Out of this world sea creatures - SMALLBERRY GREEN

Post on 09-Nov-2021

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Transcript of Out of this world sea creatures - SMALLBERRY GREEN


Out of this world sea creatures

Feather star

Mantis Shrimp

Leafy Sea Dragon

Hairy Frogfish


Create your own sea creature

Chose a task below to complete.

Task 1Design and

draw your very own sea creature.

Task 2Write a description of your very own sea creature.


All about shells


When you put a shell up to your ear, it sounds like the ocean, but

it really isn’t. You’re actually hearing an echo from all the

sounds around you . . . jumbled into a big whoosh. (You can still

pretend, though!)

Some beaches are almost completely covered in shells. At Shell Beach (Western Australia) you’ll find miles and miles of

shells up to 32 feet deep—that’s as high as a three-story house.

Have you ever seen a shell?


Reading task

Can you read the following sentences out

loud to an adult?

WednesdaySea horse Clown fish

What do they eat?Seahorses eat small creatures, such as shrimp. An adult eats 30-50 times a day. Seahorse fry (baby seahorses) eat a staggering 3000 pieces of food per day.

Where do they live?Seahorses live in shallow weedy areas especially eel grass beds. In winter, they move into deeper waters to escape the rough weather.

What do they eat?Clownfish are omnivores, which means they eat meat and plants. They typically eat algae, zooplankton, worms and small crustaceans, according to the National Aquarium.

Where do they live?There are at least 30 known species of clownfish, most of which live in the shallow waters of the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, and the Western Pacific. They are not found in the Caribbean, Mediterranean, or Atlantic Ocean.


Writing taskWrite a sentence about each of the under water creatures you see here. Use the keys words in

the box to help you.


Guess the sea creature

Match the description to the picture.

Puffer fish

I have dangerous spines all over my body. I can blow myself up to be twice as big when I am in danger!


I can grow to be the largest animal on earth. I have to come up to the surface to breathe.


I have long tentacles which hang from my body. I don’t have any bones and I am see-through.

SharkI have very rough sharp skin. I have sharp teeth

and eat other fish.


I spy…

Challenge 1: Can you name the items or creatures in the

picture? Tell an adult what you can see.

Challenge 2: Pick 3 items from the pictures. Can you make one sentence for each word you have chosen? E.g. I can see a big

whale. The puffer fish is round. Whales have fins.

Challenge 3: Can you write a beautiful story. Your story must

include 4 items from the picture. I wonder what will

happen in your story?

Pick a challenge to complete.


Sea Snakes

• Sea snakes feed on eels and other small fish.

• Some sea snakes go on land to lay their eggs. Others lay their eggs in caves that open into the sea. Some give birth at sea.

• Sea snakes are reptiles and need to breathe air.

• Sea snakes move by wriggling like an “S”.

• A sea snake can hold its breath for 2-3 hours!

Do you know

anything else about

sea snakes?


Challenge time

Talk to a grown up about how to stay safe

around water.

Find out 3 facts

about a creature

that lives in the sea.

There are lots of fishin the sea, can you

think of 3 other words that end with ‘sh’?

Imagine you have found a magic shell. If

you could have one wish, what would it

be? Draw a picture to

show us what it would be.

Pick one task to complete. Try and

challenge yourself.