Pass the ball. When the music stops – whoever has the ball must describe the people! Describe...

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Pass the ball. When the music stops – whoever has the ball must describe the people! Describe...

Pass the ball. When the music stops – whoever has the ball must describe the people!

Describe Them! Pass

the Ball Game

Pass the BALL!

I am eating.

What are you doing?

Pass the BALL!

They are dancing.

What is she doing?What are they doing?

Pass the BALL!

They are jumping..

What are they doing?

Pass the BALL!

He is kicking the ball.

What is he doing?

Pass the BALL!

You are running.

What am I doing?

Pass the BALL!

We are singing.

What are we doing?

Pass the BALL!

She is sleeping.

What is she doing?

Pass the BALL!

I am studying.

What are you doing?

Pass the BALL!

I am playing basketball.

What are you doing?

Pass the BALL!

I am washing the dog.

What are you doing?

Pass the BALL!


Show me your dance!!!


See you next class.