pedoman ekspor kerajaan belgia-rrt-vietnam

Post on 10-Dec-2016

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Transcript of pedoman ekspor kerajaan belgia-rrt-vietnam



Perubahan pola makan dari red meat ke white meat

membuka peluang terhadap tingkat konsumsi produk perikanan

pada masyarakat dunia, sementara disisi lain berlaku kewajiban

secara legitimasi pertanggung jawaban untuk menjamin bahwa

pengawasan keamanan makanan dimulai dari C to T atau (Capture

to Table) atau F to F (Farm to Fork). Peningkatan konsumsi produk

perikanan juga menyebabkan tuntutan pasar terhadap jaminan

kualitas dan keamanan yang selanjutnya mempengaruhi tingkat

permintaan suplai bahan baku (”raw material”) produk perikanan

yang semakin hari semakin bertambah, hal ini menyebabkan

persaingan pasar yang terus menerus sedangkan sisi lain kita

harus mempersiapkan eksportir perikanan yang mampu berdaya


Daya saing tidak saja kuantitas dan kualitas produk tetapi

informasi akan akses pasar dalam rangka memasuki pasar ekspor

dan tata cara pemasaran produk perikanan ekspor sangat perlu

bagi eksportir khususnya Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM).

Keterbatasan eksportir UKM akan akses pasar luar negeri, karena

tata cara perdagangan luar negeri melampaui batas kenegaraan

dengan aturan pabean, mata uang, sistem

ukuran/takaran/timbangan dan bahasa sehingga diperlukan

pengetahuan atau gambaran mengenai segi teknis pembiayaan,

pengasuransian, shipping dan pabean. Buku pedoman ekspor

hasil perikanan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi penting


tentang tata cara ekspor hasil perikanan dan persyaratan ekspor di

pasar internasional khususnya di pasar Belgia, Tiongkok dan

Vietnam bagi para pelaku usaha perikanan khususnya eksportir

UKM hasil perikanan.


Penyusunan buku ini adalah dalam rangka memberikan informasi

akses pasar mengenai regulasi teknis dan diharapkan dapat:

1. Mempersiapkan perusahaan/unit pengolahan ikan skala kecil

dan menengah sebelum memulai kegiatan ekspor produk


2. Mempermudah pemahaman stake holder atau khususnya

perusahaan eksportir atau unit pengolahan ikan skala kecil dan

menengah tentang kegiatan/prosedur ekspor produk perikanan

3. Memahami peraturan-peraturan Negara importir atau negara

tujuan pasar ekspor (pengamanan akses pasar)

4. Memperhitungkan resiko dalam kegiatan ekspor hasil perikanan

apa yang menjadi ciri khas pasar ekspor produk perikanan

dalam rangka pengamanan akses pasar.



Ruang lingkup yang terkait dalam penyusunan buku

pedoman ekspor hasil perikanan ini adalah sebagai berikut:

Informasi tentang perdagangan internasional hasil perikanan

dan hambatan perdagangan yang terjadi.

Strategi dalam melakukan ekspor hasil perikanan dengan

mengetahui lembaga-lembaga penting yang berperan dalam

kelancaran kegiatan ekspor, dan dokumen-dokumen penting

sebagai persyaratan ekspor.

Persyaratan umum dan khusus didalam negeri dalam

kegiatan ekspor produk perikanan, bagaimana proses ekspor

produk perikanan berjalan, prosedur ekspor, dan bagaimana

menghindari resiko dalam kegiatan ekspor produk perikanan.

Gambaran pasar ekspor potensial produk perikanan

Indonesia di pasar internacional khususnya di Belgia,

Republik Rakyat Tiongkok, dan Vietnam dengan mengetahui

regulasi impor negara tujuan dan perkembangan trend




Berdasarkan data FAO, pada tahun 2010 total ekspor hasil

perikanan dunia mencapai US$108,5 milyar. Negara-negara

berkembang merupakan pemasok utama pasar hasil perikanan

global yang mencapai 50% dari nilai dan 60% dari volume (setara

berat hidup). Pada tahun 2009, sepuluh negara eksportir perikanan

dunia antara lain: Tiongkok (US$ 10,2 milyar), Norwegia (US$ 7,0

milyar), Thailand (US$ 6,2 milyar), Amerika Serikat (US$ 4,1

milyar), Denmark (US$ 3,9 milyar), Kanada (US$ 3,2 milyar), Chile

(US$ 3,6 milyar), Vietnam (US$ 4,1 milyar), Spanyol (US$ 3,1

milyar) dan Belanda (US$ 3,1 milyar).

Menurut catatan FAO juga, pada tahun 2010 impor

perikanan dunia mencapai US$111,8 milyar, atau naik sekitar 12%

dibanding tahun sebelumnya dan meningkat 86% dari tahun 2000.

Amerika Serikat dan Jepang merupakan importir utama dunia. Di

negara maju tercatat sekitar 80 % dari total nilai impor produk

perikanan. Negara maju mengimpor lebih dari 32 juta ton, sekitar

68 % adalah ikan untuk konsumsi manusia, sedangkan negara

berkembang mengimpor ikan sebanyak 19 juta ton (setara dengan

berat hidup), dengan 47 % adalah ikan sebagai makanan. Lebih

dari 70 % nilai impor dunia terkonsentrasi pada tiga wilayah utama:

EU, Jepang, dan Amerika Serikat. Sepuluh negara-negara

pengimpor perikanan utama dunia tahun 2010 adalah: Jepang


(US$ 14,9 milyar), Amerika Serikat (US$ 15,5 milyar), Spanyol

(US$ 6,6 milyar), Perancis (US$ 5,9 milyar), Italy (US$ 5,4 milyar),

Tiongkok (US$ 6,1 milyar), Jerman (US$ 5,0 milyar) , Inggris (US$

3,7 milyar), Swedia (US$ 3,3 milyar) dan Korea Selatan (US$ 3,1


Komoditas ikan yang banyak diperdagangkan antara lain:

Udang, Salmon, Tuna, Halibut, Cods, Hakes, Haddocks, Herrings,

Sardines, Anchovies, Kepiting dan Ikan Mas.



Dalam pemasaran ikan dan produk perikanan

internasional, salah satu kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh para

eksportir adalah standar dan aturan yang berbeda yang

diberlakukan oleh negara-negara importir pada negara eksportir

untuk menjamin bahwa produk tersebut memenuhi persyaratan

keamanan pangan. Bahkan sesudah ratifikasi langkah-langkah

Perjanjian Sanitary dan Phytosanitary (Agreement on Sanitary and

Phytosanitary (SPS) dan Perjanjian Hambatan Teknis pada

Perdagangan, Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT),

dibawah the World Trade Organization (WTO), perbedaan-

perbedaan diantara standar-standar nasional yang bermacam-


macam dan sistem pemeriksaan mungkin mempertahankan atau

menciptakan hambatan perdagangan non-tariff yang baru.

Globalisasi pada perdagangan makanan dan juga

perkembangan teknologi dalam produksi perikanan, penanganan,

pengolahan dan distribusi serta peningkatan kepedulian dan

permintaan konsumen untuk keamanan dan mutu makanan yang

tinggi menjadikan keamanan pangan dan jaminan kualitas yang

tinggi dalam kepedulian publik dan prioritas bagi banyak

pemerintahan. Ini ditunjukkan dengan serangkaian kekhawatiran

akan keamanan pangan pada tahun 1990-an dengan munculnya

penyakit Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) dan perhatian

pada inovasi bioteknologi (GMO- modifikasi organisme genetik).

Akibatnya banyak negara melakukan pengawasan yang ketat atas

produk pangan yang gilirannya akan berdampak pada

penambahan biaya importasi.

Akhir-akhir ini, perhatian publik di negara maju terhadap

tentang sanitary dan hygene produk pangan telah meningkat

(Ahmed, 2006). Hal ini menyebabkan negara pengimpor (negara

maju) melakukan pengetatan atas aturan keamanan produk baik

untuk produk domestik maupun produk impornya. Negara-negara

berkembang sering mengeluhkan bahwa mereka terkena dampak

aturan sanitary & phitosanitary yang ketat dari negara-negara

importir utama. Perbedaan peraturan negara-negara pengimpor,


standar, tatalaksana dan sistem inspeksi merupakan contoh

kesulitan yang dihadapi negara berkembang.


Selama 3 tahun terakhir (2007 – 2009) produk ekspor hasil

perikanan mengalami kenaikan baik volume, namun mengalami

penurunan pada tahun 2009 dimana salah satu penyebabnya

adalah terjadinya krisis keuangan di negara importir utama produk

perikanan. Pada tahun 2007 ekspor produk perikanan mencapai

854.328 ton dengan nilai US$ 2,258 milyar. Pada tahun 2008, total

volume ekspor hasil perikanan Indonesia mencapai 911.674 ton

dengan nilai sebesar US$ 2,699 milyar. Sedangkan pada tahun

2009, volume ekspor hasil perikanan Indonesia mengalami

penurunan menjadi 881.413 ton atau senilai US$ 2.466 milyar.

Pada tahun 2009, pangsa ekspor produk perikanan

Indonesia ke pasar tradisional (Jepang, Amerika Serikat, Uni

Eropa) sebesar 68,27%, ke pasar prospektif (Asia Tenggara dan

Asia Timur) sekitar 21,41% dan sisanya ditujukan ke pasar

potensial (Timur Tengah, Afrika, Eks Eropa Timur) sekitar 10,32%.

Komoditas ekspor perikanan Indonesia meliputi udang, tuna, ikan

ekonomis penting lainnya (kerapu, kakap, tenggiri, tilapia, dll),

cephalopoda (squid, ocopus, cuttlefish), daging kepiting rajungan,


kepiting, rumput laut, teripang, lobster. Komoditas perikanan

tersebut diolah menjadi produk perikanan (produk akhir) yang

dapat dikelompokkan menurut proses penanganan dan atau

pengolahan sebagai berikut:

1. Produk hidup;

2. Produk segar (fresh product) melalui proses


3. Produk beku (frozen product) baik mentah (raw) atau masak

(cooked) melalui proses pembekuan;

4. Produk kaleng (Canned product) melalui proses pemanasan

dengan suhu tinggi (sterilisasi), dan pasteurisasi;

5. Produk kering (dried product) melalui proses pengeringan

alami, atau mekanis;

6. Produk asin kering (dried salted product) melalui proses

penggaraman dan pengeringan alami, atau mekanis;

7. Produk asap (smoked product) melalui proses pengasapan;

8. Produk fermentasi (fermented product) melalui proses


9. Produk masak (cooked product) melalui proses pemasakan/


10. Surimi based product, melalui proses leaching atau

pengepresan (minced);




Dalam memasuki pasar ekspor pengusaha dapat

mempertimbangkan 10 langkah strategi yang perlu diambil, yaitu:

1. Keputusan manajemen untuk melaksanakan ekspor.

Keputusan untuk melakukan ekspor ataupun hanya dipasarkan

di dalam negeri tergantung keputusan manajemen perusahaan.

Apabila manajemen perusahaan memutuskan untuk

mengekspor, maka manajemen perusahaan harus menentukan

langkah-langkah strategis yang perlu diambil untuk

keberhasilan dalam memasuki pasar ekspor.

2. Menentukan komoditas/produk perikanan yang akan diekspor.

Hal ini mencakup antara lain:

a. Komoditas/produk perikanan apa saja yang dapat diekspor?

- Semua komoditas/produk perikanan dapat diekspor,

selama dibutuhkan dan sesuai dengan selera pembeli

- Semua komoditas perikanan yang dapat di produksi, atau

- Semua komoditas yang dapat dipasok oleh produsen lain.

b. Komoditas/produk perikanan apa saja yang laku di pasar


Komoditas/produk perikanan yang laku di pasar

internasional adalah yang mempunyai daya saing tinggi.


Komoditas yang mempunyai daya saing tinggi pada

umumnya ditentukan oleh faktor:

- Mutu/kualitas yang sesuai dengan selera konsumen,

- Kegunaan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan konsumen,

- Harga yang sesuai dengan daya beli konsumen,

- Waktu penyerahan (delivery time) yang sesuai dengan

musim pemasaran dan iklim di negara konsumen

c. Menganalisis kondisi negara tujuan ekspor.

Sebelum memilih negara tujuan ekspor perlu dipelajari

terlebih dahulu beberapa kondisi dibawah ini:

- Populasi suatu negara untuk menentukan prospek pasar,

- Agama, tradisi dan budaya penduduk untuk menentukan

selera di negara itu,

- Kondisi politik, ekonomi, sosial, untuk menentukan resiko

bisnis di negara itu,

- Iklim di negara tujuan ekspor untuk menentukan jenis

komoditas dan penetapan waktu pengapalan (delivery)

- Peraturan ekspor-impor, perbankan, keuangan dan

transportasi untuk dapat menghitung harga yang akurat

dan lain-lain.

d. Menetapkan pasar potensial dan segmen pasar.

Setelah menetapkan pasar potensial dan segmen pasar,

langkah selanjutnya adalah menentukan saluran pemasaran


yang akan dipilih. Saluran pemasaran yang dapat dipilih

antara lain:

- Menunjuk sole importer di negara bersangkutan,

- Menunjuk agen penjualan,

- Mendirikan confirming house atau kantor cabang,

- Menyerahkan urusan impor kepada importir umum di

negara tujuan ekspor,

- Diserahkan pada pembeli bebas (independent buyers)

e. Menentukan strategi operasional

Strategi operasional yang akan diterapkan harus sesuai

dengan pola dasar bauran pemasaran (marketing mix) yang

dikenal dengan istilah 6-P yaitu:

- Price

- Promotion

- Place

- Power of government

- Power of Parliament

f. Menentukan sistem promosi.

Sedikitnya ada 5 media promosi yang dapat dipakai, antara


- Pameran dagang internasional (trade fairs) di dalam negeri

maupun di luar negeri;

- Membuat brosur dan dikirimkan kepada calon pembeli;


- Pemasangan iklan di media cetak dan elektronik;

- Melalui Atase Perdagangan, Kamar Dagang Indonesia,

Indonesia Trade Promotion Center (ITPC);

- Badan Pengembangan Ekspor Nasional (BPEN) dan

Lembaga Penunjang Ekspor (LPE);

g. Mempelajari peta pemasaran komoditas tertentu

Sebelum menentukan pasar potensial dan segmen pasar,

sebaiknya dipelajari peta pemasaran komoditi tertentu

(gambaran potensi impor dari suatu negara terhadap

komoditi yang akan diekspor). Cara yang biasa ditempuh

dengan mengumpulkan data impor selama 2 – 5 tahun

negara tersebut.

h. Mempelajari dan alamat lengkap badan-badan promosi.

Setelah menentukan promosi, langkah berikutnya

mengumpulkan nama dan alamat lengkap media promosi

yang dipilih, khususnya yang berada di wilayah negara

sasaran ekspor.

i. Menyiapkan brosur dan Price list

Agar calon pembeli lebih mengenal komoditas yang akan

diekspor dapat ditempuh cara sebagai berikut:

- Mengirimkan contoh barang itu sendiri

- Membuat brosur dan daftar harga

Harga yang disiapkan adalah catatan Harga Umum (Price


Indicator) agar pembeli dapat membandingkan harga

tersebut dengan harga komoditas serupa dari negara lain.

j. Menyiapkan surat perkenalan

Promosi, selain ikut trade fairs, juga dapat dilakukan dengan

membuat surat perkenalan yang dikirimkan kepada,

- Asosiasi importir di negara tujuan

- Atase perdagangan asing yang ada di dalam negeri

- Kantor perwakilan badan promosi negara asing, antara lain

JETRO, KOTRA, AMCHAM, dan lain-lain

- Atase Perdagangan di luar negeri

- BPEN serta seluruh kantor Indonesia Trade Pomotion

Centre (ITPC) di negara tujuan ekspor.


A. Para Pelaku/Lembaga dalam Pemasaran Internasional

Produk Perikanan


1. Eksportir

Pelaku utama dalam perdagangan internasional produk

perikanan seperti contoh di atas adalah eksportir yang

dalam hal ini kita sebut saja PT. Mina Laut.

Perusahaan/Eksportir hasil perikanan mungkin dapat dibagi

3 (tiga) kategori yaitu Eksportir Produsen/Pengolah,

Eksportir Agen, dan Eksportir Pedagang

2. Produsen/Supplier

Sebagai contoh, PT. ABC Laut mungkin saja hanyalah

pedagang – perantara dan bukan produsen/pengolah

produk perikanan. Karena itu dalam melakukan transaksi

ekspornya, PT. ABC Laut memerlukan bantuan pengusaha

lain, dalam hal ini adalah perusahaan supplier bahan baku.

Tetapi dalam rangka menciptakan sustainable resources

atau sesuai Code of Conduct Responsibility Fishery (CCRF)

diharapkan eksportir juga bertindak sebagai produsen.

3. Perbankan

Untuk membeli raw material dari supplier bahan baku

dan melakukan operasional proses produksi/ pengolahan

maka biasanya perusahaan atau eksportir

produsen/pengolah memerlukan dana segar. Oleh karena


itu perusahaan membutuhkan dana untuk operasional

produksi/pengolahan dari badan usaha lain yaitu perbankan.

4. Balai Pengujian dan Sertifikasi Mutu Produk

Untuk menjamin mutu dan keamanan pangan dari

produk perikanan yang akan diekspor, terutama untuk

menjamin keamanan produk bila dikonsumsi diperlukan

pemeriksaan mutu produk dari lembaga sertifikasi yang

ditunjuk oleh Otoritas Kompeten di Kementerian Kelautan

dan Perikanan. Hasil pemeriksaan mutu ini akan

berpengaruh terhadap bonafiditas perusahaan/eksportir dan

buyer/importer sebagai penerima atau penjual produk

perikanan diluar negeri dan menghindari tuntutan ganti rugi

(claims) dari pembeli baik buyer terhadap eksportir atau

konsumen terhadap importir. Eksportir perlu mencermarti

bahwa ada dua istilah Health Certificate (HC) dalam buku ini

berdasarkan fungsi dan tujuan dari Health Certificate


Oleh karena itu berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri

Kelautan dan Perikanan nomor 19 tahun 2010 tentang

Pengendalian Jaminan Mutu dan Keamanan Hasil

Perikanan dinyatakan bahwa diperlukan upaya pencegahan

yang perlu diperhatikan dan dilakukan sejak pra produksi


sampai dengan pendistribusian untuk menghasilkan hasil

perikanan yang bermutu dan aman bagi kesehatan.

Selanjutnya Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan memberikan

kewenangan Badan Karantina Ikan dan Pengendalian Mutu

Perikanan sebagai Otoritas Kompeten untuk melakukan

pengendalian jaminan mutu dan keamanan hasil perikanan.

Kewenangan tersebut meliputi penerbitan: sertifikat CPIB,

sertifikat CBIB sertifikat penerapan HACCP dan sertifikat


Sedangkan apabila ada persyaratan tambahan lain

oleh Negara importir yang mengharuskan atau meminta,

maka perlu dilengkapi atau menyertakan Sertifikat

Kesehatan/Health Certificate dalam rangka pencegahan/

pengujian hama dan penyakit ikan, dimana hal ini biasanya

berlaku bagi produk ikan hidup, pakan, dll yang diekspor

atau diimpor. Eksportir dapat menghubungi Stasiun

Karantina, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan yang

biasanya berlokasi di lingkungan Pelabuhan Umum atau

Bandar Udara untuk mendapatkan sertifikat kesehatan


Untuk penerbitan HC produk perikanan tujuan

konsumsi manusia, eksportir dapat mengajukannya kepada

LPPMHP yang mengeluarkan berdasarkan hasil uji sesuai


permintaan negara tujuan.

5. Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan Provinsi

Dalam kegiatan ekspor produk perikanan peran

Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan Provinsi adalah sebagai

lembaga teknis untuk melakukan pembinaan teknis secara

periodik terhadap eksportir produsen/pengolah dalam hal

kelayakan dasar unit pengolahan ikan.

6. Direktorat Jenderal Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Hasil


Dalam sistem perdagangan internasional atau untuk

dapat memasuki negara tujuan, maka berlaku persyaratan

teknis yang disebut Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) yang

kemudian dituangkan dalam Undang-Undang Pangan (Food

Law) atau Regulation in Food Hygiene di masing-masing

negara untuk memberikan jaminan mutu keamanan produk

makanan/perikanan. Selanjutnya, masing-masing negara

eksportir membuat instrumen kebijakan/peraturan

berkenaan dengan sistem manajemen mutu dan keamanan

pangan. Begitu juga halnya dengan Indonesia, Kementerian

Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) juga mengeluarkan

instrumen kebijakan Sistem Jaminan Mutu dan Keamanan


Hasil Perikanan dalam rangka mencapai harmonisasi

dengan peraturan negara tujuan ekspor. Organisasi di

lingkungan KKP yang memiliki Otoritas Kompeten

(Competent Authority) dalam menerapkan sistem tersebut

adalah Badan Karantina Ikan dan Pengendalian Mutu Hasil

Perikanan (BKIPM). Tugas dan Fungsi yang berkaitan

dengan penerapan Sistem Jaminan Mutu dan Keamanan

Pangan tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:

Melakukan penilikan/inspeksi (inspection) terhadap

kelayakan dasar unit pengolahan ikan dalam hal Cara

Berproduksi Makanan Yang Baik atau Good

Manufacturing Practices (GMP), dan Prosedur Operasi

Sanitasi Standar atau Sanitation Standard Operating

Procedure (SSOP).

Melakukan audit verifikasi terhadap penerapan Hazard

Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP).

Memberikan persetujuan (approval) kepada eksportir

produsen/pengolah ikan untuk diusulkan kepada Komisi

Eropa untuk memperolah Approval Number sebagai

salah satu persyaratan ekspor ke Uni Eropa.

Melakukan registrasi yang diperbolehkan ekspor hasil

perikanan ke Tiongkok, Korea, Rusia, Kanada dan



Dalam implementasi sehari-hari, Badan Karantina Ikan dan

Pengendalian Mutu Hasil Perikanan mendelegasikan tugas

dan fungsi tersebut kapada Kepala Pusat Sertifikasi Mutu

dan Keamanan Hasil Perikanan.

7. Usaha Jasa Transportasi atau Freight Forwarder

(Forwarding Agent)

Barang-barang sebelum diekspor memerlukan

pengepakan khusus yang sesuai ketentuan layak laut

(seaworthy packing) dan diberi merk sesuai permintaan

pembeli (trade marks/shipping marks) untuk memudahkan

pembeli dalam mencari barang-barang itu di pelabuhan


Untuk mengurus pengepakan layak laut/layak udara

(airworthy packing), memberi shipping marks, dan mencari

gudang penyimpanan, eksportir biasanya menyerahkannya

kepada badan usaha lain yang mengkhususkan diri untuk

pekerjaan itu. Badan usaha itu lazimnya disebut: Usaha jasa

Transportasi atau Freight Forwarder (Forwarding Agent)

atau EMKL (Ekspedisi Muatan Kapal Laut), EMKU

(Ekspedisi Muatan Kapal Udara), EMKA (Ekspedisi Muatan

Kereta Api).


8. Bea dan Cukai

Barang-barang, setelah dipersiapkan secara fisik

untuk diekspor, diwajibkan memenuhi formalitas ekspor

seperti membayar pajak ekspor dan pungutan negara

lainnya seperti membuat dokumen pelindung ekspor sesuai

ketentuan Undang-undang Kepabeanan, pengisian formulir

Pemberitahuan Ekspor Barang (PEB) atau Pemberitahuan

Ekspor Barang Tertentu (PEBT). Untuk menyeleasikan

urusan ini kita harus berurusan dengan instansi pemerintah,

dalam hal ini dengan instansi bea dan cukai.

9. Lembaga Sertifikasi Lain

Dalam permintaan sertifikasi, eksportir perlu juga

berpedoman pada permintaan kelengkapan sertifikat yang

dipersyaratkan oleh buyer/importir yang tidak umum, dan

dapat mengajukan sertifikasi kepada lembaga atau institusi

lain yang mampu melakukan dengan beberapa alasan

sebagai berikut:

a. pengujian spesifik yang tidak dapat dilakukan oleh

lembaga sertifikasi Kementerian Kelautan dan

Perikanan, GMO, sebagai contoh untuk produk canned

snail, eksportir diminta untuk menyertakan sertifikat


GMO, apabila lembaga sertifikasi yang ditunjuk tidak

dapat melakukan pengujian sesuai dengan permintaan,

maka dapat mengajukan kepada lembaga sertifikasi


c. Untuk mengekspor hasil produk perikanan adakalanya

suatu barang dijual dengan kuantum yang tepat, yang

harus dibuktikan dengan sertifikat yang dikeluarkan oleh

juru timbang yang disumpah (sworn weigher). Pekerjaan

itu biasanya dilakukan oleh Independent Surveyor seperti

PT. Sucofindo atau PT. Surveyor Indonesia

10. Perusahaan Asuransi

Bila pembeli menginginkan barang ditawarkan atas

dasar harga CIF, maka eksportir wajib menutup asuransi

untuk barang itu.

11. Lembaga Promosi

Dalam memasarkan suatu komoditas perikanan ke

luar negeri, eksportir lazimnya membutuhkan bantuan

lembaga-lembaga promosi untuk memperoleh informasi

pasar. Direktorat Pemasaran Luar Negeri, Ditjen

Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Hasil Perikanan memiliki Sub

Direktorat Promosi dan Kerjasama Pemasaran Luar Negeri


dan Subdit Analisa dan Informasi Pasar Luar Negeri yang

bekerjasama dengan Lembaga promosi yang didirikan oleh

pemerintah, berbagai badan swasta, maupun asosiasi

pengusaha yang juga bertujuan untuk meningkatkan atau

mengembangkan hasil perikanan Indonesia, adapun

lembaga-lembaga atau institusi-institusi dimaksud antara


Badan Pengembangan Ekspor Nasional (BPEN)

Atase Perdagangan di tiap KBRI

Atase Perdagangan Kedutaan Asing



Indonesia Trade Promotion Centre (ITPC)

12. Perusahaan pelayaran

Salah satu kewajiban pokok dari eksportir adalah

mengirimkan barang kepada pembeli di mancanegara.

Tugas ini terpaksa diserahkan pada badan usaha lain yang

lazimnya adalah perusahaan pelayaran (shipping company)

atau angkutan udara (air freight cargo).

13. Dinas yang diberi kewenangan oleh Kementerian



Untuk mengurus kemudahan dan keringanan bea

masuk bagi komoditas Indonesia yang diberikan oleh negara

maju dalam rangka GSP (Generalized System of

Preference) maka komoditi ekspor Indonesia memerlukan

apa yang disebut Surat Keterangan Negara Asal (SKA)

barang. SKA ini dapat diperoleh dari Dinas Perdagangan

Provinsi yang diberi kewenangan oleh Kementerian


14. Kedutaan Asing atau Atase Perdagangannya

Peraturan di negara pengimpor mewajibkan

eksportir mengirimkan faktur resmi yang lazim dikenal

sebagai “Consuler Invoice” yaitu faktur yang disahkan oleh

kedutaan negara pengimpor yang berada di negara

pengekspor. Dengan demikian eksportir perlu pula

berhubungan dengan kedutaan asing atau atase


Dengan menguraikan para pelaku seperti disebut di

atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa eksportir perlu bekerja sama

dengan berbagai badan usaha dan instansi pemerintah. Hal

ini berarti bahwa suksesnya pekerjaan ekspor sangat

tergantung pada kemampuan kita dalam


mengkoordinasikan semua pelaku, sehingga dapat

melakukan tugasnya tepat waktu, efektif, dan efisian. Dapat

disimpulkan bahwa pekerjaan ekspor adalah pekerjaan

suatu tim, suatu kesebelasan, kesebelasan eksportir

nasional. Ekspor adalah tugas kolektif dan bukan tugas

individual seorang eksportir.

B. Dokumen dalam Perdagangan Internasional Hasil


Kewajiban utama seorang eksportir adalah mengirimkan

barang yang dipesan importir/pembeli di luar negeri. Pengiriman itu

biasanya dilakukan dengan kapal laut atau kapal udara. Bukti

pengiriman barang diberikan oleh perusahaan pelayaran (shipping

company) dalam bentuk dokumen yang lazim disebut Letter of

Credit atau L/C. Semua pelaku/ lembaga yang terlibat dalam suatu

transaksi ekspor-impor membuktikan kinerjanya dalam bentuk

dokumen. Karena itu perdagangan internasional juga sering

disebut dengan “perdagangan dokumen.” Dengan demikian

pengetahuan tentang perdagangan internasional dapat juga

dilakukan melalui pengenalan tentang jenis dokumen, fungsi, serta

para pelaku/ lembaga yang mengeluarkan dokumen itu. Jenis

dokumen sebagai persyaratan ekspor dan lembaga yang

menerbitkan dokumen tersebut dapat diuraikan sebagai berikut:


1. Produsen

Kontrak Penjualan

Manufacturer Certificate

Instruktur Manual


2. Eksportir



Sale’s Contract


Consular Invoice

Packing List

Weight Note – Measurement List

Letter of Indemnity

Letter of Subrogation

Pemberitahuan Ekspor Barang (PEB)

Pemberitahuan Ekspor Barang Tertentu

3. Bank

Akad Kredit

Letter of Credit

Surat Setoran Pajak (SPP)


Surat Setoran Bea Cukai (SSBC)

Nota Perhitungan Pembayaran Wesel Ekspor

4. Balai/Laboratorium Pembinaan dan Pengujian Mutu Hasil


Health Certificate atau Sertifikat Kesehatan produk

perikanan ekspor untuk tujuan konsumsi manusia

5. Stasiun Karantina

Health Certificate atau Sertifikat Kesehatan produk

perikanan ekspor untuk hama dan penyakit ikan atau media


6. Direktorat Jenderal Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Hasil


Sertifikat Kelayakan Pengolahan (SKP)

Proses penerbitan SKP tersebut dapat diuraikan sebagai

berikut :

Eksportir produsen/pengolah/unit pengolahan ikan yang

akan melakukan kegiatan ekspor produk perikanan harus

memiliki Sertifikat Kelayakan Pengolahan (SKP). SKP

merupakan dokumen yang menyatakan bahwa unit

pengolahan tempat produk perikanan diolah telah

memenuhi standar kelayakan dasar penanganan/

pengolahan ikan atau Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP),


dan prosedur operasi sanitasi standar atau Sanitation

Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP). Dalam proses

mendapatkan SKP, maka Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan

Provinsi berkewajiban untuk melakukan kegiatan penilikan

awal/pra inspeksi (pre inspection) atau Pra-SKP. Hal ini

merupakan pembinaan terhadap perusahaan/unit

pengolahan ikan sebelum institusi teknis yaitu Direktorat

Pengolahan Hasil, Ditjen P2HP melakukan penilikan/

inspeksi SKP lebih lanjut. Sertifikat Kelayakan Pengolahan

(SKP) merupakan salah satu persyaratan bagi unit

pengolahan ikan/eksportir pengolah dalam memperoleh

Health Certificate yang diterbitkan oleh LPPMHP.

7. Badan Karantina Ikan, Pengendalian Mutu dan Keamanan Hasil


Surat Keterangan Audit Verifikasi penerapan HACCP

Proses Penerbitan Sertifikat HACCP dan Approval Number

tersebut dapat diuraikan sebagai berikut:

Selain persyaratan SKP, maka eksportir produsen/ pengolah

juga harus memiliki Surat Keterangan Validasi HACCP

(Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) apabila melakukan

ekspor produk perikanan ke Amerika Serikat, Uni Eropa dan


Khusus untuk ekspor ke Uni Eropa, China, Korea, Vietnam,


Russia dan Kanada, UPI harus didaftarkan dulu oleh

Otoritas Kompeten Indonesia yakni Badan Karantina Ikan,

Pengendalian Mutu dan Keamanan Hasil Perikanan kepada

Otoritas Kompeten negara tujuan ekspor tersebut sebelum

melakukan ekspor hasil perikanan.

8. Usaha Jasa Transportasi (Freight Forwarder)

Packing List

Measurement List

Weight Note

9. Bea dan Cukai

Fiat (izin) muat barang

10. Independent Surveyor

Certificate of Quality

Certificate of Weight

Chemical Analysis

Survey Report

Inspection Certificate

Test Certificate

11. Perusahaan Asuransi

Cover Note

Insurance Policy



General Information

Trade Promotion and Exibithion

Trade Mission

Trade Fairs

Trade Consultation

13. Perusahaan Pelayaran (Shipping Company) (Carrier)

Mate’s Receipt (Resi Mualim)

Bill of lading

Exept Bewijs (EB)

Claims Constatering Bewijs (CCB)

14. Angkutan Udara

Airways Bill (AWB)

15. Dinas Perdagangan Provinsi

Kuota produk perikanan

Surat Keterangan Negara Asal (SKA) atau Certificate of


Angka Pengenal Ekspor (APE)

Angka Pengenal Impor Umum (API-U)

Angka Pengenal Impor – Terdaftar (Approved Traders)

16. Kantor Pajak

Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP)


17. Kedutaan Negara Asing

Consular Invoice

Customs Invoice

Dengan menguraikan para pelaku atau lembaga

berwenang dan dokumen yang diterbitkannya, maka dapat kita

pahami peranan masing-masing instansi dalam menunjang

kegiatan ekspor.

C. Proses Perdagangan Internasional Hasil Perikanan

Setelah kita mengetahui para pelaku atau lembaga yang

berwenang serta jenis-jenis dokumen yang diterbitkannya, maka

kini kita coba menguraikan secara kronologis langkah-langkah

yang diambil oleh masing-masing pelaku/lembaga tersebut.

Untuk memudahkan memahaminya, keseluruhan proses

itu dibagi menjadi 4 (empat), yaitu:

a. Sale’s Contract Process

b. Letter of Credit Opening Process

c. Cargo Shipment Process

d. Shipping Documents Negotiation Process

Dengan mempelajari keempat jenis proses itu kiranya kita

akan dapat memahami garis-garis besar praktek dan seluk beluk

perdagangan Internasional, khususnya kegiatan ekspor dan impor

barang. Tugas dan Fungsi Institusi yang berperan dalam prosedur


Ekspor Perikanan berdasarkan urutan proses pengurusan

dokumen dalam ekspor produk perikanan sebagai berikut:

1. Bank

2. Perusahaan Shipping (pelayaran samudera)/pengangkutan

3. Lembaga Penguji Mutu dan Sertifikasi Mutu

4. Bea Cukai

5. Dinas Perdagangan Provinsi

6. Kementerian Perdagangan

7. Kedutaan (Counsellor)

8. Surveyor

9. Agen Ekspor

D. Persiapan Ekspor dan Kontrak

Kegiatan ekspor dapat dibagi dalam dua kegiatan yaitu proses

kegiatan di dalam negeri dan proses kegiatan diluar negeri :

i. Eksportir akan menerima order (pesanan) jenis produk

perikanan dengan jumlah dan kualitas yang diingini oleh

pembeli/buyer luar negeri.

ii. Bank akan memberitahukan kepada eksportir bahwa pembeli

atau buyer telah membuka suatu L/C untuk dan atas nama

eksportir .

iii. Eksportir menempatkan pesanan kepada leveransir maker

pemilik barang/produsen (apabila eksportir sekaligus


produser maka eksportir dapat langsung mempersiapkan

barang melalui manajer produksi di unit pengolahan).

iv. Eksportir melakukan pengepakan barang untuk diekspor (sea-

worthy packing). Khusus untuk produk perikanan, dalam

proses produksi sebelum produk disimpan pada umumnya

sudah dipacking/atau dikemas. Apabila ada pesanan (order)

maka dilakukan pengeluaran barang sekaligus pengepakan

barang. Pada proses ini juga dilakukan pemeriksaan kode

produksi dan lain-lain apabila dianggap perlu.

v. Eksportir memesan (booking) ruangan kapal dan

mengeluarkan shipping order pada maskapai pelayaran.

vi. Eksportir menyelesaikan semua formulir ekspor dengan

semua instansi ekspor yang berwenang.

vii. Eksportir menyelenggarakan pemuatan barang ke atas kapal,

dengan atau tanpa mempergunakan perusahaan ekspedisi.

viii. Eksportir mengurus bill of lading dengan maskapai pelayaran.

ix. Eksportir menutup asuransi-laut dengan maskapai asuransi

x. Menyiapkan faktur dan dokumen-dokumen pengapalan


xi. Mengurus consular-invoice dengan trade councelor kedutaan

Negara importir.

xii. Menarik wesel kepada opening bank dan menerima hasilnya

dari negotiating bank.


xiii. Negotiating bank mengirimkan shipping documents kepada

principalnya negara importir.

xiv. Eksportir mengirimkan shipping-advice dan copy shipping

documents kepada importir.

E. Prosedur Ekspor Secara Umum

Prosedur ekspor barang secara umum dapat diuraikan

sebagai berikut:

1. Eksportir dan Importir mengadakan korespondesi/negosiasi.

Apabila terjadi kesepakatan dibuat kontrak dagang (sales


2. Importir mengajukan permohonan pembukaan L/C kepada

Opening Bank di Luar Negeri.

3. Opening Bank meneruskan L/C kepada Eksportir melalui

Correspondent/Receiving Bank di Indonesia.

4. Correpondent/Receiving Bank meneruskan/memberitahukan

L/C kepada Eksportir.

5. Eksportir melakukan produksi dan penyiapan barang ekspor.

6. Eksportir menghubungi maskapai pelayaran/penerbangan

untuk pelaksanaan pengiriman barang.

7. Apabila barang sudah siap ekspor, dan ada kepastian jadwal

pengapalan, Eksportir mendaftarkan Pemberitahuan Ekspor

Barang (PEB) di instansi Bea & Cukai di pelabuhan muat.


Pihak Bea & Cukai akan memfiat muat PEB untuk pemuatan

ke atas kapal.

8. Kegiatan pemuatan barang ke kapal. Apabila Importir

mewajibkan barang ekspor harus disertai SKA, maka

Eksportir mengurus dokumen Surat Keterangan Asal atau

SKA (Certificate of Origin) pada Instansi Penerbit SKA dengan

melampirkan dokumen-dokumen : foto copy PEB yang telah

di fiat muat Bea & Cukai dan foto copy B/L. Adapun Instansi

Penerbit SKA adalah :

a) Dinas Perdagangan Provinsi

b) Dinas Perdagangan Kabupaten

c) KBN

d) SPOPDI di Pulau Batam

9. Eksportir melakukan negosiasi L/C kepada Correspondent/

Receiving Bank, dengan membawa B/L negotiable, PEB yang

difiat muat Bea & Cukai serta dokumen-dokumen lain yang

disyaratkan dalam L/C.

10. Correspondent/Receiving Bank mengirim dokumen-dokumen

tersebut pada butir 8 dan melakukan penagihan L/C kepada

Opening Bank di Luar Negeri.

11. Opening Bank menyerahkan dokumen tersebut pada butir 8

kepada Importir untuk keperluan pengurusan pengeluaran

barang dari pelabuhan serta penyelesaian kewajiban/ tagihan


oleh Importir.

12. Importir melaksanakan pengeluaran barang dari pelabuhan di

dalam negeri

Diagram 1 : Prosedur ekspor barang (DEPDAG, 2006)

F. Prosedur Ekspor Hasil Perikanan

Perlu dibedakan persyaratan ekspor produk perikanan

dalam dua macam yaitu produk ekspor perikanan sebagai komoditi


perikanan yang tunduk terhadap persyaratan administrasi

perdagangan internasional dan produk ekspor perikanan sebagai

komoditi perikanan yang memiliki persyaratan khusus terkait

pemenuhan aturan teknis sebagai produk dengan tujuan untuk

konsumsi manusia. Aspek persyaratan teknis perlu diketahui oleh

para pelaku usaha sehingga buku ini secara tidak langsung

memberi gambaran penerapan Code of Conduct Responsible

Fisheries. Petunjuk ini membuka rasa memiliki dimana pelaku

usaha perikanan tidak sekedar menjadi trader tetapi sebagai

provider atau supplier atau producer yang berbasis produksi

dengan orientasi pemasaran.

Alur prosedur dan persyaratan dokumen pendukung untuk

keperluan ekspor hasil perikanan dapat digambarkan pada

diagram 2 dibawah ini.


Eksportir Agen (Cargo/Forwarder)

Eksportir Pedagang (Trader)

Eksportir Produsen/ Pengolah

Penangkapan/ Pembudidayaa

n Ekspor

• IUP dan SIPI (DKP)

• ABK Asing (Kemnaker)

• Ijin Kapal, dll


• IUP (Provinsi)

• PMA dan Tenaga Kerja Asing (Pusat)

• CITES (Kemhut)

• IUP (Pemda dan Kemdag)

• SKA (Dinas Perdagangan/Kemdag)

• PEB (Bea Cukai - Kemkeu)

• Good Manufacturing Practices/SKP (Ditjen P2HP – KKP)

• HACCP-based Integrated Quality Management Programme (BKIPM – KKP)

• Approval Number (BKIPM – KKP, khusus Eropa)

• Health Certificate (Lab yang ditunjuk)

• DS 2031 (CA, khusus USA)

• HC Bebas HPIK (Pusat Karantina Ikan, KKP)

• CDS untuk Southern Bluefin Tuna (Pelabuhan Perikanan yang telah ditunjuk oleh Dirjen PT, KKP)

• Sertifikat Hasil Tangkapan Ikan, untuk produk ke UE (Pelabuhan Perikanan yang telah ditunjuk oleh Dirjen PT, KKP)

Diagram 2. Alur Proses Ekspor Hasil Perikanan



Kerajaaan Belgia merupakan salah satu anggota Uni

Eropa sejak 1995 Peraturan-peraturan tentang keamanan pangan

di Belgia telah diharmonisasikan ke dalam European Common

Policy sehingga peraturan keamanan pangan yang berlaku di

Belgia merupakan bagian dari kebijakan Komisi Eropa.

Komisi Eropa memiliki kebijakan dalam memenuhi

konsumsi produk perikanan atau bahan makanan berbasis pada

perlindungan konsumen (consumer protection) tingkat tinggi,

dengan memperhatikan 5 (lima) komponen kebijakan umum dalam

impor produk perikanan. Sehingga hal ini perlu diketahui oleh

eksportir Indonesia bahwa 5 hal ini membuka peluang produk

perikanan Indonesia dan eksportir dapat memanfaatkan ruang dari

parameter ini, dalam mengambil langkah akses pasar Uni Eropa.

Kelima komponen tersebut dapat diuraikan sebagai berikut:

Standard Pemasaran dan Informasi Konsumen untuk

kesegaran produk, mutu, ukuran (grades), pengepakan

(packaging) dan pengemasan (labeling) untuk produksi

domestik maupun import (ada kesamaan yang tidak jauh


Organisasi dari eksportir/Produsen/Producers' organization

(associations to which fishermen belong on a voluntary basis),

officially recognized), nelayan, produsen dan pemerintah

berkepentingan membantu menstabilkan gejolak pasar

(stabilize markets fluctuations). Peran dari masing-masing

stakeholder untuk memproteksi nelayan dari perubahan supply

ke demand, juga untuk meningkatkan mutu dan untuk


memastikan batasan atau kuota penangkapan.

Interbranch Organizations and Agreements bertujuan untuk

memfasilitasi dalam menggabungkan keseluruhan sektor baik

dari eksportir maupun konsumen (from the producer to the


Harga dan Intervensi harga (Prices and Intervention) semua

jenis ikan tidak bisa dijual sebelum ditetapkan harganya.

Dukungan biaya yang cukup yang dimiliki oleh produser untuk

menarik kembali produk di pasar ketika harga jatuh. Produk

dapat disimpan untuk dijual ketika pasar meningkat.

Perdagangan dengan Negara ketiga (Trade with third

countries), hal ini dilakukan untuk menjamin kecukupan supply

untuk pasar masyarakat Eropa (Community market) terhadap

bahan baku (raw material) yang diperuntukan untuk industri

pengolahan diantara intended for the processing industry

(tarriffs, customs duties, autonomous quotas).

Prinsip peraturan yang ada adalah menjamin keamanan

ikan dan seafood yang diimpor ke Uni Eropa yang dinyatakan oleh

otoritas kontrol yang berkompeten pada negara ke-3 yang

mengekspor ke Uni Eropa. Uni Eropa mendelegasikan kontrol

keamanan pangan ini kepada Otoritas Kompeten (Competent

Authority) yang berkompeten pada setiap negara yang pada

gilirannya menjamin bahwa ekspor dari usaha perikanan budidaya,

usaha perikanan tangkap/kapal ikan dan usaha pengolahan

menghasilkan produk pangan yang aman untuk dikonsumsi, dan

memiliki sistem yang ekuivalen (kesamaan sistem) dengan

regulasi di Uni Eropa. Undang-undang nasional di masing-masing

negara pengekspor diharmonisasikan dengan standar dan

persyaratan di Uni Eropa.


Jika Undang-undang dari negara ketiga telah

diharmonisasi dan sistem untuk memonitor dan melakukan

pengendalian terhadap perusahaan perikanan dan produk ikan

serta kapal perikanan sudah dianggap sama, negara pengekspor

disetujui untuk melakukan ekspor ke Uni Eropa. Perusahaan

secara individual dicek oleh Competent Authority dan jika dianggap

memenuhi syarat maka didaftarkan sebagai perusahaan yang

disetujui dalam daftar nasional dengan nomor persetujuan

(Approval Number). Daftar ini disampaikan ke Komisi Eropa yang

memberikan informasi kepada publik melalui websitenya dan

dokumen publik lainnya. Ini disebut dengan List of Authorized


Dalam hal persyaratan sertifikasi dari negara pengekspor,

Uni Eropa mengoperasikan sistem pengendalian di

perbatasan/pelabuhan masuk untuk menguji secara teratur bahwa

persyaratan Uni Eropa dilaksanakan secara efektif oleh negara

pengekspor. Selama beberapa tahun terakhir, Uni Eropa sudah

menyusun kembali regulasi yang berkaitan dengan higiene

makanan dan menempatkan aturan kesehatan khusus pakan

untuk hewan. Peraturan Komisi Eropa 178/2002 adalah jangkauan

yang sangat luas, yang menetapkan prinsip umum dan persyaratan

dari Undang-undang Pangan, menempatkan prosedur keamanan

pangan dan menetapkan struktur dan peran European Food Safety

Authority (EFSA). Peraturan tersebut juga mencakup konsep dasar

dari kesamaan atau ekuivalensi (equivalence) dan ketertelusuran


Peraturan tersebut diterapkan pada seluruh tahapan dari

produksi, pengolahan dan distribusi pangan dan pakan hewan,

menetapkan prinsip dasar pendekatan dari “lahan budidaya ke


meja” (from farm to table). Ini menempatkan prinsip umum dari

Undang-undang pangan, termasuk analisis resiko, precautionary

principle (prinsip kehati-hatian) dan perlindungan kepentingan

konsumen dan juga kewajiban umum dari badan berbeda dalam

rantai pangan dan pertanggungjawaban mereka berikutnya.

Peraturan ini juga menempatkan persyaratan peraturan yang

transparan/jelas (untuk akses informasi publik), sistem analisis

data, rapid alert system (sistem peringatan dini) dan penetapan

kerangka kerja organisasi termasuk audit dan sistem kontrol yang

dapat diterapkan pada EFSA.

Fungsi EFSA adalah untuk memberikan saran teknis dan

ilmiah yang independen kepada Uni Eropa dalam membuat

kebijakan dan legislasi dalam area keamanan pangan dan area

yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan tanaman, kesehatan hewan

dan perlindungan lingkungan. Peraturan ini juga menyatakan

bahwa negara ketiga dengan negara Uni Eropa sudah

menandatangani Perjanjian yang mungkin akan berpartisipasi

dalam EFSA.

Salah satu pengembangan berkenaan dengan konsep

“kesamaan” (Pasal 1123). Peraturan tersebut direvisi sebagai

bagian dari tinjauan Undang-Undang Pangan dan

menggambarkan Pasal 11 dari Instruksi 91/493 (pada ikan dan

produk perikanan). Dalam revisi ini, dalam keadaan dimana suatu

negara tidak mungkin memiliki fasilitas sendiri, wewenang Uni

Eropa mungkin sebagai penerima sertifikat kesehatan yang “sama”

yang dikeluarkan oleh badan yang dapat diterima di negara

lainnya. Dalam hal kuota yang paling banyak adalah Namibia, yang

bisa dijamin oleh badan sertifikasi kesehatan Afrika Selatan dan


Selandia Baru yang bisa dijamin penetapannya di Kepulauan

Pasifik tertentu.

Keputusan Komisi Eropa 2004/359/EC tanggal 13 April 2004

merubah Keputusan 97/296/EC menjelaskan daftar negara-negara

ke-3 yang mengimpor produk perikanan bagi konsumsi manusia

yang disahkan oleh Komisi Eropa.

(1) Pengesahan hanya untuk impor udang karang hidup (Astacus

leptodactylus) yang diperuntukkan bagi konsumsi langsung


(2) Pengesahan hanya untuk impor ikan segar.

(3) Pengesahan hanya untuk impor telur ikan.

(4) Pengesahan hanya untuk impor produk perikanan yang

ditangkap, beku dan dikemas dalam pengemasan akhir di


(5) Pengesahan hanya untuk impor hewan hidup yang

dimaksudkan untuk konsumsi manusia.

Peraturan baru EC/853/2004, menempatkan persyaratan

kesehatan makanan untuk produk yang berasal dari hewan,

mencakup sistem dan prosedur HACCP. Aturan baru ini

memberikan tanggung jawab pada produsen pangan utama untuk

keamanan pangan melalui pengecekan sendiri dan teknik

pengendalian terhadap bahaya. Hal ini memadukan 16 Instruksi

spesifik produk yang ada dan Instruksi 93/43 menuju "Food

Hygienic Package"/Pengemasan higienis makanan baru. Tiga

peraturan ini meliputi kesehatan umum dari bahan makanan,

kesehatan makanan dari asal hewan dan kontrol resmi pada

produk dari asal hewan (dimaksudkan bagi konsumsi manusia).

Empat bagian dari pengemasan (aturan kesehatan hewan bagi

produk untuk asal hewan) berlaku sejak 1 Januari 2006 dan akan


memperkuat persyaratan kesehatan hewan baik di dalam

komunitas maupun untuk impor. Bagian terakhir dari kemasan

akan menghilangkan sejumlah besar peraturan sebelumnya dari

buku anggaran dasar.

Tabel. Peraturan dan petunjuk baru Uni Eropa tentang higienis

dan pengepakan pangan

Pengemasan Peraturan/Petunjuk Mencakup

Higienis 1 Peraturan Komisi Eropa

852/2004 tentang Bahan

Makanan yang higienis

Persyaratan umum

produksi primer,

persyaratan teknis,



usaha makanan, petunjuk

nasional untuk praktek

yang baik.

Higienis 2 Peraturan Komisi Eropa

853/2004 yang menempatkan

aturan Higienis yang spesifik

Aturan higenis yang

spesifik untuk makanan

dari asal hewan

(pengakuan dari

perusahaan, kesehatan

dan identifikasi penandaan,

impor, informasi rantai


Higienis 3 Peraturan Komisi Eropa

854/2004 menempatkan

aturan spesifik untuk

organisasi kontrol resmi

terhadap produk hewan asal

Aturan secara rinci untuk

organisasi dari kontrol

resmi pada produk asal

hewan (metode untuk

menguji kepatuhan dengan

Higenis 1 & 2 dan hewan


yang dimaksudkan untuk

konsumsi manusia.

dengan peraturan produk


Higienis 4 Peraturan Komisi Eropa

882/04 menempatkan aturan

kesehatan berkenaan dengan

produksi, pengolahan,

penyaluran dan pemasukan

produk dari asal hewan.

Sertifikasi hewan, sesuai

dengan aturan Uni Eropa.

Higienis 5 Parlemen Eropa dan

Petunjuk Dewan 2004/41/EC

yang mencabut 17 Petunjuk

yang ada

Pengawasan di Pelabuhan Masuk atau Port Entry (Border


Para eksportir perlu mengetahui bagaimana proses

pengawasan produk yang masuk ke pasar Uni Eropa, hal ini agar

para eksportir dapat melakukan perkiraan waktu berangkat dan

tiba, biaya penundaan dan pemeriksaan, dan lain-lain. Pada

prinsipnya pengecekan ini sesuai dengan Directive 97/78, dan

pemeriksaaan pengapalan (Inspections of consignments) yang

berasal dari Negara ketiga harus dilakukan pada semua

pengapalan (all consignments) pada saat pertama kali masuk ke

wilayah Uni Eropa (E.U. territory) dan diperbolehkan oleh pos

pengawasan perbatasan/pintu masuk (approved border inspection


Aturan Komisi Eropa 97/78/EC tanggal 18 December 1997

menempatkan prinsip yang berkaitan dengan organisasi pengujian

hewan terhadap produk yang masuk ke Uni Eropa dari negara ke-

3. Di bawah pemeriksaan yang sangat teliti dengan pengawasan


dari Komisi Eropa, aturan ini akan berlaku jika secara sangat

spesifik ditujukan kepada organisasi pengawasan resmi yang

memeriksa pakan dan makanan yang berasal dari hewan. Aturan

ini mensyaratkan bahwa semua produk asal hewan yang diimpor

menuju Uni Eropa dari negara-negara ketiga harus diuji pada

Border Inspection Post (BIP), tempat pemeriksaan di pelabuhan

masuk/perbatasan yang diakui untuk melakukan pengujian sesuai

dengan legislasi Uni Eropa.

Selama perluasan Uni Eropa, terdapat 278 BIP yang

dioperasikan oleh otoritas nasional (Tabel 9.2.). Tempat ini

merupakan titik pertama kontak dengan Uni Eropa. Sebagian besar

pelabuhan laut dan udara, jalan atau kereta api berlokasi

khususnya di pinggiran sebelah timur Uni Eropa. Pada tanggal 1

Mei 2004, 37 BIP baru diakui dari sepuluh negara anggota baru.

Pada saat yang sama beberapa BIP di Italia, Jerman dan Austria

menghilang, kebanyakan BIP jalan dan kereta api. Tabel 9.2

menunjukkan status BIP di Uni Eropa.

Pengecekan di Border Inspection Post (BIP)

Di BIP ini, ada tiga tipe utama dari pengecekan hewan atau produk

makanan/perikanan pada keseluruhan pengiriman, dokumentasi,

identitas dan secara fisik.

1. Dokumentasi

Pengecekan dokumentasi dilaksanakan pada keseluruhan

pengiriman. Ini berkaitan dengan pengecekan dokumentasi hewan

yang tepat (termasuk sertifikat kesehatan) yang ada dan sudah

dilengkapi secara tepat.


Tabel 9.3. Tempat-tempat pemeriksaan di BIP di Uni Eropa

sesudah Mei 2004

Negara Nomor tempat tempat pemeriksaan



Kereta Jalan Pelabuhan



Austria - 6 10 2 18


(sesudah 1


- 1 2 2 5

Belgium 4 - - 4 8

Cyprus 1* - - 1 2*



- - - 1* 1*

Denmark 11 - - 2 13

Estonia 2* - 1 - 3*

Finland 2 - 2 1 5

France 15 - 3 16 34

Germany 9 3 10 10 32

Germany (after

May 1)

8* 1 2 10 21

Greece 2 3 6 2 13

Hungary - - 4 1* 5*

Ireland 1 - - 2 3

Italy 17 2 4 15 38


Italy (after May


17 2 2 15 36

Latvia - - 2 - 2

Lithuania 3* 3* 5* 1* 12*

Luxembourg - - - 1 1

Malta - - - 1 1

Netherlands 6 - - 2 8

Poland 3* - 4* 1* 8*

Portugal 10 - - 5 15

Slovakia - 1* 1 - 2*

Slovenia - - 1 - 1

Spain 21 - - 19 40

Sweden 5* - - 3 8



22* - - 9 31

133 11 35 99 278

Sumber: Keputusan Komisi 2003/831/EC (EU15) dan Keputusan

Komisi 2004/273 (EU baru10). * ini adalah gambaran baru dari draft

Keputusan Komisi yang memperbaharui jumlah yang

dipublikasikan dalam Keputusan Komisi 2004/273 dan untuk

kesempurnaan. Negara-negara dalam tulisan miring adalah

pendatang baru Uni Eropa.


2. Identitas

Setiap pengiriman ditujukan untuk pengecekan identitas

untuk menguji bahwa pengiriman sesuai dengan apa yang

digambarkan dalam dokumen (Tabel 9.3) dan pengecekan tanda

sehat yang menunjukkan secara khusus identitas negara dan

perusahan yang bersangkutan.

Tabel Pengecekan pengiriman pada tempat

perbatasan/pelabuhan masuk di Uni Eropa


yang tidak



Pengecekan pada beberapa kemasan untuk

menjamin bahwa materai, tanda resmi dan tanda

sehat menunjukkan negara tersebut dan

perusahaan asal ada dan sesuai dengan

sertifikat atau dokumen.


yang tiba pada


dengan cap


Pengecekan dokumen dan identitas untuk semua

pengiriman. Beberapa mungkin membutuhkan

untuk tidak dibuka untuk melengkapi identitas

pengecekan yang diberikan oleh cap resmi yang

sudah digunakan oleh negara pengirim dan

jumlah cap tercatat jelas dalam sertifikasi hewan



yang tiba pada


dengan tidak

ada cap resmi

Jika cap resmi sudah tidak digunakan,atau ada

keraguan apakah jumlah cap dicatat oleh

petugas hewan yang syah, kontainer akan dapat

dibuka dan pengecekan dilakukan pada kemasan

untuk menjamin bahwa matere, tanda sehat dan

tanda-tanda lainnya menunjukkan negara

tersebut dan perusahaan asal ada dan sesuai

dengan sertifikat atau dokumen.


3. Fisik

Pada prinsipnya, pengecekan fisik diperlukan atas seluruh

pengiriman. Bagaimanapun, untuk mayoritas produk dimana

aturan impor diselaraskan secara penuh, pengecekan fisiknya

dilaksanakan pada persentase pengiriman. Persentase bervariasi

sesuai dengan produk dan negara asal (Tabel 5). Pengecekan fisik

melibatkan pemeriksaan kandungan dari pengiriman untuk

menjamin bahwa tidak ada resiko bagi kesehatan publik atau

hewan atau kerusakan mutu. Ini mungkin juga melibatkan

pengambilan sampel bagi uji laboratorium.

Tabel Kesimpulan dari pengecekan fisik di BIP (Dec


Kategori I - 20 % dari Pengiriman pada:

Produk ikan dalam kontainer yang dipateri/ditutup rapat rapat (TABEL

pada suhu jenuh), ikan segar/beku, produk produk perikanan


Kategori II - 50 % dari pengiriman untuk:

Produk perikanan lainnya selain dalam Kategori I dan kerang kerangan


Kategori III - minimum 1 % - maximum 10 % dari semua pengiriman


Tidak ada produk perikanan dalam kategori ini.

Pengecekan fisik pada produk dari hewan dikategorikan produk

hewan yang diimpor dan tingkat sampel yang dibutuhkan.

Beberapa negara memiliki pengaturan khusus dengan Uni Eropa.

Tabel 9.4. menyimpulkan situasi untuk ikan dan produk terkait.


Beberapa negara yang sebagai contoh ada dalam

pengecualian, pengecekan hewan tidak disyaratkan bagi produk

perikanan dari Iceland dan tidak selalu disyaratkan untuk produk

hewan apapun dari Norwegia dan Kepulauan Faroe. Sebagai hasil

pengecekan tersebut, pengiriman mungkin dikirim untuk pengujian

lebih lanjut. Keputusan profesional dari para pemeriksa akan

menunjukkan pengujian yang dilaksanakan, sebagai contoh:

histamin dan logam berat untuk tuna, bakteri khusus yang

bervariasi untuk varietas dari produk yang beresiko, atau residu

antibiotika dan malachite green untuk ikan yang dibudidayakan. Uji

yang bukan menurut Undang-undang bagi residu juga

dilaksanakan secara periodik untuk kimiawi seperti obat-obatan


Ada juga aturan umum pengambilan sampel secara acak

sebanyak 1-5 %. Hal ini khusus untuk analisis organisme indikator

seperti E. coli dan faecal coliforms daripada uji yang lebih spesifik

seperti yang sudah disebutkan. Saat ini, sampel ditujukan bagi

panca indera (organoleptik), kimiawi (histamine, mercury, Total

Volatile Bases TVB-N, dll.) atau biologi (total tumbuhan, organisme

indikator, parasit, dll.). Sebagian besar standar dan kriteria

pengujian microbiologi masih belum diharmonisasikan diantara

anggota Uni Eropa kecuali untuk ikan dan produk perikanan berikut

ini: Salmonella dan E. coli dalam kerang-kerangan bivalva hidup,

echinodermata, tunicates dan gastropoda; RNA bacteriophages

dalam kerang-kerangan bivalva hidup, dan Salmonella, S. aureus,

E. coli dan Vibrio parahaemolyticus dalam krustacea/udang yang

dimasak dan kekerangan/mollusca (Keputusan 93/51/EEC dan

Instruksi 91/492). Akibatnya beberapa negara anggota Uni Eropa

menggunakan kriteria mikrobiologi yang berbeda untuk seafood


lainnya, yang menciptakan kebingungan diantara para eksportir

yang mana standar atau kriteria untuk diikuti. Legislasi selanjutnya

yang masih dibahas dan saat ini dalam bentuk draft diperkirakan

mengatasi masalah ini. Sekali masalah pengiriman teridentifikasi di

perbatasan, negara anggota memiliki kewajiban untuk

memberitahukan seluruh anggota lainnya penyebab permasalahan

tersebut melalui Rapid Alert System/sistem peringatan dini dari Uni


2. Rapid Alert System (Sistem Peringatan Dini)

Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) untuk

makanan dan pakan semula ditetapkan menurut Pasal 8 dari

Instruksi 92/59/EEC (diganti dengan Instruksi 2001/95), instruksi

tersebut tentang keamanan produk secara umum. Produk-produk

dalam hal ini mencakup “semua produk mencakup konteks

penyediaan jasa yang dimaksudkan bagi konsumen...” sehingga

Instruksi ini jauh lebih luas daripada makanan dan pakan. Instruksi

ini menyediakan prosedur yang memberitahukan negara anggota

Uni Eropa saat produk mengalami resiko serius bagi kesehatan

dan keamanan konsumen.

Saat peraturan 178/2002, yang menempatkan prinsip dan

persyaratan umum dari Undang-Undang Pangan menetapkan

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) dan menempatkan

prosedur untuk bahan keamanan pangan yang diberlakukan,

prosedur pangan mencakup Pasal 8 Instruksi Keamanan Produk

secara umum berhenti digunakan dan sebagai gantinya disebut

dengan Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF). Basis

legal dari RASFF ditemukan dalam Pasal 50 dari peraturan

178/2002/EC. Basis legal baru ini mengembangkan Rapid Alert


System untuk makanan yang mencakup pakan hewan dan jaringan

tempat pemeriksaan di pelabuhan masuk/perbatasan.

Pada dasarnya, tujuan RASFF adalah memberikan

wewenang kontrol kepada Uni Eropa dengan suatu cara efektif

untuk pertukaran informasi tepat waktu pada tindakan yang diambil

untuk menjamin keamanan pangan. RASFF adalah jaringan yang

efekif dari otoritas negara anggota Uni Eropa yang bersangkutan,

dan juga mencakup negara-negara lainnya seperti negara-negara

EFTA/EEA. Kapanpun anggota jaringan memiliki informasi yang

berkaitan dengan keberadaan resiko langsung maupun tidak

langsung yang serius bagi kesehatan manusia, informasi ini

secepatnya diberitahukan pada Komisi dibawah RASFF. Komisi

segera menyampaikan informasi ini kepada anggota dari jaringan.

Pada dasarnya negara anggota dengan secepatnya

memberitahukan Komisi dibawah Rapid Alert System, untuk:

(a) setiap tindakan yang mereka gunakan bertujuan untuk

membatasi tempat pasar atau memaksa meninggalkan pasar

atau penarikan kembali pangan atau pakan untuk melindungi

kesehatan manusia dan mensyaratkan tindakan segera.;

(b) setiap rekomendasi atau perjanjian dengan operator

profesional pada basis sukarela atau wajib pada pencegahan,

pembatasan atau pemberlakuan kondisi khusus pada

penempatan pasar atau penggunaan akhir dari pangan dan

pakan yang menimbulkan resiko serius bagi kesehatan

manusia menyaratkan tindakan segera;

(c) setiap penolakan yang berhubungan dengan resiko

kesehatan manusia langsung maupun tidak langsung dari

sejumlah kontainer atau kargo pangan atau pakan oleh


otoritas kompeten yang berwenang pada tempat perbatasan

di Uni Eropa.

Pemberitahuan selanjutnya adalah yang disebut

Information Notifications. Pemberitahuan informasi ini mengenai

pangan dan pakan yang resikonya sudah diketahui, tetapi bagi

anggota lainnya dari jaringan tidak harus mengambil tindakan

cepat karena produk sudah tidak mencapai pasar mereka.

Pemberitahuan ini sebagian besar mengenai pengiriman pangan

dan pakan yang sudah diuji dan ditolak pada batasan eksternal dari

Uni Eropa. Produk-produk ditujukan untuk pemberitahuan

informasi yang sudah tidak mencapai pasar atau seluruh langkah-

langkah yang perlu sudah diambil.

RASFF juga mengeluarkan Alert Notifications. Ini

disampaikan saat pangan dan pakan menghadirkan resiko yang

sudah ada di pasar dan dibutuhkan tindakan segera. Sinyal

digerakkan oleh negara anggota yang mendeteksi masalah dan

sudah memulai langkah yang sesuai seperti

penarikan/pemanggilan kembali. Pada taggal 26 Mei 2003 Uni

Eropa mulai menyampaikan laporan internet mingguan dengan

informasi tentang seluruh pemberitahuan dari Rapid Alert System.

3. Peraturan – Peraturan yang berkaitan dengan Impor

Produk Perikanan di Uni Eropa

Landasan utama peraturan Uni Eropa dalam menangani

produk perikanan tertuang dalam Council Directive 91/493/EEC

yang khusus mengatur tentang produk perikanan baik peraturan

bagi negara anggota (Member States) Uni Eropa dan juga

terhadap Negara ketiga (yang bukan Uni Eropa atau bukan produk


Uni Eropa) atau Approved Countries. Beberapa peraturan impor

bahan pangan, peraturan pangan termasuk produk perikanan di

Uni Eropa adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Commission Regulation EC 852/2004 on the hygiene of


2. EC 178/2002 on General principles and requirements of food

law, establishing the European food safety authority and laying

down procedures in mattres of food safety

3. EC 882/2004 on official control performed to ensure the

verification of compliance with feed and food law animal health

and animal welfare rules

4. EC No.2074/2005 laying down implementing measure for

certain products under regulation (EC No. 853/2004, 854/2004,

882/2004, 852/2004

5. Regulation 2377-90 on maximum residue limits

6. Regulation No.853/2004 on specific hygiene rules for food of

animal origin

7. EC No.466/2001 “setting maximum levels for certain

contaminants in foodstuff (Heavy metals).

8. EC No.2073/2005 on microbiological Criteria for foodstuff.

Semua Peraturan Uni Eropa (EU Regulations) dapat diakses

melalui website:

Selain itu beberapa peraturan yang dikembangkan diuraikan

sebagai berikut :

1. Directive 92/48 concerning minimum hygiene rules on board

fishing vessels;

2. Decision 94/356 to implement an own-check system



3. Decision 93/140 concerning parasites (visual inspection, non-

destructive method);

4. Decision 93/351 concerning the maximum level of mercury;

5. Directive 95/71/EC modifying the annex of the Directive


6. Decision 95/149 fixing TVB-N level for certain species;

7. Decision 93/51 fixing microbiological criteria for cooked

crustaceans and molluscs;

8. Regulation 2001/466/EC setting maximum levels for certain

contaminants in foodstuffs, last amended by Commission

Regulations 2001/2375/EC and 2002/221/EC;

9. Directive 2001/22/EC laying down the sampling methods and

the methods of analyzing for the official control of the level of

lead, cadmiun, mercury and 3-MCPD in foodstuffs;

10. Directive 2001/13/EC on the approximation of the laws of the

Member States relating to the labelling, presentation and

advertising of foodstuffs;

11. Decision 2001/183/EC laying down the sampling plans and

diagnostic methods for the detection and confirmation of

certain fish diseases and repealing Decision 92/532.

12. Commission Decision 2002/225/EC laying down detailed rules

for the implementation of Council Directive 91/492/CEE as

regards the maximum level and the methods of analysis of

ertain marine biotoxins in bivalve molluscs, echinoderms,

tunicates and marine gastropods.

13. Commission Decision 2002/226/EC establishing special

health checks for the harvesting and processing of certain

bivalve molluscs with a level of Amnesic Shellfish Poison

(ASP) exceeding the limits laid down by Council Directive



14. Commission Regulation 2001/2065/EC laying down detailed

rules for the application of Council Regulation 104/2000/EC as

regards informing consumers about fishery and aquaculture


Kewajiban dari pengolah, buyer dan competent authority

dari negara pengekspor yang akan melakukan ekspor produk

perikanan ke Uni Eropa dapat diuraikan sebagai berikut :

a) Pengolah (Unit Pengolahan/perusahaan/eksportir) harus

menerapkan dan memantau kegiatan pengolahan


rticle 3 sampai 6 dari EC 852/2004, secara umum kewajiban

bagi perusahaan untuk mengawasi atau memonitor

keamanan pangan produk dan proses pengolahan yang

menjadi tanggung jawabnya

Menerapkan keadaan umum hygienic primary production

article 4.1 dan PART A annex I dari EC 852/2004

Menerapkan persyaratan detail (detail requirements) setelah

primary production (article 4.2 dan Annex II EC 852/2004)

Persyaratan Mikrobilogi pada Article 4.3 EC 852/2004 dan

EC No.2073/2005

Menerapkan prosedur prinsip-prinsip HACCP (article 5 dari

EC 852/2004)

Unit pengolahan harus teregistrasi sesuai article 6 dari EC


b) Buyer/Importer (food business operators importing products)

melaksanakan pengawasan sesuai dengan persyaratan EC


853/2004, dan harus menjamin bahwa produk-produk tersebut


Berasal dari negara ketiga atau dari wilayah dari negara

ketiga yang sudah terdaftar di Uni Eropa.

Berasal juga dari unit pengolahan/perusahaan yang

terdaftar atau memiliki approval number.

Telah memiliki dan menerapkan sistem penanganan dan

pengolahan yang sehat atau identitas lainnya yang baik

(health or identification mark)

Sistem dan persyaratan kesehatan dalam praktek

penanganan dan pengolahan dibuktikan dengan sertifikat

kesehatan yang diterbitkan oleh Competent Authority dari

negara ketiga.

Produk dan dokumen dapat diperiksa di border inspection


Menerapkan persyaratan kesehatan (health requirement)

sesuai Directive 2002/99/EC.

c) Pemerintah (Competent Authority) di negara pengekspor

Competent Authority melakukan pengawasan (Official

Control) yang memenuhi kriteria yang tercantum dalam EC


Competent Authority mengawasi perusahaan yang diberi

kewenangan untuk ekspor ke Uni Eropa agar tetap

memenuhi European Community Requirements

Competent Authority mempertahankan, memperbaharui dan

selanjutnya mengkomunikasikan kepada Komisi Eropa

mengenai perusahaan yang memenuhi atau tidak lagi

memenuhi European Community Requirements.


Competent Authority melakukan ini sesuai dengan Article 12

paragraf 2 EC 854/2004

Sertifikat-sertifikat yang dipersyaratkan harus diterbitkan

sebelum pengapalan atau meninggalkan pelabuhan.

Tahapan pengawasan hasil perikanan yang masuk (impor) ke

Republik Belgia sebagai berikut:

1. Competent Authority negara pengirim menghubungi Komisi

Eropa untuk memohon persetujuan Approval Number of

Fisheries Establishments atau perusahaan/eksportir hasil


2. Approval Number yang diusulkan, jika diterima atau ditolak

akan diterbitkan dalam official journal dari European Community

dan disebarkan secara elektronik ke semua Member States.

3. Melalui suatu Commission Decision menetapkan format Health

Certificate dan List of Establishments (Daftar Unit Pengolahan)

yang disetujui (yang mendapat Approval Number)

4. Competent Authority dari negara pengirim menerbitkan Health

Certificate dan stempel yang dikeluarkan oleh Commission


5. Komisi Eropa melalui Food and Veterinary Office (FVO),

Directorate General of Consumer Protection melakukan

kunjungan secara rutin ke negara pengirim baik Member States

maupun negara Ketiga, untuk misi inspeksi sistem/standar

higienis apakah ekuivalen dengan peraturan Uni Eropa.

6. Produk ekspor harus masuk melalui pos pengawasan

perbatasan (Border Inspection Posts/BIPs).

7. Buyer/Importer di negara Uni Eropa harus memberitahu kepada

BIPs tentang kedatangan Consignment dalam kurun waktu 24

jam melalui laut dan 6 jam melalui udara.


8. Official fish inspector atau official veterinary surgeon melakukan

pemeriksaan seperti diuraikan terdahulu :

a. Documentary check (pengecekan dokumen) adalah

memeriksa dokumen-dokumen terkait dengan pengiriman

barang/produk termasuk, certificate of origin, health


b. Identity Check (identifikasi dokumen) adalah pengecekan

visual untuk melihat kecocokan dan konsistensi antara

dokumen-dokumen dan produk-produk, juga dokumen lain

seperti certificate of origin, approval number; dll.

c. Physical check (pemeriksaan fisik); adalah pemeriksaan

produk yang dilakukan oleh fish/veterinary inspector sendiri

(BIPs) seperti organoleptik, pengepakan dan pengemasan

(packaging), suhu (temperature), dan atau memungkinkan

mengambil sampel dan menguji ke laboratorium (sampling

and laboratory testing).

9. Jika pemeriksaan dokumen memuaskan pihak inspektur sesuai

dengan common veterinary entry document (CVED) yang

diterbitkan, maka Consignment tersebut dapat masuk ke Uni

Eropa. Jika hasil pemeriksaan menunjukkan gagal karena

masalah mutu dan keamanan produk yang tidak memenuhi

syarat seperti kandungan residu logam berat atau antibiotik

melebihi batas yang diberlakukan, maka dilakukan salah satu

dari dua pilihan yaitu 1) dikirim kembali (re-export) atau 2)

dihancurkan (destroyed).

Setiap pengapalan (shipment) produk perikanan atau

produk budidaya harus disertai dengan sertifikat sanitasi (sanitary

certificate) yang dijelaskan dalam E.U. Decision 2001/65/EC, dan


khusus untuk produk kekerangan (shellfish) sesuai dengan

1996/333/EC. Sertifikat boleh diterbitkan untuk beberapa kontainer

dari produk yang sama, dan diperhitungkan/dipertimbangkan

menjadi satu lot (single lot). Salah satu contoh model Sertifikat

Kesehatan (Health Certificate) untuk tujuan konsumsi manusia,

apabila kita akan melakukan ekspor produk perikanan ke Uni

Eropa dapat dilihat pada Contoh HC 1.

Contoh model Health Certificate di atas masih berlaku

sampai dengan bulan Mei 2007, tetapi karena tuntutan

perkembangan yang terkait dengan pengembangan penerapan

traceability atau ketertulusuran, maka Komisi Eropa akan

mengeluarkan kebijakan model baru Health Certificate sesuai

dengan European Commission (EC) Regulation No 1664/2006 of

6 November 2006 amending Regulation (EC) No 2074/2005 as

regards implementing measures for certain products of animal

origin intended for human consumption and repealing certain

implementing measure.

Penetapan Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 2074/2005

mengenai model Health Certificates untuk produk impor untuk

tujuan konsumsi manusia dikembangkan oleh Komisi Eropa untuk

mengetahui setiap perpindahan produk dari dan selama berada

dalam wilayah Uni Eropa (EU territory) dan negara-negara ketiga

(third countries). Model Sertifikat-sertifikat telah dikembangkan

untuk memenuhi “expert system Traces”, khususnya mengenai

deskripsi dari komoditas yang telah diperbaharui. Model Health

Certificate yang ada harus diamendemen sesuai yang diatur dalam

EC No.1664/2006.

Ada empat model sertifikat kesehatan (Health Certificate)

untuk produk-produk perikanan yang diperuntukan untuk konsumsi


manusia dengan berdasarkan produk :

1. Sertifikat Kesehatan untuk produk paha kodok segar, beku

(Imports Of Chilled, Frozen Or Prepared Frogs’ Legs Intended

For Human Consumption)

2. Sertifikat Kesehatan untuk produk segar, beku, masak, termasuk

dalam bentuk cangkang (Imports Of Chilled, Frozen, Shelled,

Cooked, Prepared Or Preserved Snails Intended For Human


3. Sertifikat Kesehatan untuk produk perikanan (Imports of

Fishery Products Intended For Human Consumption)

4. Sertifikat Kesehatan untuk produk perikanan untuk kekerangan

hidup (Imports of Live Bivalve Molluscs Intended For Human


Contoh Model Health Certificate For fishery products intended for export to the European Community

Country of dispatch:............................... …………………………………………………


Competent authority (1):........................ ………………………………………………… Inspection body (1):................................ ………………………………………………… Reference number of health certificate: ………………………………………………… I. Details identifying the fishery products Description of fishery/aquaculture products (2): - species (scientific name): - presentation of product and type of treatment (3):

Code number (where available):


Type of packaging:

Number of packages: …………………………………………………………………………………….

Net weight: …………………………………………………………………………………….

Requisite storage and transport temperature:


II - Origin of products Name(s) and official approval/registration number(s) of establishment(s), factory vessel(s), or cold store(s) approved or freezer vessel(s) registered by the competent authority for export to the EC: ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… III - Destination of the products The products are dispatched From: ………………………………………………… (place of dispatch) To: ………………………………………………… (Country and place of destination) By the following means of transport: ………………………………………………… Name and address of the dispacher: …………………………………………………


Name of consignee and address at place of destination:


IV. Health attestation The official inspector hereby certifies that the fishery or aquaculture products specified above:

1.- have been caught, landed, where appropriate packaged, handled, marked, prepared, processed, frozen, thawed, stored and transported under conditions at least equivalent to those laid down in Council Directive 91/493/EEC of 22 July 1991 laying down the health conditions for the production and the placing on the market of Fishery products;

- have undergone health controls at least equivalent to those laid down in Directive 91/493/EEC and in the implementing decision thereto;

- do not come from toxic species or species containing biotoxins;

2. In addition, in the case of frozen or processed bivalve molluscs, the later have been gathered in production areas subject to conditions at least equivalent to those laid down in Council Directive 91/492/EEC of 15 July 1991 laying down the health conditions for the production and the placing on the market of live bivalve molluscs.

Done at:_____________________on__________

(place) (date) _______________________________ (Signature of the official inspector) _______________________________


(Name in capitals, capacity and qualifications)

(1) Name and address (2) Delete where applicable (3) Lived, refrigerated, frozen, salted smoked, preserved, prepared, processed, etc.

4. Duties and Trade measures

Semua tariff ikan Uni Eropa telah dikonsolidasikan dengan

GATT agreement dalam Putaran Tokyo. Secara keseluruhan rata-

rata EU duties for Chapters 3, 1604 and 1605 adalah 17.2%, salah

satu yang tertinggi didunia. The tariff range dari 0% untuk belut

hidup (live eels) sampai 25 % untuk produk kaleng (canned

mackerel, bonito and anchovies). Bagaimanapun Uni Eropa

menyediakan mekanisme yang berbeda untuk pengurangan pajak

(duties). Secara keseluruhan rata-rata tarif dikurangi sekitar 3 s/d


Khusus untuk Generalized System of Preferences (GSP),

yang diterapkan kepada negara berkembang mencakup semua

produk perikanan pada Chapter 3, produk-produk diklasifikasikan

sebagai non-sensitive, semi-sensitive, sensitive and very sensitive.

Pengurangan duties akan dilakukan secara bertahap dari 0%,

35%, 70% and 85%, dari rate umumnya (conventional rate).

Russia, Thailand dan Korea Selatan tidak mendapat GSP.

"Access to markets" for "Access to Resources" merupakan

strategi dari Uni Eropa dalam bidang negosiasi perdagangan

produk perikanan. Keuntungan Uni Eropa mengunakan hal ini

karena mudah mendapat jaminan per produk, hal ini sudah


dilakukan terhadap Maroko dan Argentina yaitu berupa agreement,

yang perlu diperhatikan apabila Indonesia setuju dengan cara

agreement maka mempermudah penurunan tariff berdasarkan

produk, sebagai contoh Argentina dikurangi duty untuk produk

hake fillets dan; Maroko: mendapat pembebasan bea masuk impor

produk sardine kaleng (duty-free imports of canned sardines)

Sejak 1 Januari 2002 Commission Regulation

2001/2065/EC telah mempersyaratkan aturan baru bagi pelabelan

produk perikanan dan budidaya yang diperuntukan untuk sektor

retail (retail sector). Regulasi ini hanya diperuntukan untuk produk-

produk yang telah memiliki harmonisasi system tariff (Tariff

Harmonized System) tidak termasuk produk-produk pengalengan.

Tiga set informasi yang diwajibkan pada pelabelan produk

perikanan dan budidaya untuk penjualan (sales) eceran (retail):

Nama dagang dari tiap jenis atau spesies (Commercial name)

nama latin tidak diwajibkan kecuali klien bisnis

mempersyaratkannya. Tiap negara anggota (Member State)

telah menerbitkan suatu daftar nama dagang yang dapat

diaplikasi. Daftar ini dapat dilihat pada EU web site.

Metode produksi dari produk budidaya atau produk perikanan,

harus menyediakan bahasa yang jelas dan sesuai apakah

ditangkap di laut, di air tawar atau budidaya.

Area penangkapan harus menunjukan sesuai dengan daerah

penangkapan yang sesuai dengan FAO list, atau dari Annex

dari regulasi eropa (Commission Regulation 2001/2065/EC).

Produk-produk yang ditangkap di daerah perairan umum

mempersyaratkan ada suatu referensi dari Member State atau

dari negara asal dari negara ketiga.


Untuk menjamin kesempurnaan penerapan traceability

pada semua tahapan dari proses pemasaran (marketing process),

produk perikanan budidaya harus disertai dengan dokumen yang

mengindikasikan informasi yang menjelaskan semua istilah

demikian juga nama latin dari produk. Dokumen dicantumkan

dalam invoice. Beberapa contoh produk dengan spesifikasi yang

perlu dipenuhi pada pelabelan adalah

Produk segar, dingin (Fresh, chilled products)

Jenis (species)

Negara asal (country of origin) menggunakan huruf roman

letters, min. 2 cm

Menunjukkan (presentation) bentuk produk apakah whole,

gutted, fillet, dan lain-lain

Tingkat kesegaran (freshness grade) dan pengelompokan jenis

ukuran (size category) untuk jenis tertentu dengan standar

umum minimal 5 cm

Berat bersih (net weight) dalam kg diluar standar box kemasan,

dengan rata-rata berat bersih cukup

Tanggal terakhir pengiriman

Nama dan alamat (kota,negara) + approval number dari


Tingkat kesegaran (Freshness grading) hanya untuk whole/gutted

fresh fish.

Produk Beku (Frozen products)

Pencantuman jenis diikuti dengan kata "frozen"

Negara asal (country of origin)


Menunjukan (presentation) kemungkinan diikuti dengan

termasuk dengan species.

Isi bersih dalam kg

Daftar bumbu (list of ingredients) kecuali jika hanya ikan (except

if fish only)

Tanggal minimal daya tahan produk dalam bulan/tahun (expire

date) sebagai contoh: tanggal minimal/date of minimum

durability (month/year) atau "best before" date (cf Directive


Kondisi penyimpanan yang sesuai (special storage conditions)

untuk menjaga pada suhu - 18o C

Instruksi untuk menggunakan produk sebab jika tidak dihindari

dapat merusak mutu termasuk “jangan membekukan lagi

setelah sekali di-thawing (do not freeze again once thawed)

Nama dan alamat pabrik dan penjual di Uni Eropa

Approval Number dari pengolah atau pengepak

Pencantuman lot dalam bentuk inisial seperti “ L” lebih bagus

tapi bukan selalu kewajiban mencantumkan lengkap satu kata

"LOT" ini bukan suatu kewajiban.

Lot yang dapat didefinisikan oleh pengolah (processor) untuk

dapat melakukan telusur terhadap sejarah produknya apabila

terjadi masalah. Ini dapat dilakukan berdasarkan tanggal

produksi (production date).

Contoh : L8110B15 berarti : L = Lot

8 = 1998

110 = day of production 110

B15 = production line


Untuk mencapai makanan yang lebih beku (For deep-frozen


Kondisi penyimpanan dan maksimum masa penyimpanan (Storage

conditions and maximum period of storage):

antara 0 dan 5 oC : 1 hari

atau antara -5 and 0 oC : 1 minggu

atau antara -12 and -6 oC : 1 bulan

atau paling kurang pada suhu -18 oC : sampai sebelum

kadaluarsa (up to the best before date).

Untuk bahan makanan beku (for frozen goods) penyebutan yang

tidak diwajibkan tapi apabila dianggap perlu bisa mencantumkan:

Kondisi penyimpanan (storage conditions)

Jangan dibekukan kembali setelah sekali di-thawing ("do not

refreeze once thawed")

Penulisan Lot (lot # )

Kekerangan Hidup (Live bivalve mollusks)

Jenis/Species (nama umum/common name dan nama latin

(Latin name)

Negara pengirim (country of dispatch)

Tanggal pengepakan (date of wrapping) paling kurang

mencantumkan hari dan bulan (at least day and month)

Tanggal ketahanan produk (date of durability) atau keterangan

seperti bahwa bintang (kekerangan) harus dalam keadaan

hidup sbelum dijual ("these animals must be alive when sold")

Berat bersih (net weight) dalam kg

Identitas pengirim (identification of the dispatch center) yang

memiliki approval number

Nama dan alamat (kota dan negara) dari pengepak terakhir


yang memiliki approval number.

Produk Kaleng (canned products)

Nama produk (name of product)

Negara asal (country of origin)

Berat bersih dalam gram (net weight in grams) atau liter untuk

produk cair liter for liquid products)

Berat bersih tanpa kadar air (net drained weight) dalam hal ini

produk padat yang dipaket yang tidak biasa dikonsumsi dalam

keadaan cair (usually-not-consumed liquid)

Daftar bumbu (ingredients) termasuk penambahan air dalam

suatu ingredient

Tanggal ketahanan produk (date of minimum durability)

pencantuman tahun

Ada petunjuk kondisi penyimpanan atau cara saat


Petunjuk untuk penggunaan (jika diperlukan)

Nama dan alamat manufacturer yang memiliki “approval" atau

suatu perusahaan penjual yang ada di EU.

Legislasi lainnya (Other legislation)

Selain legislasi-legislasi yang disebutkan di halaman

terdahulu, Uni Eropa mengatur berbagai macam persyaratan untuk

isu-isu yang lebih besar, termasuk pada:

Zat tambahan (Additives), Zat pewarna (colorings) dan pemanis

(sweeteners) boleh digunakan.

Bahan kemasan (Packaging materials) tidak boleh mentransfer

zat pada bahan makanan apabila pada jumlah tertentu dapat

membahayakan kesehatan manusia atau dapat merubah

bentuk secara oraganoleptik;


Pengukuran Unit (Measurement units) hanya sesuai dengan

petunjuk metric labeling.

5. Peraturan/Prosedur Impor

a. Peraturan Terkait Prosedur Impor

Peraturan di Republik Belgia yang diterapkan untuk produk

udang beku sebagian besar sama dengan peraturan yang

diterapkan untuk produk perikanan lainnya di UE. Karena pada

prinsipnya peraturan-peraturan yang diterapkan UE untuk produk

udang khususnya standar kesehatan, keselamatan konsumen dan

perlindungan bagi kelestarian lingkungan juga diterapkan untuk

produk perikanan. Peraturan-peraturan yang diterapkan adalah:

Council Declaration of 30 May 1980 on the Common Fisheries


Council Directive 92/59/EEC of 29 June 1992 on General

Product Safety (Rapid Alert System for Foodstuffs)

Commission Decision No. 2001/705/EC of 27 September 2001

concerning certain protective measures with regard to certain

fishery and aqua-culture products intended for human

consumption and originating in Indonesia (notified under

document number C(2001) 2935)

Council Regulation (EC) No 2578/2000 of 17 November 2000

amending Regulation (EC) No 2406/96 laying down common

marketing standards for certain fishery products

Council Regulation (EC) No 1298/2000 of 8 June 2000

amending for the fifth time Regulation (EC) No 850/98 for the

conservation of fishery resources through technical measures

for the protection of juveniles of marine organisms


b. Daftar alamat instansi pemerintah terkait dengan proses impor

Directorate General for Health and Consumer Protection

European Commission

Directorate D - Food Safety: production and distribution chain

Rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Bruxelles - Belgium

Telp: 32-2-2991111. Fax: 32-2- 2991061


Komisi Eropa mengatur pelabelan dan pengemasan untuk

produk perikanan dalam beberapa keputusan yaitu:

a. Pelabelan (Labelling)

Council Directive 90/496/EEC of 24 September 1990 on

nutrition labeling for foodstuffs

Directive 2000/13/EC of the European parliament and of the

Council of 20 March 2000 on the approximation of the laws

of the member States relating to the labeling, presentation

and advertising of foodstuffs

Commission Directive 94/54/EC of 18 November 1994

concerning the compulsory indication on the labeling of

certain foodstuffs of particulars other those provided for in

Council Directive 79/112/EEC

Council Directive 96/21/EC of 29 March 1996 amending

Commission Directives 94/54/EC concerning the

compulsory indication on the labeling of certain foodstuffs of

particulars other than those provided for in Directive



Commission Directive 1999/10/EC of 8 March 1999

providing for derogation's from the provisions of article 7 of

Council Directive 79/112 as regards the labeling foodstuffs

Council Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92 of 14 July 1992 on the

protection of geographical indications and designations of

origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs

Council Regulation (EC) No 535/97 of 17 March 1997

amending Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92 on the protection of

geographical indications and designations of origin for

agricultural products and foodstuffs

Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2037 of 27 July 1993

laying down detailed rules of application of Council

Regulation (EEC) no 2081/92 on the protection of

geographical indications and designations of origin for

agricultural products and foodstuffs

Commission Regulation (EC) No 1107/96 of 12 June 1996

on the registration of geographical indications and

designations of origin under the procedure laid down in

article 17 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92

Commission Regulation (EC) No 123/97 of 23 January 1997

supplementing the Annex to Commission Regulation (EC)

No 1107/96 on the registration of geographical indications

and designations of origin under the procedure laid down in

Article 17 of Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92

Council Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92 of 14 July 1992 on

certificates of specific character for agricultural products and


Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1848/93 of 9 July 1993


laying down detailed rules for the application of Council

Regulation (EEC) No 2082/92 on certificates of specific

character for agricultural products and foodstuffs

Commission Regulation (EC) No 2515/94 of 9 September

1994 amending Regulation (EEC) NO 1848/93 laying down

detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EEC)

No 2082/92 on certificates of specific character for

agricultural products and foodstuffs

b. GMO Labelling

Commission Regulation (EC) No 50/2000 of 10 January

2000 on the labelling of foodstuffs and food ingredients

containing additives and flavourings that have been

genetically modified or have been produced from genetically

modified organisms.

Council Regulation (EC) No 1139/98 of 26 May 1998

concerning the compulsory indication of the labelling of

certain foodstuffs produced from genetically modified

organisms of particulars other than those provided for in

Directive 79/112/EEC

Commission Regulation (EC) No 49/2000 of 10 January

2000 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1139/98

concerning the compulsory indication on the labeling of

certain foodstuffs produced from genetically modified

organisms of particulars other than those provided for in

Directive 79/112/EEC.

Commission Regulation (EC) 1005/2008 of 29 September

2009 “Establishing a Community System to Prevent Deter

and Eliminate IUU Fishing” (IUU Fishing Regulation).


7. Peraturan Perpajakan

a. Bea Masuk (MFN Tariff)

030613 (Shrimps and prawns):

03061310--- of the family Pandalidae 12%

03061330--- Shrimps of the genus Crangon 18%

03061340--- Deepwater rose shrimps (Parapenaeus) 12%

03061350--- Shrimps of the genus Penaeus 12%

03061380--- Other 12%

b. Pajak Konsumsi

Walaupun sejak 1 Januari 1993 UE telah berusaha

mengadakan harmonisasi Value Added Tax (pajak yang

dikenakan pada tingkat penjualan ke konsumen akhir) negara-

negara anggota UE, namun sampai sekarang hal tersebut

belum mencapai hasil. Sebagai akibatnya masing-masing

negara anggota memberlakukan VAT yang berbeda untuk

produk makanan sebagaimana yang terlihat pada tabel berikut


VAT rates (in %) yang berlaku untuk produk makanan di

UE, May 2000








Standard Rate













































































c. Generalized System of Preference (GSP)

Berdasarkan Pasal 7 point 2 dari Skema GSP untuk

periode 1 Januari 2002 s/d 31 Desember 2004, produk shrimps

prawns merupakan produk yang termasuk dalam daftar produk

"sensitif" oleh sebab itu produk tersebut mendapatkan

preferensi penurunan tarif 3,5%. Tarif normal MFN sebesar

12%. Namun demikian pada skema yang lama penurunan tarif

yang diperoleh lebih besar dari 3.5%. Berdasarkan artikel 7

point 3 beneficiary diperbolehkan untuk menggunakan

ketentuan yang lama jika penurunan tarif pada skema GSP

sebelumnya lebih tinggi. Oleh sebab itu tarif produk udang beku

di UE dengan GSP akan diberlakukan sesuai dengan tarif yang

lama yaitu sebesar 4,2%.

8. Sistem Distribusi

Sebagian besar dari produk-produk perikanan di UE

merupakan produk yang diimpor dari negara lain dan hampir tidak


ada negara anggota UE yang dapat menyediakan kebutuhannya

sendiri (self-sufficient). Para pemain yang berperan dalam saluran

distribusi untuk produk perikanan di pasar Uni Eropa adalah para

supplier, processor dan distributor. Para pemain di pasar produk

perikanan ini seringkali memberikan kewajiban-kewajiban kepada

eksportir/penjual dengan sistem operasional yang berbeda.

Pilihan atas saluran distribusi perdagangan dan partner

dagang tergantung dari produk dan servis yang dapat diberikan

oleh partner dagang yang potensial. Dengan menyeleksi salah satu

saluran distribusi dan partner dagang yang spesifik, partner

dagang yang lainnya seringkali secara otomatis akan mengikuti

proses yang sama. Hal penting dalam saluran distribusi ini adalah

bahwa eksportir menyadari adanya saluran distribusi yang berbeda

di pasar. Beberapa eksportir akan melakukan tawar-menawar

secara langsung dengan para pengguna akhir (end-user dalam hal

ini para pedagang eceran) yang utama, sementara yang lainnya

akan menjualnya dengan cara lain yaitu menjualnya kepada para

pedagang bebas (independent importers) atau kepada para agen


Sekarang ini penggunaan internet dianggap sebagai salah

satu cara atau alat komunikasi yang baik antara para pelaku usaha

(businessman) dan masyarakat, akibatnya transaksi melalui e-

commerce juga mengalami peningkatan. Para businessman lebih

menyukai penjualan melalui e-commerce karena hal ini

berimplikasi pada keuntungan yg lebih besar dan lebih cepat. Akan

tetapi, jika berhadapan dengan konsumen individual,

perkembangan e-commerce lambat karena konsumen masih lebih

suka pergi ke supermarket atau ke penjual (trader/dealker/



Ada empat partner dagang utama bagi para eksportir

produk-produk perikanan yaitu mereka yang bergerak dalam

bidang industri (industrial user), agen penjualan, importir, dan the

Industri Pengolahan dan end-product manufacturers. Dalam

praktek pendistribusian produk perikanan, armada kapal ikan asing

tidak mensuplai secara langsung keluar negeri tetapi biasanya

kepada pelelangan ikan domestik atau kepada seorang eksportir.

Sedangkan end-product manufacturers boleh membeli produk dari

armada asing tersebut secara langsung dari eksportir atau dari

agen penjualan, importir atau dari industri pengolahan.

Ada bermacam-macam perusahaan yang bergerak di

sektor produk perikanan ini. Beberapa perusahaan mempersempit

proses produksi mereka kepada proses pembekuan atau pada

proses filleting ikan tersebut. Sementara perusahaan-perusahaan

lainnya khususnya Belanda dan Belgia, mengkhususkan usaha

mereka dibidang mengekspor kembali produk-produk perikanan

tersebut ke negara-negara lainnya. Sebagai contoh, mereka

mengimpor produk-produk perikanan yang eksotik dari negara

berkembang dan kemudian mengekspornya ke negara-negara

tetangga mereka, karena itulah maka sulit untuk menggambarkan

struktur perdagangan produk perikanan ini kedalam garis-garis

yang sederhana.

Dalam satu kasus mungkin saja seseorang ingin

mengekspor produk perikanan dalam bentuk atau kemasan untuk

konsumen langsung atau untuk katering. Dalam hal ini partner

dagang yang akan membuka jalan agar penetrasi ke pasar Eropa

sukses adalah para agen dan importir yang mungkin saja akan

menjual pula produk-produk tersebut untuk digunakan dalam

industri makanan. Sementara itu retail atau organisasi catering


juga melakukan hal yang berbeda. Mereka hampir tidak pernah

membeli secara langsung dari luar negeri, kecuali untuk beberapa

mata rantai dari supermarket yang lebih besar. Suksesnya

penjualan eceran di supermarket dan hypermarket telah menjadi

jelas dalam pasar seafood dan ikan. Sebagai akibat dari

kepopuleran 'one-stop shopping', maka supermarket-supermarket

mulai memperkenalkan counter-counter ikan dan secara perlahan-

lahan mencapai kepopuleran yang lebih melebihi para penjual ikan


Namun demikian hadirnya counter-counter ikan bukannya

tanpa masalah, karena konsumen pada awalnya memperlihatkan

sikap yang ragu-ragu untuk membeli karena mereka tidak yakin

akan jaminan mutu dari ikan-ikan yang dijual tersebut. Lebih jauh

lagi, kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat dalam menangani dan

mempersiapkan ikan menyebabkan tertundanya peralihan dari

penjual ikan yang trampil kepada counter-counter ikan. Di Eropa

utara dan Skandinavia, penjualan dari penjual ikan biasa dan yg

ditaruh di dalam stal-stal di pasar telah sangat menurun. Di daerah

Mediterania, para penjual ikan dan stall-stall ikan di pasar masih

merupakan mayoritas yang besar dari penjualan produk-produk

perikanan, memberikan gambaran negara-negara yang secara

relatif berada dibawah perkembangan dalam nuansa multiple


Supermarket, pasar-pasar umum merupakan merupakan

pemain dalam pasar ikan di UE ini. Pasar-pasar belakangan ini

mendominasi penjualan fresh, chilled, smoked dan fried products,

sementara supermarket mendominasi penjualan penjualan

produk-produk yang sudah dibekukan dan yg dikemas dalam

kaleng. Dalam tahun-tahun terkahir ini beberapa supermarket


mulai menawarkan berbagai macam lagi produk-produk

fresh/chilled yang belum dikemas seperti berbagai macam fillets

dan shrimps. Lebih jauh lagi dengan teknis-teknis pengepakan

yang baru seperti MAP (Modified Atmosphere Packaging), hal ini

dapat memperpanjang kesegaran dari fresh/chilled fish di

supermarket dan membuatnya cukup berharga untuk dimasukkan

ke dalam kelompok berbagai macam produk perikanan.

Kelompok penjual ikan dan kelompok catering tidak

membeli produk ikan secara langsung dari luar negeri, melainkan

membelinya dari wholesalers/importir dalam negeri. Sedangkan

sektor kelembagaan seperti rumah-rumah jompo dan rumah sakit

seringkali membelinya dari importir yang memang khusus menjual

produk-produk yang jaminan keamanannya tinggi.

9. Sertifikat Hasil Tangkapan (Catch Certification)

Berdasarkan Council Regulation (EC) nomor 1005/2008

tanggal 28 September 2009 mengenai establishing a Community

system to prevent, deter, and eliminate illegal, unreported and

unregulated fishing, Uni Eropa mewajibkan sertifikasi atas semua

produk perikanan hasil tangkapan dari laut yang di ekspor ke

kawasan tersebut sejak 1 Januari 2010. Ketentuan ini tidak berlaku

bagi produk perikanan hasil kegiatan budidaya (air tawar, payau,

dan laut), produk perikanan air tawar, ikan hias, kekerangan,

rumput laut, scallops, oyster dan ikan lainnya. Seritifikasi Hasil


Tangkapan Ikan mencakup beberapa hal antara lain:

i) sertifikasi hasil tangkapan merupakan persyaratan bagi produk

perikanan, termasuk produk olahannya yang masuk pasar Uni


ii) sertifikasi diisi dan dilengkapi oleh eksportir yang telah memiliki

'approval number', serta diajukan kepada Otoritas Kompeten

untuk divalidasi. Hal ini berarti, produk perikanan yang akan

diekspor merupakan hasil tangkapan dari kegiatan yang telah

memenuhi ketentuan pengelolaan/konservasi perikanan,

iii) sertifikasi juga berlaku bagi produk olahan eks-impor bahan

baku. Sertifikasi Hasil Tangkapan tersebut diterapkan melalui

Permen KP. nomor PER.28/MEN/2009 tentang Sertifikasi Hasil

Tangkapan Ikan.


Gambar Peraturan EC tentang Keamanan Hasil Perikanan


Gambar Peraturan EC tentang Keamanan Produk Kekerangan




Tiongkok merupakan salah satu superpower bidang

seafood. Tiongkok merupakan konsumen, importir, eksportir dan

produsen seafood terbesar didunia. Diperkirakan produksinya

sekitar 35% dari total produksi dunia. Tiongkok juga merupakan

produsen akuakultur terbesar di dunia dan satu-satunya negara

yang produksi perikanan budidayanya melebihi hasil perikanan

tangkapnya. Menurut data Tiongkok, rata-rata produksi ikan

mencapai 60 juta ton dan konsumsi ikan per kapita mencapai 12


Tabel. Impor Hasil Perikanan China

(Ikan segar, dingin dan beku, HS 03)

Sumber: UN.Comtrade

HS Deskripsi 2010

(US$000) 2011

(US$000) 2012


'0303 Fish, frozen, whole 3,132,412 3,822,151 3,352,194

'0306 Crustaceans 514,015 825,096 1,128,137

'0307 Moluscs 512,247 744,622 687,655

'0302 Fish, fresh, whole 106,174 94,403 152,709

'0304 Fish fillets and pieces, fresh, chilled or frozen

59,198 65,524 89,895

'0301 Live fish 26,296 20,589 45,355

'0308 Aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, d

0 0 20,910

'0305 Fish,cured or smoked and fish meal fit for human consumption

15,119 15,177 15,741


Tiongkok juga merupakan pemain utama perdagangan ikan dunia.

Pada tahun 2009 Tiongkok mengekspor ikan dan seafood

mencapai US$ 6,81 milyar, meningkat sekitar 31% dari US$5,18

milyar pada tahun 2008. Dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun ini,

pertumbuhan ekspor seafood Tiongkok telah menciptakan surplus

yang besar.

Tiongkok juga mengimpor ikan dan seafood dengan nilai US$3.6

milyar pada tahun 2009. Namun jumlah impor Tiongkok

diperkirakan akan meningkat seiring dengan daya beli konsumen.

Impor seafood Tiongkok dapat dibagi menjadi 3 kategori utama,


1. Seafood bernilai tinggi untuk konsumsi domestik, cth. Lobster

hidup, dan oysters

2. Tepung ikan untuk memenuhi pakan ikan,

3. Seafood untuk dire-proses untuk ekspor, cth. Hoki, roughy,

dory dan sotong

Rusia merupakan pemasok utama impor seafood Tiongkok, selain

itu terdapat beberapa pemasok utama lainnya antara lain AS,

Norway, Jepang. Shangdong merupakan salah satu provinsi

tempat pengolahan ikan dan Ibu kota Qindao merupakan salahsatu

destinasi seafood impor.

Konsumen Tiongkok mempunyai minat dan selera yang besar

terhadap semua jenis seafood, termasuk jenis ikan hidup, beku dan

produk olahan. Menurut FAO, konsumsi seafood Tiongkok

diperkirakan akan meningkat menjadi 35,9 kg/kapita pada tahun

2020. Konsumsi ikan akan meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan

daya beli masyarakat dan penguatan preferensi ikan di Tiongkok.

Ikan air tawar hidup mempunyai permintaan tinggi di pasar-pasar

kota pedalaman. Sementara ikan beku dan olahan banyak ditemui


di kawasan sebelah utara. Hasil tangkapan laut hidup sangat

popular di kawasan booming ekonomi (pantai timur).

Seafood impor sangat dihargai oleh konsumen Tiongkok. Seafood

hidup, khususnya lobster dan abalone merupakan symbol

kemewahan. Namun demikian, saat ini masalah kualitas dan

keamanan pangan sudah menjadi perhatian konsumen di


1. Distribusi hasil perikanan

Proses distribusi di Tiongkok pada umumnya meliputi importasi,

distribusi, sub-distribusi dan retail. Tempat pemasukan dan hubs

distribusi hasil perikanan sebagai berikut:

Shenzen: Sebagian besar seafood hidup yang diimpor masuk

melalui Shenzen. Shenzen terletak sebelah utara Hongkong.

Importir di Shenzen mendominasi sebagian besar impor seafood

dan saluran distribusi seluruh wilayah Tiongkok. Mereka telah

membangun jejaring pemasaran di berbagai kota penting,

termasuk di Shanghai dan Beijing. Hanya kurang dari setengah

impor seafood yang masuk ke Shenzhen didistribusikan secara

langsung melalui kota-kota tersebut.

Guangzhou: merupakan kota terbesar ke tiga di Tiongkok setelah

Beijing dan Shanghai. Lebih dari setengah seafood yang masuk

melalui Shenzhen dikirimkan ke Guangzhou dan selanjutnya

didistribusikan ke wilayah Tiongkok lainnya. Huangsha Seafood -

Wholesale Market yang berada di Guangzhou merupakan salah

satu wholesale market seafood terbesar di Tiongkok.

Shanghai: merupakan salah satu konsumen dan hub-distribusi

utama di Tiongkok oleh karena lokasinya, infrastrukturnya, dan

statusnya sebagai hub-transport.


Pasar Seafood

Distribusi ikan hidup di Tiongkok, pada umumnya didominasi oleh

pasar-pasar seafood. Menurut FAO, lebih dari 340 pasar seafood

hidup ada di Tiongkok. Pedagang/pemasok ikan memnyewa booth

dan berdagang sebagai pedagang besar dan retailer. Pasar

semacam itu biasanya dalam jumlah yang besar dan menyediakan

berbagai macam produk seafood, contohnya:

a. Shenzen Yantian Seafood Market: Diperkirakan lebih dari

90% ikan hidup impor masuk ke Tiongkok melalui pasar

seafood ini. Semua importir/pedagang di Yantian mempunyai

fasilitas tangki untuk menyimpan ikan dalam jumlah besar

sebelum dikemas ulang dan dikirim ke pasar lain di Tiongkok.

b. Guangzhou Huangsha Seafood Wholesale Market:

merupakan salah satu pasar induk terbesar di Tiongkok yang

yang menampung ikan impor dan ikan domestik dalam

semua bentuk/jenis, cth hidup, segar, dingin dan beku. Pasar

tersebut didirikan pada tahun 1994 dan mempunyai luas lebih

dari 40.000 m2. Produk-produk seafood diperoleh dari banyak

negara antara lain Canada, AS, Australia, New Zealand,

negara-negara ASEAN. Pasar ini juga sebagai hub para

eksportir ke wilayah lain di Tiongkok, khususnya kawasan

Tiongkok bagian selatan.

c. Shanghai Tong Cuan Seafood Market: pasar ini seluas

26.000 m2 dengan 700 both dan 100 toko dan merupakan

terbesar di Shanghai. Lebih dari 90% importir ikan hidup dan

distributor membuka kantor dan booth dengan tangki dan

gudang. Perusahaan-perusahaan di pasar ini berhubungan

dengan lebih dari 17 negara, termasuk AS, Jepang, Norway,

Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Hongkong dan Indonesia.


Sub Distributors

Di Tiongkok, para distributor menjual produk ikannya melalui

sub distributor atau langsung ke retailer, cth. hotel, restoran,

dan supermarket. Terhadap penggunaan jalur distribusi

melalui sub-distributor tergantung 2 faktor utama, yaitu:

1. Hubungan Client; biasanya retailer enggan untuk merubah

hubungan yang telah terjalin lama dengan supplier

dikarenakan reputasi dan hubungan buyer yang biasanya

berbasis personal.

2. Term pembayaran; Sub-distributor tetap berada dalam

value chain dengan kekuatannya atas rantai dibawah dan

diatasnya. Mereka dapat secara fleksible berhadapan

dengan retailer dan pembayaran, dimana pada umumnya

distributor menginginkan pembayaran secara tunai.

2. Client dan term pembayaran

- Buyer dengan volume kecil: Mereka sering pergi ke booth

supplier, memilih produk, membayar tunai dan langsung

membawa produk yang dibelinya.

- Hotel, Restoran, dan Café: Pemesanan biasanya diantar

langsung, baik secara harian atau untuk seminggu. Produk

yang dikirimkan tadi dijumlah dan ditagihkan pada akhir

bulan sesuai dengan perjanjian. Hal ini merupakan alasan

mengapa banyak distributor utama lebih suka tidak kontak

langsung dengan sektor Horeka.

- Supermarket dan retailer besar: saat ini berkembang di

Tiongkok dan menjadi outlet yang penting untuk penjualan

produk perikanan (budidaya) baik hidup maupun olahan.

Retailer asing yang beroperasi di Tiongkok antara lain:


Carrefour (Perancis), Jusco (Jepang); Metro (Jerman) dan

Wal-Mart (AS)

Banyak restoran lokal secara terus menerus menyokong

saluran pemasaran tradisional dan sering membeli seafood

hidup dari booth pasar seafood. Sebagian besar restoran

menyimpan ikannya dalam tangki sehingga konsumen dapat

memilih ikan yang akan dibeli/dimakannya. Hypermarket

seperti Metro bertindak sebagai distributor besar, sering

menerima secara langsung produknya dari importir dan

menjualnya ke chef restoran dan outlet retail kecil.

3. Perubahan Pola Konsumsi

Konsumen di Tiongkok pada umumnya menyukai ikan hidup

dan segar, namun saat ini berkembang menyukai produk

olahan seiring dengan meningkatnya penggunaan refrigerator.

Namun permintaan seafood hidup masih mendominasi.

Meningkatnya permintaan seafood beku dan olahan

memberikan peluang untuk UPI Indonesia untuk mengirimkan

produk bernilai tambah dan olahan ke pasar Tiongkok untuk

konsumsi langsung.

Preferensi pasar pada umumnya ditentukan oleh kondisi

geografinya, namun kebiasaan makan dan selera masih dapat

dalam satu provinsi tergantung kedekatan dengan pusat

urban. Di banyak kawasan daratan Tiongkok, seafood hidup

jarang ditemui dikarenakan isolasi geografik dan belum

berkembangnya sistem rantai dingin dan sistem distribusi.

Maka seafood yang tahan lama (non-perishable) lebih populer

di provinsi seperti Mongolia, Shanxi, Henan, Xinjiang dan



Di pusat-pusat urban, pola konsumsi sepertinya berubah

sesuai dengan pola hidup: banyak keluarga berpindah ke

masakan siap saji yaitu produk olahan. Produk olahan meliputi

ikan olahan, kekerangan, moluska, udang menjadi populer di

hypermarket di kota-kota besar.

4. Industri Pengolahan

Industri pengolahan ikan di Tiongkok berpusat di Provinsi

Shandong dan Lianoning, serta daerah-daerah lainnya yaitu

Guangdong, Zhejiang dan Fujian. Shandong dan Lianoning

mencakup lebih 90% dari impor Salmon dan ikan whitefish dan

10 top importer di dua provinsit tersebut mencakup lebih dari

30% total impor. Shandong dan Tianjin merupakan kawasan

utama pengolahan tuna, 34% dari volume pengolahannya

merupakan berbasis yellowfin tuna. Pengolahan tuna

nampaknya dipisahkan, mungkin lebih spesialisasi dibanding

dengan salmon dan whitefish.

Beberapa importer besar di Tiongkok bukan merupakan

pengolah tapi perusahaan impor-ekspor berbagai macam

produk. Perusahaan ini kadang melayani berbagai macam

industry seperti tekstil dan mesin, dan sering memasok dan

mendistribusikan ikan dengan bertindak atas nama pengolah.

Status kepemilikan ikan oleh pengolah ikan (processor) akan

menentukan besaran pajak impor. Jika raw material dimiliki

oleh pihak luar negeri (asing), pajak impor tidak dikenakan

sepanjang produk akhirnya di re-ekspor. Sedangkan bila raw

material dimiliki oleh pihak Tiongkok, pajak impor 26% dapat

dikenakan dan kemudian mendapatkan rabat, atau



Gambar Saluran Distribusi di Tiongkok

5. Standar Kandungan Bahan Berbahaya

Pada 12 Agustus 2010, Menteri Kesehatan Tiongkok telah

menotifikasi ke Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary

Measures WTO mengenai level maximum kontaminan pada

makanan sebagaimana tercantum dalam dokumen

G/SPS/N/CHN/312. Standar ini menjelaskan level maksimum

cemaran Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Mercury (Hg), Arsenic

(Ar), Tin, Nickel, Chromium, Nitrate, Nitrite, Benzo(a)pyrene,

N-nitrosamines, Polychlorinated biphenyls and 3-chloro-1, 2-


No. Jenis Kontaminan/Produk Maksimum Level


1. Pb

Aquatic products and their products Fish and crustaceans

0.5 mg/kg

Shellfishes, cephalopods and other aquatic products

1.0 mg/kg

Products derived from aquatic products excluding dried jelly fish and dried seashells

1.0 mg/kg

Dried jelly fish and dried seashells 1.0 mg/kg

2. Cadmium

Aquatic products and their products

Fish and fish products(excluding canned


0.1 mg/kg

Canned fish 0.2 mg/kg

Crustaceans 0.5 mg/kg

Shellfishes, cephalopods 2.0 mg/kg

3. Mercury

Aquatic products(excluding predatory


0.5 mg/kg(by fresh


Predatory fish(such as shark, tunny and


1.0 mg/kg(by fresh


Special nutritious foods Canned supplementary foods made from aquatic products and animal liver for infant and babies

0.02 mg/kg

4. Arsenic

Aquatic products Fish

0.1 mg/kg (by fresh weight)

Shellfishes, crustaceans, cephalopods and other aquatic products

0.5 mg/kg (by fresh wight)

Special nutritious foods Canned supplementary foods made from aquatic products and animal liver for infant and babies

0.3 mg/kg

5. Benzo(a)pyrene


Smoked or baked aquatic products 5.0 mg/kg

6. N-nitrosamine

Aquatic products 4. mg/kg

7. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)

Aquatic products and their products 0.5 mg/kg



Vietnam mempunyai jumlah penduduk sekitar 91,5 juta

jiwa, dimana sekitar 30%nya tinggal dikawasan urban.

Pertumbuhan penduduknya relative lambat sekitar 1,2 % pertahun.

Menurut Pemerintah Vietnam, terjadi tren migrasi penduduk dari

kawasan pedesaan menuju kota. Economi Vietnam tumbuh

dengan pesat sejak tahun 2000. Pada tahun 2012 diperkirakan

pertumbuhan ekonominya mencapai 5,1%. Menurut data World

Bank, GDP Vietnam per capita berbasis PPP pada tahun 2012

diperkirakan sebesar $3,500.

Sektor perikanan memainkan peran yang sangat penting

dalam perekonomian Vietnam. Produksi di sektor perikanan

tumbuh sangat 1991-2010, mencapai 5,2 juta ton (naik 406%

dibandingkan dengan 1990) penghasilan lebih dari 5,0 miliar USD

dari pendapatan ekspor (24.556% dibandingkan dengan 1990).

Sebagian besar pertumbuhan tersebut berasal dari ekspansi yang

cepat dalam akuakultur, yang meningkat dari 30 persen saham

pada tahun 1990 menjadi 52 persen pada tahun 2010 dari sektor


Pada tahun 2010 produksi perikanan mencapai 5,2 juta ton

(meningkat 406% dibandingkan dengan 1990), menciptakan lebih

dari 5,0 miliar USD dari pendapatan ekspor (Tabel 1). Sebagian

besar pertumbuhan produksi dapat dikaitkan dengan perluasan

dalam budidaya, yang meningkat dari 30 persen pangsa sektor

pada tahun 1990 menjadi 52 persen pada tahun 2010. Meskipun

ada pasar domestik yang terus berkembang sebagai akibat

pendapatan meningkat dan meningkatkan permintaan lokal, pasar

ekspor yang kuat adalah kekuatan pendorong di belakang

pertumbuhan dalam budidaya. Sebagian besar ekspor perikanan


Vietnam terikat untuk Jepang, Taiwan, Korea Selatan, Hong Kong,

Amerika Serikat dan Uni Eropa.

Table Produksi Perikanan Vietnam 1990-2010

Tahun Tangkapan

(tons) Budidaya


Total produksi


Nilai Ekspor

(1000 USD)

Pertumbuhan ekspor (%)

1990 709,000 310,000 1,019,000 205

1991 714,253 347,910 1,062,163 262,234 27.92

1992 746,570 351,260 1,097,830 305,630 16.55

1993 793,324 368,604 1,161,928 368,435 20.55

1994 878,474 333,022 1,211,496 458,200 24.36

1995 928,860 415,28 1,344,140 550,100 20.06

1996 962,500 411,000 1,373,500 670,000 21.80

1997 1,062,000 481,000 1,543,000 776,000 15.82

1998 1,130,660 537,870 1,668,530 858,600 10.64

1999 1,212,800 614,510 1,827,310 971,120 13.11

2000 1,280,590 723,110 2,003,700 1,478,609 52.26

2001 1,347,800 879,100 2,226,900 1,777,485 20.21

2002 1,434,800 976,100 2,410,900 2,014,000 13.31

2003 1,426,223 1,110,138 2,536,361 2,199,577 9.21

2004 1,923,500 1,150,100 3,073,600 2,400,781 9.15

2005 1,995,400 1,437,400 3,432,800 2,738,726 14.08

2006 2,001,656 1,694,271 3,695,927 3,357,960 22.61

2007 2,075,000 2,123,000 4,197,000 3,763,000 12.40

2008 1,850,000 3,399,000 5,249,000 4,509,000 19.82

2009 2,277,700 2,569,900 4,847,600 3,488,000 11.12

2010 2,450,800 2,706,800 5,157,600 5,034,000 18.40

Sumber: Nguyen Minh Duc Nong Lam University, Vietnam, 2011


1. Overview perdagangan ikan, dan konsumsi ikan di


Vietnam adalah pasar seafood terpenting bagi Indonesia di Kawasan ASEAN, dan juga di Asia setelah Jepang, China dan Korea Selatan. Diperkirakan tren ekspor Indonesia ke Vietnam juga akan terus meningkat karena Vietnam dibanding Indonesia terbatas sumberdaya perikananannya sehingga akan terus mengimpoor bahan baku terutama untuk re-ekspor. Ikan yang diimpor terutama udang, tuna dan cephalopoda serta ikan laut lainnya.


Vol (ton)

Nilai (ribu US$)

Vol (ton)

Nilai (ribu US$)

2007 35.687 34.098 3.239 2.660

2008 51.223 47.156 4.025 4.389

2009 46.806 47.182 11.103 11.718

2010 56.751 71.346 17.749 23.196

2011 87.047 125.110 16.553 20.330 Sumber: BPS 2012 (diolah)

Sejak tahun 2010 hingga 2012 terdapat 29 negara yang perusahaan eksportirnya mendapat persetujuan Otoritas Vietnam (NAFIQAD) untuk dapat ekspor ke Vietnam dalam hal ini diantaranya termasuk Indonesia. Saat ini sebagaimana pemutakhiran daftar terakhir per 5 Mei 2012, terdapat 140 perusahaan eksportir yang telah terdaftar dari Indonesia ke Vietnam sebagai tindak lanjut dari Implementing Arrangement on Quality and Food Safety Control of Fish and Fishery Product yang telah ditandatangani di Hanoi 22 September 2011 oleh M, Syamsul Muarif selaku Director General of Fish Quarrantine and Inspection Agency MMAF RoI dan Nguyen Nhu Tiep, Director-General of


National Agro Forestry Fisheries Quality Assurance Department MARD SRV. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, selain Vietnam telah mendaftarkan sebanyak (29 negara) termasuk Indonesia dan Vietnam telah menyetujui sebanyak .140 UPI/perusahaan eksportir Indonesia, yang diperbolehkan mengekspor ke Vietnam.

Meskipun ada pasar domestik yang terus berkembang

sebagai pendapatan orang Vietnam adalah meningkatkan dan

permintaan lokal meningkat, sebagian besar produk perikanan

yang diekspor. Udang, lele bergaris dan kerang keras adalah

produk yang paling penting dan terkemuka dalam struktur ekspor

makanan laut Vietnam.

Table Perdagangan dan Konsumsi seafood Vietnam tahun 2008

Item Ton (000)

Produksi local 4.600

Impor ikan segar/dingin, beku, kering 160

total 4.760

Ekspor 1.250

Konsumsi local 3.510

Konsumsi per kapita 40.8 kg

Konsumsi 40 kg/capita menjadikan pasar domestic Vietnam lebih

besar daripada Indonesia. Namun, hal yang menjadi catatan,

dalam laporan FAO konsumsi perkapita ikan dan seafood di

Vietnam sekitar 25,4 kg/kapita/tahun. Sejak tahun 2001, terjadi

peningkatan konsumsi ikan dan seafood perkapita yang

disebabkan adanya pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk sekitar 1,3%

pertahun. Selain itu, sejumlah keluarga di Vietnam memperoleh

50% atau lebih konsumsi proteinnya berasal dari produk perikanan.

Namun, konsumsi ikan dan seafood di Vietnam tidak seragam di

semua kawasan Vietnam. Konsumsi biasanya sangat tinggi di


kawasan pesisir, dan lebih rendah di wilayah daratan dan kota. Di

wilayah perkotaan sumber protein bermacam-macam, yaitu daging

dan ayam. Pendorong utama konsumsi ikan di Vietnam dan

produksi ikan disebabkan oleh:

1. Stimulus pemerintah dan investasi sector swasta dan

industry seafood

2. Peningkatan konsumsi rumah tangga yang disebabkan

oleh pertumbuhan ekonomi antara 6% - 9% per tahun.

2. Impor ikan dan seafood Vietnam

Vietnam merupakan salah satu pasar ekspor yang berkembang.

Impor ikan dan seafood di Vietnam untuk ikan segar, dingin dan

beku dapat dilihat pada table di bawah ini.

Tabel Impor Vietnam

Code Product label

Nilai impor


(USD 000)


han Nilai



(%, p.a.)


Volume impor


(%, p.a.)

'0303 Fish, frozen, whole 863,762 72 30

'0307 Moluscs 516,934 79 67

'0306 Crustaceans 328,743 62 60

'0304 Fish fillets and pieces,

fresh, chilled or frozen 146,842 66 46

'0302 Fish, fresh, whole 58,969 59 12

'0305 Fish, cured or smoked 38,572 60 71


and fish meal fit for

human consumption

'0301 Live fish 1,051 17 9

Sumber: UN.Comtrade

Dari tabel di atas dapat dilihat impor dari tahun 2007 – 2011 tumbuh

cukup pesat. Pertumbuhan nilai impor ikan tertinggi adalah

moluska (79%), ikan beku (72%), fillet ikan (66%). Sedangkan dari

sisi volume pertumbuhan impor tertinggi adalah ikan asap, tepung

ikan (71%) , moluska (67%) dan krustasea (60%). Kecenderungan

yang dilihat pada tabel di atas, merupakan indikasi Vietnam

merupakan pasar yang sedang berkembang yang didasarkan


- Pendorong, termasuk pembangunan industry baru,

peningkatan konsumsi domestic dan pengembangan

pasar ekspor

- Kendala, pasar yang immaturity, sensitivitas harga,

perencanaan produksi yang kurang,

Pasar domestik ikan dan seafood di Vietnam pada umumnya dipasok dari local. Impor ikan dan seafood untuk konsumsi local relatif sedikit. Impor produk perikanan digunakan untuk pasar ekspor karena digunakan sebagai bahan baku untuk produk ekspor seperti tuna, produk beku (surimi). Kementerian Pertanian dan Pembangunan Pedesaan Vietnam (MARD) menyatakan bahwa prosesor seafood Vietnam akan membutuhkan 4,6 juta MT bahan baku pada tahun 2015, dan 5,7 juta MT pada 2020. MARD telah memperkenalkan berbagai tindakan untuk menjamin pasokan bahan baku yang memadai, yang berfokus pada hubungan pertanian dan penerapan teknologi canggih. MARD akan meningkatkan investasi di infrastruktur perikanan budidaya dalam menanggapi persyaratan pengolahan. Armada penangkapan


dengan dukungan layanan dan kapal logistik akan berkumpul dalam kelompok-kelompok dan tim klasifikasi dan pelestarian metode yang tepat akan digunakan untuk menjamin berkualitas tinggi dari hasil tangkapan. Pelabuhan perikanan dan sistem lelang pasar akan dibentuk untuk menjaga kualitas produk. MARD merencanakan akan mengimpor sekitar 600.000 MT seafood pada tahun 2015, dan satu juta MT seafood pada tahun 2020. Prioritas akan diberikan kepada spesies yang tidak tersedia di pasar Viet Nam. Persyaratan yang sebenarnya akan dipertimbangkan ketika peraturan impor seafood dikembangkan. Kontrol kualitas dan kemampuan telusur akan dibuat sesuai dengan standar Vietnam dan internasional.

3. Saluran Distribusi Produk Perikanan di Vietnam

a. Saluran Retail

Konsumen Vietnam pada umumnya suka untuk membeli

ikan dan seafood dari pasar tradisional. Terdapat

keyakinan umum bahwa ikan dan seafood di supermarket

tidak fresh, terbatas pilihannya dan dijual dengan harga

yang lebih mahal. Walaupun supermarket maupun

hypermarket dapat di jumpai di seluruh Vietnam, namun

mereka tidak menyalurkan ikan dan seafood dalam jumlah

yang besar, terutama ikan segar

b. Industri jasa boga

Vietnam mempunyai industri jasa boga dan sangat

terfragmentasi. Banyak outlet-outlet yang sangat kecil

yang menggunakan bahan (ikan dan seafood) yang dibeli

di pasar local. Outlet-outlet tersebut tidak menggunakan

ikan dan seafood impor.

c. Perusahaan Pengolahan Seafood


Banyak unit pengolahan ikan di Vietnam yang

membutuhkan ikan dan seafood mengimpor langsung dari

eksportir. Kegiatan ini telah berlangsung lama dan pada

awalnya dilakukan oleh perusahaan ekspor-impor milik

Negara dan perusahaan pengolah ikan milik Negara.

4. Peraturan Impor Vietnam

Regulator yang menangani impor ikan dan seafood di Vietnam

a. Department of Animal Health bertanggungjawab terhadad

aspek kesehatan dan keamanan pangan terhadap impor

ikan dan seafood. Department ini merupakan bagian dari

Ministry fo Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD).

b. The National Agro-Forestry and Fishery Quality Assurance

Directorate (NAFIQAD), yang berada dibawah MARD,

bertanggungjawab terhadap mutu, higinitas, dan uji residu

dan inspeksi atas ikan dan seafood yang diimpor.

c. Importasi ikan dan seafood hanya dapat dilakukan oleh

perusahaan Vietnam yang secara resmi disetujui sebagai

pedagang/trader ikan dan seafood dan produk poultry.

d. Trader juga disyaratkan untuk mendaftar pada NAFIQAD

untuk uji sampling dan sertifikasi untuk higinitas dan

keamanan pangan “human food grade” atas ikan dan

seafood yang diimpor.

e. Ikan yang diimpor diinspeksi di pelabuhan pemasukan.

Inspeksi ini dilakukan oleh Quarantine Regional Office,

Department of Animal Health. Kantor ini mengeluarkan

sertifikat pelepasan karantina setelah menginspeksi

produk dan dinyatakan sesuai dengan persyaratan masuk

pasar Vietnam.


f. Eksportir juga merupakan eksportir yang telah didaftarkan

ke Vietnam oleh otoritas kompeten Negara eksportir.

g. Prosedur di pelabuhan pemasukan pada umumnya

standar, dengan melibatkan menunjukkan dokumen,

inspeksi dokumen, inspeksi karantina, sertifikasi untuk

masuk wilayah pabean Vietnam, membayar bea masuk

dan pajak, dan pelepasan produk dari wilayah pabean.



A. Peraturan Food Safety Vietnam

Unofficial translation


Independence - Freedom – Happiness No. 25/2010/TT-BNNPTNT Hanoi, April 8, 2010



Pursuant to the Decree No. 01/2008/ND-CP of January 3,

2008 defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; Decree No. 75/2009/ND-CP of September 10, 2009 amending Article 3 of the Decree No. 01/2008/ND-CP of January 3, 2008 defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development;

Pursuant to the Ordinance No. 12/2003/PL-UBTVQH of July 26, 2003 by

Vietnamese Standing Committee of National Assembly on Food Hygiene and Safety.

Pursuant to the Decree No. 163/2004/ND-CP of September 7, 2004 detailing some provisions of the Ordinance on Food Hygiene and Safety.

Pursuant to the Decree No. 79/2008/ND-CP of July 18, 2008 defining system of management, inspection and test of food hygiene and safety;

Pursuant to the Decree No. 33/2005/ND-CP of March 15, 2005 detailing some provisions of the Veterinary Ordinance; Decree No. 119/2008/ND-CP of November 28,

2008 amending some articles of the Decree No. 33/2005/ND-CP of March 15, 2005 detailing some provisions of the Veterinary Ordinance;

Hereafter is the guide to food hygiene and safety control for imported products of animal origin under the management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.


Article 1. Scope of application

1. This Circular guides the food hygiene and safety (FHS) control for imported foodstuffs of animal origin under the management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, including products of terrestrial animal for human consumption; products of aquatic animals for


human consumption; responsibilities and jurisdictions of parties concerned. 2. This Circular shall not regulate the quarantine of animals and

animal products

Article 2. Objects of application

This Circular applies to native and foreign individuals and organizations operating business of imported products of animal origin for human consumption.

Article 3. Imported products of animal origin not subject to food

hygiene and safety control

1. Foodstuffs for personal use, as gift, diplomatic bags, consular bags according to the regulations in force;

2. Foodstuffs in transit; 3. Foodstuffs stored in bonded warehouses. Article 4. Definition For the purpose of this Circular, the following definitions shall apply: 1. Food hygiene and safety (FHS) means conditions and

measures necessary to ensure that the food is not harmful to consumers’ health and life.

2. Inspection of food hygiene and safety control system means inspection of legislation system, organization structure and competence of FHS control agency of exporting country.

3. Imported consignment means an amount of products registered for one official inspection.

4. Inspected consignment means an amount of the same-type products processed by the same food business operator (FBO) and registered for one official inspection.

Article 5. Requirements for imported products

1. Imported products must be processed by a food business operator (FBO) approved by Vietnamese Competent Authorities to be fully compliant with Vietnamese food hygiene and safety regulations;

2. Each consignment of imported products must be accompanied by a health certificate issued by Competent Authorities of the exporting country (unless fish and fishery products captured by foreign fishing vessels, processed at sea and directly sold in Vietnam);

3. Imported products shall be further processed or placed on the market in Vietnam only if they are inspected at border inspection posts or


bonded warehouses and granted a health certificate.

Article 6. Principles of inspection

1. Inspections to exporting countries: Inspection on food hygiene and safety control system of exporting countries and food hygiene and safety conditions of FBOs registered to export products to Vietnam;

2. Inspections to imported products: All imported products of animal origin shall undergo document checks, physical examination and sensory evaluation. Sampling shall be applied in compliance with Article 14 of this Circular.

Article 7. Legal basis for inspection

1. Relevant Vietnam legislations and national technical regulations

for each type of manufacturer, type of product or product group registered to be imported into Vietnam.

2. International treaties and bilateral arrangements with exporting countries that

Vietnam has concluded or approved.

Article 8. Inspecting and supervising bodies

1. Inspecting bodies to exporting countries: The National Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance in co-ordination with the Department of Animal Health and other relevant agencies.

2. Inspecting bodies to border inspection posts: Units under or authorized by the

Department of Animal Health. 3. Inspecting bodies to bonded warehouses and issuing health certificate:

a. Products of terrestrial animal origin: units under or authorized by the

Department of Animal Health. b. Products of aquatic animal origin: units under or authorized by the National

Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Department. 4. Inspecting and supervising bodies to products placed on the market: a. Sub-Departments of Animal Health of provinces/cities under


Central Authority conduct inspection and supervision to imported products of terrestrial animal origin in accordance with the supervising programs stipulated in the Circular No. 05/2010/TT- BNNPTNT of January 22, 2010 by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development guiding the FHS inspection and supervision of agro-products prior to being placed on the market.

b. National Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Sub-Departments of provinces/cities under Central Authority or units in charge of agro-forestry-fishery quality assurance under the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development conduct FHS inspection and supervision to imported products of aquatic animal origin in accordance with the supervising programs stipulated in the Circular 56/2009/TT- BNNPTNT of September 7, 2009 by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development guiding the FHS inspection and supervision of fishery products prior to being placed on the market.

Chapter II


COUNTRIES Article 9. Registration documents Competent authorities of exporting countries provide the National

Agro-Forestry- Fisheries Quality Assurance Department with the registration documents, including:

- List of food business operators registering to export products to

Vietnam by the form in the enclosed Appendix 1;

- Information on FHS control system and competencies of FHS Competent

Authorities of exporting countries by the form in the enclosed Appendix 2;

- Summary on FHS conditions of the food business operator by the form in the enclosed Appendix 3.

Article 10. Registration document verification

Within 30 working days of receipt of completed registration

document, the National Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Department, together with the Department of Animal Health verify registration document, inform Competent Authorities of the exporting country of the verification result and inspection plan to the exporting country if necessary.


Article 11. Inspection items

1. Legal system on food hygiene and safety control; 2. Competencies of FHS Competent Authorities of exporting countries; 3. FHS conditions of FBOs registering to export to Vietnam.

Article 12. Type of inspection

1. Initial inspection to assess exporting countries’ FHS control system and their

FBOs’ hygiene conditions for approval. 2. Follow-up inspection to check the on going performance of FHS

control system by exporting countries and of FHS conditions by approved FBOs.

Article 13. Inspection reports and communication on list of FBOs approved for export to Vietnam

1. When on-site inspection to the exporting country is considered

unnecessary, the National Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Department publishes the result of registration document checks, together with its list of FBO approved for export to Vietnam.

2. When on-site inspection to the exporting countries is considered necessary, within 30 working days after the inspection, the National Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Department publishes the on-site inspection report, its list of FBOs approved for export to Vietnam.

When inspection result is not satisfactory, the National Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Department informs Competent Authorities of exporting countries of the non-compliance.

3. In case of request for additional FBOs approved to export to Vietnam, the

Competent Authority of the exporting country submits additional registration document as described in the Article 9 of the Circular. As the result of document check and/or on-site inspection to the exporting country, additional FBOs shall be approved to export to Vietnam or not.


Chapter III


Article 14. Inspection procedures 1. For products of aquatic animal origin: in compliance with

the Decision No. 118/2008/QD-BNN of December 11, 2008 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development promulgating the Regulation on the official inspection and certification of food hygiene and safety of fishery commodities; Circular No. 78/2009/TT-BNNPTNT of

December 10, 2009 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development regulating inspection and sampling for analysis of aquatic animal products and other relevant regulations.

2. For products of terrestrial animal origin: in compliance with

the Decision No. 86/2005/QD-BNN of December 26, 2005 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development promulgating the quarantine forms of animal and animal products and veterinary hygiene inspection; Decision No. 15/2006/QD-BNN of March 8, 2006 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development promulgating the Regulation on the order and procedures of quarantine of animal and animal products and veterinary hygiene inspection; Circular No. 11/2009/TT-BNN of March 4, 2009 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development amending several specific provisions on the order and procedures of quarantine of animal and animal products and veterinary hygiene inspection promulgated by the Decision No. 15/2006/QD-BNN of March 8, 2006 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and other relevant regulations.

Article 15. Inspection and supervision to imported products placed on the market

1. Check data of products’ origin; 2. Check conditions of storage, dividing up, packing and

distribution on the market. 3. Take samples for analysis at authorized laboratories when

non-compliance is detected or suspected or on request of competent authorities.

Chapter IV



Article 16. To non-compliant products 1. Depending on the seriousness of non-compliance, appropriate actions shall be applied to products: being re-dispatched or destroyed. 2. Competent Authority of the exporting country shall be required

to investigate cause of non-compliance and apply corrective actions.

Article 17. To non-compliant FBOs

1. Import suspension from non-compliant FBOs shall be applied to the FBOs where the result of follow-up inspection shows that the FBO’s food hygiene conditions have not fully met Vietnamese regulations.

2. The import suspension shall be lifted providing that the result of later follow-up inspection reflects the FBO’s compliance with Vietnamese regulations on food hygiene and safety.

Article 18. To non-compliant exporting countries

1. Import suspension shall be applied to an exporting country when

the result of follow-up inspection shows that the FHS control system of the country has not fully met Vietnamese regulations.

2. The import suspension shall be lifted providing that the result of later follow-up inspection reflects that the FHS control system of the exporting country has fully met Vietnamese regulations.

Chapter V


Article 19. Charges and fees 1. Inspecting bodies to border inspection posts are allowed to collect charges and

fees for FHS inspection of imported products in compliance with regulations in force laid down by the Ministry of Finance.

2. Inspecting bodies to border inspection posts / bonded

warehouses which issue health certificate are allowed to collect fees of FHS inspection and fees of FHS certification for imported products in compliance with regulations in force laid down by the Ministry of Finance.

Article 20. Budget


1. Budget for inspections to exporting countries is covered by the State Budget. The National Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance in co-ordination with the Department of Animal Health set up and submit annual inspection plan to exporting countries and respective estimated expenses for approval.

2. Budget for inspection and supervision to imported products placed on the market is covered by the State Budget. Inspecting and supervising bodies set up and submit annual inspection and supervision plan and respective estimated expenses for approval.


Article 21. National Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance

Department (NAFIQAD)

1. To be contact point to receive Registration documents from Competent Authorities of exporting countries relating FHS conditions of FBOs registering to export to Vietnam; communicate to adopt annual inspection plan with Competent Authorities of exporting countries and submit the Minister for establishment of inspection mission to exporting countries;

2. To publish lists of FBOs approved to export products of animal origin to Vietnam; FBOs suspended to export to Vietnam; communicate notifications on non- compliance cases, request to investigate non-compliance causes and establish corrective actions to Competent Authorities of exporting countries;

3. To co-ordinate with the Department of Animal Health to build up

Pre-mission questionnaires for Competent Authorities of exporting countries; 4. To set up inspection plans and programs to exporting countries

to access their FHS control system and FBOs of products of animal origin; 5. To direct and supervise NAFIQAD Branches and subordinating

units in FHS inspection and certification or non-compliance notifications; 6. To co-ordinate with the Department of Animal Health to trace

back cause of non-compliance cases; 7. To direct NAFIQAD Branches and subordinating units to

co-ordinate with concerned competent authorities to follow-up non-compliant cases;

8. To instruct National Agro-Forestry-


Fisheries QualityAssurance Sub- Departments of provinces/cities under Central Authority or relevant units under Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to carry out inspection and supervision of imported products distributed in the local market.

9. To make annual or unexpected reports (on request) to the Minister on inspection of imported products of animal origin;

10. To set up and submit for approval the annual inspection plan to imported products on assignment and respective estimated expenses for free-of-charge services.

Article 22. Department of Animal Health (DAH)

1. To co-ordinate with the National Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality

Assurance Department to conduct inspection to FHS control systems of

exporting countries; 2. To conduct on site inspection to FBOs of products of terrestrial

animal origin in exporting countries; 3. To direct and supervise DAH Branches and subordinating units in FHS

inspection and certification or non-compliance notifications; 4. To co-ordinate with the National Agro-Forestry-Fisheries

Quality Assurance Department to trace back cause of non-compliance cases;

5. To co-ordinate with the National Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Department to publish lists of FBOs approved to export products of animal origin into Vietnam; FBOs suspended to export into Vietnam; communicate notifications on non- compliance cases, request to investigate non-compliance causes and establish corrective actions to Competent Authorities of exporting countries;

6. To direct DAH Branches and subordinating units to co-ordinate with concerned competent authorities to follow-up non-compliant cases;

7. To instruct Sub-Departments of Animal Health of provinces/cities under Central Authority to carry out inspection and supervision of imported products distributed in the local market.

8. To provide the National Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Department with the annual or unexpected reports (on request) on FHS inspection, certification and non-compliance notifications of imported products of animal origin for comprehensive reports to the Minister;

9. To set up and submit for approval the annual inspection plan to imported products on assignment and respective estimated expenses for free-


of-charge services.

Article 23. Departments of Agriculture and Rural Development in provinces/cities under Central


1. To direct Sub-Departments of Animal Health and Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Sub-Departments in provinces/cities under Central Authority or authorized units to carry out inspection and supervision of imported products distributed in the local market in compliance with guidance of concerned Departments.

2. To direct the subordinating units to co-ordinate with other competent authorities in handling non-compliant products (destroying, re-dispatching) and monitoring the handling.

3. To provide with the annual or unexpected reports (on request) on FHS inspection and supervision of imported products of terrestrial animal origin to the Department of Animal Health; of aquatic animal origin to the National Agro-Forestry- Fisheries Quality Assurance Department for comprehensive reports to the Minister;

4. To set up and submit for approval the annual inspection plan to imported products on assignment and respective estimated expense.

Article 24. Responsibilities of goods owner

1. To create good conditions for inspecting officers to carry out

inspection, take samples for analysis and supervise products as prescribed. 2. To place products on the market only with health certificate issued

by competent authorities. 3. To respect the decision on actions to non-compliance cases

(destroying, re- dispatching) and be under the supervision of the competent bodies.

4. To provide with relevant dossiers and product samples for inspection and traceability.

5. To pay inspection fee, charge in compliance with the regulations in force by the

Ministry of Finance and actual expenses in handling the non-compliant products.

Article 25. Responsibilities of inspection team in exporting countries

1. To carry out inspection of food hygiene and safety control system


and food hygiene and safety conditions of food business operators in exporting countries in compliance with the decision on setting up an inspection team by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

2. To co-ordinate with Competent authorities of exporting countries to implement inspection content.

3. To make inspection reports on FHS control system and FHS conditions of FBOs of products of animal origin in exporting countries to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development within 15 days after the inspection mission in the exporting country.

Article 26. Entry into force Chapter VII ENFORCEMENT

This Circular shall come into force as of July 01, 2010.

Article 27. Amendment

During enforcement, all involved units submit reports on difficulties to the Minister for consideration and appropriate amendment.


Luong Le Phuong

Appendix 1

List of food business operators (FBO) registering for export to Vietnam


Business name

Approval number


Products registered for export to Vietnam



Food hygiene and safety of Competent Authority of the exporting country (Signature of the representative, stamp)

Appendix 2

Information on Food hygiene and safety control system and competencies of the Competent Authority of the exporting country

1. Organization structure and official control system:




2. Official control staff (number of staff, qualification, technical trainings):




3. Food hygiene and safety legislation, technical regulations, inspection and certification procedures:




4. Monitoring, control (residues, pathogenic micro-organism) systems to food business operators:

.............................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................

5. Food hygiene and safety inspection and supervision programs:




Food hygiene and safety of Competent Authority of the exporting country

(Signature of the representative, stamp)

Appendix 3

Summary on Food hygiene and safety conditions of the food business operator

1. Business name:

2. Address:

3. Products:

4. Production conditions

(production chain and

export) Farming and

processing areas:

Farming, harvesting, preparation and processing methods:

Feed handling and control measures

applied in farming process: Packing

(labeling), transport and distribution


5. Quality management systems applied:


Food hygiene and safety of Competent Authority of the exporting country

(Signature of the representative, stamp)

Unofficial translation


SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIET NAM Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No. 29/2010/TT-BNNPTNT

Hanoi, May 6, 2010


Promulgating the lists of food safety criteria and maximum levels thereof in certain domestically-produced or imported foodstuffs of animal origin

under the management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Pursuant to the Decrees No. 01/2008/ND-CP of January 3, 2008

defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; No. 75/2009/ND-CP of September 10, 2009 amending Article 3 of the Decree No. 01/2008/ND-CP of January 3, 2008 defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development;

Pursuant to the Ordinance No. 12/2003/PL-UBTVQH of July 26, 2003 by

Vietnamese Standing Committee of National Assembly on Food Hygiene and


Pursuant to the Decree No. 163/2004/ND-CP of September 7, 2004

detailing some provisions of the Ordinance on Food Hygiene and Safety.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development promulgates the lists of food safety criteria and maximum levels thereof in certain domestically-produced or imported foodstuffs of animal origin.

Article 1. This Circular includes:

1. The list of food safety criteria and maximum levels thereof in certain

foodstuffs of terrestrial animal origin (Appendix 1);

2. The list of food safety criteria and maximum levels thereof in certain

foodstuffs of aquatic animal origin (Appendix 2);

Article 2. These lists are legal basis for inspecting bodies to make decision on criteria to be analyzed. The decision on criteria to be analyzed shall be based on the lists above and the following informations:

1. Compliance history of producers and importers;

2. Current situation of food safety risks in production area or

country of origin;

3. Status of consignments and their accompanying documents;

4. Criteria to be analyzed shall be approved by leaders of

inspecting bodies in compliance with guidelines of higher


Article 3. This Circular takes effect as of July 1, 2010.

Article 4. These lists shall be reviewed, modified and supplemented as necessary to meet management requirements. Any problems arising in the course of implementation should be promptly reported to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for settlement.

Article 5. The Chief of the Ministry’s Office, the Director General of the

National Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Department, Heads of units under the Ministry, involved individuals and organizations are responsible for the implementation of this Circular.


Luong Le Phuong



1. Microbiological criteria

1.1. Products at the end of manufacturing process (for products produced in Vietnam)

or at border inspection posts (for imported products)

Foodstuff of aquatic animal



Maximum level




HS Code n c m M

Shelled and


products of cooked crustaceans and molluscan shellfish



1604, 1605

E. coli 5 2 1/g 10/g


positive staphylococci




0 cfu/g

1000 cfu/g

1.2. Products placed on the market (during their shelf-life):

Foodstuff of aquatic

animal origin


Maximum level (**)





n c m M


crustaceans and

molluscan shellfish



1604, 1605




Absence in 25g

Live bivalve

molluscs and

live echinoderms, tunicates and gastropods

0307 Salmonella 5 0 Absence in 25g

E. coli 1 (**)

0 230


2. Chemical criteria

2.1. Heavy metals

Foodstuff of aquatic animal origin Maximum



HS Code Criteria residue limit

Muscle meat of fish 0302, 0303,

0304, 0305

Lead (Pb)

0,3 mg/kg

Crustaceans (excluding brown

meat of

crab and excluding head and thorax meat of lobster and similar large crustaceans)


0,5 mg/kg

Bivalve molluscs 0307 1,5 mg/kg

Cephalopods (without viscera) 0307 1,0 mg/kg

§ - n: number of units comprising the sample, - c: number of sample units giving values between m and M, total

number of the samples giving the value between m and M which exceeds c is considered unsatisfactory,

- m: limit below which all results are considered satisfactory, - M: acceptability limit beyond which the results are considered unsatisfactory, - MPN: Most Probable Number Method

** 1 pooled sample comprising a minimum of 10 aquatic animals taken and homogenized in 1 sample

Foodstuff of aquatic animal origin



residue limit Food


HS Code

Muscle meat of

anchovy, bonito,

common two-banede sea bream, eel, grey mullet, horse mackerel or scad, luvar, sardine, sardinops

0302, 0303, 0304, 0305

Cadimi (Cd)

0,1 mg/kg

Muscle meat of swordfish

03026910, 03037910, 0304

0,3 mg/kg

Crustaceans (excluding

brown meat of

crab and excluding head and thorax meat of lobster and similar large crustaceans)


0,5 mg/kg

Bivalve molluscs 0307 2,0 mg/kg

Cephalopods (without viscera)

0307 2,0 mg/kg

Fishery products and muscle

meat of

fish, excluding species listed above

0302, 0303, 0304, 0305

0,05 mg/kg

Muscle meat of anglerfish,


bonito, eel, rosy soldierfish, cod, halibut, marlin, megrim, mullet, pike, poor cod, portugese dogfish, rays, redfish, sailfish, scabbard fish, seabream, shark, snake mackerel, sturgeon, swordfish

03026910, 03037910, 0304

Mercury (Hg)

1,0 mg/kg

Fishery products and muscle meat of

fish (excluding species listed above), including crustaceans (excluding brown meat of crab and excluding head and thorax meat of lobster and similar large crustaceans)

0302, 0303, 0304, 0305, 0306, 0307

0,5 mg/kg

2.2. Veterinary drug residues

Foodstuff of aquatic




Maximum residue






Meat of







Tetracycline 100 µ g/kg

Chlortetracycline 100 µ g/kg

Oxytetracycline 100 µ g/kg

Sulfonamides (total) 100 µ g/kg

Danofloxacin 100 µ g/kg

Difloxacin 300 µ g/kg

Enrofloxacin and

Ciprofloxacin (total)

100 µ g/kg


600 µ g/kg in fish,

200 µ g/kg in others

Foodstuff of aquatic animal



Maximum residue


Food category HS Code

Sarafloxacin 30 µ g/kg

Oxolinic acid 100 µ g/kg

Florfenicol 1000 µ g/kg

Trimethoprim 50 µ g/kg

2.3. Biotoxins

Foodstuff of aquatic animal



Maximum level



HS Code

Bivalve molluscs


PSP 0,8 mg/kg

Bivalve molluscs ASP 20 mg/kg

Bivalve molluscs


Negative, or

- Okadaic acid + Dinophysis toxins + Pecteno toxins (total): 160 µ g/kg - Yessotoxins: 1mg/kg - Azaspiracids: 160 µ g/kg (flesh + intra-valvular liquid)

Fishery products produced from fish species with high histidine content

0302, 0303, 0304, 0305,

n=9, c=2 m=100 mg/kg, M=200 mg/kg (*)

Fishery products, produced from fish species with high content and treated with enzyme fermentation in salt solvent

16030090, 16042099


n=9, c=2 m= 200 mg/kg, M= 400 mg/kg (*)



Order No. 06/2010/L-CTN of June 28, 2010, on the promulgation of law


Pursuant to Articles 103 and 106 of the 1992 Constitution of the Socialist

Republic of Vietnam, which was amended and supplemented under Resolution

No. 51/2001/QH10 of December 25, 2001, of the Xth National Assembly, the

10th session;

Pursuant to Article 91 of the Law on Organization of the National Assembly;

Pursuant to Article 57 of the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents,


the Law on Food Safety which was passed on June 17, 2010, by the XIIth

National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at its 7th session.

President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam


Law On Food Safety

(No. 55/2010/QH12)

Pursuant to the 1992 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, which

was amended and supplemented under Resolution No. 51/2001/QH10;

The National Assembly promulgates the Law on Food Safety.

Chapter 1


Article 1. Scope of regulation

This Law provides for rights and obligations of organizations and individuals in

assuring food safety: conditions for assuring safety of foods and food

production, trading, import and export; food advertisement and labeling; food

testing; food safety risk analysis: prevention, stopping and remedying of food

safety incidents; food safety information, education and communication; and

responsibilities for state management of food safety.

Article 2. Interpretation of terms

In this Law. the terms below are construed as follows:

1. Food safety means the assurance that food does not cause harm to human

health and life.

2. Food-borne disease means a disease caused by eating or drinking a food

contaminated with pathogens.

3. Food processing aid means a substance which is intentionally used in the

processing of food materials or food ingredients in order to achieve a

technological purpose and can be removed from or remains in foods.

4. Food processing means a process of preparing preliminarily processed food

or fresh and raw food by an industrial or manual method to create food


materials or food products.

5. Catering service establishment means a food-preparing facility, such as

shop or stall trading in ready-to-eat food and cooked food restaurant, facility

preparing ready-to-eat food portions, canteen or collective kitchen.

6. Conditions for food safety assurance means technical regulations and other

regulations applicable to food, food producers and traders and food production

and trading activities promulgated by competent state agencies for the purpose

of assuring food safety for human health and life.

7. Food testing means the conduct of one or several tests and assessments of

the conformity with relevant technical regulations and standards of food, food

additives, food processing aids, food fortifiers, packages, tools and food


8. Food trading means the conduct of one, several or all activities of food

display, preservation service, transportation service or trading.

9. Food product lot means a specified quantity of a type of products bearing

the same name, of the same quality, ingredients and shelf life, and produced

by the same producer.

10. Food poisoning means a pathological state caused by absorbing

contaminated or poisonous food.

11. Food contamination risk means the possibility that contaminants infiltrate

into a food in the course of production or trading.

12. Food contamination means the presence of contaminants in food which are

harmful to human health or life.

13. Food additive means a substance with or without nutritious value, which is

intentionally added to food in the process of production in order to retain or

improve particular characteristics of food.

14. Food production means the conduct of one. several or all activities of

cultivation rearing, harvest, fishing, exploitation, preliminary processing,

processing, packaging and preservation in order to make food.

15. Primary production means the conduct of one, several or all activities of

cultivation, rearing, harvest, fishing and exploitation.

16. Preliminary processing of food means the treatment of cultivated, reared,

collected, harvested, fished or exploited products in order to make ready-to-eat

fresh and raw food or a food material or semi-finished products for the food

processing stage.

17. Food safety incident means a circumstance occurring due to food

poisoning, a food-borne disease or another food-induced circumstance which

is directly harmful to human health or life.

18. Contaminant means an element which is unwanted and unintentionally

added to food and likely to adversely affect food safety.


19. Shelf life means the period before the end of which a food still retains its

nutritious value and remains safe under the preservation conditions indicated

on its label under the producer's guidance.

20. Food means a product eaten or drunk by humans in fresh and raw,

preliminarily processed, processed or preserved form. Food excludes

cosmetics, cigarettes and substances used as pharmaceuticals.

21. Fresh and raw food means unprocessed food, including fresh meat, eggs,

fish, aquatic products, vegetables, tubers and fruits and other unprocessed


22. Micronutrient-fortified food means food supplemented with vitamins,

minerals and trace elements in order to prevent or remedy the harm caused by

the deficiency of these substances or elements to the health of the community

or a particular group in the community.

23. Functional food means a food used to support a function of the human

body, relax the body, boost the immunity against diseases, including

supplements, health protection food and medical nutritious food.

24. Genetically modified food means a food containing one or several

ingredients which have been genetically engineered.

25. Irradiated food means a food which has been irradiated by a radioactive

source to treat the food, preventing it from degeneration.

26. Street food means a food processed for instant consumption and sold by

vendors on streets or in public or similar places.

27. Prepackaged food means a food completely packaged and labeled, ready

for sale for further processing or instant consumption.

28. Tracing of food origin means the tracking down of the creation and

circulation of food.

Article 3. Principles of food safety management

1. To assure food safety is the responsibility of all food producers and traders.

2. Food production and trading are conditional activities; and food producers

and traders shall bear responsibility for the safety of food they produce or trade


3. Food safety management must be based on relevant technical regulations

and regulations promulgated by competent state management agencies and

applicable standards announced by producers.

4. Food safety management must be conducted throughout the course of food

production and trading on the basis of food safety risk analysis.

5. Food safety management must ensure a clear division of responsibilities and

powers and inter-sector coordination.

6. Food safety management must meet requirements of socio-economic



Article 4. State policies on food safety

1. To elaborate strategies and master plans on food safety assurance,

regarding the planning of zones for safe food production according to the food

supply chain as a priority key task.

2. To use state resources and other resources to invest in scientific research

and technological application to serve food safety risk analysis; to build new

laboratories and upgrade some existing ones up to regional or international

standards; to raise the capacity of existing analysis laboratories; to support

investment in building zones producing safe food materials, wholesale markets

for farm produce and food, and industrial-scale cattle and poultry.

3. To encourage food producers and traders to renew technologies and expand

their production: to produce high-quality and safe food; to fortify food with

essential micronutrients: to build their brands and develop their safe food

supply systems.

4. To establish a legal framework and realize a roadmap for compulsory

application of good manufacturing practices (GMP), good agricultural practices

(GAP), good hygiene practices (GHP) and hazard analysis and critical control

points (HACCP) and other advanced food safety management systems in food

production and trading.

5. To undertake international cooperation, step up the conclusion of treaties

and international agreements on accreditation and mutual recognition in the

field of food.

6. To promptly commend and reward organizations and individuals that

produce or trade in safe foods.

7. To encourage and create conditions for domestic societies, associations,

organizations and individuals and foreign organizations and individuals to

invest or participate in the elaboration of standards, technical regulations and

testing of food safety.

8. To increase investment in and diversify forms and methods of public

information and education to raise public awareness about the consumption of

safe food, sense of responsibility and business ethics of food producers and

traders towards the community.

Article 5. Prohibited acts

1. Using for food processing purposes materials other than those permitted for

use in food.

2. Using food materials which have passed their shelf life, arc of unclear origin

or unsafe for food production and processing.

3. Using food additives or food processing aids which have passed their shelf

life or are outside the list of those permitted for use or using permitted additives


or food processing aids in excess of allowable dosages: using chemicals of

unclear origins or banned chemicals in food production or trading.

4. Using animals which died of diseases, epidemics or unidentified causes or

animal carcasses subject to destruction for food production or trading.

5. Producing or trading in:

a/ Food breaching regulations on goods labeling;

b/ Food unconformable with relevant technical regulations:

c/ Degenerated food;

d/ Food containing toxic or hazardous substances or contaminated with toxins

or contaminants in excess of allowable limits;

e/ Food which is contaminated for the reason that their packages or containers

are unsafe, broken, torn or deformed in the course of transportation;

f/ Meat or meat products which have not yet gone through veterinary inspection

or have gone through veterinary inspection but fail to meet requirements;

g/ Food banned from production or trading for the purpose of epidemic

prevention and combat;

h/ Food for which regulation conformity declarations have not yet been

registered with competent state agencies in case such food subject to

regulation conformity declaration registration;

i/ Food which is of unclear origin or has passed its shelf life.

6. Using vehicles which can cause food contamination or vehicles which have

transported toxic or hazardous substances but not yet been cleaned up for

transporting food materials or foods.

7. Supplying untruthful or forging food testing results.

8. Covering up. falsifying or obliterating scenes or evidence of food safety

incidents or committing other acts of intentionally obstructing the detection and

remedy of food safety incidents.

9. Employing persons infected with contagious diseases in food production or


10. Producing or trading in food at establishments without certificates of

satisfaction of food safety conditions prescribed by law.

11. Advertising food untruthfully or confusingly to consumers.

12. Publishing or publicly notifying misleading information on food safety, thus

causing public disparagement or damage to food production and trading.

13. Using illegally roadbeds, pavements. corridors or common yards,

passageways and auxiliary spaces for street food processing, producing or


1. Food producers and traders that violate the law on food safely shall,

depending on the nature and severity of their violations, be administratively

handled or examined for penal liability. If causing damage, they shall pay


compensations and remedy consequences under law.

2. Persons who abuse their positions and powers to violate this Law or other

regulations on food safety shall, depending on the nature and severity of their

violations, be disciplined or examined for penal liability. If causing damage,

they shall pay compensations under law.

3. Fines for administrative violations specified in Clause 1 of this Article comply

with the law on handling of administrative violations In case the highest fine

prescribed by the law on handling of administrative violations is lower than 7

times the value of the violating food, a higher fine not exceeding 7 times the

value of the violating food may be imposed. Money amounts earned from

violations shall be confiscated under law.

4. The Government shall specify administrative violations in the field of food

safely mentioned in this Article, and forms and levels of sanctioning of these


Chapter II



Article 7. Rights and obligations of food producers

1. Food producers have the following rights:

a/ To decide on and announce standards of products they produce and supply;

to decide on application of internal control measures to assure food safety;

b/ To request food traders to cooperate in recalling and disposing of unsafe


c/ To select conformity assessment organizations and testing establishments

already designated to certify regulation conformity;

d/ To use standard conformity stamps and regulation conformity stamps and

other marks for their products under law;

e/ To lodge complaints and denunciations and file lawsuits under law;

f/ To get compensations for damage under law.

2. Food producers have the following obligations:

a/ To comply with conditions for food safety assurance, assure food safety in

the process of production, and take responsibility for the safety of food they


b/ To comply with the Government's regulations on fortification of

micronutrients the deficiency of which will affect community health;

c/ To provide adequate and accurate information on products on their labels

and packages or in documents accompanying food under the law on goods



d/ To establish a self-inspection process in the course of food production:

e/ To provide truthful information on food safety: to give timely, adequate and

accurate warnings about the risk of food to become unsafe and provide

preventive methods for sellers and consumers; to notify requirements on the

transportation, storage, preservation and use of food:

f/ To promptly suspend food production, notify concerned parties of and take

consequence remedies upon detecting unsafe food or food unconformable

with announced standards or relevant technical regulations:

g/ To keep dossiers, food samples and necessary information under

regulations on tracing of food origin; to comply with regulations on tracing of

origins of unsafe foods under Article 54 of this Law;

h/ To recall and dispose of food which has passed their shelf life or are unsafe.

In case foods are to be destroyed, the food destruction must comply with the

law on environmental protection and other relevant laws and food producers

shall bear all expenses for destruction;

i/ To comply with law as well as. inspection or examination decisions of

competent state agencies;

j/ To pay sampling and testing expenses as prescribed in Article 48 of this


k/ To pay compensations under law for damage caused by unsafe food they


Article 8. Rights and obligations of food traders

1. Foods traders have the following rights:

a/ To decide on internal control measures to maintain food quality, hygiene and


b/ To request food producers and importers to cooperate in recalling and diiod:

c/ To select testing establishments to inspect food safety; to select testing

establishments already designated for certification of regulation conformity for

imported food;

d/ To lodge complaints and denunciations and file lawsuits under law;

e/ To get compensations for damage under law.

2. Foods traders have the following obligations:

a/ To comply with conditions for food safety assurance in the course of trading

and take responsibility for the safety of food they trade in;

b/ To inspect food origins and labels and documents related to food safety; to

keep dossiers on food; to comply with regulations on tracing of origins of unsafe

food under Article 54 of this Law;

c/ To supply truthful information of food safety; to notify consumers of safety

assurance conditions in the course of food transportation, storage,


preservation and use:

d/ To promptly provide information on risks of food to become unsafe and

methods of risk prevention to consumers upon receiving warnings of food

producers or importers;

e/ To promptly suspend their trading operation and inform food producers or

importers and consumers of unsafe food upon detecting such food:

f/ To promptly report to a competent agency on a food poisoning or a disease

borne by foods they trade in and promptly remedy its consequences upon

detecting it;

g/ To cooperate with food producers and importers and competent state

agencies in investigating food poisoning cases in order to remedy

consequences, recall or dispose of unsafe food;

h/ To comply with law as well as inspection or examination decisions of

competent state agencies;

i/ To pay food sampling and testing expenses as specified in Article 48 of this


j/ To pay compensations under law for damage caused by unsafe food they

trade in.

Article 9. Rights and obligations of food consumers

1. Food consumers have the following rights:

a/ To be provided with truthful information on food safety, and appropriate

instructions for food use. transportation, storage, preservation, selection and

use; to be informed of risks of food to become unsafe and methods of risk

prevention upon receiving warnings;

b/ To request food producers and traders to protect their interests under law;

c/ To request consumer interest protection organizations to protect their lawful

rights and interests under the law on consumer interest protection:

d/To lodge complaints and denunciations and file lawsuits under law;

e/ To get compensations under law for their damage caused by consumption

of unsafe food.

2. Food consumers have the following obligations:

a/ To fully comply with regulations and guidance of food producers and traders

on food safety in transportation, storage, preservation and use:

b/ To promptly provide information on risks of food to become unsafe upon

detecting these risks, and report food poisonings and food-home diseases to

the nearest People's Committee, medical examination and treatment

establishments, competent state agencies and food producers and traders:

c/ To comply with the law on environmental protection in the course of food


Chapter III



Article 10. General conditions on food safety assurance

1. To conform with relevant technical regulations, to meet limit requirements

for pathogenic microorganisms, residues of plant protection drugs or

veterinary drugs, heavy metals, contaminants and other substances in food

that may cause harm to human health and life.

2. Depending on each type of food, in addition to the conditions specified in

Clause 1 of this Article, food must comply with one or more of the following


a/ Regulations on use of food additives and processing aids in food production

and trading:

b/ Regulations on food packaging and labeling;

c/ Regulations on food preservation.

1. To meet the conditions specified in Article 10 of this Law.

2. To guarantee the origin tracing under Article 54 of this Law.

3. To have veterinary hygiene certificates issued by competent veterinary

agencies for fresh and raw food of animal origin under the animal health law.

Article 12. Safety assurance conditions for processed food

1. To meet the conditions specified in Article 10 of this Law.

2. Original materials of food must be safe and retain their inherent properties.

Materials forming a food must not interact with one another to create products

harmful to human health and life.

3. Prepackaged processed food must have regulation conformity

announcements registered with competent state agencies prior to market sale.

The Government shall specify the registration of regulation conformity

announcements of prepackaged processed food and their validity term.

Article 13. Safety assurance conditions for micronutrient-fortified food

1. To meet the conditions specified in Article 10 of this Law.

2. Original materials of food must be safe and retain their inherent properties.

Materials forming a food must not interact with one another to create products

harmful to human health and life.

3. Only micronutrients being vitamins, minerals and trace elements on the

Minister of Health's list may be added to food with a content unharmful to

human health and life.

Article 14. Safety assurance conditions for functional foods

1. To meet the conditions specified in Article 10 of this Law.

2. To have scientific information and documents proving the effects of their

ingredients that create the announced functions.


3. Functional foods which are first put on market sale must have a report on

testing of their effect.

4. The Minister of Health shall specify the management of functional foods.

Article 15. Safety assurance conditions for genetically modified food

1. To meet the conditions specified in Article 10 of this Law.

2. To comply with the Government's regulations on safety assurance for human

health and the environment.

Article 16. Safety assurance conditions for irradiated food

1. To meet the conditions specified in Article 10 of this Law.

2. To be on the list of food permitted for irradiation.

3. To meet regulations on irradiation doses.

4. The Minister of Health, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development

and the Minister of Industry and Trade shall promulgate lists of food permitted

for irradiation and allowable irradiation doses for food in their assigned

management domains.

Article 17. Safety assurance conditions for food additives and

processing aids

1. To conform with relevant technical regulations, to comply with regulations

on food additives and processing aids.

2. To have use instructions written on their labels or inserts in each product

unit in Vietnamese and another language depending on the origin of products.

3. To be on the Minister of Health's list of food additives and processing aids

permitted for use in food production and trading.

4. To register regulation conformity announcements with competent state

agencies prior to market sale.

The Government shall specify the registration of regulation conformity

announcements and their validity term for food additives and processing aids.

Article 18. Safety assurance conditions for food-packaging tools and

food packages and containers

1. To be made of safe materials, guaranteeing that they do not release toxic

substances, strange smell or taste into food, and they preserve food quality

within the shelf life.

2. To conform with relevant technical regulations, to meet the Ministry of

Health's regulations on food-packaging tools and food packages and


3. To register regulation conformity announcements with competent state

agencies prior to market sale.

The Government shall specify the registration of regulation conformity


announcements and their validity term for food-packaging tools and food

packages and containers.





Article 19. Food safety assurance conditions for food producers and


1. Food producers and traders must meet the following conditions:

a/ Having suitable venues with appropriate areas and safety distance from toxic

and contaminating sources and other harmful factors;

b/ Having sufficient technically qualified water for food production and trading:

c/ Having adequate appropriate equipment to process materials and process,

package, preserve and transport different types of food: having adequate

washing and sterilization equipment and tools, disinfecting fluid, and

equipment for preventing and controlling insects and harmful animals;

d/ Having a waste treatment system which operates regularly under the law on

environmental protection:

e/ Maintaining food safety assurance conditions and keeping records of source

and origin of food materials and other documents on the entire food production

and trading process;

f/ Complying with regulations on health, knowledge and practices of persons

directly engaged in food production and trading.

2. The Minister of Health, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development

and the Minister of Industry and Trade shall promulgate national technical

regulations and specify food safely assurance conditions for food producers

and traders in their assigned management domains.

Article 20. Food safety assurance conditions for food preservation

1. Food producers and traders must meet the following conditions for food


a/ Having preservation places and means which are large enough to preserve

each type of food separately, allow technically safe and precise loading and

unloading and guarantee preservation hygiene:

b/ Preventing the effects of temperature, humidity, insects, animals, dust,

strange smell and negative environmental effects.

c/ Complying with preservation regulations of food producers and traders.


2. The Minister of Health, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development

and the Minister of Industry and Trade shall promulgate national technical

regulations and specify food safely assurance conditions for food preservation

in their assigned management domains.

Article 21. Food safety assurance conditions for food transportation

1. Organizations and individuals transporting food must meet the following


a/ Means for transporting foods are made of materials which do not

contaminate food and food packages and are easy to clean;

b/ Food preservation conditions as required by food producers and traders are

maintained throughout the course of transportation;

c/ Food is not transported together with toxic goods or goods which may cause

cross-contamination and affect food quality.

2. Competent state management agencies shall provide means for

transporting food and routes for transporting fresh and raw food in urban areas.

Article 22. Food safety assurance conditions for small-scale food

production and trading

1. Small-scale food producers and traders must meet the following food safety

assurance conditions:

a/ Ensuring safely distance from toxic and contaminating sources:

b/ Having sufficient technically qualified water for food production and trading:

c/ Having appropriate equipment for food production and trading which neither

harm nor contaminate food;

d/ Using materials, chemicals, food additives, processing aids, food-packaging

tools and food packages and containers in preliminary processing, processing

and preservation of food;

e/ Complying with regulations on health, knowledge and practices of persons

directly engaged in food production and trading:

f/ Collecting and treating waste under the law on environmental protection;

g/ Maintaining food safety assurance conditions and storing trading-related

information to ensure the tracing of food origin.

2. The Minister of Health, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development

and the Minister of Industry and Trade shall promulgate national technical

regulations and specify food safety assurance conditions for small-scale food

production and trading in their assigned management domains.

3. People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities (below referred to


as provincial-level People's Committees) shall promulgate local technical

regulations and specify food safety assurance conditions for small-scale food

production and trading for local particular food.



Article 23. Food safety assurance conditions for producers of fresh and

raw food

1. Producers of fresh and raw food must meet the following conditions:

a/ Meeting requirements on cultivation land, water sources and production

places for producing safe food;

b/ Complying with the laws on use of plant varieties and livestock breeds;

fertilizer, animal feed, plant protection drugs, veterinary drugs, growth, weight

and sexual maturity stimulants, food preservatives and other food safety-

related substances;

c/ Complying with regulations on animal quarantine and hygiene in animal

slaughtering; and plant quarantine for crop products;

d/ Treating waste under the law on environmental protection:

e/ Using detergents, disinfectants and antidotes which are safe for humans and

the environment;

f/ Maintaining food safety assurance conditions, keeping records of source and

origin of food materials and other documents on the entire process to produce

fresh and raw food.

2. The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development shall provide specific

food safety assurance conditions for producers of fresh and raw food.

Article 24. Food safety assurance conditions for traders of fresh and raw food

1. Traders of fresh and raw food must meet the following conditions:a/ Meeting

safety assurance conditions for food-packaging tools and food packages and

containers and for food preservation and transportation specified in Articles 18.

20 and 21 of this Law;

b/ Ensuring and maintaining hygiene in business places.

2. The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development shall provide specific

food safety assurance conditions for traders of fresh and raw food.




Article 25. Food safety assurance conditions for preliminary processors

and processors of food


1. To meet the conditions specified in Article 19 of this Law.

2. The preliminary processing or processing of food must ensure that food is

neither contaminated nor in contact with contaminants or toxic elements.

Article 26. Food safety assurance conditions for food materials and

additives, processing aids and micronutrients for food processing

1. Materials used for food processing must be within their shelf life, of clear

origin and safe and retain their inherent properties. Materials forming a food

must not interact with one another to create products harmful to human health

and life.

2. The use of micronutrients. food additives and processing aids must comply

with Articles 13 and 17 of this Law.

Article 27. Food safety assurance conditions for traders of processed


1. Traders of prepackaged processed food must meet the following conditions:

a/ Complying with regulations on food labeling:

b/ Meeting the safety assurance conditions for food-packaging tools and food

packages and containers and for food preservation specified in Articles 18 and

20 of this Law:

c/ Ensuring and maintaining hygiene in business places;

d/ Preserving food as required by producers.

2. Traders of non-prepackaged processed food must meet the following


a/ Adopting measures to ensure that food is neither spoiled, moldy nor animals

dust and other contaminants;

b/ Washing or sterilizing the tableware and food containers before use of

instant food;

c/ Obtaining information on the origin and production date of food.



Article 28. Food safety assurance conditions for food processing places

and commercial provision of catering services

1. Kitchens are arranged in a way to ensure that unprocessed and processed

food is not cross-contaminated.

2. Having sufficient technically qualified water for food processing and trading.

3. Having hygienic devices for collecting and containing garbage and waste.

4. Sewers in the areas of shops and kitchens must be drained without any



5. Eating rooms must be airy. cool, sufficiently lit and kept clean and have

equipment to prevent insects and harmful animals.

6. Having food preservation equipment and toilets and collecting waste and

garbage daily.

7. Heads of units having collective kitchens shall take responsibility for food


Article 29. Food safety assurance conditions for food processors and catering

services providers

1. To have separate utensils and containers for raw and cooked food.

2. To ensure safety and hygiene of cooking and processing utensils.

3. The tableware must be made of safe materials and kept clean and dry.

4. To comply with regulations on health, knowledge and practices of persons

directly engaged in food production and trading.

Article 30. Food safety assurance conditions for food processing and


1. To use safe food and food materials of clear origin and keep food samples.

2. To process food safely and hygienically.

3. Food on sale must be placed in glass showcases or hygienic preservation

containers on tables or shelves above the ground, which can prevent dust, rain,

sunshine, insects and harmful animals.



Article 31. Food safety assurance conditions for street food display places

1. To be separated from toxic and contaminating sources.

2. To display food on tables, shelves or means which meet requirements on

food hygiene and safety and street landscape.

Article 32. Food safety assurance conditions for food materials and containers,

eating utensils, food containers and street vendors

1. Materials for processing street food must meet food safety requirements and

have clear source and origin.

2. Eating utensils and food containers must be hygienically safe.

3. Packages and materials in direct contact with food must neither contaminate

nor release contaminants into food.

4. To have devices to prevent sunshine, rain, dust, insects and harmful



5. To sufficiently have technically qualified water for food processing and


6. To comply with regulations on health, knowledge and practices of persons

directly engaged in food production and trading.

Article 33. Responsibilities for management of street food sale

1. The Minister of Health shall specify food safety assurance conditions for

street food sale.

2. People's Committees at all levels shall manage street food sale in their


Chapter V



Article 34. Establishments and conditions for the grant and withdrawal

of certificates of food safety eligibility

1. An establishment shall be granted a certificate of food safety eligibility when

it fully meets the following conditions:

a/ Having adequate conditions for assuring food safety suitable to each type of

food production and trading as prescribed in Chapter IV of this Law;

b/ Having registered for food production and trading as indicated in its business

registration certificate.

2. An organization or individual shall have its/his/her certificate of food safety

eligibility withdrawn when it/he/she no longer satisfies all conditions prescribed

in Clause 1 of this Article.

3. The Government shall specify establishments not subject to the grant of

certificates of food safety eligibility.

Article 35. Competence to grant and withdraw certificates of food

safety eligibility

The Minister of Health, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and

the Minister of Industry and Trade shall specify the competence to grant and

withdraw certificates of food safety eligibility in their assigned management


Article 36. Dossiers, order and procedures for the grant of certificates of

food safety eligibility

1. A dossier of application for a certificate of food safety eligibility comprises:

a/ An application for a certificate of food safety eligibility:

b/ A copy of the business registration certificate:


c/ Written explanations about the satisfaction of food safety and hygiene

conditions of physical foundations, equipment and tools as prescribed by

competent state management agencies:

d/ Health certificates of the establishments owner and persons directly

engaged in food production and trading, issued by a district- or higher-level

health establishment:

e/ Certificates of training in knowledge about food safety and hygiene of the

establishment's owner and persons directly engaged in food production and

trading as prescribed by line ministers.

2. The order of and procedures for the grant of certificates of food safety


a/ Food producers and traders shall submit dossiers of application for

certificates of food safety eligibility to a competent state management agency

defined in Article 35 of this Law;

b/ Within 15 days after the receipt of a complete and valid dossier, the

competent state agency shall conduct field inspection of food safety assurance

conditions at the producer's or trader's establishment. If all conditions are met.

it shall grant a certificate of food safety eligibility; in case of refusing to grant a

certificate, it shall issue a written reply clearly stating the reason.

Article 37. Validity duration of certificates of food safety eligibility

1. A certificate of food safety eligibility is valid for 3 years.

2. At least 6 months before the expiration date of a certificate of food safety

eligibility, if the food producer or trader wishes to continue its/ his/her

production or trading activities, it/he/she shall submit a dossier of application

for the re-grant of a certificate of food safety eligibility. Dossiers of application

and the order of and procedures for re-grant of certificates comply with Article

36 of this Law.

Chapter VI



Article 38. Safety assurance conditions for imported food

1. Imported food, food additives, processing aids and imported food-packaging

tools, food packages and containers must satisfy relevant conditions

prescribed in Chapter III of this Law and the following conditions:

a/ Having their technical regulation-conformity announcements registered at a

competent state agency before import;

b/ Having obtained a notice of satisfaction of import requirements issued by a

designated inspection agency for each goods lot as prescribed by line



2. In addition to the conditions prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article, functional

food, micronutrient-fortified food, genetically modified food and irradiated food

must obtain a certificate of free sale or health certificate as prescribed by the


3. In case Vietnam has not yet promulgated relevant technical regulations food,

food additives and processing aids and imported food- packaging tools, food

packages and containers, international agreements or treaties to which the

Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a contracting party will apply.

Article 39. St3ate inspection of food safety with regard to imported food

1. Imported food, food additives and processing aids and imported food-

packaging tools, food packages and containers arc subject to state inspection

of food safety, except for some kinds of food which are exempted from state

inspection of food safety as prescribed by the Government.

2. Food imported from countries which have concluded with Vietnam treaties

on mutual recognition of food safety certification is eligible for reduced

inspection, except for cases in which signs of violation of Vietnam's law on food

safely are warned or have been detected.

3. The Government shall specify the exemption from state inspection of food

safety for some kinds of imported food; the order of and procedures for state

inspection of food safety in countries from which food will be exported to

Vietnam under treaties to which Vietnam is a contracting party.

Article 40. Order, procedures and methods of state inspection of food

safety with regard to imported food

1. The order of and procedures for state inspection of food safety with regard

to imported food, food additives, processing aids, food-packaging tools, food

packages and containers comply with the law on product and goods quality

and the following provisions:

a/ Food may be transported to warehouses for preservation pending customs

clearance only when they have a registration for food safety inspection:

b/ Customs clearance shall only be effected when there is a written certification

of satisfaction of import requirements.

2. Modes of state inspection of food safety for imported food, food additives,

processing aids, food-packaging tools, food packages and containers:

a/ Tightened inspection:

b/ Normal inspection;

c/ Reduced inspection.

3. The Minister of Health, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development


and the Minister of Industry and Trade shall specify agencies in charge of

conducting state inspection of food safety and the application of modes of slate

inspection of food safety with regard to imported food, food additives,

processing aids, food-packaging tools, food packages and containers.


Article 41. Safety assurance conditions for exported food

1. Meeting Vietnam's food assurance safety conditions.

2. Being conformable with food safety regulations of countries of importation

as provided in contracts or treaties and international agreements on mutual

recognition of results of conformity evaluation signed with concerned countries

or territories.

Article 42. Certification of exported food

1. Competent Vietnamese state agencies shall grant certificates of free sale,

health certificates, certificates of origin or other certificates for exported food, if

so requested by countries of importation.

2. The Minister of Health, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development

and the Minister of Industry and Trade shall provide for dossiers and

procedures for the grant of certificates specified in Clause 1 of this Article in

their assigned management domains.

Chapter VII.

FOOD ADVERTISEMENT AND LABELING Article 43. Food advertisement

1. Food advertisement shall be carried out by food producers and traders or

advertisement service providers under the law on advertisement.

2. Before registering for food advertisement, organizations and individuals that

have food to be advertised shall send dossiers to competent state

management agencies for certification of advertisement contents.

3. Advertisement makers, advertisement service providers and organizations

and individuals with to-be-advertised food may only make advertisement after

the advertisement contents are appraised, and must strictly comply with

certified contents.

The Minister of Health, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and

the Minister of Industry and Trade shall specify kinds of food of which

advertisement must be registered: and the competence, order and procedures

for certification of contents of food advertisements under their assigned.

Article 44. Food labeling

1. Producers and importers of food, food additives and processing aids in


Vietnam shall label food under the law on goods labeling.

The shelf life of food shown on their labels shall, depending on the type of food,

be written as "expiry date", "use by” or "best before".

2. For functional food, food additives, irradiated food and genetically modified addition to the provisions of Clause 1 of this Article, the following

provisions must be complied with:

a/ For functional food, the phrase "thucpham chucnang" (functional food) must

be shown and the effect of substituting curative medicines must not be

expressed in any form;

b/ For food additives, the phrase "pint gia thuc pham" (food additives) and

information on the scope of use. dosage and use instructions must be shown;

c/ For irradiated food, the phrase "time pham da qua chieu xa" (irradiated food)

must be shown:

d/ For certain kinds of genetically modified food, the phrase "thuc pham bien

dot gen'' (genetically modified food) must be shown.

3. Based on socio-economic conditions in each period, the Government shall

issue specific regulations on food labeling and shelf life: and kinds of

genetically modified foods and the composition percentage of food with

modified genes to be indicated on their labels.

Chapter VIII




Article 45. Requirements on food testing

1. Food testing shall be conducted in the following cases:

a/ At the request of food producers and traders or other concerned

organizations and individuals:

b/ For the state management of food safety.

Food testing for state management work shall be conducted by food testing

establishments designated by line ministers.

2. Food testing must:

a/ Ensure objectivity and accuracy:

b/ Observe professional and technical regulations.

Article 46. Food testing establishments

1. A food testing establishment must satisfy the following conditions:

a/ Having an organizational apparatus and technical capacity meeting the

requirements of national or international standards applicable to testing



b/ Establishing and maintaining a managerial system meeting the requirements

of national or international standards:

c/ Registering the operation of assessment of conformity with standards or

technical regulations with a competent state agency when engaged in

certification of standard or regulation conformity.

2. Food testing establishments may provide testing services, collect testing

charges and take responsibility before law for the results of tests they perform.

3. Line ministers shall specify conditions for testing establishments defined in

Clause 1 of this Article.

Article 47. Testing for the settlement of food safety-related disputes

1. Agencies with dispute settlement competence shall designate testing-

verification establishments to test foods involved in disputes. Testing results of

these establishments shall be used as a basis for the settlement of food safety-

related disputes.

2. Testing establishments designated to conduct verification are state-run ones

which satisfy all the conditions specified in Clause 1. Article 46 of this Law.

3. Line ministers shall specify conditions for testing-verification establishments

and a list of eligible testing-verification establishments.

Article 48. Expenses for food sampling and testing

1. Expenses for food sampling and testing to serve food safety examination

and inspection shall be paid by agencies that decide on such examination and


2. Based on testing results, if agencies that decide on food safety examination

and inspection conclude that food producers or traders violate the law on food

safety, the violators shall refund food sampling and testing expenses to the

examination and inspection agencies.

3. Organizations and individuals that request food sampling and testing shall

themselves pay expenses for food sampling and testing.

4. Expenses for food sampling and testing in food safety-related disputes or

complaints shall be paid by petitioners or complainants. When testing results

affirm that food producers or traders violate regulations on food safety, the

violators shall refund expenses for sampling and testing of foods involved in

disputes to the petitioners or complainants.

Section 2. ANALYSIS OF FOOD SAFETY RISKS Article 49. Objects

subject to analysis of food safety risks

1. Foods of high poisoning rate.

2. Foods with samples taken for surveillance showing high rate of violating


technical regulations on food safety.

3. Food production or trading environment or establishments which are

suspected of causing pollution.

4. Foods or food production or trading establishments which are subject to risk

analysis to meet management requirements.

Article 50. Analysis of food safety risks

1. Analysis of food safety risks covers assessment, management and

communication of risks to food safety.

2. Assessment of food safety risks covers:

a/ Investigating and testing to identify hazards to food safety which belong to

groups of microbiological, chemical and physical agents;

b/ Identifying risks of health hazards to food safety, extent and scope of impacts

of hazards on the community health.

3. Management of food safety risks covers:

a/ Implementing solutions to limiting food safety risks in each stage of the food

supply chain;

b/ Controlling and coordinating to limit food safety risks in providing catering

services and conducting other food production or trading activities.

4. Communication on food safety risks covers:

a/ Providing information on preventive measures in cases of food poisoning or

unsafe food-borne diseases to raise public awareness about and responsibility

for food safety risks;

b/ Notifying or forecasting food safety risks; building an information system for

warning food safety risks and food-borne diseases.

Article 51. Responsibility to analyze food safety risks

The Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and

the Ministry of Industry and Trade shall analyze food safety risks in their

assigned management domains under Articles 49 and 50 of this Law.


Article 52. Prevention of food safety incidents

1. Organizations and individuals that detect signs of a food safety incident shall

immediately notify it to the nearest health establishment or People's Committee

or a competent state agency for taking prompt preventive measures.

2. Measures to prevent food safety incidents include:

a/ Ensuring safety in the process of food production, trading and consumption;

b/ Educating, propagating and disseminating food safety-related knowledge

and practices to producers, traders and consumers;


c/ Examining and inspecting food safety in food production and trading;

d/ Analyzing food contamination risks;

e/ Investigating, surveying and storing data on food safety:

f/ Storing food samples.

3. People's Committees at all levels shall implement measures to prevent food

safety incidents in their localities.

4. The Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

and the Ministry of Industry and Trade shall organize the implementation of

programs on surveillance and prevention of food safety incidents and the

application of measures to prevent food safety incidents occurring overseas

which are likely to affect Vietnam in their assigned management domains.

5. The Ministry of Health shall assume the prime responsibility for. and

coordinate with concerned ministries and sectors in. establishing a system for

warning food safety incidents.

Article 53. Remedy of food safety incidents

1. Organizations and individuals that detect a food safety incident occurring at

hich affects Vietnam shall declare it to the nearest health establishment or

People's Committee or to the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and

Rural Development or the Ministry of Industry and Trade for taking prompt


2. Remedies for food safety incidents include:

a/ Promptly detecting, and giving first aid and medical treatment to. poisoned

persons or persons infected with food-borne diseases or in other food-induced

circumstances harmful to human health or life:

b/ Investigating cases of food poisoning, identifying causes of poisoning and

food-borne diseases and tracing the origin of poisoning or disease-transmitting


c/ Suspending production or trading activities: recalling and disposing of

poisoning or disease-transmitting food being marketed;

d/ Notifying food poisoning and food-borne diseases to concerned

organizations and individuals:

e/ Taking measures to prevent risks of food poisoning and food-borne


3. People’s Committees at all levels shall take remedies for food safety

incidents in their localities.

4. The Minister of Health shall:

a/ Specify the declaration of food safety incidents:

b/ Assume the prime responsibility for. and coordinate with concerned

ministries and sectors in. taking measures to prevent food safety incidents


occurring overseas which are likely to affect Vietnam.

5. Suppliers of poisoning foods shall pay all medical treatment expenses for

poisoned persons and pay compensations under the civil law.



Article 54. Tracing of the origin of unsafe foods

1. Food producers and traders shall trace the origin of unsafe foods in the

following cases:

a/ At the request of competent state agencies;

b/ When detecting that food products they produce or trade in are unsafe.

2. Food producers and traders that trace the origin of unsafe foods shall:

a/ Identify and notify lots of unsafe food products:

b/ Request food trading agents to report on the quantity of products of unsafe

food lots, actual quantities of products left in stock and being marketed:

c/ Summarize, and report to competent state agencies on. recall plans and

disposal measures.

3. Competent state agencies shall inspect and supervise the tracing of the

origin of unsafe foods.

Article 55. Recall and disposal of unsafe foods

1. The following foods shall be recalled:

a/ Foods which are still marketed after their shelf life:

b/ Foods unconformable with relevant technical regulations;

c/ Foods being new technological products not yet been permitted for


d/ Foods which are degenerated during preservation, transportation or trading;

e/ Foods which contain substances banned from use or in which appear

contaminants in excess of allowable limits;

f/ Imported foods which are notified by a competent authority of the exporting

country or another country or an international organization to contain

contaminants harmful to human health and life.

2. Recall of unsafe foods takes the following forms:

a/ Voluntary recall by food producers or traders themselves:

b/ Compulsory recall by food producers and traders at the request of competent

state agencies.

3. Unsafe foods shall be disposed of through:

a/ Correction of product flaws or labeling errors:


b/ Change of use purposes;

c/ Re-ex port:

d/ Destruction.

4. Unsafe food producers and traders shall publish information on recalled

products, recall and dispose of unsafe foods within the time limit decided by

pay all recall and disposal expenses.

Past the prescribed time limit, food producers and traders that fail to recall

foods shall be coerced to do so under law.

5. Competent state agencies shall:

a/ Based on the severity of violations of safety assurance conditions, decide

on the recall and disposal of unsafe foods as well as the time limit for

completing such recall and disposal;

b/ Inspect the recall of unsafe foods:

c/ Handle violations of the law on food safety according to their competence as

defined by law:

d/ For food products which are likely to seriously affect the community health

or in other emergency cases, directly recall and dispose of them and request

their producers and traders to pay recall and disposal expenses.

6. The Minister of Health, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development

and the Minister of Industry and Trade shall specify the recall and disposal of

unsafe foods in their assigned management domains.

Chapter IX



Article 56. Purposes and requirements of information, education and

communication on food safety

1. Information, education and communication on food safety aims to raise

public awareness about food safety, and change backward behaviors, customs

and practices in production, trading and living which cause food unsafely,

contributing to protecting human health and life; and about business ethics and

responsibility of food producers and traders towards consumer health and life.

2. Information, education and communication on food safety must be:

a/ Accurate, prompt, explicit, simple and practical;


b/ Suitable to the nation's traditions, culture and identity, religions, social ethics,

beliefs, customs and practices;

c/ Suitable to each category of targeted subjects.

Article 57. Contents of information, education and communication on

food safety

1. Providing, propagating and disseminating knowledge and law on food safety

2. Providing information on causes and ways of identifying food poisoning risks,

food-borne diseases and measures to prevent and remedy food safety


3. Providing information on exemplary models of safe food production or

trading; recall of unsafe foods, and handling of establishments that seriously

violate the law on food safety.

Article 58. Entities eligible to access information, education and

communication on food safety

1. All organizations and individuals have the right to access information,

education and communication on food safety.

2. Priority will be given to the following entities in accessing information,

education and communication on food safety:

a/ Food consumers;

b/ Managers and executive officers of food production or trading

establishments; food producers and traders;

c/ Fresh and raw food producers and traders and small-scale food producers

and traders; inhabitants in extreme socio-economic difficulty-hit areas.

Article 59. Forms of information, education and communication on food


1. Through competent state agencies in charge of food safety.

2. In the mass media.

3. Integration in teaching and learning activities at educational institutions of

the national education system.

4. Through cultural and community activities and activities of mass

organizations and social organizations, and other forms of public cultural


5. Through food safety-related inquiry points at line ministries.

Article 60. Responsibilities in information, education and

communication on food safety

1. Agencies, organizations and units shall, within the ambit of their tasks and

powers, conduct information, education and communication on food safety.


2. The Minister of Health, line ministers and heads of concerned ministerial-

level agencies shall direct concerned agencies in providing accurate and

scientific information on food safety; and promptly give responses to untruthful

information on food safety.

3. The Minister of Information and Communications shall direct mass media

agencies in regularly providing information and communication on food safety

and integrating programs on information and communication on food safety

into other information and communication programs.

4. The Minister of Education and Training shall assume the prime responsibility

for, and coordinate with the Minister of Health, line ministers and heads of

concerned ministerial-level agencies in. combining education about food safety

with other educational contents.

5. People's Committees at all levels shall organize the provision of information,

education and communication on food safety to local people.

6. Mass media agencies shall prioritize in terms of schedule and length of

broadcasts to provide information, education and communication on food

safety on radios and televisions: and reserve appropriate spaces for articles

and broadcasts on food safety in printed newspapers, televisions or online

newspapers under regulations of the Minister of Information and

Communications. Information, education and communication on food safety in

the mass media is free of charge, unless it is provided under separate contracts

with programs or projects or financed by domestic or foreign organizations or


7. The Vietnam Fatherland Front, mass organizations and social organizations

shall, within the ambit of their responsibilities, conduct the work of information,

education and communication on food safety.

Chapter X




Article 61. Responsibilities for state management of food safety

1. The Government shall perform the unified state management of food safety.

2. The Ministry of Health is answerable to the Government for performing the

state management of food safety.

3. Ministries and ministerial-level agencies shall, within the ambit of their

respective tasks and powers, coordinate with the Ministry of Health in

performing the stale management of food safety.

4. People's Committees at all levels shall perform the sate management of food

safety in their respective localities-


Article 62. Responsibilities of the Ministry of Health for state

management of food safety

1. General responsibilities:

a/ To assume the prime responsibility for formulating and submitting national

strategies and master plans on food safety to competent state agencies for

promulgation, and organize the implementation thereof

b/ To promulgate national technical regulations on safety criteria and limits on

food products; food-packaging tools and food packages and containers.

c/ To request ministries, sectors and provincial-level People's Committees to

make regular and irregular reports on food safety management;

d/ To prescribe general conditions on food safety assurance for food producers

and traders;

e/ To assume the prime responsibility for organizing the propagation and

education about the taw on food safety: to warn food poisoning incidents.

f/ To unexpectedly inspect and examine all stages in the process of food

production, import and trading under the scope of management of other

ministries when necessary.

2. Responsibilities in sectoral management:

a/ To assume the prime responsibility for formulating and promulgating or

submitting strategies, policies, master plans, plans and legal documents on

food safety to competent state agencies for promulgation, and organize the

implementation thereof in its assigned management domain;

b/ To manage food safety throughout the process of production, preliminary

processing, processing, preservation, transportation, export, import and

trading of food additives, food processing aids, bottled drinking water, natural

mineral water, functional food and other foods under the Government's


c/ To manage food safety with regard to food-packaging tools and food

packages and containers in the process of food production, processing and

trading in its assigned management domain;

d/ To inspect, examine, and handle violations of the law on food safety in the

process of food production, export, import and trading in its assigned

management domains.

Article 63. Responsibilities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural


1. To assume the prime responsibility for formulating and promulgating or

submitting policies, strategies, master plans, plans and legal documents on

food safety in its assigned management domain to competent state agencies

for promulgation, and organize the implementation thereof.

2. To manage food safely in the primary production of agricultural, forest,


aquatic and salt products.

3. To manage food safety throughout the process of production, collection,

slaughter, preliminary processing, processing, preservation. transportation,

import, export and trading of cereals, meat and products thereof, aquatic

animals and products thereof, vegetables, tubers and fruits and products

thereof, eggs and products thereof, fresh milk, honey and products thereof,

genetically modified food, salt and other farm products under the Government's


4. To manage food safety with regard to food-packaging tools and food

packages and containers in the process of food production, processing and

trading in its assigned management domain.

5. To make regular and irregular reports on the management of food safety in

its assigned management domain.

6. To inspect, examine, and handle violations of the law on food safety in the

process of food production, export, import and trading in its assigned

management domain.

Article 64. Responsibilities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade

1. To assume the prime responsibility for formulating, promulgating or

submitting policies, strategies, master plans, plans and legal documents on

food safety in its assigned management domain to competent stale agencies

for promulgation and organize the implementation thereof.

2. To manage food safety in the process of production, processing,

preservation, transportation, import, export and trading of liquor, beer,

beverage, processed milk, vegetable oil, powder and starch processed

products and other products under the Government's regulations.

3. To manage food safety with regard to food-packaging tools and food

packages and containers in the process of food production, processing and

trading in its assigned management domain.

4. To promulgate policies and master plans on markets and supermarkets and

regulations on food trading at markets and supermarkets.

5. To assume the prime responsibility for preventing and controlling fake food,

and trade fraud in food circulation and trading.

6. To make regular and irregular reports on the management of food safety in

its assigned management domain.

7. To inspect, examine, and handle violations of the law on food safety in the

process of food production, import, export, and trading in its assigned

management domain.

Article 65. State management responsibilities of People's Committees


at all levels

1. To promulgate according to their competence or submit local legal

documents and technical regulations to competent state agencies for

promulgation; to formulate and implement master plans on safe food

production zones and establishments so as to ensure management in the

entire food supply chain.

2. To be responsible for managing food safety in their respective localities: to

manage food safety assurance conditions for small-scale food production and

trading establishments, street food, catering establishments, and food safety

at local markets and subjects in their assigned management domain.

3. To make regular and irregular reports on the management of food safety in

their respective localities.

4. To arrange human resources, train and improve qualifications of human

resources for the work of food safety assurance in their respective localities.

5. To organize the work of information, education and communication to raise

awareness about food safety, the sense of observing the law on food safety

management, the sense of responsibility of food producers and traders toward

the community and the awareness of consumers about food safety.

6. To inspect, examine and handle violations of the law on food safety in their

respective localities.


Article 66. Food safety inspection

1. Food safety inspection is specialized inspection. Food safety inspection shall

be conducted by the health; agriculture and rural development; and in tors

under the law on inspection.

2. The Government shall specify the coordination among food safety

inspectorates of ministries and ministerial-level agencies with other forces in

ensuring food safety.

Article 67, Contents of food safety inspection

1. Compliance with technical standards and regulations on food safety

applicable to food production and trading and food products promulgated by

competent state agencies.

2. Compliance with relevant food safety standards announced by food

producers for application to food production and trading and food products.

3. Advertising and labeling of food within the scope of management.

4. Regulation conformity certification and food safety testing


5. Compliance with other legal provisions on food safety.



Article 68. Responsibilities for food safety examination

1. Food safety management agencies under line ministries shall conduct food

safety examination in food production and trading under Articles 61 thru 64 of

this Law.

2. Food safety management agencies under provincial-level People's

Committees shall conduct food safety examination in their respective localities

under regulations of line ministries and the assignment by provincial-level

People's Committees.

3. In case an inter-sector examination of food safety is related to the

management scopes of many sectors or localities, the agency in charge of the

examination shall coordinate with concerned agencies under related ministries,

ministerial-level agencies and provincial-level People's Committees in

conducting the examination.

4. Food safety examination must ensure the following principles:

a/ Objectivity, accuracy, publicity, transparency and non-discrimination.

b/ Keeping confidential information, documents and results of examination

related to inspected agencies and food producers and traders pending the

availability of official conclusions;

c/ Causing no troubles to food producers and traders.

d/ Taking responsibility before law for relevant examination results and click.

5. Line ministers shall specify food safety examination activities in their

assigned management domains.

Article 69. Powers and tasks of food safety management agencies in

food safety examination

I. Within the ambit of their respective tasks and powers, food safety

management agencies have following powers in food safety examination:

a/ To decide to form examination teams to conduct planned or unexpected


b/ To warn food unsafely risks:

c/ To handle violations in the course of examination under Articles 30, 36 and

40 of the Law on Product and Goods Quality:

d/ To settle complaints and denunciations about decisions of examination

teams, and acts of inspection team members under the Law on complaints and


2. The food safety management agencies, within the ambit of their tasks and

powers, have the following tasks:

a/ To draw up annual examination plans and submit them to competent state

agencies for decision;


b/ To receive registration dossiers of registration for testing of the safety of

imported food: to certify food safety assurance conditions for imported food;

c/ To issue handling decisions within 3 working days from the date of receiving

reports of inspection teams regarding suspending food production, and trading

activities, scaling up food and suspending advertisement of unsafe food.

Article 70. Examination team

1. An examination team shall be formed under a decision of the head of a food

safety management agency on the basis of an examination program or plan

approved by a competent state agency or in case of unexpected examination.

2. In the course of food safety examination, examination teams has the

following powers and tasks:

a/ To request food producers and traders to present related documents, and

handle violations in the course of examination under Articles 30 and 40 of the

Law on Products and Goods Quality, to supply copies of the documents

mentioned in this Clause, when necessary;

b/ To take samples for testing when necessary;

c/ To seal food, suspend the sale of unsuitable food, suspend food

advertisements containing improper contents in the course of market

examination and report to the food safety management agency within 24 hours

after so doing:

d/ To request organizations and individuals producing and trading in food which

is unconformable with announced applicable standards, technical regulations

and regulations or relevant conditions to take remedies;

e/ To propose the food safety management agency to handle violations

according to its competence specified in Article 69 of this Law;

f/ To ensure the examination principles provided in Clause 4. Article 68 of this

Law during examination;

g/ To accurately and timely report examination results to the food safety

management agency.

Chapter XI


Article 71. Effect

This Law takes effect on July 1., 2011.

The Ordinance No. 12/2003/PL-UBTVQH11 on Food Hygiene and Safety

ceases to be effective on the effective date of this Law.

Article 72. Implementation detailing and guidance

The Government shall detail and guide the implementation of articles and


clauses as assigned in this Law; and guide other necessary provisions of this

Law to meet state management requirements.

This Law was passed on June 17, 2010, by the XIVth National Assembly of the

Socialist Republic of Vietnam at its 7th session. - CHAIRMAN OF THE


B. Peraturan Food Safety China

Administration Measures for the Supervision,

Inspection and Quarantine of Aquatic Products

at Import and Export

Chapter 1

General guidelines

Article 1 [Purpose and basis]

For the purpose of reinforcing the inspection, quarantine and supervision of aquatic

products at import and export, ensuring the quality and safety of aquatic products at

import and export, preventing animal epidemic diseases from entering into and exiting

from our country, protecting the production safety of fisheries as well as human health,

on the basis of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Inspection of Import

and Export Commodities and the regulations for the implementation thereof, the Law

of the People’s Republic of China on the Quarantine of Animals and Plants at Import


and Export and the regulations for the implementation thereof, the Law of the People’s

Republic of China on the Frontier Hygiene and Quarantine and the detailed guidelines

for the implementation thereof, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Food

Hygiene and the Special Guidelines of the State Council on Strengthening the

Supervision and Management of the Safety of Food and Other Products, and other

relevant administrative regulations, the present Measures are formulated.

Article 2 [Application scope]

The present Measures are applicable to the inspection, quarantine and supervision

of aquatic products at import and export.

Article 3

[Definition of Aquatic products]

The term “Aquatic products” as mentioned in the presenting Measures refers to the

products produced from aquatic animals and which are edible by human beings,

including the aquatic animal products such as cephalochordata, acalephae, mollusca,

crustaceans, echinoderms, amphibians, reptiles, aquatic mammals and products

made from aquatic plants such as algae, etc., where any live aquatic animals and the

propagation materials thereof are not inclusive in this category.

Article 4 [Responsibility assignment]

The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine

of the State (hereafter referred to as the AQSIQ) takes charge of the administration

of the inspection, quarantine and supervision of import/export aquatic products for the

whole country.

The inspection and quarantine institutions (hereafter referred to as the Inspection and

Quarantine Institutions) of import and export set up by the AQSIQ at all levels shall be

responsible for the inspection, quarantine and supervision of import/export aquatic

products within the areas under their respective jurisdictions.

Article 5 [Management mode]

On the basis of laws and according to any supervision demands and the relevant

regulations specified by the AQSIQ, the Inspection and Quarantine Institutions

shall perform the inspection and quarantine, supervision and random inspections


of the import and export of aquatic products, conducting credit and classification

management systems to enterprises that produce and process import/export aquatic

products (hereinafter referred to as producers).

Article 6

[Subject responsibilities of the producers]

The producers of import/export aquatic products shall operate their production

activities in accordance with all laws, administrative regulations and relevant criteria,

shall be responsible for the effects to society and the general public, ensuring the

quality and safety of the aquatic products, accepting public supervision and

undertaking social responsibilities.

Chapter 2

Import Inspection and Quarantine.

Article 7

[Import criterion and safety assessment]

Import aquatic products must comply with the national standards and requirements

for food safety which are set out in the relevant Chinese laws and administrative

regulations, and must comply with the inspection and quarantine requirements which

are set out in the inspection and quarantine bilateral agreements, protocols and

memos signed by China and the exporting countries or regions, as well as comply

with the quarantine requirements detailed in the trade contracts.

With regards to importing aquatic products from countries which do not have a national

standard for food safety, the consignee of the involved product shall submit a license

certificate issued by the State Council department responsible for health

administration to the Inspection and Quarantine Institution.

Article 8 [Risk analysis]

In accordance with Chinese laws, the guidelines specified in administrative

regulations and the requirements of the National Standard for Food Safety, the risk

analysis result on toxic and harmful substances and the epidemic situations of aquatic

products inside and outside of China, combine with the effective evaluation situations

of the quality and safety management system of the countries and regions exporting


aquatic products to China, the AQSIQ shall draw up and publish the inspection and

quarantine requirements on the aquatic products entering into China; or the AQSIQ

shall sign inspection and quarantine agreements with countries and regions exporting

aquatic products to China, determine the inspection and quarantine requirements and

any relevant certificates.

Article 9

[Record-keeping of exporters and agents]

The AQSIQ shall maintain and manage records of the exporters or agents exporting aquatic products to

China, and regularly publish the qualified overseas producers and the names of the exporters and agents.

The registration management of the overseas producers of import aquatic products

shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant regulations specified by the



Article 10

[Record–keeping of consignees]

The Inspection and Quarantine Institutions shall keep records of the consignees of

the aquatic products entering China. Only consignees included in the records are

permitted to complete the aquatic products import formalities.

Article 11

[Recording system of import sales]

The consignees of any aquatic products entering China shall set up a recording

system for product import and sales. The record must be accurate and shall be kept

for at least two years.

Article 12

[Quarantine examination and approval and advance inspections]

With regard to any aquatic animal products such as amphibians, reptiles and aquatic

mammals entering China, as well as other aquatic products with higher hygiene and

safety risks, the AQSIQ shall conduct quarantine examination and approval system.

The consignees of the above mentioned products must go through the quarantine

examination and approval formalities and must have obtained the License for

Quarantine of Import Animals and Plants before signing any trade contracts.

The AQSIQ may, on the basis of the needs and according to relevant regulations,

send personnel to the exporting countries or regions to conduct advance inspections

to aquatic products planned to be exported to China.

Article 13

[Import quarantine inspection application]

Before or when aquatic products enter into China, the consignees or the agents

responsible shall apply to the inspection and quarantine institutions at the entry port

for inspection and quarantine by presenting relevant documents, including (the original

copy of) the official inspection and quarantine certificates issued by the authorities of


the government of the exporting country or region, the certificate of product origin, the

trade contract, container receipts, bills of lading and invoices.

The official inspection and quarantine certificates issued by the authorities of

the government of the exporting countries and regions which are attached to

the aquatic products entering into China, shall conform to the requirements of the

AQSIQ for such certificates.

Article 14

[Acceptance of quarantine inspection application]

The Inspection and Quarantine Institutions shall perform a preliminary examination

to the relevant documents submitted by the consignees or the agents of the products.

If the requirements are met, the application for quarantine inspection shall be

accepted, and the scope of the quarantine examination shall be verified and written

off; meanwhile the customs clearance certificate of import goods shall be issued.

Article 15 [Refrigerated warehouses]

Imported aquatic products shall be stored in refrigerated warehouses which are

designated by the Inspection and Quarantine Institutions. An entry port shall

have refrigerated warehouses that are appropriate for the quantity of imported

aquatic products. The conditions of the refrigerated warehouses shall conform to

the inspection and quarantine requirements of refrigerated warehouses for imported

aquatic products.

Article 16

[Sterilization treatments of the transportation vehicles]

The transportation vehicles and containers of imported aquatic products shall be

subjected to sterilization for prevention of epidemics under the supervision of the

Inspection and Quarantine Institutions at the entry port. No imported aquatic product

is permitted to be unloaded from the transportation vehicles or containers without the

approval of the Inspection and Quarantine Institutions.

Article 17

[Spot inspection and quarantine]


The Inspection and Quarantine Institutions at entry port shall conduct spot inspections

and quarantines to the imported aquatic products at the port. The spot inspection and

quarantine process shall include the following provisions:

(1) To check whether the documents conform to the goods;

(2) To check whether the packaging of the products conform to the basic packaging

requirements for imported aquatic products;

(3) To implement plant quarantine on salt products or dried aquatic products entering

China which are excellent breeding environments for veterinary pests; conduct pest

treatments when necessary;

(4) To check whether there is any sign of product spoiling or putridity, whether there

are any impure substances, whether the products are too dry, whether there is frozen

blood or excess ice, etc.

Article 18 [Label inspection]

The Chinese labels on the packaging of any imported aquatic products shall conform

to the requirements of the relevant laws, the administrative regulations and the label

regulations for Chinese food labels, as well as any compulsory technical standard

requirements of other countries. The Inspection and Quarantine Institutions shall

conduct inspections of the labels of the aquatic product packaging, in accordance with

the regulations.

Article 19 [Sampling inspection]

According to the requirements of the relevant standards, monitoring plans and alert

notification, the Inspection and Quarantine Institutions shall take samples from

imported aquatic products to conduct inspections of and to monitor the following items:

(1) Toxic and harmful substances such as pathogenic micro-organisms, heavy

metals, residues of agricultural and veterinary products;

(2) Epidemics and parasites; (3) Other required items.

Article 20



and quarantine result


The inspection and quarantine institutions of the entry ports shall issue a Certificate of Inspection and Quarantine for Imported Goods to the inspection and quarantine examination approved imported aquatic products. Aquatic products which have passed the inspection and quarantine examination, shall be permitted for the production, processing and using thereof, the numbers of the containers, the production batches and the producers and the details of any traceable information shall be clearly stated on the said Certificate.

If any aquatic product fails to pass the inspection and quarantine examination, a Notice

of Disposal for Inspection and Quarantine shall be issued. Any unqualified items (apart

from those involving the health and safety of human beings and environmental

protection) can be subjected to technical treatment under the supervision of the

Inspection and Quarantine Institutions. After the said product is re-inspected and re-

quarantined and qualified, it can then be sold or used.

Where it is necessary to provide proof for damage claims, the Inspection and

Quarantine Institutions shall issue the relevant proof documents.

Article 21 [Returning and destroying]

In the case of any one of the following circumstances, the procedure for goods

returned or destroyed shall be implemented:

(1) The product requires going through import quarantine and examination

procedures, and has not yet obtained an effective licence for the quarantine of

imported animals and plants;

(2) The product does not have an effective official inspection and quarantine certificate

issued by the authority of the exporting country or region.

(3) The product has unqualified inspected items involving the health and safety of

human beings and environmental protection.

Chapter 3

Export inspection and quarantine

Article 22

[Export inspection and quarantine]


All export aquatic products shall be supervised, and sample inspected by the

Inspection and Quarantine Institutions. The Customs officials shall permit customs

clearance on the basis of clearance certificate issued by the inspection and quarantine


Article 23

[Requirements of export inspection and


The Inspection and Quarantine Institutions shall carry out inspections and implement

quarantine on export aquatic products according to the requirements stated below:

(1) The requirements of inspection and quarantine of the export destination country or region;

(2) The requirements of inspection and quarantine as provided in the agreements,

protocols, or memorandums signed by the Government of the People’s Republic of

China and the export destination country or region;

(3) The requirements of inspection and quarantine specified in Chinese laws and

administrative regulations and as provided by the AQSIQ;

(4) The requirements of the export destination country or region in respect of

the qualities, quantities, weight and packaging of the products;

(5) The q u a r a n t i n e requirements stated in the trade contract.


Article 24

[Record-keeping of aquaculture farm]

Under the permission and supervision of the Department of Fishery Administration,

the inspection and quarantine institutions files records for the aquaculture farms which

produce export aquatic products. The resources used by the producers of any export

aquatic products shall be from the aquaculture farms which have records filed, water

areas or fishing vessels permitted by the Department of Fishery Administration,

and which conform to the requirements of inspection and quarantine of the export

destination country or region.

Article 25

[Record-keeping requirements of aquaculture


Farms producing export aquatic products which have records filed shall meet the

following basic conditions and hygiene requirements:

(1) Must have obtained farming permission from the Department of Fishery


(2) With a certain farm size: the total water surfaces area of farming ponds or open

farming sea areas shall be above 50 acres, the total water surface area of man-

made farming ponds shall be above 10 acres; farming ponds within this area must

be serial numbered;

(3) Must have abundant water resources, the quality of the water used for aquaculture

farming conforms to the water quality standard for fisheries;

(4) There must not be any pollution sources such as fowl and livestock farms,

hospitals, chemical plants or refuse dumps. They must be equipped with facilities to

keep separated from external environment, and have good internal environment


(5) Must have a reasonable layout, must comply with the requirements of health

epidemic prevention, and must avoid cross contamination from water intake and



(6) Must have independently established warehouses for drugs and feed, the

warehouses must be kept clean and dry with good ventilation, there shall be

specifically appointed personnel to record the goods taken into and out of the


(7) Must have the appropriate farming density, with equipped oxygenation facilities suitable for this density;

(8) The feed provided shall come from the feed processing factories which have

records filed by the Inspection and Quarantine Institutions, and which must comply

with the requirements set out in the Regulations for the Examination and Quarantine

of Feeds for Food Animals for Export;

(9) Must not store or use drugs and other toxic and harmful substances forbidden by

China and the export destination country or region. The active ingredients of the drugs

used shall be clearly stated, there shall be a drug application record, and follow close

to the guidelines of the drug withdrawal time line;

(10) There shall be perfect organisation and management, together with a written

management system for aquaculture farming (including the purchase of germchit,

farming production, health epidemic prevention and application of drugs and feed);

(11) Farms shall be provided with corresponding intelligence farming technicians and

quality supervisors, the farming technician and quality supervisor shall be different

persons. The farming technician shall administer drugs according to the prescription;

any drug shall be distributed by the quality supervisor. The farming technician and

quality supervisor shall meet the following conditions:

(a) Be familiar with and comply with the guidelines specified in the relevant laws and

administrative regulations for inspections and quarantines;

(b) Be familiar with and comply with the guidelines specified in the literature on aquatic

animal diseases and cures from the Department of Agriculture Administration;

(c) Be familiar with the relevant regulations and standards on the residue control of

the drugs applied by the export destination country or region;

(4) Have certain farming experience or have higher than a professional agricultural

qualification from a technical college.

(12) Set up a report system to promptly report major diseases and important issues.

Article 26


[Filing procedures of aquaculture farms]

The farms producing export aquatic products should file records using the following procedures:

(1) Farms producing export aquatic products shall apply to the local inspection and

quarantine institutions where the farms are located for filing records, and submit the

required relevant documentation;

(2) According to the basic conditions and hygiene requirements specified in Article 26

of these current measures, the inspection and quarantine institutions shall carry out

inspection of the filing applications submitted by the aquaculture farms. Farms meeting

the basic conditions and hygiene requirements shall be approved by their respective

inspection and quarantine institution and issued a record filing certificate;

(3) The record filing certificate shall be valid from its issue date and carries a four year

validation period. The farms shall apply for revalidation within three months of the

validation period expiring;

(4) If there are any changes to the addresses, names, farm sizes, ownerships or legal

representatives of any farm producing export aquatic products, the farm shall re-apply

to its local inspection and quarantine institution for record filing or undergo modification


Article 27

[Product delivery proof]

Farms producing export aquatic products shall issue a document to prove the delivery

of each batch of resource materials used to produce the export aquatic products.

Article 28

[Requirements on drug application]

According to the National Food Safety Standard and any relevant regulations of

China and the export destination country or region in terms of agricultural

applications such as feeding fodder or drugs, record filed farms producing export

aquatic products shall be strictly forbidden from purchasing or using any agricultural

drug which does not comply with the National Food Safety Standard of China and the

export destination country or region.


Article 29

[Supervision of record-keeping farms]

Inspection and quarantine institutions shall carry out supervised management of the

record–keeping farms, organise supervised inspections, and make a good record

of any relevant information. Supervised inspections include daily supervised

inspections and annual audits.


The inspection and quarantine institutions shall carry out monitoring for situations such

as aquatic animal diseases, agricultural pesticides or veterinary drug residues,

environmental contamination, water quality and other toxic or harmful substances, and

set up systems to improve the safety and risk information management for export

aquatic products.

Article 30

[Record-keeping of export aquatic product producers]

The inspection and quarantine institutions shall file records for the export aquatic

product producers in accordance with the record-keeping regulations for enterprises

producing export food.

Should Chinese producers of aquatic products for export be required by any export

destination country or region to register, or if any of the registered enterprises require

recommendation to foreign countries, the relevant regulations of the AQSIQ shall be


Article 31

[Quality system and enterprise self-inspection]

Enterprises producing export aquatic products shall set up perfect and traceable

quality and safety control systems, ensuring that any preserving agents, antiseptic

agents, water absorbent or colour absorbent materials are not used in the export

aquatic products, from any original material resources to the finished products.

Article 32

[Production batch management]

The production and processing of export aquatic products shall be subject to

production batch management in individual units; aquatic products from different

aquaculture farms must not be treated as the same production batch sources for

production processing purposes. From the original aquatic product to the finished

products the batch number for both production and processing shall remain the same.

The marks for the batch number of production and processing shall be indicated



Article 33

[Record checking]

The producers of export aquatic products shall set up a source material purchasing

checking record system, to verify the goods supply certificate attached to the source

materials. The record for source material purchasing must be true and shall be kept

for at least two years.

The producers of export aquatic products shall set up a final factory inspection record

system, to verify the inspection qualifying certificate and safety of the aquatic products

leaving the factory, and truthfully record details such as the names, specifications,

quantities, production dates, numbers of production batches, numbers of inspection

qualifying certificates, the names and contacts methods of the goods purchasers,

sales dates of the aquatic products.

The final factory inspection record of an aquatic product shall be true, and the

record shall be kept for at least two years.

Article 34

[Packaging identification]

The packaging of export aquatic products shall be marked with the requirements of

the export destination country or region, and the export destination country or region

must be clearly stated on the transportation packaging.


Article 35

[Export quarantine inspection application]

The producer or the agent of an export aquatic product shall meet the customs

declaration requirements of the AQSIQ, based on the documents such as the trade

contract, the inspection report or final factory qualifying certificate of the producer,

shipment documents, etc., in order to apply to the inspection and quarantine institution

at product origin for quarantine inspection.

When applying for quarantine inspection for an export aquatic product, a

written document shall be submitted which states the presence of any toxic and

harmful substance information such as drug residue, heavy metals, or micro-

organisms contained in the source materials. The document must comply with the

requirements of China and the export destination country or region.

Article 36

[Sampling inspection]

The inspection and quarantine institutions shall carry out a sampling inspection on

the basis of the risk analysis of toxic and harmful substances such as pathogenic

micro-organisms, and agriculture and veterinary drug residues, environmental

contamination, and carry out verification and supervision of the quality safety control

system during the process of producing and processing of export aquatic products.

Article 37

[Qualifying assessment]

With regard to any export aquatic product which has not been sample inspected, the

inspection and quarantine institution shall – according to the requirements of the

export destination country or region – verify the inspection report, shipping record of

the export aquatic product; which is combined with situations such as the daily

supervised management, monitored inspection and sampling inspection, in order to

carry out a comprehensive assessment. Products meeting the regulation

requirements shall be issued with a relevant inspection and quarantine certificate;

products which do not meet the regulation requirements shall be issued with an


unqualified notice.

Article 38

[Shipping requirements]

The producers of export aquatic products shall ensure that the product transportation

vehicles are sealed tight, that the packaging and transportation method can effectively

separate the aquatic product from contamination, that it can ensure the required

temperature conditions during transportation, carry out cleaning and disinfection

according to the regulations, and keep a satisfactory written record.

Article 39

[Port inspection]

The producers of export aquatic products shall ensure the goods comply with the

certificates, and keep satisfactory shipping records. The inspection and quarantine

institutions shall conduct random sample inspections. If an export aquatic product is

qualified from the inspection and quarantine at its origin, but the inspection and

quarantine institution at the port then discovers that the documentation provided does

not comply with the product, then the products shall not be permitted for customs


Article 40

[Export period]

The validation period of the inspection and quarantine of any export aquatic product is as below:


(1) Cooled (kept fresh) aquatic products: seven days; (2) Dry-frozen and single-frozen products: four months; (3) Other aquatic products: six months.

Any export aquatic product which exceeded its inspection and quarantine validation

period, shall re-apply for quarantine inspection. Any other requirements specified by

the export destination country or region shall be handled as required.

Chapter 4

Supervision management

Article 41

[Safety monitoring system]

The AQSIQ carries out safety monitoring for import/export aquatic products, and

according to the risk analysis and the actual situation of inspection and quarantine,

draws up monitoring plans, determines the types and inspecting items of the

import/export aquatic products of the monitored country or region.

In accordance with the annual safety and risk monitoring plans of the import/export

aquatic products of the AQSIQ, an inspection and quarantine institution shall be drawn

up to conduct the actual requirements of the import/export aquatic product risk

management within its area.

Article 42

[Risk management and rapid response mechanism]

The AQSIQ and the inspection and quarantine institutions shall carry out risk

management inspections for import/export aquatic products. The specific measures

shall be conducted in accordance with relevant regulations.

Article 43

[Integrity management]

The producers, consignees and consignors of import/export aquatic products

shall execute a legal production and operating process.


The inspection and quarantine institutions shall set up a reporting system for the illegal

activities of the producers, consignees and consignors of import/export aquatic

products, in order to record and declare these illegal activities.

Article 44

[Bulletin system]

The AQSIQ and the inspection and quarantine institutions must act in

accordance with the relevant guidelines for food safety and risk information

management, must notify the safety and risk information for import/export aquatic

products to the relevant departments, institutions and enterprises, and, according to

any relevant guidelines, must report the information to an upper level.

Article 45

[Co-operation system of inspection and quarantine institution]

The inspection and quarantine institutions at both the recorded aquaculture

farms of export aquatic products and the producers of the export aquatic

products shall work together in co-operation. The inspection and quarantine

institution at a recorded aquaculture farm shall regularly notify the circumstances of

the supervised management of the farm to the inspection and quarantine institution

where the producer


of the export aquatic product is located. The inspection and quarantine

institution where the producer of the export aquatic product is located shall

regularly notify the verification circumstances of the goods delivery

certificate, the source materials and the safety situations of the finished

products to the inspection and quarantine institution at the recorded

aquaculture farms of the export aquatic products.

Article 46

[Recall system]

If any aquatic product has entered into China and has safety issues, and

might be able to or might already have caused harm to human health and

life safety, the consignee of the product must actively recall the product

and immediately report the situation to the local inspection and quarantine

institution. If the consignee of the product fails to make the recall, then

the inspection and quarantine institution shall order the recall procedures

in accordance with the relevant regulations.

If any export aquatic product has safety issues, and might be able to or

might already have caused harm to human health and life safety, the

producer of the product must actively recall the product and immediately

report the situation to the local inspection and quarantine institution.

If there are any issues with the recall of any import/export aquatic product,

the inspection and quarantine institutions shall report the situation to the

AQSIQ promptly.

Article 47

[Removal of recorded farms]

If the farm of any export aquatic product carries out any of the following


activities, then its record shall be removed from the files: commit

(1) Stores or uses any drugs and other toxic and harmful substances which

are forbidden by China or the export destination country or region, or if the

permitted drugs used contain any active ingredients which are not clearly

stated, or if any prohibited materials and medicated premixes are used, or

if during the off-drug period the application of the drugs is still continued;

(2) Provides fake goods delivery documents, transfers or permits

unauthorised transfer of the record filing numbers;

(3) Conceals serious farming aquatic diseases or fails to promptly report

such situations to the inspection and quarantine institutions;

(4) Refuses to accept the supervised management from the inspection and quarantine institutions; (5) If the name, legal representative of a record-keeping farm has

changed, and the farm fails to apply for the modification within 30 days of

the changes;

(6) When farm sizes are increased, new drugs or new feed are applied, or

any large changes occur to the quality and safety system, but the change

is not reported to the inspection and quarantine institutions within 30 days

of the changes;

(7) Fails to make any export supply in twelve (12) months;

(8) Is overdue for and has failed to apply for continued record-keeping; (9)

Fails to pass the annual review;

Article 48

[Rectifying and improving of rule violating producers]

If producers of any export aquatic product experience any of the following,

the inspection and quarantine institution can order the enterprise to rectify

and improve the situation until the enterprise complies with requirements:


(1) If goods are returned from export destination countries or regions for

the first time due to unqualified items that threaten safety and hygiene such

as pathogenic micro-organisms, environmental contamination and

residues from agriculture and veterinary drugs;

(2) If sample inspections are selected from a quarantine inspection

application, but there are three continuously unqualified safety and

hygiene risk factors;

(3) If the resource of any original material is not clear, and the

batch management is not in order;

(4) If, during twelve (12) months of daily supervision inspection, an item is

discovered which failed on three occasions;

(5) If a product traceability system and recalling system is not set up.

Article 49

[Legal Responsibilities]

If any producing or operating enterprise of any import/export aquatic

product conducts any other illegal activity, punishment shall be given in

accordance with the guidelines of relevant laws, and administrative


Article 50

[Legal responsibilities of administrative personnel]

During inspection from the inspection and quarantine institution and its

staff, of the import/export aquatic products, if the products are found to

breach any laws and regulations or the guidelines set out in the

current Measures, then the personnel shall be investigated and

prosecuted by its unit or authority department at an upper level.

Chapter 5

Supplementary articles


Article 51


The AQSIQ is responsible for the interpretation of these measures.

Article 52

[Implementation timeframe]

These measures shall come into force from / / /2010. The Administration

Measures for the Inspection and Quarantine of Aquatic Products at Import

and Export implemented by the AQSIQ since December 10, 2002 will

therefore cease to be valid at this time.

Approved list of Indonesian Food Business Operators (FBOs) for export to Vietnam


(Updated 06/12/2012)

No. Business name Approval number

Address Type of fisheries products



VR. B-001-02 Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 106, Sarudik, Sibolga, Tapanuli Tengah, North Sumatera

Frozen 2093/QLCL-CL1, date 01/11/2010


VR. B-002-02 Jl. Gudang Karya Agung, Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara, Belawan, Medan, North Sumatera



VR. B/C-003-02 Jl. K. L. Yos Sudarso Km. 10.5, Kawasan Industri Medan I, Medan, North Sumatera

Canned Frozen


VR. B-004-02 Jl. K. L. Yos Sudarso Km. 10.5, KIM, Medan, North Sumatera



VR. B-005-02 Jl. Hamparan Perak No. 40A, Medan, North Sumatera



VR. B-006-02 Jl. P. Irian No. 3A, Komplek MIEL Nusantara I, Kawasan Industri Medan (KIM I), Medan, North Sumatera



VR. B/C-007-02 Jl. Pulau Pinang 2, Kawasan Industri Medan II, Saentis-Deli Serdang, Medan, North Sumatera

Canned Frozen


VR. A/B-008-02 Jl. Pulau Solor No. 11, KIM II, Mabar, Medan, North Sumatera

Frozen Fresh

9. PT. LAUT UNITED VR. B-009-02 Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Belawan, Gabion-Belawan, Medan, North Sumatera


10. PT. CENTRAL VR. B-011-10 Bumi Dipasena, Kec. Frozen


No. Business name Approval number

Address Type of fisheries products



Rawajitu Timur, Kabupaten Tulang Bawang, Lampung


VR. B-012-10 Bumi Dipasena, Kec. Rawajitu Selatan, Kabupaten Tulang Bawang, Lampung



VR. B-013-10 Bumi Dipasena, Kec. Rawajitu Selatan, Kabupaten Tulang Bawang, Lampung

Frozen 2093/QLCL-CL1, date 01/11/2010


VR. B-014-10 Desa Bratasena Adiwarna, Kecamatan Gedung Meneng, Kabupaten Tulang Bawang, Lampung



VR. B-015-10 Desa Bratasena Adiwarna, Kecamatan Gedung Meneng, Kabupaten Tulang Bawang, Lampung



VR. B-016-10 Jl. Ir. Sutami Km. 13, Bandar Lampung, Lampung



VR. B-017-10 Jl. Ir. Sutami Km. 13, Bandar Lampung, Lampung



VR. A/B-018-12 Jl. Muara Baru No. 12 Perum Prasarana Perikanan, Kel. Penjaringan, Kec. Penjaringan, Jakarta

Frozen Fresh


VR. B-019-12 Jl. Laks. R. E. Martadinata I, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta



VR. A/B-020-12 Ruko Lodan Center, Jl. Lodan Raya No. 2, Blok F2-7, Ancol, Jakarta

Frozen Fresh

20. PT. GRAHA INSAN VR. A/B-022-12 Jl. Muara Baru Ujung Frozen 2093/QLCL-


No. Business name Approval number

Address Type of fisheries products


SEJAHTERA Blok O Kav. 1-2 Pelabuhan Nizam Zachman, Penjaringan, Jakarta

Fresh CL1, date 01/11/2010; 928/QLCL1, date 03/06/2011


VR. A/B-023-12 Jl. Muara Baru Dermaga Timur Transit No. 10, Jakarta

Frozen Fresh

2093/QLCL-CL1, date 01/11/2010

22. CV. INDO PASIFIC VR. B-024-12 Komplek Pelabuhan Muara Baru Jl. Tuna Raya No. 3, Kel. Penjaringan, Kec. Penjaringan, Jakarta



VR. B-025-12 Jl. Muara Baru Ujung Blok G No. 1-2, Jakarta

Frozen 2093/QLCL-CL1, date 01/11/2010 24. PT. STAR

MARINDO VR. A/B-026-12 Komplek Pelabuhan

Perikanan Muara Baru, Jl. Tuna Blok J1/No. 1, Jakarta

Fresh Tuna Frozen Tuna


VR. B-027-12 Jl. Muara Baru Ujung Transit 20, Jakarta



VR. A/B-028-12 Perum. Prasarana Perikanan Samudera, Jl. Muara Baru Ujung Blok B-168, Jakarta

Fresh Frozen

27. PD. JAYA SAKTI VR. B-029-13 Jl. Sisingamangaraja Gg. Blanak No. 39, Pesisir, Cirebon, West Java


28. PD. SAMBU VR. B-030-13 Pelabuhan Perikanan Kejawanan, Jl. Kalijaga, Cirebon, West Java



VR. B-031-16 Jl. Margomulyo 4E Tandes, Surabaya, East Java



VR. B-032-16 Jl. Raya Deandels Km. 63, Kec. Paciran, Kab. Lamongan, East Java



VR. B-033-16 Jl. KIG Raya Selatan Kav. C5, Gresik, East



No. Business name Approval number

Address Type of fisheries products




VR. B-034-16 Jl. Raya Banyuwangi Km. 10, Ds. Landangan, Kec. Kapongan, Kab. Situbondo, East Java



VR. B-035-16 Pergudangan Kalianak Permai Blok E No. 6-8, Jl. Kalianak Barat 75 B, Surabaya, East Java



VR. B-036-16 Dusun Dermo, Ds. Gunung Gangsir, Kec. Beji, Pasuruan, East Java



VR. B-037-16 Dusun Dermo, Ds. Gunung Gangsir, Kec. Beji, Pasuruan, East Java



VR. D-038-16 Jl. Margomulyo Permai Blok F/25, Surabaya, East Java


37. PT. UJUNG TIMUR VR. B-039-16 Jl. Gatot Subroto, Gedangan, Sidoarjo, East Java



VR. B-040-17 Jl. Ikan Tuna Raya Timur, Pelabuhan Benoa, Denpasar, Bali


39. PT. HENTRY JAYA VR. B-041-17 Jl. Ikan Tuna Raya No. 17, Pelabuhan Benoa, Denpasar, Bali

Frozen 2093/QLCL-CL1, date 01/11/2010


VR. B-043-17 Jl. Ikan Tuna Raya Barat No. 1, Pelabuhan Benoa, Denpasar, Bali



VR. B-044-23 Jl. Gajah Mada RT. 03 Karang Rejo, Tarakan, East Kalimantan




VR. A/B-045-24 Kompleks Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Bitung, Kel. Aetembaga I, Kec. Aertembaga

Frozen Fresh


No. Business name Approval number

Address Type of fisheries products


Bitung, North Sulawesi


VR. A/B-046-24 Lingkungan I, Kelurahan Tanjung Merah, Kecamatan Matuari, Bitung, North Sulawesi

Frozen Fresh


VR. B/C-047-27 Jl. Kima 3 Kav. 2A, Kawasan Industri Makassar, Makassar, South Sulawesi

Frozen Canned

2093/QLCL-CL1, date 01/11/2010 NAFIQAD’s letter No. 0724/QLCL-CL1, dated 29/4/2011


VR. B-048-27 Jl. Kima 14 Kav. SS 12, Makassar, South Sulawesi

Frozen 2093/QLCL-CL1, date 01/11/2010

46. PT. TRI KUSUMA GRAHA (KM. Sawu Pearl )

VR. B-049-32 Jln. Attaqwa Seringgu No. 182 – Merauke


47. PT. TRI KUSUMA GRAHA (KM. Aru Pearl)

VR. B-050-32 Jln. Attaqwa Seringgu No. 182 – Merauke


48. PT. TRI KUSUMA GRAHA (KM. Khamsin – A)

VR. B-051-32 Jln. Attaqwa Seringgu No. 182 – Merauke


49. PT. TRI KUSUMA GRAHA (KM. Napier Pearl)

VR. B-052-32 Jln. Attaqwa Seringgu No. 182 – Merauke


50. PT. TRI KUSUMA GRAHA (KM. Evia Pearl)

VR. B-053-32 Jln. Attaqwa Seringgu No. 182 – Merauke


51. PT. TRI KUSUMA GRAHA (KM. Seram Pearl)

VR. B-054-32 Jln. Attaqwa Seringgu No. 182 – Merauke


52. PT. TRI KUSUMA GRAHA (KM. Banda Pearl)

VR. B-055-32 Jln. Attaqwa Seringgu No. 182 – Merauke


53. PT. TRI KUSUMA GRAHA (KM. Arafura Pearl)

VR. B-056-32 Jln. Attaqwa Seringgu No. 182 – Merauke

Frozen 2093/QLCL-CL1, date 01/11/2010


No. Business name Approval number

Address Type of fisheries products


54. UD. PIALA VR. B-057-33 Jl. A. Yani Kuda Laut, Komplek Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Sorong, Sorong, West Irian Jaya



VR. B-058-13 Kawasan Industri Karyadeka Pancamurni Kav. B3, Cikarang, West Java



VR. A/B-059-17 Jl. Ikan Tuna Raya, Pelabuhan Benoa, Denpasar, Bali

Fresh Frozen


VR. A/B-060-12 Perum Perikanan Samudera, Jl. Cumi Raya Blok E No. 1A, Jakarta

Fresh Frozen

2505/QLCL-CL1, date 29/12/2010


VR. B-061-12 Jl. Muara Baru Ujung No. 6-8, Jakarta


59. PT. BONECOM VR. A/B-062-12 Jl. Muara Baru Ujung Blok L No. 1, Kel. Penjaringan, Jakarta

Fresh Frozen


VR. B-063-12 Jl. Muara Baru Ujung Blok K No. 3, Penjaringan, Jakarta



VR. A/B-064-12 Jl. Muara Baru Ujung Blok J No. 8, Jakarta

Fresh Frozen


VR. A-065-12 Jl. Muara Baru Ujung Dermaga Timur Transit No. 7, Jakarta



VR. B-066-12 Jl. Muara Baru Ujung, Perum Prasarana Perikanan Samudera Blok K No. 5, Jakarta



VR. B-067-12 Jl. Muara Baru Ujung Ruang Proses I, Perum Prasarana Perikanan Samudera, Jakarta



VR. B-068-12 Komplek Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Nizam Zahman Blok M



No. Business name Approval number

Address Type of fisheries products


No. 3-4, Jakarta


VR. B-069-12 Komplek Workshop PHPT Kav. 5 Muara Angke, Jakarta



VR. B-070-12 Transit Shed No. 15 B-C, Dermaga Barat, Penjaringan, Jakarta

Frozen 2505/QLCL-CL1, date 29/12/2010

68. CV. MAHERA VR. D-071-12 Jl. Plumpang Semper No. 18, Jakarta



VR. B-072-12 Jl. Dermaga TPI Baru Muara Angke, Pluit, Penjaringan, Jakarta



VR. B-073-12 Jl. Dermaga Muara Angke No. 2, Penjaringan, Pluit, Jakarta



VR. B-074-12 Komplek Pelabuhan Perikanan Muara Baru, Jl. Tuna Blok J1/No. 1, Jakarta



VR. B/C-075-13 Jl. Raya Narogong KM. 26,5 Komplek Industri Kembang Kuning, Kec. Klapa Nunggal, Bogor, West Java

Frozen Canned


VR. A/B-076-27 Jl. KIMA V Kav. E, No. 3A, Makassar, South Sulawesi

Fresh Frozen


VR. D-077-27 Jl. Batara Bira 6, Komp. PU No. 13, Makassar, South Sulawesi



VR. B-078-27 Jl. KIMA III Kav. 5, Makassar, South Sulawesi



VR. C-080-02 Jl. Pulau Solor KIM II, Mabar, Medan, North Sumatera

Canned 121/QLCL-CL1, date 26 Jan 2011


VR. A-081-05 Pulau Murai Batu, Desa Keban, Kec. Moro,

Fresh NAFIQAD’s letter No.


No. Business name Approval number

Address Type of fisheries products


INDUSTRIES Kab. Karimun, Kepulauan Riau

121/QLCL-CL1, date 26 Jan 2011 NAFIQAD’s letter No. 0724/QLCL-CL1, dated 29/4/2011


VR. B-082-13 Jl. Raya Kaliasin KM. 6, Pangulah Utara, Kota Baru, Cikampek, Karawang, West Java

Frozen 121/QLCL-CL1, date 26 Jan 2011


VR. B-083-16 Jl. Raya Cangkringmalang KM. 6, Beji, Pasuruan, East Java


121/QLCL-CL1, date 26 Jan 2011 80. CV. PASIFIC

HARVEST (UNIT I) VR. C-084-16 Jl. Tratas No. 61,

Muncar, Banyuwangi, East Java



VR. B-085-16 Central Square E. 31, Jl. Ahmad Yani 41-43, Gedangan, Sidoarjo, East Java

Frozen 121/QLCL-CL1, date 26 Jan 2011


VR. B-086-17 Jl. A. Yani I, Dusun Carik Padang, Nyambu, Kediri, Tabanan, Bali



VR. A/B-087-17 Jl. Ikan Tuna IV, Pelabuhan Benoa, Denpasar, Bali

Fresh Frozen


VR. B-088-22 Jl. Teluk /Tiram No. 5, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan



VR. B-089-22 Jl. Tanjung Berkat, No. 3 RT. 4, Teluk Tiram, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan



VR. B-090-27 Jl. Kima 3 Kav. 2A, Kawasan Industri Makassar, Makassar, South Sulawesi



No. Business name Approval number

Address Type of fisheries products



VR. A/B-091-27 Kawasan Industri Makassar, Jl. KIMA V Kav. E No. 3A, Makassar, South Sulawesi

Fresh Frozen


VR. D-092-27 Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 12 Ruko 5, Makassar, South Sulawesi



VR. A/B-093-12 Jl. Muara Baru Ujung Blok J No. 7, Jakarta



928/QLCL-CL1, date

3 June 2011


VR. A/B-094-12 Jl. Muara Baru Ujung Blok F No. 1, Jakarta




VR. A/B-095-12 Jl. Muara Baru Ujung Processing 2 Barat, Muara Baru, Jakarta




VR. B-096-12 Jl. Dermaga Muara Angke No. 12, Kel. Pluit, Kec. Penjaringan, Jakarta



VR. B-097-12 Jl. Tuna II Blok J No. 4, Muara Baru, Jakarta



VR. B/C-098-16 Jl. Raya Surabaya-Malang KM. 38, Gempol, Pasuruan, East Java




VR. B-099-17 Jl. Pelabuhan Benoa No. 5, Pelabuhan Benoa, Denpasar, Bali



No. Business name Approval number

Address Type of fisheries products



VR. D-100-27 Jl. Metro Tanjung Bunga A33-Ruko Somba Opu, Makassar, South Sulawesi



VR. B-101-27 Jl. KIMA VI Blok G/IV B, Kawasan Industri Makassar, South Sulawesi



VR. B-102-02 Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto (Ujung Batu-Sarudik) Tapanuli Tengah, North Sumatera



VR. A/B103-12 Jl. Muara Baru Ujung Blok K No. 7A, Jakarta




VR. A/B-104-17 Jl. Ikan Tuna Raya No. 17, Pelabuhan Benoa, Bali




VR. B-105-17 Jl. Ikan Tuna IV No. 8, Pelabuhan, Benoa, Bali



VR. B-106-27 Jl. Wiyatamandala, Kel. Lonrae, Kec. T.R. Timur Watampone, Makassar, South Sulawesi


104 CV. SOON HO VR. B-010-02 JI. Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Belawan, Gabion –

Frozen 2208/QLCL-CL1,

date 22


No. Business name Approval number

Address Type of fisheries products


Belawan, North Sumatera

November 2011


VR. B-115-12 JI. Bandengan Utara Kav. 81 Blok B No. 12, Jakarta



VR. B-116-12 JI. Muara Baru Ujung Pelabuhan Muara Baru Blok K7c, Jakarta



VR.D-117-13 JI. Wahab Affan No. 4KM. 28, Bekasi Barat, West Java



VR. B-118-13 JI. Raya Sunan Gunung Jati No. 16, Cirebon, West Java



VR. B-107-02 JI. Gabion Perikanan No. 8 Belawan, Kel. Bagan Deli, Kec. Medan Belawan, North Sumatera


110 CV. LIMANTHO VR. D-108-16 JI. Hang Tuah No 4B, Surabaya, East Java



VR.B-109-16 Jl. Deandels KM. 76 Desa Kandang Semangkon, Kec. Paciran, Lamongan, East Java



VR. B-110-16 Desa Laban Asem, Kabat, Banyuwangi, East Java



No. Business name Approval number

Address Type of fisheries products



VR. B-111-16 Pergudangan Sinar Gedangan E.15, Gedangan, Sidoarjo, East Java



VR. B-112-17 JI. By Pass Ngurah Rai No. 92 XX, Pesanggaran, Denpasar, Bali



VR. B-113-27 JI. Kima Raya, XT-2B, Kawasan Industri Makassar, Makassar, South Sulawesi



VR. B-114-27 JI. Kima Raya ID-2A, Kawasan Industri Makassar, Makassar, South Sulawesi



VR. B-119-17 JI. Ikan Tuna Raya Barat IV, Pelabuhan Benoa, Denpasar, Bali



VR.A/B-120-17 Kompleks pelabuhan Benoa, JI. Ikan Tuna III No. 2, Benoa, Denpasar, Bali




VR.A/B-121-30 Kompleks Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara, JI. Sultan Hasanudin, Tantui, Ambon, Maluku




No. Business name Approval number

Address Type of fisheries products



VR. B-122-31 Desa Panamboang, Kecamatan Bacan Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan, North Maluku



VR. A-123-11 Pergudangan Bandara Mas Blok F 12, Kel. Neglasari, Kota Tangerang, Banten

Fresh/Live 78/QLCL-CL1, date

16 January 2012


VR. B-124-12 Jl. Ancol Barat III No. 1-2, Jakarta



VR. A-125-12 Jl. Muara Baru Ujung, Dermaga Timur Transit 12A, Jakarta



VR.A/B-126-13 Jl. Pelita, Cipatuguran, Palabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi, West Java

Fresh Frozen

125 PT. ALAM JAYA VR.A/B-127-16 Jl. Raya Rungkut Industri ll/25 Surabaya, East Java

Fresh Frozen


VR. B-128-16 Jl. Raya Tropodo 126, Waru Sidoarjo, East Java


127 CV. SURYA MAS VR. B/D-129-16 Jl. Tanjungsari Mas No. 8, Surabaya, East Java




No. Business name Approval number

Address Type of fisheries products



VR. D-130-16 Jl. Margomulyo No. 44, Komplek Suri Mulya Permai Blok B No. 24-25, Surabaya, East Java



VR. B-131-16 Jl. Berbek Industri V/25 B, Sidoarjo, East Java



VR. B-132-16 Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 53, Bulusari, Ketapang, Banyuwangi, East Java



VR. B-133-22 Jl. A. Yani, RT. II RW, II No. 88 KM. 34, Desa Nusa Indah, Kec.Bati-Bati, Kab. Tanah Laut, South Kalimantan



VR. B-134-23 Jl. Buntu Komplek Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai, Tarakan, East Kalimantan



VR. B-135-26 Jl. Raya KM. 9 Desa Biak, Kec. Luwuk, Kab. Banggai, Central Sulawesi


134 UD.YSR

VR.A/B-136-02 Jl.Gabion Perikanan Nusantara Belawan, Medan, North Sumatera

Fresh and frozen fish;

Frozen Cephalopods



No. Business name Approval number

Address Type of fisheries products



VR. A-137-02 Jl. Raya Deli Tua-Patumbak KM. 18,5 Jalan Lantasan Baru No.1 Desa Cinta Damai, Kec. Patumbak North Sumatera

Live Turtle


VR. B-138-13 Kampung Rawa Kalong No. 268, Palabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi, West Java

Frozen fish


VR.B-139-16 Jl. Deandels KM. 82,6 No 88, Desa Sedayu, Kec. Brondong. Kab. Lamongan, East Java

Frozen Fish;

Frozen Cephalopods


VR.A/B-140-16 Jl. Tanjung Tembaga Barat Pelabuhan Indonesia Probolinggo, East Java

Frozen fish;

Frozen Cephalopods;

Fresh Tuna


VR.B-141-23 Tanjung Batu, Kelurahan Mamburung, Tarakan, East Kalimantan

Frozen shrimp


VR.B-142-23 Jl. Mulawarman 99 Manggar, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan

Frozen raw shrimp;

Frozen cooked shrimp


VR. B-143-02 Jln. Titi Pahlawan No. 38, Kel. Rengas Pulau, Kec. Medan Marelan, Medan,

Frozen shrimp; Frozen Cephal



No. Business name Approval number

Address Type of fisheries products


North Sumatera opods; Frozen Fish


VR. B-144-07 Jl. Ir. Sutami PO. BOX 185, Pulau Kemarau, Palembang, South Sumatera

Frozen Shrimp

143 PT. LOLA MINA VR. B-145-12 Jl. Muara Baru Ujung Blok N Kav. 5-6, Jakarta

Frozen Shrimp


VR. B/C/D-146-14

Jl. Raya SumurTawang No. 10, Kragan, Rembang, Central Java

Frozen Soft Shell Crab; Canned (Pasteurized) Crabmeat; Dried Fish and Squid


VR. B-147-14 Jl. Raya Semarang-Tuban KM. 138, Ds. Sendang Mulyo, Kec. Sluke, Kab. Rembang, Central Java

Frozen Cephalopods; Frozen Shrimp; Frozen Fish; Frozen Surimi


VR. B-148-16 Jl. Rembang Industri VII/2 PIER, Pasuruan, East Java

Frozen Fish


VR. C-149-16 Jl. Tratas Raya No. 19 Muncar, Banyuwangi, East Java

Canned Sardine

148 PT. TRIDAYA VR. B-150-16 Jl. Rembang Industri Frozen


No. Business name Approval number

Address Type of fisheries products



Raya No. 36 PIER, Pasuruan, East Java

Cephalopods; Frozen Fish; Frozen Surimi


VR. A/B-151-17 Jl. Ikan Tuna Raya Barat No. 6, Pelabuhan Benoa, Denpasar, Bali

Fresh Tuna; Frozen Fish


VR. A/B-152-17 Jalan Ikan Tuna Raya Barat No. 81, Pelabuhan Benoa, Denpasar, Bali

Fresh Tuna; Frozen Fish


VR. B-153-23 Jl. Propinsi No. 01, Kp. Kajang, Kec. Anggana, Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan

Frozen Raw Shrimp; Frozen Cooked Shrimp; Frozen Value Added Shrimp


VR. A/B-154-27 Jl. Kima 6, Blok F1/A2, Kawasan Industri Makassar, South Sulawesi

Fresh Tuna; Fresh Fish; Frozen Tuna; Frozen Fish

153 CV. ARINY VR. D-155-27 Jl. Daeng Tata Raya No. 25, Makassar, South Sulawesi

Dried fish


VR. A/B-156-27 Jl. Poros Bantaeng Bulukumba KM. 131, Desa Pajukukang, Kab. Bantaeng, South Sulawesi

Fresh Tuna; Fresh Fish; Frozen


No. Business name Approval number

Address Type of fisheries products


Tuna; Frozen fish; Frozen Surimi; Frozen Cephalopods;


VR. B-157-29 Kawasan PPS Kendari, Jl. Samudera No. 1 Kel. Puday, Kec. Abeli, Kendari, South East Sulawesi

Frozen Shrimp; Frozen Fish; Frozen Cephalopods.

156 PT. TRI KUSUMA GRAHA (KM. Kusuma Pearl)

VR. B-158-32 Jl. At Taqwa Seringgu No. 182, Merauke

Frozen Shrimp

157 PT.



VR. B-159-02 Jin. Dusun VI] Desa

Naga Kisar Kec.

Pantai Cermin, Kab.

Serdang Bedagai,

North Sumatera






VR. B-160-07 Ji. Sabar Jaya No.

59, Prajen,


Palembang, South







VR. A/B-161-12 Jl. Muara Baru

Ujung Blok E No. 2,


Fresh Fish

Frozen Fish



160 UD.



VR. B-162-14 Jl. Terboyo Industri

Barat Blok E No. 4,

Kawasan Industri

Terboyo, Semarang,



Frozen Fish


No. Business name Approval number

Address Type of fisheries products


Central Java





VR. B-163-16 Jl. Raya Situbondo

No. 103,

Banyuwangi, East


Frozen Tuna

162 PT.





VR. A-164-17 Jl. Ikan Tuna Raya

No. 20, Pelabuhan

Benoa, Denpasar,


Fresh Tuna




VR. B-165-23 Jl. Tanjung Pasir,


Tarakan, East





Frozen raw


164 PT. SARI


VR, D-166-24 Jl. Madidir Weru

Lingk. I, Bitung,

North Sulawesi


d fish

165 PT. CHEN


VR. A/B-167-24 Jl. Worang By Pass,

Desa Kaima,

Kecamatan Kauditan,

Minahasa utara, North


Fresh Tuna

Frozen Tuna

166 UD. ATOPS VR. B/D-168-27 Jl. Bahagia No. 2,

Kel. Sudiang,

Makassar, South


Frozen fish

Dried fish

167 PT. CHEN


VR. A/B-169-27 Jl. Kima IV Blok

K9/B2, Kawasan

Industri Makassar,

South Sulawesi

Fresh fish

Frozen fish

168 PT. CHEN


VR. A/B-170-27 Jl. Kima 4, p - 2B,

Kawasan Industri

Fresh fish

Frozen fish


No. Business name Approval number

Address Type of fisheries products


Makassar, South


169 UD.




VR. A/B-171-27 Jl. Bambu Runcing

No. 99, Kab. Maros,

South Sulawesi

Fresh Tuna

Frozen Tuna