgrims now in Heaven . . .


A Woman’s Perspective By Stephanie Burley


“Oh I love to be at the old camp meeting where the sinner’s cry rings with travail. How the fire does fall

when the saints touch Heaven! At the old camp meeting, how I love to be there!”

Camp Meeting Memories and Musings . . .

To the best of my memory, these are the lyrics of one of my favorite choruses from children’s service at Pil-

grim Holiness Camp in the mid-1980’s. And these simple words summed up the anticipation and excitement

that welled up in my young heart! Camp was the highlight of my year. I couldn’t wait to make the two-hour

trip from Lima, Ohio, to Anderson, Indiana. I longed for the moment when, from the interstate, we could see

the buildings of our beloved campground. As soon as we would exit off I-69 and start down the pot-hole laden

road that led to Mocking Bird Hill, my little heart would be pounding. Within minutes, I would greet friends

and run off to reacquaint myself with my favorite place on earth – Pilgrim Camp.

From a child’s perspective, camp meeting is fun. What kid doesn’t love getting up early, playing in the dirt,

riding bikes with friends, checking in at the cafeteria for a couple of meals, and attending an action-packed chil-

dren’s service?! Roll the calendar ahead a few years, however, and things look tremendously different. No

longer am I the exuberant child, peering out the window for the first glimpse of the campground. Now I’m the

tired momma who’s just packed the car with enough clothes to cover a small village. My purse is weighted

with quarters for the laundromat I’ll be visiting every three days. I pull onto the grounds hoping to dash from

the truck to the camper before anyone has time to catch a glimpse of my windblown hair and tired counte-

nance. My perspective has changed. Camp meeting now requires something of me. And to be honest, this is

the point where many women may just decide that camp meeting isn’t worth it. If you’re finding yourself on

the fence regarding the value of camp meeting, let me offer you encouragement. With some planning and re-

solve, church camp can be one of the greatest blessings you and your family ever experience. Here are some

tips that can enhance your church camp experience:

Prayerfully plan. I know this may sound cliché, but God really does care about camp meeting, and He will

help you with the details. If you genuinely want your family to experience this blessing, don’t doubt God’s

ability to meet your needs. Camp is expensive. It is time-consuming. With proper prayerful planning, the

obstacles can be removed. Never underestimate the power of your influence – your attitude toward camp

meeting will be reflected by those you love most. Be positive and optimistic, and always depend on God to

make up the difference.

Free yourself of unrealistic expectations. It’s nice to envision a perfectly outfitted family sitting serenely

through service after service, uninterrupted visits with longtime friends, and relaxing meals (which you did

not have to cook) in a cafeteria filled with smiling faces. However, reality says your youngster may find a


(Continued from page 10)

mud puddle before he arrives at children’s service, visits with friends will likely be accompanied by pesky

mosquitoes, and the cafeteria will be crowded and someone may trip over your feet and douse you with their

leftover Kool Aid! Although these examples may be extreme and make you smile, we each have our expecta-

tions, and we can lose the joy of an experience simply because we are inflexible and rigid in our expectations.

Be there. All there. It’s one thing to be at camp meeting, and quite another thing to be in camp meeting. Alt-

hough camp is a great place to reunite with family and friends, it is very important that we become partici-

pants in worship, prayer, and spiritual growth. Make it a point to get your family into as many services as

possible, and soak in the Heavenly atmosphere together. This promotes great family bonding. Don’t be

cheated of this blessing by allowing children to be wandering here and there. Gather them close and tell them

that you expect God’s presence to be there and you want to experience it together. There will be plenty of

time to run to Wal-Mart and McDonald’s, but these sacred scenes – they are opportunities that just can’t be


Invest yourself. When we consistently give ourselves to a cause, we become invested in it, and it becomes

Camp meeting is a wonderful time to reconnect with one another!

more precious to us. Through the years, there are times when we can give more generously in a financial

way. As those times come, we should certainly be sensitive to the Spirit and make those financial invest-

ments in camp meeting. For some families, just getting to camp can be a financial struggle. We may be frus-

trated because we want to give more, but our circumstances make it impossible. If you find yourself in that

position, can I encourage you to make your attendance a priority, and then look for ways to help out in the

camp meeting effort? There are so many jobs that need tending at camp, and your willingness to help fill

those roles is a priceless investment.

As we look toward the annual gathering of Pilgrims in Frankfort, let’s focus on the things of eternal value

and importance. Invite your family and friends, and let your excitement spill over onto those who are under

your influence. Camp meeting is more than a memory. Camp meeting is alive and available for those who

are ready. I hope to meet you there!

Rev. Travis Johnson


Rev. Travis Johnson lives in Cold Spring, Ky, with his wife, Jody, and their 3 children. He is

presently the Senior Pastor at Kenwood Bible Methodist Church in Cincinnati, Ohio.

As long as I can remember, camp meeting has been a part of my spiritual

DNA. I wasn’t raised in a Christian home, but my grandparents (Rev. Eugene

and Betty Grove) were charter members of the Midwest Pilgrims and they

faithfully took my twin sister and me to camp every summer.

From Illianna to Muncie to Anderson, I’ll never forget those days. I recall the

butterflies in my stomach when we’d hit the gravel lane leading into the

camp at Anderson. The Altar was my best friend!

The Lord has been so good to me! He has saved me many times! But how well I remember my early teen

years and the hardening of my conscience as I became deeply involved in sin. I remember the months leading

up to the 1988 camp and how miserable I was. I didn’t know it then, but as I look back now, I can see that I

was actually under conviction. I went into youth camp that year a miserable wretch and when the camp com-

menced a few weeks later, I was even worse. I had made my mind up that I was done with church. I was go-

ing to live life my way and nobody was going to stop me.

On the first Sunday night of camp I was under terrible conviction. I remember hardening my heart and say-

ing no to those who came to me and asked me to pray. Then I saw my Papaw. He came to me with tears and

pleaded with me, but through my own tears and clenched fists I still refused.

After he walked away I literally ran outside and sobbed like a baby. Some of my “sinner friends” even

begged me to go pray!

The entire night and into the next day, I was absolutely miserable. But the next day, on a Monday night

(June 20, 1988), my life was forever changed. During the prelude to the pre-service, I was under so much con-

viction. I was sitting in the back with a group of friends when God spoke to me with such tenderness. I re-

member the devil telling me that if I prayed I would lose all my friends. I looked over my shoulder as I made

my way to the altar to see if they were laughing at me, but to my surprise about 8 of them were following me!

And before I was ever saved I heard God say to me: “The devil is a liar.”

I prayed that night and confessed my sin and my life was forever transformed. I am now entering my 19th

year of pastoral ministry and my 26th year of preaching (I started a few months after I was saved!)

I keep in my preaching Bible a picture of my grandparents that is a constant reminder to me of their faith-

fulness. Thank God for camp meeting!

I Was Saved at Pilgrim Camp


If you would rewind your memory back more than 30 years, most Pilgrim Youth Camp and Pilgrim Family

Camp attendees would remember me as “Bobby Hunter, one of those rotten twins!” I assure you that I gave

my pastor and Principal (Rev. Don Nichols of Lima), the Dorm Dads, as well as the Campus Police, many

headaches! Yes, I still remember feeling God’s wonderful presence as I walked onto the grounds and this

would bring heavy conviction on my heart, but I usually just shrugged it off! Do you want to know what TRU-

LY drew me to all of you . . . It was your LOVE! God knew that all I wanted was just to have a taste of what it

was like to have a Christian family. My brother (Bill) and I had a terrible home life, and yet God cared SO

MUCH for us that He placed us on the Anderson Camp Grounds. Also, Rev. Eugene Gray made a special

place for us in his heart.

Time rolled on, and in 1996, I found that my heart was longing for a change. I was very tired of living for

self! One Saturday evening, I found myself attending a Revival at the Lima Pilgrim Holiness Church where the

Waldens were ministering. That night, I gave God my heart! What a relief to be forgiven and free! Less than

one year later, I married Brenda Barnt, my high school sweet heart, and our precious home began. I wish I

could tell you that I pressed on with courage, but even though I desperately wanted to serve God, I gave up in

the midst of some hard times.

The next fourteen years of wrong choices led to me to alcohol, tobacco and much more misery. Did God for-

get about me? No! He continued to show and extend His mercy to me through my wife who was fasting and

praying for me, as well as my children and my church family who were also holding onto God for my soul!

My wife told me of how my youngest boy, Timothy, would lay awake at night crying, and would many times

come to her bed and ask if she would help him pray for his Daddy. He was afraid that his daddy would wreck

the semi in the middle of the night and go to Hell. Many times my pastor, Rev. Don Nichols, would send me a

text message or call saying, “Just checking on you, but I want you to know that I am praying for you and that I

love you!”

Fast forward with me to Palm Sunday, April 13, 2014. I had always told my pastor that I would only see

him in church on Easter and Christmas. This Sunday morning though, I had a desire to be in church with my

wife and children, so I walked into the church not knowing that God was at that moment putting together a

plan for my Salvation! It was time, and my beautiful wife began singing the special song, “He Loved Me With

A Cross”. Through the entire song, I had a battle raging on the inside . . . Whom would I serve? At the end of

the song, I began to weep, and as I walked forward, I requested that she sing the entire song over again and I

began to pray. While she sang the words, “Though I could not imagine what loving me would cost, my Jesus

went to Calvary, and loved me with a Cross”, I surrendered Bob Hunter for good!

SAVED TO THE UTTERMOST! The Conversion Story of Bob Hunter


Please understand that there have been times when I have stumbled over things, I have faltered, and even

failed. I have even had to, at times, take little baby steps, but God has placed a deep desire within my heart

to keep pressing forward and to NEVER give up, no matter what!

In 2015, I find myself excited to win many to Jesus Christ. He has placed a real love in my heart for my

trucking buddies and two of them are coming to church on occasion! By God’s tender love and His amazing

grace, I have chosen to be the husband, the father, the son, the brother and the friend that He needs me to be!

Please continue to pray for me! - Bob Hunter

Bob & Brenda Hunter w/ children, Timmy, Caleb, Isaac, & Hannah

Evangelist Recommendation It is my happy privilege to recommend my friend, Dr. Robert Bolois, to your church as an

Evangelist for an upcoming Revival. Having labored together in three revival efforts,

I can assure you that he will do your church good!

For the last 24 years, Dr. Bolois has served as the Executive, Clinical, & Program Director

of the New Destiny Treatment Center in Barberton, Ohio. He also holds seminars dealing

with areas of Marriage & Family, Addictions, Mental Health issues, and any related sub-

ject dealing with ministry.

Dr. Robert Bolois has been in active ministry for 47 years, and has pastored 5 churches. He is serious about

preaching and his ministry would be very beneficial to your church!

To contact Bro. Bolois, email him at rbolois@juno.com, or you may call him at 330-715-1861

- Dan Plemmons


Highlighting the Laity The small Holiness church in Taylor, MI, where I grew up had been dwindling in attendance

for a few years, and at times it was quite depressing! Sometimes, we’d go to church, and other

than our family, there might be less than five in attendance, but that was about to change!

A chain of prayer was started in that little church, and many new souls were brought into the

Kingdom. God also rewarded our efforts by sending people to our church from miles away.

Within a few months, you’d have to come early to get a good seat.

I’ll never forget that Wednesday night when a little lady came to our church whom none of us knew, but the minute she

stood to testify, we hoped she’d stick around. She had a fire about her that was sorely needed in our little church! Her

name was Sis. Bernice Six. She is the focus of this month’s “Highlighting the Laity” feature. She now attends our

Boon, MI, church. Let’s hear more from her pastor’s wife . . .

Bernice Six has been a member of the Boon Pilgrim Holiness Church since 2008. She attended before that.

She has 5 children, 18 grandchildren and over 20 great grandchildren. Her greatest desire is to see her

family members get saved. Her husband did not get saved until he was close to death, so she walked the holi-

ness way alone. Many times her life has had trials because of sin in the family. She has continued on, and

prayed for her family members as well as praying for other people.

Through the years Sis. Six would come to church with grandchildren in tow. It has paid off, as one grandson

is an assistant pastor in a holiness church.

A granddaughter wrote the following poem to describe her grandmother:

How do you describe someone so special in a few lines on a pad of note?

Well you don't, but I'm going to sum it up in this poem that I wrote.

"Empathetic" best represents what this woman is about.

If you need sympathy, she will give it. Of this I have no doubt.

She is giving to a fault that sometimes gets her in a mess.

To call her selfish is a word that doesn't apply to her. . . She gives all and no less.

But special is this woman for so many reasons I'm unable to write them all down.

What means the most to me is she will always pray no matter the day or hour to help erase your frown.

I hope I have done a little justice on her behalf to share who she really is.

But mostly to explain that her spirit best manifests that she is a child of His!

Sis. Six teaches the adult Sunday School class, is a trustee, as well as the assistant treasurer. Her greatest de-

sire is to serve God and encourage others to make it to the City. She sometimes testifies, "I want to see

what lies on the other side."

Honoring the Graduates of 2015!!

This page lists the graduates for whom we have photos. A full printed list of all of our graduates

is found on the next page . . .

Sharree Pouzer graduated f rom God ’s Bible College in Cincinnati, Ohio, with a Bachelor of

Arts. She attends our Lima Pilgrim Holiness Church. The Pilgrim Conference congratulates

Sharree on a job well done!!

Austin Kirk graduated f rom Frank lin Heights High Schoo l. He attends our Harrisb urg,

Ohio, Pilgrim Holiness Church. The Pilgrim Conference congratulates Austin on a job well done!!

Colby Meldau graduated f rom Lak ewood High Schoo l. He attends our Harrisb urg

Pilgrim Holiness Church. The Pilgrim Conference congratulates Colby on a job well done!!

Nick Searles graduated f rom Miami Trace High Schoo l. He attends our Harrisb urg

Pilgrim Holiness Church. The Pilgrim Conference congratulates Nick on a job well done!!


Honoring the Graduates of 2015!! Each year, we count it a privilege to honor those within our Conference who have persevered and have

received their respective Diplomas/Degrees. We want to congratulate the following:


Tyler Bradley Hunsaker (Pilgrim Christian School - - Attends Lima PHC)

Sarah Allysia Rodriquez (Pilgrim Christian School - - Attends Lima PHC)

Eighth Grade

Evan Matthew Burley (Pilgrim Christian School - - Attends Lima PHC)

Hannah Denae Hunter (Pilgrim Christian School - - Attends Lima PHC)

Clayton Hynes (Union Bible Academy - - Attends Noblesville PHC)

High School

Zachary Alan Hunsaker (Pilgrim Christian School - - Attends Lima PHC)

Austin Kirk (Franklin Heights High School - - Attends Harrisburg PHC)

Colby Meldau (Lakewood High School - - Attends Harrisburg PHC)

Nick Searles (Miami Trace High School - - Attends Harrisburg PHC)

Caleb Case (Heartland Christian School - - Attends New Castle PHC)

Angela Higinbotham (Homeschool - - Attends Noblesville PHC)

Audrey Rauschenberger (Homeschool - - Attends Noblesville PHC)

Shane Fish (Union Bible Academy - - Attends Noblesville PHC)

Rebekah Forsee (Union Bible Academy - - Attends Noblesville PHC)


Sharree Pouzar B.A (God’s Bible College - - Attends Lima PHC)


Don’t forget to purchase your CD’s

The price has never increased in 40 Years! Midwest Tape Ministry

ALL CD’s are only $3.00 (free album with 12 CD’s)


About Pilgrim News & Notes Pilgrim News & Notes is the official publication of the Midwest Pilgrim

Holiness Church, and is published bi-monthly.

Conference Info:

Conference President, Rev. James A. Southerland, Sr.

Conference Vice President, Rev. Don Nichols

Conference Secretary, Rev. Mark Arnett

Conference Treasurer, Rev. Bryan Line

Conference Mission’s Representative, Dr. Craig Dahler

Conference Youth Director, Rev. John Zeigler


The main goal of Pilgrim News & Notes is to be an encouragement to our readers, as well

as a source of information to those with connections or interests in our Conference.

All submissions are welcome, however, we reserve the right to edit as necessary, to fit de-

sign and space needs. Not all submissions will be published.

Please email all submissions to the editor via the contact info below:

Dan Plemmons


“Trying to do the Lord's work in your very own strength is the most exhausting and

tedious of all work. But when you are filled with the Spirit, the ministry of Jesus just

flows out of you.” - Corrie ten Boom

“Worrying is carrying tomorrow's load with today's strength - carrying two days at

once! It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time! Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow

of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.” - Corrie ten Boom