Pedagogy Logistics Mangement School

Post on 30-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Pedagogy Logistics Mangement School


Presented byBiplobRahmanMohammad ataur RahmanRafiqul Islam Talukder

Presentation forPM. Dr. Ahmed Jelani Shaari

Pedagogical, Logistic and Management issues on ICT Integration in School

Who are THEY?

Montessori John Dewey Jean Piaget


Meaning of Pedagogy

Pedagogy is a deliberate attempt of improving learning processes of children by considering their nature, contents, methods, media, and other aspects of the environment.

S p ec ia ln eed

L ite racy G en d er R o le o fteach er,lea rn er,


L an g u ag e(m oth erton g u e)

R o le o fcom m u n ity

C u rricu lu m L ife lon glearn in g

Pedagogical Issues

Pedagogical Issues

Issues related to ICT

Integrating ICT into the classroom

Students’ needs and interests

In class or self-access

Pedagogical aims

Integration with the course programme and in the lesson itself

Careful lesson planning

Technical support/back-up lesson

ICT and PedagogyICT and Pedagogy

Appropriate and inappropriate applications of ICT

Does ICT



or extend

children’s learning?

If not, why is it being used?

• clear identification of how ICT will be used to meet specific subject objectives to improve pupils’ attainment;

• ensuring that pupils have adequate ICT skills to achieve those objectives;

• planned match of pedagogy with the identified purpose of ICT activities and learning outcomes.

Factors which teachers need to take into account:

The Four Es

Teachers should make sure that ICT:

• Ensures that the learning outcomes can be achieved;

• Enables the learner;

• Eases and supports the task;

• Enhances the task’s quality and value.Barker and Franklin (1998)

ICT can help learning by

• Extending access to sources

– the capacity and range of ICT can enable teachers and pupils to gain access to historical, recent or immediate information, through, for example, accessing information on CD-ROM or the Internet

• Enhancing enquiry skills– search for and compare information from

different sources

ICT can help learning by

• Enhancing the development of ideas

– the provisional nature of information stored, processed and presented using ICT allows work to be changed easily - in using a word processor to edit and refine writing

• Enhancing the communication of ideas– communicate with other people, locally and over

distances, easily and effectively– present information in ways which are accessible

in different forms for different audiences.

ICT can help learning by

• Developing understanding

– speed and automatic functions of ICT can enable teachers to demonstrate, explore or explain aspects of their teaching, and pupils' learning, more effectively e.g. use of a spread sheet to perform calculations in order that patterns can be concentrated on rather than the calculating.

– explore prepared or constructed models and simulations

The Five Essential Target Areas

Curriculum Integration

Professional Development

Infrastructure & Telecommunications

Equitable use of Technology

Assessment and Reporting


• How will we supply connectivity to the classroom and administrative areas?

• How will we provide each teacher with a computers and related equipment needed for his/her duties?

• How will we obtain funding to purchase the necessary equipment to support this plan?

• Will there be qualified personnel available to assist students, teachers and staff with computer-related questions or problems?

Will the district support the necessary infrastructure needed to provide telecommunications and online

learning opportunities for students?

21st Century Skills: (enGauge)

Digital-Age Literacy

Basic, scientific, economic, ICT and technological literacies Visual and information literacies Multicultural literacy and global awareness

Effective Communication

Teaming, collaboration, and interpersonal skills Personal, social, and civic responsibility Interactive communication

High Productivity

Prioritising, planning, and managing for results Effective use of real-world tools Ability to produce relevant, high-quality products

Inventive Thinking

Adaptability and managing complexity Self-direction Curiosity, creativity, and Risk taking Higher-order thinking and sound reasoning

Finding and Evaluating New Technology Tools

Where Are We Going?

Before Present

Technology Toolsin the Classroom

Using Computers toEngage Your Students


Egbert, J. (2005). CALL essentials. TESOL. USA

Technologies for languages. British Council. Retrieved information January 17th, 2006.''&UserID=

Chapelle, C. (2001). Computer applications in second language acquisition. Cambridge University Press

Information and Communications technologies for language teachers (ICT4LT). Retrieved information January 10th, 2006.

Integrating ICT into the classroom

Evaluating internet sites

Integrating ICT into the classroom


Currency (Updated? - Dead links?)

Accessibility ( loading )

Clarity (information - advertisements? - mistakes?)

Appropriateness and relevance (content)

Letters in Motion Project, University of Leiden and Sardis

You can access authentic reading-listening material

There are different types of text genre

You can plan communication and / or research projects

Student can publish their own work

Internet as an ICT teaching/learning tool

Integrating ICT into the classroom

Language exercises

The ICT lesson plan

Integrating ICT into the classroom

Consider the type of technology you are going to use (A digital camera? / Internet? / a text editor?)

Design lesson plan

Apply lesson plan

Edit your lesson plan (If need be!)

Evaluate lesson plan

IT skills as prerequisite

System failure

Software familiarisation

Careful lesson planning

Computer phobia

Integration problems

Level quality of language


Repetition of activities

Individual and collaborative work




Adquisition of IT skills




Benefits & shortcomings of ICT

+ -

Integrating ICT into the classroom


CPUs, printers, digital cameras and audio, etc.


(Information and Communications Technology)



Text editors, databases, e-mails, spreadsheets, Internet, browsers, CALL software, etc.

“They are the computing and communications facilities and features that variously support teaching, learning and a range of activities in education.”

21st Century Pedagogy





online conferences

learning bylurking

investing in collaborations



global conferencing


‘Pen’ Too Created Problems-- So Would Computer

1. Story of pen - We opposed ink-pen, pencil, ball-point, gel-ink, laser-pen, digital writings.

2. Handwriting lost its original importance.

3. Spellings and grammar are devalued in the pedagogy parlors.

4. Skills of old styles of sketching, preparing charts, graphs, figures, art-pieces have been side tracked in the eyes of some schools.

5. What will happen with ICT?

Multiple Intelligences

Learning Styles are Different

1. Active/reflective.

2. Sensing/intuitive.

3. Visual/verbal.

4. Sequential/global.

Logistics Issues and ICT

Physical facilities, equipments and materials

• Location of main SRC, Audio, Visual room and teaching learning materials room.

• Arrangement of rooms/space/corner

• Furniture and accessories

• Additional facilities


• Printed materials

• Non printed materials

• Electronic equipments

• Security features

What logistic support essential for school?

• Broad band/Wi Max

• Computer

• Computer lab

• Interactive White Board

• Multimedia and Screen

• Move able furniture for Lab

• Power station

• Technician /lab expert

Barriers of ICT Managemen

• Teachers level barriers

• School level barriers

• System level barriers

• Attitudinal barriers

Recommendations for good management

• Excellent SRC awards

• Excellent user awards

• Assistance to SRC

• Coordination meeting with ETD

(ETD=Educational Technological Department)

“Rather than abandoning youth to face MySpace's perceived dangers on their own, trained educators could help students use social network sites safely.”

- Henry Jenkins


Curriculum-Change Real or Cosmetic 1/2

1. All over the world, it looks that there is a great concern for changing the curriculum in the context of ICT.

2. We must recognize that concerted efforts are required for the introduction of ICT in Education. Sometimes, these concerns are merely cosmetic in nature.

Serious Problem of e-literacy 2/31. A much more serious problem is that of

“e-illiteracy” that is prevailing in both the developed and the developing countries.

2. Looking at e-illiteracy we find that the world is becoming much more illiterate than the world of conventional literacy. How do we use ICT for ICT?

Roles of Learner, Teacher, Assessor

Roles of Learner, Teacher, Assessor

1. Different persons will help in integrating ICT in education.

2. Teachers will strive to identify problem solving situations that are suitable for the ICT.

3. Students will develop skills such as being systematic, logical and deductive through engaging with carefully selected computer-based tasks and scenarios.

4. Evaluators will organize comprehensive evaluations and their impacts, including possible risks while the capacities of students, and the emphasis the ICT received.

Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning 1/3

1. With the introduction of new technologies, education of children gets extended beyond the artificially drawn milestones like school board examinations.

2. Likewise, education creates barrier stone like school admissions.

3. Learning supports new paradigm of learning throughout life.

4. One finds support systems by arranging ones own learning by using a variety of resources of ICT.

Why do we teach ICT?

• Enhances learning and teaching;

• Key skill for future work / life-long learning;

• National Curriculum requirement.

Note some examples which you have seen.

“There are indeed many examples of complex technology being used to achieve low-level educational goals”

Underwood and Underwood (1995)

Why does this happen?

Unreliable hardware Inappropriate software - high

percentage of ‘educational’ software is practice and drill

Generic, open-ended software requires greater investment of time

Why does this happen?

Comparative lack of IT training for teachers to learn how to use IT more effectively - teachers unfamiliar with programs and their potential

Non IT confident teachers feel more secure using computers for holding activities

• Packed curriculum

“if computers are used to service the teacher’s needs for organisation and control, they will make little impact on children’s learning”

Somekh and Davis (1997)

Share an example of computers making an impact on children’s learning.

Three modes of using ICT:

• to support teaching and learning;(Supporting ongoing activities in teaching and learning, e.g. drill and practice spelling exercises.)

• to enhance teaching and learning;(Activities enhance subject work and make a tangible impact on teaching strategies and styles e.g. editing written work to improve content, appearance and accessibility for a particular audience.)

• to extend teaching and learning.(The ICT-based work is central to the classroom activities, some of which would not be possible without its use e.g. branching multimedia story.)

ICT without the computer

• Developing keyboard skills with ‘dummy’ keyboards

• Annotating and revising printouts

• Prepared questionnaire to support information handling activity

• Planning LOGO or Roamer sequences or procedures on paper

Peer support

• liberates the teacher

• gives children the opportunity to teach their peers

• having to explain helps demonstrate understanding or misunderstanding

Annotated screen dump to support graphics activity and file for record keeping

Organising children with hot seat and shadow, head-phones, computer file and screen prompts to support activity.

Computer notice-board

Children encouraged to display computer work from home

Clearly visible rota

ICT in the classroom - high profile

Screen prompts for LOGO, help cards, rota, tick sheet and wall display.

What is Management?

• Management is all business and human organization activity in the act gathering people together to accomplish directed goals and objectives


Can Machines Replace The Pedagogues?

1. ICT reduces repetitive efforts. The teachers can play special pedagogical roles for creative functions and personal intimacy of transactions.

2. Teachers will play the required roles of intermediaries and motivators.

3. Technology cannot take decisions like humans.

4. Teachers will engage personal assessments and feedback.

5. Teachers will always serve as motivators and intermediaries between the technology and the learners.

ICT and School Management Flowchart

What do we want??

• New technologies looking for solutions• Educators are very late adopters• Profession needs to seize the agenda and

articulate a vision for learning and teaching that drives technology applications

• Dialogue with the techies• Elements of the vision are........

Thank You
