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19 5~

PEN!\:H R T T ATE CHOOL SPIii C CITY n :NN:>\ l ,\ 'ASI\

,,,,,_,., "" COM\l() i\WEALTII OF P~:NN~Yl.\'A IA

llo'""-'* • l~.MO II Wooe

:,,,_,,, o/ W,IJ,,,,

"'-'' I), 11,Y~<IUJ<

Pr""'~ ~,.,.,r,, oj II •1/<w Eow1~ S. £,t, ti\'

l i " ltfJ I .\ J jo~f'i

C~t-u. IW"t a..,..,., ul J.ltllffl u.-.A

IIIU11,c: B,,..._ M I) ,

Or,-, c.-..,.......,_,. ,.,.,,..,.. -, \lt'ttllll llldli

(hl"ILJ..IC ' ' • · 11 .u.a.1t.-1.0; ' ' I)


____ - ,; -



Tb(' School IS 3 large U()O acre,. at pn,seo1 5.5.;(l bed >btl'-0'0-ned me! st.le supp«tNI inslituban ck\«td to 1hr study, att, treatmrnt, ..io.,,. tiou aud ,uauonal tr.liniug of ll>f'llla.11) rttaJdcd a,- defectfre boys :md girls whose pa.rmts an-~ tt<icknt. of the ea.tern l,;,]f ol the Com­lDOll-=ilih ol P->·lv.ini:I. Th<- Ubtilutiw> is simulw.eou.!,• "' boopital 3 school ;md. in ma») nspccu. au aboost c,ompld.dy selfq>eraling CGDmrrnily. '

Thr pmpnty ol 1hr msbtutioo, I~ iii both Chest,,- and Moatgumny Counties. but the 1113in bod> ol the i~tudoo b >ituate.d in <llesta County about oue mile JXXth""t'Sl ol Spring City, Pa.. being just north oC P-·l,c:mia Hkd,""'> Raub, Sl. Th<- inslltutfon may "" reacl,ed Ii)· the ReacLng lbilro:,d Plubddpl,u-Roding•Harri:sburg br.mm), getting oll at R<i>-nilord. p...._ and tm ser-;,,,, is a,'llibhle from Ro)'t'l'Sf.ord o,­

Spring City to lhe imtitutlon.

MAP OF PE:--1 SYLVANIA (Stan inJic:ll~ •Ute.' ntttiru,_)



In the ab(we picture, represent!'<! also. is the Deputy Secretary of the l)eparlJlieut of Welfare and tl1c Superintendent of tJ1e Pennhm~t State School.

Th~ Trustee$ of the School. •ppointPd by the Covernor, serve witl1<>ut compensations of :my kind in an exec,:1tivc <"'ap.1.city, and pass by vote on all major isrues allcctmg the mnnoge=nt and 0pemti1>n of the school io all its fWJclion>. Momhly rcport.s rclativr to all phases of tho instihtllon are re,iewed al a ntOnthly m~ting he-ld at the school, and by devoting tJ1tir vnluablr time, these ekic scrmnts ~,leguard the interests of tlte taxp3) ers and the welfare of the 1>11tienb.


degree of aJlection whld, a pe;re:,,t naturally de~lops f« tbe llllfcrtuoate child, aod it fs ow wish to cooperate wilh parents in tbe sam,, peno11al maru,er as would your private family phy,iciao. Furthermore, our eit•

tensive experleooe bas taught us to share with yoo the penonal •ensilMty you most libly have been caused to feel, due lo llllsunde.staodg oE the nawre and cause.s of mental de6ciency and the wagging tongues of mis­

understanding neighbors or both. This boold..t J have prepared to assist you in understandl.og numerous

•matters relating to the Pennhwu State School, and by photographs in the following pages to acquaint you with oor organlzaUon and other func­tions necessary in its operatiOfl. Detail, as much as poJSlble will be omitted be.-ause I believe the photographs will 1 .. n their own st~. Im­portant to all is the everyd.1y 6fe of O\lr charges and beoe6ts that can be derived, with a successful organized group of physicians, and all other pemmnel deemed necessary to operate such a school in all its dq,artments.

On the pages following are brief histories of the various functtoos which are self e>planatory and tend lo inform •11 parents of our daily operations in the care of our chargeS, We trust that In presenting this bool<let lo the pubUc we have been of a service and by 110t1ng all of Its contents carefully ii will give the parent and others a true pidure of oor facilities. Boolcs have been published on 'The MeotaDy Retarded Cl,ild," a guide for parents, one recently published by the John Day Co .• New York City, which wa, prepared by Abraham Lrnruon, ~L D. which is very ln­fonnaliV<!. J beli,M! ii would be •dvantageous for eac.h parent to ,end fm­

a copy. In the years ahead there will be many obstacles lo be overcome, as the

demand for inslitutioealizatioo for defective children is on the increase.

Largo- (acillties and addltiooal training schools will be erected and the subject Itself through means of re,earch, etc. wiO be broader and challenges in this &eld will undoubtedly be met.

Rules and Regulations governing all phases o( the lnstituUon sucll as

visiting. vacations. e tc. are given to the parent at the time of admission of a child. ·

In conclusion, the cooperation of all parents, admitting ageocies and otl,cn who may be vitally Interested is earnestly ,olicited, which will

ultimately result for the better care and treatment of the child placed in oor charge. Your views and ruggestion, are at all limes welcome.

Sincerely yours,

WlLLWI A. PHILLIPS Superintendent



n.., !'re..-- cl 1 ,t.Ji.lf ph),kan cm duty •t all ,,,,... UJUlft the prm,pt •1tn1tlou tll •"> ailm,,,t or acdJrnt that p,....,111, ,...-U, whllc ~ dinia.l llhdmt11U Atir- ac:I• milll<h·rnl daa) to any <Dnpb,.,;,,,:; por..-,11, Comnnt Mftt.1<1 Wilh II~ UOIJ>il;I 1n1w-... 1hr <-&ro and •ttr,1lion _,,. tQ ~"'"I' 3s:;() P""!>l• ahw ~nd wdl

MEDICAL Di. 1' l 0\\"II> V., \\' E. C ,-... ,:,a , I>• \\ R W,u."'

MEDICAL CO, D, J f:. (' ,OT\\ U.

1)1 P . .\ Tumoos Dtt ( ~ lhu

TAFF L)H IL C. Poo,11

Utt ... \\' °'"U!Y 0ft \\ S llm tu,<.-.

LTANT l>M J. R Snt~ttm­DR ·1 8rrnJ\\H•rru D11 I ,\ l ... t, ~Tl'!

,- ma c:,omub ar """ r,p1n<J (>.,acAlf. .... o...1a1 Int...,.. and 00< On! H),gl,Nost four tnunod frmak pa­....,.. oct ti 0-t>l ~

Y...ty l'>eaal Sonicn ,\ppn,u,Yle,

50l0Fiboo 911 F..,,...._

711~ T...._,b 4110 f'ropl,) ...... IOII~ 10'.! X-a,-.

' •hiHifhii•f

1w 0.,~al o.,,.n, .... ,1 1$ a ~t~ 1-. but 111 ""-~p wl&b 1hr ~..._ and \l«lical ~L 11,p ~ll in 1hr,.,.,,. 0aataJ Set­- 1hr X-tay, Oral Hys-. Otoe.I a ...... and Oili<n. 11 .., - --sc....


The llospital. which is rocogamd b) the Amcncu lloopital Anocilltioa, i.s ~ cai-itY ol 300 beds. ~ mole aod f.--le -S.sku,zjeal •-arcb - -...1:a....t. A --=m, <Sp<CilDy cle-­,.;g,,.,.I ,.;,,g £or thr ~ ol tnbnmlu pallffll< .... addc,d in 1951.

A -,.iy admm..l pobm1 ,pends lk 6rst two •-...ks ia thr Hospital undtt camlul suponi<iao ol a -~- During this limr. obicn'aboos ol tlie p;i-·· '-Ith. bd,a.,.,._ abiLbos, hab,ts --ie and DO(,d. A - ol --follow, !hat ccmprise pbpical D<Unllogical 1>1ydiian, p&)"Cbologlcal. laboratory. ckn­tal. ud 1-nytcsls-

The child is ~ and ........i.trd al. ~ lhniodxa,t the int two .-tho. A c:hut is start,cl 11,a, f"°"""' tlie pationl ..i..tt.·er ii ... -~ ~ any ~ in •-..ioghl 0< eoodi­timl main? ID ib bealth and w~lfan,. Tbt u,itial orimtatm occur, m thr HOlpltal. 11,r IWOCiatiml rib od,,or child,-. is midiod. Slmple but Ati,ry,ng Aft>Wff< - gi\'ffl 10 thoir -> quatDn.

The - and 1- - .. ..., - tnrioecl lo pn,rlde -· ....,.;iy fm the dwJ. crdlc- • allnCOpben, ,.~ 1hr ~ ,_,,,.. tc,,dc,-. kindly cue wbocb >UbotitutJ5 lor fht, alio<-ott ol pon-ntal lo,-., ,o ....-.I m .._ • -.r.i ~ to t.Oilllul-1 life

For ~ iol 1hr P"'I'" tCCla!c- of ti,.- Scbo,x. the child b .,._..,..., ..J ~ b) the lllltilutim-1 .a:all' which comisu cl. &.c,u~ ~lftbc:al. X -~ P,,cliolog,t,,I and Soci,l Sc,r-.~ ..,._.....;,,.._ ,\ d•- is made for ~- Ot,on.-.aons ol boba,u. reoct-, c;ip,bwtios pttade dncuwom th.1 remit ID the e\--allAbao cl. thr dul,l's pot_,.ld,es.

n,., n....i Sm•••• c1aa, ,-..m mually ~ ;r • dwd is p,op.,I) ~ n,., -iuct. abil,i> to _...,. , .. th ollw-r< is IIDled. n.- l'""~lc,~ aood l< ~td. 00-..... tnnsfn· ID .uaJw.r -,d ar ~.. d i;ir,atl)· aid odjmtmN>L

All p,tiN.I>, _, 0< od,,.-...,,., .,,, V"""Ptll tnm lenid to ti,.- Ho.,pital if Iha.. u.. rn;m o1 illno.u or ~t. P.....ts an, kq,t imtlnned of seriom ... bodpntmmL

Tbr Ho.pita! is fumishcd wido pn,lidcut ~ and bdlilies. ,ah u. ""' open~ room ,. ,th "''" ..,.._,.J_ ~ °" eo!L

Pcood,c l«:twn n:loti,-., 1o r-.uJ ddicin,cy. ~ ~ llllninc: care. new proc,edw,,o and ....i.,. ...... ""' 10,...., by m<emben of tht, <UI C'QC,suiw,ts O< olkT <1ualiliod <p<ciamtl. ~ Din:<~.-.. of X w,,n """' the, ~ cl. the -\....unt D.recbns

cl. X1JJ2<. duff bod Dlll"ft. thlm-_.,.bt p,,du,,1r nunes. t•-o _.,--., silf assbUnt "'Pff'"°'5 1-<wt)-thrn, ~ att-1ants and 1..-0 hoA><md 1001) -two att....bnn.. leq, a ,....,I) lour how- ,;i;:il our tbr 3.,50 por:iealJ that at~ fflbustro to Ilk' arr al the- eam-,,,,..-aJth al Pewm h-aoia. thrwith th.. W~lf.&R Depa,lm<_,.L ,

.'\ ~ -~ ol Wppl)iai: :lO) .-.quon•d l)pc ol mcdbtiDn. and ,k,n.tial ...... = loot«! m tbr boop,w building. T,ro t<'Clmia,m op,ral~ a l'atl>ologjcal l.abonlo,J aclc-t tht dir- ol a part hmc PadM,logist.

o..p.m..y tr-are a,'2Jbbk- at all IIID<'> ill 1hr ~ 1oci..,,._ \lak and F~ Omic! are n,gwan) and wpar.>ld) opnatal to d,od. dta?""' and p,-,-J,e .-ui.....t t- lo. 1hr impro>__,. 0< Off ol tht indMduol patient.

P...i.m..: hM a mo&,,,, up-to,<hte l'o)­chologi Depa,._,,, ampnsed of f­l'o)d~ E,....-y pl- ill the: -tiaD ii ~- m,daed b,· thil Dep>rt• IIWDt aJ>d ...-"""'1ah0t>:t &re -i., ID

~ wub the abilitin ud -1ir)· of nm P"i.nL .\ bann)· "' stmda,d;z,od te>t.,. 1id.,ct,d to .....,. the- .....is of cad! pab<Dt. is u><d in llar mady.

About 15 to ro pcn:<m al the l's)-cbology o.-pa,n.,....t, ......... .p,,,c .. tll<nP)·. "' u ,i'nrt ID h,,lp tbooe pui<Bt> who are -11) dJsturbed male a bettn ad­lU>l....,ll. Pb, th•"•P> "lib all of ib bcili­- is • put "' tlli< pn,i;ram.

8-am. al,o pla)• a port ,a this 0.-. ~f• S--ftl and ii COOSUlllf} • th<­•lm for th,.-....,.~~ -"4 mdlloch al C'aiuat- aod trntacnt. .\t ~ tbr ~ is """'°"II an the -ion of a .,.... 1,~ of mtdl~ ,_ Im aB ag« and all -1 le-ds.

The ~~ o.pa,t,,,mt ... ci­

.-M:t """ •O oU,,,-~ md can k calJcd .._ Im h,,lp ii, ""> pa..... of adjamneou ""th.a the hi:tlltutioa. P.......J min".,.., ..,;I, pun,b rc~g tbd, dlildffn can be :anu,~,d.



\i•IM4i•MI• n,,_.... ... &Pfl"Oliaatdy th,.,. loundnd

p,I...,... •clnuu«I ID Pt'llt.bunl Sutt Sci-.1 ,...b )nT, from tl..rt)-four COlmdft ID the­.,..,..., half ol , .... eaa.-,...,.1, t,. C-. lftltmt"Dt to the l&hlltl iina ... ,. be elril, ....i.-h)pa,<'lllorrnp<llllihleput-,or b) '"" Court. tlar c-...... , OnlC'r i­.. -ic»NI b) • J...Jftt" The, Social s,....,,. Orputn,ffit o/ Ill,- 'ichool n,al,,, p,-.-.clm.i>­._ ,..,., 10 ""-· ........... Hd a.II i-nlel ,.._nn<d. 'I. moupkt.. -1 and Pl)dli atrir n<eonl ol tbr ...., ii oho.led T1m i.,.nt,...tolfl ucl mlam&1- u r,qulrocl la llrdrr lo p,opffl) pl..n the- ,.~If•~ cl thr plllml .Jtn <Olff-L

•~TEil\ nm n t 111:. 1s:.-r1nrno, IXTP.R\1EW' :\T 110\fE

"pp,o,,,,-tdy ._ ha.ndr,cJ .u,J '"' .,.....,,,_. att releai,d .-~h )'ftt • .,ibr, • -1 a,"'-" p,rt,t,. ~ plhmlS piar.d.., • ..-or\ plraie _,., i,.. polffl­tiall) .-1,g,hlr fur J.,._~ -1 capal,k, ul ..tf-,uppon ...,_,h • .,..,nnam ol

"'I'"' II°""' puoln ••r pa,11.-cl 10 p•bffib ,.1,o do - ..i,.... ID lmtllu Ina! nr, 'll,r ""'"'" or .-n..~ m th, loocnr _,,. b,, Ill ~ to ..t..f"&td) ....... - . .... 110 i.....,, th. I""-"-""''"- httommi: a -I) problna.


c;.,, .. 1 xn-i<r ,.,,.1...., ,_k "''"'"" ,,._.., m ""'""" on p•ml,, r.....,J1111 l'ft'Cf"S Gr ttW,-..•QI ,\u iJ J<"ffl lo t'lllpic>).-n ucJ ~lath.tr ,.btion­d,ip. ••1tl rN.tbkmt Sod.ti S..n".- •oJ. tllt pa11m1 f,,. tl._. pmad ol I'""" ..bnu - - tlttoo!;)1 lthld~l.,. .. I hfr datin~ p:uol,, •••I r,n, Ulff cliodwg.-

llm 0epu1, ...... ~ 1u.....- wi&., 1hr ....,....,_ ol U.., Dl,t'Ctttf ol Soda)

Jwn-...-. ,.1,o "umud h~ r- ot)..., ...,.plof,ft In IJ>t, 6,,ld aocl ~ wotk..

4Aiihhili 11... Otp,i_rtrnmt ol 11......... ol

the, Commaa"'8lth malotauu u Ag,ul ll lhe lml!tutlaa '""°"' duty ll It to ln, "'51lple the ability of p&tfflll to "°"bioole to tbc, child"s ,upport. Tb., amount they are lo pay ill dd,,n,w,,d (ro,n dill 1n,,

, .-.11ga1"'" All IOOOC')' for malnle­.....,. ii r1am,d ui ti"' ollloe oC tho 11,,..,_ A~ont and tramferrd to th, l~put~,t oC ik>'l'DIM', HIii' raburg.

\\1,U., th<»t• tl~poplll.1.- pl) °"'> ~ .... ~,rwolt to 1btlll)', ti .. St.k Law r<quira th• t whM i-,bl.- ID do ,o tho-) mv<I J>ll t),., dall,mll'<' lxtw_, "tut tl,ey ha••~ and tb,o full [ltt cap,h {f lh<-fc ii IJI),

AiiiblhiiihiP n.., A"'llWllm~ Oq,a,1n, .. ,., i> =poru,1,1• for tb,o bu.l~t cc>nllol ol th., lwid• allocar.d b) kr;nLiti>< ap­

pn'!'lilll<>D for 11,., cs,~~lal c,p,·rall•"1 o( th,, h,,htut.->n for "'" )Nr> ond 11>1 thr prop,·r moutbly !k•<<>tUll• Ina ot Ill<' "J'fflditun,- b, Fu,..1i<ff1 •nJ Oh1«t Codiu~ ID ti .. 8,anl ot Tnul"''· ti,,, Supmntmdent and Ulf> Ot-putmtul ol W,·U,rc.

II i... .,..,, 1..- tomplied ,.,th that ~TI11 tho p11rc:ha .. oC U)thin!I, l'urd>aw ""I""'" .,., subm,tt<d to tit., D,partmmt al Pmpe,ty and SuppllH. lllds are ,ought, a-.'aldc,J, and pan,ha,rs madf- UIXM.T llfpu· lated State-Proo«lun,, l\i,quilitbu for pt)'m<'III &re pr.,,.,...i and for­,.-ard,d to the Dq,artm,ont e>f Wd­fan: and ti... AudJtor emu.r, ~.AUrttardtol~t an, b,pt In tbr AttOuntinq Dq,art• """'~ Vmdor d1,d1 an, m:wdod and malled from Pl'llllhuni Sutc S<..t,ool, altbou@;h all t.hcds ...,.., lrom th<- T, • ..,.ry Dop&rtmmt at ~

Pat.-r,11• P-i ACXOWJtJ, Sav­lnp Fund$, Amu-, Fuod1, Caotom Fund, .,. krpt by a bon.l,d Prn><ipal Onie.

l'C'IJl<'l'IW ln,<-01ory. rK'<lnl, ol llt'nll r<tthod, •itbJra,.n, aad n­malnlnt1 In JtOLk ""' pmred d•O>·· n... ""'-' o1 tho ""-• Oq,a,111~111 Include, an Aooountant. a Prllld1•I Cln-l ind four s,...,... Ottb


It is the dul) ol ll,e Pert0nnd Dq,ortmenl lo u1terview appUcanb: for positiou.s. to hCt'rtiin tlW":ir qW1l,Bcat1o,u, lo accept •1>1>licatl0fl> and thw sub­mit .same with t«'Omm<'fM.13,honi lo the Superio­t•ndt nl, who gl\e< p,rsonal coruiclm,tioo to "''''> 111pplica11t. and t"1tbt-r appro, ~s or rejt-CU the oppli• cation on the basis ol iulommtlon ,upplk!d 10 hun. Needed p<'rsonnel " =plo)ed on • P•r Diem basis until an official oppoinhnenl is mode Aller au opplicotion Is a<ct•pl«I, ii is still subj,c,I 10 th• oppro,-al ol the Deportment or Wdfarr.

Pa) rolls ore prepared e, •'> li;ilf mo,uh and tor• warded to the 0.1~rtme111 or Welfare. whe«. ,r found corre<.1, chttks arc dnwn on tbe Treasur) 111d maUed to Pennburst State School for di,lribu· lion. Regular salaries ore poid on the 10th. and 25th cl <'8ch ,nunth.

fi\'e hun<lred se,ent) fivr, r-.nployN"S on sa.1'11') 11.rw.l eighteen on Per Dirm constitute- tM Ptrsonnt:l of the­loulilutlon. Records of wa11es paid, tax wlthhcld, dcduttions lor meals, room.,, hou>e ronu, bonds and retire­ment conlrlbutJons. •• "ell a, 1he employm,nt records. arc enlrUSted 10 the Pcr$0nnd Director and • Clerk• Stenographe,- u hi< Sec<..tar) .

14ikl•Aiha The Pur<ha<ing Ag<>nl hand].,, all

requis1lion1 for supplie,. contacts vcndon, pn>Cflses ttU purehaJt- rc-­<1ucsts.


•Ki••ll•HKi4id9iii4•4+ In the \l..t.c..l o.pan,.,....i_ Ill<' lmbtutiua Secrtta'> aoJ thrtt >«:nan<s an, n,g,,g,d in ~ ~

iadn-....1 nawd cl ~.ach pl1imL l'i- """""'""'· a foldn is _.,cl con~ thr compl,:t,> ,__ U) p«-odmmiDD inf-.. .-It. ~ palimfs li,.m,y """"P"'<" ld,,,1Jleal- .-.-d ( ,.....i.,,o. cl pottGts. dot.- cl ...tmiss- bu1hdat~ cl child. d,.cripbon. _,.._ •IWlil). rdtg;m,. oducatian); ~ dnsi6ntlcm and ....... 1a1 mha. d&!rm....J h> ml[ cloc:u,n. pq~ and -1 _.itt cl.po-a dinic2I .-rd ..i hi,amy ( lulanna- an d>r dulcl"• health prim ID ~'"'"- b.aul) ..._., ): phy,ial and -log,cal =imtioo, "" admission; ............,.tlou m:onl. aDd , ... 11)-. d..,.J _.,.. - -tudo r1'C<lft! such matten u tnn,J..,. to hoopiw. •kation, <tr. Thr fold.,, ar.o iadmln ~ ho,plb.t 1'ftUffl """"" pat- i> hrina llftl«l iD the hoop1bl, tan~. din.. pl,i,,cwo", - and ~ p,esc>b,d e-um•tions b,; coc.,ult.u,b and d.-ntal ..--...-. 11wtt ls wo . a ...,.._ for >O<ial .,..;oe report,. P,)eholop:al ClWblllat--. and lnaJJ) thr filmJi cl all cone<po,,dmc,, ~ tht- pilUNlt. ~ from bail;,. _.., -'i>.~ atlCIIOOD.

.i..l .., a,..,,,.c,, al thaiy ktten a d.y &K ...-- IO bmi1ia who h...-., r,qa,,u«t .. .,.,._,_ .., the physical ....i.e.., ol their child. ,-u:-aliaa ·~ ... cloth-1111!. Dl.'t!llk. etc. ThbJ.,,.,_..al-,_,~S.-..an

indnidml cud tor _.t, paumc. • wMch if limd thr date. aamn ol .,.._ ,-.. and Ihm rebtioasbip ID thr cbiJd. ~ ol X-n, <UIJUMt- - tnon,ail,od I,.,

dio:upl,...e .-.omh following d.tu- b,; --..... ...

olog!>b. -·-

rm, opn-•lon - .. ~. 24-....... ~ ..... itt far ..... .... tott ... tbtubon


O<a,poliubll n..,.,,P> lo • 1 ... i--o1 d.t<C:l«I 10-w&ldt the IINdJ ud 111,ffl,,.ct ol ti..- 1 .. dhidual ebUJ II •11...,,pt• lo tt'Nltc • ...,.. ol •bolaet- ol>d pkv­ure bl -,ptlsb,-a, a,,J ~• C\"t,lllc, l,ablll ol indll•

lt} • .i~ ,_ "' '""" --' ..i,w1 ..... ,t. Thf> D,pa,11114'111 b dllt'fud b) 11,. c.1,;.,1 0....-.,

p,11-1 Thmoput. who is UJJ.ud b) C'lnm othi·r ..,,,pig)._ Ori<' hundml and 611)·1"" bo)-. and pl. .,.. tmplo>NI in 11,,, , ...­loo, ( u,-:1101n,

T1w- _,..,1' -• b tnod<, up ol ti,,... M:11\ ..... , ..... th<) ""' ... alt'd II) lhrtt tn1plo)a, who an­*"ISINI II)· 1111 girls. The C\11 l"'3 a,ld ..,pp1y - labrbtGI all ,...,. ma1ttial u...J In a,ucb ol 1M lmtl1ulional clothlloit n,,.,,..oclloKt00mrq,a1naD ol tbt j?rmffll1 ol 1M pll>tnl ,,opu1a_ 11 .. """IDI! ·-n\Jlc,t man> ..,,.. ...,,,,....u o! ...,. loua~ Two ,hop, a,. optnlcd b) lb, 1»­pel1- T1k' .... - ._ 111111 ... aod

'I1ie ,...,.,... ud - actn,.,.. al the Sdiool are dind,d b) I~ E<J,1011-Dlredor, ""° i> am,t,d by batttn trach<n ..-rtilicd ila puhlk ii1stn1c1ion.

The School COWW e1wndJ from ~ ... IO ..-ffllb jlra ~ ..... EJd all mod&u COllllpl&> the c:ourse as big ts Ji&tUf~ pro,;,.., h aalabioNl A fv.11 scll,dul., ol ...i..uc lninin,t i< gi\-- whri, is rquinloat ID _,-i. g,adaolpublrodiool. u.- coa,pletiaa ol the .i.-u,· courw. ud m.-1•,: anala,J the •~ ol

lift-, all-.. studc,,1> att<Ud tlac: M-a Tramm'! Shop.. lkff the buy~ arr 1a11;h1 paiatiJ1&. ......,~ r-mre ~ ud - ....,fuJ proiecU.

Al the &g<" ol 1-tttn the f,,_J,, >tudmb aru.d the Ucae Ecanamic De­pt.rUaeol Al the C'CJffl!lld- ol th.> COW«" r.-.:11 pl ,J-iJ be, capable, of prq,umg aa:I .-nia.g a aaplet,, ....t ~Juel, '-6cioJ rnlnln1{ ...J, u ptts,­log. ~ ...ct <cwmg i> g,>=



,,,,,,. \IUJic bu ttJ'OWD h1 irnpurtlJla" J ~ •• ~ nt

)t'.irt m ln1htutao111. rK>t or.a,. for cd\K'ahollal 1u11I rt-Crf"ationA.I \iluc-. but alto th<'rapeullic. Guid.tu<.:t' I• rru,•l1clttl lit l't.•nnhnt,t St.it(' ~·bool for UJCQ1 IUMI

ln•truc.tJOual mmw:. 1 h,, i.nttrf41 thown by pahroll In musk: h.a... ,,,..o ,,,11,t•nt and rt'Ul&JUl,1r.

/\ ln...Jr \lune lrulructor 1, In ch•l)I~ of ,oul 1nu1lc. A 11,lo,I d .. J,r pf twttot)-1h lJ<•)''i ,11td l?rb 11 ... I II colored dXMr CM \l\lttn bo)-s UMI ,cub •1111 n,:ula.rl\- for t.·t,.,rt.h _.f"ic(-. In lk.lclU n,, IM'ff a. a d10rus ut t\\rDIJ•IWO IJO)'S anJ Mirls "ho ,inc for thf' \rillk)\H rutut11lmocnt JUOj(rarns,

lru,tnun< nt&I muok: .. UOOfT IM IDJ"r\loion ur • IU11cfma.,tt"r In tlk put k"\t-,.1 )nn. lt,V1t1\ a Kl rC"adantt mu.,\.K' h> many c:IBH"' hAa 1r1ulu.J In 11 \llht•ry lla11<I of 1w•1oty·•lght n,omlH "• ••id whkh .. 111 I» bo<rt·•'<'<l to &fl} w tit<- ,_,. l..ru« In 1,t,lcltho• to this orµ.n1.1..1t-1ou. a \\l'ntnu S..nd <.'Old po,NI o( ,1r1nq t,a,,, ~ultan, • ,,,01<11011,, ,uophoor1 •••l ,•oc•li•IJ b• 1 lw~n mot11talo,,I lk1th ol thr bonds arr 1•,pul•r tbroul!h,1111 the huhluli<>a and tM"Uby cvmmumhN ,.,,1a,,m_. man) e,,-.,r1 ffll"nl'I for tu nt, •••I l,ulkla> <t•lt·br• t••"·

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('&Ut uh I, a.na.i1gt,I _.1 Pcn11hur1t St_.tc~ ~hool. TI,r A11tl1turm10 ,., u~ for J mt"ctlng pl.aft' for 111 It 11omll111hon1

" ,...kl, hi (.hapl•in I'"" ..i.. f.., 11.., ,plnru•I IM."1"\h ,I tht ti,,. Protntant p•hrolJ. !:M. n ~ -,~ l•·ld coth \unda) al h•n•"'" which 11 •tt•nd,d by • t. hob- ,Urt,ff'II It) wu1 l11.\lru(l11!f ol Muc.K'

\rr-aH(f'"1~b aft' 11, .. ,t" ",th I jC"'A bh l\ahbt ht ,t"t chi "xhool to ,uH.lm1 ,,tt-h ~k'N •• M rn.A) c.lt'llll rn.·,r,"uy. iLntl to -,d1nlol•Ottr to tho N-llg,oo, lllr uf tl1< J.-wt,h "''"hl1'1-

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lMII INl<lm._ r "a...l hon, hoN ar. plamwd and 111J'M"hrtl ( ',,m1•ltte 1•l•)l'"""'d ... ,.,1p,....,11 I, a-,w,hl, for tlw- walln d.Odrm

nunna ,.,.. .. , •• ~ > """ ,..., .i.,..""""'' ""' 1lttl h h~J,~I) cl&,aN a_t thti, «rm ln fttl'ftl lOA fo, tlw p,,11...,h •1tn1dln11 .._1 .. ,1 \!any f>trtJn ··~ UUllk""I J,.,u,c f'IM.h bol.J.ly 114"1.JOO for 1i.., ,..,,..,,1 1•1•ulot•"'· ~1,...LII nrit>l,.,H ls l'l•ml <"' • \I•\ 0&) .-ourtb ol Jul) &nd l..lbor l)a1 tdtl•r•l•>II fin the, mhr, .. 1,w1

•P•iidSf The Dietary Department is operated by the Dietitian, assisted by forty employee, and approximately

125 working patieots, which includes both male and female. This funct ion prepares spedGc and balanced diets for 3550 patients. Approximately 500 patien ts are served .special diets in bed; 1000 arc accommodn.ted it) their respective

wards. The remainder of the patient population, fluctuating about 2000, enjoy their meals in oormal cus­tomary cafeteria fashion. The average dail)r coosumption per patient is 83 ounces.

An additional 195 meals are entered daily to the irutituti<mal eml.lioyees in three separate dining rooms of d ifferent maintenance clas.sHicatjons.

Most of the meals are cooked in two ma.in kitchens. The.~e fatilit ies are augmented by four aux:iliary ·

• kitchens. com·eniently l<>cated at the places of cornmmption. Heated food trucks are \~eel to convey the food. 5tufls t·o the wards. ln one yc.ar 1,221_.775 meals were 5erved, totaling over 3000 tons of focx1s.

Subsidiaries to the Dietary Department comprise the Bake Shop. Bre.at.l Slicing Room, Butcher Shop, Freezing Lockers and Vegetable Preparation Room, and lee Cream Department.

The b•kery produces 2000 loaves of bread doily plus rolls and pastry, •• required. A torol of over 128,000 pollnds of home produced ve:11I, ham, pork, beef tmd poultry are prO<.-essed

yearly by the Butcher Shop. Fresh fruib and vegetables fn.lm our own farm and truck garden are frM.en and stored during the

Spring and Summer for ofTseason conslunptioo. 21

Tbe new Power Plant completed in 1950, at a cost of approxim>tely $1,250,000, pro­duces about 800.000 pounds or steam in .24 hours; generated from three 500 H.P. boilers.

Approximately 18,000 too, of coal are used yearly. Over 168 million gallons of wnter ore consucnf..:.d annually. Purchased electric ktlowat hours approach 3¼ millions. Yearly gas consumption cx.ceeds 4 million t.·ubic foet1 half of which is produced at our Sewage Oispo.sal .Plant whe,e 350,000 gol­loos of sewage are: treated every 24 hours.

Seven deep water wells produce 500,000 gallons of water daily, which is p"mped into the resen·oirs from depth down to 9(K)

feet. Two booster pumps flU an elevated water tower tank. ll0 feet high, to a cnp.:ic,. ity of 750,000 gallons increasing the water pressure 100%.

Ten employees and seventeen working male patients mllkc up the operating crew under the Construction & Maintenance Engineer.

~ -----Mf ,;::::~ i , -· ..

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The Mniotcnnnce Department is responsible for the up-keep of the Crounds and Buildings. Operates and maintains the water supply system From artesian wells, steam distribution system. sewage lines, electrical power and lighting sy!items1 maintains roa.<l surfnces1 grooncls dminngc and storm wwer system, and mailltains all machinery~ ,·entilating. refrigero..ting, television and rndio equipment.

Tho activities of this Department are supervised by a:_n Assistant (;Qn. stn1ctio11 &. ;\·lafntenance Etlgineer, " tho is a~istcd with the help of 8.5 tech. nicians and 36 ,,'Orking patient boys.


•d.,4iiNIIAW-The activities of tho Housekeeping Oepartment are supervised by the Housekeeper. She is o,sistc<l by

seven other employes, fourteen male patients,. and thir teen female po.tients. This department is chn_rgod with the clc.:tri.lin~s of 122 rooms, and 8fteen apartments that are the

quarters of personnel living a.t the School There arc also hventy-one offices. the school building, fhe audi­torium. and various other public buildings that must be cleaned daiJy.

Many auxiliary duties .ire the responsibility of this d<:partmcot. The Housekeeper as.signs Jiving quarters to employes, cares for all linen$, furnishes supplies, and reports conditions of living quarters .

•• , Eighteen vehicles make up the fleet of nutomotive equip1nt:ut of the Institution. Six sedans~ two p ick,,1,

trncks, seven heavy tnick$, one station wagon) one ambulance and one school bus supply the necessai;• trans­portation or pcrsormcl and provisions. Five employees a~1d 6Jtcen non-operating patients, under the super­vision o( the Caragc Manager, man the commercial trucks, while the passenger c..rs arc at the di.-.J)OSttl or the admini~i:rative personnel and the Social Service 3nvcstigators.

In the fiscal year ending May 31, 1953 over 105,000 miles of travel ·were covered by the combined Jleet and all equipme11t is kept in J005t working order.


Two employees, and a Stores Manager, with the help of six male pntient.s recei\.·c, storo nnd d ispense commodities ou written, npprovcd. •11•1rii4HI• requisitions. to conveniently supply canned and packaged foods. shoes. clothing, toilet artie:les., bed linens, hardware. dietary and household utensils, office and miscellaneous supp1ies. An inventory «pproaching $300,· 000 in \·alue safeguards tll(I Tn .. ~titution from any emergency shortage or calamity.

Recent impro\·e:m,euts made to the Laundry enable the processing of approximately ten tons of clothing nnd linens ever)' day. Eight automatic washers complete a :325 pound wash every 56 rniuutes.

Thee sit-high-roll irooerS complete o,•er 4000 pieces of linen daily. In the pressing room approximately 2000 dresses, 1500 J?llirs of white trousers, 100 white uni­for111s and 1500 shirts are laundered \\•eekly.

During the state year ending 'May 31, 1953 the poundage processed was 5,119,356.

Five employees assist the Laundry Manager to super• vise and direct the work which is done by 58 female and 24 male patient~ in what is considered to be the most 1:no<lem l aundry in Pennsylv;rnia.


Approximately 300 acre!~ of virtually le-·el land bordering on the Schuylkill !liver constitutes the farm of the School. All of the 11.creage is farmed, in pa.s-hne1

orchard, vineyard, or gartleo. The ma­jority of veg:E:'tahles, meat, fn1it, milk. <'gg-s:, o.od poultry consumed by the p.it ient population is provided on the farm. The ma,,y activities are supervised hy the Farm \·lan11ger, his A.uh,1:a.r1t, and ten employees. l-;ighty•6ve pat.ieot boys ore troine<l ond goinfully employed in this enterprise. A 11 cultivation and har­ve,s:tiog is doue with modern mechanical, motorized, equipment.

The Dairy produ<'CS annuall)·: 15,093 p<,wub. uf ll"1..!f 7,087 pound~ of Veal

l.307,J64 1ionmls of Milk The Piggl'ry produces annually:

90,675 pouud.s uf Pork The Hcnnery produces onnuallr:

15,181 poumh: t)f Mt•ttt 28,637 dozen of E~g.,.

Tlw Cardc~u pn)(lm:f':> annnullr: boS,SiJS pounds of Vegetables

6.699 pounds of Strawberries 642 po,mds of Raspbcrric,

Tiic Ord1!)J'J produce~ o.unuaUy: 9,725 pounds of Grapes

11,510 pounds of Cherric->s 1,208 pounds of P~ td-.es 6,83i pound..; of :\ppl~

111c Fann producC's annually: 1,319 hu~lll'l.<i Barley

881 bushels Wh{'.,t 1,925 bu-.hPI.;, Corn

To provide snacks, k"e cTeam, candy ctuJ b~veTages, primarily for the patients, and s,.-con<lly fur the employes and School visitors. a Conteen occupies two roo,ns nd• joining· the Male Colony visiting room. The income from the under• tak ing replenishes the Amuscmcnl Fund when its meagre source otherwise foils to provide mo\·ics, JXtrties, television and radio sets1

concerts, entertainment and deHca• cies.

Patient help is trained to prepare so1,ps, sandwiches, an<l wait on patrons.

The Cnnteen is open a AM to 4 PM every day. includl.ng Sunday, under the supervision of a state-paid Attenda.nt tLS a bonded manager who handles all monies.





Members of the entire stall o( the School ha,•e been a part of mnking this pamphlet possible, ond particular mention is Vven to M n, HAROLD \V. AMSTER, Photographer, Ma. Jou:,, D. KANE, Ac­counta nt, MR. Jo1tN C. Do=<EV, Personnel Director, and MN. Au.EnT M1LLA11, Jn., Assistant C. & M.

Engineer, for their contribution and patience in obtaining the material and sctlings.

This pamphlet is paid from funds derived from our Canteen Fund and is on sale at twenty-five cents per copy, to reimburse the moneys expended from this fund which will ultimately be used for rec.rcation purposes.

I trnst that this booklet will be of some help.

\ V. A. PHru .. w·s,
