Perspectives on Learning Seminar STNE Research Dr Donald Gray STNE Director of Research.

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Transcript of Perspectives on Learning Seminar STNE Research Dr Donald Gray STNE Director of Research.

Perspectives on Learning Seminar

STNE Research

Dr Donald GraySTNE Director of Research

The Presentation

Developing Teachers Pupil Gains Phase 1 research Phase 2 research

Developing Teachers

The meaning of an “effective” teacher. Characteristics of an effective teacher. How do we know a teacher is effective? What are pupil gains? But many other factors linked to pupil

gains. A very complex scenario.

Do we have effective teachers?

OECD PISA 2006 Science – only 4 of 33 countries perform

significantly better (14 less) – only one country has significantly more students scoring above Scotland at level 5 (Finland).

Maths – 8 of 32 perform significantly better (11 less)

Reading – only 5 0f 30 perform significantly better (11 less)

But …

There is a gap between the highest and lowest scorers in Science.

Compared to other countries, socio-economic status is a major determinant of attainment,

Scottish students have neutral feelings about their abilities …..

….and do not express a high level of interest in science.

A Systems Perspective

“…….we must understand the world both through the lenses of different ‘framings’ (a constructivist perspective) and as objective realities (a positivist perspective). It is, we argue, the critical reflection on the interactions between such perspectives that is especially revealing.”

(Leach et al., 2007)

Globalisation (Mortimore, 2001)

International comparisons show effects of – motivating staff, focusing on T&L, enhancing the physical environment, changing the culture of the school. However, while many similar strategies used, the different context meant similar actions did not always produce similar results.

Improvements must fit the grain of society; indiscriminate borrowing from other cultures may not achieve the desired results; there is no ‘quick fix’ for school improvement; change has to be carried out by the school itself.

School Improvement

“..there must be organization development because social or relationship resources are the key to school improvement. Thus, schools must combine individual development with the development of school-wide professional communities.”

(Fullan et al. 2001)

Every context is different …

“…the uniqueness of each classroom setting implies that any proposal needs to be tested and verified and adapted by each teacher in her or his own classroom.” McIntyre (2005)

“The evidence indicates how teachers’ involvement and confidence can be built in expansive learning environments characterised by specialist support, collaborative working, and the development of mutual trust.” Brown (2005)

Phase 1 research (2005-2007)

Focus on course developments. Entry data – exit data to follow. Longitudinal study of 20 students Classroom observations Perceptions of stakeholders: students,

teachers, university tutors. Baseline studies of Graduate experiences.

STNE Phase 2: 2007-2009

Continuation from phase 1: longitudinal case studies. Entry and exit data Embedding evidence-informed decisions in courses. Informing development of relationships and partnerships.

Deepening and broadening through : comparison of data across all the ITE programmes. involvement and engagement with teachers supporting and taking forward specific projects.

Phase 2 Diagram

Close focus on development of ‘measures’ of a broad range of pupil gains.

Support for reflective/reflexive practice with university staff, teachers in schools and course teams, drawing on evidence to support learning and teaching.

The Discussions

Research requires acknowledgement of the complexity ofeducation, of learning and teaching.

The need for on-going reflection on practice, drawing onevidence, to inform:

Partnership and Collaboration Support: - for students, teachers, headteachers

and university staff Personal and Professional Development

A final thought …

“..never send a changed individual into an unchanged culture.” Fullan, et al. (2001)


Leach. M., Scoones, I. and Stirling, A. (2007) Pathways to Sustainability: an overview of the STEPS Centre approach, STEPS Approach Paper, Brighton: STEPS Centre.

Fullan, M.; Rolheiser, C.; Mascall, B.; Edge, K. (2001) Accomplishing Large Scale Reform: A Tri-level Proposition. Available on-line at: Last accessed 12.03.08

Mortimore, P. (2001). Globalisation, effectiveness and improvement. School Effectiveness and Improvement, 12 (2), 229-249.

Brown, S. (2005) How can research inform ideas of good practice in teaching? The contributions of some official initiatives in the UK. Cambridge Journal of Education Vol. 35, No. 3, November 2005, pp. 383–405

McIntyre, Donald (2005) Bridging the gap between research and practice Cambridge Journal of Education Vol. 35, No. 3, November 2005, pp. 357–382