Past Papers Vocabulary

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Transcript of Past Papers Vocabulary

May/June 2002 Paper 2

Words Meanings1. tumbling Topple over / stumble2. trundled Move slowly and unevenly on or as if on wheels3. thronging Gathering4. sifting Searching/ looking/ scrutinizing5. luscious Delicious/ juicy6. relished Delighted/Savored/Enjoyed7. relented Change one’s mind8. tattered In poor condition9.straggling Walking slowly10. solemn Dignified11. grisly Horrifyingly/ ghastly12. combat Conflict13. earnestly Seriously/ sincerely14. glowed Shine/ gleam15. sharp Clear16. intent Aim/ objective17. convinced Assured/ satisfy18. signaled Indicated19. fixed Permanent

Oct/Nov 2002 Paper 2

Our Earliest Ancestors

Words Meanings1. primitive Earliest/ ancient2. perished Died/ expired3. devoured Eat greedily4. scours Clean5. dwindle Reduce/ lesson6. lean Rest7. edible Safe to eat8.wallowing Splash about9.darting Rushing10. dominion Supremacy/ superiority11. antelopes Deer12. significant Important13. likely Probable14. attracted Drew/ magnetic15. trace Sign16. in abundance In plenty17. promised Pledged/vow18. rivals Opponent19. secret Unknown

May / June 2003

1. Ringed surrounded

2. Loaded carrying or bearing a load, especially a large one3. Transmitted cause (something) to pass on from one person or place to

another4. Undoubtedly without doubt; certainly5. Signal a gesture, action, or sound that is used to convey information

or instructions6. Indicated point out; show7. Annoyed slightly angry; irritated; frustrated8. Abandon cease to support or look after (someone); desert9. Peered look with difficulty or concentration at someone or something10. Smear coat or mark (something) messily or carelessly with a greasy

or sticky substance11. Uncanny strange ; mysterious ; eerie ; seeming to have super natural

character or origin12. Anxiously worried ; extreme uneasiness of mind13. Vicious dangerously aggressive ; marked by violence14. Grandeur the quality or state of being Grand / magnificent15. Overwhelming great ; extreme16. Mass a large quantity, amount, or number17. Sank to begin to feel sad, depressed, etc18. Frailty physical weakness19. Bellowed to shout in a deep voice20. Heaving to lift or pull (something) with effort21. Lumbering to move in a slow or awkward way22. Howling the long, low sound made by strong wind23. Dense difficult to see through24. Stinging to cause a quick, sharp pain25. Acute very serious or dangerous26. Discomfort painful feeling27. Thrashing to hit ; to move about violently28. Lunatic insane29. Frenzy great , wild or uncontrolled activity30. Whipped to move quickly or forcefully31. Clawed to move ahead slowly by grabbing onto things32. Huge massive ; gigantic ; large ; humongous33. Scanty very small in size or amount ; meager34. Exposed to reveal35. Hurled to throw (something) with force36. Clustered to come together to form a group37. Projectiles something that is shot from a weapon38. Bombarded to attack constantly or repeatedly39. Stagger to move or cause to move unsteadily from side to side40. hail a large number of small hard objects flying or falling41. Glanced to look at someone or something very quickly42. Wearily lacking strength, energy, or freshness43. Exhausted tired ; wear out44. Resist to fight against; to try to stop or prevent45. Ascent the act or process of rising, moving, or climbing up46. Fragile very delicate; easily broken or damaged; not strong47. Barely hardly48. Rattled to hit against something and make loud sounds49. Shove to push (something) with force50. Toiling to work very hard for a long time51. Dodge to get away from or avoid52. Dimming to become less bright

53. Crest the highest part or point of something54. Tumbled to fall down suddenly and quickly55. Undignified not serious or formal56. Battered damaged; badly injured; hurt57. Heap a large, disordered pile of things58. Fury violent anger; rage59. Bitterly causing painful emotions60. Resented to be angry or upset about61. Unprovoked not instigated62. Assault attack63. Hysterical very funny64. Screen hide; protect; cover; block65. Piling putting together66. Trailing hanging67. Wounded hurt ; injured68. Crept to move slowly with the body close to the ground

OCT / NOV 2003

1. Appear become visible ; to begin to be seen ; show up2. Inspect examine ; to look at something carefully3. Exchange change hands ; swap ; trade ; in consideration of something4. Laborious requiring effort ; difficult ; tiring5. Convenience The state of being : suitable , opportune , comfortable6. Ancient old ; past ; out dated7. Principally chiefly ; primarily ; mainly ; in the main ; majorly8. Worth specified value , importance9. Ability being able to perform10. Represent typify ; symbolize , stand for11. Method way of doing12. Vast on large scale ; huge ; immense ; big ; large13. Variety miscellany ; diversity ; multifariousness ; smorgasbord

; potpourri ; motley14. Fashioned designed ; made15. Extract pull out ; pull ; pull up ; take out ; draw out15. Emerged come out ; come forth ; go forth ; egress16. Popular famous ; renowned ; illustrious ; notable ; known17. Ideal role model18. Distant far away ; separated by space19. Contrast comparison ; compass ; differentiate ; distinction20. Cumbersome Difficult to handle or use21. Implements enforce ; apply22. Imitation artificial ; unreal ; copy ; copying23. Inevitable unavoidable ; ineluctable ; ineludible ; inescapable ; necessary24. Diminished lessened ; vitiated ; weakened25. Recognized acknowledge ; certify26. Bored drilled27. Flourish boom ; thrive ; expand ;prosper28. Precious cherished ; treasured ; loved ; valuable ; worthy29. Substitute alternate ; replacement30. Permanent eternal ; everlasting ; imperishable ;indissoluble ; ineradicable ;

irreversible ; standing ; unceasing ; unchangeable ; unending31. Issued publish ; bring out ; put out ; release32. Significant important ; meaningful ; evidential ;

33. Widespread far-flung ; distributed34. Reputation honour ; esteem35. Acquiring getting36. Foundation base ; foot ; groundwork ; substructure ; understructure37. Gradually bit by bit ; step by step38. Scrape off scratch ; peel off39. Valuable precious ; priceless ; rich ; worthy40. Determined intent ; set41. Pattern form ; shape ; design

May / June 2005

The Mystery of the Lonely Lighthouse

Words Meanings1- alert watchful / vigilant2- prey victim3- jagged angular / pointed / sharp4- wreck destroy completely / ruin5- perilous dangerous / risky / hazardous6- feeble faint / dim7- penetrate pierce / infiltrate / break through8- gloom darkness9- warning alerting10- treacherous dangerous11- fascinating enthralling / mesmerizing / captivating12- isolated lonely / far away / secluded / remote13- hostile harsh / bad / unkind / inhospitable14-expected anticipated / looked forward to15- shrill piercing / ear-splitting16- noisy loud17- disturbed interrupted / bothered18- mounting increasing / growing / rising / escalating19- astonishment amazement / surprise20- ordered commanded21- burst split open / erupt / blow up22- instructed ordered / directed23- venture: risk24- climbed ascended / mounted25- rowed paddled26- ashore onto dry land27- perched positioned28- howling crying29- gales strong winds30- entrance way in / opening31- creaked scratched32- surprised astonished / amazed33- cautiously carefully / vigilantly / meticulously34- knocked over bumped into35- freezing icy / chilly / glacial36- stacked piled up37- neatly tidily / orderly38- occupants inhabitants

39- hurriedly quickly / speedily / hastily40- breathlessly exhaustingly41- explained gave details / elucidated / clarified42- volunteered offered willingly43- combed examined thoroughly44- film covering / layer / coating /membrane45- suggesting implying / hinting / indicating46- practice procedure / process / habit / method47- complete finish48- trace hint / sign49- increasingly more and more50- clear obvious / apparent51- informed told / notified52- extensively thoroughly / comprehensively53- examining exploring / inspecting / scanning54- water proof water-resistant55- missing absent56- mysteriously puzzlingly / oddly / strangely57- investigate examine / probe / look into58- huge gigantic / vast / enormous59- boulder a large rounded rock or stone60- probably almost certainly / most likely61- partially partly62- blocking jamming / obstructing63- disappeared vanished64- speculation suggestions / ideas / theories65- unconvincing unbelievable / incredible66- mystery puzzle / riddle67- conclusively decisively68- solved worked out / settled / deciphered69- explanations clarifications / elucidations70- violence brutality71- theory speculation / assumption72- murdered killed / assassinated / slayed73- colleagues partners / companions74- shame guilt75- cursed jinxed76- several many / a lot of77- fit sudden attack78- depression despair / misery / dejection79- fanciful far-fetched / unlikely / imaginary80- repair mend / renovate / fix81- devastation destruction / heavy damage82- stormy turbulent83- hurricane cyclone / tropical storm84- sweeping moving / extending85- rushed dashed / bolted86- fateful unfortunate / tragic87- mishap accident / misfortune88- departed left / went away89- operated controlled90- annual yearly91- maintenance repair92- crew team93- noticed became aware of

94- approaching coming95- survival living96- permanently constantly97- construction building98- surrounded encircled99- extremely very

Oct / Nov 2005


Words Meanings

1- curious strange / unusual2- imagine suppose / assume3- behave act4- force compel / coerce5- resist oppose / withstand /refuse to give in to6- attempts efforts7- glorious magnificent8- massive huge / enormous / gigantic9- entwined tangled / knotted10- relaxed at ease / comfortable11- silence stillness / peace12- shattered broken13- shrill piercing / penetrating14- intensity concentration / extremity15- puzzled bewildered / baffled / confused16- peered peeped17- source cause18- considerably significantly19- in profusion abundantly / excessively20- skill dexterity / talent21- emerged appeared22- precious valuable23- clutched held tightly24- entranced enchanted / hypnotized25- pathetic hopeless / pitiable26- rescue set free / liberate27- bundled thrusted / shoved / pushed28- viewed examined / scrutinized29- doubtfully uncertainly30- approval support / endorsement31- accepted acknowledged32- diminutive tiny33- terrific wonderful / marvelous34- depressing sad / disheartening35- prophecies predictions / fortellings36- imitate copy37- massaged rubbed

38- twitch pull39- delighted pleased40- delicate weak / frail / unhealthy41- indestructible that cannot be destroyed42- anxious worried43- ritual ceremony44- blissfully happily / peacefully45- crack gap / opening46- escape flee47- cosy comfortable48- screaming screaming49- rage fury50- intention plan51- ferocious fierce / terrifying52- conspicuous obvious53- mourned grieved54- quirky unusual55- Affectionate loving / caring / fond

May/June 2006

Words Meanings1. aggressive hostile2. enchanted captivated3. tucked put4. exclaimed cried/called5. bustling move around in a busy way6. reluctantly hesitantly7. turbulence chaos, turmoil8. clasped gripped9. anxious nervous10. propelled thrust11. scanned casted an eye12. indifference unresponsiveness13. conscience sense of right and wrong14. former previous15. rattling unsettling/ disturbing16. shuffle drag or scuff your feet17. seized snatched/grasped18. wander walk aimlessly19. piled up stocked20. longingly a strong feeling of wanting21. inquisitive probing/questioning22. miniature very small/tiny23. strolled walk in a relaxed way24. demonstrating show something clearly by giving evidence25. resembling be similar to26. enthralling engrossing/enchanting27. amateur doing something for enjoyment28. congregated gathered29. squeezed force yourself through small space30. grubby dull, plain31. tattered torn/ragged/in shreds32. warily cautiously/suspiciously

34. loitered wait somewhere with no reason35. alarmingly frighteningly/ chillingly36. grubby dirty/filthy/soiled37. emerging appearing, coming into sight/view38. clutch grasp/hold39. spout spewing/spurting/gushing40. flurry outbreak/frenzy41. amicable cordial/friendly42. suppressing restraining43. rational based on reason/sane/lucid44. retrace go back over45. disguise covered up46. escort accompany47. guilt remorse48. eternity infinity/perpetuity49. nevertheless even so/nonetheless50. helplessly weakly/feebly51. scooping to lift with quick continuous movement52. uncharacteristically unusually/strangely

October/November 2006

Words Meanings1. Spectacle sight that is impressive to look at2. Anxiety nervousness3. Fished searched4. Bustle commotion/flurry5. Simultaneously at the same time6. Wriggling writhing/squirming7. toddler child who has recently learned to walk8. exasperated infuriated/frustrated/annoyed9. merely simply/just

10. Despondently glumly, dejectedly11. Flicker shine unsteadily12. Brisk fast/quick/rapid13. Flourish to wave something away14. Inconsiderable negligible15. Haul drag/pull16. Retrieve recover/regain17. Dilapidated old and in poor condition18. Disdainful contemptuous/dismissive19. Miraculously astonishingly20. Vociferously enthusiastically/determinedly21. Fumble grope/shuffle22. Slump slouch/bend/droop23. Consoled comfort24. Shuddered shake/trembled25. Dizzily lightheartedly26. Surged rushed27. Impassive emotionless/blank28. Inconsistent conflicting29. Aroma fragrance30. Clutch grasp

31. Vastness immensity32. Relishing savoring/enjoying33. Chubby plump/round34. Screech shriek35. Hiss whisper/murmur36. Blazed burnt

May/June 2007

Words Meanings01 . Soothingly comfortingly, calmingly02 . Rhythmic periodic, pulsating03 . Rocking moving back and forth, swaying04 . Rattling clattering05 . Enjoyed took pleasure from, liked06 . Voyage journey by water, cruise07 . Experience encounter, trial08 . Faint dim, low, distant09 . Howling roaring, crying10 . Destination terminus, journey’s end11 . Deck platform of ship12 . Looped surrounded, circled13 . Sparkling shining, twinkling14 . Rucksack knapsack, backpack15 . Connection tie, association16 . Headed took off, aimed, directed17 . Arduous difficult, hard, laborious18 . Craggy rough, rugged19 . Primitive inborn, innate, natural20 . Instinct impulse, sixth sense21 . Eagle’s View showing every minute detail22 . Distant far23 . Recently lately24 . Desolately forlornly25 . Alien foreign26 . Magnificence splendor, glory27 . Pang sudden sharp attack, twinge28 . Home Sickness longing for home while away29 . Nevertheless however, nonetheless, still30 . Twinge pang, ache, pain31 . Jagged rough, craggy, rugged32 .Menacing dangerous, threatening33 . Fragments pieces, bits, scraps34 . Smothered restrained, collected35 . Dusk evening, nightfall, twilight36 . Abandoned lonely37 . Foolish absurd, insane38 . Gloom darkness39 . Clattering rattling40 . Eluded went away, evaded41 . Yelping uttering a shrill cry42 . Snarling snapping, barking43 . At last eventually44 . Uncomfortably uneasily

45 . Drenched soaked, dripping46 . Wriggled squirmed, writhed47 . Limbs body parts like arms and legs48 . Unfamiliar not well known, unacquainted49 . Loneliness isolation50 . Occasional rare, infrequent51 . Flock herd52 . Climbed ascended, mounted53 . Frequently often, repeatedly54 . Convinced became certain, assured55 . Shelter refuge, sanctuary56 . Ruined damaged, destroyed57 . Remains remnants58 . Propped supported, held up by support59 . Shivers quivers, shudders60 . Apprehension fear61 . Obvious clear, evident62 . Refuge shelter, sanctuary63 . Bandits looters, plunderers64 . In spite of however, nevertheless65 . Rustling whispering66 . Sighing67 . Steadily constantly68 . Sharpening becoming severe, harshening69 . Pattern design70 . Rich productive, fruitful71 . Abundance plenty, bounty, profusion72 . Thumped throbbed, pounded73 . Screwed wrinkled, twisted into folds74 . Decrepit run-down, dilapidated75 . Retaining maintaining, reserving76 . Splendid wonderful, magnificent, glorious77 . Leathery like animal skin78 . Wrinkled crumpled79 . Stagnant still, motionless80 . Padded walked on foot softly81 . Wondering thinking, speculating82 . Judging concluding, deducing83 . Midst among, amid84 . Tossed threw, flung85 . Feverish abnormally heated by fever, fiery86 . Cheered up delighted, happy87 . Pavement smooth and covered surface88 . Chattering talking idly, chatting89 . Vitality liveliness, energy90 . Rasps deep, harsh sounds91 . Crumbling breaking down, disintegrating92 . Warehouse storehouse93 . Peppery spicy, pungent94 . Enthralled fascinated, mesmerized95 . Soared rose96 . Leant rested, reclined97 . Exhausted drained, fatigued98 . Corpse dead body99 . Laid placed, put

100. Chocking strangling, suffocating101. Weeping crying, sobbing

Oct / Nov 2007

Grandfather’s Party

Words Meanings

1- exclaimed cried out2- mistaking making an error in identifying3- certainly definitely / clearly4- retained kept / held / maintained5- cheeky insolent / rude6- grin broad smile7- pleased delighted8- enormously immensely / vastly9- mention reference10- source cause11- embarrassment shame / humiliation12- recently lately13- stammered stuttered14- regain recover15- composure calmness / self-possession16- events incidents / occasions17- rarely seldom18- preferring opting for / favoring19- volunteering offering willingly20- contented satisfied21- varied changed / altered22- signs indications23- experience knowledge learnt from events of life24- wisdom understanding / intelligence25- announced declared openly26- forthcoming upcoming / approaching27- perspiration sweat28- energetically actively29- preparations arrangements30- back and forth backward and forward31- stirring mixing32- contents ingredients33- huge very large / enormous34- simmered boiled35- bubbled fizzed / effervesced36- appointed fixed / allotted / prearranged37- exchanged replaced / traded38- embraced hugged39- eager keen / enthusiastic40- chatted chattered / gossiped41- terribly awfully / dreadfully42- bored fed up43- routine habitual / usual44- dashed rushed45- boasted bragged / showed off

46- opportunity chance47- perceived thought / apprehended / saw48- superiority dominance / supremacy49- smirking smile in a self-satisfied manner50- inspected scanned / examined51- booted availed52- screamed yelled / shrieked53- compensate pay off / make up for54- blurted uttered55- envious jealous56- glint sparkle / shine / flash57- snatched pulled rudely / seized58- self-satisfied conceited59- rude insolent / impolite60- clutching holding tightly / clasping61- sneaked slipped / tiptoed62- clattering rattling / banging63- in full swing on the go64- revenge vengeance65- recognisable able to be identified66- relaxed calm67- innocent not guilty68- skipped hopped69- conspicuous obvious / noticeable70- congratulated applauded / appraised71- demonstrating representing / showing72- skills talents73- unaware oblivious74- accusations charges75- search hunt76- diversion distraction77- deserved be worthy of78- wafting drifting / floating79- appetising tempting80- aromas pleasant odours81- unmistakable obvious / clearly recognizable82- whimper cry / whine83- pathetic pitiable84- wailing weeping85- apprehension fear86- simultaneously at the same time87- resolved set on / decided88- stooping bending down89- remorse regret / guilt

May/June 2008

Vogue trendharmony agreementfascination enthrallmentnovelty originalitydelighted pleasedfolklore mythsancient early

vital dynamicencounter meetinggraced adornedintentional meetingcommunicate converseleap jumpindicate showexuberance excitementcapture catchenables allowexplore(line 19) discoverefficient(line 21) effectiverecord(line 21) highdistinction(line 22) differencevictims(line 23) preys/ sufferersdestructive (line 23) damagingparticularly (line 24) speciallydeliberately (line 26) intentionallydetect(line 29) become aware ofspecific(line 30) particularsympathy (line 31) compassiondepended (line 32) relieddwindling(line 32) decreasingcompete (line 33) viethreat(line 36) danger/ peril/ riskextinction(line 36) exterminationfrequently(line 37) often/ repeatedlyentangled(line 37) entwinedoverriding(line 38) dominant/ prime/ principalconcern(line 38) worryaccidently(line 38) by chanceunderstandable(line 39) comprehensiblehazard(line 41) dangerboost(line 41) increasedumped put/ addedconstructed builtoffset the start; beginningprevented stoppedmigratory roving; roaming; shifting

depleted finishedrestrict limitdeprives deniesisolated secludedconsequently as a resultuncontrolled unrestrainedinadvertently by accidentappalling awfulprobability likelihoodinterferes affectsevidence proofdense thickterritory areaplight predicamentrecognized knowncritically seriously

extensive widesurprising amazingunintentionally accidentlyconserved preservedpersuading urging/ coaxingrushed hurriedconsiderable significantpotential capabilityheartened cheered uparrogance haughtinessignorance unawarenesstremendous greatunfortunate fateful/ unluckyindicators signs

Oct/Nov 2008

Resisted (line 1)Temptation (line 1) lureSnuggle (line 1) cuddleNagging (line 2) irritatingAnxiety (line 3) unease; worryReluctantly (line 4) unwillinglyLogical (line 5) reasonableTales (line 6) storiesWonderful (line 6) brilliantEnsure (line 7) confirmPassion (line 8) loveNurtured (line 8) raisedPreconceptions (line 10) presumptionsScarcely (line 14) barelyShot up (line 14)Accompanied (line15) followedGiggled (line 16) chuckledObediently (line 16) dutifully; compliantlyDogged Determination (line 17)Unnecessary (line 17) needless; pointlessExaggerated (line 18)Inspiring (line 18)Appreciation (line 19) thanksStolen (line 19) takenUnwilling (line 20) reluctantInvolve (line 20) includeApparent (line 21) obviousStrategy (line 21) planDealing (line 22)Crucial (line 22) importantRecollecting (line 24) remembering; reminiscingFormer (line 26) previousAppointed (line 27) selectedAstonished (line 28) amazedDoubting (line 32) disbelievingIntended (line 33) plannedCues (line 36) signsHollow (line 37) without any emotion

Reminisce (line 37) recollectOblivious (line 37) unawareApproaching (line 40) comingSwerved (line 40) veeredLurching (line 41)Prospect (line 41) sceneFuriously (line 43) energeticallyScowling (line 43) frowningImperceptible (line 45) unnoticeableWondered (line 46) thoughtDeluding (line 46) foolingGlanced (line 47) lookedGauge (line 47)Racing (line 49) beating fastDarted (line 53)Specific (line 53) particularSuspected (line 55) assumedOminous (line 56) warningTransformed (line 59) changedStammered (line 60) stutteredChaos (line 60) mayhemEnsued (line 60) followedNonchalant (line 61) casualAmidst (line 62) in the middle ofConfusion (line 62) chaosSharply (line 64) quicklyComplied (line 65) acted in accordance with; obeyedInfuriate (line 65) angerDignified (line 66) honorableAssertive (line 66) firmDemeanor (line 66) behaviorSolemn (line 66) sincereDisastrous (line 72) unsuccessfulNecessity (line 72) needPrompt (line 72) quickThwart (line 74) ruinFlooded (line 78)Fortunately (line 78) luckilyFervently (line 79) ardently; passionately; sincerelyUncharacteristic (line 81) unusualMeekness (line 81) obedience; humblenessPurposefully (line 82) with determinationMischief (line 86) troubleReflected (line 89)



Words Meanings

Ancestors forefathersAncient very oldFanciful logicalDroned

Distracted unable to concentrateLongingly thoughtfullyStretchingExaggerated made to worseDistorted gave false account/twistedExaggerated overstatedRelentlessly continuously/mercilesslyDawdled moved slowlyAnnoyance irritationGratitude appreciation/thankfulnessTendency the way a person behaves/inclinationBicker argue about unimportant thingsArgue quarrelIrritability annoyanceDrifted to be carried along gentlyRemnant partDismissing consideringBolt very straightTumbled fell quicklySummon to make a particular qualityCome from deep insideReverberating repeatingMinisculeBizarre very strangeFeigned pretendedCoincidence accidentAnxious eager, keen, worriedSpewing coming, rushingTriumphantly successfullyTremor shakeNovelty a previously unknown thingProximity nearness, closenessGurgling babbling/a sound made by babies when they are happyShroud coveringOrdeal a difficult experienceSalvage saveFrantic worriedShiver tremor, shakeLooting plundering/robbing/prowling


Words MeaningsOriginating beginningInhabitants localsTruce peaceEnhance increase, augmentReputation statusIntimidated frightenedErected buildElaborated intricate, complexPavilions a temporary buildingVendors a person who sells food

Recitals public performancesRuins remainsEnthusiasm eagernessSolidarity unityCampaigned movedFierce violent, angerDiscrepancy differenceDivert shift, redirectProvision to supply thingsRegrettably unfortunatelySpiral a continuous increaseOutweigh to be more important thanInflux sudden arrivalDisruption disturbanceRegeneration to grow againMonuments buildings built for its historical importanceObsession pre occupiedInspired motivatedDetermination strength of mindPageant displayDiverse differentFostering developingAstounding astonishing, amazing, surprisedStatistics information

May/June 2010 Paper 22A Nightmare JourneyWords MeaningsDissuadedProposedDiversionsAffectionatelyAnnoyancePeepedProvisionsFlamboyantEnsuringSplutteredWheezedNoddedDecrepitBatteredBuoyIndicatingGlanceCheerfullyUnzipped


To persuade againstTo SuggestDistractionFriendlyIrritateLook HastilySomething ProvidingShowyFollowUtter indistinctlyNoisy BreathingGreetingFeebleLashJoltPointingQuick lookJoyfullyUnlockFearfullyThief stealing directly from somebody’sPocketClumsySelf-motivationAstonishmentKnock against


CarelesslyNot RealSelf-SatisfiedRun at full SpeedProvokeCarefree

May/ June 2010 Paper 21Music

Words Meanings


Not sureAway of livingUncivilizedAffected with the feeling of UnhappinessTo showBusyMove aimlesslyAutomaticallyCease fireToleranceEnmityMessyNothing butTurning roundResultingWalk wearilyDisgracefulBlast

Oct/Nov 2011. Paper 21

PASSAGE 1 "Mobile Phones"

Words Meanings

incurring arosuing/ as a result of somethingstuck disabledsophisticated complexflourish develop in a healthy waydownsides drawbacks/negative aspectanimated full of excitementscant limitedtackled cope upregrettable undesirable/unwelcomehinders obstacle.confiscated to seize

vociferously crying out loudsloppy informalperceived become aware of

PASSAGE 2 "An Otter in the Air"

Words Meanings

permitted allowed-legallymind boggled confusedsplintered splitted /broken offinquisitively curiously/in inquiring waydismayed concern caused by something unexpectedelegant gracefulscruffy untidyscant limitedwithstand resistsiege a prolonged period of trouble or annoyancestewardess hostessdaresay say something with guarantee or assurancecoherent in relationship with/connected with each othergraceful elegantstride walk with long stepsmundane common/ordinarycontentment feeling of satisfaction or reliefhabitable suitable to livedescends sudden changeinnocuosuly not offensiveinertia paralyzedhoist raise/through something outenormous outrageousyanking pulling with jerkparaphernalia personal belongingseel-like with much attentionrebeliious non-friendly/engaged in oppositionwriggle to twist to and frosquawks harch loud soundshrieks high-pitched piercing sound.\benignly gentlytackle handlegrapsing holding firmlystaggered up stand unsteadilybabbling chattering aimelesslyutterly completelyhypersensitive easily hurt or offendeddeduce to derive/extractaccord to be in an agreementripple(of flight) sound of movement in airspontaneous distinctivepursuit an effort to attainchitter making a twittering sound

cranning to stretch

Oct/Nov 2011. Paper 22


Words Meanings

uncannily mysteriouslyhabitat natural home of living creaturesmindful consious / aware of somethingvicious cruel/violentextermination destroy totallyhumane compassion and sympathy for people and animalsstaggering walk or move unsteadilycombat struggleplight a dangerous unfortunate situationalbeit although/even ifproactive controlling the situationhalt to stop/cease movementmere little/insignificantdetrimental damaging/harmfulinstigate provoke

PASSAGE 2 The Chinese Money Lender.

Words Meanings

Misgivings feeling of doubtunsurpassed unbeatableplethora overabundanceinterspersed diversifying/scatter away or between other thingswafting direct by wavinginclined willing to do do something/be favourableglint bright flash of light reflectedmysterious puzzlingpeering to look searchinglyIndecipherable unable to understand/readglided cover or highlighted with goldhunched to lean forward with raised shouldersbeseeching to make urgent appealagape with open mouthtrembling to shake involuntarilybewitched charming/fascinatingfurrowed forehead with wrinklesrebuke to speak angrily due to disapprovalill-fortune bad luckbulging to bend outwardMundane common/usualdeparture exitutmost excessivaesthetic realted to nature

tenderly gentlyrustling moving sound of paper or plantreluctantly unwillingly

May/June 2012. Paper 22

PASSAGE A Shopping

Words Meanings

1. Retail selling of goods individually2. Spouse husband or wife3. Browse look through4. Conventional unthinkingly5. Merchandise commodities6. Virtually practically7. Excursions short journeys8. Trailing dragging9. Obesity fatness

PASSAGE B The Hospital

Words Meanings

1. Pitifully woefully2. Poignancy pain3. Dumbly nastily4. Recital to recite5. Trivial less important6. Copiously abundantly7. Vehemence strong expression8. Imperative extremely urgent9. Tedious causing fatigue10. Propulsion moving forward

MAY JUNE 2013 21/22

Words Expected Answer Don’t Allow

1 temporarily(L13)

for a short time / briefly /momentarily / for a little while /for a short period / for a limitedperiod

Always / never / sometimes /occasionally / not permanently /partially / for the time being / forsome time

2 fill him in(L29)

tell (him everything) / explain(details) / inform / give information/ give details / brief / let him know


3 inflated (L30) blown up / filled with air / filledwith gas / pumped up

Big / expanded

4 burst(L30) rushed / hurried / came suddenly/ spurted / dashed / hurtled / flew /pelted / ran quickly / hurledthemselves / threw themselves

Exploded / reached / got to /arrived at / ran

5 sickening(L35)

horrifying / nauseating /horrendous / shocking / horrific/ disturbing / horrid / horrible /ghastly / dreadful / awful /terrible / panicking / heart-stopping / stomach-churning

Makes you vomit /ill/ /worrying /frightening / anxious/terrifying/painful / annoying

6 slightly (L40) (a) little / (a) bit / (a) touch /just / barely / (a) tad / narrowly/ (a) short distance / (a)fraction

Partially / nearly / almost /somewhat/ somehow


fixed/ holding tightly/ closedtight(ly) / clutching / grasping /gripping / clasping / locked/squeezed / clinging / (holding)fast / firm / tightened / tight

Pulling / wrapped / grabbed /hanging

8 insanely(L41)

madly / crazily / frantically /deranged / like a lunatic /maniacally / demented /frenzied / wildly

foolishly / stupidly /abnormally /unnaturally / hysterically /unusually / intensely / mental /barmy / weirdly / desperately

Words Expected Answer Don’t Allow

1 detached (L2) Separate / not joined / standalone / not part of / notconnected / apart

indifferent / uninvolved / notattached / disconnected /discrete / not together

2 faintly(L5) not loud(ly) / softly / quietly /distantly / in the distance /difficult to hear / barely audible/ indistinctly / not clearly

difficult to see / not much noise /barely / slightly / fading / weakly/ calmly / lightly

3 reek (L5) stink / stench/ malodour / pong //unpleasant / bad/ foul / smell

Scent / perfume/ smell / odour

4 haul(L10) collection / finds / catch / harvest Discovery / heave/ pull / gain /pickings / takings

5 clasping(L25) holding / gripping /grasping /seizing fastening onto / gettinghold of / grabbing / hanging on to/ clinging to / clutching / clampingon to

embracing / cuddling / pinching /closing

6 relatively(L27) quite / fairly / more or less /comparatively / moderately / to anextent / mostly / pretty much

almost / nearly/ akin to /generally / completely /compared to / closely /partially / rather

7exhaling (L29) breathing (out) sighing

8 prise (L41) remove / take/ pull / drag / force /wrench / move

Push / reward / avert / divert

OCTOBER November 2013 21/22

Words Expected Answer Don’t Allow

1 foresight(L3) Thinking / looking /seeing ahead / to thefuture / precaution /anticipation / (forward)planning / earlierthought / vision

Wisdom / premonition /presentiment / intention /prophecy / prudence / care /foreknowledge / forecast /idea / guess

2 alternately (L7) one after the other / oneat a time / in turn / backand forth / from one tothe other / switching

Change of direction / oneby one / in order /individually / continuously

3 authority (L14) power / clout / might /sway / presence /prerogative / right /command / superiority /mastery / weight /influence / control /force / supremacy

Strength / status / sanction /confidence / in charge

4 scrutinise(L21) Examine / look closelyat / peer at / study / takein / inspect / take stockof / survey / look fixedlyat / assess / read (aperson) / size up

look at / scan / analyse /notice / observe / take noteof / gaze / see / question

5 urbane(L29) Sophisticated / cultured /suaveCourteous / smooth /civilised / polished /debonair / smooth-talking /gentlemanly / well-mannered / mannerly /refined

Elegant / educated / posh /upper class / considerate /well groomed / wealthy /rich / affluent / from thecity / town

6 own(L29) Admit/confess/acknowledge / concede/grant/allow/avow/ profess /be honest

possess / claim / accept /confirm / come to termswith

7 stingy(L43) mean / parsimonious /miserly ungenerous /tight(-fisted) / pennypinching / scrimping

Disinterested / moneyconscious

8 churlish(L45) Rude / bad-mannered /crude /Coarse / boorish /

impolite / discourteous /ill-mannered /unmannerly / ungracious/ uncivil / insulting / surly

Dishonest / unfair / foolish /petty / disrespectful / mean/ offhand / sullen / bad



Words Expected Answer Don’t Allow

1 tinged (L3) coloured, infused // a bit (of) / a trace (of) / ahint (of) / a touch (of) a little

Painted / full of

2 inevitably (L22) unavoidably / certainly / definitely / surely //without a doubt / question //unquestionably / bound to happen / alwaysgoing to happen

Expected / going tohappen

3 somewhat (L24) rather / quite / a bit / slightly / fairly /relatively / comparatively / sort of / in a way /kind of

Somehow / almost /seemingly

4 scavenging(L29) looking / searching / hunting for food //foraging / ferreting / rooting (about) / pickingover / going through / rummaging

Eating / hunting

5 ultimately (L31) eventually/ finally / in the end / in the longrun / at last


6 exotic (L35) unusual / faraway / outlandish / strange /different / foreign / alien / unfamiliar / out ofthe ordinary / far flung

odd / funny / bizarre /unique / beautiful / fancy /wonderful

7 futile (L35) pointless / purposeless / useless / obsolete /worthless

empty / hopeless

8 indifference(L41)

not caring / lack of care / uninterested / lackof interest / lack of concern

disinterested / without acare / not payingattention / not noticing /carelessness