P. Blair Blakie and Matthew J. Davis- Projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation for harmonically confined...

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  • 8/3/2019 P. Blair Blakie and Matthew J. Davis- Projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation for harmonically confined Bose gases at fin


    Projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation for harmonically confined Bose gases at finite temperature

    P. Blair Blakie*University of Otago, P.O. Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand

    Matthew J. DavisARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum-Atom Optics, School of Physical Sciences, University of Queensland,

    Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia

    Received 20 October 2004; published 7 December 2005

    We extend the projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation formalism of Davis et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 1604022001 to the experimentally relevant case of thermal Bose gases in harmonic potentials and outline a robustand accurate numerical scheme that can efficiently simulate this system. We apply this method to investigate

    the equilibrium properties of the harmonically trapped three-dimensional projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation at

    finite temperature and consider the dependence of condensate fraction, position, and momentum distributions

    and density fluctuations on temperature. We apply the scheme to simulate an evaporative cooling process in

    which the preferential removal of high-energy particles leads to the growth of a Bose-Einstein condensate. We

    show that a condensate fraction can be inferred during the dynamics even in this nonequilibrium situation.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.72.063608 PACS numbers: 03.75.Hh


    The near-zero-temperature formalism for Bose-Einsteincondensates BECs is based upon the well-establishedGross-Pitaevskii equation GPE, which describes the mac-roscopically occupied condensate orbital 1. It has been pro-posed that the GPE can also be used to model the nonequi-librium dynamics of finite-temperature Bose gases 25.The essential idea is that highly occupied modes of a quan-tum field are well described by a classical field, as is wellknown for the case of electromagnetic fields. Recently, cal-culations have been performed by several groups using clas-sical fields 613 and have shown the usefulness of thisapproach. One of the key advantages of the classical fieldmethod is that it is nonperturbative; however, care must betaken to appropriately cut off the spectrum to avoid an ultra-violet catastrophe, analogous to that occurring in theRayleigh-Jeans theory of blackbody radiation. Ideally thiscutoff can be made from a priori thermodynamic analysis ofthe system 14. In the finite-temperature formalism of Daviset al. 7,8,15, the cutoff is explicitly incorporated throughthe use of a projector that is diagonal in the single-particlebasis of the system Hamiltonian. This ensures that a consis-tent energy cutoff is established and provides a natural sepa-ration of the system into regions of low-energy modes thehighly occupied classical region and high-energy modes

    the sparsely occupied incoherent region. Ignoring the inco-herent region and its coupling to the classical region, theequation of motion for the low-energy modes is termed theprojected Gross-Pitaevskii equation PGPE. By itself thePGPE can only provide a partial description of the system;however, it contains the modes that are most significantlymodified by the effects of interactions and are difficult toinclude quantitatively in traditional kinetic theories. Thus the

    PGPE by itself can be a useful tool for providing insight intothe evolution of ultracold Bose gases.

    Several theories have been developed in an attempt todescribe finite-temperature BECs. To date one of the mostsuccessful quantitative descriptions of equilibrium propertiesis provided by Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov HFB theory e.g.,see 1619. This approach is typically limited to regimeswell below the critical temperature and to systems with suf-ficiently few particles or weak interactions that the quasi-particle interactions can be treated perturbatively. Addition-ally, the extensions of these approaches to thenonequilibrium case appear to be computationally intrac-table, without the introduction of severe simplifications 20.

    Another approach to describing the finite-temperature re-gime has been developed by Zaremba and co-workers21,22. In their work the condensate is undergoes coherentdynamics and it is coupled to thermal atoms which aretreated by classical kinetic equations. This approach has beensuccessful at describing collective-mode experiments22,23, but leaves out all coherent interactions other thanthe condensate itself and in so doing neglects the many-body physics in the low-energy thermal excitations. It istherefore inapplicable near the critical point or in regimeswith many highly occupied quasiparticle modes.

    The limitations of the aforementioned theories are appar-ent in their inability to describe a variety of experiments thatare far from equilibrium 24, observe significant heating25,26, or are near the critical temperature where strongfluctuations occur. For example, a key recent experiment inwhich the critical temperature of a trapped Bose gas wasmeasured 27 is beyond the validity regime of currentlyestablished theories.

    An alternative approach for modeling the quantum dy-namics of a Bose-Einstein condensate is based on the phase-space method known as the truncated Wigner approximation,which has its origins in the field of quantum optics. This wasfirst applied to ultracold Bose gases by Steel et al. 28 andfurther developed by Sinatra et al. 2931. A number of*Electronic address: bblakie@physics.otago.ac.nz

    PHYSICAL REVIEW A 72, 063608 2005

    1050-2947/2005/726/06360812 /$23.00 2005 The American Physical Societ063608-1

  • 8/3/2019 P. Blair Blakie and Matthew J. Davis- Projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation for harmonically confined Bose gases at fin


    recent calculations using this method can be found in Refs.3236. The stochastic GPE formalism developed by Gar-diner et al. 37,38 is derived from a truncated Wigner ap-proximation and proposes a practical scheme for couplingthe classical and incoherent regions in a manner suitable fornonequilibrium calculations. To account for the interactionwith the incoherent region, this formalism introduces noiseterms into the PGPE that transfer energy and particles into

    and out of the coherent region. A similar scheme was earlierderived by Stoof 39 using field-theoretic techniques.

    The main purpose of this paper is to develop the PGPEapproach for the experimentally relevant case of three-dimensional harmonic traps. To do this we have adapted arecent numerical scheme by Dion and Cancs 40 by intro-ducing an explicit energy cutoff in the single-particle har-monic oscillator basis. We use the scheme to examine theproperties of the trapped PGPE system as a function of thetemperature, such as condensate fraction and density fluctua-tions. While some of these properties were studied in Ref.11, we believe that our numerical method is superior andour results are free from the significant uncertainties found in

    that work. Finally, as a nonequilibrium demonstration of themethod we use the PGPE to simulate the formation of aBose-Einstein condensate in an evaporatively cooled thermalcloud.

    There is one important point we should make before con-tinuing with the main body of this work. We would like toemphasize that the results presented in this paper are notintended for direct comparison with experimental systems, asthe PGPE description employed here neglects the high-energy modes of the gas. While individually these modes aresparsely occupied, collectively they may contain a large frac-tion of the total number of atoms of the corresponding physi-cally relevant situation due to the rapid increase in the den-sity of states with energy. Some earlier calculationsemploying the classical field approach have neglected theeffects of the above cutoff atomse.g., 11,13; however, webelieve that this is not valid as in some circumstances morethat 90% of atoms can be found in the above cutoff modes.The results presented here are intended to demonstrate thephysics that is contained in the PGPE description and are aqualitative indication of what can be expected when thehigh-energy modes are included. We consider that the workpresented is an important step towards the goal of perform-ing experimentally realistic calculations using classical fieldsat finite temperature with small uncertainties.


    The theoretical formalism we numerically implement inthis paper has been developed in Refs. 7,8,15,38, and herewe briefly summarize the main points of this formalism,adapted for application to inhomogeneous systems.

    A dilute Bose gas is well described by the second-quantized Hamiltonian

    H = Hsp + H

    I , 1


    Hsp = d3xx 2


    2 + Vtrapxx , 2

    HI =1

    2U0 d3xxxxx 3

    are the single-particle and interaction Hamiltonians, respec-

    tively, and x

    is the quantum Bose field operator that an-nihilates a particle at position x. The inclusion of an externaltrapping potential, assumed to be harmonic in form, i.e.,

    Vtrapx =1


    2x2x2 + y

    2y2 + z2, 4

    is the major new feature of this paper as compared to theearlier numerical investigations made by one of us in Refs.7,8. In Eq. 3 particle interactions have been approximatedby a contact interaction of strength U0 = 4

    2a/m, where mis the atomic mass and a is the s-wave scattering length. Theharmonic trap geometry is defined by the angular oscillationfrequencies along each axis: i.e., x, y, and z. For conve-

    nience we express the x and y frequencies relative to z, byintroducing the relative frequency parameters x x/z andy y/z.

    The exact equation of motion for the field operator isgiven by the Heisenberg equation of motion


    t= 2


    2 + Vtrapxx + U0xxx.5

    For situations of experimental relevance the Hilbert space isenormously large, and directly solving Eq. 5 is not possiblewithout further approximation. The essence of our approach

    is to split the field operator into two parts representing thecoherent and incoherent regions. We define the projectionoperators

    PFx = nC

    nx d3xn*xFx , 6

    QFx = nC

    nx d3xn*xFx, 7where nC defines the modes that make up the coherentregion C and nx is the nth eigenfunction of the basis that

    diagonalizes single-particle Hamiltonian Hsp. We define

    x = Px ,

    x = Qx , 8

    which we refer to as the coherent and incoherent field operators, respectively. This division is based on the

    average occupation of the states. The coherent field ischosen to describe the low-lying, highly occupied states ofthe system, i.e., modes containing order of 5 or more par-ticles. The incoherent field x contains the complementary

    P. B. BLAKIE and M. J. DAVIS PHYSICAL REVIEW A 72, 063608 2005


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    states which are sparsely occupied. Our particular interest isin situations near equilibrium, where this separation can beconveniently introduced via thermodynamic arguments by

    making an appropriate energy cutoff Ecut in the single-particle spectrum.

    To derive the PGPE, we apply the projection operator 6to the equation of motion for the field operator 5. The fun-damental approximation we make, often referred to as theclassical field approximation, is to neglect the quantum-mechanical nature of the coherent field operatori.e., set

    xx a c-number functiondue to the high occu-pation numbers of these modes. By making this approxima-tion, the equation of motion 5 is transformed into a forminvolving couplings between the coherent and incoherentfields of some complexity e.g., see 15. As a further ap-proximation we neglect the interaction between the coherentand incoherent regions and simply consider the equation ofmotion for x in isolation:


    t= 2


    2 + Vtrapxx + PU0x2x ,9

    which is the projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation. This equa-tion is of a similar form as the usual Gross-Pitaevskii equa-tion; however, the classical field x has a distinct interpre-tation: It represents the quantum field for many low-lyingmodes, rather than just the condensate mode. Several sub-stantial approximations have been made to reduce the fullHeisenberg equation of motion for the field 5 to the PGPE9; however, previous studies have demonstrated that thisfinal form contains a rich set of physics e.g., see7,8,10,11.


    The modes of the system are of central importance in theassumptions used to derive the PGPE, and care must betaken in numerical implementations to ensure the modes arefaithfully represented. It is in our opinion that any usefulsimulation technique must satisfy the following require-ments.

    i The space spanned by the modes of the simulationshould match that of the coherent region of the physical sys-tem being simulated as closely as possible. That is, themodes should be the single-particle modes of the system up

    to the prescribed energy cutoff Ecut

    .ii The assumption of high occupancy in all modes ne-

    cessitates that the numerical scheme must propagate allmodes accurately.

    Most commonly used methods for propagatingSchrdinger-type equations do not satisfy these require-ments; in particular, many methods do not propagate allmodes of the numerical basis faithfully. This leads to negli-gible errors if the highest modes are unoccupied, as is thecase for the T=0 GPE. However, it is clear that methodsbased on such assumptions will not be appropriate for simu-lating the PGPE.

    Before introducing the numerical scheme used in this pa-per, we review how the method used by Davis et al. 79 tosimulate homogeneous Bose gases addresses the aforemen-tioned conditions. For the homogeneous system the modesare plane-waves and are suitable to grid Fourier methods ofpropagation also used in 13,41. To define the coherentregion Davis et al. instigated an energy cutoff by using anexplicit projection operator in momentum space, ensuring

    condition i was satisfied. To satisfy condition ii suffi-ciently many states outside the cutoff should be retained toensure that the nonlinear terms in the evolution equationwere exactly evaluated without aliasing for all modes of thecoherent region. This was not realized at the time, and alias-ing is present in the calculations presented in 79. How-ever, the presence of aliasing mainly modifies the action ofthe nonlinear term and does not affect the equilibrium stateor the conclusions reached in these papers.

    We comment that simply using an unmodified gridmethod as in 13,41 does introduce a cutoff into the systemin momentum space, but does not satisfy the two criterialisted above. First, the energy cutoff is anisotropic, varying

    in magnitude by a factor of 3 with direction in momentumspace in three dimensions. Second, the largest momentumstates will be aliased in the calculation of nonlinear termsand their dynamics will be misrepresented. The situation iseven worse when using an unmodified grid method to simu-late classical field dynamics for a trapped Bose gas as in6,11,12. It is this issue that we address here.

    A. Brief review of the numerical method

    The method we have used to simulate the projectedGross-Pitaevskii equation 9 with an explicit cutoff in en-ergy derives from a recent numerical scheme by Dion andCancs 40. We briefly review our adaption of this method.

    To begin, we rescale the projected Gross-Pitaevskii equa-tion 9 by introducing units of distance x0 =/ 2mz, timet0 =z

    1, and hence energy z, with z the trap frequencyalong the z direction. With these choices, we have


    t= 2 +



    2x2 + y

    2y2 + z2 + Cnl



    where we have defined the nonlinear coefficient as Cnl=NCU0/zx0

    3 and for clarity have used untilded variables toindicate quantities expressed in computational units. We takethe wave function to be normalized to unity, so that the totalnumber of atoms within the coherent region, NC, appears in

    the definition of the nonlinearity constant. To simplify ourdiscussion of the numerical method, we will take the har-monic trapping potential to be isotropici.e., x =y = 1.This allows us to avoid using cumbersome notation to ac-count for different spectral bases in each direction.

    The classical field x , t is expanded as

    x, t = l,m,nC

    clmntlxmynz , 11

    where nx are the eigenstates of the one-dimensional1D harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian satisfying



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    4x2nx = nnx, 12

    with eigenvalue n = n +1

    2. The energy cutoff is imple-

    mented by restricting the summation indices to the set

    C = l,m,n:l + m + nEcut , 13

    with the value of Ecut chosen to be appropriate for the physi-cal system under consideration. For later convenience wedefine ncut to be the largest index occurring in Ci.e., thequantum number of the highest-energy oscillator state in the

    coherent region i.e., ncut Ecut/z.In the basis representation, the PGPE 10 takes the form


    t= il + m + nclmn + CnlFlmn , 14




    *xm* yn

    *zx, t2x,t 15

    is the matrix element of the nonlinear term. An importantobservation made in Ref. 40 is that these matrix elements15 can be computed exactly with an appropriately chosenGauss-Hermite quadrature. To show this we note that be-cause the harmonic oscillator states are of the form nxHnxexpx

    2/ 4, where Hnx is a Hermite polynomial ofdegree n, the wave function can be written as

    x = Qx,y,zex2+y2+z2/4 , 16

    where Qx ,y ,z is a polynomial that, as a result of the cutoff,is of maximum degree ncut in the independent variables.

    It follows that because the interaction term 15 is fourthorder in the wave function, it can be written in the form

    Flmn = d3xex2+y2+z2Px,y,z, 17where Px ,y ,z is a polynomial of maximum degree 4ncut inthe independent variables. Identifying the exponential termas the usual weight function for Gauss-Hermite quadrature,the integral can be exactly evaluated using a three-dimensional spatial quadrature grid of 8ncut

    3 points. Thus

    we have verified that the matrix elements Flmn can beexactly calculated. We refer the reader to Ref. 40 for more

    details of how to efficiently implement the spatial transfor-mation and numerical quadrature.


    A. Microcanonical ergodic evolution

    The evolution of the classical field preserves several con-stants of motion. These can be considered as macroscopicparameters that constrain the microstates available to the sys-tem. For the PGPE, the most important such constant ofmotion is the total energy, given by the energy functional

    E = d3x*x 22m

    2 + Vtrapxx



    4 . 18Another important constant of motion is the field normaliza-tion, given by

    N = d3xx2.As discussed in Sec. III A, we take the classical field to benormalized to unity for the initial condition: a scaling choicethat causes the coefficient of the nonlinear term in the PGPEto be proportional to the initial number of particles in thecoherent region. The PGPE may have other constants of mo-tion, such as angular momentum components in traps withthe appropriate symmetry; however, here we will only con-sider situations where these are approximately zero and canbe neglected.

    The lowest-energy solution to the energy functional is

    given by the time-independent Gross-Pitaevskii equatione.g., see Ref. 42. We denote the energy of this solutionEg. This solution corresponds to T=0; however, this situationlies outside the validity regime of the PGPE since only asingle modei.e., the condensate modeis highly occupied.For application of the PGPE our interest is in regimes withEEg such that the system is at finite temperature withmany highly occupied modes.

    For the simulations we present here we make use of theergodic hypothesis, which we discuss further below. How-ever, an immediate consequence of ergodicity for the studyof equilibrium properties is that the precise details of theinitial conditions in a simulation are irrelevant. In practice

    we choose initial conditions to provide the desired values forthe constants of motion. The amplitudes for each single-particle mode have a random phase and occupation, but areconstrained to fix the overall normalization to unity and theenergy to the desired value. In general such an initial choicewill not be a typical equilibrium state, but under evolutionthe system rapidly thermalizes. This thermalization processhas been investigated for the homogeneous case in 8. InFig. 1 we show typical density profiles of thermalized clas-sical fields for the harmonically trapped system. The cases inFigs. 1a and 1b differ in the energy of the fields. It is clearfrom these figures that the classical field has a somewhatchaotic appearance, and this undergoes constant evolution asthe constituent modes mix through the nonlinear interaction.

    B. Time-averaging correlation functions

    The energy functional 18 is nonlinear, and it is not fea-sible to determine the entire phase space of classical fieldconfigurations consistent with a particular choice of energy.This prohibits the calculation of quantities using an ensembleaveraging approach. However, we can determine correlationfunctions for the system by using the ergodic hypothesisi.e., replacing ensemble averages by time averages followingthe prescription

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    FCxensemble = lim



    dtFCx,t ,where FCx is some functional correlation function ofthe field.

    The general spatial correlation functions we are interestedin are usually expressed as an ensemble average over a prod-

    uct of quantum field operators such as

    FQ = x1

    xjxj+1 xn .

    Note that we have only considered correlation functions thatinvolve the field operator for the coherent region. Also wehave restricted our attention to same-time correlations; how-ever, in principle multitime correlation functions could alsobe computed. To evaluate these correlation functions withinthe framework of the classical field theory we make the sub-

    stitution xx, as discussed in Sec. II, and replaceensemble averaging with time averaging. The resulting ex-pression that we evaluate numerically is

    FCxtime ave =1



    FCx,tj ,

    where tj is a set of Ns equally spaced time instances atwhich the classical field has been calculated. For this choiceto well approximate the ensemble average we require Ns1, and the time span over which averaging is done to belong compared to the slowest time scale in the probleme.g., the longest harmonic oscillator period. For the equilib-rium results we present in this paper these conditions arewell satisfied: we use 1400 discrete samples of the classical

    field taken over an evolution time of approximately 191 os-cillator periods i.e., tN

    s t1 =1200/z.

    C. Temperature

    For comparison with experiments and other theories it iscrucial to be able to identify the temperature of the classical

    field simulations rather characterize a particular result by itsenergy. Previous attempts to determine temperature havebeen based on fitting the occupation of high-energy modes toperturbative calculations for the spectrum based on Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov HFB theory 7,8. For harmonicallytrapped gases, calculation of the HFB modes is much moredifficult and limits temperature calculations to perturbativeregimes. Gral et al. 11 have estimated the temperature inharmonically trapped classical field simulations, in a manneranalogous to that done in experiments, by fitting the high-momentum components of the system to a noninteractingdistribution. The results of that analysis suffered from exces-sively large errors and indicate that this approach would notbe useful for any systematic investigation of thermodynamic

    properties. In addition, the high-energy modes of these cal-culations are unlikely to have been represented accurately43.

    In recent work 9 one of us has generalized Rughs dy-namical definition of temperature 44 to the PGPE. Thisscheme has the advantage that it is nonperturbative and isquite accurate. This scheme can be extended to the harmoni-cally trapped case and is used to calculate the temperature ofthe simulations presented in this paper. Because the imple-mentation of this scheme in the harmonically trapped case isa trivial extension to the homogeneous implementation, werefer the reader to Ref. 9 for details.


    For the results presented in this paper we have simulateda 3D PGPE system with x =8, y =1, and an energy cutoffof Ecut= 31z. These choices lead to a coherent region con-taining 1739 harmonic oscillator modes. We would like toemphasize that these choices are somewhat arbitrary for thispaper and are designed only to provide a demonstration ofthe PGPE methods described below. In the future when itcomes to describing realistic Bose-condensed systems it willbe necessary to choose the cutoff carefully, depending on thetemperature, the number of atoms, and the geometry of thesystem to be simulated to ensure that the requirement of highoccupation numbers is satisfied. It will also be necessary torepresent in some manner the atoms in the incoherent regionthat are being neglected in this paper see 45.

    Thus the numerical results in this section should beviewed as a demonstration of the physics that can be de-scribed with the classical field method starting from verysimple theoretical premises, rather than accurately represent-ing a trapped Bose gas system. We will begin to make thisextension to realistic systems in our next piece of work onthis topic 45. The system that is being described here is anidealized PGPE system, which contains a fixed number of

    FIG. 1. Thermalized classical fields for two values of energy.

    Density slices taken in the y =0 plane for a system in an anisotropic

    trap with x =8 and y = 1. a Low-energy case with an averageenergy per particle of E= 10z. b Higher-energy case with anaverage energy per particle of E= 24z. For both simulations Cnl=2000 and the ground-state energy is Eg =8.54z. The single-

    particle cutoff energy is Ecut= 31z, below which 1739 single-

    particle states remain in the coherent region.



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    particles distributed over the finite number of modes in thecoherent region.

    An important question that might be asked by the readeris, what is the effect of changing the value of Ecut? A largervalue for the energy cutoff will lead to more modes beingincluded in the coherent region. Physically this would corre-spond to a system that is at a higher temperature, such thatmodes at the new value of Ecut satisfy the high occupancy

    condition. The characteristic time and energy scales willchange in some manner, but overall the results will be quali-tatively similar.

    A. Condensation

    1. Condensate fraction

    Identification of the condensate fraction and mode func-tion for an inhomogeneous system with interactions is non-trivial. This issue was addressed by Penrose and Onsager in1956 46, who extended the concept of Bose-Einstein con-densation from an ideal gas to the case of superfluid helium.Their primary criterion for condensation is that a single ei-genvalue n0 of the one-body density matrix x , x becomesan extensive parameter of the system. With regard to obtain-ing a quantitative description of the condensate, they alsoshowed that n0 and its corresponding eigenvector are thecondensate occupation and mode, respectively.

    The one-body density matrix can be written as an en-semble average of the quantum field operators as follows:

    x,x xxensemble. 19

    As we neglect the incoherent region in this paper, we restrictour consideration to the one-body density matrix for the co-

    herent regioni.e., Cx , x xxensembleand

    using the procedure outlined in Sec. IV B, we calculate thismatrix as

    Cx,x 1



    *x,tjx, tj . 20

    It is more convenient numerically to represent the densitymatrix in the spectral representation

    ij =1



    ci*tncjtn, 21

    where cjtn are the spectral amplitudes of the classical fieldat time tn and the index j labels all three quantum numbersneeded to specify the oscillator mode that cj refers to. Theefficiency of the spectral representation affords us the abilityto work with the entire one-body density matrix. The one-body density matrix was also time averaged in the grid-basedmethod reported in Ref. 11; however, their analysis waslimited to the s-wave component.

    In Fig. 2 we show the condensate fraction fc n0/NCand temperature calculated from simulations of the PGPEusing a range of energies as determined by the energy func-tional 18. For systems with a fixed total number of par-ticles, the portion of atoms in the coherent region and the

    cutoff energy used to define the coherent region will changewith temperature. These issues will be important consider-ations in making experimental comparisons. However, thisissue is worthy of much further discussion than is appropri-ate here, and we refer the reader to 45 for the investigationof the different components of the overall shift in Tc, as wellas our application of the PGPE as a quantitative model of theexperiments of Gerbier et al. 27, by including a represen-tation of the above cutoff atoms. Performing calculations forhigher Cnl we note that Tc decreases with increasing Cnl, as isexpected. We refer the reader to Ref. 45 for an in-depthdiscussion of this behavior.

    a. Suitable averaging to determine the condensate fractio-

    n. Using linear algebra arguments it can be shown that the

    condensate fraction for the PGPE system determined accord-

    ing to the prescription we have outlined above will have a

    lower bound of

    fcmax1/Ns,1/GC, 22

    where Ns is the number of samples used to construct the

    density matrix in Eq. 21 and GC is the number of single-particle states in the coherent region. Typically we take NsGC so that 1/Ns forms a lower bound for the condensate

    fraction. Equality in the bound holds if the individual classi-

    cal fields included in the time average are mutuallyorthogonali.e., if jcj

    *tmcjtn =mnm , n : 1m , nNs. The result 22 implies, for instance, that to determinea condensate fraction below 1% will require us to take Ns100 samples.

    2. Condensation: Influence on density distributions in

    momentum and position space

    It is interesting to consider how the presence of a conden-sate affects the position and momentum density profiles ofthe system. Indeed, it was the appearance of an anisotropic

    FIG. 2. Equilibrium properties calculated using the PGPE. aThe condensate fraction fc and b temperature, calculated as afunction of energy for Cnl =1000. Other simulation parameters are

    the same as in Fig. 1. The averaging was performed using Ns=1400 samples over a evolution period of T=1200/z. The unit of

    temperature is T0 =NCz/kB 9, where kB is the Boltzmannconstant.

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    peak in the momentum distribution that was used as one ofthe signatures of condensation in the first experiments 47.In Figs. 3a3c we compute the momentum columndensity for cases above and below the transitiontemperature. In detail, the quantity we calculate is themomentum-space column density given by dkyk , t


    i.e., integrated along the ky direction, where k , t=23/2 d3x expik xx , t is the momentum-spacewave function and k= kx , ky , kz. Time-averaging this, i.e.,calculating

    Kkx,kz =1



    dkyk,tj2,yields the average column density shown in Figs. 3a3c.The peak momentum density of the three cases consideredvaries over a wide range, and for presentation clarity wehave used a logarithmic density scale in Figs. 3a3c. Theappearance of a narrow peak in the momentum distributionfor the condensed state is clearly observed in Figs. 3b and3c; however, the logarithmic density scale somewhat sup-presses the prominence of this feature: the peak momentumcolumn density in Fig. 3c is 26 times larger than the peakdensity in Fig. 3a. We also note that the momentum distri-bution changes from being isotropic in Fig. 3a where there

    is no condensate as calculated according to the criterion inSec. V A 1 to exhibiting distinctive anisotropy for the con-densate momentum peak in Figs. 3b and 3c. This aniso-tropy is directly related to the ratio of the trap frequencies.The usual experimental method for imaging the momentumdistribution is to take an absorption image of the system afterallowing it freely expand in the absence of the trap. Interac-tion effects during expansion significantly suppresses thecontrast in momentum widths of condensed and uncon-densed systems. However, the contrast has been revealed byexperiments using Bragg spectroscopy techniques 48 thatare able to probe the momentum distribution in situ.

    Similarly we can construct the column density distribu-tion in position space as

    Rx,z =1



    dyx,tj2.This is equivalently obtained by integrating out the y direc-tion of the diagonal one-body density matrix Cx , x, Eq.20. These distributions are shown beneath the associatedmomentum distribution in Figs. 3d3f. These results em-phasize that while the momentum distribution undergoessubstantial changes at the transition as discussed above, theposition distribution changes in a much more subtle manner.

    FIG. 3. Time-averaged column densities in momentum ac and position de space of classical field simulations with variousenergies. Cases: a and d E= 24z, b and e E= 18z, and c and f E= 10z. Other simulation parameters are the same as in Fig.1. The averaging was performed using Ns =1400 samples over a evolution period of T=1200/z.



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    The calculations presented in 11 looked only at positionrepresentations of the system.

    B. Density fluctuations

    Determining the condensate fraction using the Penrose-Onsager criterion is a probe of first-order coherence in thesystem. Indeed, the existence of a condensate is equivalent to

    off-diagonal long-range order; i.e., the system is spatiallycoherent. To fully characterize the field it is necessary toconsider higher-order correlations in the system.

    To demonstrate the usefulness of the PGPE, we use it tocalculate the normalized nth-order coherence function at zerospatial separation, defined as

    gnx = xnxn

    xxn. 23

    Once again we note that we have restricted our attention tocorrelation functions involving the coherent field operator.The normalized coherence functions have been calculated for

    the case of n =2 by Dodd et al. 49 using Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory in the Popov approximation, whichshould be valid for large condensate fractions. In contrast theclassical field result should be applicable as long as our as-sumption of high mode occupancy is satisfied.

    Using the ergodic averaging procedure see Sec. IV B weevaluate Eq. 23 for the cases n =2 and n =3. The results,shown in Fig. 4, are for the case of C=2000 in the pancakegeometry trapping potential x =8 and y = 1. For refer-ence, we note that Fig. 1a corresponds to a single profileused for the results in Figs. 4a and 4d, and similarly Fig.1b corresponds to a single profile used for the results inFigs. 4c and 4f. These coherence functions were evalu-

    ated by angular averaging about the symmetry axis in the x=0 plane in addition to the time averaging and are plottedagainst the radial distance from the trap center in that plane.

    The coherence functions provide a useful characterizationof quantum fields. For instance gn =1 for coherent fields suchas a laser, whereas gn = n! for thermal light fields. These fea-tures are clearly apparent in our results for the matter-wavefield. When a condensate is present it occupies the center ofthe trapping potential and dominates the thermal fraction ofatoms in this region. This is clearly seen in Figs. 4a and4d, where for a condensate fraction of 87%, there is a shapetransition from coherent behavior gn = 1 near the trap cen-ter, to thermal behavior gn = n! at a radius of approximatelyr= 5x


    .In Figs. 4b and 4e the same qualitative behavior is

    seen; however, the smaller condensate fraction approxi-mately 24% for this case causes the boundary between co-herent and thermal regions to be closer to the trap center.Also, the coherence near the trap center is suppressed i.e.,slightly increased from unity, indicating that the dominantthermal fraction of the system is penetrating into the regionof the condensate or is in some manner causing increasedfluctuations in the condensate mode.

    The results shown in Figs. 4c and 4f are for suffi-ciently high energy that the condensate fraction is zero. For

    this case we find the thermal behavior gn = n! is presenteverywhere in the system.


    The most interesting application of the PGPE techniquewill be to the nonequilibrium Bose gas. In many cases thiswill require a quantitative description of the incoherent re-gion, which is beyond the scope of this paper, but is thesubject of ongoing work 38. To give a qualitative demon-stration of a nonequilibrium application, we consider a sim-plified simulation of evaporative cooling using the PGPE.We emphasize that this is not intended for quantitative com-parison with experiment, but the calculation highlights sev-eral interesting features of the nonequilibrium dynamics, par-ticularly in relation to the identification of the condensateand demonstrates that the classical field evolving accordingto the PGPE rethermalizes to a new equilibrium state. Thesimulation results presented in Sec. VI A should be viewedas a demonstration of the type of calculations that should bepossible with a full description of both below and abovecutoff atoms. However, the analysis techniques we have de-veloped for the measurement of the condensate fraction inSec. VI B are a useful tool for the future.

    FIG. 4. Normalized coherence functions g2r and g3r seetext as a function of radial position in the x =0 plane averagedover angle about the symmetry axis and for various condensatefractions. The simulation parameters are the same as in Fig. 1, and

    all results are for the case Cnl =2000. For reference the coherent

    value gn = 1 and thermal value gn = n! of the coherence functionsare indicated as dotted and dashed lines in the plots, respectively.

    P. B. BLAKIE and M. J. DAVIS PHYSICAL REVIEW A 72, 063608 2005


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    A. Evaporative cooling simulation

    To perform a simulation of evaporative cooling, we beginwith the classical field in an equilibrium state above the tran-sition temperature. The cooling is implemented in a manneranalogous to that used in experiments: high-energy atomsthat are able to venture into regions far from the trap centerare selectively removed. We do this by absorbing the portionof the classical field which extends outside the spatial regionz9x0 i.e., setting it to zero at each time step of the simu-lation. This removes both normalization and energy fromthe field in between each time step, and the field evolvesunitarily during each time step. We note that for the initialstate considered which is the same as the state shown in Fig.1b only a tiny fraction of the field extends into this region,and so the normalization and energy of the classical field arelost relatively slowly during the cooling also see Fig. 6b.After 32 trap periods the cooling mechanism is turned offand the system is allowed to evolve and rethermalize for asubsequent 20 trap periods. A summary of the classical fielddynamics at instances during this simulation is shown in Fig.5. The initial momentum and position profiles are shown in

    Figs. 5a and 5e respectively. After approximately 20 trapperiods of cooling a momentum peak has developed in thedistribution near k = 0 see Fig. 5b. During these earlystages of growth the condensate undergoes strong sloshingand breathing dynamics as fierce mixing occurs between theforming condensate and other low-lying quasiparticle modes.The images in Figs. 5c and 5g show the field at the end ofthe evaporative cooling 32 trap periods. These figures showa large condensate centered about zero momentum see Fig.5c and a relatively settled position distribution see Fig.5g. The condensate exhibits breathing dynamics; however,this is significantly quenched relative to the strong dynamicsseen at earlier stages of condensate growth. The condensate

    at the end of the rethermalization period is shown in Figs.5d and 5h.

    B. Time-dependent condensate fraction

    From the momentum-space images of Fig. 5 it seemsquite obvious when a Bose-Einstein condensate has formed.A sharp peak suddenly appears in momentum space, whereasthere is no such clear signature in the real-space distribu-tions. We note that the momentum-space images are on alogarithmic scaleso the peak is even more obvious using alinear scale. However, in Ref. 11 it was stated that the timeaveraging inherent in the imaging process of real experi-ments was essential for the splitting of the system into acondensed and noncondensed fraction. Our results are inclear disagreement with this conclusion, and it is at leastqualitatively apparent that condensation has occurred from asingle image of the classical field.

    To quantitatively investigate this observation and to ex-amine the growth of the condensate, we first apply thePenrose-Onsager approach discussed in Sec. V A 1 to theevaporative cooling simulation. The cooling is only carriedout in one dimension, and so the dynamics proceed ratherslowly. Thus it seems that we should be able to estimate theone-body density matrix at a given time by time averaging

    over short periods. We calculate the condensate fraction attrap period intervals by averaging the one-body density ma-trix over that interval by summing the classical field at 30discrete instances during that interval and diagonalizing it.The results are shown in Fig. 6a as open circles. Due to thefinite time over which we are able to average, the initialcondensate fraction calculated is nonzero despite the initialstate having zero condensate fraction. Because the system isnot in equilibrium during the evaporation, it is not clear thatthe Penrose-Onsager approach is applicable; however, thecharacteristic S-shaped curve we find in Fig. 6a is expectedtheoretically and has been observed experimentally see 50and references therein. Since the evaporative coolingmechanism is dissipative, particles and energy are lost fromthe system. The evolution of these quantities in the simula-tion are shown in Fig. 6b. This shows that during the cool-ing 74% of the particles and 88% of the energy in the clas-sical field is lost.

    FIG. 5. Color online Evolution of an evaporatively cooledmatter-wave field. ad Momentum-space density in the ky = 0

    plane, eh corresponding position-space density in the y = 0plane. The signs are used to indicate the zero coordinate in the

    plots for reference. The initial state for the simulation is shown in

    Fig. 1b, and the evaporation is applied until t= 64/z by settingx =0 for z9x0 during the simulation. Other parameters are asin Fig. 1.



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    The second approach we take is to fit bimodal distribu-tions to single-shot column densities of the classical field inmomentum space. This computational method mimics theactual experimental procedure that is used for fitting conden-sate plus thermal cloud absorption images in the laboratory.The fitting function is the sum of two Gaussian profiles ofdiffering widths, and three separate least-squares fits are car-ried out along each of the x, y, and z axes. Our fitting pro-cedure determines the boundary of the condensate, and thecondensate number is the integral of the column density inthis region less the estimated density of the thermal cloud. Itseems beneficial to fit column densities, as this averagesovers some of the fluctuations apparent in slices throughplanes of the classical field, in a manner reminiscent of thespatial averaging carried out in the realization of a singletrajectory in 35. A visualization of the results of this fittingmethod is displayed in Fig. 7.

    The results of this second method are also shown in Fig.6a as the solid curve, and the results are in remarkableagreement with the Penrose-Onsager approach. Thus itseems to us that the condensate fraction in a static harmonictrap can be estimated from a single-shot image of the classi-cal field, without any time averaging being necessary. Inhindsight this seems obvious, as this is the standard experi-mental procedure and it seems to have had some success.

    The time averaging that occurs due to the finite exposuretime in experimental imaging is only on the order of tens of

    microseconds 51, which is almost instantaneous on thetime scale of the matter-wave dynamics. In particular thismust be the case for nondestructive techniques such asphase-contrast imaging; otherwise, little information wouldbe gained. Intuitively the Penrose-Onsager approach shouldrequire averaging over a time scale of the order of a trapperiod. Thus it seems to us that the claim that time averagingis necessary to identify the condensate in Ref. 11 is incor-rect. Indeed, if imaging were performed using longer dura-tion exposures, photon recoil effects on the atoms woulddominate over any averaging of the matter-wave dynamicse.g., see Sec. 3.5.2 of Ref. 52. A question of interest ishow the methods we have used here would perform instrongly nonequilibrium situations; however, we leave thisinvestigation for future work.

    As a final remark, we again wish to emphasize that thesimulation example neglects physical processes which wouldbe important in a quantitative model of an evaporative cool-ing experiment. This arises through our ignorance of the in-coherent region which would be responsible for the signifi-cant transfer of particles and energy into the coherent region.However, this model does help to illustrate the rather com-plex dynamics that occurs in the coherent region as it re-sponds to the selective removal of high-energy components.The PGPE method models the complete nonperturbative dy-

    FIG. 6. Growth of condensate and loss of energy and normal-

    ization during evaporative cooling process. a The condensate frac-tion of the total remaining classical field. The open circles are cal-

    culated by diagonalizing the one-body density matrix estimated by

    time averaging over two trap periods, while the solid curve is cal-

    culated by fitting bimodal distributions to single shots as described

    in the text. b The classical field energy dashed line and normal-ization solid line as a function of time. The point of time at whichevaporation is stopped is marked by a vertical dotted line. Simula-

    tion parameters are explained in Fig. 5.

    FIG. 7. Example of the bimodal fitting procedure for a single

    shot of a classical field with a condensate fraction of about 0.24. aThe image on the left is the column density of the classical field,

    while the image on the right is the bimodal fit. b A slice throughanother column density of the same field. The open circles are the

    data points and the solid line is the fitted curve.

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    namics of the low-lying modes and is naturally suited toconsidering nonequilibrium situations such as evaporativecooling.


    In this paper we have presented an efficient numericalscheme for implementing the projected Gross-Pitaevskiiequation formalism in three-dimensional harmonic trapswithout any axis of symmetry. The main feature of thisscheme is that it implements a consistent energy cutoff in theharmonic oscillator basis and is suitable for efficient and ac-curate numerical simulation on modern computer worksta-tions. As an application of the method we have used it tosimulate a finite-temperature PGPE system in an anisotropicharmonic trap both above and below the critical temperature.Using the ergodic hypothesis we have obtained equilibriumquantities such as the condensate fraction and the tempera-

    ture for these simulations and have calculated the second-and third-order normalized coherence functions. As a non-equilibrium application we have used the PGPE to demon-strate the growth of a condensate from an evaporativelycooled thermal cloud. We have managed to identify the con-densate fraction in this calculation from both the diagonal-ization of the time-averaged density matrix, as well assingle-shot column densities in momentum space of the clas-

    sical field.


    P.B.B. would like to thank Charles W. Clark of NIST forsupport during the initial stages of this work and the OtagoLasers and Applications Research Theme for the computa-tional resources essential to the calculations reported. M.J.D.acknowledges the support of the Australian Research Coun-cil Centre of Excellence for Quantum-Atom Optics and theUniversity of Queensland.

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