Petabyte Scale Anomaly Detection Using R & Spark by Sridhar Alla and Kiran Muglurmath

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Transcript of Petabyte Scale Anomaly Detection Using R & Spark by Sridhar Alla and Kiran Muglurmath

Petabyte scale data science using Spark & R

Sridhar Alla, Kiran MuglurmathComcast

Who we are• Sridhar Alla

Director, Solution Architecture, Comcastfocuses on architecting and building solutions to meet the needs of the Enterprise Business

Intelligence initiatives. • Kiran Muglurmath

Executive Director, Data Science, Comcastfocuses on architecting and building solutions to meet the needs of the Enterprise Business

Intelligence initiatives.

Top Initiatives

• Customer Churn Prediction• Clickthru Analytics • Personalization• Customer Journey• Modeling

Spark Stack

• Enables using R packages to process data • Can run Machine Learning and Statistical Analysis



Spark MLlib

• Implements various Machine Learning Algorithms• Classification, Regression, Collaborative Filtering,

Clustering, Decomposition• Works with Streaming, Spark SQL, GraphX or with


Using PySpark & SparkR

Hidden Markov Model (HMM)

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Dataset Preparation: Training Data

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Dataset Preparation: Raw Data

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Baum – Welch algorithm for state detection

1. Given the download/upload levels (observations) for a given time interval, the model detects the hidden streaming state for that interval.

2. Given a set of observations (i = 1 .. n), ith hidden variable is independent of (i – 1)th hidden variable. For a discrete random variable Xt with N possible values, assume at P(Xt|X{t-1}) is independent of time t

1. From observations, calculate transition probabilities for N possible states. Then recursively compute maximum likelihoods for all observations, backwards and forwards to identify most probable state for each observation.

Sample Code (R):

• library('RHmm')• indata <- read.csv(file.choose(), header = FALSE, sep = ",", quote = "\"", dec = ".")• testdata <- read.csv(file.choose(), header = FALSE, sep = ",", quote = "\"", dec = ".")• downloads <- c(as.numeric(indata$V4))• downloadModel <- HMMFit(downloads, nStates=3)• testdownloads <- c(as.numeric(testdata$V4))• tVitPath <- viterbi(downloadModel, testdownloads)

• #Forward-backward procedure, compute probabilities• tfb <- forwardBackward(downloadModel, testdownloads)

• # Plot implied states• layout(1:3)• plot(testdownloads[1:100],ylab="Down Bandwidth",type="l", main="Download bytes")• plot(tVitPath$states[1:100],ylab="Download States",type="l", main="Download States")

Output for a test dataset

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Parallelizing in Hadoop

Steps:• Create sample dataset to build model. This can be a small sample (~2000 – 5000 rows), or a size sufficient to build

generalized model.

• Script model as an R file, except that it should use streamed input instead of reading from CSV files. Separate map.R and reduce.R can be created if a reduction stage is required to create unified output datasets.

• Test that code works from command line with structure below, where dataset.csv is the input dataset with structure as shown before

cat dataset.csv | map.R | reduce.R > output.csv• Ensure that Hive tables are in delimited text format. Deploy and run model using Hadoop streaming with sample command

line below

hadoop jar /usr/hdp/ \-D mapred.min.split.size=268435456 \-D mapreduce.task.timeout=300000000 \-D \-D mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb=8092\-input /user/hive/warehouse/ebidatascience.db/ipdr/local_day_id=$NEXT_DATE -output /user/hive/warehouse/ebidatascience.db/ipdr_flagged/-file ./map.R-file <sample dataset to build model.csv>

-mapper ./map.R

Flagged output

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• 1.7B observations/day• About 30 minutes processing time/day• 380 shared nodes• 92% accuracy in detecting streaming events

Output for a test dataset

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We are hiring!• Big Data Engineers (Hadoop, Spark,

Kafka…)• Data Analysts (R, SAS…..)• Big Data Analysts (Hive, Pig ….)


Output for a test dataset

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