Overcome Fear with Tapping | Sally Thibault - Sally Thibault

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Overcome Fear with Tapping | Sally Thibault - Sally Thibault

Overcome Fear with Tapping | Sally Thibault - Sally Thibault

On the first of every month, I create a ‘theme’ that I tap on for the entire 30 or 31 days. In the past I have

tapped on Success, Focus, Money etc. It is always amazing what blocks you can clear and what

opportunities present themselves when you are focused on one theme in particular.

This month’s theme is ABUNDANCE – abundance in all areas of my life – family, friends, health,

business and money.

This morning I had a huge ‘AHA’ moment. A realisation about how fear of failure, can hold you back from

experiencing abundance.

Yesterday I was talking to my daughter. She is currently living in Canada, following her dream to dance.

During a class she was singled out by the other dancers as the ‘dancer they most watch’. That coming

on the back of being chosen to be the leader of a performance routine they are currently working on.

Having danced for over 15 years, the blood, sweat and many, many tears are finally paying off.

Raising a child who dances gives you a lot of insight into how hard success really is and how overcoming

the fear of failure is a constant in life.

There have been many days where she was in pain after a particularly strenuous or complicated routine

the night before. There were tears and the occasional tantrum when she struggled with a particularly

difficult piece of choreography. Often times spending hours after class to perfect one seemingly effortless


Massages, physiotherapy, chiropractic – not to mention an operation on her ankle and many longs

months of rehabilitation, have gotten her to this point.

There have been many days when I wondered whether it was all worth it. But she is so passionate about

dance – any setbacks were never seen as failure, but simply opportunities to overcome and triumph! To

be a success in dance requires total belief in yourself, overcoming pain and discomfort and the continued

ability to get back up, every time you experience a setback.

Just like LIFE really!

For many of us however, the fear of failure can be paralysing, stopping us from moving forward into


The fear of failure often begins with a memory from our childhood. Perhaps we were ridiculed or made to

feel stupid for a poor test result, or stumbled over a word in the weekly spelling bee! Maybe the other

kids laughed, maybe the teacher chastised you, or perhaps you sensed the disappointment in your

parent’s faces.

What ever the response was to the event, the memory stays registered in the amygdala of the brain.

Often called the ’emotion’ centre, it the great ‘storer’ of all stories, whether they be right or wrong. In all

cases however, those memories of failing can be the trigger that now holds you back from experiencing

the success you are truly capable of.

That’s where tapping can help. It can help reduce the intensity of the emotion surrounding the fear, so

that you can think more rationally, and create more clarity around what you want to achieve.

Just because we ‘failed’ at something, does not make us a failure. However the fear of failure, based on

the memory of how we felt when we failed sometime in the past can paralyse us and stop us moving


Whether it is losing weight, starting a new business, or finding love again, how successful you are will

depend a great deal on how you decide to overcome the fear of that failure that is holding you back.

If you are struggling with the fear of failure – or feeling frustrated because you have failed in the past –

here is a tapping video that might help.