Overview of LTI Graduate Programs Alon Lavie (filling in for Robert Frederking) Language...

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Transcript of Overview of LTI Graduate Programs Alon Lavie (filling in for Robert Frederking) Language...

Overview of LTI Graduate Programs

Alon Lavie(filling in for Robert Frederking)

Language Technologies InstituteCarnegie Mellon University

August 2004


The LTI MS and PhD Degrees

• Master in Language Technologies (MLT):– Intended primarily as a professional degree– Curriculum designed for maximum flexibility; students

allowed to be narrow in focus– 1-2 year program

• PhD in Language Technologies:– Intended to create new LT advanced researchers in

academia and industry– Designed to give broad, deep education; requires

demonstration of research competence– Normally 4-6 year program


The LTI Student Body

• Statistics as of August 2003:– 58 LTI PhD students

• 12 in “thesis mode”

– 32 MLT students• 16 were expected to graduate by Spring 2004


Masters in Language Technologies

• LTI MS Requirements:– 120 units of senior-to-graduate courses

• Including at least 6 LTI courses and 2 other “SCS”

• Can include 12 units of Directed Research

– Within those units, student must pass:• Both 11-711 Alg for NLP and 11-791 SoftEng I, and

• Either one lab, 11-792 SoftEng II, or a project Masters Thesis

• One “Task Orientation Focus” course

– Masters Thesis is optional!! (but propose by Oct. Y2)

• Bob’s recommendations:– If you want to apply for a PhD, research results are the

most important thing• Demonstrate either in directed research or 11-792


Masters in Language Technologies

Typical Progression:• Semester 1: two 12 unit course• Semester 2: two 12 unit courses + one 6

unit lab• Semester 3: two 12 unit courses + one 6

unit lab• Semester 4: two 12 unit courses• (+ 12 units of directed research (11-910))


PhD in Language Technologies:

• LTI PhD Requirements:– Course work:

• No more than 2 courses per semester (new!)

• At least 6 LTI courses and 2 other “SCS” courses

• Of those, at least one from each “Focus Area”, and at least two 6-unit lab courses (which are ½ course each)

• Senior level undergrad courses do not count

– Proficiencies:• Writing, Presentation, Programming, Teaching (2 TA-ships)

– Thesis Proposal (one week advance notice)

• Thesis Committee: advisor, two other “LTI”, one external

– Thesis Defense (one week advance notice)


PhD in Language Technologies

• General Recommendations:– Pick your advisor carefully

• Fairly easy (and not uncommon) to switch advisors, but…

• Switching after 2nd year will often delay progress

– Spend at least ½ time on research, starting in the first semester


LTI Student/Advisor “Marriage” Process

• Formalizes a previously informal process• Does not apply to already-funded MLTs• The Process:

– Student goes to all research talks, meets one-to-one with faculty of interest as soon as possible

• If you consider faculty outside of LTI, tell Bob immediately!!

– Student indicates 1st, 2nd, and maybe 3rd choice for advisor– Faculty indicates number of new students desired and preferences – Whole faculty meets as “Marriage Committee” to find optimum


• Most students will get their preferred match (assuming the advisor wants them and can support them)


Funding Process for MLT Students

• No central “clearing-house” for matching students with advisors

• Students search for a project/advisor to fund them as an RA anytime after admission notification

• Common that some students arrive in the fall (i.e. now) without a project lined up to support them

• No guarantees, but most if not all students that need funding find a project within their first semester

• Go to IC research talks and talk with the faculty!• Some matches are worked out during the PhD “marriage”

committee meeting• Bob Frederking is the “acting” advisor for all self-funded

MLT students


Semi-Annual Student Evaluationaka “Black Friday”

• Faculty meeting at the end of each Fall and Spring semester to evaluate the progress of all students enrolled in our graduate programs

• Entire LTI faculty attends, every individual student is discussed

• A BF evaluation letter is sent to each student; short is good…

• Student “Statement for BF” filled out by all students at the end of the semester

• Your advisor is your advocate!– It’s important that your advisor know what you’ve been doing!– It’s important that your advisor think you are doing well!


General Issues

• Come see (or email) Chris or Bob at the start of each semester

• Everyone gets an advisor in first semester – Marriage Process

• Register for at least 48 units every semester– See LTI web pages for available courses: http://


– At least 24 units of Directed Research ( “at least ½ time on research”). New version of 11-910: Directed Research.

– ABD in absentia (ABS) is 5 units, after you defend

• somewhat new: “Research Speaking Requirement”

• somewhat new: 40-unit Summer Research course

• LTI Department Handbook is online (under “Education”)– Reasonable Person Principle


CMU Policy on Cheating/Plagiarism• “In any presentation, creative, artistic, or research, it is the

ethical responsibility of each student to identify the conceptual sources of the work submitted. Failure to do so is dishonest and is the basis for a charge of cheating or plagiarism, which is subject to disciplinary action. [etc.]”

• It’s generally good to build on the work of others, but you must cite them.

• For classes - follow the instructions about what is allowed and disallowed, especially for HW assignments!

• In case of doubt, ask the course instructor!– If you don't want to ask, it's probably wrong to do!

• There is a link to the unpleasant details from the LTI Handbook.


What to register for Fall Semester

• No more than 24 units first semester (plus 24 units of Research 11-910)– Self-funded could register for 36, but plan on dropping

one course if picked up by a project.– If you think you’re an exception, talk to Bob

Frederking asap.• Most students: 11-711 and 11-721• Speech-oriented: 11-711 and 11-751• IR-oriented: 11-711 and 15-681/781• Masters students:

– For most, also 11-711 and 11-721– 11-682 if you have little or no background in CS or

Linguistics (or too weak for 11-711)– Your advisor may have other specific suggestions.