Painting and photography credits: AJ Davies Earthen...

Post on 05-Feb-2018

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Transcript of Painting and photography credits: AJ Davies Earthen...

Milica, your playing credentials speak for themselves, you have performed with top guitarists from most genres and some very high profile classical artists. Tell us about your new album ‘Earthen Tones’. ’Earthen Tones’ is due for release on 20th June 2016. It brings together for the first time a collection of my original works 15 recorded and 2 live tracks.

Since I knew I was going to be interviewing you I listened to your new release and a few things leapt out at me. You are a supremely gifted performer and that places you amongst the elite of Milos Karadaglic, Xuefei Yang, Craig Ogden and Ana Vidovic. But what also strikes me and surprises me is that uniquely, amongst those I mentioned, you seem to be the only one that composes. All of your pieces on this album are original works. Is this the way forward?People will always want to listen to the top players but they want to hear new original music as well. Classical guitar’s compositional output has been on its deathbed for years. Players like Milos have nursed the old repertoire back so that people are listening again and the next step is to give it a kiss of life. The new repertoire brings a future to our instrument.

Earthen TonesTen minute interview with guitarist Milica Davies by Rebecca Lyon

Painting and photography credits: AJ Davies

‘Earthen Tones’ is due for release on 20th June 2016.

How would you describe your metamorphosis from performer to composer? In all honesty, I found playing classical music somewhat one dimensional. Composing and playing has made the experience so much richer. Composition has always been there, alongside learning the standards, even at the age of 14, when I won my first awards in composition. These went alongside my performing credits and achievements.

It is, however, unusual to hear of a top player who is also a composer. Elite performers who are exclusively interpreters only are only a recent phenomena. The real tradition of classical guitar, the one that predates Segovia, Williams and Bream is that of Tarrega, Barrios, Weiss, Villa-Lobos, all of whom were exceptionally gifted players and composers. This is not too dissimilar to other instrumental composers, like Chopin, Rachmaninoff, even Mozart and Bach, they were all composers and performers. Re-establishing this tradition is crucial for the health of the guitar.

This album marks your comeback as a recording artist. Tell us about your career so far.I had a solid recording and performing career in my 20s and then a brief musical hiatus when I took time to have my children. I am at a very happy place in my life which has enabled me to return to music in a dedicated way.

In some ways is it like a rebirth?In my 20s I recorded albums under different labels and part of it is that you lose control over your music. It’s nobody’s fault - it’s just what happens. My priority with ‘Earthen Tones’ is that I make my 20s catalogue of compositions immediately available to those who love the experience of hearing new, original music, music which is so close to the heart of my experiences and passions.

Finally, it sounds like an exciting time to be a guitarist right now. What can we expect from Milica Davies to follow on from Earthen Tones?My very next project, after ‘Earthen Tones’ is one that I am excited to share. I am currently writing with the flamenco master Ramon Ruiz. We are creating new work which augments the passion and vibrancy of the music I have penned over the last few years. I am also working with writers such as yourself to create a new listening experience for audiences. My future work will broaden and enrich the classical guitar world, and I can’t wait to share it.

Milica’s new website is kept up to date with her latest compositions, some superb artwork and music videos.