PGA’s Global Parliamentary Campaign to Promote · PGA’s Global Parliamentary Campaign to...

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PGA’s Global Parliamentary Campaign to Promote

Universality and Implementation of the Biological and Toxin

Weapons Convention (BTWC)

Contact Us 132 Nassau Street, Suite 1419 New York, NY 10038, USA Phone: +1-212-687-7755 Email:

Peter Barcroft

Director, Peace & Democracy Programme, PGA


Contact Us PGA Headquarters: 132 Nassau Street, Suite 1419 New York, NY 10038, USA Phone: +1-212-687-7755 | Email:


PGA was established in 1978 in Washington, D.C. by a group of concerned Parliamentarians from around the world to take collective, coordinated and cohesive actions on global problems, which could not be successfully addressed by any one government or parliament acting alone. Founded during the Cold War era, an early focus and priority of the organization was mobilization of Parliamentarians worldwide in support of nuclear disarmament.

Today, and reflecting the more complex and interconnected world in which it now lives, PGA and its members worldwide devotes their time and energies to promoting human rights, international justice and accountability, advocating for conflict prevention mechanisms and security sector reform as well as promoting gender, equality and non-discrimination.


In 1984, PGA was instrumental in organizing the Six-Nation Peace Initiative, led by the Heads of States and Governments of Argentina, Greece, India, Mexico, Sweden and Tanzania. This Initiative has been widely-credited with making an important contribution leading to the adoption of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) 12 years later.

For The Six Nations Initiative, PGA received the first Indira Gandhi Peace Price in 1986. PGA played a role in the genesis of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction (CWC) and its Membership made contributions in securing several ratifications of the CWC, facilitating its entry into force.

Contact Us PGA Headquarters: 132 Nassau Street, Suite 1419 New York, NY 10038, USA Phone: +1-212-687-7755 | Email:

21 3

PGA's Global

Parliamentary Campaign

for the Universality and

Implementation of the

Biological and Toxin

Weapons Convention


Contact Us PGA Headquarters: 132 Nassau Street, Suite 1419 New York, NY 10038, USA Phone: +1-212-687-7755 | Email: 21 5

Countries where PGA Members, including in one instance a sitting Foreign

Minister, played a central role in the recent ratification, over the past two years,

of the Biological Weapons Convention:


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Contact Us PGA Headquarters: 132 Nassau Street, Suite 1419 New York, NY 10038, USA Phone: +1-212-687-7755 | Email:

United Nations Security Council Resolution

1540 (2004)

21 7

PGA's Global

Parliamentary Campaign

for the Universality and

Implementation of the

Biological and Toxin

Weapons Convention


Contact Us PGA Headquarters: 132 Nassau Street, Suite 1419 New York, NY 10038, USA Phone: +1-212-687-7755 | Email:

1. Mobilizing PGA Members of Parliament (MPs) and other concerned

Parliamentarians worldwide who possess a demonstrated track record

of success in promoting signature and ratification of international

treaties to also engage in promoting Universality and Implementation

of the BTWC

2. International, Regional and National Parliamentary events to foster

peer-to-peer dialogue and to provide essential platforms for sharing of

respective experiences in promoting Universality and Implementation

of the BTWC

3. Extensive, continuous provision of technical/legal advice to PGA

Member MPs worldwide to better equip them in their advocacy and

other law-making initiatives in support of Universality and

Implementation of the BTWC.

21 8

37th Annual Parliamentary Forum of

on the topic of

Role of Parliamentarians in

Support of Peace and Security

in San Salvador, El Salvador

from 30 Nov - 1 Dec, 2015

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21 9

This Forum took place on the

40th anniversary of the entry

into force of the BWC and

served to generate substantial

political will among lawmakers

in advance of the 8th BWC

Review Conference, which took

place in late 2016.

Regional Africa

Parliamentary Workshop of

in Freetown Sierra Leone in

March 2017

Participating Countries:

Central African Republic, Chad,

Democratic Republic of Congo,

Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya,

Liberia, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra

Leone, Somalia and Tanzania

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21 10

High-Level Officials: UN Resident

Representative, a Representative

from UNDP, the High

Commissioners from Canada and

Nigeria, as well as representatives

from the UK High Commission and

Embassy of the United States, the

Chief of the Implementation

Support Unit (ISU) of the Biological

Weapons Convention, as well as the

Sierra Leone CBRN National Focal

Point of the European Union

Chemical, Biological, Radiological

and Nuclear (CBRN) Centre of

Excellence (CoE) Initiative.

Regional Latin America Parliamentary

Workshop of

in Santiago, Chile in May 2017

Participating Countries:

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile,

Colombia, Costa Rica,

Dominican Republic, Haiti,

Honduras, Paraguay, Uruguay

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21 11

High-Level Officials:

Coordination Officer, on behalf of

the UN Resident Coordinator, the

Ambassador of Canada to Chile, the

Chief of the Implementation

Support Unit (ISU) of the Biological

Weapons Convention, as well as the

Chilean Army Major, and National

Focal Point on the BTWC in Chile.


Contact Us PGA Headquarters: 132 Nassau Street, Suite 1419 New York, NY 10038, USA Phone: +1-212-687-7755 | Email: 21 12

Over 90% of all Participants in

both these Workshops in Africa

and Latin America, working in

close consultation with us in the

PGA Secretariat, have taken

substantive, verifiable steps to

promote ratification and/or

implementation of the BTWC in

their respective countries,

subsequent to their

participation in these

Workshops supported by the

Government of Canada.

PGA also organized 2 Field Missions to Haiti, in February and June of

2017- sending a delegation headed by prominent MPs from the

Caribbean region, accompanied by PGA expert staff, who met with

high level Governmental and Parliamentary officials in Port-au-Prince,

including the Presidents of both Chambers of the Haitian Parliament to

promote the ratification of the BTWC. I am pleased to report that as a

result of these 2 Missions, the Government of Haiti has approved

ratification of the BTWC, transmitted it to the National Assembly in

March of this year and we are hopeful the National Assembly will act

on it, with the encouragement of PGA Members, in the next session of

Parliament in a few months’ time. As many of you are already aware,

Haiti is the only country in the Americas which has not yet ratified the

BTWC and we hope that ‘this final piece in the jigsaw can be found’

within the next 6-12 months.


Contact Us PGA Headquarters: 132 Nassau Street, Suite 1419 New York, NY 10038, USA Phone: +1-212-687-7755 | Email: 21 13


Contact Us PGA Headquarters: 132 Nassau Street, Suite 1419 New York, NY 10038, USA Phone: +1-212-687-7755 | Email: 21 14

In The Dominican Republic, for

example, PGA Executive

Committee member, Dip. Victor

Bisonó Haza authored important

legislation passed in the

Dominican Republic in 2016

which, inter alia, penalized, for

the first time in his country, the

manufacture, usage and

development of Weapons of

Mass Destruction, including

Biological Weapons.


Contact Us PGA Headquarters: 132 Nassau Street, Suite 1419 New York, NY 10038, USA Phone: +1-212-687-7755 | Email: 21 15

In Chad, under the initiative of PGA Member Hon. Theophile Yombombe,

informed PGA in mid-July of 2017, that the Defense and Security Committee

has sent a formal written recommendation to the Government of Chad calling

for Accession by the Republic of Chad to the BTWC. In addition to sharing with

PGA a copy of this Resolution from the National Assembly of Chad, Hon.

Yomombe has also kindly provided copies of new draft legislation penalizing

usage of weapons of Mass Destruction, including Biological Weapons.

Biological Weapons

Convention of

Adopted 45 years ago

Members of Parliament are vital

for implementation of

International Treaties such as

the BTWC and related


Contact Us PGA Headquarters: 132 Nassau Street, Suite 1419 New York, NY 10038, USA Phone: +1-212-687-7755 | Email:

21 16


Contact Us PGA Headquarters: 132 Nassau Street, Suite 1419 New York, NY 10038, USA Phone: +1-212-687-7755 | Email: 21 17

Accession by The

Independent State of

Samoa to the BTWC

under the strong

leadership of PGA

Member, Associate

Government Minister for

Natural Resources and


(MNRE),Hon. Taefu Lemi

Taefu, MP.


Contact Us PGA Headquarters: 132 Nassau Street, Suite 1419 New York, NY 10038, USA Phone: +1-212-687-7755 | Email: 21 18

You may well ask how, or what, is

the relevance of PGA’s BTWC

Campaign in the context of the

priorities of the World

Organization for Animal Health,

within the thematic framework

of this Global Conference?


Contact Us PGA Headquarters: 132 Nassau Street, Suite 1419 New York, NY 10038, USA Phone: +1-212-687-7755 | Email: 21 19

In the United States,

Government efforts to control

agro-terrorism are improving.

The US Agriculture Department

has defined Agro-terrorism as a

"deliberate introduction of an

animal or plant disease for the

purpose of generating fear,

causing economic loss, or

undermining social stability,"

according to a recent

Congressional Research Service


As stated by the Director of US

Homeland Security "Animal,

plant and human health are

inextricably linked, but

agriculture, food and

emergency response sectors do

not traditionally coordinate and

communicate “ - Director of US

Homeland Security



PGA Headquarters - UN Office, New York

132 Nassau Street, Suite 1419

New York, NY 10038, USA

Tel: +1-212-687-7755

Fax: +1-212-687-8409



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PGA Foundation - The Hague

Bertha von Suttner Building

Laan van Meerdervoort 70

2517 AN, The Hague, Netherlands

Tel: +31.70.360.44.33

Fax: +31.70.364.22.55


Contact Us PGA Headquarters: 132 Nassau Street, Suite 1419 New York, NY 10038, USA Phone: +1-212-687-7755 | Email: