Panic Attack Manual

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Transcript of Panic Attack Manual

  • 8/6/2019 Panic Attack Manual


    Panic Attack Manual

  • 8/6/2019 Panic Attack Manual


    1 Introduction

    1.1 Copyright, Legal Notice & Disclaimer

    1.2 About the book & the author

    2 Chapter 1

    2.1 Panic Attacks

    3 Chapter 2

    3.1 Symptoms & Signs 1

    4 Chapter 3

    4.1 Facts or Myths 1

    5 Chapter 4

    5.1 The Effects 1

    6 Chapter 5

    6.1 Treatment Options 2

    7 Chapter 6

    7.1 The Four A's My Personal Approach 2

    8 Chapter 7

    8.1 Prevention 3

    9 Conclusion

    9.1 Last but not least 3

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    Copyright, Legal Notice & Disclaimer

    Copyright, Legal Notice and Disclaimer:

    This publication is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international,

    federal, state and local laws, and all rights are reserved, including resale rights: you are not allowed to

    sell this Guide to anyone. You can give it away for free as long as you don't alter any information or

    links. If you received this publication from anyone other than, you've received

    a pirated copy. Please contact us via e-mail at support at and notify us of the


    Please note that much of this publication is based on personal experience and anecdotal evidence.

    Although the author and publisher have made every reasonable attempt to achieve complete accuracy

    of the content in this Guide, they assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Also, you should use

    this information as you see fit, and at your own risk. Your particular situation may not be exactly suited

    to the examples illustrated here; in fact, it's likely that they won't be the same, and you should adjust

    your use of the information and recommendations accordingly.

    Any trademarks, service marks, product names or named features are assumed to be the property of

    their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if we use

    one of these terms.

    Finally, use your head. Nothing in this Guide is intended to replace common sense, legal, medical or

    other professional advice, and is meant to inform and entertain the reader. So have fun with the Panic

    Attack Manual, and get your stuff done.

    Copyright All rights reserved worldwide.

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    About the book & the author

    I did not know that two days after my 22nd birthday, my life would change forever...

    It all started when I was teaching my last student of the day. Out of nowhere, I suddenly felt nervous -

    my heart pounding fast, my vision turned blurry and it seemed too difficult for me to breathe. While

    getting some water from the pantry, I felt as though I was floating. I could not feel the sole of my feet

    and the surface I was stepping on. I felt numbness all over my body. What was happening to me? Was

    it my time to die?

    Well, obviously, it was not.

    It was my first ever encounter of something that you all know panic attack or anxiety disorder. I am

    certain that most of you have experienced the same things I did on that fateful day. How a single day

    could eventually change your life and your future. How badly you want to go back to that particular time

    and totally change it, or even remove that ill-fated day from your life. Sadly though, you cannot.

    But do not despair. In life, there are always solutions to our problems. We just need to look hard for it.

    The good news is: you are looking at the answer.

    In this book, you will understand more abo ut our situation. Or if your family or friends are among those

    who suffer from panic attack, you will have a better understanding of what they are going through.

    This book will help you to completely overcome panic through the techniques I will later explain. I know

    that you would want to bring back your old life the days before panic ever crossed and ruined your

    life. I want you to experience again the happiness of a panic-free life where everything is normal and

    there are no tormenting feelings lingering around.

    Go on... Read all the way to the last page. I am sure you will not look at panic the same way as before

    At the end of the book Here I've listed a resource for a method that can end your panic attacks

    instantly. I contribute my success of stopping any further panic attack to it. Don't miss this out.

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    Chapter 1

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    Panic Attacks

    What is a panic attack?

    I bet most of you already know what a panic attack is. I am even positive that you have read countless

    articles regarding panic just to be able to better understand your condition. But still, let me give you a

    little background of it.

    Panic attack is a dreadful situation where one suddenly feels several horrible emotions all at the same

    time. People who experience it for the first time think of it as a heart attack or they are dying. It feels lik

    a serious thing but actually there is nothing to worry about.

    Why does it happen?

    In medical explanation, the sympathetic nervous system prepares to battle against external factors that

    your body perceives to be threatening, even if they are not. Your body becomes tense as it gets ready

    for action. It is then that you are faced with the fight or flight response, a decision you are always

    dealing with. Do you have the strength and courage to fight it or should you just run away and escape

    as always?

    Whatever decision you choose, the fear subsides after several minutes and your body feels completely

    exhausted as if you have just run a thousand miles. The parasympathetic nervous system is

    responsible for this favorable response. It calms your tensed body and lets you slip back to the normal

    state of being which I am sure you yearn for.

    Basically, stressis the main culprit for the first panic attack. Of course, a sufficient amount of stress is

    also needed in our every day life. But too much stress can be harmful. Moreover, crucial changes in life

    such as death of a loved one, relationship breakup, a major failure in business or other events like

    these could significantly trigger an attack.

    However, frequent panic attack occurs due to the fear of fear. When we fear that this will happen to us

    time and time again, we panic. We are scared of the idea of experiencing the same terrifying

    sensations all over again. We even feel anxious and embarrassed of passing out in public when panic

    strikes. Also, we could not help but think of the most horrible scenarios that could possibly happen. The

    mind starts playing its tricks and increase the fear by the power of imagination.

    But the worst reason why we panic is that we are anticipating the worst panic attack that could

    ultimately end our lives. If you were like me during the height of my panic attack period, I basically

    anticipated my last day every time I opened my eyes in the morning. I did not feel ecstatic whenever I

    woke up since I expected the full blown panic attack to strike and eradicate me from the face of the

    earth before the night falls. Now, I find it funny looking back at my old panicky self.

    How long does a panic attack last?

    Usually, an ordinary panic attack lasts for 5 20 minutes. However, fear lingers depending on the

    persons ability to overcome it. It usually goes on for weeks or even months making you feel anxious

    and nervous all the time. This is normal since your body has not reached its natural relaxed state. Give

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    your body some time to get to that tranquil point. Your body will attain that balanced position whether

    you like it or not. Find peace in the fact that your body will never stop looking for ways to recover. So

    simply trust your body to do the work for you. But if you feel very uncomfortable with that feeling, it is

    best to immediately seek help from a professional.

    How often does it occur?

    The frequency of attacks solely depends on you. If the fear is too overwhelming to endure, panic

    happens. So, if you can calm your fears and emotions, then panic will less likely to occur. There are

    people who have occasional episodes of panic attacks. However, there are also those who experience

    it continually for months or even years, really depending on how your body and mind can cope with the

    fear and anxiety.

    Is it common for people to have panic attacks?

    Yes, a panic attack is relatively common for people. YOU ARE NOT ALONE in facing this kind of

    ordeal. There are millions of people in the world who are having the same dreadful situation as you. In

    fact, almost 3.5% of the entire population has panic attacks. According to a study, Americans have

    encountered a panic attack once in their lives. However, those who were led to frequent attacks or

    panic disorder were traumatized with their previous attacks, fearing it to come back. These people

    dread going through it all over again. But do not be troubled. I will later discuss the techniques in copin

    with panic.

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    Chapter 2

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    Symptoms & Signs

    A car mechanic can fix cars because he knows how they works, and this is also true when it comes to

    panic attacks. You can control your panic attacks if you know what and why is happening in your body.

    In most cases, people who suffer from panic attacks experience numerous frightening feelingswhen

    an attack occurs. There are actually physical and psychological signs of panic attacks. If you happen to

    experience 5 or more, you are likely to be dealing with panic attacks or anxiety disorder. If you are

    not sure about your symptoms, it is highly advised to consult medical experts. Now, let me discuss

    briefly most of them.

    A. Physical Symptoms

    These are the lists of indications that an individual experiences in the body during a panic attack.


    The world may seem to be spinning when panic strikes. You usually feel lightheaded and numb. I

    guess, like me, you often assume that there is an earthquake when in fact, there is not even one. I

    personally lean my head against a wall or something hard to be able to feel it and assure myself that it

    is just me who is wrong. Do not fret! This is just a part of the course when you panic.

    Rapid heartbeat

    Whenever you are nervous, it is a common occurrence for your heart to quicken its beat. But when you

    have a panic attack, you multiply your nervousness a thousand fold, resulting in an exaggeratedly rapid

    heartbeat. This can also be considered as palpitations. The heart pumps blood to your body more

    quickly since your body needs more oxygen when you feel agitated.

    Shortness of breath

    A quick heartbeat is often associated with shortness of breath since there is a decrease in the amount

    of oxygen carried out to your cells if your heart beats rapidly. The faster the throb of your heart, the

    faster the oxygen is used up in your body, thus leaving you lacking with air. This can also cause you the

    dry lump in your throat and the feeling of choking when you start experiencing panic. It all boils down to

    that lack of enough oxygen to supply your body.

    Cold hands and feet

    What is so frightening with having cold hands and feet? For people who do not have or have not

    experienced a panic attack, they would not truly understand. But having extremely cold hands and feet

    is the indication of the emerging panic building inside you. You feel restless for this is usually the first

    symptom of upcoming terror that would soon explode.

    Pins and needles

    Most people have suffered the torture of having pins and needles on their feet especially while

    swimming. For those who frequently have a regular panic attack, experiencing pins and needles is not

    really typical. The little pinches and pricks are commonly felt on a full blown panic attack. I personally

    have been subjected to this tormenting feelings countless of times. Each time is as terrifying and

    excruciating as the last time. But be at peace that this is just a part of a panic attack.


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    Numbness is when you do not feel a thing in your body due to the carbon dioxide imbalance. But it is

    crazy to say that when a panic attack occurs, you feel all these horrible mixed emotions stated above

    but you also feel numb at the same time. It may sound absurd but people with panic attacks or anxiety

    disorder can attest to that. Panic attacks can make even the impossible possible.

    B. Psychological Symptoms

    There are also some symptoms that affect a persons emotions and mind in the course of a panic


    Fear of losing control

    Once panic repeatedly attacks, you have this fear of losing control in your daily actions and thoughts.

    You literally find yourself incapable of thinking realistic thoughts. This is due to the fact that fear always

    comes first - fear matters in your life whether you like it or not. But this should not be the case. You are

    not going to lose it! NEVER! You will never commit any of the thoughts lingering in your mind because

    they are just created by fear. They are absolutely unlikely to happen in reality. Bear in mind that you

    are in control even if your body or your mind does not respond well to this idea. I just want to reiterate

    that you are not going to lose it no matter what happens. I also had a series of losing-control-moments

    when I still allowed fear to have power over me. I thought of causing embarrassment to myself as I

    deliver a speech or stand in front of my class. Will my junior students know what to do when I pass out

    in front of them? Will my colleagues talk about the shameful thing that happened to me? Will I

    continually faint while teaching and will it be one of the grounds for my termination?

    So burst that bubble and start thinking right. Again, you will never lose control because of panic attacks

    Fear of going crazy

    Most people who suffer from frequent episodes of panic attacks think that they are on their way to the

    mental asylum. Contrary to popular

    belief, you are not going crazy. What you are experiencing are normal effects of panic. Disturbing

    thoughts and horrendous imaginations are likely to develop as you continue to deal with panic attacks.

    But I want you to hold on to this notion:

    You are not going crazy and never will be.

    Fear of dying

    The worst thing you would be scared of when you experience panic attack for the first time is the fear o


    Am I going to die?

    I bet this is the first question that popped in your mind when you first had your panic attack. This is the

    same question you ask whenever panic hits you. The only answer to that question is NO. You will not

    die because of a panic attack. You will not even be harmed because of it. Always keep in mind that a

    panic attack will not cause anything serious or damaging to you.


    Most books and articles regarding panic attacks do not discuss in details the derealization symptom or

    the unsettling feeling of unreality. Since the fear hovers around you for quite some time, these fears

    create an illusion that you unknowingly participate in. You start to live in a world of fear, making yourse

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    detached from the normal environment you were in. It imprisons you from living the blissful life you

    once lived.

    Be at rest! This unnatural feeling is normal especially for sufferers of frequent and excessive panic

    attacks. Do not be troubled though because this weird sensation will certainly pass soon.


    Another eerie symptom that causes great distress and worry to sufferers is the feeling of disconnection

    from your body. People who experience this usually say that their bodies feel like floating. Others say

    that their minds seem like detached from their bodies.

    Since I am also a long-time sufferer of panic attack, I know how this feels. It is absolutely disturbing to

    have an unusual gap between your mind and your body which convinces you that there has been a

    serious damage done to your brain. But the good thing is... it just one of those terrifying sensations as

    result of severe anxiety. Just like the feeling of unreality, this symptom of depersonalization will soon go



    Due to extreme anxiety which leads to unrealistic fears and outrageous imaginations, individuals who

    have had a series of panic attacks are believed to be having delusions. Usually, this happens during

    the peak of the whole panic experience because the fear still remains.

    It is where people, like me, hear things that normal people do not typically bother to hear. An anxious

    person can hear even the faintest sound like the sound of a coin falling, drops of water dripping out of

    the faucet and all those trivial sounds. These sounds multiply five times its standard decibel for restless

    people. We can hear sounds clearly even from miles away. Anxiety is the main reason that is why our

    senses are tremendously alert.

    I find it comforting to know that there are also some famous people who suffer from panic attacks. Do

    not get me wrong here. I never wanted other people to try and experience what all of us often go

    through. But it is just consoling to note that you are not alone in this battle since even the most

    prominent celebrities have encountered a panic attack. Recently, award-winning actress Kate Winslet

    has suffered from panic attack a month before the Oscars. She said in an interview that she was

    gasping for air, and she felt as if almost everyone was speaking in Hebrew.

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    Chapter 3

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    Facts or Myths

    In this chapter, your questions with regard to the confusing ideas about panic attacks will be answered

    Is it better to use a brown bag or not?

    This has been a debatable topic by doctors and medical experts. Is it safe to use a brown bag or using

    it will result in damaging effects?

    I had been to countless doctors before to diagnose my condition. I went from one doctor after another

    to get their second opinion, third, fourth and so on. They told me only one thing - I might be suffering

    from panic attacks. These doctors have advised me to use a brown bag (the sandwich paper bag)

    whenever I have my attacks since there is carbon dioxide imbalance. They said that it would help me

    bring my breathing back to its balanced normal state.

    Since I already have a diagnosis of my condition, I searched through countless websites and books

    about panic attacks. I came across a site that says that you should not use a brown paper bag

    whenever you panic since this can lead to severe brain damage due to inhaling too much carbon

    dioxide. Then I went to a psychiatrist to help me cope with all the distressing emotions and thoughts

    that I was dealing with. Of course, I asked him whether or not it is perfectly safe to use a brown bag to

    inhale and exhale into just like what the other doctors have been telling me for sometime now.

    His answer?It was contrary to the other doctors! I was completely dumbfounded! Who am I going to

    listen to and follow now - those several other doctors or my one and only psychiatrist?

    At last! I found the answer! I actually came to a realization after reading countless articles and books

    about panic attacks. I was able to comprehend that it is safer not to use a brown bag at all when there

    is an episode of another attack. I came to this understanding because a panic attack ends by itself,

    even without you doing anything. It would just be safer to let your body do its course. In this way, you

    will not have to risk yourself of having a brain damage if that research is totally true.


    Normally, a panic attack subjects you to a lot of different emotions all at once. With all these mixed

    horrifying feelings gradually reaching their peak, you are very much convinced that you will soon pass

    out. Then, when you come to that certain point of almost passing out, surprisingly your mind does not

    black out. It just leaves you totally feeling exhausted but still very much conscious.

    You feel terrified of fainting since you are not certain if it is already your last sight of the world. Or you

    are scared of passing out in public because of the embarrassment that it can bring or the fact that no

    one might look after you. You also imagine things that you might pass out while driving, or bump your

    head into the hard-cemented floor.

    All these are common panic scenarios. Most people anticipate fainting when they have an attack.

    However, it does not come. You are just left with an extreme fatigue. So now you are probably

    wondering whether or not you will actually pass out when panic strikes. Actually, you will not. Try to

    remember all the attacks you have had. Did you ever faint? That is because fainting during the course

    of panic attack is very unlikely to happen. It is a very rare effect of panic attack. It might only happen

    once in a blue moon.

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    Is a panic attack genetic?

    I bet that you are also wondering if you got your panic attack from any member of your family or even

    relatives. And I am pretty sure that you dread the thought that your future sons, daughters or even

    grandchildren will also go through the terrifying experience of panic all because of you. Truth be told,

    science has already proven that there is a direct correlation between the genes of a person and panic

    attacks. Much to our dismay, it is confirmed that panic attack can likely be passed down to the next


    According to the studies, panic attack is related to a persons genes. If any of your relatives or family

    suffers from panic attacks, you are twice at risk of having one. But it does not mean that if you do not

    have a family history of panic disorder, you will be free of panic. It still depends on your bodys

    capability to manage stress. Even though you are twice susceptible to getting a panic attack but you

    know how to handle stress and anxiety, it will be unlikely for you to have one. It all boils down to your

    ability to combat stressful situations in your life. It is highly recommended to avoid events that can

    cause massive constant stress.

    Is a panic attack related to a heart attack?

    When you have a panic attack, your heart races and at times it tightens. For some days, you feel your

    heart contract and burn. The thought of having a heart attack immediately comes to mind. And I am

    certain that you assumed your panic attack as a heart attack because I did, too.

    This symptom is a very common one for sufferers of panic attack. It is understandable since the

    symptoms of a heart attack and a panic attack are quite similar. You usually have constant chest pains

    difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, and fatigue among others. But they also different in the way that a

    heart attack can lead to death but panic attack does not actually cause any harm.

    If the constant pains and heaviness of the heart are becoming worrisome, it is best to let the doctor

    check your heart through blood tests, EKG or ECG (electrocardiogram), or MRI (magnetic resonance

    imaging) to be certain of your problem. Actually, constant visits to the doctor will make your chances of

    having a heart attack low. Since your heart is monitored regularly, you are less prone to develop a hea


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    Chapter 4

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    The Effects

    Although panic attacks seem very harmful, they do not actually bring about damaging results. There ar

    some serious but non-life threatening effects of panic attacks. I have compiled some of the

    health-related problems that are brought about by panic. There are also a number of techniques to put

    a stop on these.


    Just like a heart attack, sufferers of panic disorder mistakenly think of heartburn as a serious heart

    problem. A heartburn is a minor condition not of the heart but of the stomach. It is actually caused by

    excessive acid intake. You feel a burning sensation and pain near your heart assuming that it is anothe

    heart-related problem. But a heartburn is not serious and can be cured with an over-the-counter

    medication specifically an anti-acid. Start eating right and you will soon say goodbye to heartburn.


    The terrifying feelings brought about by panic keep haunting you. Since it is still hard for you to face

    these horrifying emotions once again, you are inclined to develop agoraphobia. Opps... Do not panic

    yet. This phobia is just the fear of leaving your home. You unknowingly create your home as your safe

    zone because it is where you feel the safest. There are no people who will be seeing you while you are

    in the course of an attack, there will be no embarrassment to make, and no danger that lies ahead. The

    best part? You can lie down on your bed anytime and your family will be there to help.

    While you still have not possessed the weapons to combat your fears, you continuously prefer to stay i

    your house rather than to go out. Stepping out of your door seems such a huge responsibility that you

    are very unhappy to do.

    Fears start building up inside you. Imaginations run wild and silly questions suddenly pop up and bothe

    your mind. These things make you even more fearful to leave your safe zone. You believe that it is

    dangerous once you get out.

    This phobia is not something harmful but it greatly affects your social life. Rather than going out with

    friends on a Friday night, you merely hang out at home. Instead of traveling and exploring the world,

    you are bound in the four corners of your house. You begin to get scared of risking the chance of

    having another panic attack when you go out. This goes on and on. Little do you know, it has

    completely affected your relationship with your friends and loved ones.

    Phobias are fears due to the trauma it has created on you through what you have experienced. To

    battle fears is to face them. Avoiding it will make you even apprehensive. Face your fears! Go out of

    your safe zone! You do not have to care about what might or might not happen.


    One of the more serious but treatable results of panic is depression. Every single one has experienced

    having the blues once in a while. But a panic attack brings about a more severe one.

    Since you are likely to develop the fear of leaving your home which you already considered as your

    safe zone, you are highly prone to be bound inside your house. Based from my previous experiences, i

    will somehow take some time to be able to muster all your strength and courage to leave your safe

    zone. This phase will also allow your body to relax and get back to its normal state.

    While you are home-bound, depression starts to kick in. You start to feel low and useless. You ponder

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    on how worthless you are as you start to think about the things you want to do but will not be able to

    do, the places you want to visit but now look so distant, or the dreams you once wished for yet seem so

    far to reach. You begin to question what else you can do when actually panic cripples you. You wonder

    about your purpose in life. And the worst thing is that you start to lose hope. You succumb to your

    fears. But this should not be the case. The key factor in battling depression is to hope hope that this

    too shall pass. When your hope starts to fade away, you let depression rule over your life. Mild

    depression can easily be treated with the help of your family, friends and of course, it must start with


    Do not let yourself be alone during this low time in your life. The more you spend your time alone, the

    more you think of your condition. Surround yourself with people you love and keep busy doing all the

    things you enjoy. It is definite that you will recover from depression in no time.

    However, when you think that your depression is already unbearable to for you to carry, you should

    now ask help from professionals. They will give you an assurance that all is well with you. It is also

    good that you have someone to share all your worries and fears. Open up and it will give you a lighter

    feeling in your heart, having been able to let all your negative thoughts and emotions out. They will be

    able to help you bring yourself back to your normal state of mind through different tests and therapies

    they will provide. Keep in mind that you should always ask for help when you need it

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    Chapter 5

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    Treatment Options

    There are various treatments available these days to beat your panic attacks. Here are some of the

    treatments that will certainly help stop your panic. Choose the one you think is appropriate for you. Or

    better yet, apply as many as you want. Your cure for panic is within your grasp now.


    The first surefire way to eradicate panic is to have an intensive knowledge about your condition.

    Knowing what is factual and helpful from the myths and common mistakes will definitely give you an

    advantage to fully bring back your normal life.

    Search for information about panic attack and always keep in mind the essential facts you find. For

    instance, since you already know that panic attack is not harmful as you thought it was, you should be

    rest assured that there is no imminent danger to your mind nor health.

    Understanding better what you are dealing with is the first important step that can cure you of panic

    attack. Knowing the signs, symptoms, effects and treatments available will certainly give you more

    weapons in combating panic from attacking you again. But don't overdo your research by being

    obssessed all the time by looking for information and scaring yourself. This is very important, just

    understand how the panic happened once or few times and then stop for looking for more information.

    Relaxation techniques

    Basically, you panic because your body is in a state of imbalance. It is preparing itself to fight against

    the approaching danger it foresees. To put it back to its normal state, all you have to do is relax. I know

    that it is easier said than done. So I prepared some relaxation techniques on how to calm yourself dow

    A. Deep breathing

    Since you usually have shallow breathing when you are having an attack or even on ordinary days,

    deep breathing exercises can actually help calm your tense nerves and have an adequate supply of ai

    in your body at the same time.

    This is more properly done while lying down on a bed to see clearly if you are doing this technique

    correctly. Hold your chest with your left hand. Using your right hand, hold your stomach. Start breathing

    deeply through your nose, counting from one to five. Then, exhale slowly through your mouth this time

    also counting from one to five. Note that your chest should have little to no movement at all. Only your

    stomach should rise and fall every time you breathe.

    Feel the air passing through your nose, going to your lungs and exiting your mouth. Erase the thoughts

    in your mind and think of only this exercise. You can gradually increase the number of seconds

    depending on you. Try to do this for 15-20 minutes a day. This will help you have more relaxed nerves

    and a calm disposition every day.

    B. Meditation

    Having a clear mind can help erase panic in your life because a healthy mind creates a healthy body.

    You are advised to spend some time meditating and reflecting on your life every single day. Meditation

    has been proven to create a great positive impact in overcoming certain diseases including panic


    To perform this, you have to pick a very quiet or secluded place. It will be better if you have a relaxing

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    music playing in the background. I prefer to put on the sounds of nature specifically the humming of

    birds or the flowing water in a stream. These sounds help you create a very peaceful and serene

    atmosphere, enabling your body to become less tensed and agitated.

    Try to sit as comfortably as you can. Then close your eyes and start breathing deeply in and out, just

    like the deep breathing exercises I taught you. But instead of counting from one to five, fill your ears

    with the soothing sounds and let them envelop your whole senses.

    You can also imagine yourself in a peaceful place where there are no worries to think about, no danger

    to face, just pure happiness to enjoy. Let this wonderful sanctuary surround you. Picture the amazing

    sun rising from the horizon. Or the vibrant colors of red, orange and yellow in the sky during sunset. Try

    to think of all the happy moments of your life. Reflect on your past and foresee the bright future ahead.

    C. Massage

    Getting a frequent massage is very therapeutic. It does not only relax your tired muscles but it is also

    an ideal way of relieving your stress and tension. A lot of people can attest that massages have severa

    positive effects. It can help reduce your anxiety level by calming your nervous system through the

    different strokes and pressures done by a professional masseuse or masseur. All in all, a massage

    improves your general health which includes your body, mind, and spirit.


    Exercising regularly also greatly helps in reducing your tension level. A rigorous workout removes

    toxins out of your body and it relaxes your nerves as well. It also improves your health and well-being

    since it has a lot of benefits both for your body and mind.

    Did you know that the rate of your heart while exercising is the same as when you are having a panic

    attack? When you exercise, you feel tired but still calm for your mind is certain that you are not in any

    kind of danger. However, when you have an attack, your mind sends out distressing signals to your

    nerves that is why you get tensed and panicky.

    You can undo this by setting your mind and assuming that you are only exercising and there is really no

    threat when you feel panic is just around the corner. Working out 3-4 times a week can help you

    improve your general physical health and it will enable your mind to get used to the rapid beating of

    your heart, lessening the chances of you getting easily anxious by the quick heartbeat you sometimes


    Chants / Verses

    Some people that I have read about often utter chants and verses to get rid of the approaching panic

    attack. Some of the lines they say are as follows:

    I will get through this day. I know you are there but you can not harm me. Nothing bad wi

    happen It is just panic, it can not hurt me. I will not die of panic attack.

    For Christians and Catholics, they often run to their Bible and find some verses to remind them that

    God is the most powerful in the world. And if you believe in Him, nothing can ever harm you. The most

    famous Bible verses applicable for panic attacks are the following:

    If you have faith as little as that of a mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, move from here

    to there, and it shall move; nothing shall be impossible to you. (Matthew 17:30)

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    My flesh and my heart may fail; but God is the Rock and firm strength of my heart and my portion

    forever. (Psalm 73:26)

    Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with

    me. (Psalm 23:4)

    I am the Lord who heals you. (Exodus 15:26) God is greater than our worried hearts. (1 John

    3:20) Everything is possible for him who believes. (Mark 9:23)

    On a personal account, I have a very powerful book that I carry with me anywhere I go. It is A

    Pocketful of Promises for Women. It is a collection of letters of promises and assurances from God.

    This book has given me strength and courage every time panic engulfs me. I just read through some of

    the letters on the emotion I currently experience. It sustains me and makes me feel secured of Gods

    love. There is also A Pocketful of Promises for both men and women for more Bible verses.

    Sometimes though, these chants and verses seem to have no effect when your mind and body are

    already agitated. But with proper focus and concentration, they will be very helpful. Let the words sink

    in your mind and do not let anxiety overpower your willingness to beat panic. It is all in the mind. If you

    let your anxiety reign, it will undoubtedly have control over you. But if you let your mind stay glued on

    the verses you say, it will definitely happen.

    Positive Thinking

    I guess that most people you know told you that all you have to do is to think positive. But they do not

    really understand how difficult it is to think of something nice when all of the cells in your system are

    agitated. It takes all your strength to convince yourself that nothing is going to happen. A cloud of

    despair inevitably passes through your mind. But you have to beat that! You need to start changing the

    way you think. And you need to do it NOW!

    You hear people always say, Think positive! But most people do not take it seriously. They do not

    realize how effective this phrase is only if it is put into action. There is power in being positive. Of

    course, changing your mindset does not happen overnight so you need to practice thinking positively.

    Work hard and it will pay off in the end.

    A panic attack has a never-ending cycle. Sometimes you feel all right, other times you do not. Week

    after week, your feelings just keep going in circles. So I have prepared a step by step guide on how to

    turn negative thoughts into positive ones and finally break free of this unwanted sequence. With

    continued practice of these steps, you will surely have an easier time dealing with these negative


    1. Welcome the thoughts. Actually, the more you try NOT to think of a specific thing, you will only end

    up thinking about it all the time. The best way to control your thoughts is to acknowledge it but redirect

    somewhere else. Admit the fact that these thoughts bother your mind and you need to do something to

    get rid of them. You have the best weapon of knowing the fact that these horrible thoughts are just plain

    thoughts and can not harm you.

    2. Redirect them. I read an article that suggested asking yourself questions to distract your mind. For

    example, if you are restless and depressing thoughts come to your mind, do something that will let you

    forget about those things. This is a very effective way of not to think about panic. When you feel that

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    panic is lingering around, divert yourself to a different situation. You can talk to a person all of a

    sudden, observe how a thing happens, listen to other people talking, or eat something that you have

    never tried before. Do something that will completely occupy your mind.

    3. Detach yourself from any bad emotions. We are scared to have a panic attack because the very

    thought of it chills us to the bones. Although it is not happening at the moment, you are extremely

    frightened of the idea. You have to learn how to detach emotions from certain thoughts. The more

    attached you are with these horrible thoughts, the more likely you are to experience them once again.

    is in the same way with positive thinking. If you are more emotionally involved with the positive way of

    thinking, the more possible it is for you to enjoy its fruitful results.

    4. Create a funny character. If you find it hard to prevent negative thoughts from entering your mind o

    detaching yourself from negative emotions is quite a burden, the easiest thing you can do is to make

    the thing that scares you the most seem hilarious.

    Visualize the frightening thing and create something that will make it comical, be it a mouse ears or two

    front bunny teeth. Scare yourself in a funny way. In this way, the heavy feelings associated with the

    scary situation have become much lighter. They say that laughter is the best medicine and you can

    prove it here.

    5. Avoid negative people. Instead, surround yourself with positive ones. Both positive and negative

    feelings are infectious and can be easily passed to other people. When the people you are with are

    pessimists and always look at the bad things in life, you are prone to be like one of them. However, if

    you are with people who have a positive outlook in life, their positive energy transmits to you. You will

    feel happier, healthier, and more in control of your life by being friends with positive people.

    6. Read inspirational stories every day. When you read of people who have overcome a certain

    disease or sickness, you will no doubt feel stronger and you will also be inspired to cure what ails you.

    Inspirational stories provide people with the motivation that if someone else has done it, so can I.

    Reading such stories will help you think of ways to conquer your fears and know that you are not alone

    in facing scary challenges in life. Also, it will never fail to make you feel good about yourself and life in

    general. One of the best things that I have learned from reading inspirational stories is that as long as

    you are still alive, never lose hope that you will get better. Then again, you cannot simply hope you

    also have to help yourself get better.

    7. Do not quit. Keep trying. The difference between winners and losers is that winners are not

    whiners. They keep their eyes on the goal and they do not stop until they have achieved what they

    wanted. If you have not succeeded at keeping panic at bay after several tries, tell yourself it is alright.

    And it is. All you have to do is to keep trying until you have controlled your panic attacks. No one said

    that it will be easy to recover once you have experienced an attack. But you can slowly recover by not

    quitting the fight and challenging yourself to face it head on.

    Psychiatrist / Psychologist

    Before getting rid of my panic attacks I was feeling so bad that I had to see a proffessional, in fact

    several psychiatrists. If you have tried everything but nothing seems to work for you, it is also best to

    consult a psychiatrist or a psychologist. There is no harm in seeking professional help, particularly if

    you cannot do it on your own anymore. Remember, ask for help when you need it. At least just to know

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    if it's panic attacks that you experience.

    I myself have consulted a psychiatrist on several occasions and I have felt better whenever I leave my

    doctors office. It was empowering to hear from a licensed doctor that the threat that I was feeling was

    all in my head and that I am as normal as the next person.

    There are different approaches that your doctor can provide you. But the first thing that he will do is to

    ask you tons and tons of questions for him to know your real condition. He will then give you some vital

    information about panic attacks and their corresponding pieces of powerful and effective advice. You

    will unbelievably have strength and courage to face your fears after every session with your doctor.

    Your doctor may also advise you to take the cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This has been

    proven to be a very effective approach in dealing with anxiety disorders. With the help of your doctor,

    you are to gradually experience the fear again and again until your mind and body have prevailed over

    the frightening situations you once dealt with.

    It is believed that the situational avoidance that panic attack sufferers usually do is not truly acceptable

    This is where you stay away from the circumstances or places where you habitually have your attacks.

    You try to evade them so that panic will not strike again. But in reality, avoidance just retains the fears

    associated with these certain situations. It can also eventually lead to hopeless case of conquering you


    The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be a very powerful tool for you. A research has shown that there

    is actually a great success rate of using this method on people who suffer from panic or anxiety

    disorder. The resource at the end of the book explains a very simple method when applied can

    stop the panic & fear almost instantly if you follow it. It helped me personally, it's a different

    type of CBT but it's very effective. I was sick of using medication for over 1.5 years which added

    about 40lbs to my weight in addition to other symptoms like hair loss and drug dependency.


    If you consult with a doctor, he might advise you to take some medications to help you cope with your

    panic attacks if it's so severe. My psychiatrist has prescribed a medicine for me that I could take

    whenever I feel a panic attack brewing. Having these little white tablets with me anywhere I go make

    me feel safer somehow. The medicine does not take effect as quickly as I would have liked it to be but

    it does help in calming me down. Once you take your medicine, you will feel that you are ready to face

    the world and that no panic attack can stop you from what you have planned for the day. Of course,

    you should take it as prescribed by the doctor and you have to be careful not to overdo it.

    To be honest, I was a bit apprehensive to take my medicines at first because I thought of the possibility

    that I might be relying on drugs alone. I did not want my life and my future to solely depend on it. I want

    to function as normally as before without having to take any medications. But nowadays, I do not really

    need any of my medicines. I learned how to take control of my fears and have a panic-free life just like

    used to.

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    Chapter 6

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    The Four A's My Personal Approach

    You can also beat panic attack like I did. I not only followed the steps above but I had also carefully

    examined the ways on how to completely eradicate panic in your life. I gathered all the information that

    I possibly could and arranged everything that I learned based on my experiences and came up with

    what I call the Four As approach.

    The Four As Approach

    1. Accept

    Most people who have consistent panic attacks detest the fact that they suffer from it. Some consider

    themselves the unfortunate ones and they gradually start hating themselves. But let me tell you now

    that this defeatist attitude will certainly not help you to get any better.

    The first thing that you need to do to even have the slightest chance to conquer panic attacks is to

    accept it. Admit the reality that you are one of the few million people who experience panic attacks. Yo

    are not an ill-fated human being. There is a remedy to this problem and all you have to do is to find the

    solutions. If you only curse yourself and complain about your condition, nothing good will come out of it

    Accept your situation and move on.

    2. Acknowledge

    Whenever panic threatens you, take courage and acknowledge its presence. Keep in mind the most

    important fact that you have learned it is NOT going to kill you. You can even talk to it. Tell the fear

    that you are no longer afraid of it. If you do not want your fear to linger in your mind, simply remember

    the techniques I taught you earlier - distract yourself or give it a comical character.

    3. Allow

    If worse comes to worst, allow the fear to consume you. Let it do what it came to do. Do not fight it. Go

    with its flow. Feel the fear passing through every nerve and part of your body. Think of this as one of

    the normal emotions you experience every day. Fear is just like happiness, sadness or anger that we

    typically feel. And because you can control these other emotions, you can also have power over your

    fears. Take courage in knowing that it will not last long and trust that your body will do its best to protec


    4. Act

    Actions create more positive results than words so you have to get your act together to live your best

    life now. Stop putting your life on hold because of the many fears you have. Do not let these

    unreasonable fears restrict you from having a life that you love and enjoy.

    If you do not take action, you will not be able to help yourself. Go out there and show the world that you

    can live a normal life even after experiencing panic attacks. If you are not yet confident that you can do

    it on your own, enlist the help of family or friends to go with you wherever you want to. I know from

    experience that regularly getting out of the house will help you gain confidence in trusting your body

    once more. Moreover, continue practicing the methods or techniques that I have mentioned in this boo

    and you are now on your way to beating panic in your life. If you still need help, consider the method at

    the end of the last page, it helped thousands of people because it's very simple and it can work

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    instantly, it's the only method I'm recommending.

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    Chapter 7

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    There are some ways that can help you prevent future panic attacks. For those people who are

    fortunate not to experience this, do not wait for panic to attack you.

    Follow these simple strategies to make sure that you will never be attacked by panic.

    Eating Healthy

    To eat healthy is to eat right. And no, you do not have to go on a diet to conquer panic attacks. All you

    have to do is to be aware of what you are putting inside your body. Food is like fuel to your body. It can

    give you energy and it ensures that you have enough gas to last through the day. By eating nutritious

    food such as fruits and vegetables, you are investing on your health. You will have a stronger body and

    you will be less likely to get stressed out. When you are living a stress-free life, you are less prone to

    having a panic attack.

    Limit Caffeine Intake

    Caffeine is generally not bad for you. Now, when you have too much of it, that is when it becomes your

    enemy. Too much caffeine triggers palpitations in some people and when you are nervous, that is the

    time that you will most likely feel that you are, once again, threatened by a panic attack. For people wh

    were used to drinking 6 8 cups of coffee each day, you can try lowering it down to 2 cups. Just think

    that by not drinking too much coffee, you are helping yourself eliminate panic attacks from your life.

    Limiting your caffeine intake will definitely help you crush potential panic attacks because you will be

    less likely to experience palpitations and you will also have a healthier heart.

    Avoid Alcohol, Cigarettes and Drugs

    Vices such as drinking too much alcohol, puffing too many sticks of cigarettes and getting high on

    illegal drugs will undoubtedly lead you to the path of destruction of your entire being. Cigarettes contain

    high level of caffeine which is one of the main factors that triggers a panic attack. Alcohol, like caffeine,

    when taken excessively than your body can actually handle will result in rapid heartbeat, dizziness and

    other panic symptoms. This will definitely make these symptoms worse. So it is better for you to avoid

    any kind of alcoholic drinks. Drugs such as cocaine and marijuana have also been proven to be the

    reasons for provoking an attack. Illegal drugs can actually cause a terrible reaction to your body and it

    could even be deadly. You might not notice it yet but when you religiously take in various prohibited

    drugs, you are jeopardizing your physical and mental well-being.

    Due to these bad habits, your body will become unstable. You will be prone not only to panic attacks

    but to several other sicknesses, too. Steering clear of these addictions will let you have a panic-free

    and healthier life.

    Avoid Too Much Stress

    Stress is the main cause of a panic attack. Almost anything can bring you stress: your work, your

    responsibilities at home, your bills, and even your loved ones. Stress is actually a normal occurrence

    that will not harm your body when it is not excessive. But once you feel

    yourself getting stressed out, head off to a quiet sanctuary to avoid panic attacks.

    Excessive stress will cause you not to breathe normally and that is where it all starts. Once you are

    short of air, your hands will begin to feel clammy, you will start sweating profusely and your mind will

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    once again wander to an impending attack. If you want to lead a happy life, you should definitely find

    ways to lower your stress level. Go to a spa for a soothing treatment. If you do not have the means to

    do so, you can always ask a family member to massage you. You can also do other hobbies that calm

    you down. If baking cookies, shopping, or riding a bike around the neighborhood is therapeutic for you,

    then you may also do them. The important thing is to let your body relax and avoid too much stress to

    get rid of panic in your life.

    Healthy Lifestyle

    Your lifestyle speaks of how healthy you are. If you are a couch potato and have never been out in the

    sun for several years, you are setting yourself up for a panic attack. Healthy people are active

    individuals. They walk a few miles each day, jog around the block, or they play sports in their spare

    time. Engaging in sports activities will actually not just rid you of panic attacks, but it will also make you

    look and feel better. If you are not athletic at all, you can try dancing at home if that is what you enjoy

    doing or you can enroll in a gym and get fit. As long as your body is getting enough exercise each day,

    you are golden.

    Spending a few minutes each day for exercise is good for your heart and if your heart is healthy, then

    your mind will be, too. Like what my psychiatrist said, a panic attack is all in the mind. Once you start

    maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can be certain that your panic attacks will soon be a thing of the pas

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    Last but not least


    Having panic attacks does not make you less of a person. Do not think for one second that you are in

    this alone because in truth, you are not. This is just one challenge that you have to overcome and by

    internalizing what I have taught you, you will soon live your life the same way as before.

    Remember that you owe it to yourself to try and get back the life that you once had. If you have tried

    and not succeeded after the first try, do not lose hope. I myself have also tried and failed few times

    before I had gotten back my old life. At the begining of your treatment, you will certainly struggle I

    never said that it will be easy at first but with the help of the people you love, trust that you will win

    over panic attacks. It may be hard at first to control panic attacks but I have faith that you can do it. I

    know you can because I was able to do it.

    One day, you can look back at your panic-stricken self and just laugh. You may not be able to do it yet

    but you will very soon. For the meantime, just watch what you eat, get active, avoid stress and you will

    find yourself facing your panic attack head on as it comes. People may not understand how difficult this

    could be for you but I do. Try your hardest to overcome this and once you have done that, you will feel

    that you can do anything.

    Do not forget to practice the Four As approach that I have mentioned earlier, but at the end of this

    section there is a natural method that helped 1000's of people and it will help you if you follow it for few

    days or even few hours, I can't reveal the exact method here in my writing but if you still struggling and

    suffering, please consider this method. It will change your life forever. The way I can discribe it is after

    understanding this method you'll never have to worry about the next panic attacks. Check out the

    description in the following section.

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    The Following Method Has Helped Me Almost Instantly

    The above programme uses a method that can make you panic free quickly! This is one of the few

    programmes I can really recommend, I am not suppose to give too much information on how the

    method work but in few words, it's so simple to apply and understand. You'll feel relief the same hour

    you apply it and in few days your panic attacks will be eliminated completely. I'll never recommend

    something that is not helpful because it's not right as I suffered from panic attacks and I know

    how bad the feelings are. This method really worked for 1000's of people and it's so simple.Here is a brief description of the method from an ex-panic attack patient:

    "There are a lot of parts to the method but its overall methodology is very simple and scientific. It

    focuses mainly on the amygdala and Charles' discovery that this small organ in the brain is one of the

    main culprits in panic/anxiety conditions and once you completely "reprogram" this organ it is

    impossible to relapse. This taken with the many health and other tips in the pack make for a perfect

    arsenal.... I can tell you this, I am 100% anxiety and panic attack free."

    Why is this method is so successful? ...It can be attributed to a number of things:

    * It was developed by a knowledgeable person who had suffered for many years

    * The root cause of anxiety disorders is addressed

    * There are no drugs involved and therefore no harmful side effects

    * It is an easy to follow program

    * It is soothing and gentle with nothing frightening, but at the same time extremely effective.

    * Unlimited support and advice is available from trained and sympathetic counselors

    * Tested and approved by doctors and psychologists, the Method is on its way to becoming

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    the number one treatment for panic attacks and anxiety disorders

    It doesn't make sense, if I advise you to try a method that doesn't work. It's also not right,

    because I experienced how bad the feelings of panic attacks are and I should help you not to

    suffer anymore. So if you think that you still need help, all I am asking is that you should try this

    method just for couple of day and see for yourself, it has 100% money back guarantee, so you

    are not losing anything for trying. But I am 100% sure that it will change your life forever. Click

    Here To Learn more about This METHOD.