Kershaw Area Deaths -...

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Kershaw Area DeathsQUEEN ANN


FLORENCE –Queen Ann Hi l tonHinson, 83, d iedpeacefully on August4, 2016, at McLeodHospice House.

Ms. Hinson wasborn in LancasterCounty, South Car-olina, on September27, 1932, to the lateWi l l ie JacksonHil ton and Pearl ieMae Morgan Hilton.

She was a 1950graduate o f F latCreek High Schooland worked numer-ous jobs, includingover two decades atEvans Oil Companyin Lancaster, beforeret i r ing f rom Wal-Mart in F lorence.She was an active

member o f F irstBapt ist Church ofFlorence and theLadies Auxiliary ofthe VFW.

Ms. Hinson is sur-vived by her sons,James Roy Hinson(Tonya) of Lancaster,Reggie Hinson

(Denise) of Lancast-er, and Richard Hin-son (Paula) of Flo-rence; a brother, W.J. Hilton (Marie) ofRogers , Arkansas;her granddaughters,Caroline Hinson ofColumbia andMeredith Hinson ofFlorence; and sever-a l n ieces andnephews.

She was precededin death by her for-mer husband, RoyHinson, Jr., and hersiblings, CarrieHilton Faulkenberry,Labon Hilton, LelandHilton, MildredHilton Catoe, andFrank Hilton. Afuneral service willbe held at Waters-Powell Funeral Homein Florence at 11a.m. on Saturday,August 6, 2016. Thefamily will receivefriends following theservice.


KERSHAW – Aservice to celebrate

the life of ChristineL. Keene Young, 57of Kershaw, will beheld at 11 a.m. ,Tuesday, August 16,in the sanctuary ofBethany Bapt istChurch, Westville.

The fami ly wi l lreceive friends fol-lowing the service inthe church FamilyLife Center.

A pr ivate bur ia lwil l be held in thechurch cemetery.

Mrs. Young diedFriday, August 12.Born in South Bend,Indiana, she was adaughter of BonnieVanDusen Keeneand the late CarltonLauren Keene. Shewas an employee of

the Kershaw NewsEra, where she lovedsel l ing advert ise-ments and layoutdesign. Though,born a Yankee, Chriswas a southerner atheart. She created ahome populated witha fami ly o f dearfriends. She touchedthe lives and heartsof many with hersmi le , songs andf a i t h .She leaves behind tocherish her memory,her mother of Cam-den; a daughter ,L indsay Kirchhof fand her husbandMatt; a son, AndrewPotter and his wifeChimere; two grand-chi ldren; a s ister ,Beth Trautman andher husband ShawnBlankenship; 2nephews and aniece.

Memorial contri-butions in her mem-ory may be made tothe American LungA s s o c i a t i o n , or theKershaw CommunityPark Council, P.O.

Box 83, Kershaw, SC2 9 0 6 7 .“ Don’t cry becausei t ’s over , smi le

because i t hap-pened.” – Suess

THE KERSHAW NEWS-ERA Wednesday, August 17, 2016 Page 3


Saturday, August 2010am-12pm @ Stevens Park, KershawA canned food donation will get you a free hot dog lunch (while supplies last)

A Community Event Sponsored by KARE

Call 475-4173 with questions

free hot dog lunchA canned food don

10am-12pm @ Saturday, Augu

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were playing peace-fully, then suddenlytheir voices rose inanger.

“Hunh, unh, mydress is hot pink.Yours is blue,” Iheard my daughtersnapto her friend.

“Hunh, unh. Mydress is hot pink,”her friend shotback.

I walked into the

room and said,“What’s going onhere?”

“I was wearingthe hot pink dress,”my daughter cried,“and now she saysher dress is hotpink.“

Both girls werewearing bathingsuits.

This was the firsttime I had ever seenfeminine logic in its

developing stages.The two youngfemales were fight-ing because theywere wearing thesame imaginarydress.

They looked upexpectantly at me,waiting for me tosolve the dispute.

‘“They both lookred to me,” Ianswered.

tees on the Organizationof Congress (1945-1946,1964-1965, 1992-1993)to study how to reform

the legislative branch.The problem of closed

rules was discussed dur-ing the last Joint Com-

mittee. With a new JointCommittee, Congresscan pick up where theyleft off.


parcel before the agree-ment with Mobley wasfinalized.

According to Mobley,renovations are nearingan end but he held offon providing too manydetails until all neces-sary permitting wasobtained. The pharmacywill be called Kershaw

Family Pharmacy andcould be open as earlyas October, he said.

“We had to redo justabout everything. It’sabout finished but thereare still a few morethings to do. Theyshould start paintingnext week,” Mobley said.

A 1978 graduate of

the University of SouthCarolina School of Phar-macy, Mobley has beenactive in his field as aformer member of theSouth Carolina Board ofPharmacy. He currentlyserves on the Universityof South Carolina’sBoard of Trustees.


held Aug. 8 with thetwo students involvedand other witnesses.Vaughn said based onthose interviews,school personneldetermined that acrime had not beencommitted.

The LancasterChapter of the Nation-al Action Network dis-agrees. The organiza-tion claims thatderogatory commentsfrom the studentsinvolved were heardby witnesses and notaddressed by theschool district’s inves-tigation. Vaughn saidthe reason is that the

witnesses involvednever mentioned suchcomments during thedistrict’s investigation.

He said any addi-tional informationuncovered would belooked into by theschool district.

“We operated solelyon the informationthat we had at thetime. If any otherinformation were tocome out, we wouldlisten to that informa-tion and make a deci-sion from there,” hesaid.

The school district’sobjectives whenresolving incidents of

this kind first involvecorrecting or punish-ing the behavior. Sec-ondly, Vaughn said,the district ensuresthat all necessarygroups, such as lawenforcement and par-ents, are notified ofthe incident.

Based on the dis-trict’s policy, Vaughnbelieves the incidentwas fully investigated.

“There’s no disput-ing that a bad deci-sion was made by acouple of students.Right now, there’s notany different infoavailable that we don’talready have,” he said.


AAtt tthhee SShhooww wwiitthh JJooeeffoorr tthhee

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