Paul Burns: Expenditure and Growth of Digital

Post on 17-Oct-2014

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Paul Burns discusses expenditure and the growth of digital. What is so fundamentally different from digital media and traditional media from a planning perspective. Why a focused brief for digital campaigns is as important, maybe more important, than traditional campaigns given the ability to measure results so accurately.

Transcript of Paul Burns: Expenditure and Growth of Digital

“Better to $k the right qu*tions than answer the wrong on*”

Pau! Burn": #$ Burn" Uni% tl&

• 26 years Account Handling experience

• AAP, KMP Partnership and 24 years at Saatchi & Saatchi

• Worked on award winning campaigns for creativity and effectiveness

• Most awarded training and development professional in the advertising industry

Why I love advert1ing

I never saw th! o" TV

How man! view" o# Yo$Tub%?









Wha! year di" Coronatio# Stree! averag$ 9.19% viewer& per ep'od$?

S! wh" ar# w# her# toda"?




1. To put the numbers in

context (It’s what you weigh

not how much you’ve lost)

2. Why I think ‘Digital Media‘

is fundamentally different

to ‘Traditional Media’

3. Why I think ‘Digital Media‘

is fundamentally the same

as ‘Traditional Media’

To put the numbers in cont5t(It’s what you weigh not how much you’ve l6t)

Tota! advert"in# $penditur% i& loca! currenc' a( curren( pric%

Shar! of adspen" b# mediu$ 2011

Adspen! b" countr", 2012 (f)year-o#-year % chang$, loca% currenc", curren& pric'

S! i" term# of medi$ spen%...

• UK adspend forecast to grow modestly

• Globally, biggest growth to come from internet advertising

• The UK invests proportionally more online than other major economies

• And we spend more online than we do on TV

• Digital Britain is a reality

Why I think ‘Digital Media’ 1 7ndamentally different to ‘Traditional Media’

If w! "#$!r%&'#$ &(! r)*+ )f D,-,&'* M!$,' '#$ S).,'* M!$,' w! w,** /#)w &(!0 'r! 1#$'2!#&'**0 $,3!r!#&

!" #$%" # &'(& )(*+ (,"*-./ (*0 &'".r -1."*&$ &'.*2 &'"+ (r" 3*" (*0 &'" $()" (*0 "*0 %p 03.*, b3&' &'.*,$ p33r1+

Wh! socia" medi# $ s% har&

“Brands are spending a great deal of time and energy investing in platforms to get likes or pluses, and not really being social at all.

It's been well over 15 years since the social era started....

But despite this outpouring of expertise, many organisations still find marketing in the social era ridiculously hard to do well, if at all”

Nilofer Merchant

Digita! Medi" # NOT Socia! Medi"

• The most important thing to realise about social media is that it’s different

• Most of the mistakes made in social media occur because organisations don’t fully appreciate this

• They simply drag their existing marketing and communication ideas, campaigns and ways of thinking into the social media space

41% of people agree that they’re beginning to get bored of social media servic*

-Feb 2012

• Marcoms strategy has as its output a piece of communication

• Expressed as an ad, a press release, a brochure, a banner, a website, an email - presented to all or part of the target audience

• A successful social media strategy has as its output a form of behaviour or a process

A socia! medi" strateg# $ di%eren& t'" marketin( communicatio) strateg#

!" b#$ wa% t& understan' th" di(erenc"

• Imagine you’re in a room with 100 people who represent your target audience

• The only way you have to engage with this group is a 3 minute slot on a podium

• You’ll need a speech – a carefully crafted piece of communication that conveys exactly what it is you want to say about yourself

• You’re in the same room with the same group of 100 people, but this time you are in a social situation

• If you want to engage productively with these people, bringing along a speech or a predetermined set of responses to anticipated conversations, is not going to work

• Success in this situation will depend on your behaviour – your ability to understand the dynamics of the room, join the right type of conversations and, critically, say the right thing at the right time

Socia! medi" # di$eren%

Socia! medi" strategi# hav$ t% b$ b&e'aroun' th$ creatio( of form) of behaviour

I!’" #$"! %&' %f () *&+%(' "!r',("

• This will look very different from a strategy that is designed to deliver a ‘thing’

• Must recognise that in a social situation you can’t talk to everyone, all at once

• Social media is bad at doing what traditional mass communication does well

• The benefit of social media - like conversations, comes from the ability to talk to exactly the right people at exactly the right time

Social media 1 not about large numbers - Facebook lik*, YouTube hits, Twitter followers etc, but the ability to target very speci9c groups with very speci9c information I !"#$ %&$ ' $w(($ $& #') $*(r(’# ' pr&+",$

r(,'-- &. MY p'r',*"$(! I just got a Tweet to say there’s a product

recall on MY parachute!

Why I think ‘Digital Media’ 1 7ndamentally the same $ ‘Traditional Media’

“The truth isn’t the truth until people believe you, and they can’t believe you if they don’t know what your saying, and they can’t know what your saying if they don’t listen to you, and they won’t listen to you if you’re not interesting, and you won’t be interesting unless you say things imaginatively, originally, freshly.”

- Bill Bernbach

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H+w .+ w" #"$ $'"r"?

!" plannin# cycl"

“I want to see agencies improve their awareness of the business context in which they operate. They need to understand this before the start of the creative process.

Too many agencies come up with an advertising solution without contextualising it against the client’s business objectives”

Andrew MarsdenEx Mkt Dir Britvic Soft Drinks & Marketing Guru

“;e bridge between smart strategic thinking and great communications..” - Jon Steel: “Truth, Lies and Advertising”

!" creativ" brief

“;e equation 1 simple, tightly written briefs plus p$sionate brie9ng equals engaged agenci*, impact7l campaigns and strong market r*ults.”Dominic Grounsell Marketing Director, Capital One

!" power of th" brief

“;e r*ult of a better brief 1 that the right work 1 delivered f$ter

;1 can have a dramatic effect on efficiency and on c6ts

Better brie9ng will produce better r*ults f$ter and at lower c6t. It’s not a busin*s option but a busin*s imperative.”

!" power of th" brief

Better briefs

Better brie9ng

Better work

Right 9rst time

Happier client

Happier agency

Wrap up an! Q&A


1. UK adspend forecast to grow modestly

2. Globally biggest growth to come from internet advertising

3. The UK invests proportionally more online than other major economies

4. And spends as much online as it does on TV - Digital Britain is a reality

5. Social Media is different to Digital Media

6. It’s about a specific conversation to a specific person at a specific time

7. But having a great brief is key to ALL communication

8. The Brief is the important thing you write so give it time

9 Be tight on the brief and easier on the execution

10. Make it fun and use short words rather than long ones!