Penny Press 7, 2016 · Penny Press 7, 2016. Penny Press Logotype ... And Tell Us It's Raining See...

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Penny PressNevada, USA Volume 13 Number 44 JULY 7, 2016

PennyPressLogotype Pointedlymad licensed from: Rich Gast

Credits:Publisher and Editor: Contributing Editors:Fred Weinberg Floyd Brown Al Thomas Doug French Robert Ringer John Getter Pat Choate Ron Knecht Byron Bergeron

The Penny Press is published weekly by Far West Radio LLC All Contents © Penny Press 2016

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By JON DAVID WELLSContributing Editor

And so....The more time passes, the more I see what I had feared for all these years. “The Republican Party,” (in quotes as it is but a mere

shadow of its former self,) seems focused on surreptitiously handing the 44th Presidency of the United States to Hillary Clinton.

Apparently, the “Republicans” believe that any Pol will do....Even one who incredibly hates this country more than her predecessor.

And why? With a Congressional approval rating not reaching double-digits, and the polls indicating that

a clear majority of Americans feel betrayed by their Party, these fading members of the political class seem mindlessly focused on saving a “good ol’ boy” system. A way of political life most of the American People are are angrily abandoning....Disillusioned former constituents taking the embarrassing walk of shame, reserved only for the truly screwed.

Since the Reagan Revolution, Republicans have reveled in the clear and demonstrated superiority of the Conservative ideology, while the “Republican Party” has been carefully dismantling the legacy of the most successful age of prosperity in our nation’s history. This never more obvious than when Democrat lies of “Trickle Down Failure” went totally unchallenged.

It seems more true with

each passing day that the notion that “Republicanism is the best expression of the Conservative Ideology” is nothing more than a highlighted selling point on the slick 4-color sales brochure thrust at us from the sweaty hand of an elaborate swindler.

Like one of the most patriotic Americans since Reagan; Ted Cruz, Conservatives have been wholly abandoned by the “Republican Party.”

Even more disturbing, these Democrat-enabling political operatives are clinging to the greasy tools of the film-flam artists they are beginning to resemble....

....Condemnation with faint praise....Subtle movement of the goal posts....Silence where sound is required....Sound where silence is required....The right hand

unconvincingly “not knowing” what the left is doing....Standing still when clear action is required.

“Republicans” why not clearly state your (shaky) principles? Is that too American for you?

And so I support Trump, because I will not witness the traitorous dissolution of the greatest nation ever given to man by God, while carrying the stain of participating in its demise.

I will continue to broadcast the Truth until President Clinton’s Ministry of Public Thought declares me unworthy of airtime.

I will assist in the building the American Conservative Party until President Clinton’s IRS destroys me financially.

I will fight to remain American until President Clinton’s committed androids first take my weapons and


Penny WisdomMy favorite words are, ‘and yet’ —Elie Wiesel

The Conservative Weekly Voice Of NevadaInside:Don't Pee On Our LegsAnd Tell Us It's Raining

See Editorial Page 6


The Conservative Moment of Truth


Continued on page4


then obliterate me when I pick up a rock….I will pray that these “Republicans” find a better political opportunity

in supporting this country than abandoning it. Because clearly, a “Republican Party” without Conservatism cares only about its next political opportunity.

I have long said that The United States of America is President Obama

proof. And as the years have passed, I have been proven correct.I am not sure, however that Our Beloved Nation is Treacherous

“Republican Party” Proof.

Jon-David Wells, is a former Las Vegas radio personality who is now the host of The Wells Report on KSKY, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas (c): 2016

USA is Obama-ProofContinued from page 3

Nevada Is a Leader in Educational Efficiency

Recently, the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s annual “Kids Count Data Book” ranked Nevada 49th among the states in K-12 education.

We always check the actual numbers behind rankings like this. But the so-called “Data Book” provides almost no information about its data sources or how its rankings are calculated.

It’s clear, however, the ranking isn’t based on objective measures of educational outcomes. It also considers demographic variables like race.

There’s some correlation between such secondary factors and objective education performance measures. But including them in addition to student achievement essentially double counts their significance in education rankings.

Worse, the demagoguery on public education obscures the fundamental point: People’s lives and living standards have improved dramatically over the past 200 years precisely because folks continually learned to produce more with less in almost every industry – except government, education and health care.

For example, today it takes about three days’ average wages to buy a mattress and box spring, while that purchase cost 20 days’ wages 85 years ago. And despite costing only 15 percent as much, today’s mattresses are more comfortable than ever!

Why no such improvement in

education? Shouldn’t improvements in the educational attainment of teachers, technology, online learning platforms and various innovations lead to gains in educational efficiency? Instead, K-12 education continually gets more expensive relative to our incomes while delivering questionable quality.

Educators should be embarrassed about the system’s inability to keep up with the rest of the economy. Yet, teacher unions and other beneficiaries of public spending on education have somehow deluded the public into believing more and more money for them is always better for education.

For our children’s future, we must focus on educational efficiency.

We can estimate efficiency using the federal Department of Education’s (DOE) statistics on state spending and performance.

State spending on education varies widely by region, with northeastern states spending far more than everyone else. Among mountain west states, Nevada ranks near the middle. Wyoming’s oil revenues drive high spending there, and Colorado, Montana and New Mexico all spend slightly more than Nevada. Arizona spends slightly less, and Idaho and Utah much less.

DOE also administers a standardized test in every state on a random basis. It can be used to gauge student achievement in math and reading. The only mountain west state with lower performance than Nevada is New Mexico. However, California routinely scores worse than Nevada despite substantially higher spending there.

Dividing per-pupil spending by the combined score of the eighth-grade math and reading tests in each state tells how much each state spends per achievement point. That determines who has the most efficient school system.

Doing so reveals Nevada again to be near the median among

mountain west states. We spend slightly more than Arizona to achieve an identical score and with similar demographics.

Idaho and Utah lead the way nationally, achieving high scores at very low cost. But they also have less than half the concentration of minority students of Nevada and Arizona and thus bear fewer costs of teaching children to overcome language barriers.

So Arizona and Nevada are leaders in educational efficiency, although neither state has been really effective at reducingcosts.

By contrast, Florida has reduced the cost of educating each student by more than $2,200 since 2008 while test scores and graduation rates have continued to improve. This means Florida taxpayers kept more than $5 billion in their pockets in 2013 versus 2008 spending levels while getting better education for their children. Student demographics in Florida are similar to Nevada, but Florida was among the first states to embrace fundamental school reform, including parental choice.

North Carolina, where Geoff grew up, also stands out as a consistently high performer despite taking less out of taxpayer pockets than Nevada does.

For mattresses, fine dining, deodorant and nearly every other aspect of life, the Western tradition has been to continually do more with less so that we can all lead richer and fuller lives. Such progress rightly should be the focus in education too, which means we should strive for efficiency of output and not just feel-good programs.

So, Nevada K-12 education isn’t so bad. But there are other states we can learn from.


The Penny Press Tips Its Cap To:NASA, for guiding the Juno spacecraft to a Jupiter orbit for a lot less than we spent putting a man on the moon. While it doesn’t have the emotional punch that the Apollo program had during the cold war, it does show that the United States can still do great things when we stop arguing long enough to do them.

FBI Director James Comey for inadvertently showing us that Donald Trump is right. The system really IS rigged in favor of elite politicians like the Clintons. If an average American did what Clinton did they would be arrested so fast their heads would spin. The elites? Not so much.

The Penny Press Sends A Bronx Cheer And A Bouquet of Weeds To:The entire Clark County so-called “family court” which was busy hiding under its col-lective desk on Tuesday after it was discovered that an application for a temporary pro-tection order filed by Las Vegan Phoukeo Dej-Oudom was denied without a hearing just weeks before her husband fatally shot her and the couple’s three children. Nobody could even be bothered to say, “we screwed up”.

Tips Of Our Capand

Bronx Cheers

Commentary: Ron Knecht & Geoffrey Lawrence


I make it a point to spend a lot of time with just average people—like me.

I shop at WalMart, 7-11 and Dollar General. I make a point of using Uber, where any average guy or gal can make a decent living driving their own car for money.

When I travel, I use Airbnb which, whatever else it does well, lets you meet average people wherever you stay overnight.

When I fly, I fly on Southwest Airlines which has become the Greyhound of the air.

Opinion polling has been so volatile recently that the only way to find out what is actually on America’s mind is to ask. To simply start a conversation and listen.

And, folks, America isn’t mostly made up of elite, highly educated (on paper, anyway), well paid pundits, who write for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal or work for CBS News. It is made up of folks who work hard every day to make enough money to pay the mortgage on their little corner of the world. It is made up of folks who have to follow the ridicules laws passed by the legislators they elect who also, for the most part are NOT subject to the laws they make.

There is a different set of rules for those folks. Here’s an example.

Hillary Clinton was investigated by the FBI after it was discovered that while Secretary of State, she used private email servers instead of a secure government system.

A week ago, Attorney General Loretta Lynch met privately in Phoenix with former President Bill Clinton. They would have you believe that it was a chance meeting as if they bumped into each other in the passenger terminal.

Not exactly.

Clinton, flying in his private jet heard that Lynch, flying in her private jet, was about to land. So he waited and then climbed aboard her jet where they met privately for 37 minutes.

They told us that it was about grandchildren and golf.

As Donald Trump pointed out, that should take about five to eight minutes.

They said they didn’t talk about the investigation. But when Lynch got caught, she said that she would accept the FBI’s recommendation, whatever it was.

A few days later, FBI director James Comey called a news conference and excoriated Clinton. But declined to recommend she be indicted.

Clinton, her husband, Lynch and Comey are NOT average Americans.

They do NOT live in the real world and they are woefully out of touch with America. Especially while they’re riding around in their private jets.

Immediately after Comey’s press conference, Hillary hopped on the ultimate private jet, Air Force One, with Lynch’s boss and flew to Charlotte where Barack Obama campaigned for Clinton at mostly the average Americans’ expense.

Now that may have been a great show for elite America but I have faith in the people I shop, ride, fly and stay with.

Because most of the folks I talk to every day know exactly what is going on and they’re having none of it.

They’re mostly like Judge Judy.

“Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining outside.”

The media and the elites say no harm, no foul and go Hillary.

That she continuously lied to us about whether or not her private email server contained Top Secret classified information means nothing to the elites. Rules and laws don’t apply to them.

If you or I did what Hillary did, we’d be trying to pay for a lawyer so we could cop a plea.

But she’s so busy peeing on our legs that she and her elite friends can’t even see what she did wrong.



OPINIONFrom The Publisher...

Hillary Busy Peeing On All Our Legs


Is a Freedom Revolution Possible?As the clock winds down on what is supposed to be the end of Barack Obama’s

valiant attempt to transform America from the world’s only superpower into a banana republic dictatorship, a couple of unforeseen events have occurred.

The first is the totally unexpected appearance of a brash, anti-establishment billionaire who pays homage to no living person or political party and appears to be totally devoid of fear. Contrasted to the bootlicking cowardice of the vast majority of politicians, particularly in the Republican Party, his lack of fear is both astonishing and refreshing.

The other unexpected event is the appearance of a strange new hybrid word spelledB-r-e-x-i-t — the referendum on whether Great Britain should or should not break away from the European Union. Of course, it was supposed to be a mere formality for Britons to vote against exiting, but, as with the Donald Trump phenomenon, the experts completely misjudged the anger and nationalistic fervor of voters. Thus, the polls were once again exposed as little more than propaganda devices.

The bottom line is that after centuries of bondage, everyday people are suddenly revolting against the political criminals who have controlled their lives. Why do so many politicians, including the most power hungry among them, still not understand the phenomenon that is unfolding before their very eyes? Perhaps the prison warden in the film Cool Hand Luke best summed up the disconnect between the corrupt establishment and the general populace when he drawled, “What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.”

While I wouldn’t want to get my hopes too high, I admit that for the first time in my life I see a freedom revolution as a real possibility. Not a probability, but a possibility.

Most of us, when we talk about revolution, think of an uprising from the left. Revolution tends to bring visions of the good old-fashioned kind of uprising that Marx and Engels wrote about in the nineteenth century and Lenin and Trotsky put into action early in the next century.

Since those heady days of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, left-wing revolutions have occurred with regularity throughout the world, with the people in whose name such revolutions have been fought always ending up much worse off than prior to the overthrow of their rulers. To their dismay, the low-information masses have repeatedly found that left-wing revolutions result in poverty, oppression, and a loss of freedom — not to mention torture and death.

Enter communications technology, which has not been kind to the power structure that has been so successful for so long in keeping the average citizen in check. Plain and simple, the Internet has made it possible for too many everyday folks to learn far too much truth in a relatively short period of time and, just as important, given them the ability to spread that truth worldwide virtually instantaneously.

Democratic slaveholders knew how important it was to keep slaves uneducated and uninformed. But today, in rapidly increasing numbers, the sharecroppers on Uncle Sam’s Plantation are becoming educated and more informed. Thus, it is possible that history may someday record that Barack Obama came along fifteen to twenty years too late to accomplish his goal of taking down America. But don’t count him out just yet. The man is superb at his craft.

In other words, let’s not get carried away with current events and prematurely celebrate the overthrow of our masters. Even if the masses succeed in kicking out of office the ruling establishment, it will all be in vain if they are not willing to go all the way. And by all the way, I mean that they must be willing to utter two words that are considered taboo by the media, politicians, and both low- and high-informationvoters: impeachment and treason.

In the U.S., my concern is that even if Trump becomes president, he will end up yielding to establishment pressure and let Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, et al escape punishment. In defending their crimes, one of the left’s favorite arguments is, “Oh, c’mon. That’s all in the past, so what difference does it make now? People want us to move on with fixing today’s problems.” It’s a very old trick, but a very cute one.

I’ve heard this kind of clever refrain from both Democrats and Republicans all my life, which is why politicians like Chris Dodd, Tom Daschle, and Barney Frank — to name just a few scoundrels who engaged in massive criminal activity during

their stay in office — get off scot free, then peacefully live off their ill-gotten gains for the remainder of their lives.

If there is to be real change, people like this must to be punished to the full extent of the law. Taking the trouble to prosecute lawbreakers and mete out meaningful punishment is an important deterrent to criminal activity. If there are noconsequences to criminal behaviour, what motivation do criminals have to change their ways?

But there’s another component to the hint of freedom revolution in the air: Trump and Brexit have reaffirmed something else that most of us already knew — that people are fed up with multiculturalism and want their countries back. They’re not impressed by the Con-Artist-in-Chief making self-serving pronouncements like “This is not who we are.” The arrogance of using the word “we” to speak on behalf of millions of Americans who totally disagree with him is beyond arrogance and narcissism; it’s downright nauseating.

As I have repeatedly pointed out, one of the biggest lies politicians and their media water-carriers have tried to stuff down our throats for decades is that “diversity is America’s greatest strength.” Specifically, they tell us that we must support so-called multiculturalism or we are racists.

Really? Well, I have news for you: Human beings are tribal by nature. They don’t want to live side by side with people who do not share their culture — which includes, above all, their values.

Note that I used the word culture rather than race. Personally, I don’t know anyone who evaluates people on superficial differences such as the amount of pigmentation in their skin. What the hell does the color of a person’s skin have to do with his worth as a human being? Absolutely nothing.

But a person’s cultural beliefs are an entirely different matter. America used to be a melting pot where people came here and willingly adopted American culture and values. That’s what made America a melting pot.

Today, however, thanks to the nefarious actions of globalists in both major parties, America has been intentionally Balkanized. Which is great for politicians, becausewhen the populace is divided, it’s much easier to conquer.

The one little reality of life that true-believing globalists can’t seem to grasp is that every nation and every culture, like every individual, will always act in its own self-interest when differences arise. “We are the world” is a nice thought and all that, but neither ISIS nor economic reality are swayed by such radical-left gibberish.

Which is why, if there is to be a true freedom revolution, an important step would be for the United States to not only drop out of the world’s most corrupt political organization (repeat, political), the United Nations, but kick the entire den of thieves out of the country. Let the globalist criminals set up shop elsewhere to do their dirty work.

So, is it possible that we really are in the early stages of a freedom revolution? Again, yes, I think it’s possible … but doubtful.

I say doubtful because, notwithstanding the existence of the Internet, probably at least half the public is either too stupid (i.e., lacking in intelligence), too ignorant (i.e., lacking in knowledge), too prone to envy and avariciousness, too immoral, and/or too irrational to embrace the notion of living in a totally voluntary society in which the supreme law of the land makes it clear that force or violence, or the threat of force or violence, is illegal and is to be dealt with swiftly and harshly — especially in the case of politicians.

Having said all this, Americans should focus on first things first. And the first order of business is to stick a large finger in the tyranny dyke by making sure that no more anti-constitutionalist radicals will be appointed the Supreme Court, because a couple more of those would make everything else moot.

Something to think about long and hard between now and November 8. ROBERT RINGERRobert Ringer (© 2016)is a New York Times #1 bestselling author who has appeared on numerous national radio and television shows, including The Tonight Show, Today, The Dennis Miller Show, Good Morning America, ABC Nightline, The Charlie Rose Show, as well as Fox News and Fox Business. To sign up for a free subscription to his mind-expanding daily insights, visit

Commentary: Robert Ringer


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Commentary: Dan KishOn Atlantic Offshore Drilling, President Pulls a Bait And Switch

President Obama just had a change of heart on offshore energy development.

Last year, the president put forward a blueprint to expand oil and gas exploration off the Atlantic Coast. In March, he shelved the plan.

Environmentalists are celebrating. But it’s a loss for the country. President Obama has passed on an important opportunity to secure America’s energy future and create thousands of new jobs.

The president has a long history of siding with environmentalists over working Americans. While campaigning for the presidency in 2008, Obama stated proudly that, “under my plan . . . electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”

Upon taking office, the president wasted little time in pursuing this goal. He tasked the Environmental Protection Agency with carrying out his agenda through executive fiat. The EPA developed the Clean Power Plan, a sweeping carbon dioxide reduction scheme. The plan promised to slash carbon emissions from power plants by 32 percent by 2030.

By restricting the use of low-cost fossil fuels, and forcing the construction of expensive new generation, the EPA’s plan effectively mandates that Americans will pay more for energy. Thankfully, the Supreme Court struck down this scheme in February.

When the president isn’t championing the cause of high energy prices, he can be found ignoring the economic benefits of fossil-fuel development. In 2012, he argued that, “we can’t just drill our way to lower gas prices.” He was wrong.

Thanks to the shale-energy boom of recent years, America has emerged as the world’s leading producer of oil and natural gas. Crude oil production increased by 72 percent from 2009 to 2015.

As domestic production has soared, gasoline prices have fallen. Indeed, gas is expected to remain at about $2 a gallon for the rest of the year.

Clearly, President Obama was wrong about the relationship between oil development and energy prices. Nevertheless, he continues to block drilling projects.

For instance, the administration has erected new barriers to drilling on federal land. Applying for the relevant drilling permit now takes nearly 100 days longer than it did before the president took office.

Not surprisingly, between 2010 and 2014, drilling on federal lands fell by 10 percent. Natural gas development dropped by more than 30 percent.

And so, it came as some surprise, last January, when the administration proposed leasing a segment of the Atlantic coast for offshore drilling projects.

The administration’s decision was the first step toward tapping the 4.7 billion barrels of oil and 37.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas trapped beneath the Atlantic coast. Developing these resources would secure America’s energy independence while creating around 280,000 new jobs across the country in the coming decades.

One was tempted to believe that the president had finally placed the interests of real Americans above the demands of the green movement. This proved too much to hope for.

More than a year after releasing its initial Atlantic drilling plan, the administration reversed its position. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell defended this about-face, calling the new policy, “a balanced proposal that protects sensitive resources.”

By “sensitive resources,” one assumes she means the president’s allies in the green movement whose goal it seems is to make energy more expensive in order to limit Americans’ use of it. Once again, the administration has placed the extreme views of a radical few before the wealth and security of the nation as a whole. America could have a better future if they hadn’t. DAN KISHDan Kish is a senior vice president for policy at the Institute for Energy Research.


Millennials Shouldn’t Gamble Their Wealth on Their Health

Millennials are increasingly making traditional “adult” purchases. In 2015, Americans in their twenties and thirties bought 4 million vehicles -- more than any generation other than the baby boomers -- and over a third of millennials now own homes.

Unfortunately, nearly 8 million millennials are putting such assets at risk by forgoing a far more important purchase -- health insurance. Viewing health coverage as a needless expense, these so-called “young invincibles” roll the dice that they will avoid serious accidents or illness.

Gambling with one’s financial health by remaining uninsured is almost always a losing bet. An unexpected, uninsured trip to the hospital can result in financial ruin.

Some of those uninsured millennials may desire coverage but legitimately cannot afford it. There are, however, at least 1.5 million high-income young Americans who simply decline to buy policies. This behavior persists in spite of estimates that the average American under the age of 65 has a one-in-ten chance of incurring over $30,000 in medical bills in any given year.

As healthcare grows more expensive, so does health insurance. The average premium for a mid-level “silver” plan through the Affordable Care Act’s insurance exchanges for a 30-year-old individual is $312 a month, or roughly $3,700 a year.

With premiums so high, many millennials neglect to buy policies. The average uninsured American under the age of 65 will face total health care bills in any given year of $2,700. So these gamblers reckon that they’re better off paying bills out-of-pocket and saving thousands by avoiding premiums.

That line of thinking, however, is dangerously shortsighted.Purchasing health insurance is not about seeing a return at the end of the

year. Rather, obtaining coverage helps reduce the risk of financial hardship resulting from unanticipated medical catastrophes.

Insurance plans have out-of-pocket maximums, which cap the amount consumers have to spend on health care in a single year. Typical silver plans, for instance, ensure that individuals will not spend much more than $6,000 and families will not spend more than $12,000.

Without those caps, medical bills can be ruinous. Treating a particularly bad urinary tract infection -- the second-most common type of infection -- in the emergency room could cost up to $73,000.

With prices like those, it is no surprise that medical bills are the number one cause of bankruptcy in the United States.

Even if steep medical bills do not result in financial ruin, individuals and families could have to deplete their savings if they skip out on health insurance.

It may be tempting for young people to assume that they can ward off chronic diseases like heart disease or diabetes with proper diet and exercise, but nobody can eliminate the possibility of massive unexpected bills stemming from a car accident or cancer.

Buying insurance is a smart bet. And it does not need to be a hassle. Consumers can outsource much of the legwork of researching and comparing policies to insurance agents and brokers. Roughly three-quarters of agents spend their time explaining coverage options to clients. That expert guidance is why consumers who sought assistance when signing up for exchange plans rated agents and brokers as more helpful than any other source of coverage information.

Young Americans are increasingly purchasing homes and vehicles. Health insurance policies can help these millennials protect their new assets and avoid financial disaster.SCOTT WHAMScott Wham is a member of the Principals Council at the National Association of Health Underwriters as well as the Director of Compliance Services at Kistler Tiffany Benefits, which provides employee benefits consulting for companies in Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

Commentary: Scott Wham

A ‘Declaration Of Dependence’ On GodIn the wake of England’s historic Brexit vote, and during America’s own

Fourth of July celebrations, we’re reminded that man’s longing for individual freedom is a contagion, and that to declare independence from overreaching governmental control is a big part of the cure.

Still, while the U.K.’s recent “Declaration of Independence” from a decidedly socialist European Union was largely driven by socio-economic considerations, not to mention a desperate attempt to remedy Britain’s demographic suicide cocktail of political correctness, multiculturalism and deadly immigration jihad, America’s own freedom revolution was driven by a longing for both fiscal independence and, to a larger extent, an effort to secure the unalienable right to individual and corporate religious liberty – particularly the free exercise of Christianity.

“The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity,” observed John Adams, our second U.S. president. “I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.”

At our founding, America at once declared independence from tyranny and reaffirmed our dependence on the one true God of the Bible.

We must do so again.Or perish.The historical record is irrefutable. Consider this formal statement issued

by the U.S. House Judiciary Committee in 1854: “Had the people, during the Revolution, had a suspicion of any attempt to war against Christianity, that Revolution would have been strangled in its cradle. … In this age, there can be no substitute for Christianity. … That was the religion of the founders of the republic and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendants.”

Sadly, today’s secular left has indeed declared war against Christianity, the “religion of the founders of the republic,” which was “expected [to] remain the religion of their descendants.”

And the war has reached fever pitch. It’s high time this anti-Christian “revolution” was “strangled in its cradle.”

Indeed, contrast the above Judiciary Committee declaration with one recently made by Hillary Clinton: “Rights have to exist in practice – not just on paper,” the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee recently said in the context of some phantom “right” to sacrifice undesirable infants on the altar of “choice.” “Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed (emphasis mine).”

“Religious beliefs have to be changed.” And change them (or, more accurately, criminalize them) they intend.

As I detail at length in my latest book, “Hating Jesus: The American Left’s War on Christianity,” God’s natural created order, His immutable, scientific and transcendent moral precepts, as well as the very lives and livelihoods of Christian Americans, are under vicious attack today at a level unprecedented in American history.

This is, in every way conceivable, anathema to what the founders, and the U.S. Constitution, intended.

“Suppose a nation in some distant region should take the Bible for their only law book and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited. … What a Eutopia – what a Paradise would this region be!” pined John Adams. “Without [Christianity], this world would be something not fit to be mentioned in polite company: I mean hell,” he added.

Yet it bears repeating: Jesus continually warned that this anti-Christian war declared by the pagan left would occur: “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. …” (John 15:18-20)

So what should we do?Jesus commands His followers to be His hands and feet – to be salt and light

in a rotting world that loves darkness (Matthew 5:13-16).While it is true that salt preserves; in an open wound, it also burns. Today’s

anti-Christian, moral-relativist culture is an open wound.While it is true that light’s bright glare can be illuminating to those eager

to see, it is likewise blinding to those whose eyes have become adjusted to darkness. When the light of Christ is shined, it sends lovers of evil scurrying for the shadows.

For this reason, Christ also warned, “You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved” (Matthew 10:22).

For Christians, those times when the right people call us the wrong things are among those times we should “rejoice in our sufferings.” I received two emails this week alone that have given me great cause to rejoice. Because, as John Adams put it, I very publicly advocate the “general principles of Christianity,” I receive from those who hate Jesus dozens of the following types of communications each month.

“Your fate is the same fate as ISIS. The only difference between you and them is the religious symbol on your armband and the fact that in their countries they can get away with murdering those who do not and will not bow down to their perversion of religion,” emailed someone identified as Mark Anderson ( “ISIS deserves to die and so do you,” he continued, “and when the United States government puts both of you rabid savages down the world will be a better place.”

Thank you, Mr. Anderson.Someone calling himself Anthony Marks ( continued with

the same theme: “You, Matt Barber, deserve to be riddled with the same bullets that took down the Orlando terrorist. You deserve to hang at the neck just as Heinrich Himmler would have had the anti-LGBT savage not killed itself before it could be punished for its crimes against humanity. You deserve to be burning in Hell. … You are a non-human abomination worthy of death and you will get what you deserve … you disgusting barbarian filth.”

Thank you, Mr. Marks.People ask me, “How do you take this kind of hatred day in and day out?

Does it frighten you? Does it upset you?”To which I reply, “No, I count it all joy.”In fact, while I’m always buoyed by notes of encouragement, it’s the vile hate

mail and death threats that lift my spirits more than anything else. They bless me. “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me” (Matthew 5:11).

I pray for these people. They’re not my enemies. They’re lost. I hurt for them. I want those who hate Jesus to come to know Him as their Lord and Savior.

Their eternity depends on it.And then I once again declare my dependence on God.

MATT BARBERMatt Barber is founder and editor-in chief of He is an author, columnist, cultural analyst and an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. Having retired as an undefeated heavyweight professional boxer, Matt has taken his fight from the ring to the culture war. (Follow Matt on Twitter: @jmattbarber).


Commentary: Matt Barber



Never Quote A Poli Sci ProfessorWhen I ran the Nevada News Bureau a few years ago, I had only one

standing order: Never quote a political science professor unless they had actual, real-life campaign experience to draw from.

I was reminded of the wisdom of that rule while reading a Las Vegas Review-Journal story Saturday quoting UNLV poli-sci professor Dan Lee about voter registration numbers in Nevada.

“A big chunk of the recent nonpartisan registers might be ‘disaffected Republicans’ turned off to the party by the likes of Donald Trump, the party’s presumptive presidential nominee, Lee said. ‘It’s certainly not a good thing for Trump,’ Lee said. ‘If he only mobilizes Republican voters, that’s not going to be enough.’”

What rock has this guy been living under?The “disaffected Republicans” aren’t turned OFF by Donald Trump;

they’re energized by him. The vast majority of “disaffected Republicans” who have left the GOP and registered non-partisan are primarily conservatives who are sick of the GOP establishment and have been for years.

That’s a GREAT thing for Trump, as he showed during the primaries. Trump was able to pull “disaffected Republicans,” independents and moderate Democrats like no Republican candidate since Ronald Reagan.

Which reminds us again that no one should pay any attention to the uninformed opinions of poli-sci professors. CHUCK MUTH(Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach and publisher of You can reach him at


Commentary: Chuck Muth Every week in Nevada, someone is trying to screw us.

Most of the time, we elected that someone.

That's why we conserva-tives NEED a WEEKLY voice.

That's why the Penny Press has made sticking up for us little guys a whole new Nevada tradition.

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