Picture dictionary

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Transcript of Picture dictionary


By: Safiyyah Foster2nd period Mrs. Scruggs

March 28, 2013

ARYANThe pure, “superior” Germanic race.

BUCHENWALDA concentration camp for slave labor, near Weimar, Germany.

CREMATORYThe place that contained the ovens, furnaces, and chimneys where Nazi victims were burned.

DEATH’S HEADNazi skull symbol worn on SS uniform

FASCIST A political philosophy that represents nation and race

GESTAPOThe German internal security police (secret police)

GHETTOA walled section a city in which Jews were required to live.

HOLOCAUST‘burnt offering” refers to WWII attempted genocide of the Jewish people

KAPOA Jewish in charge of a group of other Jewish inmates

SELECTIONProcess for choosing victims for the gas chambers in Nazi camps

SSThe group in charge of the death camps

KABBALAHThe study of jewish mysticism

KADDISHJewish prayer for the dead


TORAHThe body of jewish teachings

SYNAGOGUEA jewish house of worship

SODOMWicked biblical city that suffers god’s wrath

AUSCHWITZ Concentration and extermination camps

DEATH CAMPNazi prison camp where they murder inmates systematically

DYSENTERY An intestinal disorder causing blood and mucus in the stool

GYPSYNomadic group of people

KRISTALLNACHT Night of the broken glass

RED ARMYthe slang term for the Russian army

RABBIA religious teacher and person authorized to make decisions on issues of Jewish law.

TALMUDThe collection of jewish oral tradition