Our Town June 27, 1930

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Transcript of Our Town June 27, 1930

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 27, 1930



    I l . t ,RBERTH CO:,1i.:U:JITY L IBRARYW [ i J ~ S O R AVE,flA RB ER TH , P A.

    Volume 16, No. 37 Narberth, Pa., Friday, June 27, 1930 Price, Three CentsAppeal to Citizens

    For 4th Donations

    Early Copy Requested

    As it has always been and a lway swil l be, unt il t he curtain drops on timeno more. or until a people is bereft ofall fine tradition and unmindful o f thefirm footings which were war-won forthem ilol bloodstained battlefield, Narberth plans to observe the anniversaryof the nation 's birth in a manner whichshall fillingly correspond with the contrihution which these parts made tothe epochal drama of long ago, thanwhich no other section of America mayc la im a more exal ted share.The old-time, well-established ruleswill govern, of co urse th ey will, with

    t he cos t of th e affair bei ng s ha red bya ll t he folks. Each one will be askedonce for what He or She wil l give,only once, bu t s everal r emainder s, solax we somet imes are in f o r g e t t i n ~vital things.Simultaneously then, with thi. publ ication, the official letter is going out ,a personal copy to all o f th e elect, and

    only t hose for whom l ife is worn wil lbe so casual as to give it the at tentionwhich belongs to t he dead-gras s ofyester-year.To alert men and women, whose

    hope i s high and spirit strong, the summons wil l be accepted a s f rom one beloved, i ns tanter to be observed. Themeasure of t he ir int er es t and devotionto be dispatched ever so quickly t o Mr.McCrery at the bank, who will make



    Annual Celebration on Nation's.Birthday to Be Popularly


    Due to the 4th of July fallingon Friday next, the publicat ionand closing date for this paperwill he moved exact ly one dayahead.The co-operation of corre

    spondents and advertisers in getting news items and ad copy tous a day carly will b e duly ap preciated.May we wish you all a joyous

    Fourth and a pleasantly elongated week-end.

    Start Summer ScheduleNarberth's grocery s to res and meat

    markets will c lo se Wednesday aft e rnoons during t he re st of t he summer,in o rd er t ha t employe es may haveamid-week half holiday. I t is expectedthat patrons will co-operate by placingtheir \Vednesday orders early formorning delivery.Tailors here will observe hal f hol idays dUI ; . , ~ the s umme r b y c lo sin g

    their es tablishments at 1 P. M. onSaturdays.

    New Subscription RateEffective with our next issue

    the sUhscript io n pr ic e o f OurTown will he $2.00 per year.This is in accordance with thepre va ili ng rat e for communityweeklies. and is more in l ine with1930 printing costs.New suhscriptions or renewalsr eceived hy Monday night next,J Lme 30, will be t ak en at t he old

    rate of $1.50.

    BaJa-Cynwyd figured mor e p romi nently in the news of the land thisweek than even t he t ime when Paul

    Breaks Own WindowNo one h eaved a brick through thewindow of the o ldes t store in Narberth

    Tuesday aft ernoon; it was "Pop"Howard E . Dav is himself who did thedeed. P erc he d o n a step-ladder, hewas working on a screen door whenthe ladder gave way. By good for tunehe escaped injury, although he madequite a hole in the plate glass window.

    Sidelights of M'lnday'sMarriage at St. Asaph's

    Weds ToMorrow

    To Discuss ~ G r e e n Pastures'

    -Pho to b ~ Bachrach.Miss Mabel Kirkpatr ick, daughterof Mr. and Mrs . W. J. Kirkpatrick,of Narbe rt h, who se mar ri ag e t o Mr.Walter F. Hunsicker, of Allentown,will take place tomorrow afternoonin the Narbe rt h P re sbyt er ia nChurch.

    They Go FishingJoseph P. \Vhite, Postmaster J . Ber

    tram Nesper and Charl es Funk wentfishing yesterday (Thursday) offGreenwich , New Jer sey. They werescheduled to l ea ve Narberth 3 A. M.

    HSpirit of Rotary" Subjectof Keirn's Talk at Club

    Scull made the All-American footballt eam as cap ta in of the U. of P. eleven.IIIiss Mary Todhunter Clark, charm

    ing daughter of Mr. and Mrs. PercyHamilton Clark, became the bride of~ r. Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller, mode st , we ll -l ik ed son of Mr. and Mrs.Attend Convention John D. Rockefe ll er , Jr., at 4:30

    T o'clock Monday af ternoon. The Rev.Ralph S. Dunne, ShIrley Road, Nar- B . . N B' d f d thenJamm . Ir per ortlle I' cere-berth. and Raymond L. Watrous, of Imony in St. Asaph's Church, Bala.Avon Road. Narherth, attended the In- Long before the e ve nt th e invitedternational Rotary Convention held at Iguests commenced a rr iv ing, i n a costlyChicago t hi s week as the official dele- procession of sleek and pur ri ng car s.gates of the Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth Outside the church hundreds of uninRotary Club. vited guests congregated, to admire

    t he d re ss es and enj oy the sweet musicand the solemn choked feeling thatt hr il ls those who attend weddings.Pedestrians and police officers in the

    neighborhood were ke pt bu sy directin g ch au ffe ur s an d ta xi dri vers to St .Asaph's. . . . William, the sexton,checked more high h ats th an eve r be fore in his life. . . . After it wasall over, reporters for daily papersmad e d ru g s tore telephones in BalaCynwyd the recipients o f man y coinsand adject ives. . . . Before all t heguests had lef t the church good housewives and other s in the neighborhoodwandered in to admire t he f ern s andflowers. . . . One woman wal kedup the aisle with a bul ldog under h erarm. . . . Children trooped in finally, and became disorderly, so t ha t itbecame neces sary to c lo se the chu rch.. . And meanwhile a reception wasgoing on at "\Villoughby," the peaceful, l ovely C la rk e st at e at BelmontAvenue and Righters Ferry Road,where cost ly gif ts f il led many a room,and where comment concern ing thebr ide and groom was made by many aguest: "What a splendid match ; wha tfinl' young people they arel"


    "The spirit o f R ot ary " was the subje ct o f a talk by Hervey C. Keim att he weekl y lu ncheon of the Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary Club Tuesdaynoon. Mr. Keim d rew upon his experiences whi le the gue st of RotaryClubs in fa r-f lu ng sections of thecountry.Among the guests at the meeting

    were t he Rev. Frank Duncombe, newpastor of the Bala-Cynwyd MethodistChurch, and And rew Green, a formerresident of Narberth for eightel .'nyea rs , who now l ives in Evanston, 111.

    The Book Rev iewe rs will meet inthe l ib ra ry a t 10:30 A. M. Thursday,July 3. Nate t he change in the day,because of the holiday. Marc Connelly's play, "Green Pastures," wil l ber ead and d iscussed . A ll interested pers on s a re welcome.


    Results of Week's GamesThursday, June 19Penn A. C., 5; Narberth, I.SaturdayNarbl .' rth, 10; Brookline, 8.MondayNarberth, 5; Tenth \Vard, I.

    S tand ing o f t he LeagueW. L. Pct.

    ~ I e d i a __ .. 4 2 .666Berwyn __ .. .. _ 4 2 .666Narberth __ __ _ 2 3 .400I 'aol i ...._. __ __ __ 2 3 .400Brookline __ .. 2 4 .333

    Schedule for WeekTomorrow (Saturday), Media.Monday, June 30, J ac k Har t' sVeterans.Wednesday, July 2, Media A. A.(not league game).Persistence is evident in Nar

    berth's s low but steady climb fromthe cellar up the rungs of the ladder in the l\lain Line League.After taking a 5-to- l bea ting f romthe strong Penn A. C. team, composed ch ie fl y of col lege stars, theborough nine came back with vimto scalp Brookline 10 to 8, and followed this up with a 5-to-l winover the Te nt h \Va rd team on1\londay night. The team is nowtied for second place II I theleague.

    Five Runs in Last Two InningsOvercomes Seven.Run


    By John UbertiAft er s po tt ing t he B rook li ne Clubwith a seven-run lead last Saturdaywhich seemed as w id e as the Rock o fGibraltar, the Narberth Club gathereds te am and s hook up t he enemy in anunceasing barrage of fifteen base blowsto win in the final inning, t en r un s toeight. This victory placed t he Champions in a tie f or s econd place withthe Paoli nine while Brookline sunki nto the cellar position all alone.Howard Graham's offerings werenever moles ted before as t hey were inthis game as the visi tors battered himwith ferocity dur ing the first t hr ee inning for eight hits and seven runs. Aswuuld be expected at any ball gamewith a score as one-sided as this one,a great portion of the fans b eg an t oexi t f rom the diamond i n d ismay, g iv ing up al l hope of a spurt which might The meeting, which was well ?t surpass thi s mountainous score. Fo r tended, was the last under t he admmin the first four frames of the f ra y Su l- is tr at ion o f President W. Russelllivan's uni t a tt acked the diminutive Green. Induction o f n ew officers willslinger of fiery speed balls w ith a n in- ta ke p lace on Tuesday.cessant and monotonous collection ofnine nicks, while Narberth bats breezedin the wind with no s igns o f a ral ly .The Borough it es h ad onl y two h it s t othe ir c redi t as the game wen t i nt o th efifth st an za , and onl y once had a local


    :Narberth Bumps OffBrookline 10 to 8

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 27, 1930


    June 2'7, 1930HOWARD C. FRITSCH.Justice 01 the Peace

    REAL ESTATEFire Insurance--Best CompaniesPhone 4049-W 1Il1i B&'fertord An... .............................................. - . . . . - . . . - . ~ .... ..-.. .....- .

    recreation and health. Thist he enti re family, young and

    er. MAIN L INE residents for the first time can nowenjoy this outdoor game which is taking the entire countryby storm.er. Eighteen holes o f fun,del ight ful sport appeals toold, golfer and non-golfer.er. Beaut iful smooth greens, t reacherous sand t raps , andsparkling water hazards lend all the thril ls of a large course.er. Improves the put ting of exper ts and teaches the beginner the rudiments.Open from 9 A. M. to midnight. 35c until6 P. M., and 50c in the e'JIening. We furnishballs, clubs and score cards.


    Jus t as R a i nMakes the CropsGrow, So


    Play Golf . . .at' Bryn Mawr

    Opposite Seville Theatre on Lancaster Pike

    1-FOR Plumbi!1g CALLa: HeatingROBERT COMPTON

    109 Forest AvenueNarberth 2 ~ 1j -. .

    OUR TOWNeo . . : " . ~ _ iii: _ ..;., _z

    Forty Volumes Added toLibrary During June

    Page Two

    It Actu:ally PaysTo Remodel

    Miss Kirkpatrick toBe Bride Tomorrow atPresbyterian ChurchTh e marriage of Miss Mabel Kirk

    patrick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kirkpatrick , of Essex A v e n u ~ ,Narberth, an d Mr. Walter F. Hunsicker, son of Mrs. M. W. Snyder, ofAllentown, will take place tomorrow Books adllcd to t he l ib ra ry dur ingafternoon at 4:30 o'clock in the N ar- Junc, 1930: Non-Fiction. Iber th Presbyterian Church, The Rev, "Nature of t he Phy si ca l \Vo rl d, " b yIJohn Van Ness, pastor of the church, ,\, S, Eddington; "Lost Treasure," by 'will ofllciate, ,\. H. Vcrrill; "Essays," by Ralph\V aldo Eml 'r sun; "Table Talk or Orig-Th e bride, who wil l be given in mar- iual Essays," by \VilIiam Hazlitt;riage by her father, will wear a gown "'''orty-fuUl' Ess ays ," b y Christopherof white satin fashioned on the nel\ ~ oriel'; "Collected Poems." by Alf redstraight lines with a long court train :-ioyes; "Scandinavian Summer," hy H' Ifalling from the shoulders. Hc r , \, Franck ; " \Vhat Is Christian Edusleeves will be short and she will wear calion?" hy C. A. Coe; "Skyways," bylace mit ts . Her wedding veil will be William ~ itchell; "Reynard the Fox," Iof lace and tulle, the cap being of lace ! > ~ ' John 1\1 asefic1d; "Liherty," by E.from which falls a panel of lacl', D. Martin: "Lighthearted Journey," hySprays of orange blossoll ls will be fast \. II. Crel 'ne ; "Selected 1'0ell ls," hye ne d o n e ac h s id e of t he cap. She wilt 'onrad Aiken; "Adams Famil v, " hI''carry a sheath of calla lilies. I, T. Adanls; "\\ 'ho ~ ove'd t h wlrs. Thomas \V. Ja cks on , of Oak ' ~ I D n e ? " hI' Frank ~ f o r i s o n ; "TenLane, will serve as matron of honOl ~ I o d e r n I 'Ol ts ," hI ' Rica Brenner;and ,Miss :Margaret Kent will be the "The l ~ a v e n , " a liiography of Sammaid of honor. They will wear gown, !I Duston; "Sa in t Augus ti ne ," b y C io of yellow point de-esprit and yellol\ \'anl1; Papini.horsehair straw hats to match thei. Fiction.gowns, Their houquets will be 01 "0 Splendid Sorcery," by J, F, Italislllan roses and blue delphinium. Dwyer; "Shepherd of (iuadaloupe," hI'Mr. Jallles F. Hunsi cker , o f A ll en , I.ane Crey; "Chances," by A. li.town, a c ous in of t he bridegroom, will , i ibbs; "Candle in the \\'ilderness," hyac t as best man. The ushers wil l in , Irving Bachel ler; "?\el'cr the Twainelude 1111'. l{obert Miers, Mr. Arthul Shall Med," I,y l 'der B. Kyne; "HardGillespie aud Mr. ClitTord Bartholo- \Ioney." by C. B, Kellaud; "JackdawsJIlew, of A ll en town , a nd Mr, Richard S trut ." hy Harrid Henry; "AnitaT. Odiorne , o f Ge rman town. :\gret's," by Theodora Benson; " ~ I u l -Mrs . K irkpat ri ck , mother of the b er ry Squ ar e. " hy Lida Larrimore;,bride, will wear a model o f hydrangea "Hollud of Florence." hy Felix Salten; Ihlue chitTon and a horsehair straw hat "Immediate Family," hy Na lh ro Bar t- Ito match, He r corsage wil l he of pink l e\ ': "Case o f Roh er t Roher tson ," hI'r os es a nd !llue delphiniums. Sl'l'en Eln'stad; "Red \Vagon;" h;'_ Mrs . Snyde r, mother of the bride- Lady Eleanor Smith: "Fire of Youth ,"1groom, will wear a g ow n of p in k chif- hy Margan't l'edler: "Autocracy of-fan and a black l)aku straw hat. Her . ~ I r . Parham." by H. ( ~ \ \ lel ls: "Spriug Icorsage will also be of pink roses and Dust," hy Olil'e \Vadsley; "Young audhlue delphiniums, Sl'crd," hy A, G. Rosman, IA reception wjl l fol low tEe ceremony! Mystery and Detective Stories .at the home o f the bride's parents for' "The Other Bullet," hv N. B. Ma-the members of the ' hr idal par ty and I'itl': "Yorbhire l IIoorhind Murder,"the rel at iv es o f the bride aiI'd 'bride- b\"I. S. Fletcher: " India Ruhber Men,"groom. h)' 'Edgar \Vallace; "Valley o f C re ep -After a wedding' trip lIfr. Hunsicker i l 1 l ~ ~ f e n , " 1,, Ravhurn Crawley;and his bride wil l res ide in Allentowl1. " ~ urder in Paris," b ~ Alice Campbeil.J

    OPEN JULY 1st.

    ,A Small SumEach Week

    Placed in a special fund will resul t in readymoney when you need i t mos t for -VacationTaxesMortgage InterestCoal

    InsuranceSchool ExpensesIllness

    Ask us about it. We will gladly explain.OUR THRIFT CLUB!


    p.hon,., PAOL7250 , A_R_D_M_O_R_E """ '; '--I_ ,_ NARBERTH ,BALA-CYNWYD

    **Gillingham Lumber &Woodwork Co., Inc.Lincoln Highway, Paoli, Pa.


    'Yewillgladly offer suggestions, submit estimates andsupply dependable materials f ~ r ' modernizing, repairing or'painting, ),ourhome.

    , venience.

    Remodeling adds considerably more value to propertyi h ~ n : l ~ : ~ o ~ ! s - " - : - n o t counting improved appearance and con-. . ~ . . . . . .

    Owners of old properties;are finding that remodeling'roof designs, changing i n t e r i o ~ , : ~ r r a n g e m e n t s and exteriorlines are all sound investmentS, paying real dividends inincreased value.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 27, 1930


    June 27, 1930 OUR TOWN Page ThreeOwen star in "Such Men A re D an - The Firesidegerous," which plays at Narberth next Monday a nd Tuesday. Th e story is Mrs. DeLancey A. Camer on and h erabout the fate of a multi-millionaire elder son, Mr. Allen C a n ~ e r o n , ofwho disappears mysteriously f rom his Montgomer y Avenue r eturned reluxuri01's airplane while c ro ss ing the I cently from a ' week'; motor trip toEnglish Channel after h is beaut if ul Iwestern New York State the Thoubride.deserts him on the n ight of t he ir s an d Is la nd s a nd t he Adir'ondacks, reweddmg. Under another name he turning through Ihe l-ll1(lson River val visils a f amous p la st ic s ur geon and Icy.h ~ himself so t ransforI .ned that his M r. and Mrs. Frank Andn'w Schrepw l f ~ docs n ~ Iiuow. hlln when he fer, of (;rayling Avenue. Narberth , arcagam takes hIS place m soc ie ty , even receiving congratulations upon th fw he n h e makes ardent love to her. b ir th o f a daughter, June Anne Schrep-Narberth features for next \Vednes- fer, on June 13. ,day and Thursday are \Vinnie Light- :M is s Dor is Eames, of V/illiamsport,ne r in "Hold Everything" and next formerly a member of the NarberthFriday and Salurday, Fannie Brice in School faculty. will spend the summer"Be Yourself." in Europe. She will sai l fr01u NewPopular "talkies" scheduled for pres- Yark J un.e 30. ?n t!le " P ~ r i s . " Missentation soon at the Narberth Theatre Eames Will VISIt frIe nds m Narherthinclude "Under a Texas Moon," "The e n , ~ o u t e t.o New York. _Divorcee," "M ammy " an d ''In Gay I he !\IISS('S Low ~ n l ~ d l ~ a MasseyI\ladrid." have moved f rom Phlladelplua to Nar-To encourage attendance at the reg- b ~ r t h and will r (' si de in an apartmentular mat inees, held 2:30 P. M. daily,l WIth 1\lrs. !\Iabel Johnson, at 108 For-the theatre management is presenling Ics t A venue. .dresser-ware gifts to women in the I. T !\Ir. and Mrs. Pa.tr.lck OHara. ofaudiences. Narberth. a rc r ecelvJ ll g congratula-t io ns upon t he hirth of a son, JosephS p e a ~ i ! l g in round figures-nearly i 1 \ 1 ~ r t i n . o ' H ~ : a . , ! I ~ Ju.ne IR . .. , T two mllhon women are tr ,in to et .,,1 r. F r a n ~ 1 5 DI\ en and 1\1155 NanC)thin ) g g DIven. of PI tt sburgh, formerly of Nar-. berth. were the gues ts of their aunt.

    Charge Accollnts Welco1tled

    .. ,. , ,. , - - .. ,+ , .. ,+ .. 6-.


    2106-08 MARKET ST.

    We deliver twice daily toyou r neighbors.Philadelphia's best meatsare available for you, also.You have but to ask theoperator for Rittenhouse707o-or make use of ourpresent toll-free arrangement and call 65,200 ony ou r Ardmore, BrynMawr, Cynwyd, M ~ r i o nor Narberth local exchange.

    Our Meatsare as nearas your phone.

    Why not place a trialorder today? Ol lr meat sare the best-and our ..prices 'arc moderate.

    Sign 0/ But MratJ

    r v . ~ r : s : \Va,iter A. Kel ly , o f BrookhurstAvenue. last week-end.,Mrs. Kelly gave a lawn party onS\ltlf!a.,)' afternoon ill honor of MissDiven, to meet her former classmates.Amp.hg. those present 'were Miss AnnClf;t1fonte, 1\1 iss l ' e ~ g y Railey, M-issI-Iele.li Monks, Miss!'iluricl White, Mi.. Iaulcs Diven, of .. r 'JJiladelphia, Mrs.1\1 au

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 27, 1930


    FORE AND AFT JESS-IN FUNDiscr im inat ion i s indeed a strange -OUR m O ~ \ ' { 71\..." Jasmine's ever kcen intellect set 111ething. I t is f ound where one would -.J. \ ,W l . to thinking upon the subject. I myself

    think least of looking f or it, and not am neither sufficiently curious nor en-found whe re one has every reason to A Co,operatiYe Community N e w s M a g a ~ i n e , founded in 1914 by the Narberth ergetic to bes ti r mysel f a bout t he do-expect it. One has reason to expect it Cil'ic Association, and published eyery Friday at Narberth, Pa., by the Imestic bliss or difficulties of others; Ih ave a hard enough time achieving theon the :Main Line, for instance, and it LIVINGSTON PUBLISHING COMPANY former and prevent ing the latter inwas probably this consideration,above ' my own household. Jasmine broke thePHILIP ATLEE LIVINGSTON, President and General Manager 'I f ' Iall others, that brought the Hedgerow customary Sl ence 0 our dll1ner lourTheatre players to the Main Line las t ROBERT MOORE CAMERON, Editor to enquire how Mrs. Byrd and all theTHOMAS A. ELWOOD, Associate Editor little sparrows cotton to the Admiral'syear in their immensely interesting habit of spending months and 111 on thsrepertory of plays. They appeared first Of f i c e -258 Haverford Avenue, Narberth and months at op 'the var ious poles.at t he Anthony \Vayne Theat re and And I, a lso, wonder .hor de s o f Main Liners attended. But Telephone-Narbe r th 2545; if no answer, Ardmore 3100 We ordinary mortals arc con tent towhen, because of a well-founded belief visit the pol1s once every four yearsSUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE and even then consider ourselvcs over-on the part of the director, Jasper worked. The Admiral , however , is a 'Deeter, that acting when viewed past Entered AR second-class matter, Octoher 13. 1 91 4, at the Post Office at different mould of man, and countsthe twentieth row becomes puppetry, ,tllat day lost \V110Se 10\\' c!es'cendl'llgH d d t h Narherth, Pa" under the Ac t ~ March 3, 1879.e gerow move 0 t e more compact sun see s not ano ther pole discovered,Berwyn Theatre, the horde of what another country won. In betweenhad appeared to be the discr iminating i June 27, 1930 Ipol ar e xc ur si on s, t he Admi ral man-dwindled down to the select group who I . f 'can t ake t hei r art in barn- like struc- i age s to put m a ew Sideshows like thetures as well as in ornate movie pal-: I f light to Europe. Whatever kind of aaces. And it was not until this same I bird the Admiral is. he certainly cannothorde of the discr im inat ing had read' Justifying Themselves be cal1ed a homing pigeon.tl b t H d f I And now he must sigh for news1e raves a ou e gerow per orm- A rcmarkahly interest ing experimcnt in accidcnt I)revcntion is being \\'orlds to conCjuer. AII the poles of t111'Sances at Berwyn and the select attend- ., . _. ,ance at Berwyn that they attempted carned 111 t hc borough of NarkTth. 1 he results to datc would seem to world hav e been discovered and ex -to follow-but by t he n Hedgerow had makc ou t a line case f or t he "Thru traffic-Stop" systcm. amined and flown over , and soon willd d ' I . I ' be made into lecture material. Some-

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 27, 1930


    June 27. 1930 OUk1'OWN


    -' ,

    Qua k e r Swee tCream BUTTER,lb. . . . . . . 49C


    Clicquot Club SARSAPA.RILLA and Gol den or PaleDry GINGER ALE,bottleCase of 12 bottles


    ....2 cans for 9c

    .3 pkgs. for 35c...........................can IOc

    Just Call NARBERTH 4050

    Cotter's Market of fers these specialprices effective forthe week f rom Friday to Thursday,both days inclusive

    6 boxes for 19c. .. .. Small . 12c; Large . 23c

    oslit-Ike four1llone






    Timely HintsDiplomat Boned Chicken. ideal for hotweather menus.. .. can 49cHeart o f Maine APPLE SAUCE.................... .. 2 can s for 25cMyrtle Brand fancy PINK SALMON . can 17cBorden's Evaporated Milk .. tall can IOc

    .. .... .. .. .... 29c


    Please Note:c lo s e Wednesday Haverford Avenue, Narberthqfternoons during We Deli'JIer from City Line to Bryn Mawrthe summer months For the Best Food at Moderate Prices-and F.riendly Seryice____________ . ~ ~ ~ r o m p t _Deliyery,_TRy'-------

    P. & G. Chipso Flakes orGranules , large pkg...... ' 1 9 c

    Welch's GRAPE JUICE, pintboale

    Hershey's Pureonehalflb. tin

    Boris Cut green STRINGLESS BEANS. 3 No. 25cI cans for

    P_o_l_k_f_an_c....:,y_G_R_A_P._E_F_R_U_I_T_._._,,_,,._,,_,,_._ c a n . . . . . : I ~ 9 ~ ~ c ~ ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = -

    8oz. ja r ......

    Del M 0 n t e PEACHESHalves or Sliced. 2 large cans Ifor . . . ....... 45c

    Schlorer's16.oz. ja r

    D.IF Cleaner . 12c pkg.Libby's Potted Meats .

    Kansas Cleanser

    Ivin's SUGAR JUMBLES . lb . 29cWilmar PEANUT BUTTER 16oz. ja r 25cLippincott's select Queen OLIVES 11 Y2.oz. ja r 25cTetley's Orange Pekoe TEA ~ . l b . pkg . 23cKraft's Velveeta CHEESE .. lhlb. pkg. 23c

    Reliable Matches. double tip .SOS Magic Scouring Pads

    Boscul, Maxwell House orMorning Sip CO F FEE,I-lb. tin 39c

    A CALL to Narberth 4050 is all that'sneeded to bring your favorite foodstuffsover on t he r ush. Prices fair always, grocer ies as fresh and wholesome as one couldhope for.

    Shotwell's Creamy MARSHMALLOWS l.lb. pkg . 25c

    The Fireside 1 1 . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ ! ! ! ! i ! ! ! ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i 1~ r. and ill rs. \Villiam B. Goodall, I,

    Of. Dudley Avenue, will give a dinner Ion Friday evening at th e Overbrook(;ulf Club fol lowing the w(dding reIll'arsal of illiss Mabel Kirkpatrick andill r. \Va lt e r F . Hunsicker, whose Illarriag, will take plan' on the folluwillg dOlI' in the Narber(h ! ' resbvterianChurl'l;. The guest s will b the' IllelllIwrs ui the br idal party and , ) thers.Ensign RobLT( C. Patten, of \Vood

    sid,' :\ I'elllle, who is spendillg hish"II'.I'III""1I a( the shore wilh his briue,tl.e fOI'l\I"r ~ ary Dolu, will report forduty 011 thL' LJ. S. S. Richmond which ,is s tat ion , 'd at Newport, R. I., on Jull'12. .~ rs. Cha rl es L. Vi guer s, J r., Of'\Voud si de Avel lu e. e ll te rt ai ne d atIUllda'on all([ b ri dge un \Ve dn esd ayafterll"oll. AlllOlIg the guests were

    ~ rs. EllL'rharllt fli m'II"r, i ll rs . E. H.ClIcl"'ill, .\Irs. Fred A. Egmore, r .l rs .U"yd H. Edg, rton. i l lr s. J oh n S ny llt-r. ~ rs. ]{, C l y d ~ ' Abdor: :md ill r ~ i.I .. 1111 ZillllllL'rlllan, both of ! ansdowne. I~ I I . alld ~ rs. Viguers, Jr., and falll-I'ill' will I"ave 011 Friday to spend. a1I'

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 27, 1930





    June 27, 1930

    LaundriesEARl. I\IACH:FI ..st-Class H and 'Yo rk33 Narberth Ave.

    U A N I I ~ I . J. 1I1.'GARIlYOil Bu ..ning EquipmentGulph Hoad Na ..berth 2673

    IceCIIESTEIl G. JONESI - e - e'Voodhine Ave. Na ..berth

    Newspapers01111 'I'O\VN'I'he Community Newspaper258 Hale ..fo ..d Ave . Narb, 2545

    "Our Town" by mail, $2 a year or5c th e copy, at Davis' and the Narbe rth S tat ion news stands .

    Paintillg-PaperinglilA IC SIIAI,I. C01UPANYnooll 'Vork-l\Ioderate p .. lces330 PI 'i ce Ave. Na ..berth 2945

    Radio-Victrolas-MusicNAIUIEIl'l'1I EI,EC'I'llIC SHOPFo r Hadio an d IoJlectric Satisfaction241 Haverford Ave. Narberth 4182

    RestaurantAIlCAUIA IlES'I 'AUIlANTGood I"ooll at lIlode ..at e Prices239 Haverford Ave. Na ..berth 3799

    Plumbing-HeatingCOOJ\: I J n O T H I ~ n sPlumbing-I leal lng-Roofing104 Essex Ave. Narberth 4040

    RoofingJ. A. III1LI.EIlAbove EI 'erything-A Good RoofII I I"orest Ave. Na ..berth 2920

    PlasteringI ~ D \ V A U ( ) s. HA\VSPlastering, Jobbing, S tuc co Repai ..s109 Dudley Ave. Narbe .. th 3721

    Real Estate-InsuranceUUIIIHN .I:: 1I0\VAUD:11 Na ..berth Ave. Na ..berth 3843A Complete Heal Estate Service

    Flowers-NurseriesGarden Ware


    Cleaners-Dyers-TaUorsA ( ) I ~ I , I Z Z I D n O ' l ' I I I ~ U SWe Serve th e BestForest Ave. Narberth 2602 ~ O

    DelicatessenIIAUUY II . 11,\ ~ I E I lFine AHHo ..tment Good Food250 Haverford Ave.

    Electricians\V A I . T I ~ 1 l ( ;. CASE. Prop'r.Narb. Electric Shop OldWiring and App l iances 1-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Haverfol'd Ave, Narberth 4182 IIAIlIlY II . 'VAI,LPlumbing & Heating

    I'AUJ. C . I .YNN 1100 Forest Ave. Narberth 3652-MEleet ..ical Work = = = = = = = = = : ; : : ; ; ; " , ; , ; , ; ; ; ~ ; ; ; , , ; ;Dudley Ave. Narberth 2623-W Printing-Mimeographing-Feminine Apparel- Multigraphing, , ,. I . J \ ' I N G S ' I O ~ PUBI.ISIIING co .SUZANNI-. JOI, IEI GII. I. 2"8 Haverfo ..d Ave. Narb. 2545Suzunne I' ..oek:; ,. \1 1 I' 'I' PDudley Ave. Na ..berth 2324 ,. . U 'I I II I U N ' I ' I ~ G CO.Ha r ..y R. HoUar109 Forest Ave. Narberth 2618


    AIlCADE 'l'AII.OIl SilO.'F ..ench D ..y Cleaning719 Montgomery Ave. Narb. 4165-WI,OVIS '1'IIE TAILOR234 Woodbine AvenuePhone : Narbe rth 2666


    DrugsAnCADE PIIAIUI,\CYI.'rederiel, Dannenhauer , Proprieto ..705 Montgome..y Ave. Na..b. 2513



    PA'I'IIICIA I ~ I . I Z A U I ~ ' I ' I I SIIOI''Vomen's & Children' s Apparel125 N. Narberth Ave. Narberth 2898

    ' l ' l I l ~ PI ,O\VEI l SI IOPI \[ rs . No..man Jefferies233 Haverfo ..d Ave. Narherth 2S61

    ' I 'I IE G, \I lUEN NUIlSEIHESComple te L ine o f Nur se ..y StockMontgomery Ave. Narberth 3796

    I Mo'Ving-HaulingCoal I JOlIN NEEI,YNAIlIJEll'rll COAl. CO. Heavy Duty Haul ing- Mack T ..ucksJeddo Hlghlanll Anthracite 510 Brool,hurst Ave. Nar. 2858-WNarberth 2430-2431== [ontractors(;IJY C U O Y I . I ~nene ..al Contlactor-D .. ives802 !lIonll-romery Ave. Narh. 2S00J A I I I I ~ S I . ' I L \ ' I ' A ~ ' I ' O N I .I:: SOSS,Jobhing-Stueeo Wo .. l,237-239 Hampden Ave. Narb. 4166

    I AI,DIlECII'I' N V n S I ~ l l I l ~ SMontg. Ave. at Meellng HouHe LanePhones: Na ..be .. th 4020 and 4021'I'IIE IIAIlCLAY CO.Foreign, Domestic Pottery1268 Montgomery Ave. Nar. 3923

    Mrs. C. Fred Kuebl er , J r. , of 25 / \Voodhine Avenue , opened t he ir cotN a rb ro ok P ar k, will give a p ic ni c to - t ag e a t O cea n C it y t hi s we ck . They1 ~ 1 0 r r o w afternoon at he r h o n ~ ~ to the will he there for ahout a l1Ion th .Sunday Schoo l c la s s of the h r s t Re -forl1leZI Church. Fift iet h a nd LocustStreets, Philadelphia. Ahout fiftymembers of th e c la ss w il l attend.11 r. an d 11 rs, C Arley Farmer, of


    I ~ \V. DUIINSnarden Worl" Landscaping, Hauling250 Iona Ave. Nat'berth 27803984







    JOSloJl'R AIIIA'I'O211 Hal'erford Ave.

    Automobile Ser'Vice

    N,\IlIJI':Il'I'1I NA'I'ION,U. UANI\:1\Iemb!sex Ave.Phone: Narberth 39:l2

    GI':ORGE I.. I,OI"I'USGene ..al Repair--Batleries, Etc.925 MOIII gomery Ave. Narb. 2553

    l \ 1 I ~ l l J U '\" 'I'('I'IJN .. ' I' RUS' " CO.Huverfo ..d and Narberth Aves.Phone l'o:arherth :169S

    The Mel'chants and Professional Men Listed Here Are Prepared to Ser'Ye Narberth's Trading SectionPromptly, Reasonably , Courteously

    Please Clip and Preser'Ve This Business Guide For Reference. It Does Not Appear Every Week

    BakeriesN,UIJlI: IlTII I 'AS'I 'UY SHOP'Ve Bal(t! I.'..esh Daily on PremiHes243 Halc ..r"rd Ave. Na ..berth 3694

    SAN 1'1',\ IlY UAIUJEIl snopI ~ o r th e Whole Family-It 's CleanL. Kir:;eht, Prop.-41 N. NarberthAI'.

    EAIH, ~ " ' : C I ' ; EAulomohlle Hepairlng)J 1 TOlla Ave. Narbe rth 3 ,S ,SlIlI'rll'S A11'1'0 \VICECIUN(; ", ..I'!'O\VINH S I ~ I l " I C ENlghl Phone: Narberth 2675Day Phone: Narhe .. th 2699

    \ V I I I ' I ' I ~ ' S S\VEWI' SHOPIce C ..eam, Candy, Nuts, PaHtry219 Hav ....ford Ave. Narberth 4005

    PVNI\:'S (;AUAGERepair:.;, Shnonlz ing, ( ~ a s an d Oi l1 07 E SH "X Ave. l'\arberth 2710

    I'UIUUNG IIIlO'I'IIEIISBuilders533 Gordon Ave. Narberth\VAL'j'EIl S C I I I . I I I ~520 Merwyn RoadNarberth 2865

    'VII I. D 1:: II. 'I'. SIIIEIH.EY. INC."For Permanent Sat is fact ion"29 Narberth Ave. Narberth 3700

    . JO IIN A . IIIOWIlEK. INC.Building and Jobb ing Carpentry714 Montgomery Ave. Cynwyd 687

    WVNDEU n, \' I '. & EI,EC. SERVWEExclusive A tw at er K ent Dealer108 Forest Ave. Narberth 2S66

    CI IARI,ES J.. JENIUNSBuilding COllst..uctionOld Gulph Rd . Narberth

    ]\',\ItBEU'I'II. ' 1 ' J 1 I ~ A T R I ~Pe ..fel'! ~ o u n d - B e t t e r Pictures129 Narherth Ave, Narbe .. th 245S

    G. V. WOOUIlO\VContract ing Builder109 Forest Ave. Narbe ..th 2916

    Page SixThe Fireside ---I hmok Park ; Mr. an-d Mrs. S. H.ISpringfield, Jr., and t he ir d au gh tc r,CONT. FROM: PRECEDING PAGE ~ I i s s Janct Springfield, o f H am pd en:\ venue, an d 1\11', and Mrs, Henryh :o ok P ar k, l as t week. Mr: and Mr.si :--iash, of Shady Lam.

    ] ~ w a r t left to return to t he Ir home In I \1 C ' , B '\ v of Narbro kK . - . '1 \f k [N' T I .\ rs. -,corge al eJ , 0F : N ~ . a s \ la "e l l or am ! lagar.1 ('ark, is re':'l\'ering from a tonsillec-s , tomy opcrat lon .Miss Honora Snyder , daugh te r O f l , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Dr . a nd M rs . O. J. Snyder, of Wood-I: .side Avenue, an d Miss Hope Bur li n- Igame , daugh te r of ~ r. and I\lrs. E. E. IBurlingame, of Bryn Mawr, hav"ljoined !lIiss Hdl .n \V ood ward in ,\Vashington, D. C, an d Illotored in !!\Iiss Woodwa rd 's c ar to Gul l Lak ( . i

    I\lich.. where they will spend tw oweeks at the summer home of 1\1 iss\Voodward.Mr . an d M rs. Arthur J. Purcell, ofForrest Avenue, opened their cottageat Ocean City on Thursday and exp ect to spend t he s ummer thcre.Mrs. Alexander Gilfillan and he rdaughter,lMiss Mildred Gilfillan, of\Vynnewoo\[ Roa d a nd Rockland Avenue, have retnrned frOl1\ Atlantic Cityand a rc now in th e 1'oconos for several

    weeks.Among' th e recent a rr iv al s a t th eChalfonte Haddon Hall t hi s w ee k ar e

    1\1 r. and l."lri;. R. G. Bennett a nd t he irsons, Harry: an d R. Granv i ll e Bennett.of \V indsor Avenue an d \VynnewoodRoad, and I\lr. an d Mrs. T. D, Walker.of Narberth.Mrs. H. S . S cl wi tz , o f A lt oo na, isv is it in g h er daughter, 1\I rs. \V. H.Knauer, of Lantwyn L ane, t hi s w ee k.:Mr. E lwood R icha rd so n and 1\1r.Clyde Richardson, of Valley ViewRoad, :Merion, who have been visitingrelatives in Lo s Angeles for th e lasl ,three weeks, have v is it ed many p la ce s 1of i n te re s t su ch a s Beverly Hills, Hol- IIywood, Pasadena. They will return 'in t h re e wee sk , s to pp in g a t Allmr'lueque, N. 1\1., an d Indianapolis, ]nd., ont he ir r et ur n t ri p.Mr . A. G. Bugbe e, o f Grove Plan'.attended th e 1895 class reunion atDartmouth Collegc last week. Mr .an d Mrs. Bugbee also visited th e\Vhitc an d Green Mountains , spendinga fcw days in cach place. l\l r. Bugbee Ih as r et ur ned home while I\lrs. Bughee"who is visiting in Boston, will rl ' lurn'home on Saturday. :Miss Marjorie Diese, of Lock IHaven, 1 'a . , i s visiting he r cousin, 1\1 iss!Belly Needham, o f Che st nu t AI'enue,for tw o weeks. Mrs, A. \Y . Needhamis spcnding some timc in Lock Haven, '

    as t h e guest of he r sister, I\lrs. Thomas iA. D ie se . 'Th c Ph i Ta u Delta Sorority ha s Itaken a collage at Slone Harhor fo r Ithe la tt er p ar t o f J ul y,1\Ir. and I\Irs. Augusl :\ . B1aess, of IElmwood Avenue, will give a dinner:on Saturday evening. Among the Iguests will be Mr . and ~ l r s . (;eorge~ ousley, ~ f r . \V il li am H . ~ arshall an d~ iss Lena \Vagncr .Miss Jul ia Fi tt ipoldi, of Merion Aven uc, w as th e h os te ss t o the membcrsof he r hridge c1nh on Tuesday night. IFriends of ~ r. \Villiam Dougherty,.so n of Mr. and Mrs. J oscph S. Dough-Ierty. of Montgomery Avenue and'"Ieadow Lane. :Vlerion. will be sorn'to hear that he has again been cOIifined to his home with his injuredknee, T hi s w as du e to a n i nj ury re - Iceived in a football game at MalvernPrep last fall.Mrs, John Burt and he r daughter,1\1 iss ElizalH'th Burt, of }{ocklandA venue, have rl'lurned home afk rspending a w('ek w it h r el at iv es inBridgeton, N, J.M iss ~ [ a r g a r e t Armour and MissFrances Armour , of Rock land Avenue,ar c vis it ing f r iends at Frui t la nd, Md ..an d will attend a s de legat es the Episcopal Sunday School Convention whichis n ow b ei ng h el d a t O ce an City, Md.

    ~ rs. \Yilliam J. J ones an d hcr son,~ r. Richard Jones, of South Narbe rthAvenue, ar e vis it ing re la t ives for several days a t A sh ur y Park.Among tlw wce k- end v is it or s atOcean Citv were ~ l r . an d ~ l r s , Clarencc \Voo lming ton and family, of Nar-

    ShoesI .JOIIN D I U Z I ~Ellwanl>!' ShoeH fo r ChllllrenU O Y I I I I ~ I . ' S n A I U n ~ ' 1 ' 127 N. Nurb. Ave. Narb. 4053209 Haverford Ave. INat'berth 2855 Shoe Repairing & ShiningGEOnGE III, DANDOCrellit an d Service Grocer I GOOU\VEAII S I I O I ~ UEPAlIlING105 I"orest Ave. Narb. 3980-4180 B. G. Constantine252 Haverford Ave. Narb. 4006-WNAUUEII'I'II I.'RVI'I' .1:: PI lODUCE O ur S hu -G le am ProceHs RecolorsMAnKE'1' 228 Haverford Ave. Ladie:;' I.eather Shoe>! to MatchNarberth 3605-3677 Dresses-AU Colors.J. J. \VIII'rESIDE237 Haverford Ave, Upholstering-FurniturePhones: Narber th 2446 or 3669


    iCHAS.F.EBERTi Candy-Cigars-Cigarettes Hardware A'I'I,,\S co INC.DAVIS'-Oldl'Ht store I n N ll rb er tl t NAI lUEI l' I' II UAIU) \V ,\ Il E CO. I Similes and Unpainted FurnitureCanlly, Cigars, General Mdse, Seeds, Implements, Paints, l ~ u r n " . 10 , Narbe r th Ave. Narberth 362GJobbing Carpenter. f Phone Narberth 4035 230 Haverford Ave. Na ..berth 4t 77ESSEX I\:ANDY I \:OVN' I' EI I 11ICI \:LIN' S IIAIlU\VAIlE S'I'OIlE ! Attorneys-at-LawPhone; NARBERTH 4129 Abbotts' I ce C re am Ga ..d en ' ro ol s an d Seeds UES1UOND J. IIle'l'IGIIE

    103 Essex Ave. Narberth 3791 203 Haverford Ave. Na ..berth 2555 20r, Have .. fo ..d Ave. Narberth 4033tl ~ ~ ~ ~ d l e l ~ ; : : ~ ' I ! U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 27, 1930



    Page Seven

    Ardmore, Pa.

    ( lXCORPOR, \ ' J ' I ~ J )


    DISTRICT OmCE:152 Montgomery Avenue, CynwydPhone: Cynwyd 3200


    Know Where Your Laundry Goes

    The time to protect your trees and shrubberyagainst t he Japanese beetle is bef or e heappears "sometime in June." By sprayingwith approved mater ia ls now you a re readyto stop him from eating at your expense. Wecan do the necessary work for you quickly,effectively and economically.

    Order immediately, as work is doneby priority of application

    Accurate Delivery Is Important

    Ironers and Assembly DepartmentHere, in the assembly department shown behind these

    modern ironers, Your Laund ry gathers together the finishedpieces, and assembles your delivery package with the greatestaccuracy, You will enjoy a visit to this, and o th er departments.

    ST. MARY'S LAUNDRYAubrey A"enue


    Now is the timeTO FIGHT HIM


    Boys' sizes 11 to 2 $2.25 Larger boys'sizes 2 to 6 $2.50 - and well worthit!

    A shock -absorbing playshoe for active boys. Light,comfortable, and durablebui lt with strong,springy rub b e r soles.Never thought we couldget such barefoot freedomin a runabout shoe .. orso much ext ra protection.Get them in WHITE withb lack a th le ti c t rimmings ,all BROWN o r all TAN.


    -Boys!New Geut i l l gRunabouts

    pitched air-tight ball, especially in thel lil"---------------------------------.lat ter part of the fifth when he r et ir edthe side without further damage afterthree men jaml11ed the pathways.I'n view of the fact that the f i rs t run Iof the game was scored in the second, Iduring (;rahal11's performance, and,that the local boys n ev er p as se d t he Imark dur ing the course of the contest,Howard was charged with t he def ea tdespite his br ie f s ta y on the hill. It ,was Howard's fou rth s etback ou t of Ithe past six s ta rt s. Lyons was slapped I'for three runs in the fou rth a nd R ey nolds for another trio in the finale. INarhe rth wen t t hrough six innings foron Iv four hits, bu t in the lucky sevenththe)' a"erted a shutout defeat.

    ~ a tt hews p er ch ed under Fleck'saerial. Rub incan s tr uck out for th etbird straight time, and when Martinwalked. I'etcrson never realized thatthe pass was destined to spoil hisdreams of a shu tout v ic ton' . Thencame a rather complicated phiy .(Hessing trekked to the plate and, onthe third strike s pe d t o first when t hemaskman m is sed t he throw from 1'eterson. The Big Boy ran in to theCONTINUED ON PAGE 10

    -. __ . - - ~ _ . - - ._--------_.... __ . _ - - ~ . _ - - - - - - - -----June 27, 1930

    Local Representati'Ve I. A. BARTLETT TREE EXPERT CO.Robert J. Edgar Narberth 3902

    By John Uberti\Vith a distinguished array o f p layers representing many leading collegesof the United States, 1 'ennac returnedto Narberth last Thursday for theirfifth game on record. and r ol le d upsafeties with such unfalter ing precisionto completeyl outplay and outscore thel ocal c lub, 7-1. In winning over theDavismen, 1'e nna c found access totheir twenty-third victory in the pasttwenty-five games in which they haveparticipated t hi s s ea son. For Narberth it wa s th ei r t hir d defeat ou t ofsix twilight games played t hu s f ar thisyear.The Narbe r th boys dropped a pair of

    cantests to the Quaker City nine in1928, bu t made a more impress iveshowing in the snbsequent seasonwhcn they l os t o ne and won one, andthat being by t he nar row score of 4-3.\Vith Roepke, of Penn State; Maxwell and Francis, of Not re Dame, a nd

    Krcuz , o f U. of P., the Penn A. C.Club went t hr ou gh Nar be rt h likeGrant through Richmond. Graham,Lyons and Reynolds, of Dayton University, pitching for the Borough team,were in turn bombarded aplenty, givi ng t he visi tors the aggregate numberof ten base hits. "Big Boy" Peterson,of the University of Pennsylvania, wassuperb in the mound role, and no oneknows t ha t b et te r t ha n the Narherthbo:ys, for only on two occas ions werethey admit ted as far as second basesave in the lucky seventh when t heysent in their only TIm.Pet er son wen t the ent ir e l im it for

    l'ennac and halted t he Dav ismen inorder three times (luring thi s game. Inthe sixth inning ~ r u l l i g a n , Kearneyand II umphreys surrendered on strikesfor an easy rdirelllent.)\arherth was particnlarly ineffective

    on the l anes once they succeeded ingetting on base. Four local batsmenwho hit s afel y were l at l' r thrown outon hase, the inelTectiveness being emphatically displayed twice when two o fNarbl'rth's bes t p laye rs uncautiouslyex tended the ir distance ofT hase to beexpnnged in a h ac k and forth tussle.J ' leck continued on his vigorous bating streak hy extending h is consecuti'"e hitting to t en games .During the course of his nine-inningperformance on the mound , t he BigHoy mowed down nine J1Il'n (In strikes,whi le it to ok t hr ee local hurlers todown f ou r ali ens. I n eff ici en cy alsopreva iled on the box for t he Boroughtwirlers who handed out no less thansi x f ree tickets to the initial stat iou,th ree of t hes e p asse s g iv in g the foemen as man\, unearned runs .!It anager Davis delegated the {!iminnitive (iraham t o sc al e the mound atthe start aud was touched for a run inthe s econd. However , he wa s wi thdrawn in lieu of Nick Lvons and theI'cnn A. C. boys showed their approvalof his appearance and gl"l'eted himwith three hits for t hr ee r un s. Butfrom the fifth unti l the sel'enth, he


    U. of P. Moundsman AllowsFive Hits in 7-1 Victory

    Last Thursday.

    Pennac Stars DownNarberth With Ease

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 27, 1930


    The Navy Depa rtmen t ha s leased asubma ri ne t o Exp lo rc r Hubert Wilk in s f or $1 a year. A submarine ismuch li ke a w ife, however. It isn'tthe original cost that counts, but. theupkeep.

    TUNE iN ON .\LLSTATE'SRADIO PROGRAMMEDaily 10.10 A , M. and 5.05 P ." Sh'ion WPENA Nev \' Free Road Service on Tires-if ,-our tlrt" K t l t ~ t lut 1 l 1 1 ~ \ \ , j l l ' r . Wllla,n . Inti", of - "'".-ur... H, . hu d .; N f ur . ". u tclt. ' I)lwne"liit \\ HI brlnJ: an . xlwr t '0 hlk. 011 the "nu t "'\1141 , 'UI ,.n ~ . IIr ' lU l f . ' - - ul ' \ l h ' I ~ ' \ ' l thout.,llUrK'-, Thh' l I tr.r iM n.nd f.at rdle....... ofwhat nu.I".. UI Ilrt" ' U ti l U I" aHe--1t 1M jU5tun" muf. . f,n 'u ..th ' r 10 Sellftt, Uo ..bu('k",r\ie. .

    1 GreatestStrength of Tread-Longestwear.2 Greatest Cord Strength-Freedom from breaks.3 MostCubic Inches ofMaterial-Strongest.4 Thickest- Most rubber (vit:ilized, oon -oxidant).5 Most Cordsper Inch-Greatest safety.GuaranteedWithoutLimItation al to TIme or MileageCourteous. Free Tire Mounting Service

    5 POINTS OF SUPERIORITYIn actual tests with three other nationallY known firstline t ires-all fa,. highef" priced-

    . .SWEEPINGICfOSS Amcrlca on an c:vcr'1DOUIltinBadal wave of popul:uity AUSTATE TIRES haverolled up an unpnmJenteJ tire sales record 500%INCREASE IN FOUR YEARSIThere a re othe r gr ea t but ALLSTATE IS

    SUPERIOR BY ACTUAL TEST,on each of the 5majorpoints of construCtion listed belQw. This superiority_.couplcdwith consistently lou'est prices for first qualit)'_.enables ALLSTATE to continue as the choice of anC'VU.incrcasinftproportion of America's tire users.Imppet ont I ires. Otcek thefaas.point forpoint.COmpare prices, dollar for dollar . Then join the millions of wise Americans who buy ALLSTATES fortheirunequaledvalueand performanceI

    Member Federal Reserve System

    What Need Has a Girl?


    The Narberth National Bank

    WHAT need has a g ir l o f a bank account? Th e futuremay mak e i t Flain. Th e widow left with some means

    and but little o r n o business ability is not an uncommon occurrence. Th e woman who acquires a knowledge of business willf ind i t grc :l tl y to h er benefit all her life. Thi s bank givesspecial attention to accounts of girls, young women and

    I I

    A prominent financier estimates thatAme ri ca n women l as t year invested$700,000,000 in worthless securities.When will these women, inexperiencedin business and foolish as the y are,learn no t t o imi ta te t he men ?

    . . .


    Have you read "Our Town's" editorial page this week?

    o being included in t he dai ly p rog r ams .o The official playground opening, with1 the u se o f all the play apparatus , is set1 for July 5.o The g i rl s ' ba sebal l t e am, made up ofo children 12 to 15 years of age, is readyo t o chal l enge other girls' teams of theo seventh and eighth grades in the publ ic s chools . The Haverford Commu2 nity Cent re t eam feels pretty confid en t i t c an l ic k mos t a ny t eam i n it sclass.The Centre welcomes v i si tor s f romother similar community organizationson its playgrounds. There is plentyuf grass for evcrybody.T he s pr in g exhibit o f handi cr af t ,m ade by the childrcn at HavcrfordCommunity Centre will be held o n t heevening of June 26, at which timemany visitors wil l s ee what the youngs te rs o f the community h av e b ec ndoing al1 winter.Following the exhibit , a moving picture entertainment will be provided fort he mothc rs and fathcrs of the section.Evcry F ri day t hroughou t t he summcroutdoor movies a rc s ho wn a t t he Ccntrc.

    ALLSTATE BALLOON TIRESI'irl'S T u b e ~ Size !'ire!> Tube"$5.53 ...... $1.07 30x6.75 . . . . . . $16.60 . ..... $2.185.54 ..... 1.10 31x5.25 ..... 9.75 . ..... 1.688.98 ...... 1.50 31x6.00 ..... 12.80 ..... 1.989.90 ...... 1.60 31x6.20 I 14.50 ..... 2.305.55 ..... 1.15 32x5.77 ...... 13.20 ..... 1.986.30 ...... 1.10 32x6.00 ..... 12.90 ..... 1.987.65 ..... 1.33 32x6.20 ..... 14.65 ..... 2.458.15 ...... 1.40 32xH.75 ..... 17A5 ..... 2.457.98 ...... 1.35 :13x5.77 ..... 13.S5 ..... 2.239.20 ....... 1.57 33x6.00 ...... 13.10 ..... 2.059.95 ..... 1.70 :-l3x6.20 ..... 14.85 ..... 2.656.35 ....... 1.15 33x6.75 . . . . . 17.75 . . . . . 2.657.95 1.38 ALLSTATE CORD TIRES8.45 ........ 1.529.40 ..... 1.60 Size Tires Tubes II1 ~ l . 2 0 ....... 1.80 30x311z Cl. O.S. . . . . $4.98 $1.0512.95 ...... 1.98 30x311z SS, O.S. . . . . 6.35 1.0512.60 ..... 1.95 32x4 S8. O.S. ., ... 9.35 1.48 114.10 ..... . 2.18 Olher Sizes Priced Proportionately Low


    DavIs ' ~ h Oldm Store'III Narberth

    Size27x4.4028x4.4028x5.2528x5.502 ~ ) X 4 A O29x/l.5029x4.7!129x4.9529x5.0029x5.2529x5.5030x4.5030x4.7530x4.9530x5.2530x5.5030x5.77~ O x 6 . 0 0~ O x 6 . 2 0


    .\ USE OUR IRE TA I L 0 EPARTMEN T STOR E I STORE HOURS IA. M. TO 5 P. M.CONVENIENT 63rd and Market-West Philadelphia Saturday

    FREE AUTO PARKS Free Bus Service to 69th Street Terminal 9 A. M. to 9.30 P. M.

    = - - - - ~ fi!lll!2..:.J

    Hit-of-the-Week Records, i d ea l f o r t r ave li ng and vaca ti on p layi ng . Rel ea sed every Thursday--only 15c a record. Th e latesthi ts recorded by the best orchest ras.

    GOING AWAY?-T ry ou r Tenn i s Shoes , Boat s, Sand Toys, e tc .JUST IN -New a s so r tmen t o f Ba th i ng Caps-lOc, 25c , 50c , 75c

    . ... IStore Hou!':. 9 A. M. to 5 P. M.; Sa turday. to 9.30 P. M.

    Something New!-You've Heard of It

    f :" , " .Haverford CommunityCenter t o Open July 5


    Rowe, d 0Kinnucan, c. 2A. Coward, lb. 0P. Jones, 2b. 1Keirn, ss. 1McCrea, If. 0Nelms, If. 1Troxall, p. 1Totals 6







    Saturday, July S. has been set a s t heopening of the Haverford CommunityCcntre by the directors. Due to thegift d ur in g t he p as t y ea r o f t wo an da e one-half acres by Horatio Gates Lloyd,o 0 of Haverford, thc playground now cov-S 0 ers nearly.f ive acre".o .0 The propcrty committce o f t hc Cen-o 1 t re has becn busy dur ing t he ' pa sto 0 month pu tt i ng the grounds in order1 0 and now a ful1-sized bascbal1 diamond,o 0 three t enn i s cour t s and a vast s t retch2 0 of grassy fields are available.3 0 Virtual1y all of the Centre 's activi-tics now h av e t ak cn t o the opcn. hikes,1 p ic ni cs , gamcs and sports of al1 'kinds



    Totals 5 9' 24 11TENTH WARDrho000003o 1 3122o 1 1021o 1 11010o 1 0

    ....... 10WYXXEWOODRGibens. 3b. 0

    In a recent game which was thrcatcncd sevcral times b y r ai n t h e Ca rd inals defeated the \Vynnewood B. C.in e ig ht i nn in gs b y a 10- to -6 score.Th e cxcellent pi tching of Bob Gil ro yand the batting' of Pau l Kane wer e t heoutstanding features of the game.Good support was given Gilroy, howevcr, by t he r es t o f t he team.CARDWALSRFinn, c 2J. Gal1aghcr, 1b. 0Stroup, ss. 2Donahuc, 2b. 1Kanc. 3b. 2R. Wright, If. 1Dixon, rf. 0\\'. O'Brien, d. 0Cilro)". p. 2

    Cardinals Beat WynnewoodAided by Gilroy's Hurling

    Totals 1 9 21 10 2Narberth 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 x -5Tenth Ward 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0- 1

    Driscoll, ss ..Flannery, c. . .Harkins, 2b .Murphy, If ..Ryan, d ..Duffy, rf ..Brenner, lb .Brown. 3b ..P. Casey, p .

    Curwin, d ..Mull igan, 3b ..Martin, lb .Rubincan, 2b ..Thomas, d. .. ..Kearney, ss .Blessing, If ..Young, c .~ r c K e e . p ..

    Casey to Brcnncr , scoringwithout hesitation on. Curwin's threc-base smashinto deep c cn tr e. Mul li ga n fell onstrikes and Martin. tapped a n easysinglc pas t t hc pi tcher and beat i t o utto first, Curwin coun t ing . Rubincanalso singled and after a sho r t pau seat first made for the keystone a s F lan nery, . Tenth Ward's maskman , wascharged wi th an overthrow to sccondattempting to head him off. Rubincanwent to third o n t he blunder and Mart in s corcd. Duffy ran in to sphercThomas' acrial.NARBERTHr h2 1o 12 2o 3o 1o 0o 01 1o 0

    ARISTOCRACYThe word "aristocrat" implies traditional high ra nk o rqua li ty o f whi ch the holder i s j u st l y proud-a qual i ty whichhas endured for many generat ions .

    Anthracite coals, as they lie i n t he g ro un d, are o f ya st I yd if fe re nt d eg re es o f p ur it y. T hi s i nh er en t p ur it y c an no t be 'changed by man. The p r epa ra t ion o f t hes e coals c an b e thorough or s l ipshod, however.Jeddo-Highland coal is as i nhe rent ly pu re a s anv anthracitemined i n t he Uni te d S ta te s. I ts p re pa ra ti on h as a lw ay s been

    t . ~ e best; And these: high s ~ a n d a r d s have ,:xisted. uncilanged,s!nce 18'18. Jeddo-HIghland IS the true "ArIstocrat of Anthracite."

    ------ '

    Surround your home with a boautifu1 fence made from our select ion o f pickets-the Gothic. t h e Spea r o r t he Spea r t h at adorn seastern Pennsylyania farm hou se s. M ay w e haye the privilegeo f submi tt ing an e s timat e ?CLOSED FR IDAY an d SATURDAY , JULY 4 th a nd 5t h

    Shul l Lumber CompanyThe Link. Between Forelt and Home

    25 an d 29 BALA AVENUE-Cynwyd 662

    Page Eight,I ~ Ierth Downs 10th Ward 51But Is in Ho t Water Several Times

    SWIMIn_Fil tered Water , Hea t ed to a Ulliform Tet!!peratureSpecial Summer OfferThree. J11?nths' u se of swimming ]lool and shower ba th s , i n cl u d in gmemberslup tor a whole ~ ' e a r an d Six Free Swimming Le ssons.:l\IEN ' .. $5.00 WOMEN $4.00BOYS 3.40 GIRLS 2.80Single Adlllil-ixiull-:\lclllher::;, 25c; U u c ~ t , 30c

    MA IN L INE CHRI ST IAN AS SOC IAT ION116 WEST LANCASTFR AVENUE, ARDl\ lOREPhone: ARDMORE 8 ~ Lower Merion High School Tenni s Court s Ope 'l t o Publi cUnder Y. M. C. A. Supervision, Beginning June 14~ ' ~ i 0 . ! ! 0 ' I j 1 \ " i I i ' b i I t & I i ' b i I i 1 ' \ i I i ' d i I j t \ ' j I i 1 \ i l t l \ i l t & I m i j i 7 f t i @ I ~ I t & i i 1 \ i l i 1 \ i j t l \ i j r a I

    I ----- - - '-- '- _.' -----------IJEDDO-HIGHLANDIANTH RA e ITEI\



    l"ne 27. 1930OUR TOWN

    Narberth Coal CompanyRalph S. Dunne

    AIain Line DistributorsPhones: NARBERTH 2430-2431

    l'itching his .first ful1 g amc of thescason, McKee hung up a n ew . recordon th e hil1 last Monday night whenhe launched his spced ball with unwonted cxacti tude to crush n ine r iva lbat smcn a s Na rbe rt h s l ugge r s d rummed out a .5-1 victory.It was the first complete game whichthe \Vest l'hiladell>hian has hurled during the 1930 sca soi l w hi le h e hasmarked up against his record one defeat for the year in Main LineLeague bal1, in which contest he failedt o g o t hc l im it ., H is victory over JackHart's Veterans is not c re di te d t o Mc~ c as this contest was merely a practIce g ame a nd is official1y discardedfrom the year's records.However, his magnificcnt slingingshowed dcficiency at times as thecncmy battcrs wo rk ed h im f or p as se sf ive t imes, but the elongated hurleratoncd fo r those passes a nd t he crowdforgot all about his faults as he drewa tremendous applause from the fanstwice during the g am c a s hc curbedthc foemen who threatencd to eke tothe f ro nt w it h t he b as es p ac ke d. Attimes it secmed as though McKeeloaded the lancs intentionally s o t ha the might dcrive more cnjo\'ment fromhis. duties in breezing past the laststrIkc.

    Tenth \Vard played a valiant uphillgamc f rom t he start t o e nd and provedto bc a real mcnacing club dcterminedto rais.e their string o f w in s to ten.They had only been beaten three timcsprior t o t he ir g am e w it h t he Champions.T c n ~ h \Vard lost t hi s game hecauscof theIr apparent i nab i li t y to properlymaster t he b as cs whe n they managcdto pack them. Seven men o f t hc alicnc as t wer e c ut d own on the l an es a s t heBorough inficld fired an d retrievcd in

    f lashy fashion. The foemen succeededin c rowdi ng t he b ag s twi cc but ani"went a s f ar as second in the othcr hiI li ng s a s ~ nlligan kept t he hot -boxwell guarded.Tcn th "'anI had c1e\'cn mcn l ef t onthc hases at the termination of thecontest while Xarher th onl\ ' had fourleft on. -Th e Borough i te s scored first b vt a lly ing two runs in the initial stanza.but th is Icad was cut down in theforeign ! 1 ~ 1 f of thc subscqucnt canto,a s t hc VISitors scored their onl\ ' run ofthe game. Tcn th \Van l never scoredagain although t hcy touched ~ cKeefOl ninc bingl es . P. Cas ey h el d theDa vismcn d()wn pretty weil. allowingon ly th ree h it s in t h c ncx t fi\c inningswhich followed. b ut t he n b uc kl ed u p ind es pa ir a s t hc Xarberth Club came tohat in the lucky scventh.Four h it s a nd three more runs ass ur cd t he pachyderms of ~ [ a i n LineB as cb al l o f u nd is pi ut ed triumph.Young singled past sho rt , a nd movedup a hase on 1IcKcc's s ac ri fi cc , P.


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 27, 1930






    June 27, 1930..... -;. ;,-:;,--;;

    Phone: Narber th 2602

    ( ,fer ll lcr-Dycrs-TailorsADELIZZI BROS.

    102 Forest Avenue. Narberth

    ti l11e is here! Let us clean)'our ~ m l 1 1 l 1 1 e r clothes and pu tthem in f i rst -class shape.Miss o r mad ame also willfind our services useful in

    r e n o v a t i n ~ summer costumes.No job i s t oo d if li cu lt f or o urskilled craftsmen.

    V:'hite Flannel0 .1 I2 1 05 2 a8 () II 0 I6 0 0I I 00 I ()0 I 024 U 3

    You definitely feel these performanceadvantages of th e Chevrolet Six. Yousee highvalue typified by th e beautifulFisher Body and scores of advancedengineering features. And you knowth e fine character of Chevroletmaterials, craftsmanship and design.Come and make the ChevroletSix confirm all this for you. Find ou tthe small down payment and easy

    terms on whichyou can own thist ruly modernau t omob i l e .Lea rn why tensof thousandsof new buyerseach week arefinding it wise tochoose a Chev.rolet Six.

    for Economical 'rrcJfuportatio,.


    \ 5PE:\ : \ : \C

    l' h 0 a eII) 0 0 Io I H 0 01 I .1 1 0I 1 1 0 0I 1 9 I 1I 2 0 0 0o 0.1 01 2 2 0I 1 0 0 0-710 24 7 11o 0 0 0 0 0 I 0-1o I 0 J 0 0 0 3-7 ~ = - - : " = ' _ ~ _ ~ . ; p : : . . ; P : : : _ ; P : : : : ; O ; - ; : : : : ; ; - ; : : : : ; ; - ; : : : : ; ; - ; ; = ; ; ; - ~ - ~ ~- - - - - -- - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - --_._----" ----

    T ( ) t a l ~

    La\'in, d .:-1 c Entee. Ih.\Vhite. 2b.\Velhall1. If.Caniglia. c.K r eu z. r f.Foley. 3h.~ o n t g o l l l e r ~ ' . ~ S l ' e t e r ~ o n , p,

    H ull1phreys, .lb. a 2Fleck. If. a 1Ruhincan. 2b. a 0:-1 artin. 1h. 1 0R 1 e s ~ i n g . rf. 0 0Young, c. 0 I(;rahall1. p. .. ' ..... a aI . y o n ~ . p. a 0Reyuo\ds. p. a 0

    ROADSTE : 4 9 aOR PHAETONThe Co a chor Coupe $565 T he C lu b S ed a n . .. $665T h e S p o r t R o a ds t e r$555 T h e S e da n . . . . . . . $675

    T h e S p e ci a l S e d t ln , 5725The S p o r t Coupe .. 5655 (6 wire wheels s t a n d a r d )T rucks: Light De/ll'ery Chauls. 136$; Seda. .Dellvery.S$9!i; t'l. Ton Chassis. S52O; 1'1. Ton Chass"w i t h Cab. S 6 ~ , ; ; Rood,erth.lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllln

    ,\ ,,'''"';111 in 0I1,a"a. \:eh .. ha , heen111"rril'd l ' i ~ ~ h l ,"( '; '1 ', a ll d d, ..." lint kno\\'", hi .. " " i h,'r h \l ,h al ld ', t hr ee n an le ,j, h i r i ! ~ h t t l l I( ' , ~ ( l i ~ ~ l 1 i l 1 g f l l r dhorcc.~ h is ,,\lin!!: io r alilllnn)' \I\Idl'r threellaIl11". Frol\l thi, Ili,talll'C we wou ldjudge "he i" a h\l"illl'" WOlllall.

    lUIUIIIUIIIIIIIIII"I"III"IIII"II"I"I""I" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I

    Dr. Lawrence R. ] ) a \ ' i ~ , of A\'onRoad. ~ a r l ) ( ' r t h . h a heen appointed ana"i, tant haskethall coach of the Univ e r ~ i t y Ilf I ' e n n ~ y h ' a l l i a . according toan annOllncenl, 'nt hy I{a lph ~ organ.ch;lirl1lan o f t he h as ke th al l cOl1lnlittee.Dr . I ) ; I I ' i ~ . "I.arelie" a, he i, kllo\\'nto h i f ri en el s. \\' a, ; a l .nwl '1 ' ~ erionfoot hall, haskLthall and ha,ehall ~ t a rhefore entering I'enn. At th e Unin ~ r s i t y he distingui,h"11 hi111,elf on thecourt teanl, e s p e c i a l l ~ ' a, a d e f e n ~ i \ ' ecentcr. On'" t\\'o licld goal, \Verescoreel a g a i l l ~ t hil1l during hi , juuior\,ear in the !Lague. and during hi ,~ e n i o r \'ear he helel the oppo,itiou tofour go'a b. Ill' \ \ 'a , picked a II-collegia te cente r fnr t,,'ll year ,. aud captainedt Il l' f i\ 'e hi , seninr n'ar. Dr. ])a\'i,graduated frnnl the ' Schnnl nf Deutistry iu 1'JI I)."I,anlie" is the ,nn ni :-1 r. ;u1l1 :-1 r, .Iinward Da\'is. whn,,' , tnrc in : \arherth i, the nld,',t hu, iue" ",tahli ,hment in the Borough. aud a hrother of"( ;e11l'" ]);l\i,. popular l1Iauager o f th e

    :\arh"l,th Basehall Cluh.I>r. J ); II ' i, i s h\' un mean, ne\\' to t hecoaching lielel. Ill' \\ 'a, fl'l"!l1l1ancoach at tlie l 'nin'r, it\, during the1'l1'l.20 ,, 'asnll, ;md hZ'ad coaeh ofIlan 'donl C'olkge lIming 1'120 anr l1')21. Ill' latn coached at the Han'!'ionl Sehool.I);II'i, pla.\'l',1 at I' enn,yl \' ania unrkrInmdet. In I')20 when Lnn ga \'e uphis eoaching po,itinll at the RCI! an,1B lu e t n go Snu th , he , , 'a, ,ucceerkrl hy":e1e1ie : - Ic : \ichnl . whn Iwlrl the lH ",itilln up tn t he e nd ni the pa,t s e a ~ n n .Inurdl't retu rneel in an a d \ ' i ~ , 1 1 ' \ ' ca pa'rity t\\'n years agn and whcn' ~ r c -:\ irl1ll1 decirk,1 1

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 27, 1930


    June 27, 1930 oua TOWN Page eleven



    Vet You Save%to lh on SEROCO PAINTS


    6lrd (Q MARKET STREETWEST PHILADELPHIAFree BusService to 69 th St . Terminal


    geles. 1\11'. Pel er S tan will givea rcport of the convcnl ion andh is i nl cr es li ng t ri p t o t hc I'aciliccoast. All cordially invited.

    Baptist Church of the EyangelRobeI'I E. Keighlon, ;\1 inister.

    Sunday, June 22.l) :45 A, ~ I . - C h u r c h .10:00 A. ~ I . - T h e closing meeting of I

    t he M en' s Class laught by th eI'astor. The class will meetagain in September.

    11 :00 A. ~ 1 . - 1 I orning W orshil'. Sl'rmon: " Ichabud !"7:45 I'. ~ r . - E v e n i n g Wor sh ip . S er -Inlon: "Pagan Chtistians." IOn t he S un da y e\'enings of Jnly wesha ll huld uu r sel'vices on the lawn ofthe ehnrch. This will bl' an h our 'sservice heginning al 7 u'c1uck.The preachers fur the mUlith arc:July ( , -The Paslol'.fulv 13-Rev. Samuel ~ I a c : \ d a l i l s .J u l ~ ' 20-Rev. Cletus Sl'nf1. IJuly 2 i -The Pastol'.\Ve invite Ihe community to enjoy IIhese Twilighl \ \ 'o r sh ip Sen 'ices withus.

    [ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ : t ~ : ]H I T L h C' h I First Church of Christ Scientisto y Ylntty ut eran ,Jure I . IAlhens and LlIlwood Aves . , Ardmore.Rev. Cletus A. Sen ti , I 'a sl or . I Sunday Servies:Sunday, J UI l l ' 2t): 111 :00 A. ).f. and 8 1'. 1f .

    t) :45 A. ~ I . - B i b l e School. II I :00 t\. ~ I . - S u n d a y School.II :00 A. ~ f . - T h e Iioly Comlllunion. I Readmg Roulll .. It) \V c st Lancast er(j'45 P ~ _ I I I ' I . , , IAvenlll', open dady, 10:30 A. ~ 1 10

    I. ,. , :u ler. _ c a g u ~ . 1 4:30 1'. ~ 1 \Vednesday evenings, l):157:45 I. ~ I . - I he (,ospd Song Sen', to l) :45.icc with Sermon and the Holy I Th e subject for I he B ih le lesson ser--Comlllunion. mon fur Sunday is: "Christian Sci-

    Tuesdav, 8 P. !II., Cuuncil 1leeting. enlc,e." J IS t S t I 15 I II, . . .. rom une 0 e p l 'm )1'1' ,) 0 1I'rlday, July 4, Young People s PIC- inclusi\ 'e, Ihe Sunday e\ 'en ing servicesnil' !ea\'ing t he chu rch al (, A. 11. for will he omitted.Ocean City. Thi s c hu rc h c onf orms to daylightsaving time. I- = ~ = ~ = = = " ' " = = = ~ = = = = = ~ - ~ -

    Methodist Episcopal ChurchRev. Samnel ;\1 ac:\dallls, ~ inistl'1'.Sunday, June 2

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 27, 1930



    ..June 27, 1930

    held in l'hiladelphia July 7-12,Ahout 2101l practicing osteopathic

    physicians f rom all the States andfrolll England alI

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 27, 1930


    June 27, 1930 OUR TOWN Page Thirteen----- ------- - - _ . _ - - ~ - - - _ . _ - _ .._ . _ - -


    '1 I,

    Special ly tra ined attendants wil l fit the contourof your head with a wave, smooth and sleekor soft and fluffy, There are twelve hair solonsfor permanent, marcel, finger, or water waving..,naglc . .


    Clever fingers of one of our Contour Haircutterswill snip and snip your hair into the smartest oflines, Six barber chairs for women and three forchildren await your pleasure.

    other magics . are- the CONSULTATION ROOMwhere experts will suggest specif1cremedies to your prob lems; a specialroam devoted to HAIR TINTING, andany numberof expertMANICURISTS; andmost of all, the famous Strawbridge andClothier service and courtesy at all times.

    CJfere (jJwellsBEAUTY

    Here only In this section can you have thesemarvelous treatments, that are soothing andrelaxing or stimulating and youthifying accordingto your needs.l11e second


    In on airy spacious dwell ing, l ike the enchantedcastles of your childhood. It is the Solon ofBeauty, that has just opened on the Mezzanine ofthe Main line Store , and like the castles of old'. i t deals in magic, .' . magic to conjure away theunlovely, to create a fluffy curl o ra rosy bloomwhere curl or bloom should be



    /QN the very first day we opened theC-; Main line Store, we started to expand,Directly across the Parking Plaza is a littleshop all its own for lawn furniture andlawn toys.Furs for storage can be left in the Fur Sectionon the second floor.Frankly, we have been very agreeably sur-prised at the business which has come tous on the lower main floor. There is such avariety of interesting things here-silks, cot-tons, drapery fabrics, Vogue patterns, linens,towels, bedfurnishings, notions and manythings careful ly selected f rom our home-wares stocks.Some of the smartest apparel seen at theDavis Cup Matches and at the Rose TreeRunt came from the Main l ine Store.Youthful Main liners are choosing Ice Creamcolors on the Juvenile Floor which is the third.

    MAIN LINE STORE(J1ews C)!lotes

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 27, 1930







    June 27, 1930


    219 HaverfordNarberth

    Phone Narber th

    Cool Of fWithDeliciousIce CreamSodasand SundaesatWHITE'SSWEET SHOP

    Yo u OarlIn' -Fox TrotTh ".... a T"a r l o r E ~ " r y SmU"In Hol lywood-Fox Tro t( f rom Fi ra t Nat iona lp ic ture , "ShowGirl in H o l l ~ ' )Blu" St_ l " an d m. Oreh.,.tn1

    No . 224.16, 10-lnchTh " .... . l Iappln""' . OYer tb .. Hill-Fox Trot (from Patb6picture, nSwinB High")Shoo th . .Hoodoo Away-Fox Trot ((rom Path6 pictu.....

    "Swir4 Hish") G""rg" Oleen an d ma MoaleNo . 22430, Ill-inchBl u .. I . th .. Nlgbt ((rom Mctr..-Goldwyn-Mayer picture. 'Th.ir Own. lJ,sir,")I Remember Yo u Irom Somewherr. (Somewhere in My Drf'!amfl)

    No . 22439. Ill-Inch Jam"" M"ltonOanc lngWi th Tear . In My Eye.I' m I n t h e Market. ( or Y ou (rom William Fo s picture... Hish Soc;'ty Blu. . . .) Johnny Marrin

    No . 220. Il1-lnebCirCUli FJChoell (I ntroducin. "Memphifl. The Majestic"Entry 01 th " Gladiator.. with CalliopeRiaglIng Brotber . au d BarntuD a: BaiI"y .Band

    No . 22438, Ill-Inch

    WEEKDAYS WESTBOUND62nd and Malvern Avenue-


    NARBERTH 4182241 Havcrford Avc., Narberth




    .. . up: up: . . up: , .. .

    Schedule of Montgomery Bus. Co., Inc.

    Bryn Mawr Station-

    Montgomery Avenue Via NarberthBryn Mawr - Ardmore - Narberth - 54th St. - Ph il ad el ph ia

    A. n. - I I .05 , 6.25. 1\ ,45. 7.05. 7.25, ARDMORE. : ~ . lU'-: ; . : l : i , 5.5:1, 6.t:J. 7.1:i, 8.1:', *; .,I:i. R,O:;, *S.:::;, 8.4:'t. 9.0:i, 9 . :: 5 , 0 . 45 ,Hh.. 10. 0: ' , I 0.:.::'. l OA :; , I t. O: i. 11.:':5, 11.4:;, VIAP . 1U.-1.15. 4 . 35 . 4 . 55 , 5;15. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ; r . : : ~ i . J . ; ' ~ ~ . 2 ! . : 0 : : i . 1 5 : ; ; ; 4 ~ ~ ~ . ~ : g ~ :NARBERTH W ITH EXTENSION

    4 .45. :J,O:;, 5 .2 5, 5 .4 5. 11.05, 6.21\. 11.45, TO BRYN l\tAWRArdmore Station- 7.0:'. 7.:::'. 7.15. 8 .0 5 . 8 .2 5. 8.45. 11.05.~ t . ~ 5 ~ 1 , " r . , 10.0:>, 10.2:>. 111.45. 11.05, 11.2:;. SUNDAYS EASTBOUND

    A. I t I .- : 'i . 40. 0 .00, 0 .20. 0.40. 7 . 00 , 7 . 20 . A. 1 \ 1. -1 2 .0 5 . 12 .2: t , 1 .00 , 2.00.7 .4 0, 8. 00, 8 .2 0. 8 .4 0, 9 .0 0, 9 .2 0, 0.40. IJt'o,-e . \ r f l tnore s tn tlnn n t 5.3010 .00 . 1 0 .2 0 , 10.,10. 11.00, 11.20, 11.40. 54th and City Line A. !tl.1 I ': .' : : . o ! ' ~ ; ~ 0 2 ~ ~ . 2 ~ o J 2 : i ' ~ ! o ~ < i ~ i ~ . : . A. 1.-11.10. 11.:10. 11.50. 7.10. 7 .: 10 . \ J ~ ~ .. n ..... r ' h n lf hon r nnW 9.00- : . ' , ....:' .' 't," , ,. . , ' " , ' 7':;0, 8..10, 8.30. 8.:"0. 9.10, 9.30, D.:tO,l ', ," If 4._11. 4.40. ".00. 5._0. 5.40. 11.00, 6 _ 0 . 1 0 10 :10 ' 10 10:10 11 10 II 30 11 40 II t .. n 11._0 A. 1\1. nn d e, .. r , t" ..n t)0.40. 7'.OU, 7.20, 1.40, 8.00. 8.20, 8.40.. .;10 ' 1';"10 1 :s'O i 10 j",W l ' :SO'lIlhlut.. " unt i l 12.00 P. 1\1. l U l r l n l ~ h t .o . o ~ ~ . 9 . 20 , 0 . 40 , 1 0 .0 0 , 10.20, 10.40, 1.tOO, 27io,' :.30:' 2.:iO,3.io, :l.:JO, 3::-;0, 4: io: Tht--Il 12.:10 nnet 1.:10. A. lU.11._0, 1l.40. 4,,10, 4.:10, 5.10. 5.30, 11.50, 6.10, 6.30. 1,..n, lnl t 1'. n. R. s tn t lon In Nnr -A. 1U.-12.00. 12.30. 1.30. 11.50. 7 . :l0 . 7 .30 . 7.l'i0. 8.10. 8.:10, 8.1'>0.9.10. It.. rt l.....' .. 11 mlnn t .... In te r t hnn th e0 .30 , 0 . :;0 , 10 .10, 10.:10, 10.:;:0, 11.10,11.30, nh ' ., 'e n l e n tl oned tlllteN.

    IJ.:;O. ES OUNDNarberth Station- A. U.-12 .10 , 12.:10. 1 . 05 , 2 . 0: ;. SUNDAYS W TB

    54th and City Line-

    Page Fourteen

    All Sailzts Church\Vvnlle\\,ood, Pa. IA. :'II,-....:.Holv COJllmunion c\'ery I

    Sunday. . I..\. :'II.-=-l\!orning s er vi ce e vc rySunday.29-I \ !o rn ing p raye r and sermon.

    The Y. M. C. A. of Phila.delphi a, 1425 Arch S tr ee t.or Y. M. C. A. Camps,Downingtown, Pa.

    W rite or Pholle for Il lustrated Booklet


    8:00II :00


    Cardinals TriumphLast \Vednesdav afternoon theCardinals \\'on a 'slugfest from .th eNarb rook Pa rk Seniors. Martie Case.a former Cardinal , \\'ho was scnt tothe Park t cam hecause of lack of experience, was relieved 111 t hc s ec on dinning hy \\'o od. T he final sco re was19 to 15.

    X/\RBERTHr h a a eCurwin, rf. 1 2 1 0 0Burns, c. 3 3 7 I I .. -umphreys, 3h. 1 1 I 2 0Fleck, If. :2 -t 0 0 0Ruhincan, 2h. 0 I 5 1 0Thomas, d. 0 1 5 1 0K c a n l e ~ ' , ss. 0 1 2 1 0 1Yowell, lh. 1 1 5 1 ~ ;raham, p. ....... 2 1 1 3- - - - -Totals ............ 10 15 27 10 IXarherth 0 0 0 0 5 o 0 2 3-10 -Brookline 2 2 3 0 0 00 0 1- 8

    _............. . . . . . . * ' . , . ,+ ,


    A. 1".--'1. 11.27. 11.47. 7.07,7.27. Narberth Station- I,..,,,.. 112"d ",.eI 1Unhern A ' ....7.41. N.Oi, 8.27. N.47. 0.07. ft.21, 0.41, A. rtl.-fJ.::O, fl.40, 7.00, 7 .2 0, 1 .4 0, Phi l l t . IJl1ot17. 111.27. 10 .47 . 1 1 .0 7 . 11.2T. 11.47. R.OO. 8.::0. 8.40. IIotH., 11.20. 9 .4 0 . 1 0 .0 0 , ~ . ~ " r t "It nt " ' : : : : I t ' b ~ " ' r un l l l 9.30.t I ~ ~ ! - = 1 2 : , ~ : ~ 1:;.2!, 12.41, l ~ f ! ! ' t.::!, 10.::0, .. o . 4 ~ ~ t l . ~ ; . ! " 2 0 ~ 11.40. ., ' h e J 1 1 ( " ~ : I ' : t : " ( " r , p.4,:. ~ ! , : . ......,:., : . 4 . , 3 . ~ ! . ... .:., 3.4. . P l \ I . - ~ , ~ ; O O 1.....0. 1.. ; 4 ~ . 1.00. 1 ... 0. ' I 'h("o e ' ..... r ~ t ,,t"llt , Inl"ut ...." unti l4 . ~ , : . . 4 ,:.. ~ . 4 . : . , : . : . ~ ! 7 , 2.2,:., .,.4 f I . ~ . t . ~ o , 2.M, ... :0 , 2 . 4 ~ ' . , 3 . 0 0 . : .1.20, 3.40. 4 . ~ , 11.45 P. IUn... " fl.,'" .fl" . . . . ."1, 4 ., 8.01, S . . . . , 4 ... 1), 1-.,'0 t.OO. . . . . .0, Ih441, 8.00, fI ...O, n". 1" ..0 1 00 1S.47, n107. P.27,. f t .47, 10 .07 , 10 .27 , 10.41,0.40, r .CHI, 7 .2 0, 7 .4 0, ~ . O O , ~ . 2 0 , S.40,. , . ~ ; " X . ' I 1 \ : " ' O A. :'1., ...." RncIt .07. Jl.27. It. 17. 11.00,11.:':0.9.40, 10.00. 10.20. 10.tO, 11.110. _. II '1 ' .Itl ~ I I ( ' I t lI n ..A. 1 '1 .-12 .07 , 12.:17, 1.:11. 11.20, .1 .40. ~ e l l " 1lJ:; .J' t .... rt"t' nnc J , . . ~ 1" 00 1"'' ' '0 1" 40 11- . ., 1.. n" e "Ilnl i t t ' " 11l'l'r t l tun th e Ilho,e.. .-. . . , ..... , 1M. , ... , _. 11lt 'lltlolled tlllle.A d S 1... n, hl l t 1' . It . n. St" t lnn In Nnr -r m(lre tatlon- h .. rt h IIft ....n mln" t .... In t e r tbnl l th eA. ]\ [ . -6.30, O.riO, 7.10, 7.30, T.r-O, 8.10, ulu.,"" 1t1t'ntltnll'cl t l u t e".\.. 1\1.-tl.OO. 6.20. 6.40. 7.00. 7.20. S.:lO. 8.110. 9 .1 0. 9 .3 0. 11.:;0, 10 .1 0. 1 0 .3 0 .7."0. 1'.00. 8 .2 0. 8 .4 0. 9 .0 0. 9.20. 9.40, 10 .: ;0 . : 11 .10 . 11 ': 10 . 10 .20 . 10 .40. 11.00. 11.20,11.40. 1' . ~ 1 : . - 1 2 . I O . 12.30. 12.50. 1.10. 1.30, For other information andP . 1\1.-12.00, 12.20, 12 .4 0 , 1 . 00 , 1.20, 1.:'iO, 2.:10. 2.30, 21:)0, :1.10, 3.:10, : ~ . : t 0 , 4.10,1,40. 2 .0 0. 2 .2 0. 2 .4 0. 3.00. 3.20. 3.40.4.:10....riO. 5 ,1 0. 5 .3 0. ri.50, 6.10. 11.:10. schedules cal l Bryn Mawr 12804.00, 420, 4 . 40 . :i.CH., :.20. : ; .40 , 0 .00 , O'::O,O.=SO, T.10, 7.:10, 7.:., 8.10, 8.:10, 8.riO,11.40, 7 . 00 . 7 , 20 . 7 . 40 . S.OO, 8.20, 8.40. 11.:10. 9.50. 10.10. 10.:10. 10 .50, 11 ,10 . A fI 9.20. 11.40, 10.00. 10.20, 10 .40 , 1 1 .0 0 ,. 1 1. : 10 . U.50. gent or Peoples Rapid Transit11 .: : 0. 1 1 .4 0 . A. ~ 1 : . - 1 2 . 1 0 . 12.30. 12.50, 1.25, 2.:::>. d Greyhound Bus Lines

    A. 1 ' 1_ 1 2. 2 0. 12.50. 1.50. .T o Dr) 'n I 'l nw r S t nl lo n . an~ _ ; o ; ; ; ; ; ; _ ; o ; ; ; ; ; ; _ ; o ; ; ; ; ; ; _ ; o ; ; ; ; ; ; _ ; ; : : ; _ ; o ; ; ; ; ; ; _ ; ; : : ; _ ; ; : : ; _ ; ; : : ; _ ; ' ; ; ; ; : ; ; _ ; ; : : ; _ ~ I [ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~. _ . . .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ! - ~ I

    BUSINESS SIDELIGHTS in Mr. Caruso's Shop.* * *y PATLovers of beautiful pieces of furni- Here's a system that makes savingsturc and those who apprecia te valuable for eillergencies appeal to all of u s

    CONTINUED FROM 'I'HE FIRST PAOB antiques will be delighted w it h t he T.he Merion Tit lc and Trust Companyman r eached as far as thi rd . many obj ec ts d 'a r t so suitable for the a rc opening a Thrift Club! Most of

    Then came the fifth inn ing and dis- June bride to be found in the shop of us are familiar b y n ow w it h t he Chr is tappointment for the Brookline Club S. T. Caruso, Ardmore. Tw o pieces, mas Club plan of pulling awa.y a

    D . , k I I . d t' stated SIIII1 each week and receiv ing aand fans. Gene aVIs .I11US . e t e e ~ s at tI e present .tllne, escrve mc.n Ionsecmcd to h av c f on nd thClr stnde 111 because of t he Ir beauty. Onc IS an check at Christmas. Now the Thriftthis inn ing for th c f ir st fivc 111en up 'I antique snake foot table w it h t he d is h C lu b g iv es you your check fifty weeksassaI led :McCauley in succession , each rim t op, a wonderful valuc at a 1110st aftcr your first payment-for whichone pushing in a preccding player whoIreasonable price. Thc other is onc of your moncy c an be drawn sooner-I I A Ik d 'fi . I those verv scarce s lope top desks , wal - insur ance , coal, school a nd v ac at io ncovcrc( a lasc wa an sacn cIa n ut w it li Chi pp en da le feet and 1111- cxpenses. Just p ut aw ay fifty cents,click was followed by a sixth binglc por ted Eng li sh handles. This is an one dollar. two dollars or five dollarst o s co re th c fifth and last run of th c original in semi-natural statc and therc a wcek and vou 'l l nevcr miss it. Th einning. is just onc. The re ar e al so t hos e dc- interest paid is 3%. All would do

    With the scoring somcwhat evencd ~ i f t ~ ~ ~ u ~ n d r i 5 i : : I ~ ~ a ~ d I W l t ) ~ : ~ 0 ~ ~ a i ~ ~ ~ ; c S ~ ; : ' : ~ i ~ ~ . j ~ J : ~ r ~ h ~ ~ u J ~ I U ~ ) r s ~ O a : ~ d e e ~ l a ~ : l 1 f ~ ;up 111 t he fi ft h at 7-5, Graham paid T. Caruso-charming for t he wedding a real \'acation ncxt Slllllmer. and intribute to his slugging pals whose gift distinctive. Thes c arc vcry rarc t he m ea nt im e, t he re 's a lw ay s thatferocious assault on McCauley had p ie ce s o f furniture and you may sec priceless. confident feeling that wheng iv en h im i ns pi re d hopcs of victory. them d isplayed to t he bes t advan tage you need 1110ney it is there for you.~ ~ ~ I ~ l l l ~ l d e \ I ( : ~ l i ~ : ~ h t ~ \ ~ ~ \ : : : ~ t e l ; ~ : ~ I ~ : : ~ !"" - - - - - - - - - - - - - : ! ! - ~ - ~ - ~ ~ - ~ C - ! ! e ~ I ! ! : ~ b ! ! ; ~ a ! ! ; ~ e ~ ~ ~ : ~ u ~ ; ! ! ! H : = : : ! - ! ! o : = : : ! I ~ ! ! d ~ a ! ! - Y ~ ~ ~ Y ! ! ; ~ ~ ~ Y ~ - ~ i n = ! ! - g ~ i ! ! ! h : = : : ! ; ! ! s = ~ ~ ~ ! ! - ~ - ~ - ' : ' ; ; Iand one marc r un in thc alien half of i ~ ;"th c finale. '''l'r\arb(,rth p as se d t hc B ro ok li nc hit- 0:;:- ..ting ml\rk in th e e ighth w hc n they .:::clouted :'II cCauley f or f ou r more safctics from which they coined two rllnsto evcn the score. Curwin r ai se d aneasy /ly to Kiker at shortstop andBurns beat out his iuf ic ld tap . Humphn'\'s also /lied out for thc second out inse'nd ing a long a er ia l t o J. Vvood inright w iug and Fleck blasted a v io lenthln\\' out of the centre fielder's reachf or a \ \' el l- ea rn ed t ri pl e. Burns camehome on th e h it . Rubincan c1ickcd ashort single and F leck crossed withthe tying marker. Tholllas' h it p roved\ \' or t h le ss to the lncal c au se w hc nKcarney fell on strikes for t he t hir dretircment.

    Narberth Bumps OffBrookline 10 to 8

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 27, 1930


    an dPoolBath ingDancing

    Page Fifteen



    A merican Plan Only

    "MinI/Ie 10 Ererylhing"

    SERVICE COMPANYFrank H. Seely, Jr., Prop.5 BALA AVE., BALAPhone: CYNWYD 877

    Seashore Express-door to door service, withtrunks, etc . delivered sameday. Rates to seashore andother points on request.Local and l ong d is tancehauling.

    Tom Thumb Golf CourseCraze Hits Main LineThe i n va si on o f T om T hu mh ~ inia

    ture Golf C ou rs es h as s ta rt ed on th eM ain Line. A course was r l' ce nt lyopened a t th e C ov ered \V ag oll Inn.Strafford, an d a ne w on e opel l l' d l a st\Vednesday on Lancas ter P ik e. B ry nMawr . opposite th e Sl'ville Theat re .Buil t wi th grass tees :lIId greens ,each of t he e ig ht ee n h ole s is entirelydifferent an d makes a f . l sc ina t ing spor t .Sand traps, wat er h az ar ds an d lIlallYclever o h st ac le s a dd al l th e charm ofa large cOllrse an d reqllire a ll I he skillat th e golfer's eomlllalHI.Many o f these COllrSl'S ar c nol\ ' illopera t ion in th e city o f P h il a de lp h iaa ll ll i n th e suburhs. I t is now I ", s si b lethrough t h e i n st al la ti o n alld manageIllent of th e Cl'CLJ CUlllpallY to en jo ythese facilities at Bryn }'Iawr. Atnights th e courSe is as light as da ythrough a system of spOI lights, Theg'olf enthusiast IIlay improve his puttillg 011 greens of Ih e same sploed as aregular C l l l l r S t ~ .This craze s ta rt er l l as t winter inFlorida an d since then h as s pr ea ll likewildfin ' th roughout th e Cllllntl'\'. Lo sAngeles has nl'arly .lOU ot' thtsecourses. 'Inri Chieago ~ O O . \ \ ' i lh golfheclJ Ining n lOn' pop ll l ar e ve ry rlay. th etellS of thullsallrls oj these cuurses 1I0Whe ing in st a ll e d throughout t he c o ul lt ryar e tilling a Il lng-felt need '~ t = 1 t = 1 e t = 1 t = 1 t = 1 ~ ~

    . . ., .. . ,..,., ...........



    Seashore Hotels



    'Vorld's Henowned Aud i tor i um . One ofth e be,;t established ho t .. ls on Ihe AtlanticCoa!':lt. Attractive rateH. Attractive Hul'rounding;". Weelt " m.on th, season. : \\ ' r lte us about ' resenat iOns.H. A. andL. E. WILLIAMS 7 SEAVIEW AVENUEOwner$hip.Management Ocean Grove, N. J.

    .....,.. ,.. .

    Part Loads-Trunks

    Seashore & ResortsBUNGALOWS, cot tages an d apar t -m en ts to r th e se aso n ot 1930. Corwi n P. Vansant . 16th an d New JerseyAve., Nor th Wi ldwood , N. J. (omb6-27)POCONO MOUN' I'A IN fanns, count ryhOlnes, c r ee l \. properties, lal

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 27, 1930






    June 27, 1930

    CARUSOFurniture Expert


    An Original Adaptation 01 Sh,rra'on and Duncan Ph'll,By S. T. CARUSO


    Do no t make th e common mistake of buyingthe furniture for your future home withouta plan and counsel from someone who isthoroughly competent to do so. One whoknows woods, construction, tnishes and perioddesigns so that they may be adapted to yourindividual needs.Caruso has served the Main Line patrons inthis capacity for over 20 years, and solicitsyour patronage now.


    Phones-ARDMORE 107-3118


    Caruso offers a word of adviceto the June Bride


    O U ~ T O W N

    SO BIGIThink of health as the vital factorin the life of your child. Then real.ize that nothing is more importantthan pure, rich milk - a quart everyday. In Gold Medal Milk, naturehas placed practically all the foodelements and vitamins needed forhealth and growth, Thirty-four goldmedals for superior purity and Ravoris a record that has stood for manyyears. This fine milk is scientiFicallysafeguarded all the way from the

    farm to your door. Enjoy itshealthfulness every day.



    Page Sixteen


    Make Annual Appeal , de ed i t shoul d be, and pra!se and glory IPaid-up Members Is - - - ~ u r i n g -t h : - ~ ' i n t e r ., to those who sha ll adorn It. At the e lec t ion held by t he c ompanyFor 4th ContributIOns J. L. McCrery is the gentleman's I Fire Company Aim recent ly Frederic A. Egmure, of Elm-CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 full n ame, i f checks are t o h e w ri tt en ,I wood Avenue, and William Newborg,a c ar ef ul tabulation of it all, a nd a c- and he is t re asurer of the Fourth of Efforts are under way t o ' ?r ing the o f \Voodbi ne Avenue, were elected. dId I t1'f . (members of the Na rbe rth F ir e Com- t ru st ee s of the Fire Company for adanll an app au t lOse wor ly CI 1- July Fund, holdlllg forth at t he Nar -I p any who are in arrears in their dues two-year term. Mr. Egmore was also

    z ens who do not have to be cur se ?, berth National Rank, an excellent in- up to date, Delinquent memberships elected publicity c ha irman f or thecoaxed and cajoled into doing thiS stitution which sha ll be open t he n ight compr ise a considerable number and cOlllpany.quite reasonable and altogether praise- long to receive the valued stipends it is the. hope of. the r;:ire Company thatworthy thing. which a re n ow solicited. We mean t o theI'ste. Will be patldtluPt m t he nca r future, The future looks bright to t ho se who. ' IS rUlllore( 1'1 a permanent anx- will work hard and attend to the ir ownSo, t oo , WIll Our Town proclaIm the say you may push your happy enclos- iliary to the Fire Company will soon b u s i n e ~ s , says a well-known financier.ell-operative corps, a robust roster, ure in t he bank's mai l s lo t, if perchance be formed of t he pub li c- sp ir it ed women AIHl, for t h life of ns, Wl' can't thinkthe names of thos e who hol d t hei r the doors are closed, as ' ti s claim edIwho p u across so sU,eeessfulIY the big of any t wo things people care lessstandards sure, a publi ci ty privilege that even ba nke rs mus t s omet im es fi reme n s b enef it SUpper and bazaar ahont doing.they accord i n recognition of t he i rr e- sleep, tho ' go odn es s knows wh y they I -- - - - - - - - - .- _.- - -s is tible force of good example in bri ng - shoul d, so no end of money have they,ing l eaven to t he l and, to maintain our and so badly does the c ou ntr y need Iprecious memories 111 their loftiest its spending. .estate. Please do hurry, all of us.

    The list will be impressive, as in- THE SPECTATOR.