Kason O’Neil, PhD. Fitness and Healthy Decisions for … Fitness & Exercise Matter? Factors...

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Transcript of Kason O’Neil, PhD. Fitness and Healthy Decisions for … Fitness & Exercise Matter? Factors...



Fitness and Healthy Decisions for Well-Being

Self-Care for Helping Professionals Conference


Kason O’Neil, PhD. Assistant Professor at


Department of Sport, Exercise, Recreation, and Kinesiology

Specializes in Wellness, Physical Education, and Physical Activity

Jennifer O’Neil, M.S Assistant Professor at King


Physical Education Program Coordinator

Specializes in Wellness, Physical Education, and Sport Management



Presentation Objectives

What is Fitness?

How does fitness impact an individual

Recommended guidelines

Are we meeting recommended guidelines?

What are the 5 health related components of physical fitness?

What are their impact on your overall well-being?

Interactive self-assessment of select physical fitness components

Fitness planning for meeting fitness guidelines

Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type

Kahoot Pre-Assessment

Get out your phones and type in:




Fitness & Health?

The word health is often associated only with physical fitness, but there are other components of health.

FITNESS means “readiness”. Fit people

are better equipped than non-fit people.

The level of fitness includes all aspects of health and life.

It affects physical, mental, and social health.

What is Fitness?

Physical Fitness is a state of health and wellbeing.

Fitness is the ability of your body systems to work efficiently.

A fit person is able to carry out the typical activities of living, such as work, and still have enough energy and vigor to respond to emergency situations and to enjoy leisure time activities.



Why Fitness & Exercise Matter? Factors affecting health and overall fitness

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (2013)



How does Fitness connect to your personal wellness? Achievement of the highest possible level of health across six different dimensions.

What are your personal barriers to being Fit & Physically Active?


OVERCOMING Barriers to being Physically Active (see handout)



Exercise Considerations

Do people get a “physical high” during

aerobic exercise?

Endorphins are released from the brain during prolonged aerobic exercise

Reducing anxiety and lessened ability to feel pain

Feelings of euphoria

May last for 30 to 60 minutes after exercise

Exercise Considerations


6 to 8 ounces of water every 15 to 20 minutes

Sport drinks- How much depends on sweat/urine loss

Overhydrating with just water during a very long event can cause hyponatremia (cramping, headache, mental changes, nausea)



Health Related Exercise Considerations


Do a gradual warm-up and cool-down

In cold weather, wear an exercise mask to increase warmth and humidity


Combination of stretching, aerobic training, and strength-training

Avoid high-impact activities

Overall Exercise Considerations

Involve all major muscle groups

Exercises to strengthen core

Never lift weights alone

Use proper lifting technique

Maintain balance while lifting

Breathe naturally

Listen to your body




The “FAB 5”Components of Physical Fitness

Health vs Skill Related Physical Fitness



How Physically Active Should I Be (CDC)?

2 hours and 30 minutes (150 minutes) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (i.e., brisk walking) every week and

weight training muscle-strengthening activities on 2 or more non-consecutive days a week that work all major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms).


1 hour and 15 minutes (75 minutes) of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity (i.e., jogging or running) every week and

muscle-strengthening activities on 2 or more days a week that work all major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms)

Are we meeting those standards as Americans? (CDC)

About 1 in 5 (21%) adults meet standards for physical activity

Americans living in the South are less likely to be physically active than Americans living in the West, Northeast and Midwest regions of the country.

More non-Hispanic white adults (23%) meet the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity than non-Hispanic black adults (18%) and Hispanic adults (16%).

Men (54%) are more likely than women (46%) to meet the 2008 Physical Activity Guideline for aerobic activity.

Younger adults are more likely to meet the 2008 Physical Activity Guideline for aerobic activity than older adults.

Adults with more education are more likely to meet the 2008 Physical Activity Guideline for aerobic activity than adults with less education.



1. Cardiovascular Endurance Body’s ability to deliver oxygen

effectively to the working muscles to perform physical activity.

Most important component of health fitness. (exception: 65+)

Helps prevent hypokinetic disease (disease as a result of a sedentary lifestyle) (obesity, T2 diabetes, high BP)

Aerobic > Anaerobic

Cardiorespiratory Endurance



Choices of Aerobic Activity How can I measure my intensity level?




What does my resting heart rate mean?

Some studies show that your heart has only so many beats in it. It will beat a certain number of times and no more.

Determining your Heart Rate Activity

Find Heart Rate

Determine your target HR zones

1 minute casual walking

Find HR

3 minute brisk walking

Find HR



2/3. Muscular Strength & Endurance



• Muscular strength is the ability of a muscle or a muscle group to exert a single force against a resistance.

• Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or muscle group to exert force repeatedly or over a period of time.

• Maintenance of proper posture; protect joints.

• Production of power to enhance performance.

• Use it or lose it!

Muscular Strength and Endurance Developing Muscular Strength and Endurance



Isometric Exercises

Upper Body

Seated, palms of hands on top of thighs, push down

Elbow straight out in front of you at 90 degrees, Have opposing hand grab wrist and pull, arm at 90 tries to resist

Arms in front of chest, hands praying, push together

Elbows bent at side, lock fingers, try to pull apart

Squeeze shoulder blades together

Isometric Exercises

Lower Body

Seated, tighten abdominals, press lower back in to seat

Seated position, hands on seat, lift one leg and hold (switch) Both legs?

Seated position, squeeze buttocks for 20 seconds hold

Seated position, foot flat on floor at 90. Pull through floor backwards

Standing, rise up on balls of feet.




Chair Dip Test Squat Test

Strength-Training Guidelines



4. Flexibility The most important component of Physical Fitness for 65 and older

Maximum range of motion possible at a joint.

Joint specific: better range of motion in some joints than in others.

Can prevent muscle injuries and low-back pain.

Decreased flexibility can be caused by:

Sedentary lifestyle (lack of use of muscles)


High amounts of body fat





• Static Stretching• Slowly moving into a stretching position and holding for a certain

period of time (10-30 seconds; 5 times).

• Dynamic Stretching• Active stretching movements using continual controlled

movements. Not holding stretch in ending position

• Contract-relax Technique• Relaxing of the muscle to be stretched by contracting the

opposite muscle (hamstrings/quadriceps)

Improvement of Flexibility Flexibility Test

Shoulder Test Standing hamstring stretch



Standing Posture Test Principles of Muscular Flexibility Prescription



5. Body Composition

• Percentage of body weight composed of fat as compared with fat-free or lean tissue.

• Body composition is influenced by nutrition and physical activity.

• Obesity is associated with numerous health problems and earlier mortality

• Determination of the cause of obesity is important.

• Most often calculated using Body Mass Index (BMI)

Body Composition



Body Comp Chart HandoutBody Mass Index

Classifications for BMI

Classification BMI

Underweight <18.5 kg/m2

Normal weight 18.5 - 24.9 kg/m2

Overweight 25 - 29.9 kg/m2

Obesity (Class 1) 30 - 34.9 kg/m2

Obesity (Class 2) 35 - 39.9 kg/m2

Extreme Obesity (Class 3) 40 kg/m2

How accurate is BMI?



Ashwell Height/Weight Assessment Morbidity and Mortality Risk vs BMI



Developing a Fitness Plan/Agenda



Creating Your Own Cardiorespiratory Program

Include Three Key Components

The Warm-Up Phase

The Cardiorespiratory Endurance Conditions Set

The Cool-Down Phase

Learn about cardiorespiratory training options.


Indoor workouts

Outdoor workouts

Differing formats

Continuous training

Interval training

Circuit training

Decreasing percentage of fat.

Decrease caloric intake through diet.

Increase caloric expenditure through physical activity and exercise.

Moderate decrease in caloric intake and moderate increase in caloric expenditure.

Follow sound practices.

Obsession with weight loss, in conjunction with many other factors, may contribute to the development of an eating disorder.

Improving Body Composition



Putting it all together