Overview of Social Media: Trends, Stats, and What It's All About

Post on 12-May-2015

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Putting social media history, trends, and usage in perspective for businesses getting started. This overview of social media also includes ways that businesses are using social media to succeed. This was developed jointly by Talia Klein @TalTalk of Sparkeo.com, and Debra Askanase @asdebra of Community Organizer 2.0. To the best of our knowledge, all pictures used are Creative Commons and have been attributed.Please contact us on Twitter if you have any questions or would like a copy of the presentation.

Transcript of Overview of Social Media: Trends, Stats, and What It's All About

Social Media Overview

Practical Information and Why You Should Care

Kishor Social Media Conference

About the presenters

Debra AskanaseCreative Director and Social Strategist,Community Organizer 2.0

Former nonprofit executive director, program director, business strategist.

Talia KleinDirector of Community and Social Media, Sparkeo.com

Formerly community manager at Metacafe and product manager at several international companies.

All referenced material is stored on Delicious.com http://delicious.com/tag/kishorjeru

Post-presentation resources



Social Media Is…

A platform for conversationhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/crystaljingsr/3915515536/in/set-72157622354789320/

Encourages group conversation



Utilizes the Power of Weak Ties


Is organic and emergent



Includes viral elements





Reviews and Opinions

The old way is static

The old way is static

The old way is static

The old way is static

The new way is dynamic

The new way is dynamic

The new way is dynamic

The new way is dynamic

The new way is dynamic

Why should you care about social media?


Because, contrary to what your mother told

you to avoid

Everyone’s doing it!

Radio -

First – a bit of history: Number of years to reach 50 million users

Sources: United Nations Cyberschoolbus Document and Mashable

38 years

TV - 13 years Internet - 4 years

Facebook - Added 100 million users in less than 9 months

90% of people trust recommendations by people they know

(Nielsen report, Global Advertising: Consumers Trust Real Friends and Virtual Strangers the Most, 2009


(Nielsen report, Global Advertising: Consumers Trust Real Friends and Virtual Strangers the Most, 2009

70% of consumers trust recommendations of

consumers they don’t know


Social network and blogging sites are now the 4th most popular activity

online, even ahead of personal email (Nielsen Report, Global Faces and Networked Places, 2009)

Time spent on social networks and blogging sites is growing at over

3 times the rate of overall Internet growth(Nielsen Report, Global Faces and Networked Places, 2009)

(Nielsen Report, Global Faces and Networked Places, 2009)

Consequently, social networks and blogs are taking away from the share

of time held by other sectors

“Technology is shifting power away from the editors, the publishers, the establishment, the media elite. Now it’s the people who are taking control.” – Rupert Murdoch

Social media is democratizing communications, making it all-to-all

instead of one-to-all


2/3 of the GLOBAL population visits social networks

Source: Universal McCann Comparative Study on Social Media Trends, 2008http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/social_networks_growing_while_other_social_media_sites_stagnate_and_decline.php

Social Media Trends 2006-2008

2/3 of the GLOBAL population visits social networks


(Nielsen Report, Global Faces and Networked Places, 2009)

Estimated worldwide audience: 625 million


That’s 1 in 13!

Estimated worldwide audience: 625 million


Social networking continues to lead


… while other activities are stagnating

Social networking demographics


Social networking demographics


Old news: “If Facebook were a country, it would be the 8th most populated in the world” - Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook Founder, Jan 7, 2009.

Old news: “If Facebook were a country, it would be the 8th most populated in the world” - Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook Founder, Jan 7, 2009.

New news: It’s number 4


Social technographics ladder of engagement


* 93% of Americans believe that a company should have a presence on social media sites

Source: Cone Business in Social Media Study, 2008

* 85% believe that these companies should use these services to interact with consumers

So listen.

And talk.

And listen.

And talk.

And listen.

People are talking about your brand right now. Are you listening?


So what should you do?



Figure out your social media goals

Define a strategy


Define your ROI


Listen and get into the conversations


• Twitter• Twitter Search• Blogs• Technorati• Google Blog Search• Forums• RSS• Google Alerts• Social Mentions


Set the conversation free. Don’t try to control it.

Most importantly, DO NOT assumesocial media will solve your problems.


Most importantly, DO NOT assumesocial media will solve your problems.


It won’t.

Don’t sit back and wait for things to happen.


Don’t sit back and wait for things to happen.


They won’t.

What social media CAN do:

• Improve customer service• Help retain customers• Increase word of mouth exposure• Reach a large, potentially infinite, audience• Increase transparency

Social media case studies

Conclusion: It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money.

Conclusion: Social media isn’t all about ROI, but financial profit can happen.

Conclusion: Be friendly, real, and honest. A great personality helps.

Social media case studies


Social media helps businesses succeed

Social media helps businesses succeed


Social media helps businesses succeed


Social media helps businesses succeed

Blog YouTube

Facebook Twitter

It’s all connected


Where is social media heading?


Universal search is a game changer

Universal search is a game changer

Thank You!debra@communityorganizer20.com @askdebra

talia@sparkeo.com @TalTalK