Parish News - May 2016

Post on 31-Jul-2016

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Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church, Durbanville, South Africa

Transcript of Parish News - May 2016

arish ews P N

Artist Unknown



Catholic Church


May 2016

“This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your ancestors ate manna

and died, but whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.” John 6: 58

Parish News - Durbanville Catholic Church May 2016

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ear Parishioners May I tell you of a relationship I have

with a wonderful woman. I don’t remember meeting her at first, but was aware for many years of her being around me, close by. As I look back now, somehow I couldn’t ignore her; often it seemed that she had assumed a place in my life. As I grew older I distanced myself from her, wanting my freedom. However, when I later approached Holy Orders, she stepped into my life – in a big way. As I look back, that’s the first time I really opened my heart to her. This beautiful lady I’m referring to is, of course, Mary, Our Lady, Mother of Jesus! May is the month of Our Lady, and so I pay special tribute to her role in my life and hope this account is meaningful to you. Relationships can remain ‘anonymous’ for a long time. Always respectful of Our Lady, I had relegated her importance in my life for most of my years. My wife, Fran – a Convent girl – held a fervent devotion to which I never really reconciled myself. I would sometimes rib her with, ‘Let’s leave it at this: I’m just a Jesus man and you’re a Mary girl’. However, at a deeper level, I was really struggling theologically with fitting Our Lady into the picture of my spirituality. In about 1998, towards the end of my preparation for Ordination to the Diaconate, a work colleague testified to a marvellous personal physical healing after a visit to Medjugorje (the Bosnian site of a Marian apparition.) I had lunch with him one day to hear his story, and he suggested I follow a five-point ‘spiritual regimen’ that Our Lady had instructed the visionaries: Daily Prayer, Daily Mass, Daily Rosary; Weekly Fasting (one day); Monthly Confession. This lunch was ‘fateful’ in that this simple message struck me to the core, and I put this into practice immediately. This was the breakthrough in my life: through this discipline Our Lady found a place in my heart beyond the limited reckoning of my

mind. I reached a great place of peace with her, not needing to have some smart theological definition of her role, but experiencing rather a profound love and a ‘sense of knowing’ her care and living in her presence. This I carry within me to this day with deep gratitude. May you, too, have that deep ‘sense of knowing’ her loving presence with you, especially during this season! Every Blessing

ather Godfrey

Laudato Si: Care for Our Common Home

It has been one year since Pope Francis released his

inspiring encyclical letter Laudato Si: On Care for Our

Common Home.

Pope Francis began his letter with the phrase “Praise be

to God,” acknowledging the generosity and love of our

Creator who has given us life.

In the encyclical he says that climate change is real and

mainly “a result of human activity.” He says that

everything is connected so we must hear “both the cry

of the earth and the cry of the poor” because most often

it is the poorest people and communities who suffer

most from the consequences of environmental


The Pope reminds us that “all Christian communities

have an important role to play”.

During the week of June 12th - June 19th 2016 to

celebrate the anniversary of the encyclical, the Global

Catholic Climate Movement is calling on all parishes to

join together as one voice and take action, by hosting

activities in their community to build a healthier climate

for future generations by witnessing to what Pope

Francis calls, “the Gospel of Creation.”



Parish News - Durbanville Catholic Church May 2016

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he fabulous history of this miracle-working icon begins in the year 1495 when it was known to have been

reverenced in a church on the island of Crete. At that time, it was already considered to be of great age and was highly esteemed by the faithful.

At the end of the fifteenth century, a wealthy merchant came into possession of the painting and brought it to Rome, but he died, leaving it in private hands until 1499 when it was enshrined in the Church of St. Matthew on the Esquiline Hill. Once there, Our Lady began to draw attention to her image with spectacular miracles, such as the spontaneous curing of a paralyzed man who was healed when the image passed in procession near the house where he lay.

For the next 300 years, the image was enshrined at St. Matthew’s and was known as Our Lady of Never-failing Help, Our Lady of Ever-enduring Succor, and finally, Our Mother of Perpetual Help.

In 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Rome, forced the pope into exile and destroyed almost 30 churches, including St. Matthews. Thankfully, the priests had already removed the miraculous image and for years it found refuge in various churches in the area. During this time, a young altar boy named Michael Marchi became devoted to Our Lady under this title. In 1853, when Pope Pius IX

asked the Redemptorists to establish a house in Rome, they chose the same site where the miraculous image of Mary had once been enshrined. When a priest discovered this, he mentioned it to one of his brother priests who revealed that he knew the location of the miraculous image. This priest was none other than Michael Marchi.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help made a triumphal return to her chosen site on April 26th, 1866, during which time numerous miracles took place, such as the healing of a boy with meningitis and a young girl who was cured of paralysis.

Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help is one of the most popular in Christendom with the hauntingly beautiful icon easily recognizable.

In the portrait, Mary is holding Jesus who is shown gripping the hand of his mother while looking at the instruments of torture that will one day be used upon him. Her head is gently touching that of her Son, and her gaze seems almost plaintive, as if seeking compassion from those who look upon her and her Divine Child.

For Reflection:

Our Lady’s help is never-failing, ever-enduring,

and perpetual because from all eternity God

intended she would be our spiritual mother and He

gifted her from the moment of her conception with

the infused virtues and the seven gifts of the Holy

Spirit. She is the Plentitude of Grace and no

creature nor all the saints and angels combined

have a greater participation in the divine nature

than she. It flows then, that we should never hesitate to elicit the help of the woman who is Full

of Grace. As her image of Our Lady of Perpetual

Help seems to be seeking compassion, so too does

her gaze before the Triune God seek comfort for

you. Journal your reflections.


Parish News - Durbanville Catholic Church May 2016

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Holy Land Tour with Father Michael - 8 nights /9 days Israel

DAY 01 Morning Arrival - Caesarea – Haifa - Nazareth Arrive at Ben Gurion Airport TK 794 11:20 Meet your local guide and driver. We depart via the coast to Caesarea Maritime, where St. Peter baptized the first Gentile convert (Cornelius) and where he was held Paul prisoner by Romans. It was the centre of the Roman governors including Pontius Pilates. Visit the Roman and Crusader ruins, the Crusader City, the well preserved Theatre, the Harbour, and the Roman Aqueduct. Heading towards Haifa through Carmel Mountains, we will visit the Carmelite Monastery Stella Maris and Muhraqa located on the spot where Elijah confronted the false priests of Ba’al (1 Kings 18:17-40). Arrive Nazareth for Dinner and Overnight.

DAY 02 Cana, Annunciation, Mount Tabor After breakfast we shall head to Cana the site of the First Miracle, we will visit the Franciscan chapel for a renewal of wedding vows. Continue to Nazareth and visit the Roman Catholic Church of the Synagogue. Then to the Basilica of Annunciation in Nazareth where we will celebrate Mass and visit Mary's Well and the Church of the Angel Gabriel, Drive to Mount Tabor the site of the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-8), we shall ascend by a smaller motor vehicle due to its narrow route. The group will have dinner and overnight in Nazareth.

DAY 03 The Ministry of Christ in the Galilee: Tiberias, Boat ride, Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, Mt. Beatitudes, Jordan River We start with a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee. Our stop will be on the shore of Capernaum where Peter lived and where Jesus began his public ministry (Matthew 4:13), there he began teaching in its Synagogue, healed a man who had the spirit of an unclean devil and healed a fever in Simon Peter's mother-in-law (Luke 4:31-41)

followed by a visit to the Mount of the Beatitudes to gain a panoramic vista of the Sea of Galilee and where one of Jesus' famous teaching episodes Sermon on the Mount was given (Matthew 5-7). Then to Tabgha the fruitful garden where Jesus fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish (Mark 6:30-46), we shall see the magnificent mosaic commemorating the miracle of the multiplication, we head to the nearby Chapel of St. Peter Primacy, Dinner and Overnight in Nazareth.

DAY 04 Mt Tabor, Jordan River, Jericho, Jerusalem Check Out from Nazareth. Renew our baptismal vows in the River where Our Lord was baptized by John (Mark 1:9). Drive through the Jordan Valley and drive on up through the Judean Wilderness pass to the town of Jericho, the most ancient city in the world. We also stop at the Sycamore Tree which believed that Zacchaeus had climbed up a Sycamore Tree as he wanted to catch a glimpse of this wonderful savior then we stop to view Mt. Temptation where Jesus spent forty days and forty nights fasting and meditating during the temptation of Satan. Arrive Bethlehem for dinner and overnight.





Parish News - Durbanville Catholic Church May 2016

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DAY 05 Jerusalem, the Holy City and Bethlehem the Nativity Mt Zion, Church of Visitation, Shepherd’s Fields, Church of the Nativity After breakfast we will visit the Wailing Wall, the most holy shrine for Jews and St. Peter in Gallicantu where Peter denied Him thrice, proceed to the hill country, to a city of (Ein Karem), the birthplace of St John the Baptist and visit the Church of Visitation where the Blessed Virgin Mary visited the home of Zachariah and Elizabeth, and proclaimed the 'Magnificat' (Luke 1:39-80). In the afternoon we drive to the Shepherd's Fields where the angels announced the birth of Jesus. Then we visit the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem we kneel in the Grotto the birth place of our redeemer as we celebrate a Mass. We drive to Jerusalem passing Rachel Tomb enroute. Dinner and overnight in Bethlehem St. Gabriel Hotel.

DAY 06 Mt Olives, Palm Sunday, Dominus Flevit, Gethsemane, Cave of Betrayal, Cave of Assumption, Pater Noster After breakfast we shall start our pilgrimage in Jerusalem from Mount. of Olives, from which Jesus ascended to heaven after his resurrection, we shall have an eye on history through a majestic view over Jerusalem, visit the Convent of Pater Noster with the Lord’s Prayer in displayed in 110 languages, and the Ascension from where ascended to Heaven (Acts 1:9-11), we will walk down the "Palm Sunday route" stopping at Dominus Flevit, where Jesus wept over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41). Visit Gethsemane, the Rock of Agony where Jesus prayed His last prayer before his arrest, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me, and we will celebrate a Mass in Gethsemane. Visit the cave of betrayal (Luke. 22:40-46). Then to the cave of Assumption of Mary to Heaven, we end the day at St. Peter in Gallicantu where Peter denied Him thrice. Return to the hotel for dinner and overnight St. Gabriel Hotel.

DAY 07 Jerusalem: Stations of the Cross, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, St Anne’s Church. Ecce Homo, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Wailing Wall. It is an inspiring, full day of meditation. In the early morning we retrace the last steps of Jesus. As we walk along the Fourteen Stations of the Via Dolorosa, praying the Stations of the Cross, we reflect on the greatness of His sacrifice as he bore the burden of our sins on the Cross at Golgotha. Finally, we arrive at the

Church of the Holy Sepulchre for Mass. Return back towards St. Stephen Gate to visit St. Anne’s Church, the home of the Virgin Mary and her parents Saints Joachim and Anne. We pass the Ecce Homo where Pilate proclaimed “Behold the man”; then the Wailing Wall, the most holy shrine for Jews. Nearby is the Dome of the Rock or Temple Mount. In the evening we will head to the Notre Dame of Jerusalem Centre to Visit the Exhibition of the Shroud of Turin to be followed be farewell dinner at the Notre dame.

DAY 08 Bethany, Dead Sea, Masada Breakfast depart Jerusalem on our way we will stop at Bethany where we will celebrate a Mass, proceed to the Dead Sea to visit Qumran, site of the Dead Sea Scroll discovery. Proceed to the Mountain Fortress of Masada where we ascend and descend via the cable car, the site of the last Jewish Resistance against Romans in 73 AC. Enjoy a swim (or rather a float!) in the mineral-rich waters of the Dead Sea, renowned for its minerals and healing properties. Dinner and overnight at the hotel in Bethlehem

DAY 09 Departure

Arranged through St Gerard’s Holy Tours (Registration No. 2002/030680/23)

Deacon John Sheraton: 083 2777999

Shawn Lotters: 082 543 5762

Office - Elizabeth Lotters: 082 319 7249


'Late have I loved you, O beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved you! You were within me, but I was outside, and it was there that I searched for you. In my unloveliness I plunged into the lovely things which you created. You were with me, but I was not with you. Created things kept me from you; yet if they had not been in you they would not have been at all.

You called, you shouted, and you broke through my deafness. You flashed, you shone, and you dispelled my blindness. You breathed your fragrance on me; I drew in breath and now I pant for you. I have tasted you; now I hunger and thirst for more. You touched me, and I burned for your peace.'

From the Confessions of St Augustine, bishop AD400

A Saint's 'Personal Pentecost'

Parish News - Durbanville Catholic Church May 2016

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Friday, 27.05.2016 to Sunday, 29.05.2016

ALPHA RETREAT Simonsberg Christian Centre, Stellenbosch

Thursday, 02.06.2016

GLORY BE TO GOD Testimony, Praise & Worship evening Time: 19:00 Contact: Catherine de Valence Email:

Thursday, 02.06.2016 RCIA INTRODUCTORY EVENING Time: 19:30 Contact: Le Roux Roelofse Email:

Friday, 03.06.2016 HEALING MASS (Followed by BENEDICTION) Time: 09:00

Tuesday, 14.06.2016 CBN (Catholic Business Network) THANKSGIVING MASS Time: 19:00

Saturday, 18.06.16 & Sunday, 19.06.16



Saturday, 10.09.2016 & Sunday, 11.09.2016


Friday, 09.09.16 to Sunday, 11.09.16

CATHOLIC LADIES WEEKEND Coordinator: Christine Copley Email:

Saturday, 05.11.2016

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Faith Level 3 - Time: 10:00 Contact: Melissa Roelofse Email:

Sunday, 06.11.2016

SACRAMENT OF 1st HOLY COMMUNION Faith Level 4 - Time: 12:30 Contact: Melissa Roelofse Email:

Friday, 16.09.2016 to Sunday, 18.09.2016

CONFIRMATION RETREAT Coordinators: Kevin & Nicky Shelly Email:

Friday, 11.11.16 SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION Time: 19:00 Coordinators: Kevin & Nicky Shelly Email:

Friday, 11.11.16 to Sunday, 13.11.16

CATHOLIC MEN’S WEEKEND Coordinator: Nigel Copley Email:

You are invited….

Sunday, 21st Aug 10.00 Sunday, 18th Sep 10.00

Each child to please bring a food item for the SVP basket.

CBN members are invited to advertise their business on the CBN notice board. Maximum size A5 and a donation of R100 (for 3 months) is payable to the Church.

Limited space available! First come first serve! Email Mary Anne on

Winter Warm Clothes & Blanket Collection

The annual St Vincent de Paul collection for clothes and blankets is on the 18th and 19th June 2016.

Please use this opportunity to have a good spring clean and support St Vincent de Paul with this appeal for good winter clothes, blankets and shoes which will be distributed to the needy.

Congratulations to the winners of our 14th monthly draw: 1st Prize: Lucy Fernandes; 2nd Prize: Anton Lotz and 3rd Price: Patricia Nel.

Photo above: Our 2nd prize winner, Anton Lotz, receiving his cash prize from Carol Mance on Sunday, 22nd May.



Next draw dates: Entry closing dates: Sunday, 5th June 2016 Friday, 27th May ‘16

Sunday, 3rd July 2016 Friday, 24th June ‘16

Sunday, 7th August 2016 Friday, 29th July ‘16

Entry forms available from the Church foyer or for further information, kindly email:

Carol Mance, our 100 Club Coordinator, on

Dates to diarise

Children’s Masses 2016

Parish News - Durbanville Catholic Church May 2016

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Morester appeal

Morester Educare Centre recently added a nursery to their existing crèche. They now have a total of 67 children – 16 between 8 mths to 2 years in the nursery and 51 from 2 to 5 years in the crèche. Morester had no washing facility for

their nursery and St Vincent de Paul responded by purchasing them a new 13kg washing machine.

Photo above: Alice Pieters with her new washing machine for Morester Nursery.

The Alpha course is a wonderful way for us to find out more about the Christian faith or to take time out to look at our relationship with the Lord. An evening Alpha course is currently running at Our Lady on a Wednesday from 19:00-21:00. The evening involves a dinner followed by a DVD talk and small group reflections afterwards.

The group will have their weekend retreat at Manyano in Paarl from Friday, 27th May to Sunday, 29th May. We ask that you keep them in your prayers – the group leaders, helpers and participants – for the Holy Spirit’s anointing on their days’ activities and all those attending.

Alpha 2016

THANK YOU to everyone who helped on the day and to all those who supported our Alpha Fundraiser on Sunday, 22 nd May. A total of R3937.60 was raised. We also wish to thank the men from The Knights of da Gama for their hospitality -

welcoming all with a cup of coffee and tea!


Parish News - Durbanville Catholic Church May 2016

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Sipho and Lucky move to Germany

Sipho and Lucky, two of the children at the Ray of Sunshine Home, have after a lengthy process been legally adopted by a German family. The German couple came out last month to take Sipho and Lucky back to Germany and to their new home. Our thoughts and prayers go with Sipho and Lucky on their new exciting journey in life.

Photos below: Sipho and Lucky with their new parents leaving Cape Town.… and now happily in Germany.

SVP has been assisting the Ray of Sunshine home for a

number of years. It is the life work of Merle and Bobby

who take in and care for abandoned children. 15 children

ranging from toddlers to teenagers are being raised in a

home of devotion and love and Merle even home school

all the children from Grade R to Grade 12. Joan, the sister

of Barry our President, hand-made 15 beautiful quilts

individually for each child and these were delivered to

them during March. Each child was so happy to receive a

homemade quilt. Thank you Joan!

Merle with 15 beautiful handmade quilts & happy children.

Above: Sarah, Tommy and Lucky with their quilts.

Photo left:

Natasha loves her quilt.

For more

information on

our outreach

projects please

visit our


Parish News - Durbanville Catholic Church May 2016

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ear Moms and Dads,

A warm welcome is extended to your

little ones between the age of 3-6 to join

our Pre-School Catechism Programme which is held

each Sunday (except school holidays) during the

10:00 Sunday Mass. Nerina du Plessis and I run the

programme during the Liturgy of the Word and

basically what we do is to teach the Tots all the

processes, actions and words that we use during this

important part of the Mass but at a level they can

understand. The children don’t have to be quiet and

sit still while they learn as they would in the Church,

especially during the homily, as we hold the lesson in

the Church hall next door where there is lots of

space and freedom.

We use song and movement to get our message

across and we act out the gospel reading in its

simplest form so the experience the children have is

very hands-on and interactive. Before we re-join the

congregation (when the offertory is taken up) we

have a quick game of musical statues or catches to

burn off some energy before the children re-join

their family for the last part of the Mass.

If you’d like your Tot to join us, please ensure that

you register him/her. To do so, please email me at, so that I can send

you the registration form. This form must be

returned to me as soon as possible. Please note that

there is no registration fee. If you have already

joined us and received a registration form but

haven’t returned it to me, please email it as soon as

you can to

Pre-School Catechism is about learning in a fun

nurturing way and developing a deep, everlasting love

for Jesus. Hope to see you soon!

God bless,

ath Williams

ell: 084 504 0334

Photo above: Cathy Williams (left) and Nerina du

Plessis (right) runs the Pre-School Catechism



Age 3-6

Pre-School Catechism during the 10:00 Mass.

Contact: Cathy Williams Email:


Catechism Faith Level


Junior Catechism classes every Sunday (during school term), between the two morning Masses. Contact: Melissa Roelofse Email:

Stepping Up

Faith Level 5-7

Join Stepping Up every Sunday

(during school term) from 18:30 until 20:00 in the parish centre. Contact: Mariska / Carmen Email:

Life Teen Faith Level


Join Life Teen on Sundays (during

school term) for Mass at 17:00 followed by Life Night until 20:00. Contact: Grant Sobotker Email:




“Let the little children

“come to Me”


For administrative purposes, our parish library is in

need of a laptop / computer to enhance the service

of the library. Should you be able to help, please

contact the parish office on 021 976 1550.

Parish News - Durbanville Catholic Church May 2016

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On behalf of the whole parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Fr. Michael and Fr. Godfrey, I would like to express our thanks to José, Portia, Bernice, Adele and Olga for the breath taking display of flowers at Easter, throughout the Easter season and culminating in the magnificence of Pentecost. The flowers have been a joy to behold. Many cameras, ipads and cell phones have been in evidence recently recording the beautiful arrangements in the church.

Written by Moyra O’Connor

We, the Schoenstatt Family branch, invite you to follow the pilgrim pathway of your marriage together – A Marriage Camino.

The fifteen stations shed light on your path through life with all its ups and downs and encourage you to strengthen your marriage. Our hope is that you enter into dialogue with each other and get onto the track of what grows and supports your love.

Date: Saturday, 1st October 2016 Time: 09:00 to 16:30 Place: Schoenstatt, Constantia Main Rd, Constantia Cost: R50 per family (All inclusive). Bring a picnic lunch. RSVP: By 25th September 2016

Your children will be under the close supervision of child-minders and kept busy while you, as husband and wife, walk together through Schoenstatt’s beautiful grounds. We look forward to meeting you.

You are welcome to contact us:

Marcel (083 454 2209 / &

Kathleen Barry (082 462 1178 /

Craig & Joy de Vos (083 237 7451 /

Parish News - Durbanville Catholic Church May 2016

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The Ladies High Tea on Saturday 9th April was very well attended. Catherine de Valence and her team did a great job and the tables looked beautiful.

The guest speaker was Ginny

Marx who spoke about “Who

we are in Christ”, explaining

how the Father gives us power by bestowing on us the gifts of Insight, Ability, Authority, Courage. Boldness and Confidence when our

minds are transformed and renewed. One has to exchange fear for faith which pleases God – a very inspiring talk – thank you Giney!

We had some fun time decorating plain masks with Koki, glitter, ribbons and feathers. Some of the masks were outstanding and it just goes to show there is a lot of hidden talent in our Parish.

The high tea itself was lovely with gorgeous snacks and cakes and was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Tanya and Anya were going to demonstrate how to make origami but, unfortunately, we ran out of time! Hope you can show us next time!

Thank you to all who arranged the event and helped on the day - a lovely inspiring afternoon.

Greetings, Brenda Hunt

Congratulations to Lynne McMurray and Christine Fourie. Both won themselves a lucky draw prize!

The event organisers: Giney Marx, Catherine de Valence, Tanya Lotz & Zimbini Ogle.

Parish News - Durbanville Catholic Church May 2016

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t was difficult to suppress a rising apprehension as the group of 30 orange jump-suited inmates filed into the quadrangle on a sunny November

morning at the Voorberg Prison in Piketberg. Seated in front of me, they seemed other-worldly: tattooed inhabitants of a grey, forbidding, wired maximum security prison. Across the quadrangle, appro-priately separated, were seated approximately 60 invited family members of these offenders; in between these two groups, a small stage with Prison Care staff members and Correctional Services officials. And, of course, vigilant prison wardens deployed around the yard.

This was the scene of a Restorative Justice ‘Family – Offender Mediation Day’ (‘FOMD’) and this experience in November of 2014 was my very first contact with the Catholic Church’s Prison Ministry, ‘Prison Care and Support Network’ (‘PCSN’). I wondered what on earth I was doing there.

After a prayerful start and the normal formalities, the business of the day began: offender and family members were called individually to the microphone on stage - a forum for family members to express face-to-face the effect of the offender’s crime to them. Sobbing fathers addressing offending sons, sons addressing offender fathers whose absence they grieved; broken grandmothers expressing disbelief that their grandchildren could be reduced to this low state; humiliated wives, stigmatised in their communities, pouring out their stories of life’s hardships without a husband and provider. As a father I was caught in waves of empathy with the pain of one parent after the next. A father seeing his daughter for the first time in 17 years – she was in the womb at the time of his incarceration; parents who had travelled all night from Sasolburg for this event, unable to utter a word

through the pain and tears at the sight of their son for the first time since the horror of the judge’s verdict: 15 years’ imprisonment. Surely God was present here in this human tragedy, this raw pain! Now I was getting an inkling into why I might be there.

This FOMD is the culmination of a 9-session programme (of 3-4 hrs each) of the Restorative Justice programme - the ‘flagship’ programme of PCSN. The sessions cover the following topics, bringing the offender to a gradually-deepening awareness of the effect of his own personal culpability in perpetrating the crime: The Story of King David: A look at strengths and weaknesses inside ourselves; the ‘enemy inside’; examining the consequences and damages of each offender’s crime.

Friendships and their effect on our behaviour: King David’s friendship with Saul and Jonathan; examining the characteristics of our friendships; good and bad friends.

The Fall of David: Temptation, David and Bathsheba. Examining the guilt reactions of denial, hiding, blaming examining David’s story.

The consequences of crime, using the life of David as a study. Participants look at the consequences of their own crime and the need to admit their crimes; for confession, repentance and restoration.

Responsibility: David takes responsibility for his crime. Participants explore taking responsibility for their own crimes.

Repentance: What is repentance? The importance of forgiving oneself; Healing of relationships; God can forgive and restore.

Building Victim Empathy (victim empathy is built in throughout the programme, but in this particular session victim testimonies are presented and facilitated). Participants are brought to identifying their victims.

Forgiveness: The story of the Prodigal son; the steps in the process of forgiveness; What does the bible say about forgiveness?


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The Family – Offender Mediation Day follows.

Restorative Justice: What is it? So, what is the ‘Restorative Justice’ (‘RJ’) concept? It is a whole new way of looking at crime and punishment. According to restorative justice, crime is essentially a violation of interpersonal relationship between people. When a crime is committed, victims and the community have been harmed and are in need of restoration. RJ lays emphasis on victim, offender, and community; conventional Criminal Justice – our present system - silences the victim and offender. Being punitive, it brings in an attitude of hostility toward the law-breaker, ending up in retribution and exclusion from community and family. On the other hand, restorative justice brings together all these three figures to bring about restoration, healing, and reconciliation as responses to crime. The process affords the opportunity for the victim to heal the hurts and wounds and the offender to take responsibility for his wrongdoing and the community members to get actively involved in the justice issues of the community.

PCSN in brief: PCSN extends its ministry beyond the prisons to the ex-offender or parolee. In fact, we meet a number of ‘graduates’ of the Restorative Justice Programmes as ex-offenders at our PCSN premises, where we assist in every way to continue their reintegration into society. Using funding provided by the Prison Ministry Sunday collection each November as well as funding from Irish and Dutch organisations, Lotto and numerous private donors, PCSN offers ministry, personal development and skills development programmes as well as material support to families of offenders, especially their school children. Our team of 30 volunteers offers programmes and spiritual, sacramental and moral support to inmates at various stages of incarceration. Partnering with CETA and SETA we also offer bursaries to offenders.

I am presently running a weekly Alpha programme for ex-offenders at our Pinelands premises. The topic on week 10 is, ‘Who is the Holy Spirit?’ and the dvd presentation refers to the Fruit of the Spirit in Gal 5:22,23 – the second one of which is ‘joy’. A participant who had come to faith in a notorious

section of the Brandvlei Maximum Isolation section shared how he had experienced joy in the midst of his desolation; another participant (rescued from death row by the banishing of the death penalty in 1992) expressed how he had returned to society spiritually ‘broken’ and although he had managed to rebuild his life, he had still been ‘in prison inside’

until he had come to know the Lord Jesus. Truly, Jesus at work among the poorest in Spirit!

These are moments in which we at PCSN rediscover our shared humanity. Let’s be very clear: justice must always be served, and each offender must pay the price of their crime. Punishment serves as deterrent to crime, too. We hate the sin; lives are dealt harm and injustice by it. But we can never hate the sinner or just lock him up and write him off. I am struck so often with that haunting little saying, ‘but for the grace of God there go I’. I’m only one bad

choice away from wearing the same orange jump-suit as the man on the other side of the bars, and I can only thank God for all the family, faith, friends and opportunities he’s given me to make the right choices!

The heart of God is mercy: let us challenge ourselves in this Year

of Mercy to see and love as he does. Hear the words of Pope

Francis to inmates at a prison in Philadelphia last

September: ‘Christ came to save us from the lie that

says no one can change!’

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A support to the community since 1997

ur new location, opposite the Durbanville taxi rank, from which we began operating on 8th June 2015, has proven to be a huge success.

Father Michael kindly took the time, earlier on this year, to come down and bless our soup kitchen and its facilities. This has led to having a venue that provides both the volunteers and those in need with an atmosphere of peace, respect and a haven for God’s love and grace.

The allocated area is secure, spacious and well-lit and allows for the NGO’S such as MES (Mould, Empower and Serve) and other various social workers to operate in a more productive manner as there are sufficient tables and chairs to work at. There is also a carpet or two, lending a little comfort, especially for the approaching winter months.

The soup kitchen operates five days a week with various churches in the Durbanville community, namely, the NG Kerk, Presbyterian Church, Catholic Church, Methodist Church and Anglican Church. Our church is responsible

for the soup making and serving each Wednesday along with the spreading of God’s word.

There is always a need for a comforting cup of warm soup to fill an empty tummy and often, due to the generosity of those who make the soup, we find we may have a bit to spare. This we then hand out to those who have a job to go to but may not have had enough food for themselves to eat as well as their families. In order to do this, we require donations of used 1 litre yoghurt containers that have been nicely washed out and cleaned. A demarcated box for this will be left in the Church foyer.

Currently we have enough volunteers making and serving the soup. However, it is always reassuring to have a back-up list should one of our current members not manage for some reason or other to help that particular week. If you feel that this is your calling, you can contact either Edith Green (021 913 4022) or Vicky Laros (083 6730 224) and we will be only too happy to add your name to our list of wonderful volunteers.

The idea for a soup kitchen was initiated by the Dutch Reformed Church back in 1997. Requiring extra help, our church was approached to manage one of the days. As there were so many members of their congregation making soup, two families from the NGK decided that they would assist us in making soup. To this day, 19 years on, one of the families still make and deliver soup for us. This is, without doubt, evidence of our Lord working His love through our community.


Back row from left: Peter Hunt, Cyril Volkwyn, Barry Butterly From left to right: Eugene Rayner-Payne, Dawn Christian, Front row from left: Brenda Hunt, Anne Butterly& Alvina Dunienville. Claud Cantin, Iris Mabille, Margaret Glasby & Edith Green.

Written by:

Vicky Laros

Parish News - Durbanville Catholic Church May 2016

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Our current generation of teens, especially

here at Durbanville, are busier than ever

before with intense school requirements,

sport and various other commitments. Our

Life Teen Retreat this year at Bridges in

Franschoek was an opportunity for them to

escape from their busy life styles and focus

on having quiet time with God.

Antonio leading the teens in yoga

Teens light candles during Mass with Fr Michael

Free time on the trampoline

Some meditation and yoga

Holy Mass with Father Michael

Making hand Rosaries BODY - MIND - SOUL
















Parish News - Durbanville Catholic Church May 2016

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by Lukas Steyn

y journey began two years ago, in fact three years ago when my wife and I moved to Cape Town, no wait, it was longer than that, about nine years ago

when I started attending mass with my girlfriend, Maria, at that time. Hi, my name is Lukas Steyn, and I’m about to give you a brief synopsis of my journey to Catholicism.

While studying in Pretoria I met a beautiful young lady who invited me to attend mass with her at the Catholic Church, Immaculate Conception - Pretoria Gardens. I wasn’t raised in the Catholic Church and had little clue of what the exact order of mass was like. Even though everything seemed familiar to a certain degree, I never knew I missed out on so much of what was happening right in front of me.

Let’s jump ahead in time, three years ago, soon after we got married, yes still that beautiful young lady, we moved to Cape Town and found ourselves at the Durbanville Catholic Church. Nearly one year later in 2014 we signed up for the Alpha course, in the hope of finding answers, meeting new people, become part of the community and grow closer to God. Little did we know how much it would change our lives.

I have been searching for answers throughout my journey, and finally on the Alpha retreat my eyes were opened and I right then and there decided to join the Catholic Church as a permanent member.

During Alpha I met the most interesting, inspiring and unselfish people of which one was Tony Dos Santos. Tony was my group leader and also became my friend. I received a lot of inspiration through his guidance and I could not have asked for a better Sponsor to help me through my RCIA year, than him!

I stuck to my decision and signed up for the RCIA course in June 2015, where I met even more inspiring men and women, all filled with the Holy Spirit, and readily available to guide anyone of any faith level into the Catholic Church.

Le Roux Roelofse and Fred Williams filled the biggest part of the RCIA sessions and presented the classes with good understanding, both informative and inspiring. For about three months I was the only candidate. God must have thought: “Shame, Lukas needs fellow candidates.” Soon Lisa Johnson and Janine Bodenham signed up, and completed the programme with me. All three of us celebrated our full initiation into our community at the Easter Vigil Mass on Saturday, 26th March 2016.

(Photo above) Here I am with Janine Bodenham (left), Lisa Johnson (right) and Le Roux Roelofse (far right) – Coordinator of the RCIA group

I was eased into the programme, with classes about “What do Catholics believe?” - “Who was Jesus of Nazareth?” - “Mary and the Saints”, combined with a tour of the Church including where the Confessional is, which I have never noticed before! Maybe because I didn’t know what I was looking for!

I also spent an evening with Ethné Stevens discussing relics, the Rosary, prayers, Stations of the Cross and all sorts of ‘instruments’ used within the Catholic Church.


My Journey through RCIA

Parish News - Durbanville Catholic Church May 2016

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During this period, my wife joined the Folk Band who plays at the 10:00 Mass. It wasn’t long until I decided to dust off my guitar and play some chords. Le Roux gave a talk on the importance of the laity giving back to the parish by joining a ministry, and what better place to join the parish in something that I love! The music ministry received me with open arms and welcoming hearts. I would like to invite each and every parishioner to come and sing with us at the 10:00 Mass on a Sunday morning.

The two biggest highlights during my RCIA year was when I met our Archbishop, Stephen Brislin, at St Mary’s Cathedral in Cape Town, on the evening of the Rite of Election. We sat down in a combined service with all the Northern Parishes’ RCIA candidates and their sponsors. Row by row we made our way up to the Altar together with our sponsors for a meet and greet with the Archbishop. The second, and greatest highlight of all, was the evening of Confirmation and receiving Holy Communion for the very first time. I felt the weight lift off my shoulders as my Soul raised up to the Lord.

Let me share my RCIA journey visually with you. Imagine holding a small carton box with no printing, no branding and no texture. Now slowly as you progress through the programme colour the box every time you learn something new. Every time you add a different colour to the box. First red, then blue, yellow until finally at the evening of the Elect, you learn that the carton box can be opened and filled with Smarties just for your enjoyment. It is like a child waiting in eagerness to receive the contents and this is how excited I was to receive Holy Communion for the very first time on Holy Saturday, the evening of my Confirmation.

Every Blessing, Lukas Steyn 2015-2016 RCIA Candidate

he Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process through which adults, who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and possibly becoming full members of

the Catholic Church, are gradually introduced to the Catholic faith and way of life.

The introductory evening will be held on Thursday, 2nd June, at 19:30 in the parish centre. All welcome to attend.

Contact Le Roux Roelofse on 082 826 1035 or email him on:

Soulfire, previously known as the youth band, has

played for the Sunday Evening mass since 2006.

Our band has gone from being a 5 guitarist, bassist,

drummer and 8 singer band, to a no musician and

4 singer karaoke group. We have been struggling

to recruit musicians for the past 2 years and have

been making do with backtracks purely because

maintaining our status in the music ministry is just so

important to us. Natasha has been the head of this

band since 2011 and has been through every up

and down this roller coaster of a band has thrown

her way. Somehow Natasha has managed to keep

some form of a band together through the years,

always finding the light at the end of the tunnel. In

2014 Tasmin Copley became the co- leader to the

band helping Natasha with admin and organizing.

On the 20th of February 2016 we held a music

workshop for all interested musicians, with a turnout

of 5 guitarists, a singer and a drummer. Out of these

recruiters we have secured; 3 guitarists, one who

was previously a member, and a drummer. Bonny

Flint, Tristan O' Malley and Daniel Fais are on guitar

and Luke Copley is our drummer. Natasha Flint,

Kyra Copley, Chandré Bouman and Tasmin

Copley, are our 4 singers.

Currently the age group is sitting between 12 and

27 and we try and play a variety of music, from the

'golden oldies' to the latest Christian hits, always

choosing music appropriate to the Mass and

arranging them in a way that stays true to our band


Soulfire's vision is to help the congregation connect

to the Mass and to the Lord, through the words we

sing and the chords we play, without distracting

and taking away from the celebration of the Mass.

We play and sing to ignite old flames in the hearts

of the people so they may reconnect their

relationship with the Lord. Ultimately we play and

sing for the Glory of our God and all those who wish

to know and experience Him.


Our Lady of Perpetual

SOULFIRE. Who are we really?

Help Music Ministry

Soulfire: "Music to ignite your soul"

Parish News - Durbanville Catholic Church May 2016

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At Pentecost, the disciples received the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit enabled them to carry on their mission with Jesus, from within. The Holy Spirit enabled them to have close communion with God and each other.

Recently I was led to reflect on ourselves as balloons. Some are inflated to a certain limit and pop. Some are stretched to a greater limit and stay inflated. In relating the air in the balloons as the Holy Spirit, which enables us to be stretched further than we think possible, our faith becomes the elasticity of the balloon.

When we endure hardships we fail to share our testimonies. We often think that we need to succeed and reach a state of prosperity, before

we can share what God has done for us. This is far from the truth. Our whole life is a living testimony, of God’s grace, power and strength. Our circumstance doesn’t define who and whom we are; but our inner transformation, by God through our circumstances, does. This in itself is a cause for celebration, appreciation, contentment and satisfaction. Our happiness does not depend on the change of our negative situations, but on the positive changes happening within us in spite of it. We grow in wisdom, peace, patience and acceptance, embracing the challenges instead of rejecting them.

Recently I questioned my own faith. I was called to share my testimony at the lowest point of my life. Everything seemed to be a huge challenge. I felt I could not possibly share a positive testimony with so much going on. God proved me wrong. He reminded me of all the previous times He saw me through difficult situations. In focusing on those graces and miracles, my attitude changed and my faith was renewed. It’s easy to give glory and praise to God when our lives go smoothly, but faith is built on trusting God and praising Him in the storms. When we choose to do so, we are strengthened and transformed inwardly. We don’t have to wait for a success story to share our testimonies, but can experience a testimony being formed within us.

When lighting dynamite, we start by lighting the fuse. It takes a while before the dynamite explodes. Our faith is much like that. It might take a while to become explosive, but Jesus has lit the fuse with His Holy Spirit. The fire of His love is there – slowly burning within us. The more we are exposed with opportunities to be Christ-like and walk in God’s Spirit, the quicker the fuse burns. Then at the right time, God’s time, we feel an explosion of God’s unconditional love within us. When the fuse meets fusion (an encounter with God), there is bound to be a beautiful firework display of our faith.






Parish News - Durbanville Catholic Church May 2016

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When the explosive light of Christ shines from within, we cannot contain it but grow in passion to share it. We want to share what God has done in and through us. We are like the blind that have just received sight, the deaf that hear and the sick that has been healed. The healing might not be physically but spiritually. It is a peace and contentment from within, no matter what the circumstance is. This is something worth sharing. Our story is God’s story and our testimony is to bring glory to God.

Our last ‘Glory Be to God’ Praise & Worship and

Testimony Evening was held on Thursday, 5th May,

at 19:00. The M.C. for the evening was Tony Dos

Santos, who shared with us his Pilgrimage in Fatima,

Portugal. At the start of the Pilgrimage, Tony and

the group were informed of two things:

Nothing they have belongs to them; they had to

share whatever they had; and

No one is to be left behind. The strong had to help

those who were weak to walk.

The Pilgrimage was not easy and Tony shared how

he had endured an injury and was informed that

he would have to be transported back. After he

spent time in prayer and had people praying for

him, he was miraculously healed and could carry

on his journey. Some who thought they could carry

on no longer, because of pain and blisters, were

assisted and encouraged to finish the pilgrimage.

Tony expressed his love and devotion for our Lord

and Mother Mary, who has had a great impact on

his life. He also shared how walking through the

Stations of the Cross, enabled him to persevere

and overcome his pain. It was a gentle reminder of

the suffering of Christ, who overcame much and

helps us to overcome still today.

We thank Tony for increasing our faith through

sharing his testimony. We also thank the youth

band ‘Soul Fire’ for having led us in praise and

worship. They played beautifully.

We encourage any youth, who might like to share

their musical talents, to join up with them. Most of

all we would like to thank and praise God for the

leadership of His Holy Spirit and give Him all the

glory for all He has done and continues to do.

Our next ‘Glory be to God’ Praise and Worship &

Testimony evening will be held on Thursday, 2nd

June at 19:00. Antonio Pepe will be the M.C. for the

evening and share his testimony with us. Antonio is

an inspiring young man who has served in different

ministries within our church community.

All are welcomed to attend and we invite you to

join us for a cup of tea/coffee afterwards.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Should anyone like to share their testimonies with

us, please let us know, so that you are given the

opportunity to share your faith with others. You may

contact Catherine on 083 580 2692 or Lynette on

082 591 4347.


Praise and Worship

& Shared Testimonies

For what we proclaim is not

ourselves, but Jesus Christ as

Lord, with ourselves as your

servants for Jesus' sake. For

God, who said, “Let l ight

shine out of darkness,” has

shone in our hearts to give

the l ight of the knowledge of

the glory of God in the face

of Jesus Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:5-6

Parish News - Durbanville Catholic Church May 2016

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Catholic Business Network (CBN) Primarily for Catholic Business owners, but

Guests are welcome

For Serious Business Leads, Referrals & Contacts

Next meeting: Tuesday 28th June

Share knowledge

Find solutions

Grow your business profitably

Network on a proven, powerful

Prayerful Platform.

Venue: Parish Centre

Time: 19:00 for 19:30 sharp to 21h00.

Be Connected


Please Bring Business Cards &


Bring & share a snack of your choice (optional)

Tea & Coffee available

RSVP or just arrive

President: Brian Taylor

Marketing Manager: Mary Anne Murray


CBN needs a logo. Can You Help?

We ask all the creative minds out

there to please assist us in this


You are invited to attend CBN’s

thanksgiving Mass on Tuesday,

14th June, at 19:00. Coffee & tea will

be served after Mass in the parish

centre. Bring & share a snack of your

choice (optional).


“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good”.

Psalm 118: 1

I AM Poem by Helen Mallicoat

I was regretting the past And fearing the future.

Suddenly my Lord was speaking:

“My name is I Am.” He paused. I waited. He continued,

When you live in the past

With its mistakes and regrets,

It is hard. I am not there,

My name is not I WAS”.

When you live in the future

With its problems and fears,

It is hard. I am not there.

My name is not I WILL BE.

When you live in this moment,

It is not hard. I am here.

My name is I AM.