
Post on 08-Nov-2014

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players handbook

Transcript of phb.pdf

[STEP 0]-[STEP 1]-[STEP 2]-[STEP 3]-[STEP 4]-[STEP 5]-[STEP 6/7]-[STEP 8]-[STEP 9]-[STEP 10]

CHARACTER CREATION: Creating a character in RoH is fairly straight forward. The first thing you need to do is print of a character sheet. You can find a character sheet here (make sure your printer's margins are set as small as possible under print options, before printing, or else the sheet won't fit correctly ). Once you have your character sheet in hand, find a standard set of role-playing dice. You will need a d4,d6,d8,d10,d12,d20 and a percentile dice (00) if possible. Also certain RoH game masters (SM's) will require players to use a d30 as well. More dice you have on hand, the better! Next, find a pencil and an eraser.

On The SheetCharacter Info; Alter-Ego: This is your superhero/villain's name. The name is usually reflective of your character's special abilities and/or powers but doesn't have to be. Real Name: Your character's real name is his/her name before they gained super powers and/or special talents, abilities etc. The name they go by when hiding their alter-ego. Allegiance: The character's main occupation, either a Superhero, Super villain or Super Independent (See step 2 for detailed information). Virtue: The character's alignment. His/her personal convictions and values in life (See step 5 for detailed information). Race: In RoH you can be either Human, Mutant or Alien (See step 1 for detailed information). Group Affiliation: If the character is a member of a super group, gang etc, this is the place to list it. Personal Profile; For the most part everything under the character's profile is self explanatory, however IQ, Luck, Alc%, SB/L and N-R% are all explained under step 7 of our official guide. Attributes/Bonuses and Penalties; Like most other RPG's RoH has a full cast of core ability scores. These attributes are constantly used throughout the game and all of them must be rolled using six-six sided dice (6d6). Each stat is rolled in order from top to bottom and recorded on the sheet as presented. No re-rolls or substitutions are allowed. Any roll that exceeds "peak human ability" (24), allows the stat to be re-rolled using a % Dice (1d100) and provides the character with a "Super Attribute". The roll must exceed the initial roll of 24 and cannot exceed 100 including any bonuses due to advantages, skills etc. All attribute bonuses/penalties can be filled out as well. (See step 4 for detailed information). Langs: Here you can fill out any languages the character can speak, write etc. Armor Rating; The character's total AR is recorded here. Armor rating is determined by the character's natural AC (if any) + their AGL

bonus, + any armor they may be wearing at the time. (See in game armors for examples). Hit-Points; In RoH everyone and everything has a set of hit points or number of damage points it can take before being killed or destroyed. For the sake of character creation one must roll their Hit-Dice (HD) and record it on their sheet under this box. In RoH all HD are the same, each race uses a d12 for determining their hit-points. Some character's may have as little as 2 hit points to start, while other may have 12 or more, especially if skill credits (S.C.) are used to increase initial HD. (See step 7 for detailed information on increasing HD using S.C). Concealment Class; Concealment Class or CC is a character's ability to conceal themselves in day or night hours. Under normal circumstances everyone has a CC of 5/6. The 5 being the day check, while the 6 being the night check. These numbers can be increased or decreased according to each situation or by camouflage etc. (See combat terms for detailed information). Experience; XP Earned: The total experience earned by this character. XP Needed: The total experience required to attain the next level. Level: The character's current level. Rank: The character's rank (if any) amongst various organizations (military, law enforcement etc). Combat Bonuses and Skills; Your character may possess some or allot of this categories options. Everyone can punch, kick, jump kick etc, but those trained in martial arts have most of these abilities if not all of them. For the sake of basic hand-to-hand combat in RoH, fill in at least the punch and kick slots. Both of which cause 2 damage per attack scored. Other can be filled out when appropriate. (See combat terms for detailed information). Attacks/Melee; Everyone in RoH has a minimum of 1 attack per combat round. Atks/Rnd can be increased according to the character's CS attribute bonus. (See step 4 for information on C-S bonuses ).

If all else fails, follow steps 1 through 10 on our main menu and you should be well on your way to completing a character. You should also read the combat terms, other terms and optional rules sections as well. This will not only help you understand the game's terminology better, it will open allot of in-game options to you as well. * NOTE* Not all of the steps are in order, or even required. Some steps simply offer explanations, but all of the steps are important to game-play. If you have any problems creating a character or any questions about the game. Sign-up for our forums and post under the appropriate topic and I'll be glad to help. Enjoy the game!

[STEP 0]-[STEP 1]-[STEP 2]-[STEP 3]-[STEP 4]-[STEP 5]-[STEP 6/7]-[STEP 8]-[STEP 9]-[STEP 10]

CHARACTER RACE SELECTIONSTEP 1: CHOOSING THE CHARACTER'S RACE A player may choose from the following; Human Mutant Alien

Humans (Mutate) Playing a human in the best of times can be a challenge, even if they have super powers. In RoH humans are still the dominant race on the planet as the game is generally portrayed to take place on a futuristic version of earth. Super Humans or sometimes referred to as mutates, tend to look and act no different then normal humans, making every attempt to hide their super identities from the growing populace. Those who do not conceal their secret identities tend to become targets for elimination due to a natural fear developed by their fellow humans or through direct assault by their super villain foes. It should also be noted that humans are also the most widely excepted of the races, meaning that they acquire jobs and make contacts with the least amount of difficulty. Acquiring a job or some sort of employment may be imperative to the character's survival. Humans gain the following bonuses at creation. Human Creation Bonuses/Penalties Gain 1 bonus "Peak Human Power" (to be rolled randomly) The starting skills advantage: The player can raise 1 of his/her characters starting skills up 10 levels or raise a few skills up several levels (this option is left open to the player). Human Characteristics Minimum Starting Age: 16 Maximum Life Expectancy: 6D20 in years Hit Die: 1D12 (automatic 12 on initial roll) Armor Rating: 0 (natural AR) Concealment Class: 5 Day / 6 Night Initial Skill Credits: 1D10 + All bonuses Advantages: Randomly chosen by the player (using skill credits) Disadvantages: Randomly rolled by the player (optional)

Mutants A mutant is an individual who possesses a rare genetic gene that allows them to naturally develop superhuman powers and abilities. Mutants are members of the species Homo Superior, an evolutionary progeny of Homo sapiens, and are considered

the next stage in human evolution. All mutants have a genetic mutation that causes their bodies to develop abilities that regular humans cannot. The majority of mutants develop these abilities, which vary from person to person, usually upon puberty, though there are some mutants who display powers and/or physical mutations from birth, or in their twenties. Some mutants even display abilities from within the womb and posthumously. As required to be a species, mutants are both definitely distinguishable by their DNA and by definition cannot be only part or half mutant, as one either has the mutant gene or does not. Also, their mutation was not induced by their location or external environment, as it's well known that mutants are found throughout the world and their powers have no direct casual relationship to pollution, radiation or the like. Mutant powers vary seemingly without limit. Examples of powers shared by many individuals include telepathy; telekinesis; flight; the ability to project energy, accelerated healing; and enhanced physical strength, agility, or senses; all to variable limits. Mutation can also entail a minor to radical alteration in physical appearance from the human norm - wings, gills, a tail, fur, altered skin color, etc. Mutant powers can grow and increase as the mutant grows and develops. Some powers remain latent until activated by severe stress, or remain unnoticed throughout the person's lifetime, while others are apparent immediately from birth. Some individuals have a secondary mutation which activates in adulthood. For some mutants, several years of self-discipline are needed before they can control their powers, while others never gain full control of their powers. Playing a mutant can be a challenge in more then one way, but if one keeps a low profile in normal society and maintains a secret dwelling or base of operation life can be good. All things fair, a mutant is perhaps the most universal character one can play. Mutant Creation Bonuses/Penalties Gain 1 bonus "Mundane Super Power" (to be rolled randomly) Mutant Characteristics Minimum Starting Age: 16 Maximum Life Expectancy: 4D20 in years Hit Die: 1D12 (automatic 12 on initial roll) Armor Rating: 0 (natural AR) Concealment Class: 5 Day / 6 Night Initial Skill Credits: 1D8 + All bonuses Advantages: Randomly chosen by the player (using skill credits) Disadvantages: Randomly rolled by the player (optional)

Aliens Aliens are life forms that derive beyond Earth or its atmosphere and have come to Earth either forcibly or voluntarily. Aliens do not necessarily look that indifferent from that of humans, however most alien races vary in physical appearance greatly and stand out amongst all others. That decision is left up to the player creating the character and can be one of the most exciting super beings to create while playing RoH. When playing an Alien superhero or super villain in RoH keep in mind they are from

another planet and the character, no matter what they look like will have odd idiosyncrasies that just don't blend well within human societies. For example, the way they walk, the way they talk, the way they think or perhaps something else that may give away their true origin. The SM should enforce this, as it may be the Alien characters only real disadvantage. In general Alien characters are stronger and smarter then human characters as their technology, ability to travel through space and vastly different planetary systems obviously allow for such corresponding feats. These qualities may also be easily recognized and give away their identities. Players are strongly encouraged to protect their secrets at all costs as once their identities are discovered even the most powerful of superhero's/villains can be conquered and presumably will be destroyed. Alien Creation Bonuses/Penalties +4 to initial R-P score +4 to initial MEN score Loss of ALL initial money Alien Characteristics Minimum Starting Age: 20 Maximum Life Expectancy: 8D20 in years Hit Die: 1D12 (automatic 12 on initial roll) Armor Rating: 0 (natural AR) Concealment Class: 5 Day / 6 Night Initial Skill Credits: 1D6 + All bonuses Advantages: Randomly chosen by the player (using skill credits) Disadvantages: Randomly rolled by the player (optional)

[STEP 0]-[STEP 1]-[STEP 2]-[STEP 3]-[STEP 4]-[STEP 5]-[STEP 6/7]-[STEP 8]-[STEP 9]-[STEP 10]

ALLEGIANCESTEP 2: CHOOSING YOUR ALLEGIANCE Each character must choose to either be a Super Hero, a Super Villain or an Super Independent in RoH.

Super Hero As a superhero in RoH you are a character of unprecedented powers, dedicated to acts of derring-do in the public interest. You are the prototypical good guy or perhaps good gal. You stand for what's right and go must go out of your way to protect humanity and/or the well being of others. However there are many types of super heroes and their abilities and personal demeanor can make each individual's priorities vary greatly. Virtue Restrictions: Any Good Cash Savings: 5D10 x 100 Monetary Income: By occupation *See STEP 3 for occupation details.

Super Villain As a super villain in RoH you are typically a character of vast ability, superior intelligence and/or a mastermind in criminal behavior. Super villains often mirror their superhero counterparts in their powers, capabilities, or origins, yet use their powers for selfish or diabolical purposes. You stand for injustice, death and destruction. Your mainstay life is to foil super heroes, destroy anyone or anything that gets in between you and your goals. Like superhero's, their are all different personalities involved when encountering a super villain and their personal agenda's can vary as much as anyone. Virtue Restrictions: Any Evil Cash Savings: 5D10 x 100 Monetary Income: By occupation.

*See STEP 3 for occupation details.

Super Independent As a super independent in RoH you are much the same as a super hero or super villain. Your character's abilities, powers, skills and origin can match that of anyone, yet your personal agenda is generally selfish. You stand for everything being equal, every man for themselves and a do what needs to be done mentality. Your goals in life are simple, help yourself and try not to attract to much attention while doing it... well unless you don't care. Virtue Restrictions: Any Selfish Cash Savings: 5D10 x 100 Monetary Income: By occupation. *See STEP 3 for occupation details.

[STEP 0]-[STEP 1]-[STEP 2]-[STEP 3]-[STEP 4]-[STEP 5]-[STEP 6/7]-[STEP 8]-[STEP 9]-[STEP 10]

OCCUPATIONIn RoH all character's need an alter-ego, with that said, they also need a job to help conceal their true identities. There are quite literally thousands of occupations in RoH so the following chart can be used to simplify the characters general monthly income according to one of four employment categories.


Roll 0-20 21-50 51-90 91-00

Job Level Low Level Job Mid Level Job High Level Job Luxury Level Job

Monthly Income $1500 / month $2500 / month $4000 / month $7500 / month

* NOTE* Players may choose an appropriate occupation accordingly. Eg: A High Level job could be an accountant or a technical engineer, while a low level job might be a janitor or shoe salesmen. SM's reserve the right to accept or decline the player's choice.

[STEP 0]-[STEP 1]-[STEP 2]-[STEP 3]-[STEP 4]-[STEP 5]-[STEP 6/7]-[STEP 8]-[STEP 9]-[STEP 10]


RAW POWER (R-P) Total Score To Melee Hit/Damage Weight Capacity (WC)

3-4 5-6 7-8 9-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24* 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 86-90 91-95 96-99 100

-3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40 +45 +50 +75 +100

x5 (15+ lbs) x5 (25+ lbs) x10 (70+ lbs) x10 (90+ lbs) x15 (210+ lbs) x15 (240+ lbs) x20 (360+ lbs) x20 (400+ lbs) x25 (550+ lbs) x25 (600lbs) x100 (1.25+ tons) x200 (2.7+ tons) x300 (4.3+ tons) x400 (6.2+ tons) x500 (9+ tons) x600 (12.3+ tons) x700 (16.1+ tons) x800 (20.4+ tons) x900 (25.2+ tons) x1000 (30.5+ tons) x1100 (36.3+ tons) x1200 (42.6+ tons) x1300 (49.4+ tons) x1400 (56.7+ tons) x1500 (64.5+ tons) x1600 (72.8+ tons) x1800 (86.4+ tons) x2000 (100 tons)

* indicates Peak Human Capability (non super-humans) ( ) numbers inside of parenthesis indicate estimated Human/Mutant tonnage capacity. Aliens are not shown. * NOTE * A human super hero with a 100 R-P score can lift 200,000 lbs (100 tons), where an Alien with the same R-P score can lift 300,000 lbs (150 tons) or 50% more weight then either a Human or a Mutant. To lift objects over one's head, simply divide the character maximum WC by 2.

ENERGY POTENTIAL (E-P) Total Score 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24* 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 86-90 91-95 96-99 100 ( " ) indicates inches ( ' ) indicates feet * NOTE * If a character has 24 or less E-P, they do not have any energy to project and thus cannot have super powers that require energy. Instead, they may only roll Peak Human Powers, Mundane Super Powers or roll on the condensed Super Power chart. See STEP 10 for details. Maximum Aura Radius nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 2'' 4'' 6'' 8'' 10'' 1' 5' 10' 15' 20' 25' 30' 35' 40' 45' 50' 75' 100' Power Points nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil -0 250-260 270-280 290-300 310-350 360-400 410-450 460-500 510-550 560-600 610-650 660-700 710-750 760-800 810-850 860-900 910-950 960-990 1000

WEAPON SKILL (W-S) Total Score 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-13 14-15 16-17 To Missile Hit/Damage -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2

18-19 20-21 22-23 24* 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 86-90 91-95 96-99 100 * indicates Peak Human Capability (non super-humans)

+3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40 +45 +50 +75 +100

COMBAT SKILL (C-S) Total Score 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24* 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 # of Atks / Melee Rnd 1/4 1/3 1/2 1 atk/ rnd 2 atks/ rnd 3 atks/ rnd 4 atks/ rnd 5 atks/ rnd 6 atks/ rnd 7 atks/ rnd 8 atks/ rnd 9 atks/ rnd 10 atks/ rnd 10 atks/ rnd 10 atks/ rnd 10 atks/ rnd 10 atks/ rnd 10 atks/ rnd 10 atks/ rnd 10 atks/ rnd To Coverage Percentage (%) -6 % -4 % -2 % No bonus +1% +2% +3% +4% +5% +6% +7% +8% +9% +10% +11% +12% +13% +14% +15% +20%

66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 86-90 91-95 96-99 100

10 10 10 10 10 10 12 15

atks/ atks/ atks/ atks/ atks/ atks/ atks/ atks/

rnd rnd rnd rnd rnd rnd rnd rnd

+25% +30% +35% +40% +45% +50% +75% +100%

* indicates Peak Human Capability (non super-humans)

AGILITY (AGL) Total Score 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24* 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 86-90 91-95 96-99 100 Armor Rating Modifier -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40 +45 +50 +75 +100 Parry/Dodge -3 -2 -1 No bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40 +45 +50 +75 +100

* indicates Peak Human Capability (non super-humans)


Total Score 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24* 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 86-90 91-95 96-99 100

To HD - For Hitpoints -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40 +45 +50 +75 +100

Immunity Check Bonus -3 -2 -1 No bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40 +45 +50 +75 +100

* indicates Peak Human Capability (non super-humans)

MENTALITY (MEN) Total Score 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24* 25-26 27-28 Bonus Initial Skill Credits -3 -2 -1 no bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 Extra Languages (basic words only) (most common words) (almost all words) 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8

29-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 86-90 91-95 96-99 100

+9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40 +45 +50 +75 +100

+9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 +17 +18 +19 +20 +21 +22 +25 +50

* indicates Peak Human Capability (non super-humans) * NOTE * The character's mentality score is added to the character's initial I.Q. score to give them a total I.Q. rating.

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE (P-A) Total Score 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24* 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 86-90 Reaction Adjustment -3 to roll -2 to roll -1 to roll 0 +1 to roll +2 to roll +3 to roll +4 to roll +5 to roll +6 to roll +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 +17 +18 +19 +20 +25 Social Standing -3 -2 -1 no bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40 +45

91-95 96-99 100

+30 +40 +50

+50 +75 +100

* indicates Peak Human Capability (non super-humans) * NOTE * The character's social standing is determined by rolling 1d100 and then adding the above bonus to give them their overall Reputation.

APPEAL (APP) Total Score 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24* 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 86-90 91-95 96-99 100 To Loyalty checks/% -15 -10 -5 0 +5 +7 +9 +11 +13 +15 +16 +17 +18 +19 +20 +21 +22 +23 +24 +25 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 +80 +90 +100 Total Command 4 6 8 10 15 20 30 50 100 unlimited 1 super being 2 super beings 3 super beings 4 super beings 5 super beings 6 super beings 7 super beings 8 super beings 9 super beings 10 super beings 15 super beings 20 super beings 25 super beings 30 super beings 40 super beings 50 super beings 100 super beings unlimited super beings

* indicates Peak Human Capability (non super-humans)

Movement Rate (M-R) Total Score

This is determined by the exact M-R of the character. Eg. A 12 is rolled, this means the characters walk is 12 his jog is 24 and his run is 60 This would be the characters maximum walking, jogging and running distance in 10 seconds. * NOTE* all M-R distances are in yards ''

STEP 4: THE 10 ATTRIBUTES Raw Power (R-P) - indicates the sheer, brute, physical strength of the character. Weight Capacity (WC) is determined by the character's R-P score. WC is different for each race, refer to the following chart. *NOTE * this is the character's maximum weight he/she can lift to chest height or the amount of total weight in equipment a character can pack. Humans: R-P x 100 Mutants: R-P x 100 Aliens: R-P x 150 *NOTE* maximum weight a character can lift above one's head is determined by cutting the character's WC in half. Energy Potential (E-P) - is a measure of a character's maximum energy output. Maximum Aura Radius (M.A.R.) indicates the maximum distance a hero/villain can extend their personal auras if they have one at all. While Power Points are the total number of energy units the character can expend each day. Each power consumes different amounts of power ( see the super powers list for details ). Weapon Skill (W-S) - indicates the character's general knowledge and capability of handling firearms. Combat Skill (C-S) - This indicates the character's general knowledge of combat tactics, and procedures to act on, such as what cover to jump behind when being shot at. This also indicates the character's potential skill when engaged in combat actions and/or general ability when attacking. Agility (AGL) - Indicates the character's flexibility and dexterity, when engaged in combat or not. This increases a character's AR due to the chance and/or last seconds reactions of being hit. *NOTE* No dodge roll is ever made when in combat, AR is cumulative with a character's general ability to dodge. (exception hand to hand tactics used in melee attacks). Stamina (STA) - This is the total degree of the character's endurance, stability and durability all rolled into one. This indicates the bonus to the character's hit die and shows the chance of effective resistance against all intoxications, narcotics and sudden paralyzing effects. The SM may elect to use the following for reference. Running full speed = STA divided by 3 in minutes Packing maximum WC = STA times 4 in minutes Continuous fighting = STA in minutes SM may modify or add others to this list Mentality (MEN) - This is a measure of the character's mental aptitude and general intelligence. This is also the character's general ability in attaining knowledge. This accounts for the character's starting languages and initial skill credits. Players may select languages from the following list. Common World Languages: ( SM may choose to add more) English - Includes all English slang's and dialects African - Includes all native African languages etc. * NOTE * Mentality is not IQ as it does not account for common sense, however it does apply a bonus to a characters initial IQ roll. French Spanish Russian Punjabi German Chinese

Japanese Native - Includes all native Indian dialects Polish Norwegian Vietnamese Korean Finish Droidish (Bosh) - Includes all robotics languages Galthorian - Includes all Galthorian dialects Latin Physical Appearance (P-A) - This indicates the character's general outer physical appearance, thus giving a bonus or penalty towards initial reactions. P-A also gives a bonus or penalty towards a characters social standing. This basically determines how the character appears in the public eye, whether being a bum or a politician is NOT always the case with social standing Appeal (APP) - This indicates the character's seductive charm and charisma, it also shows the character's general capability of his/her leadership qualities. The number of followers he/she can command. The adjustment charts explain how many henchmen/followers the character can command at a single time. Being through law enforcement, military duties or by shear fear. Movement Rate (M-R) - This indicates the character's movement capability whether walking, jogging or running. M-R is always measured in yards (3'/yard). The character's base rate (walk) is what has been rolled as the attribute, this is how far the character can walk in 10 seconds. Jogging is twice or three times as fast as walking and running is five times the character's walking speed.

[STEP 0]-[STEP 1]-[STEP 2]-[STEP 3]-[STEP 4]-[STEP 5]-[STEP 6/7]-[STEP 8]-[STEP 9]-[STEP 10]

CHARACTER VIRTUESSTEP 5: CHOOSING THE CHARACTER'S VIRTUE Every character must have one of the following Virtues (see allegiances for restrictions)

Good Virtues (Good) Monarchist: One who believes in, or supports a government whose power is possessed by a king, president, etc. This character has the highest regard for life and will always attempt to work within the law. This character will never accept dirty money, property or items. A Monarchist character will never betray or leave a friend in danger. They will never hurt an unarmed person and will never kill an innocent person. Keep in mind this character is NOT a goodie two shoes. (Good) Loyalist: One who supports the authority of his/her country. This character has a great value for life and will always try to work within the law. This character will never take dirty money or hot items, unless doing so does a greater deed towards good. A loyalist character will never betray a friend and will never leave them in harm, unless they see no other chance of survival. He/she will never hurt an unarmed person unless struck upon first and will never kill an innocent person. (Good) Scrupulous: This character is conscientious; unswerving and strict. This character has a great value for life and freedom and will always try to work within the law whenever possible. This character will never take dirty money, as he/she regards it as trash. A Scrupulous character will never betray a friend and will do anything to help them. He/she may hurt an unarmed person, but will never kill an innocent person.

Selfish Virtues (Selfish) Self-Arbitrary: A character which is ruled by one's own wishes or ideas in making decisions. This character has a high value for life, particularly his/her own. He/she will be greedy and hold his/her own well-being above anyone else's. This character may try, but will almost never work within the law and will always take dirty money and hot items. This character will never betray a friend but will more than likely hurt an unarmed person and they may kill an innocent person. (Selfish) Autocrat: One who demands obedience to his/her will . This character will not tolerate the law as he/she views it as unjustified and prefers to do everything his/her way. This character has a value for life, (but thinks nobodies life is that important) This character will never work within the law and will always except dirty money and stolen goods. He/she prefers to steal or rob for themselves if need be. This person may betray a friend if his/her own life is at risk. They will never think twice about killing an

unarmed person and, although doubtful, they may kill an innocent person. (Selfish) Anarchist: One who regards all government as evil, and believes as a political idea, in living without any government. This character enjoys a thrill, a challenge and will always involve himself/herself in everything if it is possible. This character does not have value for life and will never work within the law, unless it serves his/her purpose. An Anarchist will except criminal goods such as dirty money, stolen vehicles etc. This character may betray a friend. The Anarchist will never kill an unarmed foe, but will certainly knock-out, attack and injure them. He/she will never kill an innocent person but may take them hostage or harm them. (Selfish) Anti-socialist: One who is opposed to the interests of society, or people as a whole. This character has no value for life, just his/her own and may follow the law. This person is more a loner and finds it hard making friends. This character will accept dirty money. drugs, and stolen goods. He/she will do anything for enjoyment, such as drink till he/she can't stand or rob a store, steal a car etc. This character will more than likely betray any friends he/she makes. Will hurt or injure an unarmed foe just for a laugh, and will kill an innocent person.

Evil Virtues (Evil) Miscreant: A villain, wrong doer. This character will cheat, lie, steal or rob anything or anybody as long as it comes out in his/her favor. This person does not have any value for life no matter who it may be. A Miscreant person will always except dirty money, hot items etc. And will never stay within the law. This character will almost always betray friends if it serves his/her needs. A Miscreant person will harm, most undoubtedly kill an unarmed person as if it were a challenge. This character will use, harm or even kill an innocent person. (Evil) Aberrant: Departure from what is right, true, proper, honorable etc. A deviation from what is normal. Although an evil alignment, Aberrant people do have a value for life; they are NOT cold blooded killers. This character may abide the law but will not hesitate to break it. Aberrant characters accept dirty money and stolen goods, but will not tolerate drugs. This character will never betray a friend. He/she may harm or kill an unarmed foe. And may kill an innocent person if it serves his/her purpose. Remember this character is NOT of good alignment, they may do a brutal or cruel deed. (Evil) Diabolic: Devilish; outrageously wicked; cruel. This is the category where the most brutal, cruel, violent, untrustworthy killers fall. This character has no value for life other than his/her own. They will let nothing stand in their way from total domination. They will blatantly break the law and will always take dirty money and stolen goods.

This character cannot take orders from anyone, nor will they work within a group. A Diabolic character will kill an unarmed person for sheer pleasure. He/she will kill an innocent person within a blink of an eye.

[STEP 0]-[STEP 1]-[STEP 2]-[STEP 3]-[STEP 4]-[STEP 5]-[STEP 6/7]-[STEP 8]-[STEP 9]-[STEP 10]

MONEY, ALC%, N-R%, IQ, SB/L & LUCKSTEP 6: MONEY The following currency is used throughout the world of Warfare: Thousands, Hundreds, Fifties, Twenties, Tens, Fives, and One dollar bills. A character starts with the selected Allegiance cash savings + any secondary occupation monthly income (determined in STEP 3). Each level beyond the first level, the character only receives their monthly income.

STEP 7: Determining Alcohol Consumption (Alc%)/Narcotic Resistance (N-R%), Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Skill Bonus Per Level (SB/L) and Luck. Alcohol Consumption/Narcotic Resistance Alcohol Consumption and Narcotic resistance are determined by rolling a simple percentage die (% die). This indicates the character's ability to consume alcohol and resist the effects of drugs. Intelligence Quotient Intelligence Quotient is determined by rolling two percentage dies and adding their total together, then by adding the character's total MEN score you acquire the character's total I.Q%. * NOTE* If a roll of 00 is indicated the character receives an additional percentage die (400 IQ is the maximum for any character.) Skill Bonus Per Level (SB/L) is determined by referring to a character total IQ score. And then by referring to the following table.

IQ Score 02% - 25% 26% - 50% 51% - 108% 109% - 119% 120% - 140% 141% - 250% 251% - 300% 301% - 350% 351% - 399% 400% - max. * NOTE* SB/L is used for additional skills beyond first level.

Rating Mentally incompetent Low Below average Average Above average High Genius Supra-Genius God Like Omniscient

Skill Bonus Per Level (SB/L) nil nil 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10

Skill Bonus Per Level (SB/L) SB/L is determined by the characters IQ (see Intelligence Quotient), after one has determined the characters SB/L they can use the following options/benefits. *NOTE* SB/L can only be used after the character progresses to 2nd level, and each level beyond that point. Initial Skill Credits (S.C.) are determined by adding the character's MENTALITY bonus and their starting racial skill credits together. Eg. 18 MEN = 3 S.C. + the character initial S.C. roll. Skill Credits (S.C.) are used to give the character a variety of skills and talents needed to survive the harsh world of RoH. Skill Credits can be used in the following 7 different ways: 1.) Using Skill Credits for Additional Skills; One S.C. will give the character 1 credit to use towards acquiring any skill he/she wishes or 1 Weapon proficiency. *NOTE* some skills require more than 1 credit. Eg. Technician requires 3 S.C. to be taken as a skill. 2.) Using Skill Credits To Increase Attributes ; 2 S.C. enables a character to increase any attribute by one point, except for a character's mentality attribute. A character's (MEN) score remains the same throughout the game with the exception of intoxicated periods. 3.) Using Skill Credits To Increase Luck; All Player character starts with one luck point, if they choose to increase this, they must use one S.C. for every additional luck. (see luck for a more detailed description) 4.) Using Skill Credits For Extra Money; This will enable a character to start with an additional $1000 for every S.C. used. 5.) Using Skill Credits To Increase Initial Hit-Dice ; 2 S.C. enables the character to increase his/her Hit-Dice by one. Eg: 2 S.C. could be used to make a level 1 PC, level 2 instead (rolling 2d12's for hit-points). In-turn using 4 S.C. would allow the PC to start at level 3 etc. 6.) Using Skill Credits To Increase Skill Level ; One S.C. enables a character to increase an ability one level higher than the initial base mastery. This may be increased more than once as long as the SM allows the decision. 7.) Using Skill Credits To Buy Advantages; The amount of S.C. spent on an advantage depends on each specific advantage. Great advantages cost allot and minor advantages costing few (see advantages for details). * NOTE* disadvantages can be taken to increase a characters S.C. points but disadvantages are always randomly rolled. *CRITICAL NOTE* All of these types of skill credit uses, except for attaining additional skills, can only be used at the very beginning of the game. Before the game session begins and NOT after the game session is over.

Luck Luck separates player character's from non-player characters. This is the difference between heroes and the rest of the population. Each point of luck can buy a new die roll during a game with the following limitations: a player can only re-roll one die at any one time, the number of re-rolls per game is equal to the character's starting luck.

* NOTE* Each luck point can only be used once per game session. LUCK use is simple, Say for example Leonard needs a 9 or higher on a hit roll to strike his opponent with a bat. He rolls a 7. Using 1 luck point, using the same weapon, he rolls again rolling a 15. He hits. When luck points are used they are only gone until the end of the game session.

[STEP 0]-[STEP 1]-[STEP 2]-[STEP 3]-[STEP 4]-[STEP 5]-[STEP 6/7]-[STEP 8]-[STEP 9]-[STEP 10]

SKILL DESCRIPTIONSSTEP 8: CHOOSING SKILLS Here they are all 128 skills and 44 weapon proficiencies. These will allow you to create an unlimited amount of unique characters. They are first listed by category for quick reference and then by actual description format, for a more detailed explanation.

SKILLS BY CATEGORY; The number in parenthesis indicates, the amount of Skill Credits required to obtain the skill. Computer; Computer Operations,basic (1) Computer Programmer (2) Computer Technician (3) Domestic; Academics (1) Beggar (.5) Con Artist (1) Cook (.5) Quick Draw (1) Animal Handling (1) Appraising (1) Dancing (.5) Sewing (.5) Singing (.5) Conversation (1) Electrical; Electronics, basic (1) Electrical Engineer (2) Electronics Technician (3) Avionics (2) Military; High Altitude Recon (2) Airborne Recon (2) Long Range Recon (2) Small Arms Specialist (2) Heavy Artillery (2) Fortification Specialist (2) Medic (1) Leadership (2) Special Operations (3) Covert Operations (2)

Improvised Munitions (2) Monophonic's (1) Explosives Technician (3) Airborne Troop (2) Radio Co-ordinate Opps (1) Frogman (2) Sniper (3) Infiltrationist (3) Tunnel R.A.T. (2) Survival Specialist (2) Demolitions (2) Demolitions Disposal (2) Pilot Heavy Armor Vehicles (2) Optical Systems (1) Pilot, advanced (3) Satellite Relay (1) Hand to Hand Combat (?) Espionage; Concealment (1) Coding (1) Escape Artist (1) Disguise (1) Forgery (2) Interrogation (1) Detect Concealment (1) Gaming/Gambler (1) Looting/Pillaging (1) Scavenge (2) Lock Specialist (2) Thieving/Stealing (1) Spy Tactics (2) Slight Of Hand (1) Tracking (2) Street Wise (2) Medical; First Aid (1) Paramedic (2) Medical Doctor (3) Pathology (2) Physical; Hand to Hand, basic (1) Hand to Hand, expert (2) Hand to Hand, martial arts (3) Hand to Hand, street tactics (2) Acrobatics (1) Athletics (2) Body Building (1) Boxing (1) Kick Boxing (1)

Climbing (.5) Stealth (1) Running (.5) Swimming (.5) Jumping (.5) Wrestling (1) Arts; Art (.5) Language (1) Photography (.5) Pilot Skills Ground; Automobile (1) Automobile, race (2) Motorcycle (1) Motorcycle, race (2) Airplane (2) Hovercycle (2) Truck, freight (2) Boat, sail/motor (1) Drop Ship (2) Piloting Skills Ground; Evasive Action (1) Reverse Driving (1) Stunt Tactics (2) Piloting Skills Air; Navigation (1) Comprehend Instruments (1) Weapons Systems (2) Evasive Maneuvers (1) Aerial Tactics (2) Pilot Aircraft; Airplane ,basic (1) Helicopter, basic (1) Helicopter, combat (2) Jet, commercial (2) Jet, combat (2) Hover Aircraft (2) Piloting Spacecraft Skills; Aerospace Tactics (2) Navigation, space (2) Aerospace Maneuvers (2) Aerospace Instruments (1) Pilot Spacecraft;

Spaceshuttle (2) Moonscaper (1) Aerospace, fighter (3) Sciences; Astrophysics (2) Astronautics (2) Biology (1) Chemistry (1) Mathematics (1) Metaphysics (1) Agronomy (1) Biochemistry (1) Cryptography (1) Climatography (1) Mechanical; Automobile, basic (1) Automobile, advanced (2) Hover Mechanics (3) Aircraft Mechanics (2) Robotics Technician (3) Aerospace Mechanics (3) Welder (1)

WEAPON PROFICIENCIES Melee Weapons; Pipes- Such as sewer or plumbing pipes Clubs- Such as bats, cricket sticks or wooden clubs Swords- Such as katana, ninja-to, daito, claymore, rapier etc Staves- Such as quarter staves, hand-bos, jo sticks etc Knives- Such as survival, bowie or machetes etc. Axes- Such as double bladed, hand or splitting axes Spears- Such as javelins or harpoons Oriental Misc- Such as sai, nunchuku, manji sai etc (some oriental weapons are used better as another proficiency, like katanas are considered swords. SMs discretion) Body Weaponry- Such as spurs, brass knuckles elbow spikes etc Assassination Instruments- Such as garrotes, blowguns or throat knives Entangling Weapons- Such as whips, ropes, chains etc Odd Weaponry- Such as manhole covers, trash cans, baseballs, hockey sticks etc. Custom Made Weapons- Such as a spiked bat, hooked golf club, shrade knives, extending staves etc. Dual Weapons- Such as two swords, two bats, two knives etc. (NOTE: the weapons must be the same type and approximately the same weight, SMs judgment) Missile Weapons; Revolvers

Semi Auto Pistols Fully Auto Pistols Energy Pistols Lever Action Shotguns Manual Shotguns Auto Load Shotguns Pump Action shotguns Fully Auto Shotguns Energy Shotguns Bolt Action Rifles Energy Rifles Semi Auto Rifles Assault Rifles Sub Machine-guns Custom Made Weapons - Dual Weaponry(mis) Odd Weaponry Hurled Weapons - Such as shuriken, daggers, death spikes etc. Notched Weapons - Such as compound bows, cross bows etc. C.D.C. Weapons (Critical Damage Weapons); C.D.C. Pistols- Such as the RA Judgment Soldiers Predator C.D.C. Rifles C.D.C. Shotguns Ion Cannons Particle Guns Rayle Guns Grenade Launchers Rocket Launchers-(rpgs) High Explosives- Such as C-4, C-5, plastic, dynamite etc. Hand Grenades-Such as pineapple, thermal, gas etc.

COMPUTER -Computer Operations: The basic concept of how computers work and operate, along with the ability to use modems, printers, networking and basic programming. Characters may access and retrieve encoded information, they can NOT program systems or use satellite links. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 60% -Computer Programmer: The knowledge of how to program, debug, design, use satellite link-up and create coded programs. The character basically has the capability to use any advanced program software or computer outlets. *Requires: Computer Operations PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 50% -Computer Technician: The ability to rewire, reset, design high-tech programs, install satellite links, re-design

software and repair computers. *Requires: Computer Operations PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 40%

DOMESTIC -Academics: This character has attended a college or university and completed various practices. The character receives a +10% IQ rating. He/she has a greater knowledge in mathematics, sciences, language than a person without this ability. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 70% -Animal Handling: This allows the character to properly handle tame animals, ride steeds and make them act out basic commands. Such as jumping, stop suddenly and any others the SM will allow. A failed roll means the character has no control over the animal and could be seriously hurt. PRIME REQUISITE: Appeal BASE MASTERY: 60% -Appraising: This allows the character in question to recognize and determine items of worth. The character can get a fairly accurate estimation of an items value, or useable value. This skill allows the character to buy or sell any commodity in the best possible place. A failed roll means the character has misjudged the items value or has falsely identified the item in question. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 35% -Beggar: The ability to look lost and confused plead homeless and encourage others to donate small funds to him/her. A failed roll means the party has respond negatively (SMs discretion) PRIME REQUISITE: Appeal BASE MASTERY: 20% -Con Artist: The ability to lead people into something they dont really want to do. +5% to the Cons ability for every MEN point the target has below 13. A failed roll means, the opposite effect has occurred. PRIME REQUISITE: Appeal BASE MASTERY: 15% -Conversation: The ability to use words correctly, meaningfully and sincerely. This character receives a 10% bonus to any loyalty checks and a +2 (+4 if opposite sex) bonus on initial reaction checks. A failed roll means, the opposite effect has taken place. PRIME REQUISITE: Appeal BASE MASTERY: 40%

-Cook: Skill in planning, selecting and preparing meals. A failed roll means the food is not edible, being burnt or distasteful. In either case nobody will eat the prepared food unless their starving to death. PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 60% -Dancing: A practical skill in the art of dancing. DONT LAUGH this skill has won a game of WARFARE once. A failed roll means the character has simply made a complete fool out of him/herself. PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 55% -Sewing: The practical skill with the needle and thread to mend, layout and sew simple patterns. PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 60% -Singing: The simple ability to read music and carry a pleasant tune. A failed roll means the character sounds way out of tone or simply cannot remember lyrics. PRIME REQUISITE: Appeal BASE MASTERY: 40% -Quick Draw: This skill enables the character to quickly engage in melee combat, simply by drawing his/her weapon faster than the enemy. This skills gives the character a +2 to his/her initiative rolls if they pass their check. A failed roll means the character automatically loses the initiative. PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 25%

ELECTRICAL -Basic Electronics: The understanding of electricity, basic wiring, simple circuits. The character can do basic rewiring, repair appliances etc. A failed roll means that the character cannot accomplish the task or perhaps fried themselves. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 50% -Electrical Engineer: Excellent knowledge of electricity. This person can diagnose and locate electrical problems. The character can attempt to bypass security systems and alarms. If video surveillance is present the engineer will suffer a -4 penalty to any detection rolls. A failed roll means the character has set any present alarms off or has been detected by surveillance. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 45% -Technician: Advanced knowledge of electrical properties, circuits, wiring, repairs and schematics. Can also bypass security systems, alarms and video surveillance at -10%. A -4 penalty to any detection rolls unless surveillance has been bypassed. A failed roll means the character has set any present alarms off or has been detected by

surveillance. *Requires Basic Electronics PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 40% -Avionics: Knowledge in aerospace electronics. This character has the ability to rewire, repair and re-route electric panels, circuits and read aerospace schematics. *Requires: Electrical Engineer PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 40%

MILITARY -Leadership: This skill allows the character to lead and command a group of specific persons such as military troops, police S.W.A.T. teams, etc. The skill was learned, either through practical experience or by training. Tone of voice, attitude, body posture, motivational expressions etc.. should all be taken into account for NPC morale reactions. A successful skill roll means the NPC's were motivated and have respectfully obeyed the commands desired. A failed roll means the NPC's have responded poorly to the character's commands and either retreat or do as they see fit. PRIME REQUISITE: Appeal BASE MASTERY: 30% -High Altitude Recon: This involves recon from buildings, treetops, mountains etc. This will enable the character to draw and take pictures of a certain place, such as a military base, city or town. PRIME REQUISITE: Stamina BASE MASTERY: 40% -Airborne Recon: This involves recon from some sort of flying aircraft such as a plane, jet or hang-glider etc. The character is able to draw or photograph detailed pictures, and record valuable information. PRIME REQUISITE: Combat Skill BASE MASTERY: 35% -Long Range Recon: This involves recon by foot. This enables the character to survey from a low altitude. Record information and perhaps memorize any pertinent visual information. PRIME REQUISITE: Stamina BASE MASTERY: 45% -Small Arms Specialist: A knowledge of how small arms work, how to fix, repair and un-jam guns. A failed roll means the weaponry in question cannot be fixed or un-jambed. PRIME REQUISITE: Weapon Skill BASE MASTERY: 40% -Heavy Artillery: A knowledge of heavy arms and large artillery such as antiaircraft guns, tank guns etc. A

character can repair, un-jamb or sabotage equipment. PRIME REQUISITE: Weapon Skill BASE MASTERY: 40% -Fortification Specialist : A knowledge of how to build or construct a proper short term or long term shelter or base. A character will know how to build a comfortable shelter equipped with most common comforts such as forks, spoons, chairs, beds, drying racks etc. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 50% -Monophonics: This character has the knowledge of sound transmissions, recordings and reproduction that emit a signal transmission path PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 55% -Medic: A knowledge of all basic first aid techniques and most paramedic treatment. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 30% -Special Operations: A character which has been specially trained in covert and top secret operations. Also missions which have a greater chance of being killed or captured. This gives a character a greater chance of being hired to complete secretive missions. It also gives the character a +1 bonus to any detection checks and a 10% bonus to any prowl skill they may have. PRIME REQUISITE: Combat Skill BASE MASTERY: 30% -Covert Operations: A character which has been taught how to move without being seen or detected. This character can be used on most missions or raids. This gives a character a greater chance of being hired for most military missions. It also gives the character a +5% to any prowl skill she/he may have. PRIME REQUISITE: Combat Skill BASE MASTERY: 40% -Improvised Munitions: A knowledge of how most chemical and mechanical objects work. A character will know how to use them to make improvised items, tools , weapons etc. In most situations the character can make anything out of the available materials around him/her. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 25% -Explosives Technician: A knowledge of how explosives work and how much damage they can do. The character will be able to set, wire, detonate or disarm any explosives. A failed roll means unintentional detonation has occurred or the explosive cannot be rewired etc. PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 30%

-Airborne Troop: A trained practice, of how to jump from a plane either by HALO or HAHO tactics. The ability to self navigate and land where targeted. PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 70% -Radio Co-Ordinate Operator: A knowledge of how all most any type of communication system works, old or new. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 60% -Frogmen: A knowledge of how to work within the water using currents, sonar, natural cover, waves, low/high tide, S.C.U.B.A. gear, snorkel gear, underwater vehicles etc. PRIME REQUISITE: Stamina BASE MASTERY: 40% -Sniper: The ability to shoot without any flaw or mistake. The character knows how to judge distance, wind-speed, level of descent, weather conditions etc. *NOTE* the character must be using a high powered rifle, with a some kind of scope which is capable of reading accurate measurements at great distances. THIS SKILL CAN ONLY BE USED IN EXCESS OF 100 YARDS DISTANCE *Requirements: The character must be proficient with the rifle he or she is using the Sniper skill for. PRIME REQUISITE: Weapon Skill BASE MASTERY: 65% -Infiltration Specialist: A knowledge of finding the best, or the weakest point of entry to a base or protected area to enter. This character specializes in sneak attacks and ambush assaults. PRIME REQUISITE: Combat Skill BASE MASTERY: 40% -Tunnel R.A.T: A knowledge of underground navigation, judging depth, setting underground explosives etc. PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 45% -Survival Specialist: A knowledge of how to find food, water, shelter and help, when stranded in unknown territory. Characters without this ability will not be able to stay healthy more than a few days. PRIME REQUISITE: Stamina BASE MASTERY: 35% -Demolitions: Provides the knowledge in using advanced explosives and detonation devices for the purpose of blowing up buildings, cars, towers and sabotage. This includes all types of explosives such as dynamite, plastic, nitro, C4 and blasting caps etc. Also including a basic understanding of mines and tripwires. This will increase a characters awareness of suspicious wires and strings. A failed roll means a dud. Also able to disarm any bomb constructed BY THE CHARACTER! PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality

BASE MASTERY: 60% -Demolitions Disposal: This ability enables the person to safety defuse unexploded bombs, dud artillery shells, dud explosive charges, explosive booby traps and any others. A failed roll means the explosives have exploded without warning. PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 50% -Pilot Heavy Armored Vehicles (H.A.V.): The piloting of armored assault vehicles, includes all armored all-terrain vehicles, amphibious recon, and other armored vehicles. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 60% -Optical Systems: A knowledge of a wide variety of optic systems, from video to optical enhancement devices, to laser optics. The character will understand the operation of optical readings, recordings, transmissions, and use of special equipment such as thermo-imagers, passive light intensifiers, infrared, ultraviolet, ultra vision, x-ray etc. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 65% -Pilot Advanced: A knowledge in flying basic helicopters, combat helicopters, commercial jets, private jets and fighter jets. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 20% -Satellite Relay: The understanding in the methods and operations of satellite transmissions. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 35% -Hand to Hand combat: see physical section.

ESPIONAGE -Thieving/Stealing : The ability to remove items from a person or place without being detected. If an attempt to pick a persons pocket fails, the item has NOT been removed and there is a 60% chance the intended victim recognized the intent of action. If an attempt to steal something from a store fails, there is a 90% chance that the teller will call the police, the other 10% of the time the teller will take action either by force or physical action. PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 30% -Lock Specialist: A knowledge of how most locks work. The character may pick door locks, car doors, safe locks etc. PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 45%

-Coding: This allows the character to precisely determine SOS, mirror, flashlight, survival and many other various types of messages. This also allows the character to encode all types of messages, except cryptography. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 40% -Concealment: The practiced skill of hiding something on ones body or in ones hand. Items may not be longer than 16 inches and must be less than 10 lb. and not be wider than 6 inches. SM may subtract or add % chance according to size and weight of the item the character is trying to conceal. PRIME REQUISITE: Physical Appearance BASE MASTERY: 20% -Disguise: A knowledge of how to apply makeup, use putty, latex (fake skin), make scars, dress appropriately etc. The idea of becoming someone else. PRIME REQUISITE: Physical Appearance BASE MASTERY: 20% -Escape Artist: A knowledge of knowing the methods of escaping, by relaxation, dislocation and muscle flexing. The character may try to escape from straight jackets, handcuffs and rope tied holds etc. PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 30% -Gaming: This character will have a knowledge of all games of chance such as poker, crap, roulette, pool etc. This skill can be used to cheat or spot a cheating act. This skill also can determine the character's success at chance games or the games can actually be played (SM's option). PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 35% -Looting: This skill allows a character to quickly access secret pockets, bulging locations, hidden valuables etc. Then the character can then proceed to loot an unconscious or dead person in a fifth of the time a normal thief would take. Then quickly disappear or make his/her escape. PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 30% -Forgery: The character will be able to make fake documents, I.D's, passports etc. Another skilled person can recognize the counterfeits at 6% chance. A failed roll means the forged documents or such have been recognized as counterfeit. PRIME REQUISITE: Physical Appearance BASE MASTERY: 15% -Scavenge: This character has a special talent for acquiring needed materials, either through contacts or self attained knowledge. He/she has an adept skill a making new contacts where ever he/she travels. Locating a specific item requires only a simple skill roll, if successful the character knows where to find the desired object, a failed roll means the item cannot be found within the immediate area. *NOTE* This does not mean it can't be found in a CU or other secret organization's head-quarters.

PRIME REQUISITE: Appeal BASE MASTERY: 25% -Detect Concealment: This skill allows the character to detect ambushes, hidden structures, persons in camouflage, hidden vehicles, fox holes, booby traps etc. PRIME REQUISITE: Combat Skill BASE MASTERY: 35% -I nterrogation: This skill involves the techniques in questioning a prisoner or some other person, such as a hostage. This is accomplished using physiological means or physical pain being administered. A failed roll means the interrogator cannot successfully retrieve information from the recipient (they wont tell or dont have any knowledge of what the interrogation is about. PRIME REQUISITE: Stamina BASE MASTERY: 35% -Navigation, Land: This skill allows the character to stay on course while traveling over land, by means of natural land marks, stars, sun, moon, sound and other means of navigation. A failed roll means the character has chosen the wrong direction and has drifted off course by up to 1000 yards (1D10x100) The character rolls a navigation roll every two miles, the SM should keep track of far the group or person has drifted off. The character may notice that he/she has gone of course, due to treacherous terrain, such as wind falls, swamps, quicksand and other hazards. The correction of this has delayed them and may have caused some casualties. The character may make a check roll every mile. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 50% -Streetwise: This skill allows the character to talk around and get information needed, or talk his/her way out of certain situations. Can find out if there are any secret organizations within the city he/she is in. PRIME REQUISITE: Appeal BASE MASTERY: 35% -Slight of hand: The simple skill of making something such as a small coin, card, ring etc. Disappear by hiding amongst one's body or in one's hands. Add bonus + 5% to thieving/stealing skill. PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 25% -Spying Tactics: This character is extremely good at prowling around secured property, buildings etc. He/she is capable of retrieving valuable information, such as photos, tape recordings and perhaps listen in on private conversations. A failed roll means the character has been spotted, caught or perhaps REMOVED from his/her position. PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 30% -Tracking: The practiced art of following tracks or signs made by men or animals. This skill involves the ability to tell how fast the target is moving, how badly they are weighed down, if they are male/female, how many are there, if they are walking backwards, injured and so on. Other tactics involve finding blood stains, broken vegetation, overturned rocks etc. The character may also find tire tracks, campsites, animals killed and other constructions. The character may also disguise his own trail, avoid pitfalls and other obvious signs he/she may leave behind. A failed roll means the tracks have been destroyed, vague, misleading etc. Additional tracks must be found to continue

tracking. Roll once every 50 yards when following a trail. Three consecutive, failed rolls means the tracks have been lost for good, never to be seen again. A character attempting to follow a highly skilled tracker is at -20% for every level above himself. Bloodhounds may be to of some advantage. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 30%

MEDICAL -First Aid: A knowledge of medical treatment which includes how to bandage wounds, treat common injuries, stop bleeding, apply CPR and use basic medicine. A failed roll means that the patient has not healed properly or didn't respond to the characters treatment. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 70% -Paramedic: This includes the advanced techniques of setting broken bones, treatment of concussions, movement of a critically injured person, and the use of all emergency equipment. A failed roll means that the treatment was improperly applied or the patient did not respond to treatment. Note for serious injuries or coma three consecutive roll must be made, if two out three we're successful, treatment has been properly applied. Two or three failure rolls means the patient has been improperly treated. Another person mat try immediately try again or the same character after 6 minutes of study and concentration. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 50% -Medical Doctor: This area involves areas of training/study of medical techniques, clinical skills, code of ethics, data collection, laboratory skills, muscles, respiratory, blood viruses, diseases, skeletal function and more. This character has acquired his/her Ph.D. *NOTE* the first percentile roll indicates the ability to diagnose a problem, the second is for the proper treatment of a patient. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 70% / 45% -Pathology: This part of medicine involves the nature of diseases, their cause and their cures. Training includes physiology, cell biology, anatomy, metabolism, diagnosis of any disease, drug analysis and so on. *Requirements: Chemistry PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 55%

PHYSICAL -Hand to Hand (basic): This applies to military training tactics learned in the army or in self defense classes.

Skill Level 1 +2 to body throw 1D4 dmg 2 +2 to parry/dodge 3 +1 attack per melee round 4 +2 to strike 5 +2 to dmg, punch does 2 dmg 6 Kick does 1D4 dmg 7 +1 attack per melee 8 critical strike from behind 9 Knock out/stun on a roll of 19-20 10 +2 to parry/dodge 11 +1 attack per melee 12 critical strike on a roll of 19-20 13 +2 to imp/absorb 14 +2 to dmg 15 +1 to strike -Hand to Hand (Expert): An advanced form of self defense generally taught to commandos or other special trainees. Skill Level 1 +2 to body throw 1D4 dmg 2 +2 attacks per melee 3 +2 to parry/dodge 4 +3 to strike 5 kick does 1D6 dmg 6 +3 to dmg, punch does 1D4 7 +1 attack per melee 8 knock out/stun on a roll of 19-20 9 critical strike from behind 10 +1 to damage 11 +2 attacks per melee 12 critical strike on a roll of 19-20 13 +2 to parry/dodge 14 +2 to strike 15 death strike on a natural roll of 20 -Hand to Hand Martial Arts: This involves the training and much practiced skill of which the character wishes to study. such as Kung-fu, Tae Kwon do, Ninjutsu, Karate, judo etc. *NOTE* Ninjutsu are required to take, acrobatics, climbing, prowl and have at least 1 weapon proficiency in a ninja weapon. Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 +3 to body throw 1D4 dmg +2 to parry/dodge +2 attacks per melee +3 to strike, +4 to imp-absorb body throw does 1D6 dmg, victim loses initiative and one attack +1 attack per melee, punch does 1D4 dmg KO/stun on a roll of 18-20 critical strike on a roll of 17-20

9 +2 to parry/dodge, +3 to lock hold 10 critical strike from behind 11 +1 attack per melee 12 +2 to jump kick 1D6 dmg 13 Death strike on a natural roll of 20 14 +5 to dmg, kick does 1D8 dmg 15 +2 to body throw Ninjutsu only 16 +2 to dodge/back-flip 1D20 feet backwards 17 +2 to parry/dodge 18 +3 to strike on a leg sweep technique 19 critical strike on a roll of 15-20 20 death strike on a roll of 19-20 -Hand to Hand Street Tactics: This involves the character which has already taken (basic) self defense, or has hung-out with a gang of evil alignment, or just by living on the streets all his live. Skill Level 1 +2 to parry/dodge 2 +2 to strike 3 +2 to damage, punch does 1D4 dmg 4 +2 attacks per melee 5 kick does 1D6 dmg 6 +2 to throw 1D6 dmg 7 +1 to strike, +2 imp-absorb 8 +2 attacks per melee 9 critical strike on a roll of 19-20 10 +3 to lock/hold 11 +3 to jump kick 1D6 dmg 12 death strike on a natural 20 13 critical strike on a roll of 17-20 14 +4 to dmg 15 crushing blow causing automatic IN-HP being taken off, on a natural roll of 20 -Acrobatics: A knowledge of aerial feats such as tightrope walking, high wire walking, trapeze, bungee jumping and other stunts done above ground. Also includes some rolls, leaps, falls, somersaults etc. This ability provides the following techniques; +2 to pull/drop with throw over +1 to R-P + 1D2 to AGL +1 to STA Leap 4' high, 5'in length, +1' per level PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 60% + 5% per level - Sense of balance 60% + 5% per level - Walking tightrope or high wire

80% + 1% per level - climb ropes 40% + 5% per level - climbing (or add 10% to climbing skill) 60% + 4% per level - back flip 30% + 5% per level - Stealth (or add 10% to stealth skill) -Athletics: Training in a wide variety of sports, for enjoyment of, contests of strength, endurance etc. This skill provides the following; +1 to +1 to +1 to +1 to +1D4 +1D8 parry/dodge strike with a body/tackle 1D4 dmg roll with fall/punch R-P to M-R (only to Max) to EX-HP

-Body Building: The training of weights, to tone muscles, and body +2 to R-P +10 on EX-HP. -Boxing: The art of fighting with fists, helps build body and reflexes. Knock-Out stun on a natural 20, Without declaring this attack does 1D6 dmg. This acts the first 1D6 rounds +1 attack per melee +2 to parry/dodge +2 to imp-absorb +1D2 to R-P +3D6 on EX-HP -Climbing: The skill which allows the techniques for climbing sheer surfaces.(player should roll once every 25') A failed roll causes a slip, another roll must be made against fall, to hold on. This ability provides the following. +1 to R-P +1 to STA +1D6 to EX-HP PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 60% -Sword Skills: Includes all types of swords including, katana, wakizashi, diato, shuto etc. This skill provides the following. Also includes the ability to judge a bladed weapons quality and relative value. (see table 1-4) +1 to strike +1 to dmg +1 attack per melee PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 35% (quality checks) -Stealth: This ability enables the character to move with silence and stealth. A failed roll means the character has been seen or heard. If the roll is successful the character may make a back attack or sneak attack. PRIME REQUISITE: Agility

BASE MASTERY: 30% -Running: A practiced skill to build speed and endurance. +1 to STA +4D4 to M-R (run only) +1D6 to EX-HP -Swimming: The knowledge of all swimming techniques, live-saving, dives, keeping afloat, snorkel and S.C.U.B.A. techniques. +2 to +1 to +3D4 +1D6 dodge (underwater) STA to M-R (in water only) EX-HP

-Kick Boxing: The art of foot/hand techniques. This ability enables the following; Kick does 1D4 dmg Punch does 1D2 dmg +1 to R-P +2 to STA +2 to parry/dodge +2D6 to EX-HP -Wrestling: A highly trained skill, that takes much practice, involves holds, locks, pins etc. This skill allows the following; Pin/Incapacity on a roll of 18-20 Crush/squeeze 1D4 dmg Body block/tackle 1D4 dmg and opponent must dodge or parry to avoid being knocked down. +2 to imp-absorb +2 to R-P

PILOT SKILL (Ground, Air and Water) -Automobile: Skill in driving conventional vehicles, automatics, standards etc. PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 75% -Race Car: This enables the character to drives cars designed for speeds in excess of 200mph (enables character to drive conventional vehicles) *Required: Automobile PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 55% -Race Bike: This enables the character to drive high speed motorcycles in excess of 150mph ( enables character to drive all conventional motorcycles. *Required: Motorcycle PRIME REQUISITE: Agility

BASE MASTERY: 60% -Motorcycle: This allows the character to ride a motor cycle PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 70% -Airplane: Including twin engine, commercial planes. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 65% -Truck: This includes manual or automatic transmissions; including cab-over, freighter, conventional etc. ( enables the character to drive conventional vehicles) PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 60% -Boats: Knowledge of how to operate sail and motor equipped sea vessels. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 60% -Drop ship: This allows the character to fly specially designed, combat drop ships. *NOTE* this does not include the use of weapon systems or navigational systems. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 40% -Military Hovercycle: This skill allows the character full knowledge of how the military hovercycle's work, handle and perform. The character will also understand all on-board weaponry systems and navigational equipment, pertaining specifically to this motorcycle. *NOTE* without this skill a character cannot even start this vehicle. PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 45%

PILOTING SKILLS (GROUND) -Evasive Action: The simple act of dodging a vehicle, missile or any other obstacle. This involves acts of swerving, zigzagging, turning sharply etc. A successful roll means the pilot has successfully avoided the obstacle. Penalties; driver cannot attack, passengers are -5 to attack rolls. A failed roll means a small collision has occurred, the vehicle has been struck or the assailant is still hot on his/her tracks. THREE CONSECUTIVE, evasion rolls means the pilot has completely lost the opposing threat. PRIME REQUISITE: Combat Skill

BASE MASTERY: 35% -Reverse Driving: The simple act of driving in reverse. Penalty; -15% if driving over 60 mph. The pilot cannot attack, but passengers are only -3 to attack rolls. A failed roll means a minor collision has occurred. PRIME REQUISITE: Combat Skill BASE MASTERY: 50% -Stunts: This involves, sharp turns at high speeds, ramp jumping, side wheel driving etc. Penalty; lose any attacks while attempting these maneuvers. A failed roll means the stunt has failed and serious altercations have occurred. SM's choice of damage. *NOTE* on minor collisions, a vehicles T.D.C. is reduced by the total of 4D6 (or refer to vehicle combat section) PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 30%

PILOTING SKILLS (AIR) -Navigation, Air: This allows the character to use star charts, map read and use navigational equipment(land, sea and air) as well as course computation, following landmarks etc. *NOTE* basic mathematics and comprehend instruments are required to navigate. A failed roll means pilot is off course 2D6x100 miles. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 70% -Comprehend Instruments: This skill allows the character to read instrument such as altimeter, altitude gages, navigational gages etc. He/she also can read all sensory equipment such as sonar, motion detectors, surveillance systems and radar instruments. *NOTE* characters without comprehend instruments can not understand nor operate air vehicles with any competency. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 55% -Weapon Systems: This enables a pilot of some vehicle to understand how to use all of the vehicles armament. This includes a variety of machine guns, missiles, grenade launchers, auto cannons etc. *NOTE*: characters without weapons system skill can NOT operate or use any of the vehicles armament. PRIME REQUISITE: Weapon Skill BASE MASTERY: 50% -Evasive Maneuvers: This enables the character to use rolls, dives etc. to set up a combat sequence such as to get a lock on a target, break a lock on or lose an enemy.

*Required: Aerial tactics PRIME REQUISITE: Combat Skill BASE MASTERY: 30% -Aerial Tactics: This skill allows the pilot to do center rolls, dive rolls. loops, roll-outs etc. in his/her aircraft. PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 50%

PILOT ADVANCED AIRCRAFT -Basic Helicopter: This skill includes the two seater observation choppers, commercial helicopters etc. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 50% -Combat Helicopter: This ability enables the character to fly all types of combat helicopters. Apaches, scorpions, tomahawks, warheads etc. PRIME REQUISITE: Combat Skill BASE MASTERY: 52% -Jet: This includes commercial jets, jet liners etc. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 60% -Fighter Jet: Training includes how to fly and maneuver all fighter jets. PRIME REQUISITE: Combat Skill BASE MASTERY: 50% -Hover Aircraft: This ability enables the character to fly any type of aircraft which is propelled by any source of hover jets. PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 40%

PILOTING SKILLS (AEROSPACE) -Aerospace Tactics: This skill allows the aerospace pilot to do center rolls, 0-g dives, 0-g loops, roll-outs etc. in his/her aerospace fighter. *NOTE* Other aerospace vehicles are not designed to use aerospace tactics.

PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 50% -Aerospace Maneuvers: This enables the character to use rolls, dives etc. to set up a combat sequence such as to get a lock on a target, break a lock on or lose an enemy. *Required: Aerospace Tactics PRIME REQUISITE: Combat Skill BASE MASTERY: 35% -Aerospace Instruments: This skill allows the character to read instruments such as barometers, air pressure gages, navigational gages etc. He/she also can read all sensory equipment such as radar instruments, system scanners, bio scanners, thermo imagers and other aerospace equipment. *NOTE* characters without Aerospace instruments can not understand nor operate aerospace vehicles with any competency. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 60% -Navigation, space: This allows the character to use star charts, map space imaging , read and use navigational equipment (space) as well as course computation, following star charts, star positioning etc. A failed roll means pilot is off course ( LOST IN SPACE) *NOTE* An aerospace pilot without this skill should always be escorted through space *Required: Mathematics and Aerospace Instruments PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 50%

PILOT AEROSPACE VEHICLES -Spaceshuttle: This skill allows the character to pilot a commercial spacecraft, aerospace drop ship or space exploration vehicle. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 65% -Moonscaper: This skill allows the character to pilot any ground/ planetary vehicles which are non aerospace vehicles, but still perform space exploration. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 75% -Aerospace Fighter: This ability permits the use of highly advanced space fighters. Aerospace fighters are any combat spacecraft, usually armed with a variety of weapons usable in outer-space. *NOTE* although this is a very rare occupation in WARFARE it will become more common in future WARFARE compendiums, mainly (WARFARE AND BEYOND) PRIME REQUISITE: Combat Skill


SCIENCES -Astronautics: The knowledge of construction and operations of spacecraft. This allows a character to devise and design spacecraft providing the proper materials are at his/her disposal. A failed roll means the design is flawed or the spacecraft is not functional. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 25% -Agronomy: The knowledge of agriculture that deals with the raising of crops, soil preparation and crop maintenance *Note* This skill is needed to grow anything in space. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 50% -Metaphysics: The philosophy concerned with the study of ultimate causes and underlying nature of things. A character with this skill can determine unseen causes of death, detect abnormal growths and vaccinate a variety of lethal diseases. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 35% -Biochemistry: This character has a knowledge in chemical compounds and processes that occur in living things. This skill is a must if any partial artificial being is being repaired or constructed. *Required: Chemistry PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 30% -Cryptography: This knowledge of coding and decoding secret messages, within books, encrypted computers and other written forms. PRIME REQUISITE: Stamina BASE MASTERY: 27% -Climatography: a knowledge of climates, inhabitable climates and preferable climatory terrain. This skill is mainly used in WARFARE for colonization experiments on other planets (ones not yet capable of inhabiting humans) Or used for a aerospace survival skill. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 60% -Astrophysics: A branch of astronomy dealing principally with the physical and chemical natures of the heavenly bodies and their origin and evolution. Stars, black holes, white holes, novas etc. The character will have knowledge of all of the above. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality

BASE MASTERY: 30% -Biology: The science of life, a branch of knowledge that deals with living organisms and their vital processes. The character will have a knowledge of all the above. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 40% -Chemistry: The science that deals with the composition, structure, and properties of substances and of the transformations that they undergo. The character will have knowledge of all the above. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 37% -Mathematics: The character will have knowledge in working with all problems and dilemmas such as addition, multiplication, division by subtraction, fractions, area, volumes etc. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 75% -Criminal Science: This is the knowledge of all criminal laws, police tactics, ballistics, counter espionage, counter insurgency tactics, finger-printing, motives, bullet impact angles and all general investigation skills. This also allows the character to tell time of death, cause of death and any other corpse details. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 45

ARTS -Photography: This allows the character to have the knowledge in using basic lenses, cameras, film etc. PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 50% -Art: This ability allows the character to paint or sketch accurate drawings of anything he/she sees or imagines. PRIME REQUISITE: Agility BASE MASTERY: 60% -Language: This allows the character to learn 1 additional language

MECHANICAL -Aerospace Mechanics: The knowledge of how to analyze, repair, modify or simple rebuild spacecraft. A failed roll means a minor or major malfunction has occurred (SMs option)

PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 35% -Basic Automotive: This skill allows the character to fix minor altercations on a vehicle. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 70% -Advanced Automotive: The knowledge of how to repair, rebuild, analyze and modify conventional vehicles with gas, diesel, or turbine engines. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 50% -Hover Mechanics: This is the understanding and ability to repair, rebuild and modify hover engines. This includes hover choppers, hover motorcycles and all other conventional vehicles. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 35% -Aircraft Mechanics: The ability to repair, rebuild and modify conventional aircraft, such as single and twin engine airplanes, observation helicopters, commercial jets, fighters jets etc. *NOTE* This does not apply to hover aircraft vehicles. PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 60% -Robotics Technician: A knowledge of how robotics work. This includes the ability to rewire, repair, reconstruct and modify robotics PRIME REQUISITE: Mentality BASE MASTERY: 35% -Welder: This is the ability, and knowledge of how to use any welder and cutting torches. Including Mig, Arc, Laser. PRIME REQUISITE: Stamina BASE MASTERY: 42%

[STEP 0]-[STEP 1]-[STEP 2]-[STEP 3]-[STEP 4]-[STEP 5]-[STEP 6/7]-[STEP 8]-[STEP 9]-[STEP 10]


Advantages 1.-Ambidextrous: The character in question can use both hands equally. This advantage allows the character to effectively use two weapons simultaneously when in combat. *NOTE* the weapons do not have to be of the same style like when using the dual weapons proficiency which allows a character to handle two weapons of equal style. Eg. A character use a pistol and a sword virtually at the same time when in a combat situation and NOT suffer the standard -4 penalty usually suffered when using additional weapons (see penalties/bonuses table). S.C. Cost: 2 2.-Combat Awareness: This advantage gives a character a 10% modifier to his/her coverage% when using coverage. It also gives the character a +2 to his/her initiative rolls when in combat situations. S.C. Cost: 2 3.-Followers: The character in question is constantly followed by 1D2 followers, whether they are loyal or not is left up to the SM. The followers can be a number of different occupations, or simply just friends. They most likely have attained several skills and/or talents, perhaps just a few. This determination is also left up to the SM. S.C. Cost: 4 4.-Rich Background: The character has a rich relative in his/her family. This may include any one of several possibilities, like an uncle who owns a major corporation etc. No matter what the specific character is in the good with this such person. He/she may call upon this person for financial help during the course of the game, but the relative may expect the character to pay him/her back in full. This is left up to the SM. S.C. Cost: 3 5.-Lucky: This character is extremely lucky, things just seem to go his/her way (SMs discretion). Once per game session the SM should allow something very lucky to happen to this character, like he/she comes upon a wallet which happens to have a $1,000 cash inside etc. S.C. Cost: 2 6.-Blind Fighting: This allows the character to suffer no penalty when visually impaired. IE. in a dust storm, in a dark room or in a smoky building. All others suffer a -4 penalty to strike/hit in any of these situations. S.C. Cost: 1 7.-Well Equipped: This character has acquired several useful items to date, perhaps in his/her current profession or in the past. None the less! he/she starts the game with several items the SM finds suitable for the specific character. S.C. Cost: 4 8.-Adrenaline Control: This advantage allows the character to virtually control his/her adrenaline rushes. The character receives a +2 hit/damage in melee combat, +500 lb bonus to WC, +4 to his/her M-R and an additional 10 EX-HP. This last no longer than 1 turn (14 rounds) or 9 melee combat rounds. afterwards the character must rest for a number of turns equal to how many rounds the adrenaline rush lasted. S.C. Cost: 2 9.-Die Hard: This character never, ever gives up. Whether it being when he/she is playing poker, playing mega ball or running from a police swat team. He/she receives a +4 to any STA checks, +1 to M-R when needed and a +4 to

any morale checks. S.C. Cost: 2 10.-Job: This character retains a part-time job which pays the bills, rent and keeps food on his/her plate. The job also gives the character $300/month spending money for a low paying job or $800/month for a high paying job. S.C. Cost: 1 for low paying S.C. Cost: 2 for high paying 11.-Entrepreneur: This character has a knack at using the stock market to his/her advantage. This allows the character to make 2D4 x $1,000/ month simply by investing in good markets or by selling and buying good manufacturing products. S.C. Cost: 4 12.-Eidetic Memory: This character has a photographic memory. He/she retains everything that they see or physically experience. If at anytime (the player) forgets a specific detail, the SM should inform this character the truth about the situation or perhaps another player can tell them. S.C. Cost: 2 13.-Double Jointed: This characters body is extremely flexible and can be manipulated to a certain degree. This character receives a +20% bonus to any rolls made verses escaping techniques. IE. escaping from handcuffs or ropes. They also receive a +2 bonus to any rolls which the SM may deem acceptable. IE. squeezing through bars or acrobatic checks. S.C. Cost: 1 14.-Common Sense: This advantage allows the SM to make an IQ check for the character in question every time the SM views the player making an idiotic act and/or decision. success allows the SM to inform the player of his/her bad intentions, thus allowing the player to revert the intentions. S.C. Cost: 1 15.-Reflexes: The character is extremely quick/shifty, giving him/her a +1 bonus to all initiative rolls. This also allows the character to recover from a potential misfortune. IE. stepping in front of a moving vehicle. S.C. Cost: 1 16.-Linguistics Ability: This allows the character to quickly learn an additional language. The character must be surrounded daily for two weeks by the person/being using the language. At the end of this period the character may add the language to his/her language column. S.C. cost: 1 17.-Sixth Sense: This advantage gives a character a very rare, keen surrounding awareness. He/she receives a +2 to surprise initiative situations. He/she also can sense a dangerous situation ahead of them, like walking into an ambush etc. S.C. Cost: 2 18.-Nerves Of Steel: This character NEVER! chickens out of any situation, dangerous or not. He/she will enter any combat situation, regardless of the risk or danger involved. This character receives a +1 bonus to any initiative rolls and a +5% bonus to any coverage checks, providing they are engaged in melee combat. S.C. Cost: 1 19.-Persuasion: This character deems trustworthy and talks with great honesty. Any who fail an IQ check may

perhaps consider following through with this characters wishes. This should depend on the severity of the question (SMs discretion). The character receives a +1 bonus to initial reaction checks and a 10% loyalty bonus towards any who are actively involved with this character. S.C. Cost: 1 20.-Trustworthy: This character is extremely trustworthy. If he/she gives his her word about something, its as good as a judgment soldiers aim. This character receives a +20% to all loyalty checks. S.C. Cost: 1 21.-Quick Thinker: This advantage allows the character to make instantaneous decisions, generally benefiting the character. Eg. the character is fleeing from the cops, he/she comes to a separation in the alley, the SM then must tell the player that the left alleyway leads to a dead end and the other way leads to at least two more alleyways. *NOTE* the SM should never tells the player what his/her character may encounter down any of the alleys, therefore all of them could be dead ends. S.C. Cost: 1 22.-Pain Tolerance: This character is highly resistant to pain. He/she can resist interrogation checks a -60% penalty to the interrogation roll. They also receive a +5 bonus to any STA checks Vs KO/stun and are allowed to fall 10 additional points below zero and still remain alive. *NOTE* some races receive no benefit from this advantage. S.C. Cost: 2 23.-Lawyer: The character in question knows a lawyer which will represent them in any legal proceedings upon the characters request. For a minimal charge of $500. This leans the jury in his her favor by 1 step for a practiced lawyer and by two steps for an expert lawyer. S.C. Cost: 1 for a practiced lawyer S.C. Cost 2 for an expert lawyer 24.-Contacts: This character, (somewhere down the line) has befriended and/or the contact owes the character a favor, will if at all possible help the character in times of need. The occupation of that contact is determined by the SM, but no matter what the contact will attempt to help the character in any way he/she can. S.C. Cost: 2 per contact 25.-Natural Weapon Skill: This character receives a +2 bonus to hit rolls with one specific style/category of weapon. IE. handguns, shotguns, sub-machine-guns etc. *NOTE* with the advantage weapon specialty the characters chance to hit will increase by 1 additional point. S.C. Cost: 2 26.-Weapon Specialty: This advantage allows the character to receive a +1 bonus to hit and damage with one specific type/make of weapon. I.E. a Glock-50, or a 870 Renegade shotgun. This character has spent a good portion of his/her life mastering the weapon and will be extremely fond of using this weapon. If lost he/she will undoubtedly try to replace it. S.C. Cost: 1 27.-C-U Member: This character has somehow found and purchased a C-U membership card. It allows free access to any of the existing C-Us in WARFARE and provides the character with access to illegal goods, gambling casinos and many other great opportunities in WARFARE. (See Revolutionist Compendium for more details on the Criminal Underground). *NOTE* this does NOT mean the character knows the whereabouts of all C-Us, he/she just has

access to them. They only know the whereabouts of the closest C-U to them. S.C. Cost: 7 28.-Seductive: The character in question receives a +2 bonus to his/her initial reaction checks from the opposite sex. If any interaction proceeds with this such person the character will receive a +20% bonus to his/her loyalty check or modifier. *NOTE* If the seduced persons virtue is greatly opposing the seduction bonus may be canceled (SMs discretion). S.C. Cost: 1 29.-Area Knowledge: The character in question knows a specific place/city like the back of his/her hand. The character knows the b