Perilous Times PERILOUS TIMES 2 TIM 3:1-5 PT1 · 02.08.2019  · dangerous wild animals and of the...

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Transcript of Perilous Times PERILOUS TIMES 2 TIM 3:1-5 PT1 · 02.08.2019  · dangerous wild animals and of the...


2 TIM 3:1-5

2 TIM 3:1-5

Perilous Times


“As he lies in his cell, a prisoner of the Lord, Paul is still

preoccupied with the future of the gospel. His mind dwells

now on the evil of the times, now on the diffidence of Timothy. Timothy is so weak, and the opposition so strong.”


“perilous times”

The word translated perilous has the idea of

troubles, difficulty, and stressful situations. This sort of atmosphere will mark the last days.

“perilous times”

“The word was used in classical Greek both of

dangerous wild animals and of the raging sea.”


“last days”

The last days began with the birth of the church

on the day of Pentecost.

Acts 2:17

“last days”

“There are sanguine brethren who are looking forward to

everything growing better and better and better, until, at

last, this present age ripens into a millennium. They will not be able to sustain their hopes, for scripture gives them no

solid basis to rest upon.”


“last days”

Perilous times mean that discernment matters.

Mat 16:1-3

Luke 2:25-38

“last days conditions”2 TIM 3:2-5

Three things humanity will be in love with: self, money and


Two activities humanity will be engaged in: boasting,


One over all attitude humanity will be characterized by:


“lovers of self”V.2

“No one is ever going to love you more than you

love yourself. In other words, until you're 100 percent into YOU, no one else will be.”- Donna Arazie

“lovers of self”V.2

Be honest in your evaluation of yourself.

Rom 12:3

“lovers of self”V.2

“‘Lovers of self ’ aptly heads the list since it is the essence

of all sin and the root from which all the other

characteristics spring. The word is literally ‘self-lovers’ and points to the fact that the center of gravity of the natural

man is self rather than God.”


“lovers of money”V.2

“Philarguros” – “avarice” having or showing an

extreme greed and pre-occupation for wealth or material gain.

“lovers of pleasure”V.4

Philedonos: lover of sensual pleasure and luxury

“boasters, proud”V.2

The Greek words are alazon and huperephanos:

they describe people who are proud and arrogantly think of themselves as superior to



Blasphe mos: evil speaking, slanderous, reproachful,

abusive with language… people given to

disrespectful, insolent, insulting and bitter words

where is this coming from? SELF-WORSHIP

“Ye shall be as gods” was satan’s offer to Eve and the

result was that people “changed the truth of God into a

lie, and worshiped and served the creature [rather than] the creator” (Rom 1:25).




LUKE 19:13



2 TIM 3:1-5

2 TIM 3:1-5

Perilous Times