Photo journalism

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Transcript of Photo journalism

Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1)

Photographer: Steve McCurry

Work - Surbia

Afghan Girl

Children of War - Beruit Lebanon

September 11 2001 - New York USA

Japan May 2011

Child Labour - Charikar Afghanistan

Theme or focus of images Steve McCurry is an American photojournalist known due to his vivid contrasts creating stunning images over six continents and countless countries and as a result has been recognised with some of the most prestigious awards in the industry. Photojournalism refers to capturing images which tell a story and therefore can accompany writing, be that a news article, magazine etc.

Image One - Work - Surbia:

It is clear from the title that this photograph was taken in Surbia, it is also clear from the title that the two men within the image are at work. It is also clear that this image was taken during the night due to the minimal lighting, and due to the vivid orange within the image we are automatically drawn straight to the destruction and chaos behind the two men, therefore giving me the impression that Steves intetions was to highlight the poor working conditions of these men, however my interpretation when viewing the image Is that get a sense of strength and admiration for these men because although their country is clearly full of destruction and chaos, these men still continue to work to provide for these families.

Image Two - Afghan Girl:

This is one of Steve McCurry's most famous images after becoming the cover of National Geographic Magazine in June 1985. The image features a 12-13 year old girl who was living in a refugee camp after her parents were killed during the Sovient Unions Bombings of Afghanistan. Her red head scarf against the green background automatically draws our attention to her face. The close up image and use of direct mode of address instantly creates a personal feel for the viewer and her piercing green eyes automatically engage us. The focal point of this image is the subjects eyes which are very powerful, just by looking at her eyes we can see she is in fear and that she has suffered a lot of hardship in her short life, therefore we as viewers feel sympathetic towards this young girl.

Image Three - Children of War - Beruit Lebanon

This image shows children playing on what looks like an old tank. It is clear from the blue sky and lighting that this image was taken during the day, the vivid yellow and blue within the photograph automatically attracts our attention, with the focal point being the children playing on the tank, unlike the previous photographs which include dark colours to emphasize the hardship suffered in these types of countries. However I find this image haunting due to the fact that it shows children playing, having fun on a tank, which no child should be doing, therefore this image anchors the difference in norms in countries like Beruit Lebanon in contrast to the norms in countries such as England and the USA, which I feel was the photographers intentions.

Image Four - September 11 2001 - New York USA

This image shows the destruction caused when two planes hit the world trade centres in New York when terrorist attacks were launched by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda. The focal point of this image is the USA flag, covered in dust surrounded by destruction and chaos, not only does this show the destruction caused by the terrorist attack, it also cleverly anchors the massive impact that this event had on the USA as a country, causing enormous fear and grief and leaving New York stood at a stand still.

Image Five - Japan May 2011

This image was taken in May 2011 in Japan after it suffered one of the most

violent earthquakes in history, followed by a tsunami. Steve McCurry went over to Japan with the intention of capturing images which show the destruction and chaos caused by the disaster. I felt that this image in particular, although very simple, is also very powerful. My interpretation is that the neutral colours are very bland and as a result evokes a sad emotion from the viewer, therefore anchoring the sadness caused by the disaster. Patrick has decided to focus on 2 teddy bears both of which are very shabby covered in dust and surrounded by the destruction, this I feel is very powerful, A child's teddy bear covered in dust and surrounded by destruction. symbolising the loss of innocence caused by the disaster, therefore hitting home to the person viewing it how many children would have been hurt and even killed during the disaster, and as a result makes us feel sad and sympathetic towards the country.

Image Six - Child Labour - Charikar Afghanistan

This image was taken in Charikar Afghanistan, Patricks intentions was to raise awareness about the estimated 158 million children aged 5-14 who are engaged in child labour, working in hazardous situations or conditions on a day to day basis. Patrick chose to specifically focus on the child himself within this image, his facial expression along with his shabby, dirty clothes automatically informs us as the viewer that although he is a young child he is working in bad conditions and therefore we feel sympathetic towards him. The fact that the child has an axe in his hand catches our attention immediately, due to the fact that in England it is a haunting thought to think of a child holding an axe, therefore this image anchors the difference in norms and circumstances in countries such as England in contrast to countries such as Afghanistan. Direct mode of address has been used by having the young boy stare directly into the camera, it almost creates the sense that the child is asking us for help.

CompositionIn terms of composition Patrick stands in certain positions and selects carefully what to include in the images in order to portray the stories being told within each image.

In "Image one - Work - Suberia" Patrick chose to take the photo from a high angle, this automatically makes the two men within the image look small and venerable and chose to take a long shot, including the explosion and chaos in surrounding the two men, therefore informing us that these men are venerable, even in the work place they have no power and are constantly surrounded by war and fear.

In "Image Two - Afghan Girl" and "Image six - Child Labour" Patrick chose to focus specifically on the facial expression and emotions of the children within the portrait by zooming in, therefore not only creating a personal feel for the audience and creating a sense of trust that these children are telling us about there lives, but also anchoring the raw emotion of these children and the hardship they have suffered and as a result making us viewing it feel sympathetic towards them.

In the "September 11 2001" Image Patrick chose to take an image of the USA flag surrounded by destruction, however there are also people in this image, by

choosing to take the image from far away it portrays the people as very small, therefore representing them as venerable, and as a result anchoring the loss of power and vulnerability felt by both the people, and also the country itself due to this terrorist attack.

Techniques usedIn "Image Two - Afghan Girl" and "Image six - Child Labour" Patrick has used shallow depth field by having the children within the image sharp and clear in contrast to the background which is slightly blurred, therefore anchoring that the child's emotion and story is the most important part of this image, therefore when taking these images Patrick would have used a fast shutter speed along with a small aperture setting to acheive this. In the "September 11 2001" that there is still movement from people rushing to help, dust and metal falling, however this motion has been froze, therefore when taking this image Patrick would have been using a fast shutter speed setting. Strengths & WeaknessesThe thing I like most about Patricks work is that in certain images such as "September 11 2001" and "Japan May 2011" Patrick chose cleverly to focus on a particular object, surrounded by destruction, with the object symbolising some kind of loss due to the disaster, which I feel creates a powerful image.