Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute on Rare Isotopes: Rare isotope production and FRIB

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Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute on Rare Isotopes: Rare isotope production and FRIB. 10 August, 2010 Bradley M. Sherrill FRIB Chief Scientist. Broad Overview of Talk. Production of rare isotopes Reaction mechanisms Facilities (FRIB) Tests of fundamental symmetries - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute on Rare Isotopes: Rare isotope production and FRIB

Slid 1Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 1

Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute on Rare Isotopes: Rare

isotope production and FRIB10 August, 2010

Bradley M. SherrillFRIB Chief Scientist

Slid 2Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 2

Broad Overview of Talk

Production of rare isotopes– Reaction mechanisms– Facilities (FRIB)

Tests of fundamental symmetries–Effects of symmetry violations are

amplified in certain nuclei

Societal applications and benefits–Bio-medicine, energy, material

sciences, national security

Goal: Try to talk about something not previously covered in detail at PASI

Slid 3Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 3

How do we make rare isotopes?

Lithium-73 protons, 4 neutrons

Suppose we want to study Lithium-11 3 protons, 8 neutrons

Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 4

An alternative

Start with a nucleus with enough neutrons and to make 11Li (e.g. 18O) and remove protons




Slid 5Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 5

Creation of new isotopes

11-Lithium18-Oxygen Collision

To use this mechanism (projectile fragmentation), an 18O nucleus is accelerated to a velocity of greater than around 50 MeV/u.

Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 6

Cross Section for ProductionBeam Target


σ =π rt + rb( )2

≈ 600 mb



One nucleon removalAround 50 mb(light nuclei)

P ≈ 5%

2n removal5 mbP = .5%

And so onRule of thumb.1 x for each neutron removed

Actual: 16O +12C interaction cross section: 1000 mb (measured at 970 MeV/u)

Note: Above around 300 MeV/u the interaction length is shorter than the electronic stopping range of the 16O

Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 7

• There are a variety of nuclear reaction mechanisms used to add or remove nucleons (items for the jargon page)

• Spallation• Fragmentation• Coulomb fission (photo fission)• Nuclear induced fission• Light ion transfer• Fusion-evaporation (cold, hot, incomplete, …)• Fusion-Fission• Deep Inelastic Transfer• Massive transfer

Rare Isotope Production Mechanisms

There is no best method. Many still have interesting physics question relevant to their application to produce rare isotopes.

Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 8

• (p,n) (p,nn) etc. o Ep < 50 MeVo Used for the production of medical isotopes. o Selective, large production cross sections (100 mb), and

intense (500 mA) primary beams.o Used at HRIBF(ISOL), LLN (ISOL), ANL (in-flight) and Notre

Dame (in-flight), Texas A&M (in-flight with MARS, e.g. 23Al)• Fusion-Evaporation

o Low energy 5-15 MeV/A and “thin” targets (mg/cm2)o Selective with fairly large production cross sections.o Used at for example ANL(in-flight), JYFL (Jyväskylä)

• Fusion-Fission – 238U+12C (basis of Laser acceleration idea D. Habs et al.)

Production Methods – Low Energy

Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 9

• Beam and target fuse (post fusion nucleons may be evaporated)• Variant – Incomplete fusion where particles are lost prior to the

complete fusion of the participants• High, specific production cross sections• Example: 3He (58Ni, 60Zn) n, ENi = 250 MeV

o Production cross section from PACE4 (A.Gavron, Phys.Rev. C21 (1980) 230-236): 60 mb

o 1 g/cm2 targeto Yield of 60Zn is 7x107/pμA (LBL 88-inch has 10 pμA of 58Ni)

Example of production by fusion-evaporation

Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 10

• Multi-Nucleon Transfer reactions (two body final state)o Significant cross section between 10 - 50 MeV/Ao High production of nuclei near stability.o Multi-nucleon reactions can be used to produce rare or more

neutron rich nuclei, e.g. GSI mass separator had a program to study neutron rich f-p shell nuclei using neutron transfer.

• Deeply inelastic reactions (10 - 50?/A MeV/u range)o Deep inelastic - KE of the beam is deposited in the target.

Products are emitted away from the beam axis.o Was used to first produce many of the light neutron rich nucleio Is used to study neutron rich nuclei since the products are

“cooler” and fewer neutrons are evaporated than in fusion reactions.

o Large cross sections for production of some exotic isotopes

Low Energy - Continued

3rd FRIB JOG Meeting B.M Sherrill, 8/6/2010, Slide 11

R Broda J Phys G 32, R151-R192 (2006) – work at ANL, recent with GAMMASPHERE

Deep Inelastic Transfer Example

I = 106/sσ = 1 mb20 mg/cm2

Yield = 700/hr

Models by Tasson-Got based on Monte Carlo (L. Tassan-Got and C. Stefan, Nucl. Phys. A524, 121 (1991)) and statistical decay of the product GEMINI (R. Charity et al., Nucl. Phys. A483, 371 (1988))

Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 12

• Fragmentation (FRIB, NSCL, GSI, RIKEN, GANIL)o Projectile fragmentation of high energy (>50 MeV/A) heavy ionso Target fragmentation of a target with high energy protons or light HIs. In

the heavy ion reaction mechanism community this would include intermediate mass fragments.

• Spallation (ISOLDE, TRIUMF-ISAC, EURISOL, SPES, …)o Name comes from spalling or cracking-off of target pieces.o One of the major ISOLDE mechanisms, e.g. 11Li made from spallation of

Uranium.• Fission (HRIBF, ARIEL, ISAC, JYFL, …)

o There is a variety of ways to induce fission (photons, protons, neutrons (thermal, low, high energy)

o The fissioning nuclei can be the target (HRIBF, ISAC) or the beam (GSI, NSCL, RIKEN, FAIR, FRIB).

• Coulomb Breakup (GSI)o At beam velocities of 1 GeV/n the equivalent photon flux as an ion passes

a target is so high the GDR excitation cross section is many barns.

Production Mechanisms – High Energy

Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 13


From Wikimedia Commons:

Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 14

Universality of Production Cross Sections

Na isotopes

H Ravn, CERN

Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 15

• Pictorial model (above 50 MeV/u)

• Parameterization of cross sections (EPAX 2 Sümmerer and Blank, Phys.Rev. C61(2000)034607)– Close related to Silverberg-Tso parameterization– Parameters fit to experimental data (exponential form function of removed nucleons)– Energy independent cross sections– Production cross section does not depend on the target

• More detailed models (e.g. ABRABLA (K-H Schmidt et al. - See

• Internuclear Cascade

Fragmentation (Projectile)


Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 16

The production yield of residues saturates with a total beam energy of a few GeV. Limiting Fragmentaton

H. Ravn - “The saturation cross-section for more exotic species may well first be reached beyond 5 GeV.”

Kaufman and Steinberg, PRC 22 (80) 167.

Limiting Fragmentation

Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 17

• Cross section logarithmic with Qg (Tarasov PRC75)

• Qg = ME(beam) – ME(fragment)• This provides a means to determine

(roughly) the binding energy (M.B. Tsang et al., Phy Rev C DOI:10.1103/PhysRevC.76.041302)

• NOTE: The magnitude of the production cross sections do depend on the target

Production cross section depends on mass

48Ca + W140 MeV/u

48Ca + Be140 MeV/u

Slid 18Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 18

Production Cross Sections Measured 76Ge Fragmentation at 130 MeV/u

Tarasov et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 142501 (2009)

Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 19

• Pictorial Model

• ABRABLA - See for excellent details (Schmidt et al.) – J. Benlluire et al. Phy. Rev. C 78 054605 (2008)

• LISE++ Fission Models (Tarasov et al.) LISE++• The initial fragmentation step produces a wide range of excitation energies• Can use photons, protons, nuclei, etc. to induce the fission • Observation: For 500 MeV/u 238U the fragmentation and fission cross sections

are approximately equal



Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 20

Fission Cross Sections

Low energy fission can lead to higher yields for certain nuclides.This is the basis of the electron driver upgrade of the TRIUMF (ARIEL).

Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 21

Summary of High Energy Production Mechanisms

• CHARMS http/

Slid 22Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 22

Available today

New territory to be explored with next-generation rare isotope facilities

The availability of rare isotopes over time

Nuclear Chart in 1966

Less than 1000known isotopes

blue – around 3000 known isotopes

The good old days

Slid 23Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 23

Rare Isotope Production Techniques• Target spallation and fragmentation by light ions (ISOL – Isotope separation

on line)

• Photon or particle induced fission

• In-flight Separation following nucleon transfer, fusion, projectile fragmentation/fission





Target/Ion SourcePost AccelerationAccelerator

NeutronsPost Acceleration

Fragment Separator


Gas catcher/ solid catcher + ion source

Beams used without stopping

Post Acceleration




Uranium Fission


Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 24


• In-flight (projectile fragmentation is one production mechanism)


Target/Ion SourcePost AccelerationAccelerator




Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 25

Types of ISOL Ion Sources

P. Butler

Beam into page


Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 26

I = σ Ib Tuseable ediff edes eeff eis_eff eaccel_effH. Ravn

· σ - production cross section· Ib - beam intensity· Tuseable - usable target

thickness· ediff – diffusion efficiency· edes – desorption efficiency· eeff – effusion efficiency· eis_eff - ionization efficiency· eaccel_eff - acceleration efficiency

Production is only one part of the equation


Slid 27Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 27

In-Flight Production Example: NSCL’s CCF

fragment yield after target fragment yield after wedge fragment yield at focal plane

Example: 86Kr → 78Ni K500



ion sources




focal plane

p/p = 5%

transmissionof 65% of theproduced 78Ni

86Kr14+,12 MeV/u

86Kr34+,140 MeV/u

D.J. Morrissey, B.M. Sherrill, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A. Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 356 (1998) 1985.

3rd FRIB JOG Meeting B.M Sherrill, 8/6/2010, Slide 28

Exotic Beams Produced at NSCL

More than 1000 RIBs have been made – morethan 830 RIBs have been used in experiments

12 Hours for a primary beam change; 3 to 12 hours for a secondary beam

Slid 29Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 29

• Good Beam quality (π mm-mr vs. 30 π mm-mr transverse)

• Small beam energy spread for fusion studies• Can use chemistry (or atomic physics) to limit the

elements released• 2-step targets provide a path to MW targets• High beam intensity leads to 100x gain in secondary ions

Advantages/Disadvantages of ISOL/In-Flight

• Provides beams with energy near that of the primary beam– For experiments that use high energy reaction mechanisms– Luminosity (intensity x target thickness) gain of 10,000– Individual ions can be identified

• Efficient, Fast (100 ns), chemically independent separation• Production target is relatively simple



400kW protons at 1 GeV is 2.4x1015 protons/s

Slid 30Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 30

Sensitivity of Production of Rare Isotopes in Flight

1. The production cross sections for the most exotic nuclei are extremely small; but, facilities can have tremendous sensitivity. The projectile intensity at FRIB (48Ca 400 kW, ≅ 2x1014 ion/s) is such that production cross sections as low as 3x10-20 b (30 zeptobarns, 3x10-48 m2 ) are useful.

2. Neutrino elastic scattering cross sections are

3. Comparison super heavy elements are produced with .5 pb, 5x10-12 b (e.g. element 113 at RIKEN in cold fusion)

σ ee

ee 9.510 49 m2 E


Slid 31Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 31

World view of rare isotope facilities

Black – production in targetMagenta – in-flight production


Brad Sherrill WG.9 July 2010, Slide 32Gordon Ball, TRIUMF

Brad Sherrill WG.9 July 2010, Slide 33

Present status of the Ariel Project

• 50 MeV, 500 kW superconducting e-linac funded

• matching funding from BC province for buildings (funded June 2010)

• second proton beamline deferred until next 5YP

Gordon Ball, TRIUMF

34 Managed by UT-Battellefor the U.S. Department of Energy

Recoil Mass Spectrometer (RMS)

Injector for Radioactive Ion Species 1 (IRIS1)

25MV Tandem Electrostatic Accelerator

Daresbury Recoil Separator (DRS)

Oak Ridge Isochronous Cyclotron (ORIC)

On-Line Test Facility (OLTF)

High Power Target Laboratory (HPTL)

Injector for Stable Ion Species (ISIS)

Enge Spectrograph


Slid 35Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 35



Fission products of 252Cf spontaneous fission stopped in gas and accelerated CARIBU gives access to exotic beams not available elsewhere. Physics with beams from CARIBU (1 & 2 nucleon transfer reactions) needs the new energy regime

opened by the Energy Upgrade (12 MeV/u) . Solenoid Spectrometer greatly expands the effectiveness of both the fission fragment beams and the

existing in-flight RIB program at these higher energies.

Argonne National Laboratory: CARIBU & Energy Upgrade & HELIOS: Unique Synergy

CARIBU upgrade

R. Janssens ANL


Yields from the ANL Upgrade

Guy Savard, ANL

Slid 37Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 37

Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, FRIB Broad Overview

Thomas Glasmacher Project ManagerKonrad Gelbke Director

• Driver linac capable of E/A 200 MeV for all ions, Pbeam 400 kW

• Early date for completion is 2018; TPC 613M$

• Upgrade options (tunnel can house E/A = 400 MeV uranium driver linac, ISOL, multi-user capability …)

Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 38

Overview of the FRIB Facility

• Lowest cost configuration that meets technical requirements

• Upgradable• Reviewed by

various advisory committees

• Endorsed by CD1 Lehman review July 2010

Slid 39Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 39

FRIB Cutaway View Experimental areas and scientific instrumentation for fast, stopped and

reaccelerated beams Beam power ramps from 10 kW in year 1 to 400 kW in year 4

Slid 40Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 40

Details of the FRIB Layout

Β=0.04 β = 0.08 β = 0.2 β = 0.5

Superconducting RF cavities4 types≈ 344 totalEpeak ≈ 30 MV/m

Slid 41Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 41

Fragment Separator Details

• Marc Hausman; Project leader

Unused isotopes could be collected at the beam dump and mass selection slits • Self-contained target building

• Full remote-handling to maximize facility efficiency (target change/week)

• Target applicable to light and heavy beams (about 1/3 of power lost in target)

• Beam dump for unreacted primary beam for up to 400 kW beam power

Slid 42Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 42

The Five-Minute Rap VersionRare Isotope Rap by Kate McAlpine (also did the LHC Rap)

Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 43

LISE++ Simulation Code

The code operates under Windows and provides a highly user-friendly interface. It can be downloaded freely from the following internet address:

O. Tarasov, D. Bazin et al.

Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 44






a/mrad-50 0 50

dp/p in %-10 0 10









a/mrad-50 0 50 -10 0 10

dp/p in %




• LISE++ Simulation for 124Xe and 208Pb fragmentation

Fragmentation at 400MeV/u

• Angles ≤ ± 20 mrad• Momentum ± 3 - 8


Relatively ‘easy’ to collect due to small phase space

Momentum distrib.



M. Hausmann, T. Nettleton

Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 45






a/mrad-50 0 50 -10 0 10

dp/p in %








a/mrad-50 0 50 -10 0 10

dp/p in %0


• LISE++ Fission model for 238U

In-Flight Fission at 400 MeV/u

• Angles ± 40 - 60 mrad• Rigidity ± 6 - 10 %• Plus correlations due

to fission kinematics


M. Hausmann, T. Nettleton



Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 46

Production Target and Beam Dump Area

Grouted floor over shield blocks

Target floor shielding Beam dump floor shielding

Slid 47Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 47

Key FRIB component: Beam Stopping

• Cyclotron gas stopper• Linear gas stopper• Solid stopper (LLN (Belgium), KVI


G. Savard, ANL, D. Morrissey NSCLLLN, GSI, et al.

Beams for precision experiments at very low-energies or at rest and for reacceleration

Fast ionsHe gas

Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 48

Preliminary Performance Baseline Schedule for 2018 Early Completion – CD-4 in 2020


TPC covers schedule range

Slid 49Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 49

What New Nuclides Will FRIB Produce? • FRIB will produce more

than 1000 NEW isotopes at useful rates (4500 available for study)

• Theory is key to making the right measurements

• Exciting prospects for study of nuclei along the drip line to mass 120 (compared to 24)

• Production of most of the key nuclei for astrophysical modeling

• Harvesting of unusual isotopes for a wide range of applications

Rates are available at

3rd FRIB JOG Meeting B.M Sherrill, 8/6/2010, Slide 50

FRIB Organizational Structure and User Input into the Project

Slid 51Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 51

FRIB Users

• Potential users register as members of the independent FRIB Users Organization, FRIBUO– Chartered organization with an

elected executive committee (Chair is Michael Smith, ORNL)

– 15 January 2010 began re-registration and by 27 July had 801 members (55 counties) ; we anticipate 1500 closer to CD4

– The FRIBUO has 19 working groups on experimental equipment

• Discussion of how to merge with NSCL Users Organization

• Theory is represented by the FRIB Theory Organization– 100 members– Wick Haxon LBL, Chair

Feb 2010 FRIB equipment workshop

3rd FRIB JOG Meeting B.M Sherrill, 8/6/2010, Slide 52

Notional Equipment Layout for Fast, Stopped, and ReA3-ReA12

• FRIB experimental areas will use existing NSCL augmented by a new ReA12 experimental area (funded by MSU, to be completed Sept 1, 2011)

• ReA12 Upgrade is essential for much of the science of FRIB

Slid 53Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 53

ReA12 - Reaccelerator 12 MeV/u

• ReA3 in operation by 2011– 0.3-3.2 MeV/u for uranium

• Upgrade to ReA12 by adding cryomodules already designed and previously constructed– 1.2-12 MeV/u for uranium

• Priority to fund outside the FRIB project

ReA3 is under construction

Slid 54Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 54

Equipment Needs for FRIB• ReA12 (reaccelerated beams to > 12 MeV/u) – consistent message

from the scientific community on the importance of this (Users Brochure 2006, ANL and East Lansing FRIBUO Workshops)

• GRETA (2007 NSAC LRP, top priority of nuclear structure community)• SECAR astrophysics recoil separator (top priority of astrophysics

community, Feb 2010 FRIBUO Workshop)• Recoil mass separator is needed for > 5 MeV/u reaccelerated beams• Infrastructure needs: targets, computing, lab and office space (2010

FRIBUO Workshop

Slid 55Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 55

Tests of Nature’s Fundamental Symmetries

• Angular correlations in β-decay and search for scalar currentso Mass scale for new particle comparable

with LHCo 6He and 18Ne at 1012/s

• Electric Dipole Momentso 225Ac, 223Rn, 229Pa (30,000 more sensitive

than 199Hg; I > 1010/s)

• Parity Non-Conservation in atomso weak charge in the nucleus (francium

isotopes; 109/s)

• Unitarity of CKM matrixo Vud by super allowed Fermi decay o Probe the validity of nuclear corrections

e γ



Slid 56Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 56

Rare Isotopes For Society

• Isotopes for medical research– Examples: 47Sc, 62Zn, 64Cu, 67Cu, 68Ge, 149Tb, 153Gd, 168Ho, 177Lu, 188Re, 211At, 212Bi, 213Bi,

223Ra (DOE Isotope Workshop)– -emitters 149Tb, 211At: potential treatment of metastatic cancer– Cancer therapy of hypoxic tumors based on 67Cu treatment/64Cu dosimetery

• Reaction rates important for stockpile stewardship and nuclear power – related to astrophysics network calculations– Determination of extremely high neutron fluxes by activation analysis– Rare isotope samples for (n,g), (n,n’), (n,2n), (n,f) e.g. 88,89Zr

» Same technique important for astrophysics – More difficult cases studied via surrogate reactions (d,p), (3He, xn) …

• Tracers for Geology (32Si), Condensed Matter (8Li), industrial tracers (7Be, 210Pb, 137Cs, etc.), …

• Novel radioactive sources for homeland security applications (for example β-delayed neutron emitters to calibrate detectors, etc.)

Slid 57Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 57

Targeted Cancer Therapy

• Modern targeted therapies in medicine take advantage of knowledge of the biology of cancer and the specific biomolecules that are important in causing or maintaining the abnormal proliferation of cells

• These radionuclides have been relatively difficult to get in sufficient quantities1. The short-lived alpha emitters are particularly in demand, especially 225Ac, 213Bi, and 211At.

• Pairs, e.g., 67Cu (treatment) and 64Cu (dosimetry) are particularly interesting

• DOE Isotopes program and future research facilities, e.g., FRIB and HRIBF upgrade can parasitically supply demand for many isotopes

1Isotopes for the Nation’s Future: A Long Range Plan , NSACIS 2009

Slid 58Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 58

8Li β-NMR Resonance Studies• Discovery potential of β-NMR very high in exploring

depth dependent properties, interfaces, and proximity effects from 5 to 200 nm.

• Sensitivity 1013 higher than NMR• Limited by availability of 8Li facilities• Example: Study of Mn12 single molecule magnets on Si





Z. Salman et al. Nano Lett. 7 (2007) 1551

Slid 59Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 59

Stockpile Stewardship Issues

• Final yields of isotopes can be used as a diagnostic of the environment

• Forensics• Stewardship and

modeling• Similar issues

occur in the astrophysical s-process

Report Opportunities with a Rare-Isotope Facility in the United States (2007) - Board on Physics and Astronomy (BPA)

Slid 60Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 60

Workforce in nuclear science

“This report draws attention to critical shortages in the U.S. nuclear workforce and to problems in maintaining relevant educational modalities and facilities for training new people. This workforce comprises nuclear engineers, nuclear chemists, radiochemists, health physicists, nuclear physicists, nuclear technicians, and those from related disciplines. As a group they play critical roles in the nation’s nuclear power industry, in its nuclear weapons complex, in its defense against nuclear and other forms of terrorism, and in several aspects of healthcare, industrial processing, and occupational health and safety.”

Slid 61Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 61


• We have entered the age of designer atoms – new tool for science

• FRIB (and other facilities) will allow production of a wide range of new designer isotopes– Necessary for the next steps in accurate

modeling of atomic nuclei– Necessary for progress in astronomy

(chemical history, mechanisms of stellar explosions)

– Opportunities for the tests of fundamental symmetries

– Important component of a future U.S. isotopes program

• There are significant challenges remaining in modeling and understanding the best production mechanism

Brad Sherrill PASI August 2010, Slide 62

• We study isotopes with beams.

• Exotic• Radioactive• Unstable• Unusual• Rare
