Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute Tasks & Functions Overview

Post on 01-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute Tasks & Functions Overview

Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute

Tasks & Functions Overview


The US Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute promotes the collaborative development and integration of Peace and Stability capabilities across the US government and the international community in order to enable the success of future Peace and Stability activities and missions.

Directed Tasks:

•Collect, evaluate, and disseminate lessons learned

•Inform/support stability and peace operations policy development

•Develop and review stability and peace operations concepts and doctrine

•Develop and review civilian and military training and education programs

•Advise civilian/military in developing requirements and capabilities to plan, prepare, and execute Peace & Stability Operations

PKSOI Mission

• Tasks: • Regionally Aligned Force (RAF) UN Peacekeeping Master PK Trainer course

MTT (Army) • UN Military Unit Manual drafting support (OSD-SOLIC-PK via DoS funding) • DoD PK training, education, resource toolkit creation (OSD-SOLIC-PK)

• Support:• GCC PK training and education seminars• GCC CPX and exercise support • UN HQ and Mission Table Top Exercises (DFS, South Sudan)• Inter-agency/Inter-organizational Table Top Exercises (J7/DoS Jordan)• OSD Peace and Stability Operations Workshops ODASD (R)• AWC: 14 Electives Courses teaching 291 Students. SRPs:29• CSLD Wargame Support

Additional Tasks and Support

Inform/support stability and peace operations policy development

• OSD– Co-Authored SECDEF’s Stability Ops biennial assessment on

behalf of HQDA with OSD & Joint Staff– Co-authoring rewrite of DoDI 3000.05 Stability Ops– Co-authoring rewrite of DODD 3000.07 Irregular Warfare with OSD– Assisted in creation of an Interagency Atrocities Prevention Board – Assisting with new Interagency Review on US Support to UN

Peacekeeping– drafting PresidentiaDirective on Peacekeeping (SO

•Joint and Army– Co-authored Army Stability Operations Self Assessment: Report on

Implementation of DoDI 3000.05 – Co-authored Army Irregular Warfare Self assessment: Report on

implementation of DoDD 3000.07–  Assisted with AR 11-31, Army Security Cooperation Policy

Develop and review stability and peace operations concepts and doctrine

• Army – Doctrine 2015 Lead for Stability (PKSOI Authors)

• ADP/ADRP/FM 3-07, Stability• FM 3-22, Army Support to Security Cooperation • FM 3-07.31 Multi-Service TTP Peace Operations• ATTP 3-07.5, Tactics, Techniques and Procedures for Stability ATP 3-07.6, Protection of Civilians (PoC), CIVCAS & SGBV mitigation, and MARO• Army Experimentation

•Joint Force Doctrine Development (PKSOI Authors)

JP 3-07, Stability Operations;• JP 3-07.3, Peace Operations• JP 3-29, Foreign Humanitarian Assistance

• Comprehensive and Whole of Government (PKSOI Supports)

• Mass Atrocity Response Operations (MARO) Handbook• NATO: AJP-3.4.1, Peace Support Operations• AJP-3.4.5, Mil Support to Stabilization and Reconstruction (Ratification Draft)• Protection of Civilians Military Reference Guide• UN Infantry Manuals UN Capabilities Manuals (11+1)

Develop and review civilian and military training and education programs

•Joint and Army• Combined Army Training Strategy (CATS)• Army Universal Task List (AUTL) and Universal Joint • Task List (UJTL) Development• CGSC Elective Courses and Faculty Development • USAWC Core, Electives and BSAP/ASAP Courses• Civil Affairs Reserve Component Certification Course• DA Security Cooperation Planners Course• Mission Command Training Program (MCTP) Interagency Exercise Exercise Western Accord and Eastern Accord Series• Exercise Atlas Vision (July 2013)

Regionally Aligned Forces (RAF) Peacekeeping Training Support Package and MTT

•Comprehensive and Whole of Government• NATO’s Training and Education for Peace Support Operations (TEPSO) Workgroup Annual Stability Operations Training and Education Workshop (SOTEW)• OSD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce (CEW), Ministry of Defense Advisor (MoDA)and Provincial

Reconstruction Team (PRT) Training Program Review• UN Training Standards Development

Advise civ/mil leaders on requirements and capabilities to plan, prepare, and execute P&SO

•Joint and Army Develop a blueprint for regeneration of capabilities• Lead the DoD effort for the Army that developed JROCM • Review and update joint strategic planning system documents and

process to ensure adequate planning and resourcing for P&SO JROCM• Assess the adequacy of military modeling and simulations.

•Comprehensive and Whole of Government• Assist in the development of a common Interagency Conflict Assessment

Framework (ICAF). Inter-organizational (i.e. international) if possible.   • Assess the adequacy of legislative authorities in support of P&SO and

assist OSD and joint staff in proposing legislative solutions  Support USG Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI)• Support development of sector capability cross government   

Recent advisory visits to USAID Mission and Embassy Jordan, UN Mission South Sudan, the Chadian Armed Forces, and AFRICOM ‘Accord’ exercise series help achieve this task and keep us current.

Collect and Share Stability Lessons Learned

• Provide open access (.org site) for the global Peace and Stability Operations community (SOLLIMS)

• Publish and disseminate lessons learned and best practices for community of interest (SOLLIMS Sampler)

• Implement data-sharing capability with Army, JIIM and non-governmental lessons learned agencies/organizations


Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational Connectivity



Small Wars Center

DoD Schools USUNDPKO,DFSUN Missions

Interagency HQsCountry Teams Missions


Academic InstitutionsTreaty OrganizationsPeacekeeping Centers and Organizations