Pain management doctors in The Woodlands and Conroe

Post on 21-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Pain management doctors in The Woodlands and Conroe



With chronic pain being one of the most common afflictions in the United States, there are many

reasons to seek out a pain doctor in the Woodlands, like Dr. Sims, Dr. Gopilani and Dr. Williamson of the

North Lakes Pain Consultants clinic. However, one of the most common conditions affecting patients in

the Houston area is undoubtedly back pain.

Back pain is an almost equal-opportunity threat. It strikes men and women equally and can come on at

any age. As a back pain doctor in the Woodlands, Dr. Sims sees a wide variety of patients, and he works

to develop an individualized pain management method for each one. Here are some of the reasons a

patient may reach out to a pain doctor in the Woodlands.

Degenerative Disc Disease

In spite of its scary name, Degenerative Disc Disease is a normal part of the aging process for many

people. It occurs when the discs that sit between vertebrae to act as cushions lose elasticity and allow

vertebrae to collapse onto each other. This can compress nerves, causing back pain and potentially

causing leg pain as well.

Houston-area patients commonly seek out a back pain doctor in the Woodlands due to symptoms like

an aching lower back as well as stiffness in the back, both of which can be made worse with activity as

well as prolonged standing or sitting. Another symptom is pain that radiates into the legs.


Like Degenerative Disc Disease, osteoarthritis is unfortunately a normal part of the aging process for

many. It can also be caused by previous fracture or trauma. Osteoarthritis is a name for a number of

changes that occur in joints over time, including the narrowing of spinal joints, cysts or bone spurs.

The symptoms that most commonly send osteoarthritis patients to a pain doctor in the Woodlands are

pain and stiffness in the lower back.

Trauma or injury

As a back pain doctor in the Woodlands, Dr. Sims has seen back pain resulting from trauma or injury

ranging from acute but temporary pain from muscle injury to paralysis resulting from high energy

impact, like a motor vehicle accident, or common falls. Spinal trauma can also result from lower-level

impact in people suffering from osteoarthritis.

Symptoms typically occur directly following or shortly after the related incident. These symptoms can

include back pain, numbness or weakness, limited mobility and paralysis.

Rare but serious causes

In the vast majority of cases seen by a pain doctor in the Woodlands, the cause of back pain is

something common like osteoarthritis or Degenerative Disc Disease. However, in rare instances, back

pain can be caused by issues like cancer, infection, damage to nervous tissues or vascular problems.

Some of the warning signs of these conditions include bladder or bowel control problems, unexplained

weight loss, fever, numbness and tingling or weakness. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms

combined with back pain, contact a back pain doctor in the Woodlands area immediately.