Penamaan resistor pada Eagle

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Sistem penamaan resistor dan hubungannya dengan dimensi komponen

Transcript of Penamaan resistor pada Eagle

Penamaan komponen resistor pada pustaka Eagle

(Eagle library)

Dikumpulkan oleh Sunu Pradana, 2013

Untuk dapat merancang PCB yang berfungsi sesuai rencana salah satu unsur

mendasar yang terpenting kesesuaian antara dimensi komponen pada rancangan

PCB dengan fisik komponen yang sesungguhnya akan dipergunakan.

Masing-masing software memiliki sistem/cara penamaan tersendiri terhadap

komponen-komponen (PCB footprint). Salah satu contoh adalah library dari Eagle,

yang walaupun umum tersedia dari berbagai sumber tetapi memiliki sistem

penamaan yang cukup unik. Terutama bagi yang belum pernah menemui pola

seperti ini sebelumnya.

10 mm = 393.70079 mil

09 mm = 354.33071 mil

03 mm = 118.11024 mil

10 mm

V (vertical)

12 mm

ExpressPCB footprint package cheatsheet (click lnk) :

“With regards to the resistors, when you are looking through the ‘resistor’ library the parts have a ‘type’. The First half is the width in mm (at least for the EU parts) and the second part is the length. The ‘grid’ is the distance between the two solder holes.

For example, a 0309/10 resistor is 3mm in diameter, with a 9mm length and the holes are set 10mm apart. Therefore, simply measure your resistor and use something similar.”

sumber: a.d.

“(1 W/0207 size to > 3 W/0617 size)” …

And what does type 207 mean? I know it a package but I don’t see 207 in the data sheet. What does types 204, 207, 309, 411 mean? …

<<>> It is the diameter and size of the resistor body in centimeters. So the 1. value in your example means 1 Watt and body size 2×7 Milimeters = 0,2×0,7 Centimeters. Forget the x and commas and you have 0207. (Like you write 2k7 for a resistor value of 2.7 kilo ohms).

The 3 Watts resistor has a body of 6×17 milli- or 0,6×1,7 centimeters. Since it is not really healthy for a resistor to bend the wires sharp at the body you leave a milimeter or two before you bend them as seen at page 4 of your pdf-file. So this leads to the “/value”. If you check the eagle rcl.lbr pick a resistor 0207/7 and a 207/15 and place them in the schematic. They look alike but if you switch to brd you will notice the differece. The bodies are equal but the wires have a different length. So the value behind the / is the grid size of the part.


The general purpose fixed resistor devices are called either R-US (if you like the US zigzag line type of schematics symbol) or R-EU (if you prefer the European simple rectangle.] The package options are numerous, but make sense after you realize that there’s a common format: “WWLL/SS” where WW is the body width, LL is the body length, and SS is the hole spacing, all in truncated millimeters.

A typical 1/4W resistor measures about 2.5mm in diameter and 7mm long; hole spacing depends on how you bend the leads. So R-US0207/10 is a 1/4W resistor with 10mm (actually 4*2.54, or 10.16mm, since we want to stay close to a 0.1 inch (2.54mm) grid.) R-US0207/2V is the same resistor mounted vertically with 2.54mm lead spacing. 1/8W resistors are similarly designated R-US_0204/SS”

Capacitors are worse than resistors, largely because their bodies come in a wider variety of shapes (that are less standardized), and of course there are all those different types; disk, ceramic, mylar, film, electrolytic, tantalum, AC filter, etc (and those are just the FIXED value caps!) Again, threre are slightly different US and European schematic symbols C-US and C-EU in rcl.lib.

Again, there’s a plethora of packages, but there’s a standard format. In this case it’s SSS-WWWXLLL, where SSS is the lead spacing (with an extra digit this time!), WWW is the body width, and LLL is the body length.

Polarized caps are similar (CPOL-US or CPOL-EU in rcl.lbr), with a package name like TSSS-DD, where T is a type designator (E for electrolytics, TT for tantalum drops, for instance) SSS is the spacing again (only now it probably has an actual decimal point!), and DD is the diameter (for radial caps).

sumber: “Draw Electronic Schematics with CadSoft EAGLE” by westfw on August 6, 2006.

Resistor ¼ Watt ( 0.25 W )

Resistor ¼ Watt ( 0.25 W )

Resistor ¼ Watt ( 0.25 W )

Resistor 1/2 Watt ( 0.5 W )

Resistor 1/2 Watt ( 0.5 W )

Resistor 1/2 Watt ( 0.5 W )

Resistor 1 Watt

Resistor 1 Watt

Resistor 1 Watt

Resistor 2 Watt

Resistor 2 Watt

Resistor 2 Watt