Piecemakers Class Schedule · Class Schedule Jul — Sep 2020 Deliver to: Phone (714) 380-8234...

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Transcript of Piecemakers Class Schedule · Class Schedule Jul — Sep 2020 Deliver to: Phone (714) 380-8234...

Are you aware that we are living in a most trying time? There is an awakening stirring in the hearts of the human race the likes of which has never happened before. The implications are as awesome and traumatic as at the beginning of time when Adam and Eve were cast out from God’s presence — the curse of which is still upon the human race.

It is as destructive and violent as the days of Noah (Matthew 24). The fire of the Holy Spirit is as final in His dealings as in the days of Lot (Luke 16). All these happenings are coming from God — mothers set at variance with daughters — husbands with wives — families torn apart — everything that we placed our securities in is coming to naught. Surely this is the worst of times and the best of times. If this isn’t happening to you as yet, just hang on; it will. Nobody will be left out. You just haven’t met Jesus Christ as Lord as yet, even though some think they have. For when you meet Him, all natural relationships come to an end. He has come to annihilate the fallen race and create a new, fresh race who is born of our Creator, for He is the Tree of Life. For the wineskin of the old world is giving way to a new heaven and earth. No one will stop what God has set in motion.

Let me describe the human dilemma. We are all children whose roots go back to the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Notice that the good and evil all come from the same tree. No matter how good you are, your life comes from that tree that God has cursed for it bears no fruit for Him. Now these are not necessarily homo- sexuals, thieves, murderers or rapists. This is you and I, the preachers, the priests, all the good people and all the bad people; we’re all in the same boat — whether you profess to be Christian or Moslem or Buddhist; all are eating of the same tree; all belong to a world under the rulership of Satan.

With the coming of God’s kingdom in your life, He will put to death the works of the devil. Whether or not you are destroyed with the devil depends on to whom you make your allegiance. Are you willing to part with your family tree, your life, your know–how and your abilities and cling to Christ, suffer with Him, die with Him, so that you will be taken from the world of good and evil and be planted in the world with Jesus, the Tree of Life?

Now to get to the scripture — I pray you have ears to hear this. The anointing and revivals taking place today are still coming from the cursed tree, anointed Sauls, the old creation preaching man’s gospel and bringing forth man’s fruit. Expect the revivals and wonders and miracles to get ever greater, for the Lord has warned us that this anointing would be very deceptive and very widespread and would come from Satan through the will of man. The most anointed man I know is a homosexual. I know others who are thieves. They take money for a gospel that keeps people bound in the grave of an old life.

Behind the scenes, however, God is bringing forth a holy people — a new priesthood, a people who are born of God and have overcome the world and eat off the Tree of Life... a new creation.

Remember dear friends, “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven.” This should be our first priority — not the number of souls we can “save”.

Today He is talking to the Christians. Christians know that all religion without Christ is nothing more than religion with no life; however, they are blind to the fact that Christianity is also dead. For nowhere that I know are people really pressing on to know Him. They go to church every Sunday, fill their obligation, pay their tithes, and then settle back ‘til the next Sunday, thinking that this is obeying or knowing God.

If you are in a church of any kind, please believe me, you do not know the difference between pride (the old wineskin) and humility. You do not know how to “seek His face”, and you do not know that your heart is deceptive and wicked. The depth of our degeneration is only apparent when the wineskin of Christendom gives way to the light of the Kingdom of God. You can grow spiritually only as far as your pastor has grown. Believe me, that the dismembered body of churches is not the Body of Christ where all have one God, one mind and one judgment. Pray for your pastors. If they haven’t met the Father, the Tree of Life, and if they are not preaching the same gospel Jesus proclaimed, their judgment will be more severe than that of the people they have trapped with their false gospel. Don’t get angry at me for this truth. Seek the Lord whether it is true or not.

And you, dear people think for yourselves. Read your Bible! Seek Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Be willing to lose your life. Ask for the Holy Spirit to guide you and teach you. Be not afraid of persecution as you begin to change from an animal into a human being.

We must “seek His face” diligently and urgently lest we be cast out, as He has the wedding table prepared and they are coming from the East, West, North and South to sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Will you be among those who will feast with Him who is the Tree of Life?

Can you imagine a race of people all under one God, of one mind, one judgment, kind, meek with no coveting or greed? That is heaven, and it’s right here — now. As Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Come, let us sup with Him in the Kingdom of heaven.

Piecemakers Class Schedule January — March 2021

Marie Kolasinski

“The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.” 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 “Not everyone who says, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who doeth the will of my father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works?’ ‘And then I will profess unto them, ‘I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.’” Matthew 7:21-23