Overcoming Emotional Upheaval As An Online Marketer

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Overcoming Emotional Upheaval As An Online Marketer

How to Tell When You're Heading For An Emotional Wall of Pain

Presented by: Michelle Spiva, M. Div, MBA, MA-Psych

This presentation and the actions of the presenter, Michelle Spiva, is not meant to diagnose or practice medicine, therapy or any other therapeutic action. It is provided as a non-medical lifestyle advice guide for personal exploration of human performance and personal development. Any information presented that coincides with actual medical ailments is purely incidental and not meant to supplant or replace the advice and attention of your medical doctor or practitioner. As always, if any information contained therein encourages you to seek further information about its possible affects to your overall health, please consult a medical professional.

]That unseen force, like gravity acting in direct opposition to your goals, dreams, desires and actions towards your vocational calling.]

AKA: Creativity and Productivity


t Busy workt Numbness/Apathyt Low Productivityt Confusiont Loss of Concentrationt Declining Healtht External Obstacles

Here are a few…

6 Change6 Unprocessed feelings, emotions & thoughts6 Opposing Personality Types6 Unrecognized or Unresolved Shock Points6 Emotional Shock/Trauma6 Dreaded situations, events & activities6 Financial Obstacles, difficulty, lack, etc.6 Unfamiliar processes, new skills, training6 Lack of clear plan, system, organization, etc.

Physical Symptoms Migraines Back and Knee Aches Self-Medicating:

Upper/Downer drugs, alcohol, coffee, smoking

Body Aches (including teeth, muscle and joint pain)

Escapism Memory loss

Emotional Fatigue Insomnia Depression (Repressed

Anger) Forgetfulness Excessive Daydreaming Lessened or Increased

Libido (more than personal norm)

Emotional escape

z Knowing your Emotional Triggersz Recognizing Emotional Fatiguez Building the skill of Emotional Intelligence & managementz Building a support systemz Rebounding from past hurts, regrets and mistakesz Making peace with Ego, Soul and Spirit

How to Stage an Emotional Comeback

{ Acknowledge your state of being right now { Be honest with yourself and others in your inner circle{ Move Your Body{ Talk, write or express out the issue(s){ Develop a regular regimen for emotional healing, growth and intelligence to support your life and business needs{ Make a personal commitment and contract to stay the course of emotional wellbeingGet a confidante, be a confidante

t Daily Ritual, Habit or Routine that reinforces your Emotional healtht Body Movement and MindfulnessResist Resistancet Be ready for plateaus and old habits that try to resurfacet Have Emotional cleansing days, moments or exercisest Pay close attention to feelings first, THEN thoughts and not vice versa

D Quickly embrace your new habit of whole body health, wisdom and maintenance (no denial or ignorance)D Allocate Resources to support continued whole body health that includes mental and emotional supportD Add a trusted mental/emotional advisor, counselor, therapist, or the like to your staff of business professionals (put him/her on retainer if possible)D Establish health boundaries and emotionally intelligent practices in your business and personal life

To contact Michelle Spiva:Support@WiseMindMedia.Zendesk.com

Phone: _______________________
