Partnership Lessons for the 9th SoW

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Transcript of Partnership Lessons for the 9th SoW

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

“Partnership Lessons for the 9th SoW”

Tracy Senat, MAOklahoma Foundation for Medical Quality


AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA


SCIP Steering Committee


AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

ACE - 29 leading healthcare organizations committed to improving cardiovascular care.

CMS is one of the member organizations.

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)*American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN)American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM)American College of Cardiology (ACC)* American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) American Health Quality Association (AHQA)*American Heart Association (AHA)*American Hospital Association (AHA)American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP)American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)* Delmarva Foundation for Medical Care (DFMC) Disease Management Association of America (DMAA) Heart Failure Society of America (HFSA) Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)* Intermountain Healthcare (IHC) Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)*Louisiana Health Care Review, Inc. (LHCR)National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)*National Council on Patient Information and Education (NCPIE)Premier, Inc.*Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI)Society for Geriatric Cardiology (SGC)Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM)VHA Inc.*

* Founding Member

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

WhatIs A


AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

Benefits to Partnerships

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

Benefits to Partnerships

• Buy-in from people up front

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

Benefits to Partnerships

• Buy-in from people up front• Lots of feedback

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

Benefits to Partnerships

• Buy-in from people up front• Lots of feedback• Access to resources and help

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

Benefits to Partnerships

• Buy-in from people up front• Lots of feedback• Access to resources and help• Ability to spread information

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

Benefits to Partnerships

• Buy-in from people up front• Lots of feedback• Access to resources and help• Ability to spread information• Synergy to overcome barriers

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

Challenges in Partnerships

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

Challenges in Partnerships

• Differing agendas

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

Challenges in Partnerships

• Differing agendas• Takes longer to make decisions

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

Challenges in Partnerships

• Differing agendas• Takes longer to make decisions• Who’s in charge?

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

Challenges in Partnerships

• Differing agendas• Takes longer to make decisions• Who’s in charge?• Whose policies do you follow?

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

Challenges in Partnerships

• Differing agendas• Takes longer to make decisions• Who’s in charge?• Whose policies do you follow?• Legalities

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

Challenges in Partnerships

• Differing agendas• Takes longer to make decisions• Who’s in charge?• Whose policies do you follow?• Legalities• What logos do you use?

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

Challenges in Partnerships

• Differing agendas• Takes longer to make decisions• Who’s in charge?• Whose policies do you follow?• Legalities• What logos do you use?• Who gets in the press release?

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

Tips For Partnership Success

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

Tips For Partnership Success

• Have a specific goal

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

Tips For Partnership Success

• Have a specific goal• Evaluate your progress

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

Tips For Partnership Success

• Have a specific goal• Evaluate your progress• Define everybody’s role

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA


What is the Value of a Partner? Approaches to Evaluating PartnershipsBy Frances D. Butterfoss, Ph.D., M.S.Ed.

Presented at CDC National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and MediaAugust 2007

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA

Contact Information…

Tracy Senat, MA

(405) 840-2891 ext. 286

AHQA Technical ConferenceFebruary 2008San Francisco, CA


Thank you!