Pharmacy Management Project Ahmad Ibitoye

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Transcript of Pharmacy Management Project Ahmad Ibitoye

PHARMACY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMBYIBITOYE AHMAD ADEWALEREG. NO: 08283006SUBMITTED TOTHE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCEFACULTY OF SCIENCEUNIVERSITY OF ABUJAFCT-ABUJA NIGERIA IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR THE RE!UIREMENTS OF THEAWARD OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE "B.SC# INCOMPUTER SCIENCE APRIL 20$3CERTIFICATION1This is to certify that this research work was carried out by IBITOYE AHMADADEWALE with registration nuber !"#"$!!% of the De&artent of'OM()TE* +'IE,'E under the su&er-ision of M*+ O.B. I+HOLA.//////////////////////////////////////////M*+ O.B I+HOLADATE0(*O1E'T +)(E*2I+O*3///////////////////// /////////////////////D*.M.B. HAMMAWADATE0HEAD O4 DE(A*TME,T3///////////////////// /////////////////////E5TE*,AL +)(E*2I+O* DATE2AC%NOWLEDGMENT My&rofoundgratitudetoA6ighty A66ahfor theknow6edge7 wisdoand understanding that he bestowed on e to carry out this &ro8ect.I a&&reciate ysu&er-isor Mrs O.B. Isho6a for the su&er-isionandsu&&ort that shega-e7 whichhe6&edthe&rogressionandsoothnessof the &ro8ect. The co9o&eration is uch indeed a&&reciated. My gratefu6 thanks a6so go to the Entire 'o&uter science de&artentof the )ni-ersity of Abu8a7 the H.O.DDr. M.BHaawa and a666ecturers who &re&ared e fro the base of co&uter science. I wi66 a6so 6ike to a&&reciate y friends: I 6o-e you a66.+&ecia6 thanks a6so to y &arents: A6ha8i +.AIbitoye7 Ha8iya A.B.Ibitoye and Ha8iya Aisha Ibitoye who encouraged su&&orted andhe6&ed e financia66y7 &rayerfu66y and ora66y throughout this &ro8ect.MaytheA6ightyA66ahb6ess youa66 andkee&youa66 toen8oythefruit of your 6abour In shaa A66ah. 3ABSTRACTThis &ro8ect is insight intothe designandi&6eentationof a (haracyManageent +yste. The &riary ai of is to i&ro-e accuracy and enhancesafety and efficiency in the &haraceutica6 store. Today anageent is one ofthe ost essentia6 features of a66 for. Manageent &ro-ides so&histication to&erfor any kind of task in a &articu6ar for. This is &haracy anageentsyste: it is used to anage ost &haracy re6ated acti-ities in the &haracy. 4TABLE OF CONTENT'O2E* (A;E'E*TI4I'ATIO,...................................................................................................... IA' BE,E4IT+ O4 THE (*O(O+ED +Y+TEM...............................................................#!CHAPTER THREESYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN............................................#=$.! I,T*OD)'TIO,.........................................................................................................#=$.= +Y+TEM A,ALY+I+................................................................................... 21$.=.= A,ALY+I+ O4 E5I+TI,; +Y+TEM.............................................................22$.# *EA)I*EME,T+ DE4I,ITIO,...................................................................23$.#.=METHOD O4 I,4O*MATIO, ;ATHE*I,;.................................................23$.$ +Y+TEM DE+I;,....................................................................................... 24$.> +Y+TEM MODELLI,;............................................................................... 255$.? +Y+TEM 4LOW'HA*T.............................................................................. 25$.?DATABA+E DE+I;,.................................................................................... 38CHAPTER FOURSYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION.....................................................>#>.! I,T*OD)'TIO,.........................................................................................................>#>.= 'HOI'E O4 (*O;*AMMI,; LA,;)A;E.................................................42>.$ +Y+TEM DO')ME,TATIO,....................................................................................>>>.> HA*DWA*E *EA)I*EME,T..................................................................................>>>.% DATABA+E +(E'I4I'ATIO,....................................................................................>?>.@ MOD)LE DE+'*I(TIO,...........................................................................................>?>." +Y+TEM MAI,TE,A,'E.........................................................................................?$CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.................................???.! +)MMA*Y..................................................................................................................???.= 'O,'L)+IO,.............................................................................................................???.# *E''OMME,DATIO,..............................................................................................?%*E4E*E,'E+.............................................................................................................?@A((E,DI5BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..?"6LIST OF FIGURES4igure. $.$.= Waterfa66 Mode6 Of +yste De-e6o&ent Life 'yc6eBBBBBB.#>4igure$.?.= +tructure 'hartBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.#@4igure $.?.# +yste f6owchartBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..#"4igure $.?.$ Adin f6owchartBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.BBBBBB.#C4igure $.?.>+u&er-isor 46owchartBBBBBBBBBBB...BBBBBBB$!4igure $.?.?+taff f6owchartBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..$=4igure >.= Hoe&ageBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.....>?4igure >.# Adin Login MenuBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..>%4igure >.$ +u&er-isor LoginBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..>@4igure >.> +taff LoginBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB>"4igure >.? Adin Menu Modu6eBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.B.>C4igure >.% Drug *egistration 4orBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB...?!4igure >.@ +taff registration forBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..?=4igure >." +tore ManagerBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB..?#4igure >.C +a6es windowBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB?$7LIST OF TABLESTab6e $.= Adinistrator Login Tab6eBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. $"Tab6e $.# Drug inforation Tab6eBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB....$CTab6e $.$ +u&er-isor Login Tab6eBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB>!Tab6e $.> +taff Login Tab6e BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB>!Tab6e $.?+taff inforation Tab6eBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB>=CHAPTER ONE$.0 INTRODUCTION(haracy anageent syste is a anageent syste that is designed to i&ro-eaccuracyandtoenhancesafetyandefficiencyinthe&haraceutica6 store. It isaco&uter based syste which he6&s the (haracist to i&ro-e in-entoryanageent7 cost7 edica6 safety etc.The syste a66ows the user to enter a anufacturing and eD&iry date for a &articu6ar&roduct or drug during o&ening stock and sa6es transaction. The syste wi66 a6so gi-ere&ort showing the 6ist of &roducts eD&iry after a s&ecified date before the &roducte-entua66y eD&ires. It a6so in-o6-es anua6 entry u&on arri-a6 of new batches of drugsand u&on drug o-eent out of the &haracy for a certain &eriod7 e.g. e-ery onth7the &haracist ay want to generate re&ort for the o-eent of drugs in and out ofthe &haracy7 getting inforation about the drugs e.g. eD&iry date7 date &urchased7nuber of drug ty&e 6eft7 6ocation of a drug in the &haracy. 8At &resent7 anua6 syste is being uti6iEed in the &haracy. It reFuires the &haracistto anua66y onitor each drug that is a-ai6ab6e in the &haracy. This usua66y 6eads toistakes as the work6oad of the &haracist increases.$.$ BAC%GROUND OF THE STUDYDue to the siEe and Fua6ity ser-ice of the &haracy7 the &haracy has a -ery 6argecustoer base. These custoers tend to -isit the &haracy for ser-ices ost6y whentheyc6osefrowork.At this&eriod7 thenuberofcustoersthat &atronisethe&haracy is on the increase7 thereby aking the work6oad of the &haracists uchore tedious. This case akes it difficu6t for the &haracist to attend to custoers ina short &eriod. Meanwhi6e the &haracist has to ensure satisfaction in ser-ices to kee& theircustoers. The factors entioned abo-e7 resu6ts in de6ayof the ser-ices beingrenderedtothecustoers7 therebys6owingdownsa6es andrisk6osing-a6uab6ecustoers in the 6ong run.$.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM(haracyanageent haske&t &a&errecordinfi6ingcabinets. Managinga-ery6arge &haracy with records on &a&ers wi66 be tedious and difficu6t to kee& track ofin-entories withregardstothedrugs inthestore7 eD&irydate7 Fuantityof drugsa-ai6ab6e based on the categories and their functions.The&haracist hastoorder drugstore&6enishthea6readydiinishingstock. Inaddition7 ordering of drugs is being carried out anua66y. +ignificant aount of tieisa66ocatedforwritingtheorderasthe&haracist needstogothroughthestockba6ance and ake rough estiate of the aount to order based on 4igures. 2Drugs are not su&&osed to be used after they ha-e eD&ired. This &ro8ect work wi66&ro&t the &haracist about drugs that are c6ose to eD&iry7 &re-enting those drugsfro being so6d and a6so &ro-iding so6ution to the ear6ier stated &rob6es.$.3 AIMS AND OBJECTIVESThe ai of this &ro8ect is to de-e6o& a software for the effecti-e anageent of a&haraceutica6 store that wi66 be ab6e to achie-e the fo66owing ob8ecti-esG- Ensuring effecti-e &o6icing by &ro-iding statistics of the drugs in stock.- Maintaining correctdatabase by&ro-iding ano&tiontou&date the drugs instock.- I&ro-ingtheefficiencyofthesystebyensuringeffecti-eonitoringofser-ices and acti-ities.- To&ro-ideo&tia6 drugin-entoryanageent byonitoringthedrugo-eent in the &haracy.- To ensure that there eDists a 6e-e6 of restricted access based on functiona6ityand ro6e.- To ensure that the syste is user friend6y.- To be ab6e to generate re&ort within a s&ecified &eriod of tie.$.& SCOPE AND LIMITATIONThe sco&e of this &ro8ect is 6iited to the acti-ities of a &haraceutica6 store whichinc6udes wi66 i&ro-ing hea6th outcoes7 reduce hos&ita6 and 6ong tercareadissions7 enhance access and care in the Estate and surrounding counities andensuring best use of resources7 the use of a co&uter based anageent syste fori&ro-ing the efficiency of a &haracy is needed and it is an essentia6 &art of anyodern continuous6y e-o6-ing society.3The syste wi66 not be ab6e to hand6e drug &rescri&tion7 drug to drug interaction. Thesyste wi66 not be ab6e to hand6e contraindication and &o6y&haracy in a &rescri&tion:this i&6ies that these ser-ices wi66 be anua66y co&6eted by the &haracist.$.' RESEARCH METHODOLOGYTheresearchethodusedfor this &ro8ect workgi-es adescri&tionof howthe&haracyanageent systeforBoniks(haracyandstores7 ;wari&aEstate7Abu8a wi66 be de-e6o&ed.Therefore the ethod used in the design and co66ections of inforation fro -arioussources are as fo66owsG- +tudying the &resent syste in detai6 and the organiEationa6 sty6e.- !!!B'7 theyusededicina6&6ants such as 6iFuorice7 ustard7 yrrh7 and o&iu. There were se&arate &eo&6e whoworked to &re&are edicines7 as a se&arate ro6e fro diagnosis and treatent whichwas carried out by edics. These &recursors to &haracists a6so cobined their ro6ewith that of a &riest. The +uerians wrote the ear6iest sur-i-ing &rescri&tions fro at6east #@!! B.'. I so near6y ?!!! years ago 0;riggs7 =CCC3.The Ancient Egy&tians hads&ecific&re&arers of edicine7 knownas (asto&hor.(haracywas -iewedas ahighstatus branchof edicine7 andagain7 6ike the+uerians7 these&haracists werea6so&riests whoworkedand&ractisedinthete&6es 0Anderson7 #!!?3.74rosur-i-ing&a&yrus scro66s7notab6y the Ebers (a&yrus which dates fro=?!!B'7 weknowthat theEgy&tians adeandusedinfusions7 ointents7 6oEenges7su&&ositories7 6otions7 eneas7 and &i66s. The Ebers (a&yrus inc6udes "@?&rescri&tions and @!! drugs. Meanwhi6e7 in 'hina in about the sae era 0#!!! B'37 aan ca66ed +hen ,ung wrote the first nati-e herba67 which contained descri&tions of$%? &6ant9based drugs 0Anderson7 #!!?3.+ta66sandsho&sse66ingedicina6goodseDistedaround=C!!B.'.inthetownof+i&&araontheEu&hrates*i-er.Howe-er7theear6iest recordedsho&dea6ingwithsa6es of edicines in London was o&ened in =$>?.In ancient ;reece and *oe and during the idd6e Ages in Euro&e7 the art of hea6ingrecogniEed a se&aration between the duties of the &hysician and those of the herba6ist7who su&&6ied the &hysician with the raw ateria6s fro which to ake edicines.The Arabian inf6uence in Euro&e during the "th century had howe-er brought aboutthe&racticeofse&aratedutiesforthe&haracist and&hysician. Thetrendtowards&ecia6iEation was 6ater reinforced by a 6aw enacted by the city counci6 of Bruges in=%"$7 forbidding&hysiciansto&re&areedicationsfortheir &atients. In Aerica7Ben8ain 4rank6in took a &i-ota6 ste& in kee&ing the two &rofessions se&arate whenhe a&&ointed an a&othecary to the (ennsy6-ania Hos&ita6.The de-e6o&ent of the &haraceutica6 industrysince Wor6dWar II 6edtothedisco-ery and use of new and effecti-e drug substances. It a6so changed the ro6e of the&haracist. Thesco&efor eDte&oraneous co&oundingof edicineswasuchdiinishedandwithit theneedfor theani&u6ati-eski66s that were&re-ious6ya&&6ied by the &haracist to the &re&aration of &i66s7 &6asters7 and &otions 0*osenberg7#!!"3. 8The &haracist continues7 howe-er7 to fu6fi6 the &rescriberJs intentions by &ro-idingad-ice and inforation: by foru6ating7 storing7 and &ro-iding correct dosage fors:andbyassuringtheefficacyandFua6ityof thedis&ensedor su&&6iededicina6&roduct.2.$.2 O-0/01 218 D+;+546,+1* 4: P72-,23(Before the dawn of historyancient an 6earned fro instinct7 fro obser-ation ofbirds and beasts. 'oo6 water7 a 6eaf7 dirt7 or ud was his first soothing a&&6ication. Bytria67 he 6earned which ser-ed hi best. E-entua66y7 he a&&6ied his know6edge for thebenefit of others 0Mathews7 =C%#3.P72-,23(012130+1* B2C". T7+S430+*(4: A64*7+32-0+) 4: L41841:In=%=@7 4rancis Bacon0&hi6oso&her9&o6itician3 fored a se&arate co&any known as the KMaster7 Wardens and +ociety of11the Art and Mystery of the A&othecaries of the 'ity of LondonK. This was the firstorganiEation of &haracists in the Ang6o9+aDon wor6d 0Mathews7 =C%#3. S37++5+ - G-+2*+)* 4: *7+ P72-,230)*)-C7+,0)*):During his few short years7 'ar6Wi6he6+chee6e ga-e to the wor6d disco-eries that ha-e brought its &eo&6einca6cu6ab6e ad-antages. He ade thousands of eD&erients7 disco-eredoDygen7ch6orine7 &russic acid7 tartaric acid7 tungsten7 o6ybdenu7 g6ycerine7 nitro9g6ycerine7andcount6essotherorganicco&oundsthat enter intotodayHsdai6y6ife7 industry7hea6th7 and cofort. T7+ A,+-0321 P72-,23+.*0325 A))4302*041: )nder 6eadershi& of its first (resident7Danie6 B. +ith7 and first +ecretary7 Wi66ia(rocter7 1r.7 the twentyde6egates6aunched The Aerican (haraceutica6 Association and o&ened ebershi& to KA66&haracists and druggistsK of good character who subscribed to its 'onstitution andto its 'ode of Ethics. The Association continues to ser-e (haracy today 0Bender7=C%@3. E.-46+21A18A,+-0321P72-,23( M++*:Euro&eanandAerican (haracygrou&s et for the first tie7 at the +econd Internationa6 'ongress of (haracy in(aris7 4rance in ="%@.2.$.3 S4,+ >+( 82*+) 01 P72-,23( 70)*4-(="#! The a6ka6oid Fuinine was first eDtracted fro the bark of cinchona treesby two 4rench cheists7 (ierre 1ose&h (e66etier and 1ose&h Bienae'a-entou.="@> Diaor&hine or Heroin was first synthesised fro or&hine.12=""$ 4irst edition of The EDtra (haraco&oeia &ub6ished7 edited by Wi66iaMartinda6e and Dr Wynn Westcott.="CC As&irin7 was 6aunched by the ;eran co&any.=C=! +a6-arsan7 the first Hagic bu66etHdrug7 effecti-e against sy&hi6is wasdisco-ered by (au6 Ehr6ich and Dr +ahachiro Hata.=C=? Medicine sta& duty was doub6ed as a wartie fundraiser.=C=@ The 2enerea6 Disease Act &rohibited the ad-ertising of edicines for2D and se66ing iDtures containing schedu6ed substances. Itintroduced the conce&t of H&rescri&tion on6yH edicines.=C## The Dangerous Drugs Act regu6ated the i&ort and sa6e of &otentia6drugs of addictioninc6udingthederi-ati-es of o&iu7 cocaineandcannabis so wide6y used in &ro&rietary reedies.=C#" (enici66in disco-ered by A6eDander 46eing.=C$" The 4ood and Drugs Act &rohibited the adu6teration and is6abe66ingof drugs.=C$C The'ancer Actrestrictedthead-ertiseentof&roductsc6aiingtotreat cancer.=C>! )nder the 4inance 0,o. #3 Act &urchase taD was i&osed on a range ofgoods inc6uding ost drugs and edicines.=C>= The(haracyandMedicinesAct re&ea6edtheo6dedicinesta&duty. It forbade the genera6 ad-ertiseent of &roducts c6aiing to treata nuber of s&ecific i66nesses inc6uding BrightHs disease7 cataract13e&i6e&sy and TB7 or to be effecti-e in &rocuring an abortion. 4or thefirst tie anufacturers were reFuired to 6ist the acti-e ingredients of&roducts on their &ackaging.=C>" The ,ationa6 Hea6th +er-ice ade &rescri&tion edicine a-ai6ab6e toa66. )nti6 the introduction7 in the =C?!s7 and subseFuent heftyincreasing of &rescri&tion charges7 &ro&rietary edicines were no6onger seen as a chea& a6ternati-e to seeing the doctor.=C%= Ibu&rofenwas first synthesisedbyateaat theBoots (ureDrug'o&any in Deceber.=C%> Introduction of Ad-erse Drug *eaction Hye66ow cardH schee inres&onse to the tha6idoide tragedy of =C%=.2.2 THE PRESENT DAY PHARMACY Theoderndrugstore-ariessignificant6yfroitsancient counter&arts. Whi6ethe&ro&rietors of &haracies in the far distant &ast were often aking nuerous edica6decisions 9 diagnosing and treating &atients without the consu6tation of &hysicians 9&haracistsintheoderndrugstorearetaskedinsteadwiththeres&onsibi6ityofe-a6uatingthea&&ro&riateness andanagingthedis&ensationof &haraceutica6s&rescribed to &atients under a doctorHs care. Aong the ost i&ortant of &haracist8obs is assuring that the &atient has not been &rescribed two drugs which wi66 ha-e anad-erseinteraction.Anin9de&thstudyof&haraco6ogyisreFuiredtoakesuche-a6uations and in a66 states such &ositions are high6y regu6ated and reFuire testingbefore the issuance of a &haracistHs 6icense.144ar fro being 8ust a c6erk behind a counter7 &haracists a6so &6ay a ro6e in diseaseanageent and e-a6uation of test resu6ts. In hos&ita6s7 &haracists are often in thero6e of inter&reting cheica6 signatures in co&6eD test resu6ts and ad-ising&hysicians on treatent o&tions as we66 as aking doctors aware of new and &ossib6yore effecti-e drugs.Many &eo&6e interested in a career as a &haracist ha-e found that in recent ties it isa Fuite re6iab6e &rofession in ties of econoic hardshi&. Earnings for &rofessiona6&haracists continue to rise whi6e the industry for new and returning workers is Fuiterobust.2.2.$ H4A *4 B+34,+ 2 P72-,230)* - E8.32*041 218 T-20101/The history of &haraceutica6 education has c6ose6y fo66owed that of edica6education. As the training of the &hysician underwent changes fro the a&&renticeshi&syste to fora6 educationa6 courses7 so did the training of the &haracist. The firstco66ege of &haracy was founded in the )nited +tates in ="#= and is now known asthe (hi6ade6&hia 'o66ege of (haracy and +cience. Other institutes and co66eges wereestab6ishedsoonafterinthe)nited+tates7 ;reat Britain7 andcontinenta6 Euro&e.'o66eges of &haracy as inde&endent organiEations or as schoo6s of uni-ersities nowo&erate in ost de-e6o&ed countries of the wor6d.The course of instruction 6eading to a bache6or of science in &haracy eDtends at 6eastfi-eyears.The firstandfreFuent6y thesecondyear of training7 ebracing genera6education sub8ects7 are often &ro-ided bya schoo6 of arts andsciences. Manyinstitutions a6so offer graduate courses in &haracy and cognate sciences 6eading tothe degrees of Master of +cience and doctor of &hi6oso&hy in &haracy7&haraco6ogy7 or re6ated disci&6ines. These ad-anced courses are intended es&ecia66y15for those who are &re&aring for careers in research7 anufacturing7 or teaching in thefie6d of &haracy.+ince the treatent of the sick with drugs enco&asses a wide fie6d of know6edge inthe bio6ogica6 and &hysica6 sciences7 an understanding of these sciences is necessaryfor adeFuate &haraceutica6 training. The basic fi-e9year curricu6u in the co66egesof &haracy of the )nited +tates7 for eDa&6e7 ebraces &hysics7 cheistry7 bio6ogy7bacterio6ogy7 &hysio6ogy7 &haraco6ogy7 and any other s&ecia6iEed courses. As the&haracist is engagedinabusiness as we66 as a&rofession7 s&ecia6 trainingis&ro-idedinerchandising7 accounting7 co&uter techniFues7 and&haraceutica68uris&rudence.(haracists graduating froco66ege todayare reFuired to ha-e a (harD7 ordoctorate of (haracydegree. 'o66ege students canstart a four9year &haracy&rograaftersuccessfu66yco&6etingtwoyearsofundergraduatecourseworkandearning a &assing score on the ('AT 0(haracy co66ege adission test3. 'ourseworkin&haracyand&re9&haracyinc6udescheistry7&hysics7 bio6ogy7anatoy7and&hysio6ogy.Additiona66y7(harDstudentsust co&6eteaseriesofrotationsina-arietyofc6inica6 and &haraceutica6 settings. The 6ength and Fuantity of rotations -aries7 butthe a-erage (harD &rogra reFuires @9=! rotations7 each of which is >9% weeks in6ength.If a student knows ear6y in his or her co66ege career that they wou6d 6ike to becoe a&haracist7 onecou6dgraduate witha(harDinabout %years. Manyco66egestudents do not decide unti6 6ater in co66ege or after co66ege to becoe a &haracist:therefore7 any &haracists ha-e co&6eted eight years of co66ege.162.3 THE FUTURE OF PHARMACYAutoation wi66 assist with this7 because anything that strea6ines and autoates thedis&ensing and distribution &rocess wi66 ob-ious6y free the &haracist to fu6fi66 oreof a c6inica6 ro6e as we667K said1aes Owen7 B+(har7 (harD7 director of&rofessiona6 &ractice for the Aerican (haracists Association 0A(hA3.+i&6y&ut7 &haracistsand&haraciesoftoorrowust findwaystoincrease&rofit argins by reducing the cost of &rescribing7 ebracing techno6ogy7 andfocusingoreon&atient counse66ing7 iuniEations7 education7 andothernatura6offshoots of their c6inica6 eD&ertise. +oe eD&erts &redict that the future of &haracywi66 ebrace the c6inica6 ski66s and care &haracists ha-e a6ways been Fua6ified tode6i-er.Techno6ogica6 o&tionsa-ai6ab6eto&haraciestodayareasnuerousastheyarecon-enient. As the hea6thcare syste becoes ore digita67 the ost eDciting thing isthat&haracists wi66 ha-e the&otentia6tobecoe ore connected to &atientsandha-e ore tie for &atient9centred acti-ities.K2.3.1 Categories of Some of the technologies in the future are: *esources for c6inica6 decision su&&ort. Error &re-ention and Fua6ity assurance. Ad-ancesinbar9codingande-enradio9freFuencyidentificationtechno6ogywi66 he6& &haracists -erify the a&&ro&riate use of edications. Te6ecounications infrastructure. 4or eDa&6e7 to be ab6e to send a &atient ateDt essage reinder to take eds or easure b6ood g6ucose 6e-e6s. This wi666ead to better se6f9care anageent beha-iours. Autoation and robotics. 'o66aborati-e &ractice connecti-ity7 achie-ed through a cobination ofe6ectronic &rescribing 0e9&rescribing3 and the abi6ity to connect to andeDchange data with 6abs and &hysician offices.17 De6i-ery ser-ice su&&ort7 using ;(+9dri-en te6ecounications systes forrouting7 tracking7 order status7 dis&atch7 6ocating7 and o-ersight. (haracy sur-ei66ance and security systes7 which wi66 create a greater 6e-e6of security for &haracies e-en when &haracists are off9site.(haracies that donot ste&u&tothis cha66engewi66 6osetheabi6itytohand6ei&ortant drugs7 and this wi66 ean 6oss of soe of their ost -a6uab6e &rescri&tionsand &atients. +e-era6 co&anies se66 software and hardware that increase the efficiency of&haracies by anaging workf6ow. The &haracist wi66 &6ay a significant ro6e in aking contributions to &atient care7 andthese contributions wi66 be docuented using techno6ogyand transitted usingtechno6ogy7 and that care wi66 be recorded in the EH* 0e6ectronic hea6th records3 inthe future. (haracists wi66 be integra6 tea ebers as far as the care of &atients isconcerned.KI&ro-ed care and reduced errors wi66 be the cornerstones of this re6ationshi& between&haracists and autoation.2.3.2 T7+ 67()0325 52(4.* 4- 266+2-213+ 4: *4,4--4A@) 672-,230+) +oe eD&erts say it de&ends on the indi-idua6 &haracy and the ty&e of autoationbeing i&6eented.AccordingtoBi66 ;. 4e6key7 BA7 M+7 &rofessor of hea6thcareinforatics inthede&artent of &haracy care syste at Auburn )ni-ersity in A6abaa &redicted thatany &haracies across the country wi66 choose to o-e the &haracist to a orecons&icuous forward 6ocation in their stores. With the &haracist in front7 howe-er718you can &ut the techno6ogy behind c6osed doors or you can be6ie-e that &atients wi66befascinatedtoseehowtheseroboticswork. Therewi66 eDist aiDedrece&tion7de&ending u&on where the &haracy is and u&on how we66 the &atients recei-e thedis&6ay of a66 these techno6ogies.Mu66er said that dis&ensing achines wi66 ha-e a definite i&act on 6ayout. It has tobe easi6yaccessib6e tostaff7 but not 6ocatedinanarea that causes traffic andbott6enecks. Workf6ow a6so affects the 6ogica6 &6aceent of a dis&ensing achine. Ifthe achine counts but does not 6abe6 and -ia67 it needs to be 6ocated in the technicianarea and &ositioned so a66 techs ha-e easy access. If the achine 6abe6s and -ia6s7 andon6y reFuires the fina6 &haracist check7 it needs to be 6ocated between the&haracists and technicians7 de&ending on who is &utting the &rescri&tion in the bag.Autoation needs to fit into workf6ow7 not 8ust be a &art of it.'hristo&her Thosen7 -ice &resident7 business de-e6o&ent7 ." abo-e shows the store anager. Here drugs can be so6d. The user wi66 be reFuired to se6ect a category of drug to se66. Drugs in the &haracy are categorised based on their function. When the drug needed to be &urchased is se6ected7 the software generates i&ortant inforation about the drug such as dosage7 a-ai6ab6e Fuantity7 se66ing &rice7 eD&iry date7 6ocation of the drug in the &haracy etc. A6so the user can se66 drugs7 &rint bi667 check a66 stock7 6ow stock or check the eD&ired drugs in stock.53+ALE+ WI,DOW4igure >.C +howing +a6es4igure >.C shows the 6ist of drugs so6d in the &haracy. There is an o&tion to -iew the sa6es inthe &haracy within a s&ecified date. &.8 SYSTEM MAINTENANCEMaintenanceis acontinuous &rocess of akingodifications andu&gradingthea&&6ication. This usua66y coences after the a&&6ication has gone into use. There aretwo different ways by which this a&&6ication can be aintained. They inc6udeG Additi-eor Enhanceent aintenance:Business &rocesses aredynaic. Asbusiness &rocesses change7 a&&6ications that su&&ort these &rocesses ust e-o6-etoref6ectthesechanges. Thus7 forthisa&&6icationto&erforo&tia66yandtoeet changing user reFuireents7 it ust be odified continuous6y.54 'orrecti-e aintenanceG This is reFuired in the e-ent that an error occurred whenthe a&&6ication is in use. 'orrections ust be ade to changes disco-ered that cancause a6functioning of the syste.55CHAPTER FIVECONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION'.0 SUMMARY(haracy anageent syste is designed to i&ro-e the accuracy7 enhance safetyand efficiency in the &haraceutica6 store. It is a co&uter based syste which he6&sthe (haracist to i&ro-e in-entory anageent7 cost7 edica6 safety etc.(haracy anageent syste was de-e6o&ed to ensure the security of inforationandre6iabi6ityof(haracyrecordswhenaccessingand&ro-idingser-icestothecustoers. The inforation gathered during the data co66ection was &ro&er6y ana6ysedandtheresu6ts&ro-idedthebasisforthenewsyste.Thesystewastestedandfound to be functiona6 and the out&uts &roduced by this syste were encouraging. Thea&&6ication wi66 hence reduce the 6oss of inforation un6ike the eDisting syste anda6so inforation wi66 be &rocessed fast.'.$ CONCLUSIONEffecti-e i&6eentation of this software wi66 take care of the basic reFuireents ofthe &haracyanageent systebecause it is ca&ab6e of &ro-iding easyandeffecti-e storage of inforation re6ated to acti-ities ha&&ening in the sti&u6ated area.With these7 the ob8ecti-es of the syste design wi66 be achie-ed.56In order to a66ow for future eD&ansion7 the syste has been designed in such a waythat wi66 a66ow&ossib6eodificationasit aydeenecessarybythe&haracyanageent7 whene-er the idea arises.'.2 RECCOMMENDATIONDesigning this a&&6ication 0(haracy anageent syste3 is not an easy task. It a66startedfrothereFuireent gatheringand&asses throughsoanyother stagesbefore co&6etion.Based on the benefits of this syste and treendous -a6ue it wi66 add to custoer9usersatisfaction7 the be6ow recoendation wi66 be considered:It is recoended that the new systeshou6d be used with the necessarys&ecifications of the syste reFuireents and &ro-ision for an uninterru&ted &owersu&&6y shou6d be ade a-ai6ab6e throughout the hours of o&eration of the &haracy toa-oid &ower outage. There shou6d a6so be basic co&uter know6edge for the users ofthe software.It is recoended that the software be i&ro-ed es&ecia66y in areas of accounting asit wi66 be of great i&act to the de-e6o&ent of retai6 &haracy.57REFERENCESBarbara ;riggs.Green Pharmacy: The History and Evolution of Western HerbalMedicine, Second Edition. Viin! "ress, #$%&'(. P! %)*%+.'har6es E. *osenberg7 Morris 1. 2oge6. The Thera"eutic ,evolution: Essays in the socialhistory of -merican Medicine, Second Edition. .niversity of Pennsylvania "ress, #$%+%(.P! $+/.(eter ; Hoan7 Briony Hudson7 *ayond ' *ow. Po"ular Medicines: -n illustrated Les6ie ;. Mathews. History of Pharmacy in 0ritain. Edinbur!h, E1S. 2ivin!stone#$%3'(.P! '$)*'').History, 4ourth Edition. Trade "a"erbac, Pharmaceutical "ress #'55&(. P!. $'+.+tuart Anderson. Main! Medicines: - 0rief History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals,Si6th Edition. 7essica 8in!sley "ublisher, #'559(. P! '$/.'har6es E. *osenberg.History of Medicine and-llied Sciences, Seventh Edition..niversity of Pennsylvania "ress, #'55)(. P! $%+.;eorge A. Bender.Great moments in Medicine, :ambrid!e university "ress#$%3+(. P!$$&.58APPENDIB +O)*'E 'ODEADMI, LO;I, P&'()*+ S,- ./0L12'34C5'.678O3 E&&1& R+9,/+ N+:*;VALIDATEUSERNAME AND PASS ?? T@+3M92A1: ?ENTER USERNAME AND PASS ADMIN1 T@+3I= D)99.T+:* > ADMIN2 T@+3;I! IT CORRESPONDSB DISPLAY CON!IRMATIONM92A1: ?LOGIN ?? T@+3A++D60

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I4 YO) WA,T TO 'HA,;E YO)* )+E*,AME A,D (A++WO*D (LEA+E +ELE'T HYE+H. I4 YO) WA,T TO 'HA,;E YO)* (A++WO*D O,LY +ELE'T H,OH. I4 YO) WA,T TO 'A,'EL THI+ (*O'E++7 (LEA+E +ELE'T H'A,'ELHK7 -bAuestion Q -bYes,o'ance67 K0LO;I, MA,A;E*3K3If A,+ M -bYes ThenH'HA,;E )+E*,AME A,D (A++WO*D'hange/)ser/(assEDit +ubHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN67E6seIf A,+ M -b,o ThenH'HA,;E (A++WO*D'hange/(assEDit +ubHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNE6seIf A,+ M -b'ance6 ThenH'A,'ELEDit +ubEnd IfHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNE6seHI4 LO;I, DETAIL+ WA+ ),+)''E++4)LL THE,MsgBoD KYO) A*E ,OT A)THO*I+EDK7 -bEDc6aation7 K0LO;I, MA,A;E*3KEnd IfHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEnd +ub(ri-ate +ub cdDEL/'6ick03On Error *esue ,eDtDi A,+ As IntegerHDI+(LAY 'O,4I*MATIO, O4 DELETIO,68A,+ M MsgBoD0KA*E YO) +)*E YO) WA,T TO DELETE THI+ DE(A*TME,TRK7 -bAuestion Q -bYes,o3If A,+ M -bYes ThenHDELETE *E'O*DAdo'AT.*ecordset.De6eteEnd If End +ub(ri-ate +ub cd'AT/'6ick03On Error *esue ,eDtHDI+(LAY 'ATE;O*Y (A,ELHHIDE THE *E+Tfr)+E*.2isib6e M 4a6sefrA)THO*.2isib6e M 4a6se4r+TATE.2isib6e M 4a6sefr+TA44.2isib6e M 4a6seH+HOW'ATE;O*Yfr'AT.2isib6e M TrueAdo'AT#.*ecordset.Add,ewtDt'AT.TeDt M KKHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEnd +ub69(ri-ate +ub cdD*);/'6ick03frD*);+.+howfrD*);+.Ti,EW.Enab6ed M TrueMe.HideEnd +ub(ri-ate +ub cd(A++/'6ick03On Error *esue ,eDtHDI+(LAY )+E* (A,ELfr'AT.2isib6e M 4a6sefrA)THO*.2isib6e M 4a6seAdo'AT#.*ecordset.'ance6)&datefr)+E*.2isib6e M TruetDt)+E*.TeDt M KKtDt(A++.TeDt M KKHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEnd +ub70(ri-ate +ub cdMD*);/'6ick03fr+TO*E.+howMe.HideEnd +ub(ri-ate +ub cd+ALE+/'6ick03fr2+ALE.+howMe.HideEnd +ub(ri-ate +ub cd+TA44/'6ick03HDI+(LAY +TATEfr+TA44.2isib6e M TrueHHIDE THE *E+T4r+TATE.2isib6e M 4a6sefr'AT.2isib6e M 4a6sefr)+E*.2isib6e M 4a6sefrA)THO*.2isib6e M 4a6seEnd +ub(ri-ate +ub cd+TATE/'6ick03On Error *esue ,eDt+how/+tate71H'LEA* *E'O*D+6stLOW.'6ear6stA)A,.'6ear6stE5(.'6earHDI+(LAY +TATE4r+TATE.2isib6e M TrueHHIDE THE *E+Tfr'AT.2isib6e M 4a6sefr)+E*.2isib6e M 4a6sefrA)THO*.2isib6e M 4a6sefr+TA44.2isib6e M 4a6seH'A,'EL )(DATI,; THE DATABA+EAdo'AT#.*ecordset.'ance6)&dateAdo)+E*.*ecordset.'ance6)&dateHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNH+TA*T TIME*TiD*);.Enab6ed M TrueEnd +ub(ri-ate +ub cd+TO*E/'6ick03On Error *esue ,eDt72fr+TO*E.+howfr+TO*E.Ti,EW.Enab6ed M TrueMe.HideEnd +ub(ri-ate +ub cd2D*);/'6ick03frD*);+.+howMe.HideEnd +ub(ri-ate +ub cd2+TA44/'6ick03fr2IEW+TA44.+howMe.HideEnd +ub(ri-ate +ub 4or/Load036b6DATE.'a&tion M DateEnd +ub(ri-ate +ub 4or/)n6oad0'ance6 As Integer3On Error *esue ,eDtDi A,+ As Integer73HDI+(LAY 'O,4I*MATIO, O4 DELETIO,A,+ M MsgBoD0KA*E YO) +)*E YO) WA,T TO A)ITRK7 -bAuestion Q -bYes,o3If A,+ M -bYes ThenH'A,'EL )(DATE+Ado'AT.*ecordset.'ance6)&dateAdo'AT#.*ecordset.'ance6)&dateAdo)+E*.*ecordset.'ance6)&datefrADMI,Login.+howfrADMI,Login.AdoLogin.*efreshH),LOAD ALL 4O*M+)n6oad frD*);+)n6oad fr+ALE)n6oad fr+(LA+H)n6oad fr+TA44*eg)n6oad fr+TO*E)n6oad frTe66er)n6oad fr2+ALEEDit +ubEnd If'ance6 M =End +ub74(ri-ate +ub Iage=/MouseMo-e0IndeD As Integer7 Button As Integer7 +hift As Integer7 5 As +ing6e7 Y As +ing6e3fr+TA44.2isib6e M 4a6seEnd +ub(ri-ate +ub 6b6'LO+E$/'6ick03On Error *esue ,eDtHHIDE THE 4*AMEfrA)THO*.2isib6e M 4a6seHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEnd +ub(ri-ate +ub 6b6'LO+E=/'6ick03On Error *esue ,eDtH'A,'EL )(DATE+Ado)+E*.*ecordset.'ance6)&dateHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHHIDE THE 4*AMEfr)+E*.2isib6e M 4a6seHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN75End +ub(ri-ate +ub 6b6'LO+E#/'6ick03On Error *esue ,eDtH'A,'EL )(DATE+Ado'AT#.*ecordset.'ance6)&dateHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHHIDE THE 4*AMEfr'AT.2isib6e M 4a6seHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEnd +ub(ri-ate +ub 6b6'LO+EE>/'6ick03On Error *esue ,eDtHHIDE (A,EL4r+TATE.2isib6e M 4a6seEnd +ub(ri-ate +ub 6b6+TA44/'6ick03fr+TA44*eg.+howMe.Hide76End +ub(ri-ate +ub 6b6+TA44/MouseMo-e0Button As Integer7 +hift As Integer7 5 As +ing6e7 Y As +ing6e3On Error *esue ,eDtH'HA,;E 'OLO)* O4 LABEL+6b6+TA44.Back'o6or M SH!S6b6+)(.Back'o6or M SH'!4444HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEnd +ub(ri-ate +ub 6b6+)(/'6ick03On Error *esue ,eDtAdo)+E*.*ecord+ource M K+ELE'T N 4*OM TBL+)(E*2I+O*KAdo)+E*.*efreshHI4 E,T*Y I+ 'O**E'T THE,A,+ M MsgBoD0KYO) A*E ABO)T TO 'HA,;E THE +)(E*2I+O*+ LO;I, DETAIL+. 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