Photo courtesy of Clarkson University Sponsor & Exhibitor ... CEEC Prospectus.pdfThe Capital...

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Transcript of Photo courtesy of Clarkson University Sponsor & Exhibitor ... CEEC Prospectus.pdfThe Capital...

Sponsor & Exhibitor Prospectus Photo courtesy of Clarkson University

Clean Energy Economy ConferenceOctober 24-25, 2018The Queensbury Hotel, Glens Falls, NY

Connect. Learn. Act.

Who Attends?

✓ Industryprofessionals

✓ Businessowners

✓ Governmentrepresentatives

✓ Policy makers

✓ Communityleaders

✓ Researchers

✓ Educators

✓ Non-profitsand others

The Clean Energy Economy Conference is the premier forum in Northern New York for connecting people, businesses and communities around clean energy issues and opportunities.

People. Projects. Pathways.

2017 Sponsors

What Attendees Say…

"The Clean Energy Economy Conference enables community and industry stakeholders to share experiences and ideas as well as make tangible connections for future opportunities."

"ANCA helps all of us in the North Country remember that our imagined constraints are actually strengths by collaborating about our shared, resource-rich opportunities to show the way to a clean, sustainable, community-driven future."

"A unique regional opportunity to learn more about clean energy for your community and businesses—very worth the time and financial investment."




KEYNOTE: Transformational Change

Plenary Panel 1: Disruptive Innovation

“Community Benefit” - How do we define it and support clean energy development that sustains communities in a transformational marketplace?

Plenary Panel 3: Disruptive Innovation

The EV-olution of Demand: How Electrifying the Transportation Sector will Change the Landscape of Clean Energy.

BREAK Dedicated Showcase / Networking BREAK Dedicated Showcase / Networking

Workshops 1: Practitioner Pathways

Being Exemplary in the Field

How do we do our jobs well, meeting our goals and the goals of our communities, customers and funders?

Workshops 3: Practitioner Pathways

Powerful Partnerships

How can we develop workflows, lines of communication, shared services, collaborative teams to bring greater community benefit and more success for our businesses & organizations?

Track 1The LMI Sector

Track 2Proactive Planning

Track 3Cohorts, Collaboratives & Aggregation

Track 4 Special Topics

Track 1The LMI Sector

Track 2Proactive Planning

Track 3Cohorts, Collaboratives & Aggregation

Track 4 Special Topics

LUNCH Dedicated Showcase / Networking LUNCH Dedicated Showcase / Networking

Early Registration Exhibitor Set-Up

(Professional Training Opportunities)

Plenary Panel 2: Disruptive Innovation

Grid-Locked? Equitable Clean Energy Distribution In a Transformative Marketplace

(Showcase Tear Down)

BREAK Dedicated Showcase / Networking

Workshops 2: Practitioner Pathways

Show and Tell and Learn

Sharing behind-the-scenes perspectives, data and assessment on projects and initiatives that have really worked…and those that have not.

Track 1The LMI Sector

Track 2Proactive Planning

Track 3Cohorts, Collaboratives & Aggregation

Track 4 Special Topics

Welcome Reception (hotel lobby)

Evening Reception Downtown


Disruptive Innovation & Practitioner Pathways

ALL TIERS • Logo on event website

• Promotion in communications

• Logo in opening remarks

• Logo on event signage


BRONZE • 2 registrations

• ⅛ page promotional space in program


SILVER • 2 registrations

• 1 hotel room (2 nights)

• Exhibitor booth

• ¼ page promotional space in program


GOLD • 4 registrations

• 2 hotel rooms (2 nights)

• Exhibitor booth

• ½ page promotional space in program


GREEN • 6 registrations

• 3 hotel rooms (2 nights)

• Exhibitor booth

• Full-page promotional space in program

• Participation in opening remarks



AUG 15

(20% discount)


AUG 15



Booth rate includes:

• 10-foot-wide exhibit space• One 8-foot table • Two folding chairs• Power, if required • 1 conference pass*• Logo on event website• 25-word profile + logo in program

*Please note: You will need to register and pay for additional staff members for your booth but may do so at a reduced rate of $100 per attendee.


• Logo on event website and in program

• Promotion in communications

• Full slide promotion and thank you from event hosts during opening remarks on that day

Afternoon coffee break on Wednesday

• Prominent logo signage at coffee stations

Meeting room

• Prominent logo signage on entry/exits

• Full slide promotion as overhead static screen in room

Breakfast + morning break (either Wednesday or Thursday)

• Prominent logo signage at coffee and food stations, and on all eating tables

Welcome Reception Tuesday at Queensbury Hotel

• Beverage vouchers with logo in welcome packet

• Prominent logo signage at entry/exists, on hors

d’oeuvres station, and on pub tables

Lunch on Wednesday

• Lunch voucher with logo in welcome packet

• Prominent logo signage at meal room exists, on

hors d’oeuvres station, and all round tables

Conference Reception in downtown Glens Falls

• Logo and thank you on poster at registration table

• Logo and thank you on reception page in program

• Prominent logo signage at event entry/exists,

on hors d’oeuvres station, at bar, etc.


Acknowledging Your Continued Support

Returning Sponsors receive 2 additional registrations OR one additional hotel room for 2 nights.

Returning Sponsors who increase their support by a level or more ORReturning Exhibitors who become Sponsors are ANCA ACCELERATORS and receive:

➢Priority booth selection➢ Special recognition on event signage, event materials, and during opening remarks➢ ANCA membership benefits commensurate with their new level of CEEC support

Can’t Be There? Let Us Do The Work…

2017 By the Numbers

200 Attendees 78 Businesses 25 Exhibitors 15 Sponsors20 NY Counties38 Municipalities10 NYS Div/Depts7 States (NY, VT, NH,


Don’t see a sponsorship level that works for you? Contact us to create a customized package.

The Capital District Regional Planning Commission (CDRPC) is a regional planning and resource center serving the upstate New York counties of Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga and Schenectady since 1967.

CDRPC provides objective analysis of data, trends, opportunities and challenges relevant to the Region’s economic development and planning communities. CDRPC serves the best interests of the public and private sectors by promoting intergovernmental cooperation; communicating, collaborating, and facilitating regional initiatives; and sharing information and fostering dialog on solutions to regional problems.

CDRPC provides added capacity to local municipalities through its regional coordination programs. By partnering with CDRPC, local municipalities are able to leverage the expertise of a full-time professional planning staff with significant network resources to provide added benefit to the work that is done day-to-day here in the Capital Region.

= Exhibitor Showcase

= Breaks & Lunches

= Plenary Sessions

= Breakout Sessions

= Welcome Reception

= Registration


Todd Fabozzi




Join ANCA today

ANCA’s members help produce a number of events including the annual Clean Energy Economy Conference. ANCA is a registered not-for-profit under the 501(c)(3) Internal Revenue Code.



Growing the New Energy Economy

ANCA is growing the New Economy in northern New York. Using an integrated approach to sustainable economic development and prosperity where economic health, community vitality and ecological stewardship are equally important outcomes, ANCA focuses on creating opportunity for people with diverse backgrounds, experience and education levels.

Since its founding in 1955, ANCA has leveraged hundreds of millions of dollars into the region in key sectors, including farming, local food systems, the forest economy, the creative economy, small businesses, clean energy, community assets and the visitor experience.

ANCA’s Energy Circuit Riders help North Country communities lower energy costs by connecting them with valuable technical and financial assistance. The result? More locally produced power and increased regional self-reliance that fuel the New Economy.

ANCA’s work creates and supports jobs, business opportunities and powerful community connections throughout the Adirondack North Country. Our region covers the 14 northernmost counties of New York’s upstate region, comprising 38 percent of the State’s geography and 6.4 percent of its population.

To join ANCA, contact Caitlin Wargo:

(518) 891-6200, Ext. 114

Illustrations: Nancy BernsteinMap design: Melissa Hart, Bootstrap Communications


Sponsoring & Exhibiting

Businesses and organizations interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at this event should contact ANCA at:

518-891-6200 x 107


The conference team is accepting proposals for presentations, workshops and more.