Pattern Recognition & Limits of Machine Learning Game Programming Kit Ming Chan.

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Transcript of Pattern Recognition & Limits of Machine Learning Game Programming Kit Ming Chan.

Pattern Recognition& Limits of Machine


Game Programming Kit Ming Chan

About Our Authors• Section 10.3

– Timo Kaukoranta, Jouni Smed, Harri Hakonen– Department of I.T., University of Turku, Finland– Smed: computer games, optimization, and scheduling algorithms,

doctoral degree from university of Turku <>

– Hakonen: Algorithms for Computer Games, String Algorithmic, Software Construction and Object Integrity <>

• Section 10.5– Neil Kirby

• Lucent Tech, Bell Labs,, MS in Comp Sci, Ohio State University.

• currently develops .NET solutions. • built speech recognition software and teaching at the university

level. • In his spare time he designs multi-player, tactical combat

computer games. He especially enjoys writing programs for computer opponents that play well without cheating.

• 10.5 Getting around the Limits of Machine Learning

Categories of Limitations

• Four Questions• Is it cheap to see (recognize) the thing to learn from?• Is it cheap to store the knowledge?• Is it cheap to use the knowledge?• Does learning make the game better?

Divisions of Problem Space

• Implicit vs. explicit learning– Implicit means the game is self motivated to

learn – Explicit means the game is told to learn

• Learn in the field vs. in development– Flexibility vs. risky quality assurance

Examples of Learning

• Simple question:– Implicit or explicit learning? Learning in field or development?– Is it cheap to see/store/use knowledge and does it improve the game?– How to deal with quality assurance?

• Black & White– Remember in the last class when the human player teaches his

monster to throw stone at the village?

1. Explicit and In field learning

2. Cheap to see ( just copy the player), Cheap to store (proven by example), Cheap to use (game runs well on target machines)

3. Improve the game (sure! Increase enjoyment of replaying)

4. To avoid quality assurance problem, creatures are programmed with innate behaviors that constrain learning

Example of Learning

• Command & Conquer Renegade– A feature that is turned off in the shipped version is a

code that copies player movement and add new paths to the pathfinder.

1. Implicit and in field learning

2. Cheap to see ( computationally easy)

3. Cheap to store (free! Pathfinder already stores this type of info)

4. Cheap to use (certainly! Just add some more paths to pathfinder)

5. Improve the game (makes AI more intelligent)

6. No quality assurance concern because it makes use of original, safe component (pathfinder) of the game

Example of Learning• Re-volt (racing game)

– A genetic algorithm is used during development to tune parameters and reduce lap times

– Implicit & in development learning– Cheap to see

• ( during game has no cost, but during development it is costly to run GA)

– Cheap to store • ( free! Just change the parameters)

– Cheap to use • (during game has no cost, but during

development it takes a long time)– Improve the game

• (makes AI more intelligent)– No quality assurance concern

Limits to Learning?

• What are some limits you can think of now?

Most limitations fall into these categories

1. Knowledge representation

2. Recognizing the knowledge

3. Storing the knowledge

4. Using the knowledge

The last 3 are simply the first 3 questions we have been talking about

Is the knowledge cheap to see?

Is the knowledge cheap to store?

Is the knowledge cheap to use?

Knowledge Representation

• Consider music coding– One channel of CD-quality music

• requires 88,200 bytes / sec regardless of content

– MIDI • a few events per note, • most music is roughly a few notes per second.

– Printed sheet music • one event per note

Limit 1: the higher the level of representation, the easier the knowledge to work with, but the more expensive to acquire

Seeing More Clearly

• Limit 2: AI must store information to deal with the past

• The present– Easier to learn than past

• B&W ties feedback to behavior temporally• C&C Renegade reduces mouse-and-keyboard input into paths,

and pathfinder stores new area connectivity• Re-Volt uses the lap timer to differentiate good parameters from

suboptimal ones.

• The past– Racing game, Backgammon are not history dependent– For history dependent games, it is much more difficult to

understand causal chain in history

• Limit 3: Instance based methods learn wrong things from data– Neural nets, Markov models– Need good training data that resembles testing– Cannot differentiate similar (but different) data

even if trained with it

Seeing More Clearly

Seeing More Clearly• Examples of cases that are hard to learn in instanced-

based learning1. Neural Networks to train tank recognition

2. Pronunciation of One, Two, and Three in German

Storing new Knowledge

• Limit 4: AI cannot do sophisticated algorithm on the fly (thus we store knowledge)

• Avoid over-fitting (learning the wrong thing)– Neural network, Markov– Improvement: learn from just the new datum– Overfitting because of small new dataset! – Neural network can compensate by temporal


Using new Knowledge

• Limit 5: If games are not designed to use new knowledge, new storage and capability will need to be added

• Games should design to exploit new knowledge in an integrated fashion– C&C again, where new data is integrated into

pathfinder– B&W, new data determines behavior of monster

Conclusion• Machine Learning present in

– In field (player may or may not be aware)– In development

• Knowledge can be learned – Explicitly or implicitly

• Limits of Machine Learning– The cost to see / recognize knowledge– The cost to store – The cost to use

• Does it make the game better

• Limits of Machine Learning– The cost to see / recognize knowledge

• Expensive!!

– The cost to store – The cost to use Could be expensive– Does it make the game better hopefully

• Usually in development– Black and White is in field

Limits in Use of Pattern Recognition

• “Unfortunately, in the development of AIs for CGs the scope of pattern recognition has not been widely realized…Our motivation is to do pattern recognition ourselves to discern where pattern recognition can be applied in CG” [Hakonen]

• Many classic academic games such as Chess (Deep Blue), Backgammons, Go made use pattern recognition and achieved good result.

• Many games do use neural networks, but does not necessarily use pattern recognition.

• 10.3 Understanding Pattern Recognition Methods

Intro to Pattern Recognition 1

• Wikipedia:

• Pattern recognition … can be defined as "the act of taking in raw data and taking an action based on the category of the data" [1]. – image analysis, character recognition, speech

analysis, man and machine diagnostics, person identification and industrial inspection.

Intro to Pattern Recognition 2

• Textbook Definition (in the context of CG): – To abstract relevant information from the game

world and, based on the retrieved information, construct concepts and deduce patterns for the use of higher level reasoning and decision-making systems.

Intro to Pattern Recognition 3

Abstract relevant info, compare to old info in KB, deduce pattern

Choose from a list of possible actions available in the current state, balance it to the requested state


1. Why do we need a decision-making system? Why don’t we just simply map patterns to some reaction? (Hint: Do we know everything about the environment to make the decision?)

The world is not deterministic..-Built-in randomness-Human players’ action

2. Where do you think PR can be applied for computer games?

Intro to Pattern Recognition 4

• Some suggested uses of pattern recognition:– During game:

• Enemy evaluation and prediction• Coaching• Group coordination• Terrain analysis• Learning

– During development

– Black and White– Command and Conquer Renegade (attempted)

• Re-Volt

• Functional Approach.

• How is the use of PR differ with…– Levels of decision making ? – Stance towards the player ?

Functional – Level of Decision Making

• Suitability of pattern recognition depends on the level of decision making:– Strategic Level

– Tactical Level

– Operational Level

Level of decision making

Duration Size of Plan

Speed/ Use of Pattern Recognition

Strategic Game Example

Strategic Long-term All players

Offline / extensive use

terrain is analyzed to find advantageous positions to plan the maneuvers

Tactical medium A group Delivered real time / some use

decisions made on the engaging platoons and the battleground

Operational immediate Individual Made in real time / no use

To shoot, dodge, or charge

Functional– Level of Decision Making

Functional - Stance

• Enemy– Provide Challenge– Demonstrate Intelligent (at least purposeful)

behavior– PR to aid computer’s decision making

• Prediction and production

Functional - Stance

– Ally, • Augment user interface

– Hints and guide

• Aiding the human player

• End result should be visually accessible and consistent, but not necessarily complete

Functional - Stance

Neutral : -Context dependent

-Commentory-highlighting events and providing background highlighting events and background information

- soccer referee -Judging rule violation

– Modeled Language?• A generator labels events and states with symbol• Modeling recognizes the underlying dependencies

between symbols• Short term history sufficient

Functional– Stance

Functional– Prediction

– Predict next symbol, calculate probability of the next action of opponent

Functional– Production

– observe opponent and produce next symbol (memcpy)

• PR as these problems:– Optimization– Adaptation– Uncertainty (not going to talk about)

• Algorithm used in each problem area

• How the level of decision making decides what PR algorithm to use

Optimization– an objective function (to max or min)– A set of variables – A set of constraints

• Pattern recognition as an optimization problem is to have an objective function to rank the solution candidates

Methodology - Optimization

Methodology - Optimization

Methodology - Optimization

• Project # 6: tweak AI to beat some opponents

• Marc’s presentation: the tweaking could be done automatically

• This is related to pattern recognition– Trying to identify strengths and weaknesses of


• Age of Empire Example– Objective: Balance civilizations and units– A combat comparison simulator is used to test battles

with different troop combinations

– The set of variables: Attributes (armor, hit point, damage, range)

– The set of constraints: the range of allowed values– Objective Function: min(difference of the number of

victories of different civilizations in simulator battles) – Attributes are changed to even out discrepancies

Methodology - Optimization

These slides are taken from [Street]

• How to find more optimal variable values?

• Heuristic functions– Fastest and simplest– Get stuck at local optimum before finding global– Use multiple search traces instead of one

Methodology - Optimization

• How to find more optimal variable values and avoid local optimum?

• Genetic Algorithm– Avoid local optimum. A population of candidate

solutions, go thru stages of natural selection, objective function is to weed out the weak candidates

– Vulnerable to dependency of variables, CPU exhaustive

Methodology - Optimization

• Another way to find more optimal variable values and avoid local optimum?

• Swarm Algorithm– Avoid local optimum (if min speed is set)– faster than genetic algorithm– next 3 slides on Particle Swarm Optimization

Methodology - Optimization

Particle Swarm Optimization 1

– PSO is very similar to genetic algorithm, but does not have genetic operators like crossover and mutation. Particles update themselves with the internal velocity.

– The idea is similar to bird flocks searching for food, don’t know where the food is, but know how far from it

– pbest and gbest are stored in memory

Bird = particle, Food = optimal solutionpbest = the best solution (fitness) a particle has achieved so far. gbest = the global best solution of all particles

• v[] = v0[] + c1 * rand() * (pbest[] - present[]) + c2 * rand() * (gbest[] - present[]) -----------(a)

• present[] = present0[] + v[] ------------------(b)

Particle Swarm Optimization 2

v[] = the particle velocitypresent[] = the current particle (solution). rand () = a random number between (0,1). c1, c2 = learning factors. usually c1 = c2 = 2.

Optimization & the Level of Decision Making

• Strategic Level:– Computationally hard to solve– With relaxed constraint that the variables are not

interdependent, then genetic algorithm

• Tactical Level:– Must be responsive– Single trace, heuristic functions

• Operational Level:– Real-time, – simple objective function (switch statement)

Methodology - Adaptation

• Adaptation – The ability to make appropriate responses to

changed or changing circumstances

• Try to model the originator of the modeled data

Methodology - Adaptation

• Adaptation vs. Optimization– Adaptation

• looks for a function behind a solution,

– Optimization • looks for a

solution for a given function

• When is adaptation useful? Why is it hard to use?

Methodology - Adaptation

1. Useful when the affecting factors or mechanisms behind the phenomena is unknown or dynamic

2. Hard to use because it requires sampling the search space to cover sufficiently. The more complex the cause is, the sparser the our sample gets (combinatorial explosion)

Methodology - Adaptation

• Neural Networks – Can adapt to situation where we do not have background

knowledge of dependencies– Supervised (predefined categories for results) or

unsupervised learning– For more information, please read Chp11

• Hidden Markov Model– System is conditionally independent of the past states– each state has a probability distribution over the possible

output tokens– the challenge is to determine the hidden parameters from

the observable parameters– Can adapt to recurring structure

Adaptation and the level of decision making

• Strategic Level– Supervised or unsupervised learning– Can afford great computational demand

• Tactical Level– Hidden Markov models– More dynamic environment– Credibility of results can be evaluated

• Operation Level– Stochastic interpretation for input data, or – Use a ready-adapted neural network

Conclusion• Pattern Recognition

– PR is not well explored in gaming yet– Biggest limit is computational complexity– A lot of time is domain dependent– Algorithms used depend highly on required


– Functional Approach• Level of decision making• Stance

– Methodological Approach• Optimization• Adaptation• Uncertainty ( not discussed )


• Hu, Xiaohui. “Particle Swarm Optimization Tutorial,”

• Fraser, Neil. “Neural Network Follies.”

• German steps, number 1-10.

• Shutton, R. “Learning to Predict by the Method of Temporal Differences,”

• Kidd, Petersen, Street, “How to Balance a Real-Time Strategy Game: Lessons from the Age of Empires Series,”

• Timo Kaukoranta, Jouni Smed, Harri Hakonen. “Role of Pattern Recognition in Computer Games.”