Patton’s OnSite next-generation transport solutions offer

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Transcript of Patton’s OnSite next-generation transport solutions offer

Patton’s OnSite™ next-generation transport solutions offer service providers

a unique, simple, and economical migration path toward a converged IP

service network. We deliver flexible, modular, and future-proof access

systems for services carried over SDH and Ethernet networks.




















Product Line OverviewOS-10 Series Overview

OS1052 Base System and Capabilities

OS1063 Base System and Capabilities

OS-10 Series Modules



The case for multi-services provisioning

Getting to market quickly

Reducing CapEx for new services

Maximizing ROI

Services evolution—not revolution

Leveraging the reach of SDH

Simplify the provisioning of new Ethernet services

The basics – Things you really need to know

Converged 2G/3G Mobile Networks

Converged TDM and IP-Based Broadband

Converged Optical Ethernets

Converged MDU/MTUs

IntroductionTime Division Multiplexed Wide AreaNetworks (TDM WANs) have been aroundfor generations. Originally designed tocarry circuit-switched voice traffic, TDMWANs evolved to deliver data servicesover leased lines, including Virtual PrivateNetwork (VPN) service.

Ethernet is not new either. Havingemerged in the 1970s, 95% of all enter-prise data traffic now originates and ter-minates on Ethernet segments. Today,Ethernet is the industry’s most widelyused communications protocol. With thedramatic growth of Voice-over-IP (VoIP)in the past few years, Ethernet will soonbe the preferred transport media forenterprise voice as well.

Ethernet is driving yet another transforma-tion in telecom as the technology pushesits way beyond the enterprise and into car-rier-provider networks. As carriers deploycore and metro networks based on IP,Ethernet backbone networks are emerging.While there is universal agreement thatfuture networks will be “all IP”, many serv-ice providers are struggling to findthe optimum businessmodel today. A key

question is how to ensure profitablegrowth with new Ethernet-based servicesas highly profitable legacy servicesare retired.

Moving step-by-step to this new “all IP”network is the critical path to maintainingcompetitive advantage. Getting to marketquickly while reducing the capital expendi-ture (CapEx) required for new services arecritical considerations for carriers workingto manage expenditures and maximizereturns on investment (ROI).

Patton’s OnSite Multi-Service ProvisioningPlatform offers a service evolution modelthat maximizes ROI for service providers.This model reduces entry costs for newIP-based services by leveraging the reachof existing SDH networks, while preserv-ing prior investment in legacy networksalong with the revenue-generating serv-ices they support. We build thecase for service evolutionvia multi-service

provisioning by discussing the followingtopics:

• Getting to market quickly

• Reducing CapEx by using prior invest-ments in legacy networks

• Services evolution—not revolution

• Leverage the reach of SDH

• Simplify the provisioning of new services

Getting to Market QuicklyAs today’s savvy subscribers demand fasterdelivery of new services, in more placesfor less money than ever before,rapid service deploymentis an important

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competitive advantage for any serviceprovider. In order to increase revenues,providers must continuously add new cus-tomers by rolling out and selling new serv-ices, while expanding network reach morelocations farther away.

Patton’s OnSite MSPP system enables car-riers to quickly and easily offer new high-speed Ethernet services through incremen-tal investments. By utilizing pre-existingSDH network assets, carriers can createtransitional hybrid networks built on con-verged packet and TDM technologies. Thistransitional approach makes it possible tooffer a wider range of services immediatelywhile speeding the time to market for newservices. By quickly and easily provisioningnew services from any node to any nodeacross the entire network, providers canbring new customers online fast.

Reducing CapEx forNew ServicesConstructing a dedicated Carrier Ethernetcore over a fiber or DWDM transport net-work requires significant capital outlay.Numerous carrier-class L2/L3 Ethernetswitches must be purchased, installed andprovisioned in central offices throughout thegeographical service area. Once the all-IPnetwork is deployed, it provides sufficientcapacity to handle new demand so onlymodest expenditures are required in subse-quent years. The return on investment, how-ever, comes much later, and only after asubstantial infusion of capital. In heavilypopulated “Tier 1” cities, where demand fornext-generation services is strong, suchinvestments are justified and perhapsrequired. However, these investments arenot justified in all locations—especially out-lying suburbs or rural areas that are servedby existing TDM infrastructure.

Maximizing ROILeveraging already-deployed transport net-works limits capital expense to the pur-chase and installation of MSPP units rather

than replacing the entire transport infra-structure. By significantly reducing upfrontexpenditures Patton’s OnSite Multi-ServiceProvisioning systems produces rapid pay-back for new services and accelerates thetime to profitability.

Services Evolution—Not RevolutionSDH networks today are dominated by tra-ditional TDM traffic consisting of TDMvoice, private lines, Frame Relay, ATM, andother legacy services. Over time all thoseservices will migrate to Ethernet-basedservices. As providers launch new serviceofferings and subscribers adopt them, therelative bandwidth allocated to TDM servic-es will decrease as shown in figure 1.

Providers can then extend or migrate theirtraditional TDM-based leased-line servicesto Ethernet leased lines. As a result, sub-scribers have access to a wider range of tai-lored communications solutions whileproviders make more efficient use of theirnetwork infrastructures. So service evolu-tion offers the following key benefits:

• Maximizes use of currently deployedtransport infrastructure

• Enables new Ethernet service delivery

• Preserves ongoing revenue from tradi-tional services

• Provides a smooth migration path towardconverged all-IP networking

Patton’s OnSite products allow carriers tomanage the following service evolutionissues, to be discussed later in thisSolutions Guide:

• Transition and co-existence of 2G and 3Gmobile networks (see page 8)

• Transition to “all Ethernet” WAN/LeasedLine Services (see page 10)

• Co-existing legacy TDM and new-genera-tion Ethernet services (see page 12)

• Integrating telecom and broadband serv-ices in MTUs (see page 16)

Leveraging the Reach of SDHDelivering Wide Area Network (WAN) serv-ices based on Metro Ethernet has become anew trend, widely considered to last for theforeseeable future. In the longer term,Metro-Ethernet services are likely to replaceclassical WAN services altogether.

The market demand for WAN services deliv-ered with Ethernet interfaces is substantial.Ethernet technology dominates the market

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Figure 1. Services evolution

for local area networks (LAN), and Ethernetinterfaces are ubiquitous, inexpensive, reli-able and well understood.

In the consumer market, DSL and cableservices are gaining momentum, while inbusiness markets IT applications such asvoice-over-IP and storage area networks(SAN) are driving substantially increaseddemand for WAN services.

However, businesses are becoming moreand more geographically diverse. Multiplebranch locations interconnect with a smallnumber of primary sites housing the com-pany’s core IT facilities. This scenario push-es carriers to maximize the reach ofEthernet WAN services.

Patton’s OnSite Multi-Services ProvisioningPlatform leverages the reach of SDH to pro-vide the following benefits:

• Ethernet-over-SDH offers an ideal mecha-nism to extend services into cities or out-lying regions where the carrier has notyet built all-IP Metro Ethernets.

• Ethernet-over-SDH provides serviceextension to customer locations not closeenough to the point-of-presence (PoP) ofMetro Ethernet Networks to be reachedwith current access technologies. LegacyTDM networks provide almost universalconnectivity to subscribers via a varietyof access networks.

• An extensive existing SDH infrastructureprovides an efficient long-range transportvehicle for Ethernet traffic (regional,national or international).

Simplify the Provisioning ofnew Ethernet ServicesPatton’s OnSite Multi-Services ProvisioningPlatform enables service providers to offercustomers new bundled services at thetransport, switching and routing layers ofthe network. While dramatically decreasingthe time it takes to provision new services,MSPP adds flexibility when adding, migrat-ing or removing customers.

Carrier possess well-understood, reliabletransport network infrastructure based onSDH technology for delivering a wide vari-ety of data services as well as fixed andmobile voice services. With intrinsic OA&Mand sub-50 ms resilience capabilities, theseSDH systems ensure end-to-end, stringentSLA-based transport.

Patton’s OnSite MSPP offers nativeEthernet interfaces along with such new-generation SDH features as generic framing

procedure (GFP), virtual concatenation

(VCAT) and link capacity adjustment

scheme (LCAS). These features enablestandardized, flexible provisioning of theoptical bandwidth to accommodateEthernet flows.

The MSPP system allows serviceproviders to simplify their edge networks.By consolidating the number of separateboxes needed to provide intelligent opticalaccess, Patton’s MSPPP solution drasti-cally improves the efficiency of SDH net-works for transporting multiservice traf-fic. By reducing the number of networkmanagement systems needed, the MSPPsolution decreases the resources neededto install, provision, operate and maintainthe network.

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The BasicsThings You Really Need to Know

Generic Framing Procedure (GFP)Defined by ITU-T G.704, GFP is a multiplexing

mapping technique to efficiently transport packet

data over voice-optimized SDH/SONET networks.

GFP enables mapping of variable length, higher

layer client signals such as IP/PPP or Ethernet

onto the SDH/SONET payloads.

There are two modes of GFP: Generic Framing

Procedure-Framed (GFP-F) and Generic Framing

Procedure-Transparent (GFP-T). The OnSite

Series OS-10 supports GFP-F

GFP-F is used where the client signal is framed or

packetized by the client protocol. GFP-F maps each

client frame (i.e. Ethernet) into a single GFP frame.

Virtual Concatenation (VCAT)VCAT is an inverse multiplexing technique used to

divide SONET/SDH bandwidth into logical groups.

For example, in the case of STM-1 (155 Mbps)

virtual containers such as VC-12 (2.17 Mbps) can

be linked contiguously or non-contiguously to

form a 10-Mbps virtual group optimizing trans-

port of a 10-Mbps Ethernet link. VCAT groups

may be transported or routed independently, and

can significantly increase network utilization by

effectively spreading the load across the whole

network, at the same time enabling support of dif-

ferent customers and services. VCAT works in

conjunction with LCAS and GFP.

Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (LCAS)LCAS is a method for dynamic bandwidth man-

agement of virtual concatenated containers with-

out traffic loss or network errors. The LCAS mech-

anism automatically decreases bandwidth capaci-

ty if a virtual container in a VCAT group fails, and

increases capacity when the fault disappears. The

LCAS protocol is specified in ITU-T G.7042.

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Connectivity RequirementsFor years, mobile network operators haverelied on E1 leased lines to backhaul trafficfrom cellular base station sites to mobileswitching centers. With the Patton OnSiteseries of µMSPP platforms, you can buildand manage your own transmission net-work at a fraction of the cost of leasing E1lines from another carrier.

An OS-10 Series STM-1 access ring is theperfect solution to connect between 8 to12 base stations to a centralized BSC orRNC site. The STM-1 ring supports up to63 E1 links—sufficient for typical 2G and3G base station requirements of 4 to 8E1s—and provides the required redundan-cy and protection against fiber cuts andstation node failures.

From day one, the OS-10 access ring isready for a managed transition and coex-istence between 2G and 3G mobile net-works. The OS-10 not only supports basicconnectivity of voice and data traffic overE1 signals but also has built-in Ethernet

and packet intelligence for the emerging4GIP-based mobile network.

The OS-10 Series platforms provide flexiblescalability and superior cost-performancewithin limited space. The ultra-compact 1U

system is perfect for the constrained spaceof typical base station sites. Moreover, itslow power consumption and use of naturalconvection cooling reduces operationalcosts and increases system reliability.

SynchronizationIn mobile network applications, reliable syn-chronization is critical for service quality.Without proper distribution of synchroniza-tion signals to the base stations, droppedcalls and other service impairments mayoccur. With an OS-10 access ring, you canconfigure the OS-10 to retime E1 traffic sig-nals to the recovered system clock from theSTM-1 line. Retiming is an important featureto avoid the impairments associated to SDHpointer adjustments. You can also configurethe OS-10 to provide redundant synchro-nization output signals at 2.048 MHz to thebase station.

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4–8 E1 4–8 E1

4–8 E1

Up to 63 E1

Figure 2. Cell site backhaul using an OS-10 Series STM-1 access ring

Figure 3. Synchronization of base stations using an OS-10 Series STM-1 access ring




2–8 E1

Option 1

BTS synchronization using2.048 MHz input from

OnSite node

Option 2

BTS synchronization usingretimed E1 traffic signal from

OnSite node

N x E1

2–8 E12.048 MHz

2.048 MHz

E1 retimed to system clock






OS-10 OS-10







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Topological FlexibilityThe modular OS-10 Series platforms pro-vide the required flexibility to expand yournetwork coverage beyond the initial topo-logical requirements. You can start buildingyour mobile access network with a basicring topology, but as customer demand jus-tifies the placement of additional base sta-tions in nearby sites, you can easily use theSTM-1 expansion module to extend trans-mission coverage as a point-to-point spuror along a linear chain.

Multiservice CapabilityGrowing beyond the initial configurationand port capacity is no problem when usingthe OnSite OS-10. The flexible modulardesign allows the insertion of additionalmodules for services other than E1.

You can take advantage of your OS-10access ring to support additional sources ofrevenue such as E1 leased lines for PBX

and digital-loop carrier equipment andEthernet leased lines for corporate LAN orVPN traffic. In addition, you can use theEthernet interfaces to provide native con-nectivity across your OnSite network forcustomers that require Internet accessthrough WiFi or WiMAX public accesspoints (APs).

N x E1 IMA N x E1

N x E1

1+1 1+1

Figure 4. Network expansion through topological flexibility using an OS-10 Series STM-1 access ring

Figure 5. Beyond mobile services—Revenue expansion through the multiservice OS-10 network








Corporate Data

WiFi/WiMAXPublic AP




3G BTS/Node B



2G BSC Initial STM-1 ring deployment

Linear 4-fiber ADM chain

2–8 E1

N x E1

2–8 E1 IMA

2–8 E1 IMA





Future network expansionvia STM-1 expansion module



OS-10 OS-10





OS-10 OS-10







N x E1

N x E1N x E1

N x E1 IMA

N x E1 IMA

Ethernet 10/100





OverviewPatton’s OS-10 Series of µMSPP platformsenable you to meet the full range of leasedline access network requirements for busi-ness users. The OS-10 Series is a family ofhigh value access platforms designed todeliver current and emerging telecom anddata communication services, addressingthe changing requirements of serviceproviders—both fixed line and wireless—and enterprise customers. Enterprise endusers from government, financial, utilitiesand natural resource exploration indus-tries, among others, all benefit from OS-10solutions in their networks.

TDM is reliable, proven and understood,and it continues to deliver solid perform-

ance with guaranteed bandwidth for voiceand data applications. Mission-critical serv-ices such as banking, highway control,defense and other government servicescontinue to rely on TDM. When TDM iscombined with Ethernet packet-switchedtechnology on the same platform, as withPatton’s OnSite series µMSPP, you have theflexibility to deliver reliable, revenue-gener-ating leased line services while ensuring asmooth migration as the network evolves.

Traditional TDM Leased-LineServices over SDHE1/T1 leased-lines have been the work-horse of the public network access for thepast two to three decades. Private net-works are still being built, supporting

enterprise voice and data requirements.The growing popularity of corporate LANsand the need to connect these LANsacross the WAN led to the deployment ofmulti-protocol routers which increasedthe need for low-cost, flexible accommo-dation of E1/T1 service offerings. Theseearly PDH networks were built capable ofoffering E1 and E3 services and oftenused proprietary fiber solutions to obtainthe distance to reach the nearest aggrega-tion point in the network.

With the advent of the µMSPP over thepast years, cost-effective SDH accesscould now be delivered to the networkedge and the first fiber touch point in theaccess network have begun to transition

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VC-12 and VC-3




SDH CoreVoice






Figure 6. Example of PDH leased-line provisioning using the Patton OnSite

Patton OnSite Access Network

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to PDH over SDH. Not only have thesenew platforms increased the scale andability of service providers to roll-out rev-enue generating services more efficiently,but the underlying qualities of anSDH infrastructure have provided reliabil-ity and manageability benefits for greateroperational results. Overall PDH/SDH ben-efits include:

• Manageability—easy to deploy, provi-sion, manage, and maintain

• Availability—field-proven with >99.999percent reliability

• Profitability—cost-effective and rev-enue-ready for today’s TDM leased-lineand tomorrow’s Ethernet leased-line,Ethernet VPLS and similar applications

All platforms in the Patton OS-10 Series sup-port interface access and transport of E1/T1services over SDH.

The OnSite OS1063, in particular, is the plat-form of choice for applications that require ahigh count of E1 drop ports. The OS1063 isthe industry’s only µMSPP capable of deliver-ing 63 E1 ports (in 120 and 75-ohm options)in a one rack-unit platform. You can deploythe OS1063 in hub or POP sites with a highconcentration of E1 drop ports up to the fullSTM-1 trunk capacity of 63 E1. The OS-10maps E1/T1 traffic into VC-12/VC-11 pay-loads for transparent connectivity across anexisting SDH network interfaces that candeliver higher bandwidth capabilities at afraction of the cost of scaling traditionalPDH or SDH services.

At the E1/T1 level, you can connect the fol-lowing equipment to the OS-10 platforms:

• PBX switches

• Routers

• Primary rate multiplexers

• DXC (digital cross-connect) 1/0 nodes

• Voice compression equipment

• Digital loop carriers

You can also equip the OS-10 platformswith a 3-port T3/E3 expansion module forinterconnection of equipment such as:

• Legacy M13 multiplexers

• ATM switches

• Routers

• Video Codecs





rnet Ethernet





Present mode of operation



Limited ser-vice offerings restricted to legacy TDM

Router E1 WAN inter-face: Expensive,

complex set-up,low speed


OS-10WiFi/WiMAXPublic AP


Patton OnSite Solution

Figure 7. Migration from PDH to Ethernet leased-line services using an OS-10 Series STM-1 access ring

Reliable SDH Transport

New EthernetServices

Native Ethernet inter-face: Simple to use,high-speed

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Transition to EmergingEthernet Lease-Line ServicesThe deployment of small form factor, cost-effective µMSPPs at the network edgeopens up a host of new capabilities for serv-ice providers to increase the revenue gener-ating potential of the network. Patton OS-10Series µMSPP solutions can significantlyextend the life of the existing SDH network.

Traditional TDM lease-line services can nowbe extended or migrated to Ethernet-basedleased-line services providing your sub-scribers with a range of tailored communica-tions solutions while making more efficientuse of the network infrastructure. One of thekey advantages of Patton’s OS-10 SeriesµMSPP solutions is the ability to migrateleased-line services to high-speed Ethernetinterfaces that can deliver higher bandwidthcapabilities at a fraction of the cost of scaling

traditional PDH/SDH services. Not only does

this significantly lower your operating

expenses, it also increases your competitive-

ness, since the resulting solution is cost-

effective, flexible and extremely attractive to

business subscribers.

NNeettwwoorrkk EEffffiicciieennccyy—with the OS-10

Ethernet private line capabilities, the band-

width available to the customer is provided

in increments of 2 Mbps. This means that a

subscriber who needs a 10 Mbps leased-line

service can receive exactly this capacity. The

final result is better network utilization, and

a service that matches the subscriber’s

demands. The OS-10 Series delivers this

functionality through the use of standards-

based virtual concatenation (VCAT). VCAT

addresses the flexibility and scalability limi-

tations in traditional SDH networks.

The Patton OS-10 leads the industry in the

creation of VCAT groups (VCGs) for

Ethernet leased-line services. You can cre-

ate up to 34 VCGs in a single one rack-unit

platform at the STM-1 level.

DDiiffffeerreennttiiaatteedd SSeerrvviicceess—Patton’s Ethernet

services can be extended to provide multiple

service offerings through a single customer

interface. Through the use of VLAN technolo-

gy, you can now offer your customers multi-

ple services with different service level agree-

ments and multiple connectivity paths across

the SDH network.

Applications from corporate VPNs, to internet

access, adoption of business VoIP services,

and similar emerging requirements are all

easily accommodated along-side the tradi-

tional business leased-line.

10/100VCAT Group (VCG)10/100

• Native Ethernet interface• No protocol conversions

• Highest QoS (guaranteed BW with minimum delay)• Secure TDM circuit (VCG) can be sized according to bandwidth needs

Branch Office




Ethernet Private Line

Figure 8. Ethernet private line services using the OnSite

Fractional Ethernet services in2/50M steps up to fullrate

Offering leased-line services via Ethernet/IPtransport on an OS-10 enabled networkyields the following benefits:

• Preserve your investment in the existingTDM/SDH network

• Cost savings in equipment and leased-line consolidation

• Realize the benefits of IP over Ethernet asa more service-flexible transport medium

• Graceful migration to a converged IP net-work—opening up new profitable serviceopportunities with the addition of packet-switched technology.

Summary• Protects investment in current infra-

structure and services—enables cus-tomer networks to take up emergingtechnologies, while supporting existingprofitable services including TDM. Allowseasy migration to higher speed interfacesand services from the current installedbase—facilitating a seamless transitionfrom TDM to packet services

• Cost savings through network optimiza-tion—a family of multi-service, multi-technology µMSPP platforms that deliveradvanced capabilities for global carrier

and enterprise customers, including TDM,

Ethernet, SDH and additional services

• Simplified and cost effective operation—

fully network managed by the industry-

leading OnSite Element Management

System—a user-friendly support tool for

end-to-end installation, maintenance and

rapid service turn-up and delivery

• Reliability—Field-proven performance,

with greater than 99.999 percent avail-

ability, letting service providers offer low-

risk service level guarantees

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10/100 10/100VCG



Single customer interface(multiple services)

OnSite connects VLAN-based servicesto individual VCG channels according

to destination


OS-10 OS-10







VoIP Media Gateway


VLAN 2: Internet


Figure 9. LAN extension service by mapping VLANs to VCAT groups

IntroductionMost service providers have existing SDHnetworks that have proven indispensablein serving revenue-critical TDM-basedprivate line services. SDH is firmly estab-lished as the technology of choicefor general-purpose transport in tele-com networks because of its flexibility,reliability, ease of provisioning and multi-

vendor interoperability. The advance-

ments of SDH technology, embodied in

what is known today as µMSPPs, enable

network providers to provide emerging

packet-based services over existing

SDH networks.

Network operators can substantially bene-

fit from Patton OnSite Series µMSPP solu-

tion by offering enterprise customers

with new, innovative services while

extending the life of familiar operations

methods and procedures.

The deployment of ultra-compact, cost-

effective Patton µMSPPs at the network

edge opens up a host of new capabilities for

service providers to increase the revenue

generating potential of the network.

OnSite’s Ethernet SolutionTraditional TDM leased-line services can

now be extended or migrated to Ethernet-

based leased-line services, providing your

subscribers with a range of tailored commu-

nications solutions while making more effi-

cient use of the network infrastructure and

preserving the benefits of SDH networks’

reliability, scalability and manageability.

While the ability to offer Ethernet access

services over the existing SDH infrastructure

provides an immediate benefit to network

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Figure 10. Migration from PDH to Ethernet leased-line services using the OnSite

Figure 11. LAN extension service by mapping VLANs to VCAT groups

10/100 10/100VCG



Single customer interface(multiple services)

0S-10 connects VLAN-based services to indi-vidual VCG channels according to destination


OS-10 OS-10







VoIP Media Gateway

VLAN 1: VoIPVLAN 2: InternetVLAN 3: VPN





Present mode of operation




WiFi/WiMAXPublic AP


Patton OnSite Solution

Reliable SDHTransportNew Ethernet


Native Ethernet interface:Simple to use, high-speedRouter E1 WAN interface: Expensive

complex set-up, low speed


Limited service offeringsrestricted to legacy TDM



providers, a larger opportunity lies in offer-ing value-added Ethernet services such as:

• Point-to-point as well as point-to-multi-point Ethernet services

• Variable access rates with fine granularityand QoS

• Support for customer and serviceprovider VLAN schemes

• Performance and scalability, and carrier-class reliability

Using the Patton OnSite platforms, serviceproviders can offer simple point-to-point LANextension services by mapping Ethernet traf-fic at the port or VLAN level to VCAT groups(VCGs). For example, a service providercould configure Ethernet ports as VLANaccess ports, and map customer VLANs toVCGs to extend VLAN traffic between twocustomer sites, as shown in figure 11.

Service providers can also provide VLANtrunking across the SDH network by config-uring an Ethernet service provider tag (S-tag)to carry traffic for multiple VLANs betweentwo customer sites, as shown in figure 12.

The OnSite solution allows serviceproviders to support multiple customers,each with multiple LANs, and each with dif-ferent access rate and QoS requirementsfor their specific applications. The PattonOnSite Series supports:

• Rate limiting function that enables serv-ice providers to define for each LAN con-nection (port or VLAN) sustained andpeak information rates with very finegranularity (64 kbps).

• 8 classes of service (CoS) to set up aservice class for a particular VLAN orapplication by mapping Ethernet port or

VLAN or IEEE 802.1p to a specific CoS.For example, a video conferencing appli-cation for a particular VLAN could bemapped to the high class of service cate-gory with sustained information and peakinformation rate set to 1 Mbps.

• VLAN tag adding, striping and change,enabling service providers to offer a flex-ible VLAN scheme to their customer.Furthermore, support for conversion oftagged to untagged Ethernet frames andvice versa provides LAN connectivitybetween sites that supports VLAN andsites that do not support VLANs.

Ethernet service evolution is assured by theOS-10’s hybrid packet and SDH switchingarchitecture. Ethernet services are support-ed by an on-board network processor thatcan process IP packet and its content inaddition to Ethernet frames. Networkprocessor solution enable network operatorto set up advanced security and traffic man-agement policies based on IP header infor-mation and user application content itself.

Ethernet over SDH Features• Native Ethernet interfaces

• 8 classes of service with per port, VLANor p-bit classifications

• Per port or VLAN traffic shapingand policing

• VLAN stacking (Q-in-Q)


SummaryPatton OnSite Series platforms enable net-work operators to significantly lower oper-ating expenses, while increasing their com-petitiveness. The resulting solution is cost-effective, flexible and attractive to businesssubscribers. One of the key advantages ofthe Patton OnSite µMSPP solution is theability to migrate legacy TDM leased-lineservices to high-speed Ethernet interfacesthat can deliver higher bandwidth capabili-ties at a fraction of the cost of scaling tradi-tional PDH or SDH services.

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Figure 12. LAN extension service using VLAN trunking

10/100 10/100






Q-in-Q based aggregationto single port using S-tags

OS-10 connects VLAN-basedservices to individual VCG chan-

nels according to destination

Customer 3

Customer 2

Customer 1

OS-10 OS-10





S-tag 1: Customer 1S-tag 2: Customer 2S-tag 3: Customer 3

OS-10 tags incoming customertraffic using a unique service

provider tag (S-tag)

Building Connectivity Using the Patton OnSite SeriesOver the years, the number of buildings withfiber connectivity is increasing at a very fastpace. Fiber-to-the building opens new andexciting possibilities for carriers and servic-es providers that wish to address the grow-ing multi-tenant unit (MTU) market.

With the basic fiber optic infrastructure inplace, you can use the Patton OnSite Seriesof µMSPP platforms to provide reliable con-nectivity and profitable delivery of basictelecommunications and broadband servicesto business and residential building tenants.

The ultra-compact design and superiorcost-performance of the Patton OnSiteSeries allows easy and cost-effectivedeployment in space-constrained buildingenvironments, while enabling service diver-sity and flexible expansion options.

Intra-building Connectivity Depending on customer needs and avail-able fiber, you can place the OS-10 instrategic locations within a building, asshown in figure 13.

• Option 1: The OS-10 is located directly onthe floor where the customer resides. Thisoption provides direct fiber access to thecustomer from the carrier or serviceproviders’ point-of-presence (PO) or cen-tral office (CO). Customer E1 or Ethernettraffic is directly connected to the OS-10for reliable transport over the dedicatedfiber optic SDH link. Government andfinancial institutions with strict securityrequirements would benefit from thisconfiguration. For this application, theOS1052 platform meets the required portdensity and price point for cost-effectivedeployment of E1 and Ethernet servicesover high-performance SDH links.

• Option 2: A single OS-10 serves as an in-

building POP and provides access to the

entire building. Customer traffic from

each floor connects to the OS-10 through

the building riser using intra-building

copper cabling. For this application, the

modular OS1052 and OS1063 platforms

are ideal for access to up to 63 E1 or 18

Ethernet client ports.

• Option 3: All OS-10s within the building

are interconnected to form an intra-build-

ing ring, as shown in Figure 13. For max-

imum reliability and protection, you can

connect the OnSite ring elements using

fiber routes along different riser conduits,

if the building structure permits. All plat-

forms in the Patton OnSite Series support

interconnection using ring, linear and

point-to-point topologies.

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Figure 13. Deployment options 1 and 2: In-building connectivity using the OS-10

Option 2

Single OS-10 µMSPP serves andprovides access to the entire building

Option 1

Direct fiber access to customer from POP/CO(OS-10 µMSPP resides on customer site)














OnSite ADM

Street level






Building Basement/Closet




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Inter-building ConnectivityThe OS-10 also allows the interconnection

of multiple buildings into a ring access net-

work. For buildings where fiber access is not

yet available, it is still possible to intercon-

nect the OnSite elements in a ring topology.

Figure 15 shows an example where one of

the buildings without fiber access is con-

nected to the OnSite ring with a wirelesslink using SDH radio.

You can use an OnSite ring, linear or point-to-point network to interconnect buildingsin the following applications:

• Central business districts

• Business parks

• Campus networks

OnSite Benefits forMTU Application • Survivability

• Native Ethernet interfaces and connectivity

• Legacy TDM connectivity

• Secure SDH transport with

packet intelligence


Figure 14. Deployment option 3: Intra-building ring using the OS-10

Figure 15. Inter-building interconnection using the OnSite

Option 3

Intra-building access ring protects trafficagainst fiber cuts and other failures











STM-1 opticalor electrical

OnSite ADM

Street level













OnSite STM-1 Radio/FiberAccess Ring

PDH EthernetSTM-1

PDH EthernetSTM-1

PDH EthernetSTM-1





Building Basement/Closet




POP/CO SDH Digital Radio Link


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The OS-10 Series are the ideal platforms for3G/4G mobile network backhaul, secureand scalable carrier Ethernet transport,multi-service aggregation, quad-play con-nectivity (voice, data, video and mobility),and technology mediation among TDM,ATM and Ethernet.

The advanced modular design of the OS-10Series platforms provides unequaled flexi-bility in their class in terms of service offer-ings, capacity and functional upgrades.

For each platform, the base system is con-figured with:

• OS1052: 2 STM-1, 8 E1/T1 and 2 Ethernet

• OS1063: 2 STM-1 and 21 E1/T1

Two expansion slots on the modularOS1052 and OS1063 platforms allowincreasing system capacity beyond the ini-tial base configuration. Additional ports andfeatures only require simple insertion of

one of the many available types of TDM andpacket data modules.

In only one RU, the OS-10 Series supportsexpansion up to:

• 63 E1 or 18 Ethernet 10/100 ports

• 6 STM-1 ports

The following figure shows various combina-tions of service and port capacity expansions:

The OS-10 Series incorporates next-genera-tion SDH features such as virtual concatena-tion (VCAT), link capacity adjustmentscheme (LCAS) and generic framing proce-dure (GFP) for efficient packet data trans-port. The platforms also incorporate Layer 2features such as VLAN tagging, rate limiting,and statistical multiplexing with multi-levelQoS control.

The OS-10 Series platforms are easily con-figured and managed through a simpleWeb-based GUI interface or the scalableOnSight™ NMS.

F E A T U R E S & B E N E F I T S� UUllttrraa--ccoommppaacctt ddeessiiggnn ((11 RRUU))—STM-1

trunks • Built-in E1/T1 and Ethernet clientports • Integrated,non-blocking cross-con-nect • Dual expansion slots • Multiple TDMand packet data modules

� HHiigghhllyy fflleexxiibbllee ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss—TerminalMux and ADM • Linear MSP 1+1 protection• Point-to-point • Linear ADM (two and four-fiber) • Ring ADM • SNCP/I and SCNP/N

� NNeexxtt--ggeenneerraattiioonn SSDDHH ffeeaattuurreess—GFPencapsulation • Virtual Concatenation(VCAT) • LO/HO • LCAS

� LLaayyeerr 22 ppaacckkeett iinntteelllliiggeennccee—EthernetMAC with flow control • VLAN • Q-in-Q •Rate limiting • QoS

� Seamless transition from TDM to Packet Data

� Compatibility with existing SDH network

� Modular service and capacity upgrades

� Simple HTTP Web-based GUI

� Reduced CAPEX and OPEX

� Simplified network planning

� Full-rate and fractional Ethernet services

� AC and DC power options

� Passive cooling design (no fans)

OnSite OS-10 SeriesFlex Access Node

The OnSite OS-10 Series is a family of ultra-compact flex access nodes that provide aunique, simple and economical migration path toward a converged IP service network.







MMaaxx EE11 ccaappaacciittyy wwiitthh……

OS-10 Series Configuration and PortCapacity with the HD-E1 module



OOnnSSiittee PPllaattffoorrmm


BBaassee PPoorrttss


SSiinnggllee MMoodduullee


MMaaxx EEtthheerrnneett ccaappaacciittyy wwiitthh......

OS-10 Series Configuration and Ethernet Port Capacity with the HD-ENET module

DDuuaall MMoodduulleess


OnSite™ Series Model OS1063

OnSite™ Series Model OS1052 STM-1 Module

DS3-E3 Module

HD-ENET Module

HD-E1 Module

visit us FAST Delivery From Your AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR! 19

S P E C I F I C AT I O N STrunk Interfaces: STM-1:G.707,G.783 • Optics: G.957 S-1.1, L-1.1 andL-1.2 options

Client Interfaces: E1: G.703,75-ohmand 120-ohm options • T1: G.703,100-ohm • Ethernet 10/100Base-TX: 802.3u

Bandwidth Connectivity and

Provisioning: Connectivity: VC-12,VC-3 levels • One-way, two-way, drop-and-continue, and multicast connections •VCAT: VC-12-Xv and VC-3-Xv • LCAS:

G.7042 • Packet encapsulation: GFP-F(G.7041)

Protection: Linear MSP 1+1 •SNCP/I and SNCP/N

Timing & Synchronization:Internal: Stratum 3 clock (G.813) • Linetiming: STM-1 and E1/T1 • External tim-ing: Dual Sync In/Out ports at 2 or 1.5Mbps/MHz • SSM support: G.781

System Access: Serial RS-232 andEthernet LAN management ports • IP over

DCCr and DCCm options • IP over E1 sig-nal mapped into selected VC-12 channel• DCC transparency (any subset of DCCrows) • Telnet

Operations: Local and remote soft-ware download and upgrade (FTP/TFTP)• Loopbacks: facility and terminal • ALS(automatic laser shutdown): G.958 •Alarm Contacts (optional) • Orderwire:2-wire interface using E1 or E2 byte(optional)

Management: Web-based GUI man-agement interface • SNMPv2 and XML •Command line interface (CLI)

Packet Intelligence: EthernetMAC:802.3 • VLAN: 802.1Q and Q-in-Q• Service provider VLAN (SP-VLAN) usingS-Tag: 802.1ad • Tagging operations: C-Tag and S-Tag add/strip • Flow Control:802.3x • Rate Limiting: Sustained andpeak rates with 64 kbps granularity forports and VLANs • QoS: 4 levels withstrict priority, WFQ and WRED support

Dimensions:1.75H x 17.25W x 11.54D in.(44.45H x 438.2W x 293D mm)1RU

Weight: 11 lbs (5 kg)

Front access

Cooling: Natural convection cooling(no fans)

Mounting: 19-inch EIA/TIA or ETSI300 mm racks, or desktop and wall-mounting options

Power: AC input: 100 to 245 V at 50 to60 Hz • DC input: -36 to -72 V (-48Vnominal), dual inputs • Consumption:60 W maximum

Temperature: 0 to +50 C (+32 to +122°F)

Humidity: 5 to 95%, non-condensing

EMC: EN 55022 Class A, FCC part 15Class A

Safety: EN 60950, UL 60950

CE Mark

* Specifications subject to change without notice.

Figure 16. Typical Patton OnSite OS-10 Series application

The OnSite Series Models OS1052 andOS1063 are ultra-compact next-generationflex access nodes.

The Model OS1052 is the platform ofchoice for economical deployment ofaccess points with low initial count of E1and Ethernet ports.

The Model OS1063 is ideal for deploy-ment of access points with an initial countof 21 E1 ports.

Both access nodes are designed for flexiblecapacity expansion and simple migrationtoward converged IP service networks.

The access nodes support 3G/4G mobilenetwork backhaul, secure and scalable car-rier Ethernet transport, multi-service aggre-gation, quad-play connectivity (voice, data,video and mobility), and technology media-tion among TDM, ATM, and Ethernet.

The advanced modular design of the OnSiteaccess nodes provide unequaled flexibilityin its class in terms of service offerings,capacity and functional upgrades.

Both access nodes incorporate next-genera-tion SDH features such as virtual concatena-tion (VCAT), link capacity adjustment scheme(LCAS) and generic framing procedure (GFP)for efficient packet data transport. The plat-forms also incorporate Layer 2 features suchas VLAN tagging, rate limiting and statisticalmultiplexing with multi-level QoS control.The nodes are easily configured and man-aged through a simple Web-based GUI inter-face or the scalable Patton OnSight NMS.

Model 0S1052 base systemThe base OS1052 system is configuredwith 2 STM-1, 8 E1/T1 and 2 Ethernet10/100Base-TX.

Two expansion module slots are includedfor increasing system capacity beyond theinitial base configuration. Additional portsand features only require simple insertionof one of the many available types of TDMand packet data modules. OS1052 sup-ports expansion up to 50 E1 ports and 18Ethernet 10/100 ports.

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F E A T U R E S & B E N E F I T S� Ultra-compact design (1 RU)—STM-1

trunks, built-in E1/T1 and Ethernet clientports, and integrated non-blocking cross-connect.

� Highly flexible configurations—Terminalmux and ADM, linear MSP 1+1 protection,point-to-point, linear ADM, ring ADM, andSNCP/I and SNCP/N

� Next-generation SDH features—GFP encap-sulation, virtual concatenation (VCAT),LO/HO, LCAS

� Layer 2 packet intelligence—Ethernet MACwith flow control, VLAN, rate limiting, Q-in-Q, and QoS

Metro-Optical Transport AccessOnSite™ Series Models OS1052 & OS1063

The Patton Models OS1052 and OS1063 deliver flexible and modular multiservicesolutions for 2G/3G backhaul, fixed-line networks, and private and utility networks.

OnSite™ Series Model OS1052

Example combinations of Model OS1052service and port capacity expansions

Dual auto-sensing10/100 Ethernet

uplink ports

8 integrated T1/E1 ports

Dual expansion modules for T1/E1,STM-1, T3/E3, and Ethernet

-48VDC and 100–240 ACpower options


and craft ports

Sturdy 1U design fits instandard 19-inch racks

2 STM-1optical ports

PPoorrttss OOSS11005522 OOSS11006633





OOSS--1100 SSeerriieess BBaassee SSyysstteemmss OOvveerrvviieeww




visit us FAST Delivery From Your AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR! 21

S P E C I F I C AT I O N STrunk Interfaces: STM-1: G.707,G.783 • Optics: G.957 S-1.1, L-1.1 and L-1.2 options

Client Interfaces: E1: G.703, 75-ohm and 120-ohm options • T1: G.703,100-ohm • Ethernet 10/100Base-TX:802.3u

Expansion Modules:SSDDHH: STM-1 optical (2 ports) • STM-1electrical (2 ports)PPDDHH: E1 (21 ports) • E3/DS3 (3 ports)PPaacckkeett DDaattaa: 10/100Base-TX (8 ports)

Configuration & Port Capacityfor 2 Expansion Slots:MMooddeell OOSS11005522STM-1: Base: 2 • Max: 6E1: Base: 21 • Max: 63E3/DS3: Base: – • Max: 610/100Base-TX: Base: – • Max: 18

MMooddeell OOSS11005522STM-1: Base: 2 • Max: 6E1: Base: 8 • Max: 50E3/DS3: Base: – • Max: 610/100Base-TX: Base: 2 • Max: 18

Protection: Linear MSP 1+1 •SNCP/I and SNCP/N

Bandwidth Connectivityand Provisioning: Connectivity:VC-12, VC-3 levels • One-way, two-way, drop-and-continue and multicastconnections • VCAT: VC-12-Xv and VC-3-Xv • LCAS: G.7042 • Packet encap-sulation: GFP-F (G.7041)

Timing & Synchronization:Internal: Stratum 3 clock • Line timing:STM-1 and E1/T1 • External timing:Dual Sync In/Out ports at 2 or 1.5Mbps/MHz • SSM support: G.781

System Access: Serial RS-232 andEthernet LAN management ports • IPover DCCr and DCCm options • IP overE1 signal mapped into selected VC-12channel • DCC transparency (any subsetof DCC rows) • Telnet

Operations: Local and remote soft-ware download and upgrade (FTP/TFTP)• Loopbacks: facility and terminal • ALS(automatic laser shutdown): G.958 •Alarm Contacts (optional) • Orderwire:2-wire interface using E1 or E2byte (optional)

Management: Web-based GUImanagement interface • XML • SNMPv1/v2

Packet Intelligence: EthernetMAC: 802.3 • VLAN: 802.1Q and Q-in-Q• Service provider VLAN (SP-VLAN) usingS-Tag: 802.1ad • Tagging operations: C-Tag and S-Tag add/strip • Flow Control:802.3x • Rate Limiting: Sustained andpeak rates with 64 kbit/s granularity forports and VLANs • QoS: 4 levels withstrict priority, WFQ and WRED support

Dimensions:1.75H x 17.25W x 11.54D in.(44.45H x 438.2W x 293D mm)1RU

Weight: 11 lbs (5 kg)

Cooling: Natural convection cooling(no fans)

Mounting: 19-inch EIA/TIA or ETSI300 mm racks, or desktop and wall-mounting options

Power: AC input: 100 to 245 V at 50to 60 Hz • DC input: -36 to -72 V (-48Vnominal), dual inputs

Consumption: 60 W maximum

Temperature: 0 to +50 C (+32 to +122°F)

Humidity: 5 to 95%, non-condensing

EMC: EN 55022 Class A, FCC part 15Class A

Safety: EN 60950, UL 60950

CE Mark

Example combinations of Model OS1063service and port capacity expansions

21 T1/E1 ports Dual expansion modules for T1/E1,STM-1, T3/E3, and Ethernet2 STM-1

optical ports


and craft ports

OnSite™ Series Model OS1063

Typical application (Model OS1052 shown)

Metro-Optical Transport Access (Continued)

Model 0S1063 base systemThe base OS1063 system is configuredwith 2 STM-1 and 21 E1/T1.

Two expansion module slots are includedfor increasing system capacity beyondthe initial base configuration. Additional

ports and features only require simple inser-tion of one of the many available types ofTDM and packet data modules.

In only one RU, the OS1063 supportsexpansion up to 63 E1 ports and 18Ethernet 10/100 ports.

visit us onlinewww.patton.comFAST Delivery From Your AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR!22

The high-density Ethernet (HD-ENET) moduleinserts into an expansion slot in the modularS1052 and S1063 platforms. By adding two mod-ules, the system can support up to 18 Ethernetports in only 1U of rack space (including the twoEthernet ports on the base OS1052 system).

The module supports flexible encapsulation ofdata services into SDH tunnels using genericframing procedure (GFP) and virtual concatena-tion (VCAT).

With the HD-ENET module, the system can con-nect Ethernet traffic flows at the port and VLANlevels to any of up to 16 VCAT groups (VCGs) inthe module. Each VCAT group has access to thefull SDH trunk capacity of the OS10 series systemand supports configuration at the VC-3 and VC-12levels. With two modules, you can configure up to34 VCGs for the provisioning of Ethernet servicesin 64 kbit/s increments up to full rate.

Advanced Layer 2 functions in the module permitthe connection of selected VLAN flows from anyport to any provisioned VCG. Each VLAN flow mayconsist of a single VLAN or a range of VLAN IDs.

The module is ideal for use at a service providerpoint-of-presence (POP) to concentrate Ethernettraffic from multiple sites in an OnSite network.

The module is configured and managed througha Web-based GUI interface or a scalable EMS.

F E A T U R E S & B E N E F I T S� HHiigghh ppoorrtt ddeennssiittyy—8 Ethernet

10/100Base-TX ports

� VVCCAATT ssuuppppoorrtt—16 groups (VCGs) permodule • VC-12-Xv • VC-3-Xv

� PPaacckkeett IInntteelllliiggeennccee—Rate Limiting (64kbps increments) • VLAN • Service ProviderTags (Q-in-Q) • QoS • PerformanceStatistics

� FFlleexxiibbllee MMaappppiinnggss—Port to VCG • VLANto VCG

� LLooww PPoowweerr—Less than 9 watts; Naturalconvection cooling (no fans)

8-port Ethernet ModuleOnSite™ Series Model HD-ENET

This high density 8-port Ethernet module provides industry-leading, flexible expansionof Ethernet services for the Patton OnSite OS-10 Series of flex access platforms.







MMaaxx EEtthheerrnneett ccaappaacciittyy wwiitthh......

OS-10 Series Configuration and Ethernet PortCapacity with the HD-ENET module



The high-density (HD)-E1 module inserts into anexpansion slot in the modular OS1052 andOS1063 platforms. Using two modules, you canconfigure the OS1063 system for full access tothe STM-1 capacity of 63 E1 ports in only 1U ofrack space.

The port density and expansion capability of theHD-E1 module makes it ideal for use in mobilenetworks, E1 leased-line networks, and basictelephony applications.

For mobile network applications, the HD-E1module can backhaul E1 traffic from multipleBTS or Node B sites to a centralized BSC or RNC.

You can also use the module at a serviceprovider point-of-presence (POP) to connect E1traffic from multiple building sites using anOnSite SDH ring.

The transparent, clear-channel transport capabil-ity of the module simplifies the connectivity of E1G.703 signals (2.048 Mbps ± 50 ppm) across anSDH network.

The HD-E1 module provides physical access toE1 signals through a high-density cable thatplugs directly into the front panel of the moduleusing a Future Bus connector.

The module is configured and managed througha Web-based GUI interface or a scalable EMS.

F E A T U R E S & B E N E F I T S� HHiigghh ppoorrtt ddeennssiittyy— 21 E1 ports (G.703


� FFlleexxiibbllee tteerrmmiinnaattiioonn ooppttiioonnss—75-ohm •120-ohm

� SSiimmppllee ccoonnnneeccttiivviittyy— Clear-channeltransport over SDH • High densitycable interconnection

� FFlleexxiibbllee ttiimmiinngg aanndd ssyynncchhrroonniizzaattiioonn—E1line timing • E1 retiming option

� LLooww PPoowweerr—Less than 6 watts; Naturalconvection cooling (no fans)

21-port HD-E1 ModuleOnSite™ Series Model HD-E1

The high-density 21-port E1 module allows configuring the Patton OnSite OS-10 Seriesof STM-1 μMSPP platforms for direct access to high counts of E1 client signal ports.







MMaaxx EE11 ccaappaacciittyy wwiitthh......

OS-10 Series Configuration and PortCapacity with the HD-E1 module



visit us FAST Delivery From Your AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR! 23

The STM-1 module plugs into either of the twoexpansion slots in the modular OnSite OS1052and OS1063 platforms. Using one expansionmodule, you can configure the S10 systemwith 2 additional STM-1 ports that can be con-figured as a protected pair using SNCP or 1+1MSP, or as dual unprotected ports. Two mod-ules provide access to 6 STM-1 ports at ahub site.

The module provides flexibility to configure theS10 as an ultra-compact digital cross-connect forconnectivity between 6 STM-1 ports at a hub site.

The module also provides the option of support-ing such network topologies as linear 4-fiberADM chain, subtending ring, and tree/star

For applications that require interconnectionusing electrical interfaces, the STM-1e moduleprovides physical access to G.703-compliant155 Mbit/s signals for transmission over coaxialcables. The STM-1e module finds application forintra-office connectivity to higher-order SDHequipment and also for connection to STM-1digital microwave radio equipment.

The STM-1 expansion module opens multiplenetwork expansion possibilities and delivery ofdirect STM-1 (full or fractional) services.

The module is configured and managed througha Web-based GUI interface or a scalable EMS.

F E A T U R E S & B E N E F I T S� HHiigghh ppoorrtt ddeennssiittyy—2 STM-1 ports

� FFlleexxiibbllee iinntteerrffaaccee ooppttiioonnss—STM-1 optical• STM-1 electrical

� SSiimmppllee ccoonnnneeccttiivviittyy—VC-12 and VC-3payloads • One-way, two-way and drop-and-continue

� HHiigghhllyy fflleexxiibbllee ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss—Dualunprotected • Linear MSP 1+1 protection •SNCP/I and SNCP/N

� FFlleexxiibbllee mmoonniittoorriinngg—G.826 and G.829performance monitoring

� LLooww PPoowweerr—Less than 6 watts; Naturalconvection cooling (no fans)

2-port STM-1 ModuleOnSite™ Series Model STM-1

The 2-port STM-1 module allows configuring the OS-10 Series of μMSPP platforms fordirect access, cross-connection, and transport of STM-1 signals over SDH networks.

The DS3/E3 module plugs into either one of the twoexpansion slots in the modular OnSite S1052 andS1063 platforms. Using one module, you can config-ure the system with 3 DS3/E3 ports for transport over aprotected STM-1 link. Two modules provide access to6 DS3/E3 ports at a hub site in a linear ADM network.

The module provides flexibility to set individual portspeeds to DS3 or E3.

The transparent, clear-channel transport capability ofthe module simplifies the connectivity of DS3/E3G.703 signals across an SDH network. The modulealso provides the option of monitoring the DS3 or E3path in a non-intrusive manner in both directionsof transmission.

The module provides physical access to DS3/E3 sig-nals using DIN 1.0/2.3 connectors that support indi-vidual coaxial cable terminations for each directionof transmission.

The module is configured and managed througha Web-based GUI interface or a scalable EMS.

F E A T U R E S & B E N E F I T S� HHiigghh ppoorrtt ddeennssiittyy—3 DS3/E3 ports (G.703


� FFlleexxiibbllee ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ooppttiioonnss—E3 orDS3 rate per port • LBO settings per port

� SSiimmppllee ccoonnnneeccttiivviittyy—Clear-channel trans-port over VC-3 payload

� FFlleexxiibbllee mmoonniittoorriinngg—Non-intrusive moni-toring of DS3/E3 paths • M23 and C-bitframing options for DS3 • G.751 and G.832framing options for E3

� LLooww PPoowweerr—Less than 6 watts; Naturalconvection cooling (no fans)

3-port DS3/E3 ModuleOnSite™ Series Model DS3-E3

The 3-port DS3/E3 module allows configuring the OnSite OS-10 Series of μMSPP plat-forms for direct access and transport of DS3 and E3 signals over SDH networks.


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