Pacific Northwest Flora

Post on 23-Mar-2016

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Flora of the different communities of plants that live in the Pacific Northwest.

Transcript of Pacific Northwest Flora



Sitka Sprucezone

Big Leaf Maple

Genuis Species: Acer Macrophyllum Aceraceaee

Leaves: Simple, opposite, decidious, 6-12 inches in diameter, deep lobes, dark green above and lighter green below.

Flower: Small yellow flowers

Fruit: Double Samas with wings 1 to 2 inches long. Seed tan and hairy when ripe.

Twig: Smooth, round, and Green.

Vine Maple

Genuis Species: Acer Circinatum Aceraceaee

Leaves: Simple, opposite, decidious, lobed, green above and lighter green below.

Flower: Red and in short clusters

Fruit: Double Samaras 1 to 2 inches long. Bright red when mature

Twig: Smooth, small and round. Green to red but often red.

Douglas Fir

Genuis Species: Pseudotsuga Menziesii Pinaceae

Form: Crown that is open stems are straight

Bark: Gray and smooth on stems becoming thicker with age. Red to brown with ridges and furrows.

Cones: 3-4 invhrd long with rounded scales. Lobed bracts extend beyond the cone.

Leaf: Evergreen single needles

Red Alder

Genuis Species: Alnus Rubra Betulaceae

Leaves: Alternate, deciduous, ovate, 3 to 6 inches long and doubly serrate margins.

Flower: Male and Female. Males are slim and hang in clusters. Females are short and thick.

Fruit: Cone like and Dark Brown

Twig: Distinctly Triangular, olive to reddish brown.

Thimble Berry

Genuis Species: Rubus Parviflorus Rosaceae

Leaves: Simple, alternate, deciduous, 3 to 10 inches in diameter, and palmately lobed.

Flower: 1 inch across broad white petals

Fruit: Red raspberries with a flattened dome shape.

Twig: New stems are green and older stems have thin bark


Genuis Species: Gaultheria Shallon Ericaceae

L e a v e s : S i m p l e , a l t e r n a t e , persistent, ovate and oval 2 to 4 inches long

Flower: 1/4 inch urn shaped white to pink and elongated clusters

Fruit:Small round blue-black berries

Twig: Green to red and covered with hairs. Zig zag appearance

Blue Elderberry

Genuis Species: Sambucus CeruleaCaprifoliaceae

Leaves Compound 5 to 15 cm

Flower: Small lobed white or cream color

Fruit:Bright blue 3 seeded drupe

Twig: Thin and green with spongy conspicous stems.

Salmon Berry

Genuis Species: Rubus spectabilis Rosaceae

Leaves: Pinnately compound. alternate, decidious 1 to 3 inches long.

Flower: 1 1/2 inches across and bright pink to dark red. Clusters or singly arranged.

Fruit:Raspberries that are yellow to red

Twig: Green armed and orange

Western Hemlock


Western Cedar

Genuis Species: Thuja Plicata Cupressaceae

Form: Large evergreen conifer 200 ft tall and 10 ft in diameter.

Bark: Thin, fibrous stringy and red.

Cones: Small and thin upturned on the branches and 2 cm long

Leaf: Persistent, scales, arranged in pairs.

Western Hemlock

Genuis Species: Tsuga Heterophylla Pinaceae

Form: Evergreen conifer 200 ft tall and 4 ft in diameter

Bark: Young bark is think scaly and brown to black

Cones:Woody Eggshaped small and 1 in long with thin scales

Leaf: Evergreen, flattened linear, spirally arranged, and 1 to 2 cm

Grand Fir

Genuis Species: Abies Grandis Pinaceae

Form: Large evergreen, 150 to 200 ft tall and a narrow crown.

Bark: Thin light bark

Cones:2 to 4 inches long barrel shaped and upright on the twig

Leaf: Flattened linear leaves 2 to 5 cm long dark yellow ggreen above with white bands below

Black Hawthorn

Genuis Species: Crataegus Douglas Rosaceae

Leaves:2.5 to 7.5 cm long wider toward short pointed tip.

Flower: 12 mm wide

Fruit: 12 mm in diameter turning black with thick yellow pulp

Twig: Shiny red slender hairless flowers

Red Huckleberry

Genuis Species: Vaccinium ParvifoliumEricaceae

L e a v e s : S i m p l e , a l t e r n a t e deciduous, elliptical to ovate

Flower: Small white to green bell shape sometimes pink

Fruit: Small red berries with transparent skin

Twig: Young twigs are bright green and ribbed

Pacific Yew

Genuis Species: Taxus BrevifoliaTaxaceae

Form: Large evergreen 150 to 200 ft tall

Bark: Thin reddish brown and scaly

Cones: Round fleshy orange red 1 cm long

Leaf: Evergreen linear leaves single spirally arranged 2 to 3 cm long dark green above and paler below.

Snow Berry

Genuis Species: Symphoricarpos Albus Caprifoliaceae

Leaves: Finely branches deciduous shrub upright and 2 to 3 m tall

Flower: Bell shaped, 5 lobed white or pink hairy inside

Fruit: White, waxy, berry, 3 to 5 per cluster and 1 cm in diameter

Twig: Long and thin

Oregon Grape

Genuis Species: Mahonia Nervosa Berberidaceae

Leaves: Compound, alternate, persistent, 25 5o 45 cm long

Flower: Small bright yellow flowers

Fruit: 1 cm dark blue berries edible

Devils Club

Genuis Species: Oplopanax Horridus Araliaceae

Leaves: Alternate, deciduous, simple, leaves and stems are heavily aremed.

Flower: small white flowers upright conical shaped clusters

Fruit: Drupes bright red flattened

Twig: Sparse upright and thick

Willamette Valley


Black Cottonwood

Genuis Species: Popuulus BasalmiferaSalicaceae

Leaves:Simple, Alternate, Ovate, finely serrated. 3 to 6 in long shiny dark green.

Flower: Yellow green catkins 6-8 cm

Fruit: Small dry capsule containing small seeds

Oregon Ash

Genuis Species: Fraxinus Latifolia

Leaves:Pinnately compound, deciduous, 5 to 14 in long. Leaflets are broadly ovate.

Flower: greenish white with flowers forming in clusters.

Fruit: 3 to 5 cm long and hangs in clusters

Scoulers Willow

Genuis Species: Salix scouleriana Salicaceae

L e a v e s : S i m p l e , a l t e r n a t e , obovate, 3-5 inches long. Margins are entire and the leaf is dark green above and paler red hairy texture below.

Flower: 1 to 2 inches long yeloowish white fuzzy catkins

Fruit: 1/4 in long pointed hairy capsules in oblong clusters.

Ponderosa Pine

Genuis Species: Pinus Ponderosa Pinaceae

Form: Irregular crown developing a flat top .

Bark: Nearly black on young trees and with age becomes cinnamon with deep furows as tree gets oler

Cones: Yellow red cylindrival in clusters near ends of branches

Leaf: Evergreen single needles


Genuis Species: Corylus CornutaBetulaceae

Leaves:Simple with a doubly serrated margin with a heart shaped or rounded base

Flower: Female leaves are enclosed at the tip of the twigs with only red visible. 1.5 cm long


Genuis Species: Arbutus menziesiiEricaceae

Form: Ever tree 100 feet tall and 1 to 6 feet in diameter.

Bark: Distintictive young bark that is thin red or orange brown. Mature bark is multi colored thin and peels in patches

Flower: white small 1 cm


Genuis Species: Rhammus Purshiana Rhamnaceae

Leaves:Simple, deciduous, oblong, alternate, elliptical 2 to 6 in long. Dark green above and paler below

Flower: Small and green white clusters

Fruit: 1/2 in diameter drupe black with a yellow inner puple

Wester Spiraea Hardhack

Genuis Species: Spiraea Douglasii Roscaceae

Leaves: Alternate, oblong, simple base entire. Dark green above and fragrant.

Flower: Deep pink fragrant clusters 5 to 30 cm long

Pacific Ninebark

Genuis Species: Physocarpus Capitatus Rosaceae

Form: Small tree 15 to 30 feet tall with a 10 to 20 in diameter.

Flower: Clusters of small white flowers with five petals

Pine Oak Woodland

WesternWhite Pine

Genuis Species: Pinus Monticola Pinaceae

Form: Lightweight semi tall straight grained tree

Cones: long and slender 5 to 12 in long and 2 to 3 in wide thin and flexible

Red Flowering Currant

Genuis Species: Ribes sanguineum Grossulariaceae

Leaves:Palmately lobed, finely serrate margins, lower surface white

Flower: petals white to red

Fruit: Black and blue berry with hairs

Giant Chinquapin

Genuis Species: Chrysolepis ChrysophyllaFagaceae

Form: Evergreen tree 150 feet tall and 3 to 6 feet in diameter.

Bark: Smooth gray brown and covered with white areas and gets 1 to 2 inches thick

Flower: Male flowers are dull yellow female flowers are much smaller and clustered at the base of the male

Oregon White Oak

Genuis Species: Quercus Garryana Fagaceae

Form: Leaved tree 40 to 80 feet tall and 2 to 3 feet in diameter.

Leaves: Dark green shiny above and paler green below.

Fruit: nut about 1 inch long light brown and bowl shaped

Hairy Manzanita

Genuis Species: Arctostaphylos ColumbianaEricaceae

Form: large bushy evergreen shrub with stiff branches. 12 feet tall at most

Bark: smooth brown o bark on young stems but dark red brown bark on older stems

Flower: Small terminal clusters


Genuis Species: Ceanothus Velutinusrhamnaceae

Form: Evergreen shrub erect but often sprawiling up to 10 feet tall with green branches.

Leaf: Simole, alternate, and ovate long with dark green above and paler below.

Fruit: small rounded capsule up to 3/16 of an inch in diamter.


Genuis Species: Ceanothus IntegerrimusRhamnaceae

Leaves: Simple, Deciduous, Alternate.

Flower: White to dark blue rarely red but sometimes pink

Fruit: small 3 lobed rounded capsule

Subalpine Community

Pacific Silver Fir

Genuis Species: Abdies Ambilis

Form: medium to large evergreen 150 to 180 feet tall and 3 to 5 feet in diameter

Cones: 3 to 6 inches long barrel shaped and upright on the twig. Purple to purplish brown when mature

Leaf: Flattened linear 1 inch long spirally arranged

Prickly Current

Genuis Species: Ribes Lacustre Grossulariaceae

Form: erect shrub

Cones: 3 to 6 inches long barrel shaped and upright on the twig. Purple to purplish brown when mature

Leaf: Flattened linear 1 inch long spirally arranged

Western Larch

Genuis Species: Larix Occidentalis

Leaves: Linear, deciduous, yellow green in spring and golden in fall.

Bark: Young bark is thin scaly and gray brown later after becoming 3 to 6 inches thick it will become yellow to reddish.

Twigs: 1 to 1 3/4 inches long linear

Mountain Hemlock

Genuis Species: Tsuga Mertensiana

Form: High elevation evergreen conifer that grows 60 to 100 feet tall and 3 feet in diameter

Leaf: Evergreen flattened single linear spirally arranged 1/2 in to 3/4 in long

Lodgepole Pine

Genuis Species: Pinus ContortaPinaceae

Form: Shrub or tree 50 m tall

Flower: Males are yellow clustered at tips and females are reddish purple at the branch tips in the upper crown.

Needles: 1 1/2 to 3 inches long

Greenes Mountain


Genuis Species: Sorbus Scopulina

Form: Deciduous shrub growing to 15 feet tall forming dense thickets

Bark: thin shiny grayish green to grown

Leaf: Pinnately compound, Alternate, deciduous, and 1 to 2 1/2 inches long and sharply serrated



Genuis Species: Abies Lasiocarpa

Leaves: Linear 1 inch long thick in the middle with blue and whie on all surfaces. Manicured appearance

Bark: Young bark is gray green and covered with resin. Mature bark is gray to white except near base of large trees

Pacific Dog Wood

Genuis Species: Cornus Nutalli

Leaves: Simple, deciduous, opposite, ovate 3 to 5 inches long with entire to wavy margins

Bark: Thin and gray smooth when young but breaks apart with age

Twigs: spreads horizontally and between nodes

Service Berry

Genuis Species: Amelanchier Alnifolia

Form: Erect shrub or small tree 40 feet tall and grows in clusters

Flower: Fragrant long white petals

Leaf: Simple, deciduous, alternate, 1 to 2 inches long and margin serrated

Big Leaf Huckle Berry

Genuis Species: Vaccinium Membranaceum

Form: small to medium sized shrub typicaly two to five feet tall

Bark: grayish brown

Leaves: bright red in the fall, alternate, ovate, fine saw toothed margin, deciduous

Flowers: Pale yellowish pink

Columbia Plateau Juniper


Big Sage Brush

Genuis Species: Artemisia tridentataAsteraceae

Form: aromatic evergreen shrub 1.5 to 12 ft tall

Bark: younger is covered with trichomes that give the stems a silver tint older branches are stringy and dark brown

Leaves: Spiral clusters

Flowers: flowers are yellow and slender and form small clusters

Western Juniper

Genuis Species: Juniperus OccidentalisCupressaceae

Form: Small evergreen tree grows 20 to 60 feet tall and 1 to 3 feet in diameter

Bark: Mature bark is thin red brown but ages to a grayish brown and is thin

Leaves: Persistent with scale like and tight leaves

Bitter Brush

Genuis Species: Purshia tridentataRosaceae

Form: Shrub with a rounded crown 2 to 6 feet tall but can grow to 15 feet tall

Fruit: Leathery oblong achene .5 to 1.25 cm long

Leaves: Evergreen and alternate margins entire

Flowers: Yellow with spatula petals

Gray Rabbit Brush

Genuis Species: Chrysothamnus Nauseosus Asteraceae

Form: stems erect densely clustered

Fruit: Dry fruit cylindric and hairy achene

Leaves: Alternate entire .25 to 3.5 in long

Smooth Sumac

Genuis Species: Rhus Glabral Anacardiaceae

Form: 10 to 20 ft tall shrub sometimes a small tree with flattened crown

Leaves: pinnately compound deciduous leaves that become colforful in early fall on female plants yellow green flowers are first the red.

Purple Sage

Genuis Species: Salvia Dorrilamiaceae

Form: white scaly throughout the shrub

Fruit: Nutlet 1.8 in long ray to red brown

Flowers: blue purple or rose colored

Mock Orange

Genuis Species: Philadelphus Lewisii

Form: Deciduous shrub 11 ft tall

Fruit: Wody four celled capsule containing tiny seeds

Leaves: Ovate deciduous 2 veined from base glabrous to hairy

Flowers: Fragrant white flowers that develop on branches

Ceanothus Prostratus

Genuis Species: Prostrate Ceanothus Mahala

Form: 8 ft wide red brown

Leaves: Simple, alternate, persistent 1 to 2 in long leathery and ovate

Flowers: pink to white found in small clusters

Cheat Grass

Genuis Species: Bromus Teectorum

Form: grass