PC17 Ash Wednesday Liturgy_Secondary - Web viewAsh Wednesday Liturgy 2017. Secondary School –...

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Transcript of PC17 Ash Wednesday Liturgy_Secondary - Web viewAsh Wednesday Liturgy 2017. Secondary School –...

Ash Wednesday Liturgy 2017Secondary School – short version

Slide One: (Project Compassion 2017)

Slide Two: (First Australians)  Didgeridoo Music played as all become quiet, lowered as Leader Calls all to prayer (below) and then rises as the procession takes place.  Reader 1:       As we gather today on Ash Wednesday to celebrate the beginning of the Church’s season of Lent, we acknowledge the traditional owners of this land, the _________ people.  We wish to acknowledge and offer our respect to their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life of this town/city and this region.   Slide Three: (Smoking Ceremony) 

Incense bearer leads procession to the altar (optional):  the Reader holds high the Book of the Gospel, the ministers who will ash the community carry the ashes.     

All precede the Celebrant/ Leader of the Ash Wednesday Liturgy.  Slide Four: (Holy Ground) 

Gathering songSong: This is Holy Ground Composer: Christopher Beatty    

Choir or lead class:                                                                                   This is Holy Ground,  We’re standing on Holy Ground, For the Lord is Present  And where God is, is Holy This is Holy Ground, We’re standing on Holy Ground For the Lord is Present  And where God is, is Holy.  All Repeat Verse 1 - Ashes and Book  in front of altar are held high and incensed    Slide Five: (Holy hands)  Choir or lead class: These are holy hands we’re lifting up holy hands; He works through these hands And so these hands are holy These are holy hands, He’s given us holy hands; He works through these hands. And so these hands are Holy.  All repeat Verse 2 

Ash Wednesday Liturgy 2017Secondary School – short version

 Slide Six: (Almsgiving, prayer and fasting)  Opening Prayer Leader: Let us begin our liturgy together in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

God of Mercy, tenderness and love,We know that we are called to live in communion with each other and to bring healing and love to a fractured word.Open our hearts to hear your Word, stir our hearts to sing your praise and give us the strength to step out always ready to pray, to fast and to give alms.We ask this through Christ our Lord.All: Amen  Slide Seven:   (Project Compassion 2017)  Gospel ReadingLeader:  A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew.  (Matthew 6: 1-4 translation from the Lectionary for Masses with Children)  Leader:     Jesus said to his disciples:   Reader 2: When you do good deeds, don’t try to show off.                    If you do, you won’t get a reward from God in heaven  Reader 1:  When you give to the poor, don’t blow a loud horn.  That’s what showoffs do in the meeting places and on the street corners, because they are always looking for praise.  Leader:      I promise you that they already have their reward.  Reader 2:  When you give to the poor, don’t let anyone know about it. Then your gift will be a secret. God knows what is done in secret and God will reward you.  Leader:       The Gospel of the Lord  All:              Praise to you Lord, Jesus Christ  Slide Eight:  (Smoking Ceremony)  Leader:       Ash reminds us of whom we are – made of dust and ash, yet created in the likeness of God.Ash soils our hands as we work towards the reign of God. We are called to be involved with the suffering of the world.Ash symbolizes the cleansing of our hearts. We are called to a new and fuller life. We are asked to pray, to fast and to give alms this Lenten season.

Let us Pray:

Ash Wednesday Liturgy 2017Secondary School – short version

We ask God to bless these ashes which remind us that we belong to God and are grateful for the gift of Jesus who showed us how to love and help others. Note: Ashes are placed in the form of a cross on the forehead with these words: “Repent, and believe in the Gospel” or “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Slide Eight: (I think the Caritas Logo is appropriate here with it’s Cross and tongues of fire)  Suggested song for the distribution of ashes Gabriel’s Oboe Ennio Moricone From ‘The Mission’ Soundtrack

Slide Nine: (Project Compassion 2017)  Prayers of Intercession  Leader: Lord, we are marked with the sign of your cross, a symbol of love and total giving of self. As we begin our Lenten journey, we join together in prayer, asking your blessing for the world and all people. 

Reader: For the World: That the story of our world be shaped by Love through which we become people of honour, tall in spirit, full of reverence, that is a world in which every person is cherished, each person and culture a resurrection and a new chance for humanity. As One We Pray…

All: Lord hear our prayer. 

Reader: For the Poorest of the Poor: That there may be again for all abundant life: vibrant, wise and wholesome, fresh pure water, rich soil, clean atmosphere, beauty and the repair of each people. As One We Pray…

All: Lord hear our prayer. Reader: For the First Australians, like Uncle Richard, who were taken from their families as children: May they, with their voices heard and their gifts encouraged, become signs of justice and goodness in the world today. That all Australians journey with them together as neighbours in this process of healing. As One We Pray… 

All: Lord hear our prayer. 

Reader: For ourselves: That we may continue to build a world based on right relationships and meaningful works of compassion and healing. As One We Pray…

All: Lord hear our prayer. 

Reader: For the work of Caritas Australia: That our involvement in Project Compassion may awaken in us a deep connection to those who do not have a just share in the world’s resources and may create unity in the heart and work of God. As One We Pray…   All: Lord hear our prayer.  

Ash Wednesday Liturgy 2017Secondary School – short version

Leader: God of mercy and love, hear our prayers.  May we come to know our neighbor and learn to help each other and work together to make our world a better place. We ask this through Christ our Lord. 

All: Amen. 

Slide Fifteen: (Mother earth) 

Leader: Broken by sin but forgiven by Jesus, let us pray together in the words that he gave us:Our Father….

Slide Sixteen: (Faces of Project Compassion 2017)

Sending forthLeader: God of life and love,We are called to pray, fast and give generously to others during the season of Lent in preparation for the celebration of Jesus’ life and resurrection.May we join in the work of Caritas by asking "Who is my neighbour?" and by giving generously to Project Compassion ensuring that my neighbours have the opportunity to have what they need to live life to the full.We ask this through Christ, our LordAll: Amen  Leader: Let us go forth signed with ash and proclaim the Good News of Jesus.  All: Thanks be to God.  Recessional songSong: A New Heart for a New World Composer: Tricia Watts