PERSONNEL COMMISSION MINUTES - Santa Monica College€¦ · For information regarding Personnel...

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Transcript of PERSONNEL COMMISSION MINUTES - Santa Monica College€¦ · For information regarding Personnel...

For information regarding Personnel Commission Agenda/Minutes distribution, please contact Personnel Commission at (310) 434-4410.


Regular Meeting, Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at 12:00 pm

Board Room, Business Building Rm. 117, 1900 Pico Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90405

Distribution List for Personnel Commission Announcements, Agendas and Minutes DEPARTMENTS PLEASE POST 3400 Airport/SBDC: M. King AET: R. Watts Admissions & Records: K. Elliott African American Center: Airport: J. Portal-Purdy Athletics: K. Stallings Auxiliary Services: O. Meza Bookstore: D. Dever Bundy: B. Redd-Walker Business Department: Campus Police Office: J. Jones Counseling Office: L. Gugliemo Custodian Time Clock: R. Bruce Disabled Students Center: M. Weil Early Childhood Ed.: L. Manson Emeritus College: V. Rankin-Scales EOP&S: R. Thomas-Green ESL Office: P. Nemeth Events Office: J. Bice Faculty Association: M. Moassessi Financial Aid Office: T. Thomas Health Sciences: I. Danzey Health Office: D. Jensen Info. Mgmnt Syst.: L. Johnston International Students Ctr.: A. Jara Career Services: L. Moss KCRW: C. Gee Letters & Science: L. Sallovitz HSS: C. Baugh Library: M. Martin Maint./Facilities Time Clock: C. Rogers Math Village: F. Manion Media Center: L. Nakamura Modern Language: J. Laurie Music: L. Geller Madison: G. Johnson Payroll: I. Fraser Science: I. Cardwell School Relations Outreach: B. Simmons Student Life: A. Trejo Superintendent/Pres. Office: L. Caldwell Theater Arts: J. Louff W& ED/Bundy: T. Ramos

ADMINISTRATORS and MANAGERS Acad. Comp.: J. John Emeritus: R. Furuyama Facilities: JC Keurjian HR: S. Lee-Lewis Info Mgmt: J. Chong Int. Ed. Ctr: D. Kinsella Maint.: J. Gehring Operations: J. Peterson Pico Partner: R. Gonzalez Receiving: R. Jauregui

PRESIDENT/SUPERINTENDENT and SENIOR STAFF Superintendent/President: C. Tsang Exec. VP: R. Lawson VP Academic Affairs: J. Shimizu VP Business/Admin: R. Isomoto VP Enroll. Services: T. Rodriguez VP Human Resources: M. Wade VP Student Affairs: M. Tuitasi Sr. Director Gov’t Relations & Inst. Communications: D. Girard PUBLIC POSTING LOCATIONS 2714 Pico: exterior display box Library for Public Posting (1) Library for Archives (2) Mailroom SMC Personnel Commission Office SMC Human Resources Staff Lounge EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATIONS CSEA Labor Rep.: T. Burdick(Email) CSEA Chapter Pres.: B. Rosenloecher CSEA Chapter 1st V.P.: CSEA Chief Job Steward: M. Roberts CSEA Correspndng. Sec’y: N. Ghasami CSEA Recording: Sec’y: C. Lemke SMC POA Pres: – Officer Cadena Mgmnt Assoc. VP: R. Gonzalez PERSONNEL COMMISSION / BOARD OF TRUSTEES Personnel Commission Staff (1) Board of Trustees (9) / Minutes Only IF YOU NEED AN ACCOMMODATION Written requests for disability-related modifications or accommodations that are needed in order to participate in the Commission meeting are to be directed to the Personnel Commission Office as soon in advance of the meeting as possible

Rev. 2/13

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ADDRESSING THE PERSONNEL COMMISSION Members of the public may address the Personnel Commission by oral presentation concerning any subject that lies within the jurisdiction of the Personnel Commission provided the requirements and procedures herein set forth are observed: 1. Individuals wishing to speak to the Commission at the Personnel Commission meeting during Public

Comments or regarding an item(s) on the agenda must complete an information card with their name, name of organization (if applicable) and the topic or item on which the comment is to be made.

Five minutes is allotted to each speaker per topic. If there are more than four speakers on any topic or item, the Commission reserves the option of limiting the time for each speaker. A speaker’s time may not be transferred to another speaker.

Each speaker is limited to one presentation per specific agenda item before the Commission, and to one presentation per Commission meeting on non-agenda items. General Public Comments

• The card to speak during Public Comments must be submitted to the recording secretary at the meeting before the Commission reaches the Public Comments section in the Agenda.

• Five minutes is allotted to each speaker per topic for general public comments. The speaker must

adhere to the topic. Individuals wishing to speak during the Public Comments will be called upon during Public Comments.

Agenda Items

• The card to speak during Agenda Items must be submitted to the recording secretary at the meeting before the Commission reaches that specific item in the agenda.

• Five minutes is allotted to each speaker per Agenda Item. The speaker must adhere to the topic.

Individuals wishing to speak on a specific Agenda Item will be called upon at the time that the Commission reaches that item in the Agenda.

Exceptions: This time allotment does not apply to individuals who address the Personnel Commission at the invitation or request of the Commission or the Director of Classified Personnel.

2. Any person who disrupts, disturbs, or otherwise impedes the orderly conduct of any meeting of the Personnel Commission by uttering loud, threatening, or abusive language or engaging in disorderly conduct, shall, at the discretion of the presiding officer or majority of the Personnel Commission, be requested to be orderly and silent and/or removed from the meeting.

No action may be taken on items of business not appearing on the agenda. Reference: Merit Rule 2.2.8 Government Code sections 54954.2, 54954.3, 54957.9

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at 12:00 pm Board Room, Business Building, Rm. 117, 1900 Pico Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90405

Any disclosable public records related to an open session item on the agenda and distributed to the Personnel Commissioners less than 72 hours prior to the meeting are available for public inspection in the Personnel Commission Office, 2714 Pico Blvd, Santa Monica, during normal business hours. Any individual or group may address the Personnel Commission during the Comments—Public Forum segment of the meeting regarding any item that is within the Commission’s subject matter jurisdiction. However, the Commission will not take action on any item that is not on this agenda.

Any individual may appear at the Commission meeting to respectfully testify in support of or opposition to any item being presented to the Commissioners for consideration. Individuals wishing to address items to the Commissioners should complete a Request to Address the Personnel Commission card (green form) prior to the start of the meeting.



A. Call to Order 12:06 pm

B. Roll Call

Commissioner Present Absent Commissioner Metoyer, Chair X Commissioner Abbott, Vice-Chair X Commissioner Greenstein X Commissioner Jansen X Commissioner Press X

C. Approval of Minutes

Regular Meeting – December 19, 2012 Motion made by: Commissioner Abbott Seconded by: Commissioner Jansen Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Abstain: 1 (Commissioner Press)

II. REPORT - DIRECTOR OF CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL Commissioner MacDonald reported that staff has everything needed from the Payroll Department to complete work on the Seniority Lists within the next month or two. She noted that Agenda Item #2 had been updated: The Field of Competition for Assistant Bookstore Manager should read “Merged Promotional & Open Competitive.” She also noted that Agenda Item #3, the last full paragraph at the bottom of page 10 of the agenda, had been updated and copies of the revisions were distributed to Commissioners and available for the public. III. COMMENTS AND INFORMATIONAL REPORTS

A. Recognition of Employee Longevity: JANUARY 2013 (*present to receive recognition)

10 Years Linda Sallovitz, Administrative Assistant I, Communications and Psychology* Nancy Grasshart, Supervisor, thanked Ms. Sallovitz for her years of excellent work. Julie Yarrish, Ms. Sllovitz’s academic manager, also praised and thanked Ms. Sallovitz.

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15 Years Luz Avila, Administrative Assistant II, Academy of Entertainment and Technology * Madeline Brodie, Recycling Program Specialist, Grounds * Katharine Muller praised and thanked both Ms. Avila and Ms. Brodie for 15 years of excellence. Adriene Daniels, Insurance Program Specialist, Risk Management Debra Locke, Senior Student Services Specialist-EOPS, EOPS Christine Lea Miller, Multimedia Specialist, Distance Education * Julie Yarrish thanked and congratulated Ms. Miller for her work and dedication. Angelita Ramos, Administrative Assistant II, Admissions & Records Ms. Ramos was out sick and unable to attend the meeting. Kiersten Elliott, the Dean of Enrollment Services and Ms. Ramos’ direct supervisor could not be there either and sent comments praising Ms. Ramos’ many contributions over the years for the Director to read on her (Ms. Elliott’s) behalf. Frederick Young, Mail Clerk, Purchasing/Receiving/Mail 25 Years Christine Tobey, Web Content Developer, Marketing B. Comments from Vice President of Human Resources – Michael Hudson

Acting Assistant Director Hudson congratulated the employees who were recognized for longevity.

C. Comments from CSEA Chapter 36 Representative – Connie Lemke

Ms. Lemke stated that Merit Rule 12.2.4B regarding Advanced Step Placement calls for an either/or situation. She noted that CSEA was concerned that the Personnel Commission Office had merged the two into “and.” Chair Metoyer asked the Director to agendize the issue for open discussion. Commissioner Abbott reported that the Merit Rules Advisory Committee is currently reviewing MR 12.2.4, Advanced Step Placement.

D. Comments from Management Association Vice-President – Erica Le Blanc Ms. Le Blanc thanked Director MacDonald for arranging training for managers in the use of the iPad (iPad for Managers).

E. Comments from Personnel Commission Staff -- NONE

F. Public Comments (non-actionable comments from those in attendance) -- NONE

G. Comments by Personnel Commissioners Commissioner Jansen commented that some public comments are recurring. She stated that she is committed to resolving issues more quickly. Commissioner Press congratulated the employees who were recognized for longevity.

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# ITEM Page 1 Personnel Commissioners’ E-Mail 6 2 Approval of Examination Schedule

• Community College Police Captain • Assistant Bookstore Manager


3 Position Audit and Recommendation for Reclassification – Wendy Liu: Information Systems Administrator to Information Systems Database Administrator


4 Certification of Seniority Lists 39 5 Ratification of Limited Term Assignments 41 6 Advisory Item: Appointments to Limited Term Positions 42 7 Advisory Item: Appointments to Provisional Assignments 43 8 Recruitment and Examination Status Report 44


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SUBJECT: PERSONNEL COMMISSIONERS’ E-MAIL DATE: January 16, 2013 TO: Members of the Personnel Commission FROM: Dori MacDonald, Director of Classified Personnel The Commission Chair requested this item be placed on the agenda so the Commission could discuss receiving and returning e-mails and the publication of Commissioners’ e-mail addresses. The Director of Network Services and Telecommunications and the Web Content and Digital Marketing Facilitator will both be available to answer Commissioners’ questions. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Personnel Commission determine the best process for receiving and returning emails sent to them in their official capacity as Commissioners, including how their contact information should appear on the District website and in other publications and postings. DISPOSITION BY THE COMMISSION Amendments/Comments Campus Counsel, Bob Myers, cautioned the Commission to be mindful about the need to avoid online serial meetings. Commissioners agreed to acknowledge all emails received from employees and/or the public. Commissioners agreed that there was a need to be more accessible to employees and the public. It was moved and seconded that Commissioners’ SMC email addresses be posted on the District Website and all Commissioners would be available on the Commissioners’ District email. MOTION MADE BY: Commissioner Jansen SECONDED BY: Commissioner Press AYES: 4 NAYS: 0 ABSTENTIONS: 0

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SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF EXAMINATION SCHEDULE DATE: January 16, 2013 TO: Members of the Personnel Commission FROM: Dori MacDonald, Director of Classified Personnel BY: José Guzmán, Personnel Specialist It is recommended that the Personnel Commission approve the following Examination Schedule: A. Examination Schedule Class Title Field of Competition Time Community College Police Captain

Merged Promotional & Open Competitive 3 Weeks

Assistant Bookstore Manager Merged Promotional & Open Competitive 3 Weeks

DISPOSITION BY THE COMMISSION Amendments/Comments It was moved and seconded to approve Agenda Report No. 2, as revised. MOTION MADE BY: Commissioner Abbott SECONDED BY: Commissioner Jansen AYES: 4 NAYS: 0 ABSTENTIONS: 0

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DATE: January 16, 2013 TO: Members of the Personnel Commission FROM: Dori MacDonald, Director of Classified Personnel BY: Michael Cool, Personnel Analyst BACKGROUND Ms. Wendy Liu, Information Systems Administrator, submitted a Request for Reclassification and a Position Description Questionnaire (PDQ) to the Personnel Commission Office on August 27, 2012 to be reclassified as a Information Systems Database Administrator. Upon receipt of these materials, the Director of Classified Personnel ordered a reclassification study be conducted. In order for a reclassification to occur, there must be a gradual accretion or growth of duties and responsibilities that are more accurately defined by a different classification. The gradual accretion of duties must occur over two or more years of regular service. Ms. Liu has been a permanent employee of the district since 1998, starting as a Programmer Analyst I. She later promoted to Database Analyst in 2000, and again promoted to her current classification of Information Systems Administrator in 2007. In addition to performing the duties of her current position, Ms. Liu quickly began to acquire some of the duties of Information Systems Database Administrator due to the structure of the Management Information Systems Department at that time. From 1998 until 2005, the District’s Information Systems Database Administrator was Mr. Frank Wu. Mr. Wu was later promoted to the Director of Management Information Systems; however, he continued to perform many of the duties of Information Systems Database Administrator. In order to fill the gap, Mr. Wu began to assign some Information Systems Database Administrator duties to Ms. Liu. Ms. Liu stated that the Information Systems Database Administrator duties that were assigned to her initially required less than 50% of her time, and she assisted Mr. Wu rather than serving as the primary Information Systems Database Administrator. Over the course of two-and-a-half years Ms. Liu gradually acquired more and more of the Information Systems Database Administrator duties until Mr. Wu retired in late 2009. At that point, it appears Ms. Liu began performing all duties of the Information Systems Database Administrator. After reviewing Ms. Liu’s position, it is recommended that she be reclassified as a Information Systems Database Administrator.

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METHOD The rules for the reclassification of positions are specified in Merit Rule 3.3.5, which is listed below. 3.3.5 RECLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS (Education Code 88081) Determination as to whether gradual accretion has occurred will be based on an analysis of the duties and responsibilities currently assigned to the position. The analysis will consist of a review of the old Position Description Questionnaire (PDQ) compared to the new one submitted with the reclassification request. The analysis will assess: A. The nature and scope of each identified change in duties and responsibilities. B. The date the incumbent began the performance of the newly acquired duties and

responsibilities. C. Clear and convincing evidence of the employee’s continuing performance of the added

duties and responsibilities. D. The extent to which the new duties and responsibilities are more accurately defined by a

different classification than the one in which the position currently resides. The PDQ of the previous Information Systems Database Administrator was compared to the PDQ that Ms. Liu submitted as part of her reclassification request. An interview was conducted with the Director of Management Information Systems. Two separate interviews and job observations were conducted with Ms. Liu. ANALYSIS Position Description Questionnaire A PDQ for the previous Information Systems Administrator could not be located, therefore Ms. Liu’s current PDQ was compared to the PDQ of the previous Information Systems Database Administrator. Ms. Liu generally provided greater detail throughout her PDQ, but overall, there was considerable overlap between the two. Below is a summary of the comparison:

1. The previous incumbent listed the installation and maintenance of database servers and applications servers as requiring 10% of his time, on an as-needed basis. Another 10% was required for the installation and maintenance of the associated tools and utilities of those servers, also on an as-needed basis. Ms. Liu listed both of these duties together as requiring 15% of her time, where installation is a semi-annual activity and maintenance of the servers is daily.

2. Ms. Liu listed all of the same duties as the previous incumbent; however, there was one duty that the previous incumbent did not perform. Ms. Liu lists the installation and maintenance of a centralized single sign-on identity management system as requiring 15% of her time, where the installation is semi-annual and the maintenance is daily.

3. The previous incumbent listed monitoring and tuning the servers’ performance as requiring 10% of his time. Another 10% was spent in response to problems or emergencies. Ms. Liu listed both of these duties together as requiring 20% of her time. Both Ms. Liu and the previous incumbent describe this as a daily activity.

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4. Ms. Liu and the previous incumbent list designing, implementing, and maintaining database security, and managing user groups and accounts as requiring 15% and 10% of their time, respectively. Both describe this as a daily activity.

5. Ms. Liu and the previous incumbent discuss database backup and disaster recovery plans as requiring 10% and 5% of their time, respectively. Both describe this as a daily activity.

6. Ms. Liu and the previous incumbent list providing guidelines on database interface, data modeling, and data integrity issues. Ms. Liu also described assisting developers to improve their applications to assure overall enterprise system performance. Ms. Liu lists this as a daily activity, requiring 10% of her time. The previous incumbent describes performing this duty on an as-needed basis, requiring 15% of his time.

7. Ms. Liu and the previous incumbent list managing database objects, the application library and related system files. Ms. Liu also lists analyzing, designing, and implementing data migration, conversion, and integration. Ms. Liu describes this as a weekly activity, requiring 15% of her time. The previous incumbent describes this as a daily activity, requiring 15% of his time.

8. Ms. Liu and the previous incumbent list working with internal and external resources on data processing and computer resource requirements as requiring 5% and 10% of their time, respectively. Ms. Liu describes this as a daily activity, whereas the previous incumbent describes performing this duty on an as-needed basis.

9. In regards to decision making authority, Ms. Liu describes day-to-day administrative tasks, user groups and user account maintenance, and assisting developers with application integration as not requiring any supervisor input. The previous incumbent did not address this question. In regards to decisions that require supervisor input, both Ms. Liu and the previous incumbent list the purchase of new equipment. Ms. Liu also describes that scheduling patches or upgrades requires supervisor input.

Work Observations and Interviews with the Incumbent and Supervisor In meeting with the incumbent, discussing her essential tasks, and observing her work, a set of duties emerged that is consistent with the Information Systems Database Administrator classification. Due to the nature of Ms. Liu’s job, it is very difficult to observe all of the various duties that she performs. For example, installation of database tools may happen only once or twice a year, and patches usually take place after hours. However, maintenance of these systems is a daily activity, and therefore easy to observe. Below is a list of essential duties taken from the class description and the corresponding observations that were made.

1. Performs database and application servers' administration duties, including database and application servers' installation, customization, storage and memory allocation, and upgrade; Monitors and tunes server's performance

a. Automated emails are sent to Ms. Liu that provide information regarding the status of the application and database servers. Dozens of emails are sent every day, and Ms. Liu scans each message for errors or complications. The emails also contain information regarding the capacity of the servers, and Ms. Liu must allocate memory or storage as needed.

b. Ms. Liu is able to see real time usage of the servers, and must monitor the workload during peak times. Server traffic increases at around noon during the weekdays, due to students getting out of class and visiting various departments, such as Financial Aid.

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c. Just prior to meeting with Ms. Liu one morning, she had just finished upgrading Banner, which is a separate database instance used by the Financial Aid Department. After the upgrade, Ms. Liu monitored the system for any errors.

2. Responds to database and application servers' problems or emergencies, and responds to

database resource usage reports and performs database capacity planning

a. Prior to the first meeting with Ms. Liu there was an error such that students were unable to log-on and access their e-college accounts. Ms. Liu was in the process of investigating the issue by checking on the status of the application server. She concluded that the error was likely due to changes that Network Services had made over the weekend.

3. Analyzes, designs, and implements data migration and conversion plan; manages database objects, application library, and related operating system files

a. An old server had recently been moved to a different location on campus, and Ms. Liu was preparing scripts so that the server would be ready to go once it was operational again.

4. Designs, implements and ensures database security, and manages user groups and accounts; manages distributed database access and security schema

a. Every month, Ms. Liu coordinates with Human Resources and Network Services to receive a list of employees who have separated from the District. Ms. Liu must delete these users so that they no longer have access to the system.

5. Provides guidelines on system and database interface issues, data modeling, and data integrity control issues; Works with internal and external resources and provides recommendations on data processing solutions and computer resources requirements

a. Ms. Liu works with developers on how to create and organize the data tables that are stored so that they are in a workable state.

b. Ms. Liu receives work tickets, many of which she can address on her own. Other times she will delegate the task to others, or collaborate with other IT staff to address the issue.

c. The Banner application, the email provider, and the mandatory student online orientation are all examples of external applications that communicate with our databases, and Ms. Liu oversees this exchange.

In addition to the observed duties, the Director of Management Information Systems was interviewed, and he provided further information that reinforces the work that Ms. Liu performs. The Director confirmed that the Information Systems Administrator, which Ms. Liu is currently classified as, deals more with the installation, patching, and configuration of operating systems that operate the computers, such as Windows XP. The Director confirmed that the Information Systems Administrator class description no longer accurately describes Ms. Liu’s essential duties, as she has fully transitioned into the role of Information Systems Database Administrator. In addition to the observed duties, the Director of Management Information Systems was interviewed, and he provided information regarding the differences between information Systems Administrator and Information Systems Database Administrator. The information

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Systems Administrator deals with the installation, patching, and configuration of the operating systems that operate the computer, such as Windows XP. The Information Systems Administrator also works on configuration of the active directories, which contain information about all the objects (users, computers, resources, shared files, etc.) in a network, and arranges and stores that information in a usable way. Active directories also allow authentication of users so that they can access appropriate files or resources. The Information Systems Administrator ensures system security and manages user groups at the operating system level, but not at the application level. The Director confirmed that the Information Systems Administrator class description no longer accurately describes Ms. Liu’s essential duties, as she has fully transitioned into the role of Information Systems Database Administrator. CONCLUSIONS Ms. Liu has been an Information Systems Administrator since 2007, however, it appears that she began assisting with duties in the Information Systems Database Administrator classification shortly after taking the position. After the Information Systems Database Administrator promoted to Director of Management Information Systems, he took many of the Information Systems Database Administrator duties with him, and his former position was not filled. Ms. Liu assisted the Director, until his retirement, at which point it seems she began acting as the sole Information Systems Database Administrator. Her observed duties as well as information provided by the current Director show that a reclassification is warranted. Merit Rule 3.2.5.A.2 states:

The specification for each class is considered as a whole in determining the class to which any position shall be allocated, giving consideration not to isolated clauses, phrases, or words, apart from their context but to the general duties, responsibilities, specific tasks, and qualification requirements as affording a picture of the positions included in the class. A classification is deemed appropriate when it describes eighty (80) percent of the duties and responsibilities assigned to a position.

RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Personnel Commission approve the reclassification of Wendy Liu from Information Systems Administrator to an Information Systems Database Administrator. If approved, the effective date of the reclassification will be February 1, 2013. DISPOSITION BY THE COMMISSION Amendments/Comments It was moved and seconded to approve Agenda Item No. 3, as revised. MOTION MADE BY: Commissioner Press SECONDED BY: Commissioner Abbott AYES: 4 NAYS: 0 ABSTENTIONS: 0

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Santa Monica Community College District Personnel Commission

Information Systems Administrator

Page 1 of 4 CONCEPT OF THE CLASS Positions in this classification perform complex, highly specialized and technical activities to analyze, develop, configure, and administer information systems, and network services to ensure the operation, performance, and maintenance of mission-critical enterprise. ESSENTIAL DUTIES Performs operating systems administration that involves maintenance and improvement of systems operation and performance including system installation, configuration, upgrade, customization, and patching of the major system/network migration and/or new services projects Performs server and network administration tasks including configuration and support of servers, network services, printer services, drivers, client’s administration, and other peripherals maintenance Ensures system security and integrity including various level of systems administration and management of user groups and accounts Develops, implements, and maintains system backup/recovery plans, network security standards and administration tasks Provides problem analysis support to diagnose and remedy problems in operating procedures, computer hardware, system software, network, and system application programs Develops and documents system maintenance logs, system performance reports, operational procedures, change control, and system recovery plans Monitors and tunes system performance utilizing scripts and vendor tools Evaluates present system capacity against projected future needs; plans and recommends system and internetworking equipment solutions and improvements Manages client department projects providing technical, procedural and analytical assistance related to systems and network administration Analyzes, develops, and codes server and operation systems services related scripts Performs other related duties as requested or assigned.

Examples of essential duties are descriptive and not restrictive in nature and are generally listed in descending order of importance.

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Supervision Received: Under direction of the Manager of Network Support Services or Director of Management Information Systems, the employee receives assignments and is expected to carry them through to completion with substantial independence.

Supervision Exercised: May perform lead work.


Knowledge of operating systems, networking, and programming

Knowledge of principles and procedures for information systems administration

Knowledge of principles and procedures related to system audit and security

Knowledge of client/server theory and practices

Knowledge of systems application and Internet security and privacy techniques

Knowledge of mainframe, minicomputers, personal computer, wired and wireless LANs and WANs solutions, architecture, design concepts, and implementation

Knowledge of data communication concept, protocols, devises, and network monitor tools

Knowledge of network interfaces, such as Ethernet, FDDI and ATM

Knowledge of multi-tiers internet/intranet computing environment

Ability to conceive and develop a variety of solutions to functional information system and network problems and transform abstract ideas to easily understood procedures

Ability to relate and integrate solutions for various campus departments

Ability to anticipate system and network problems, develop solutions, implement a plan of action; reason both logically and creatively

Ability to work independently in the area of expertise and maintain cooperative working relations with others

Ability to communicate complex technology applications issues clearly to non-technical parties orally or in writing; communicate effectively with external vendors Ability to receive information from users regarding problems and needs Ability to coordinate, monitor and direct the tasks associated with major project development

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Ability to stay abreast of technology changes and to recommend upgrades and acquisitions of new hardware and software

Ability to exercise independent action and judgment within established guidelines.


Education Requirement: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Sciences, Data Communications or closely-related field from an accredited university or college.

Experience Requirement: Three (3) years of recent progressively responsible information technology experience in system and network administration in a complex, large scale (1500 nodes on the LAN/WAN network), high availability client/server computing environment. Experience working in a multi-tiers internet/intranet computing environment or database server environment is desirable. Education/Experience Equivalency: Experience and/or education of the same kind, level or amount as required in the minimum qualifications may be substituted on a year-for-year basis. Licensure and/or Certification: Microsoft Certified System Engineer is desirable. (MCSE) WORKING ENVIROMMENT AND PHYSICAL DEMANDS Disclosure: The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.

Normal Office Environment: While performing the duties of this job the employee is regularly required to sit, use hands to keyboard, type, or handle materials, and talk and/or hear. The employee is occasionally required to stand and walk. The employee is regularly required to lift, carry, push, or pull up to 25 pounds. While performing the duties of this job, the noise level in the work environment is usually quiet.


Job Family: Information Technology FLSA Status: Non-Exempt Personnel Commission Approval Date: 11/30/06

Revision Date(s): Hay Study, November 30, 2006 07/16/08 – title change only

Class History: Systems Administrator (12/97)

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Santa Monica Community College District Personnel Commission

Information Systems Database Administrator

CONCEPT OF THE CLASS Positions in this classification administer, plan, develop, and implement information systems and databases to ensure the availability, optimum performance, accessibility, security, efficiency and integrity of multiple databases, and application servers. ESSENTIAL DUTIES Performs database and application servers’ administration duties, including database and application servers’ installation, customization, storage and memory allocation, and upgrade

Performs installation and maintenance of database tools and utilities

Develops and verifies database backup/recovery plan

Designs, implements and ensures database security, and manages user groups and accounts; manages distributed database access and security schema

Monitors and tunes server’s performance Analyzes, designs, and implements data migration and conversion plan; manages database objects, application library, and related operating system files

Provides guidelines on system and database interface issues, data modeling, and data integrity control issues

Works with internal and external resources and provides recommendations on data processing solutions and computer resources requirements

Responds to database and application servers’ problems or emergencies, and responds to database resource usage reports and performs database capacity planning

Performs other related duties as requested or assigned. Examples of essential duties are descriptive and not restrictive in nature and are generally listed in descending order of importance. SUPERVISION

Supervision Received: Under direction of the Director of Management Information Systems, the employee receives assignments and is expected to carry them through to completion with substantial independence.

Supervision Exercised: May perform lead work.

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KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Knowledge of database design concept and architecture, database administration

Knowledge of distributed databases

Knowledge of principles and practices of function analysis and entity relationship diagram

Knowledge of principles and procedures for data modeling

Knowledge of database Tools and Utilities

Knowledge of operating systems

Knowledge of client/server theory and practices

Knowledge of Web application servers and n-tier system architecture

Ability to perform database administration tasks in a large-scale high availability data center

Ability to stay abreast of technology changes and recommend upgrades and acquisitions of new hardware and software

Ability to monitor database resource activity and prevent database problems

Ability to relate and integrate solutions to institutional data needs

Ability to analyze situations and respond to database problems accurately and take appropriate action

Ability to work independently in the area of expertise & maintain cooperative working relations with others

Ability to communicate effectively with internal personnel, vendors and other agencies. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Education Requirement: Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science or closely related field from an accredited university or college.

Experience Requirement: Four (4) years of experience with databases, database application servers, Web application servers, and n-tier systems architecture administration in a large-scale data-computing environment. Education/Experience Equivalency: Experience and/or education of the same kind, level or amount as required in the minimum qualifications may be substituted on a year-for-year basis.

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Disclosure: The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.

Normal Office Environment: While performing the duties of this job the employee is regularly required to sit, use hands to keyboard, type, or handle materials, and talk and/or hear. The employee is occasionally required to stand and walk. The employee is regularly required to lift, carry, push, or pull up to 25 pounds. While performing the duties of this job, the noise level in the work environment is usually quiet.


Job Family: Information Technology FLSA Status: Non-exempt Personnel Commission Approval Date: 11/30/06

Revision Date(s): Hay Study, November 30, 2006

Class History: Database Administrator (04/98)

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AGENDA REPORT NO. 4 SUBJECT: CERTIFICATION OF SENIORITY LISTS DATE: January 16, 2013 TO: Members of the Personnel Commission FROM: Dori MacDonald, Director of Classified Personnel BY: Dori MacDonald, Director of Classified Personnel and Karen Monzon, Personnel Technician The District has requested that the Personnel Commission produce seniority lists for all classifications. The Commission Office is in the process of preparing and establishing the lists for all CSEA Classifications. A report is attached which shows the current status of all CSEA lists. The following lists have been prepared and made available to the employees on the lists, for a 10 working day review period. The Merit Rules require a 5 day review period but employees were given 10 since it has been some time since Seniority Lists have been produced. During the review period employees were to notify the Director if they believed an error was made in their seniority computation. Any errors reported by employees have been resolved for these lists prior to presentation to the Personnel Commission.

CSEA Community College Police Dispatcher Media Resources Assistant SMCPOA Community College Police Officer

It is recommended that the Personnel Commission certify the above listed seniority lists effective January 16, 2013. The seniority lists are provided in an attachment to the agenda. ____________________________________________________________________________ 13.1.4 SENIORITY LISTS

A. Seniority lists shall be prepared or updated for each class as necessary. When each list is initially established, it shall be approved by the Personnel Director and certified by the Personnel Commission before it is used.

B. When a seniority list is initially established or updated, the list shall be made available to the employee(s) for review during a five (5) working day period before it is approved.

C. During the prescribed review period, an employee who believes that an error has been made on his/her seniority computation shall notify the Personnel Director, who shall review the computations together with any additional information provided by the employee. The Personnel Director shall determine if a recomputation is appropriate and present an appropriate recommendation for action by the Personnel Commission.

D. Seniority lists that are maintained will be available for inspection in the Classified Personnel Department.

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DISPOSITION BY THE COMMISSION Amendments/Comments MOTION MADE BY: Commissioner Abbott SECONDED BY: Commissioner Press AYES: 4 NAYS: 0 ABSTENTIONS: 0

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AGENDA REPORT NO. 5 SUBJECT: RATIFICATION OF LIMITED TERM ASSIGNMENTS DATE: January 16, 2013 TO: Members of the Personnel Commission FROM: Dori MacDonald, Director of Classified Personnel BY: José A. Guzmán, Personnel Specialist The Personnel Commission is requested to ratify the classification of the following Limited Term positions pursuant to Section [7.4.2(C)] of the Rules and Regulations of the Classified Service of the Santa Monica Community College District: Position Classification Department Effective Dates Bookstore Clerk/Cashier (7 part-time positions)

Bookstore 01/22/13-02/22/13

Cash Receipts Clerk (9 part-time positions)

Bursar’s Office 12/17/12-02/22/13

Registration/Information Clerk (1 part-time position)

Bursar’s Office 12/17/12-02/22/13

Student Services Clerk (6 part-time positions)

Bursar’s Office 12/17/12-02/22/13

DISPOSITION BY THE COMMISSION Amendments/Comments MOTION MADE BY: Commissioner Press SECONDED BY: Commissioner Abbott AYES: 4 NAYS: 0 ABSTENTIONS: 0

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AGENDA REPORT NO. 6 SUBJECT: ADVISORY ITEM: APPOINTMENTS TO LIMITED TERM POSITIONS DATE: January 16, 2013 TO: Members of the Personnel Commission FROM: Dori MacDonald, Director of Classified Personnel BY: José A. Guzmán, Personnel Specialist The Personnel Commission is advised that the following persons have been appointed to the following Limited Term positions from certified eligibility lists pursuant to Section [7.4.3(A)] of the Rules and Regulations of the Classified Service of the Santa Monica Community College District. Candidate Position Department Duration* Eligible List Date Friha, Mohammed Bookstore Clerk/Cashier Bookstore 01/22/13-02/22/13 06/18/08 Grau, Donald Bookstore Clerk/Cashier Bookstore 01/22/13-02/22/13 06/12/02 Juarez, Jorge Bookstore Clerk/Cashier Bookstore 01/22/13-02/22/13 09/04/09 Lopez, Jose Bookstore Clerk/Cashier Bookstore 01/22/13-02/22/13 07/18/11 Miles, Erik Bookstore Clerk/Cashier Bookstore 01/22/13-02/22/13 02/21/07 Ponce, Adolph Bookstore Clerk/Cashier Bookstore 01/22/13-02/22/13 08/17/05 Walker, Terence Bookstore Clerk/Cashier Bookstore 01/22/13-02/22/13 06/18/08 Adebowale, Lena Cash Receipts Clerk Bursar’s Office 12/17/12-02/22/13 07/29/10 Barchenko, Olga Cash Receipts Clerk Bursar’s Office 12/17/12-02/22/13 07/29/10 Clark, Jessica Cash Receipts Clerk Bursar’s Office 12/17/12-02/22/13 07/29/10 Jung, Jennifer Cash Receipts Clerk Bursar’s Office 12/17/12-02/22/13 05/24/12 Melendez, Jessica Cash Receipts Clerk Bursar’s Office 12/17/12-02/22/13 05/24/12 Perry, Nakeya Cash Receipts Clerk Bursar’s Office 12/17/12-02/22/13 07/29/10 Shine, Kevin Cash Receipts Clerk Bursar’s Office 12/17/12-02/22/13 10/15/08 Vriese, Denese Cash Receipts Clerk Bursar’s Office 12/17/12-02/22/13 05/24/12 Wilks, Susan Cash Receipts Clerk Bursar’s Office 12/17/12-02/22/13 05/24/12 Chase, Gerald Registration/Information Clerk Bursar’s Office 12/17/12-02/22/13 07/14/93 Graham-Howard Student Services Clerk Bursar’s Office 12/17/12-02/22/13 04/26/10 Itani, Wadad Student Services Clerk Bursar’s Office 12/17/12-02/22/13 04/26/10 McInerney, Elizabeth Student Services Clerk Bursar’s Office 12/17/12-02/22/13 04/26/10

Orcutt, Joseph Student Services Clerk Bursar’s Office 12/17/12-02/22/13 04/26/10 Tolentino, Casimiro Student Services Clerk Bursar’s Office 12/17/12-02/22/13 04/26/10 Williams, La Shondra Student Services Clerk Bursar’s Office 12/17/12-02/22/13 04/26/10

*Not to exceed six (6) months or, in case of an appointment in lieu of an absent employee, is not to exceed the authorized absence of that employee. Reference Merit Rule 7.4.3 (A) –Eligibility for Appointment Limited term appointments shall be made from eligibility lists and employment lists in accordance with procedures for regular appointments.

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AGENDA REPORT NO. 7 SUBJECT: ADVISORY ITEM: APPOINTMENTS TO PROVISIONAL ASSIGNMENTS DATE: January 16, 2013 TO: Members of the Personnel Commission FROM: Dori MacDonald, Director of Classified Personnel BY: José A. Guzmán, Personnel Specialist The Personnel Commission is advised that the following persons have been appointed to the following provisional assignments, not to exceed 90 calendar days pursuant to Section 7.2 of the Rules and Regulations of the Classified Service of the Santa Monica Community College District. Candidate Position Department Duration* Brown, Carla Registration/Information Clerk Bursar’s Office 12/17/12-02/22/13 *Assignment ending dates may be adjusted as not to exceed 90 working days in a fiscal year

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ONLY DATE: January 16, 2013 TO: Members of the Personnel Commission FROM: Dori MacDonald, Director of Classified Personnel BY: José A. Guzmán, Personnel Specialist This item is presented for the Commission’s review – no action is required Please see next page.

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V. PUBLIC COMMENTS TO CLOSED SESSION ITEMS VI. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION – NO CLOSED SESSION SCHEDULED VII. ADJOURN MEETING AT 12:54 PM Next regular meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 20, 2013 in the Board Room, Business Building, Room 117. DISPOSITION BY THE COMMISSION Amendments/Comments MOTION MADE BY: Commissioner Jansen SECONDED BY: Commissioner Press AYES: 4 NAYS: 0 ABSTENTIONS: 0

As required by law, this agenda for the Wednesday, January 16, 2013 Regular Meeting of the Santa Monica College Personnel Commission was posted at or before 12:00 pm on Friday, January 11, 2013 on the official District bulletin boards.