Pia Autonoma Cluj

Post on 01-Dec-2014

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Case Study by Iulia Sandor for the Make a Living project at http://bit.ly/makingaliving.

Transcript of Pia Autonoma Cluj

  • 1. Piata Autonoma Cluj Piata Autonoma Cluj (The Free Market of Cluj) was born in December 2012 as a grassroots project through which both individuals and different associations endeavour to create a functional alternative to money-based living. You can see the manifesto here. Text and photos by Iulia Sandor. Local group Check http://bit.ly/piacluj
  • 2. Food not BombsResources NeededEverybody is invited tobring veganfood, volunteers offer togo to the markets and askfor the food which is stillgood enough to beeaten, others bring itfrom home Access to food is everyone`s right. There is enough food to feed everyone, but a lot of it is thrown away. Its recommended to obtain food from the farmers` market for free. The food is cooked in groups of 2 up to 10 people as part of a community spirit. A document is created online on the group discussion where you can fill in with food obtained from the market 1 day for cooking Average 10 people Check http://bit.ly/piacluj
  • 3. Food not BombsWhy vegan food?Because animals are alsovictims of exploitationand cruelty in the nameof profit. The list is completed online and at the meetings before the event it is decided over the menu, who and where will cook. The food list stays open to contributions for 2 weeks, 1 day for cooking . Some host others, others cook by themselves and bring it to the event. 1 day for cooking Average 10 people Check http://bit.ly/piacluj
  • 4. PromotionResources Needed Flyers Posters Finding free printing Cut the costs by involving many people Design the flyers by volunteers, posters, promote Facebook page, event, Twitter. Promote the free market in the local newspapers announcing the event Do interviews with participants. Ensure that the flyers reach the people who dont have access to the internet by making available hard copies of flyers & encouraging people to distribute them around town. 4 weeks Average 10 people Check http://bit.ly/piacluj
  • 5. PromotionResources Needed Flyers Posters Finding free printing Cut the costs by involving many people As more editions of the market followed, the media became more sensitive to the event. Since the beginning, no attempt was made to actively promote the event in the media. After noticing the impact within the community, media articles appeared and were more accurate with every month about the message of the market. The free market takes place once every four weeks and promotion becomes very strong one week before. 4 weeks Open to everyone Check http://bit.ly/piacluj
  • 6. Participation during the marketResources Needed Paper, boards, markers , tables, plates, covers, disposable cups, a laptop and AV projector, water, chairs , hangers, rope. Some people arrive earlier in order to organize the space, the eating room, papers are put on the floor where the free objects will be put, also the hangers are put on a rope, for a cheerful atmosphere, music plays in the background, pictures from the last editions are also projected, as well as messages regarding the significance of the event, organizers talk to people in order to make sure they understand the concept of the event, that it is not a charitable event. 6 hours As many as possible! Check http://bit.ly/piacluj
  • 7. Participation during the marketResources Needed Environmental friendly resources are used whenever possible Different workshops take place, this depends on the people that want to teach the others skills (sewing, repairing bicycles, playing musical instruments), people are encouraged to share things they dont use at home or to get the things they need from the market. The aim is to make people understand that this is a community were solidarity is vital. There is a strong feeling transmitted that a community can live without money. 6 hours As many as possible! Check http://bit.ly/piacluj
  • 8. Participation during the marketResources Needed Environmental friendly resources are used whenever possible Different workshops take place, this depends on the people that want to teach the others skills (sewing, repairing bicycles, playing musical instruments), people are encouraged to share things they dont use at home or to get the things they need from the market. The aim is to make people understand that this is a community were solidarity is vital. There is a strong feeling transmitted that a community can live without money. 6 hours As many as possible! Check http://bit.ly/piacluj
  • 9. Facilitate a workshop during the market Resources Needed All sorts of materials, depending on the workshops (e.g. recycled materials, projector, etc ) The workshops are to encourage free circulation of info through teaching and learning new things and conveying of new practices. We have learned how to recycle and reuse different objects: we turned pipes into musical instruments and PETs into vases for flowers and bracelets and we became more aware of our rights. Find people who want to share with others fun, useful & civic skills, i.e. making baskets from recycled paper, intro to photo, bookmarks from threads, fun science for children, capoeira. Depends on complexity Two to three people Check http://bit.ly/piacluj
  • 10. Encourage people to barter services Resources Needed Flipcharts and markers Put up flipcharts at the free market on which people write what services/objects they need and what they can help with/what they know to do. Promote this idea in the newsletter, bringing the flipcharts from past editions to the current one, making a document to be available online with the services (but without people`s contacts which can be given only at the event). Convince people to actually exchange services and promote those that happened successfully. Very little time One to two people Check http://bit.ly/piacluj