Pathway to Success · Fetch Execute cycle Cloud computing Types of software – e.g. system,...

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8th November 2019 Dear Parents/Carers,

Year 11 Pathway to Success

This is the next edition of a regular email to Year 11 parents. Every two weeks we will send out this bulletin with details of support offered over the coming weeks. As you would expect it is very important to make sure that students continue to complete coursework and attend any necessary extra sessions. Hopefully this email will help you as parents and carers to encourage your son or daughter to make the most of what is on offer.

As part of meeting the challenges of Year 11, I would ask that you encourage your child to act upon any advice or information received in the fortnightly emails. The impetus is now on them to put their best effort into achieving the results to which they aspire. Thank you for your continued support and please do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns in this vital year. Kind Regards, Mrs Katy Tavaga Head of Year 11

General Thank you to all that attended our Sixth Form Open Evening this week. We hope that you found the evening useful and that students feel more informed of what is on offer here at St. Crispin’s. At the moment, students are being actively encouraged to have discussions with their parents/carers as well as their teachers so that they make the right choice for them. Tutors will also be discussing future choices in the coming weeks during tutor time and reminding students of the application process and its deadlines. On another note, I would like to reiterate the importance of your son/daughter attending school every day. Although we understand that there are occasions where students are unable to attend due to medical/family reasons, it is proven that students who have a higher attendance rate during Year 11 also have a higher pass rate at GCSE. Therefore, please encourage your son/daughter to attend school every day and if there are any problems that arise, please do let us know. Learning Bursary If your son/daughter is in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant they are entitled to support in buying equipment to support their study. To find out more please see here or email

Pathway to Success

Sixth Form

St Crispin’s Sixth Form: Applications Now Open!

It really was a pleasure to welcome so many of you at our Sixth Form Open Evening last night. We hope you enjoyed the evening and experienced

some of the many qualities that make St Crispin’s Sixth Form such a unique and exciting place to study. If you were unable to attend or you have further queries, please do not worry: the

Sixth Form Team are more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Do pop along to find one of us or send us an email to get the ball rolling.

Please also communicate with your tutors, teachers and parents to seek out any support you need in making your application.

You will find a link to the online application form and our prospectus


Key Dates

Thursday 7th November 2019 Prospectus issued to students at the Sixth Form Open Evening

and online application goes live. Monday 13th January 2020 Deadline for Sixth Form applications.

Wednesday 22nd January to Friday 7th

February 2020

Students meet with members of the Sixth Form team to

discuss their options.

Friday 6th March 2020

Deadline for students to confirm acceptance of their formal


[Please note: the school may not be able to hold offers open

beyond this date.] Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th June

2020 Sixth Form Induction Days

For regularly updated information regarding key dates, events and news, please refer to the following:

The Sixth Form Team

Ms Pearson Raising Standards Leader

Mrs Collett Head of Sixth Form

Mr Yeatman Deputy Head of Sixth Form

Mrs West Assistant Head of Year 12

Mrs Kirby Assistant Head of Year 13

Mrs Lightfoot Sixth Form Administrator


Course Companion GCSE Business Sample Question Paper GCSE Business Answers Mark Scheme

Computer Science

Topic List for the Computer Science PPEs Autumn Term 2019 Paper 1 – Computational thinking and problem solving (1 hour 30 mins)

Algorithms – interpreting and developing using

pseudocode or flow charts

Algorithms – Trace tables

Algorithmic techniques – e.g. Assigning data types, Arrays,

Iterations, Selection, Sub-routines

Binary arithmetic

Sound sampling

Merge sort algorithm

Logic gates and truth tables

Logic circuits

Paper 2 – Written Assessment (1 hour 30 mins)

Data representation – binary, hexadecimal

Data storage capacities

Bitmap images

Computer storage – ROM, RAM, HDD

Logic Circuits – truth tables

Components of the CPU

Fetch Execute cycle

Cloud computing

Types of software – e.g. system, application

Fundamentals of Networks

Social Engineering techniques

Huffman encoding- trees, binary codes, ASCII


Ethical and Legal issues – wireless networking

Malware attacks – threats and methods of prevention

Good luck everyone









Drama Revision materials


- Rehearsals for Component 2 Lunchtime, afterschool

- Key deadlines for coursework Wednesday 20th November Component 2 performances

- Preparations for PPEs Wednesday Lunch time revision every Wednesday in the DSR

- Or indeed anything else Digital Theatre Subscription Renewal – Please refer to letter from Mrs West 15/10/19

English Year 11 Meet GCSEPod

“You can’t revise for English!” is a common misconception. Because English Language is perceived as being more skill than memory, it can be hard for students to understand how to improve their exam performance during the run up to examinations. Luckily, on-line resources are beginning to provide the solution. The English Department has invested in a subscription to an app called GCSEPod to support students as they prepare for their English and English Literature GCSEs. Students have been introduced to GCSEPod this week and already have access to all the resources. They are now able to log on to a huge bank of short video clips that they can view on their phone or laptop anywhere they go. The app has been proven to substantially improve GCSE grades. Teachers can monitor each student’s usage. If you would like to find out more, GCSEPod’s website is at: GCSEPod.

Information for Parents (please click on the poster)

Geography Year 11 are to continue to build towards their PPE revision, and can use the PPE case study booklet that we have provided in lessons as a support for their own revision activities. In addition, may I remind students that we have the opportunity of Wednesday drop-in sessions from 3.15-4pm in the Geography Department each week, which some students may find especially helpful in the run up to the exams. Students can use this as a quiet, supervised space to work, or bring any questions that they have. Equally it is an opportunity to have a helping hand on catching up with any work that students may have missed, and therefore fill any gaps in their work, moving through this busy and important year. Additionally, a new resource has recently been published which is a workbook that may be useful to students to practice additional exam questions to those they do in class and for personal study. It can be purchased from Amazon with the following link: OCR GCSE (9-1) Geography A Workbook for £5.99. Plus the revision guide for the course is also useful at My Revision Notes OCR GCSE (9-1) Geography A. These are not essential for your son/daughter’s success, but may be useful companions. Their exercise books should be their most detailed source of information for their revision.

History Students should be continuing to work through their Cold War & Elizabeth Revision Guide. Each week students should complete a worksheet that comprises 10 questions to test knowledge. Students are encouraged to attempt the practice exam questions in their booklets and hand to their teacher to get marked. We ask parents to please check that students have completed this, as some students are

neglecting this. If students need extra support or have missed any lessons then they should be attending the GCSE Drop In Clinic. This runs every Friday at lunchtime. Students should bring their book so that the teacher can help them with any missed work.

Students should also start preparing for their PPE’s. Students will sit two exams in History. A full Germany paper which will focus on, ‘the recovery of Weimar 1924-9 & the rise of Hitler 1919-29’. They will also sit a Cold War & Elizabeth paper. This will focus on, ‘the development of the Cold war 1947-56, the Cuban missile Crisis, Soviet invasion of Afghanistan & the End of the Cold war 1989-1991. For Elizabeth they need to revise, ‘Elizabethan government, early Elizabethan problems, Catholic plots & Anglo-Spanish relations’. Students have their revision guides for these exams. If they refer to the PPE booklet they can discover which worksheets would be best to revise from. We also suggest students use their class books as well as websites like BBC Bitesize and Revise GCSE History

Health & Social Care

Complete revision notes/mind map for the four topics identified in lesson as weaker knowledge areas. Use the text book, revision guide and the internet to help with this, along with lesson notes.

Hospitality & Catering

So the PPE Practical exam is looming for our budding chefs! Students have now selected the dish they will be cooking and they have been given the time, date and room they will be cooking in. They now have to work on their ‘Time Plan’. This is a piece of paperwork that allows them to plan in intricate detail in their timings, their order of work and their contingency actions, should anything go wrong. The class will be practicing this dish on Thursday 14th November, so ALL STUDENTS need to remember their ingredients. Plan Production of dishes for a menu – click here Time to get cooking!

Information Technology (Cambridge National)

Our ICT students are currently working on their coursework assignments –the deadline for their assignment will be the first week of December. The majority of their marks will be for using Microsoft Access, any support which can be offered at home with these skills would be greatly appreciated.

Formal intervention sessions will be running on Tuesday’s afterschool in the Science Lecture Room, students will encouraged to attend in the near future if they are unlikely to meet their assignment deadlines. However, all students are more than welcome to attend and will be given support during lunchtimes and afterschool sessions by arrangement on other days. Students have an exam on January 10th (R012 Understanding tools, techniques, methods and processes for technological solutions). They will also be given an opportunity to resit this examined module in the Summer term. Key resources:

We have prepared on online checklist for students, which can be found at They have used this resource in lessons, but should be updating their understanding as they revise at home. Students should pay particular attention to content marked (Exam? – Y)

Hodder Education Textbooks – “Cambridge National Level 1/2 Information Technologies” (ISBN 978-1-5104-2327-5). Students can request to borrow these textbooks from our class set during the revision period, although care must be taken to make sure they are still available in lessons. It is recommended that students have bought a copy of this course book to use at home for their revision.

Revision materials e.g. flashcards, ring binders, plastic wallets can be provided to students free of charge on request. We encourage students to revise using a variety of styles, and not just reading and writing notes.

BBC Bitesize – the revision pages for the GCSE ICT course on BBC Bitesize are a fantastic place to start

Key dates:

December 1st – Initial coursework assignment deadline (R013 Developing technological solutions)

First week of December - Final coursework assignment deadline (R013 Developing technological solutions)

First week of January – Final countdown intervention sessions

January 10th – Externally marked exam (R012 Understanding tools, techniques, methods and processes for technological solutions) + Coursework submission deadline to exam board

June – Externally marked exam resits Helping your child get started: Flashcards

We recommend that students make flashcards for small pieces of information

from their course a few times a week.

They can see which content to cover at their PLC (

Here is an easy guide to how to make effective flashcards

Materials can be provided to students free of charge

Retrieval Practice

Retrieval practice just means remembering stuff. Students need to try strategies

to force their brain the prioritise key ideas. Here is an easy guide to the fundamental ideas behind retrieval.

Research shows that testing is a much more effective way of remembering content in the long term than just revising for longer

Example strategy: Forced Recall Sheet 1. Pick a topic and write down a list of key questions you want to revise 2. Divide a sheet of A4 paper into 4 sections


Maths Review of half term homework

1. Mark schemes emailed to students and parents or given out in class. 2. Review sheet provided with corbett maths videos linked to each question 3. Students should complete the practice questions on questions they couldn't do

by watching the videos as revision for the PPE's.

French: Personal Study: To complete some doddle tasks on specific topics They need to keep practising their vocab on quizlet. Ensure that they are practising their General Conversations questions for the themes chosen and to know their GCSE speaking mat. Tasks have been set on Seneca Learning website and a lot of them have not completed them or even joined the class yet. Intervention sessions (Speaking) for all students will be on every Thursday on Week B (lunch time) in L3 delivered into 3 groups with Mr Herscent, Mr Stacey-Moore and Mrs Wo Kai Song Spanish: Conversation club every Thursday during lunch time with Mr Collis, Mrs Martin and Miss Underwood in L2. Link for students to access and practise. Materiales Intervention happening every Friday alternating between Mrs Martin and Mrs Angel helped by Mr Marticorena. Tasks have been set on Seneca Learning website once a week to be completed. Vocab tests weekly. German: Link for students to access and revise GCSE German Speaking questions to be prepared and have been added to the padlet page. Tasks have been set on Seneca Learning website once a week to be completed.

Past Papers

Students will be issued with one past paper every two weeks until the PPE. Mark schemes will be emailed after the deadline for completion

GCSE Exams 2020 19th May 2020 Paper 1 (Non calculator) 4th June 2020 Paper 2 (Calculator) 8th June 2020 Paper 3 (Calculator) Students should ensure that they have a working scientific calculator and that they are regularly bringing it to lessons to practice using it. To revise these topics they have 3 options:

1. Use their online textbooks to go back over the topic on Kerboodle (institution code: lu1 ask your teacher for your login details)

2. Choose the online revision lessons and tasks on these topics on MyMaths (login: crispins and password: trapezium, ask your teacher for MyPortal login details)

3. Use Corbett Maths to search a topic, watch a video and complete exam style questions.

Booster Packs on Mymaths There are revision packs available on mymaths for all target grades. Please look at the Assessment and Revision section to use them.

For additional revision resources please look at the Stretch and Challenge section of the Maths KS4 webpage.

Music Listening: Students should prepare in advance for listening activities scheduled for all lessons. Looking ahead to PPEs in early December, helpful information on musical elements can be found online at BBC Bitesize, while skills-based content may be addressed by working independently using Auralia software. More specific guidance is provided in the PPE Revision Booklet that has recently been distributed in school. Students have now been advised that the latest version of the software package is now available to them-please see the attachment ‘Auralia Software – User information’ for details regarding download, login and basic information to help get started.

The use of an AQA-specific GCSE Music revision guide is highly recommended from this point onwards, as it presents the key information required for the listening exam (details of two possible options are given below; click on either to follow hyperlink to possible retailers for purchase and please ensure that you view ‘Revision Guide’ and not ‘Study Guide’). This includes the elements of music and stylistic features students are expected to recognise, advice on how to tackle

questions on unfamiliar music from all Areas of Study, notes on the study pieces, and a glossary of technical terms. In addition, CGP’s ‘Complete Revision & Practice’ guide comes complete with a CD to accompany practice questions provided. Composition: Having received teacher feedback on their draft composition work, students should ensure that they are working to complete their pieces in line with the feedback. The next submission deadline will be set for early December, at which point work on composition 1 should be largely complete. Performance: Many students have now completed at least one assessable performance recording. Students who have not yet done so must ensure that they have arranged a suitable time for their recording to take place. Individual feedback shared with students leading to a second recording opportunity should be addressed as soon as possible, to allow for this to be scheduled in a timely manner.

Auralia Software - User Information


- Revision On all content learnt so far from both paper 1 and paper 2

- Revision sessions Wednesday after school drop in sessions for GCSE

- Online materials to use for revision Seneca learning & BBC Bitesize

Deadline for GCSE filming of sports for practical marks to be handed in to PE

Department is the 19th December.

Religious Studies

- This term Year 11 students are studying the ‘Dialogues between Religious and Non-Religious Beliefs’ unit.

- Students should ensure they engage with feedback given in

class and in their books and act on this feedback to improve their answers to exam questions.

- In addition to Personal Study tasks students should be

reviewing and consolidating their learning outside of lessons.


- Once this unit is complete students will begin some revision work in preparation for the PPEs. However students will also need to be revising for the PPEs outside of lessons.

- The PPEs at the end of this term will include a 1 hour paper on Christian Beliefs

and teachings & Christian practices and a 1 hour Philosophy and Ethics paper with questions on the Dialogues unit and the Religion Peace and Justice unit.

Sport - BTEC Catch up sessions (for coursework) have started and will take place every Wednesday after school in IT 1 (3-4pm). The deadline for students filming their 2nd Sport is the end of November.

Science Open Evening and BTEC Applied Science We had lots and lots of people come to see us in Science and we hope you had the opportunity to speak to us, but we know at times we had some queues. We are always on email or you could call for a conversation if you would like any help or advice. I would like to point out our BTEC Applied science route which is a really exciting course on which we had tremendous success last year with lots of Distinction star grades. Students should not be put off by the BTEC title, it is a course widely accepted by universities and many of our hard working students who enjoy science, but are perhaps working around grades 5-7 would be really successful on it. If you would like to know more, please get in touch with Mr Wheatcroft. As PPEs approach, we would like to point out our custom revision website that we have built for students. It can be found at Tiny and has lots of great revision resources to support revision. Flash cards (both ones from Collins publishers and our own “write on” ones), revision guides, Tassomai and mind maps : These are still available if you missed the window for ordering them, please just get in touch. Well done on all the Tassomai progress, especially over half term, lots of new leaders but still one or two retaining their top spots! Please encourage your children to help shake up this leader board!

Most daily goals Target 4

1st Charlotte B (7) AND Lewis A (7), Dan M (7)

2nd On 6 – James B, Shannon B, Cara, Hannah M, Hannah S, Cameron T,

3rd On 5 – And lots more well done!

Most Progress in last 7 days

Target 2% a week

1st Dan V (4%)

- If students are looking to purchase a revision guide we recommend: ‘My Revision notes OCR GCSE Religious Studies (9-1)’

Amazon Revision Book

2nd Kiren B (3.5%)

3rd Hannah S (3.1%)

Most Correct Questions

1st Charlotte B

2nd Hannah S

3rd Lewis A

Most Overall Progress Target 80% by May

1st Hannah S (26%) New leader!

2nd Will H 25.4% New 2nd!

3rd Charlotte B 20.7 New 3rd