OUTSTANDING WORK - Headlands CE (C) J I & N School

Post on 17-Feb-2022

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Transcript of OUTSTANDING WORK - Headlands CE (C) J I & N School

Headlands Highlights September 2017

We hope you enjoy reading the first edition of Headlands Highlights for this academic year. We are sure you’ll

agree that we’ve had a great start to the year, the children and staff have been working incredibly hard and lots

of exciting things have happened!

OUTSTANDING WORK We held an Outstanding Work Assembly on 29/09/17. Congratulations to all of the

pupils below who received the award. Their work is now proudly displayed outside

Mrs Cocker’s office. Next time you pass, take a moment to stop and look! You’ll be

sure to see lots of amazing things including self portraits, pirate artwork, Viking

brooches, written instructions and WW2 PowerPoint presentations.

Nursery: Chloe Ainley

Reception: Max Rothery and Dehan Mapatuna

Year 1: Meisha Behbahni and Kora Hepworth

Year 2: Isla Stocks and Layla Rushforth

Year 3: Maisie Manning and Hannah Devine

Year 4: Joel Philips and Fay Harwood

Year 5: Hayden Stevens and Tiana Sewell

Year 6: Olivia Nodder and Madison Gawthorpe


Thank you to all families

who donated silver coins for

our Jeans for Genes

non-uniform day. As a

school, we raised a total of

£185.55! Your kindness and

generosity will ensure that

children affected by genetic

disorders will be provided

with the vital support that

they need.


Nominations and voting procedures took place for pupils wishing to represent their classes on the School Council and

Collective Worship Committee. Congratulations to all those who were chosen - we know you are going to take your

responsibilities very seriously.

The School Council The Collective Worship Committee

Harshil, Grace, Ellis, Orla, Jaxon, Emme, Martha, Logan, Ellie,

Alfie, Kai and Eliza

Jacob, Jasmine, Ruby, Emily, Grace, Nicole, Charlotte, Lacey, Neve,

Ronnie, Molly and Daisy

Headlands Highlights Continued….


On Tuesday 12th September, the children in Y3 enjoyed spending a day in the school

woodland area completing activities which linked very closely to their Savage Stone Age

topic. A range of activities were led by instructors from Eden’s Forest. The children were

shown how to light fires using a flint and steel – it was very tricky! They also worked in teams

to build shelters using only willow and tarpaulin. In addition to this, they loved making their

own arrowheads using a range of materials including willow, flint and beeswax. They have

since written some sets of superb instructions to match their arrowheads, they thought very

carefully about how to set their instructions out logically so that they were easy to follow.


We are still in awe of these stunning pictures of Olivia Taylor in Y6.

Olivia, and a number of other pupils from Headlands, performed in

the TECDA 2017 Dancing Through Life show at the Lawrence Batley

Theatre in July. Her family described her performance as ‘AWESOME’

and we know that Olivia is incredibly proud to have performed in five

separate dances including a sensational solo routine. It’s clear to see

from the photographs that she wowed the audience when she took

on the role of Dorothy in Return to Oz. Well done Olivia - you really

are a star!


We absolutely love the huge

smile on Grace’s face in this

photograph. She recently

passed her Stage 4 Swimming

and I think it’s clear to see

that she is very proud of

this achievement.


Huge thanks to all families who supported our recent

book fair. With your support, we raised over £800

which means we have approximately £400 to spend

on books and resources for our school libraries.

We couldn’t do it

without you!

Headlands Highlights Continued….


On Tuesday 3rd October a number of children from

Key Stage 2 took part in the Kirklees Cross Country

Qualifier at Spenborough Athletics Track. The

children had to run an impressive 1900m! All pupils

who attended gave 110% and were great

ambassadors for our school. A special mention must

go to Seth Jackson and Max Broadley who came in

the top 3 resulting in them attending the finals at

Leeds Road Playing Fields. They didn't quite make the

regional finals but both boys tried their best and did

not give up even when they were up against some

really tough competition.


We are so grateful to Friends of Headlands for

contributing funds which allowed the Takeaway

Theatre Company to join us in school on Friday

6th October.

KS2 gathered in the hall where they viewed an

amazing production called ’Hope’ which was

delivered by four highly skilled actors. As the story

unfolded, the children were amused, excited and

at times even a little shocked as key messages

regarding anti-bullying were reinforced.

6 Cedar were inspired by the production and

continued the theme of anti-bullying in their class

assembly on Tuesday 17th October. They sang,

scripted their own role play and delighted us with

some excellent performance poetry.

Thank you Year 6!


We were delighted when Ollie in Y4

recently brought a medal to school to

show his friends and teachers. He

had received the medal when he

joined more than 1000 other people

to complete the third annual

Kirkwood Hospice Colour Rush at

Oakwell Hall. Well done Ollie!


We all know what a keen dancer Grace in

Y4 is and she has continued to impress us

with her achievements this half term. At

the beginning of October, Grace competed

in dance competitions at Batley Town Hall.

She performed in 5 solo dances and as a

troupe. Grace had a very successful day and

was placed in the top 4 for all of her

dances. At the end of the event, she was

announced runner up for her section.

This is fantastic news Grace - you really are

a talented performer!

Keep up the hard work!

Headlands Highlights Continued….


A huge well done to Nicole in Y4 who is pictured

here proudly holding a dance certificate that she

was recently awarded.

Nicole had to demonstrate many skilled moves in

order to impress the judges, including flipping up

onto her feet from the very difficult bridge


What great skills you have! Well done Nicole!


During the summer holidays, Joseph in 1C entered and won

an under 5’s Hobbycraft Kids Craft competition by

producing an amazing lion mask.

He won £100 worth of prizes and has also been placed on

the Hobbycraft kids panel which means he will be sent new

craft items in the future to test and review.

We are certain you will get lots of fun and enjoyment out of

the products you are sent Joseph. Congratulations and well



Year 2 caused chaos in school and terrified pupils and teachers during their AWESOME

pirate day on Monday 16th October. The fearsome pirates enjoyed a coordinates quiz,

raft races, a treasure hunt and a delicious sweaty sock stew and grog. Yum yum!

Headlands Highlights Continued….


On Wednesday 18th October, a group of children from Headlands School visited Leeds Kirkgate Market and had a

great time! They visited the first stall set up by Marks and Spencers, the fruit and vegetable market and ate their

lunch in the new 'Street food' hall. They learnt how to exchange money for items on a shopping list and purchased

items ready for making a fresh vegetable soup! They were well looked after by the stall holders and thoroughly

enjoyed using the local bus to get there. Well done all of you!


Children and adults had a SPOOKTACULAR time at the Friends of Headlands ‘Monsters Ball’ on Friday 13th

October. Everybody really got into the party spirit and dressed up in their most terrifying costumes to party the

night away! There was a competition for the best carved pumpkin and the monsters enjoyed a feast of pie and

peas, pizza, hot dogs and much much more!

Enormous thanks to the FOH team and their army of volunteers who work incredibly hard to make these exciting

events possible for the families at Headlands School.

Headlands Highlights Continued….


The pupils at Headlands are so fortunate that the Friends of

Headlands Team work hard to plan and organise events for us all to

look forward to every year.

Over the last 12 months the children have enjoyed the school fairs,

discos and the monsters ball. In addition to this, the Year 6 pupils had

lots of fun on their special leavers bowling trip. Within the last year,

FOH have also supported enrichment events such as the popular

Maths Day, continued to develop our amazing woodland area and

fundraised for new equipment for the children to play with during

break times.

As we are sure you will understand, any PTA association is only as

strong as the people who contribute to it. Unfortunately, we are

becoming increasingly concerned about the long term sustainability

of our PTA. Over the next year or so the FOH Team is likely to

become much smaller as a number of the parents who currently

make huge contributions will no longer have children at Headlands

School. It would be an enormous shame if the FOH Team ceased to

exist and unfortunately school staff would not have the time to plan

and organise the events mentioned above.

The FOH Team are desperate for new members who can volunteer

regularly, contribute fresh ideas and who are keen to learn and take

on additional responsibilities in the future.

If you think you might be able to help in

2017/18 please express your interest by

contacting Mrs Drummond in school.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

Upcoming Events...

30/10/17 - School Opens

02/11/17 - Y6 Remembrance visit to Christ Church

03/11/17 - Y5 Trip to Yorkshire Sculpture Park

10/11/17 - Outstanding Work Assembly

14/11/17 - 5 Maple’s Class Assembly

14/11/17 - Y6 Trip to Eden Camp

17/11/17 - Y4 Visit to Yorvik

17/11/17 - Children in Need non-uniform day

21/11/17 - 5 Sycamore’s Class Assembly

22/11/17 - Y5/6 Athletics

22/11/17 - Road Safety Shows

29/11/17 - FOH Xmas Discos

01/12/17 - FOH Xmas Fair

06/12/17 - Trust Carol Service

13/12/17 - KS1 Concert

14/12/17 - KS1 Concert

18/12/17 - Children’s Gift Day + Y3/4 Xmas Parties

19/12/17 - Y5/6 Xmas Parties

20/12/17 - EYFS + KS1 Xmas Parties

21/12/17 - Christmas Service

21/12/17 - School Closes