Our Town August 28, 1947

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Transcript of Our Town August 28, 1947

8/7/2019 Our Town August 28, 1947

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Mensch Answers

Stooge Charges.Sat isfied To B e One If

It ' M ea n s G o od Govemmfnt ,

He Says

F. M, Sloan, of 307 'V. Lancastf!l'Ave., Wayne, has been appointedmanager o f t he ' Ve st in gh ou ssH ome R ad i o.. Divis ion, I t wa s an';

nOllnced t hi s w ee k b y Walterans, vice- president In charge ofall r adio ac t iv i ti e s o f the Westinghouse Electl'ic Corp.

Sloan fOl'mel'ly a c te d a s t e c h n l ~cal supel'visol' at KYW, and is aveleran of mor e t h al l 20 years Incommunications and radio.

If h el pi ng t o give Monlgomery

CounUans the best governmen t en ·joyed by a n ~ ' County i n t he l C o m ~monwealth of Pennsylvania ill tobe considered being a "st .ooge" for

Republicans . Mil\ority CountyCom

m iss ione r Raymond K, Mensch,

Gilbertsville, said today, he will re

main one.

Mensch, ,hi lli ng th e re cen t

charges of Ch8l'Ies J. Hepburn, who

s e ek s t h e D emo c ra t ic n omi n at i on

f or C ommi ss io ne r. a ss e rt ed H ep

bu rn' s a l l ega llons were false and

designed mel'ely to a t tra c t a t ten

lion t o h is c a nd id a cy :

"We In Montgomery Coun ty l ike

the conservative. constru.ctiveDem

ocratic pl'lnciples o f Th om a s Jef

f er so n, w hi ch h av e a pp li ed withmarl{ed success in t h riv ing Mon t

gomcry County, " declared the Gil

berlsville commiss ioner .

"Mon tgomery Coun ty has no

p la ce f or I he false Idealisms of the

NewD ea l w hi ch m y o pp on e nt s ar e

endcavoring, to brin$ here."

MenSCh s ai d h e i s c onlent to reston h i s r eco rd, f eel ing as su r ed tha twhat he has accomplished will be

r ecognized by the voters September 9.

"When Montgomery County vot-''ers want a change, they wl1l look tome n scasone d In Mo ntgome ry

CounlY's affairs to give It to them,"he added.

The second contes t In this, be!t

Iwo oul o f t hr ee . s er ie s w1l1 be

p l a ~ ' e d al Narberlh on 'Sunday, and,

If a Ihh'd game Is necessary, it w11l

b e s la g ed at Narberlh on Labor'Day.

Rain would just s hove th i s s ched

Ule up one d ~ y , allhough regardl es s o f when Ihe s e de s s la r ts , t h e

f irs t t il t wil l b e h eld o n Wayne' .field.

P en di ng t he oUlcome of theDrexel Hill-Manoa play-off contest,

the league announced t h a t Be rwynwouldplay at Iheloserof the Drexel

Hill-Manoa game o n S u nd a y I n the

opening o f t h e B Sel'les, while WestCbestel' w1l1 play at t h e w inner of

t h at s e de s I n t h e o pe ni n g conlest

o f t he C Series.T h e s ec on d g ame s I n I he se serle .

will be p layed at Berwyn andWest. lConllnued o n Pa ge Fo ur )

26,805 ,EligibleFor Primary Vote

Ar e Registered Republ icans

Or Democ ra t s in

Township an d Borough

A total of 26,805 Republicans an d

Democrat.s are ' eligible to vote atthe September primaries in Lower

Merion Township and Narbert.h

Borough, according to figures re

l ea se d t hi s w ee k b y the Montgom

ery County Regislralion Commis


Other r egi s le r ed vo te r s, who wl1lbe Ineligible to vo te because their

parties h av e no b al lo ts o f theirown, include 579 Non-Partjsans and

two Socialists.

Th e b l' ea kd ow n of parties in

Lower Mel'ion Township shows 20,965 RepUblicans, 2,478 Democrats,

489 Non-Par ti s ans and one Socia l

ist. In Narbe l 't h the re a r e 3,009 Re

pUblicans, 353 Democrats. 90 Non

Pa r ti s an s and one Socialist.

The counly figures show a grand

to la l o f 137,953 regislered voters, In·cluding 110,327 Republicans, 24,990Democrats. 2,570 Non-Pal'tisans, 11

Prohibitionists 'and :15 Socialists.

Th e c o u n t b y election districts In(Conllnued on Page Four)

Found Tuesday inLiving Room of ' "

Avon Apartments .Mrs. Gall Evans, 42, of the Avon

Apartments , Narberth, was f ou nd

shot t h rough th9 head ' Tuesday

night In t h e l iv i ng r oom of he r

third-floor apartment. A .4 5 caIlbel't'evolver, souvenir o f W or ld Wa rOne, lay on the floor nearby, one of

lis six carlridges discharged.

The bullet had passed through

her head and lodged In the ceilingof the room. '

Caplain W il l iam E . S ha ff er , of

the Lowe r M e ri on D el e ct iv e Bu

r ea u, s ai d I he w om an w as f ou nd

by her husband, Char l es Morri .Evans , 48, a former employe of the

State Liquor Cont r ol Board . HI .shouts f or h el p w er e a ns we r ed by

a neighbor, William Ovalle. who

ca ll ed D r . W l lI i am D. Beamer, of

222 Haverford Ave" Narberth.

Dr. Beamer admInIs tered tlrs t-ald 'and sent Mrs. Evans t o B r y n Mawr

Hospi t a l I n the Narberth Volunteer

Medical S e rv ice Co rp s ambu laqce ,

d ri v en b y Th om a s M er kl e. Physi

cians at the hospllal performed anemergency opera t ion and adm in l s -

3 Screen Stars tered blood plasma In an ef fo r t to.save her life.

(4-Legged Variety) Evans , Who t ol d d el ec tj ve s h ehad been unemp loyed fo r the past

To Appear Here year and a half , said Ihat on ,Tuesday night he brought home a hslf

"Smoky," "Fliclts.:' and "Thunder - ga l lon o f mus cate l_w ine an d made

head , " f amous fo r their s c reen ap - d r ink s w i th Ice and soda, Hepearances, wllI b e I he e qu in e guest ' said t he w in e m ad e hi m d ro ws y

s ta r s a t t h e Chesle r Coun ty Hor se and retired 10 the , bedroom.

Show, which will be held at t he S om el lm e l at er . h e c o n ~ l ~ u e d , 1 heDev on H or se S how G ro un ds Sep- woke a n dw en t into thO. 11 vIIlg room.tember 18, 19 and 20, ~ h e r e he discovered hiS Wife , clad

T h t hr ee sc re e stars will be III r ed s h or t s and a white blouse,

hous:d In C O I O I ~ U I l Y d e c o r a t ~ d s lumped unconscious In a chair and

s lalls, and w il l b e o n view th rough- b leed ing pl'Ofusely f rom t h e head

out t he t hr ee d ay s of t he h or se w ou nd .show. The Evans' two sons. Donald, 220

Ring competition wlll be held at (Continued on Page Four)

1 P. M. and 7.45 P, M, dally, except F. M. S L O ~ N T O H EA DSa lurday, th e final day, whenIhe.

children 's classes will o pe n t h e d a y WESTINGHOUSE DIVISION ..at 9 A . M .

P ro ce ed s o f t he f ou rl h a nn ua l

show will be donaled 10 t.he Ches

ter CounlY Hospital and the Ches

t.cJ: Coun1yo..QJ.rI;Scouts.

Bryn Mawr.Speallers wl11 I nc lu de t h e s ev en

conles tants for t h e t h re e vacancieson the Lower Merion School Board,and t he s ix m en running for County Commissioner jobs.

A special fe at u re o f t h e drive wllIbe a League B o o l ~ at Sh'awbridgeand Clothier's, Ardmore. Hel'e,

v o le rs ' d ir e ct o ri es m ay b e s ec u red; ques tions on the primaries willbe answered , and v o t e r ~ may r eg is ler for transportation t o t he polls,and f or b ab y sitters whe will talteover whlle pa ren ts a re voting,

Th e boolh w i ll be open September 4, 6, and 8, with Mrs.:, EwingC. J u ls l ed t , o f Cynwyd, In chargeAll 400 l eague memher s have a l sobeen in s tr uc ted to offer Iheir sen'fces i n he lp ing their neighbors to

get t o t he polls.The vo te r s' diI'eclories, giving In

fonnalioll about eVI'y candidate,(Continued o n Pa ge Four)

Among t h e m em be r s o f t h e H a rold D. , S peakman , Pos t, o f th e Am

e r i can Legion who al'e at.tending

t he n a ti o na l c on ve nt io n in New

York Cit.}' this week a re D is lr ic tAllet'l1at.e. John A. Mowe r, o f 714Montgomery Ave" and Frank Dwy

er, of 530 Dudley Ave,FoIlowing parades, competition

b el we en t he d ist ri ct d ru m a ndbug le co rps, and speeches by Presi

denl TI 'uman , and Gavel'nor Dewey, the delegates w il l c on ve ne o n

S un d ay t o e le ct t h eN a t io na l Cum

mander f or t he following year,Also a l l end ing the convention are

Hal 'vey Harmon, of Ardmore, andFrank .ChaIJengel', of Cynwyd,

Pennsylvania State delegate.





Manoa and Drexe l H l ll wlll carry

I h e l ~ fight for top honors In' the

Eastern Division of the Main Line

League in to a posl-season play-off

game pl'ior to the "Iart o f t he p re

lhnlnary play-off series.

'l'he Manoans and Ihe HllIers re

m ai ne d t ie d f or the n um be r o ne

spot QY sweeping last week-end's

BUNGALOW RAZED d uo o f c on te st s. T hu s. a play-offgame was fOl'ced, and Ihe two

IN NARBERTH F IRE teams wlll meet on Veler an !' F i e ld

Fire wrecked a small combina.. in M an oa o n Salurday afternoontlon b un ga lo w a nd b ar n In the at 3 P. M. Should rain postpone thereal' of 925· Monlgomel'y AVI!.. game, Manoa'and Dl'exel Hill wlll

Narberth. 'on S un d ay a ft er no ol l. p l ay on I he s ame field o n S u nd a yTl'afflc was de layed abou l 15 mlll- at 2,30 P. M,u le s whi le f ir eme n extinguish!1 The regular preliminary play-offs

the blaze. wlll ge t unde l ' way on SaturdayGeol'ge Harrison, 6 5. a gardener, when Nal 'be l 'l h , third place East

who occup ies fithe bungdallow, WiltS er n n ine , p lay s Wayne , first placeo ut w he n t he r e w as , scovere,.. h· DI IFireman said. they thought hay winner In t e Weslern v slon, ons to red In t he b a rn s ecl lon had ig'- t he R a dn or H ig h F i el d I n Wayne ,

niletl, , In the A Series.

An impromp lu ta lk on h i s r ecen t

trip to C u ba b y A. Cl 'aig Boyd, of

MeJ'ion, h igh l igh ted Ihe A rdmore

Optimist Club's luncheon meeling

in I heLlane r ch Coun l ry Club Tues


C ra ig , f or me r g ov er no r o f I he

Second DlslI 'ict, Optimist International, m ad e t he t hr ee -d ay t ri p

from M iami , F la ., w he re h e w as

al lending an Optimist convenlion.

He s a id thCl'e was n o middle class

in Havana, that the people wel'ee l lh e r v e ry r ic h or vel'y poor, and

that I hey s eemed comp lele ly s a ti s

fied wi th t h e a r rangement . ,S p ea l dn g o f t h e c o s t of living, he

said pl'ices i n Cuba were moder ate

and with a few exceptions were

comparable with Ihose i n the Un it ed

S iai e s. F lowers , he s a id , were ve ry

inexpensive. Fo r ins lance, Ameri

can Beauty I'oser' wcr e o nl y 10cenls a dozen,

Other reasonable commodities Include crocodile a nd a ll ig al or b a gs

And wal le ts ; w hi ch a r e only one

fiflh a s e xp en si ve a s i n Amer,lca.

To combat Lower Merion T"wn at 8 P, M" to which all 43 caudls h ip ' s ch ron ic indifference t o p rl t ides have been Invi t ed , Moder amary'electlons , the League o f 'Vo- tor will be Mis s Ros amund Cros s,m e nV o t er s h a s announced a town- ,head mistress at Baldwin School

s h ip -wide d r ive to b r ing all votersof both parties to Ihe polls forthe Seplember 9 primaries,

Mrs. Henry H, Horrocl l s, J r ., o fWllIiamRon and Mt, Pleasant Rds.,

Bryn Maw r, c h ah 'ma n of theLeague ' s S e rvice ' Committee, wlll

lead the drive."Record!! show' tha t for the past

five years on ly about one thil'd ofthe t ownship 's r egi s te r ed vo ter se ve r v ot e at the primaries, a1'1dlast year t h e ave rage W:lS only 24percent," Mr. Horrocks said this

week."This Is especially serious in this

township whel'e the one-sided polit ical s ituation makes the primariesmost i mp or ta nt , E ve ry v ot ers ho ul d I ns ur e h is p a rt y 's puttingt h e b e sl ma n o n h is ticket by vot

i ng f or h im at the primaries ."The league is sponsoring an open

m ee ti ng i n L ow er Merion SeniorHigh Schoo l F r iday , S eptember 5

League Women Launch Drive

To Get Voters to Primaries

Optimists Hear

A. Craig BoydFormer Optimist Official

Gives Imp romp tu T a lk

o n R ec en t Trip to Cuba

Mrs. Gail Evans, 42.Near Death From

Gun Shot Wound

Saturday I s L as t Day

Fo r L. M. Ta x Discount

A b ro lhe r and s i sl e r living in Ger

many will share in the $83,966 es

talc of Henry H , Anlwei l cr , f o rm

e r ly o f 234 E. Lancast e r Ave" 'Vynnewood, aco rd ing to an adjudica

tion by .Judge J, BIIt'nett Hol/anrt,

in Monlgomcry Count.y.Orphan's

Cou rt th is week ,

A ntwe il er , w ho w as v ic e- pr es i

dent a nd d ir ec to r o f s al es f or t he

Amalgamated Leather Co., 'ViI

minglon, w as b u rn e d to death 'jn

June, 1945, whcn his bcd caughl fire

after he fell asleep smok ing in Ih':!(Continued on Page FourJ


slle took hel' ml1stCl"S degl'ee inbac1eriology.

In 1932, Mrs . S h ry oc k w or lt edf or t h e SUDImel' at S ~ ' I ' a c u s e , In thefield o f p rog r es s ive educa tion Andthe following year went to DukeUnlvel'slly, where s he o rgan ized anursery school, I n D u rh am, w hi ch

(Continued on PageFou r)


Organization S l a ~ e

u le d t he final chapter, entitled "A

Glance Ahead," and helpcd prepare

Ihe manuscript for Ihe press,

The volume was p r epa r ed to give

ihe public a simple piclul'e of Ihe

o rg an iz a ti on a nd w or ki ng s o f the

Naval establishment, with just

enough background to e,.xplain how

it reaChed i l s p r esen t s t a tu s ,

Read is a graduate o f t he jour

nalism department of Tcmp le Un i

versit.y, C la ss o f 1935. While at

Temp le he w as e d it or o f Th eT em

ple OWl, drum major, a member o f

Ihe t rack team, and a participaut

in other extl 'a-curr ieular activities.

A f ter g r adua t ion he j oi ne d t he

U . S , Nav al R e se rv e a n d w as c om

missioned as an ensign. During

'Vorld War II he s e rved on various

Iypes Of Naval vessels, including an

auxiliary repair vessel, of which he

was commander. He is now in the

Navy Publ i c Re lat ions Dcparlmental Washington.

lown , f o r Districl Attorncy; Rober t .l Bales, Glenside. for Coroner .

Scatcd ( L ef t t o righl)-Alfrcd J . M ar qu et , P o tt s tow n, f or Controller ; Harold Grove. Knight, Amb 11'1', for JUdge o f t h eC o u r t o f C om

mon PIcas; J. BUl'l1ett HolJand, Upper Merion, for Judge o f t he O r

phans Cour t ; P e le l ' S c h ? ~ l d e r , Sto wc;{or ~ h e l : i f ' f ; J a ~ e ~ 1,d. I ~ e ~ ! l l g ,Colmar; for Clerk 'of COlll'ts, ' (Not 'pletUt'cd, Wintafif'Br'mth'fs1art, Willow Grove, for Surveyor.)

Left to right back row : E, Arnold 'Forrest , for District Attorney;

Wins low J, R U S I ~ o n g , f o r Co roncr ; S amuc l M, Wilson, for TreltSure:;

Herbert H. Melz, for Surveyor; John 'A. Lafo r e, J r ., fOr Controlle:;

John E. Mars hal l , f o r Reco rde r r,f D e ~ d s ; Louis V. Dorp , f o r Clerlt

o f Cour t s; S amue l M, Glass, f o r Sher i ff .


A former Narberth residcnl isco-author of an informal ,account

of t h c o rgan iza tion and work ing s

o f t he N a "a l e s ta b li s hm ent t od ay ,

just issued by the U , S . Navy De


He is Commander Samul'l H. P.

Read, J r ., son of MI'. an d Mrs. Sam

uel H. P , Read, of 524 Broollhurst

Ave., Narberth,

The volume, " Th c N av y al Sea

and Ashore," was wr i tt en in collab

oration with Dr, Robert G, Albion,

h i sto ri an o f Nava l Admin i st r a tion.

T he b as ic t ex t w as writtcn, by Dr,

Albion. I nt o t hi s, t he fo re wor d

slates,1 Read " inco rpo r a ted dozens

of sugges tions made by t h e va rious

high ofllcials o f t he N av y D ep ar t

m en t, amo ng w hom t he c r ig in a l

draft was c i rcu la t ed in ordcr to

have the comp lex pic,lUI'e presented

as cleal'ly and accur a tely as pos-sible:' •

Command cr R e ad a ls o c on tr lb -

Sam Read, Jr., Co-Authors Story Kin in, GermanyOf ~ ~ T h e 'Navy at Sea and Ashore" Share ill, Estate

Bequests o f Wynnew ood

Man; Other Estates

Dist ributed

DemocraticI •

Schools to Open

On ,September 9Private Schools and

Colleges t o S ta rt

Later i n Mo nt h "

Candidates endorsed by t h e Mon lg om er y C ou nt y D em o cr a ti c

Committee for COIlDly Offlces in Primary Election, september 9, 1947:Standing (Left to r ightl-Fred erick H, Bickert, Bala-Cynwyd, for

Treasurer; Owen J, Kernan, Cheltenham, for CounlY CommissionCl';

Raymond K, Mensch, Gilbertsville, for CounlyCommissioner; Normun

T, Fulmer, Spring ,Mol.lnt.,...fnr, ;ncg'lster o f W i ll s ; J ohn S. IDnkle.·Spring

Hous e, f o r Reco rde r o f Deeds; 'V\'2l1ington H. Rosenbel'1'y, JI '" Norris-

, ,

ttARBERTH COMMUN tTY L..r ; ' : ; ~ ' . ' : . ; , .WINDSOR AVE,NARBERTH, PA,


- Y ea r- Ol d P il ot S on

Ca pt a in Tumer

Ca ldwe l l



an d Kindergarten

children 3 and 4 years old

r e at i on R oom o f Mont

Cour t Apa r tment s,

Narberth9 A. M. to 12 Noon

Jlmlted to 20 children

Mrs. R. L. Watrous

Narberth 2216

C o m m a n ~ e rin Narberth



Salurday, August 30, will b e t he

l a st d a y for the 2 per cen td i s coun t

Ion r ea l e st a te a n d p er so na l prop-

Accountl'ng FI·ind COMPJ.ETE SCOUT OUTING e r ~ y t:u-es In Lower Merion Town-

Frank Hol de n, f ro m t he S ea ShiP, It was announced yesle rday.

H'B h M · I Ph ·,1 E I ScoutShip Viking, of Penn 'Wynne, J. "\TaiteI' Hammonds , townshipggy asn t e en to t e oVles n I er state was one of 18 Senior Scouls and It re a su r cr , s ai d h is office in the

, 't h' b 'Id' E L The Rev. Robert J , Rodisch , pas-two leadel's whocompleled a six- owns Ip UI Ing at 15 . an - tor o f Ihe Langho rne P r es byte r ian LT . COLTON 'S ROAST BEEF

t th'e Stars Are Coming to Her Cha r le s McI lv a i n day ou t ing F r iday . The s ess ion in-I caster A ~ e . , Ardmore , wou ld be Church, wlJl be ~ u e s t minister 11.1 ""00 WELL DONE" IGNITEScluded a f our - da .y cruise on the o pe n u nt il 12 noon Salurday t o t he S un da y morl11ng services o f t h e I , ,

Johnston, of 140 Campbell IPeggy's home, and all but one- T r us t E s ta t e Shows Coas t Guard Cutter, Colfax, receive paymenls , Narberth Presbyterian Church, I L t, R al ph L. C ol lo n a nd M rs ,

S o ut h A rdmo re , h a sn ' t b ee n that of L a u i ~ , the dog s tar-wns $883,510 Balance H is s ermo n t op ic w ll l b e "Con la- Colton were fOl'ced to flee their

. Iaulographed, WOMEN IN POLITICS glous C h r i s t i a n i t ~ ' , " Tbat evening, h.ome, "Harrington House," at Har-

to g et t o t h e movies ~ a l e I Y - S O I Most o f t he p'iptures a re o f the An a ccounting in the $1,224,305 he wiII speak o n " A Man, A Crow, rlllgton and Old Gulph Rds., Rose-

have been commg to 13- conventional 8xtO-inch size. But e s ta t e o f Emi ly C h apm an PhilJer, Wh M Rh Sh kD 'd d and the Master," mont, Monday evening, wh,1n a

Y rs. eva ryoc , eCI e Tallting on "Habakkuk-the"Man rO,ast beef, t he y w e re coolling, Ig-Peggy. six, t hos e o f I ng rid Bergman, DicIt Lower Merion Township, Who died ltdI W ho O ve came H is Doubts, the nI e .

l eas t , t h ey have been c om n g P ow cl l, L a ra i ne D ay , Joan F on - M ay 1, 1941, was f il ed I n Montgom- T B S h IB d C d'd I Rev, I '\:enneth C, stewart, paRtor of Tile Collom; a nd t he ir g ue st se f or m o f l ar ge p ho to gr ap hs taine, J im my S te wa rt a nd Cat'y ery Counly O rphans' Cour t last 0 e a C 0 0 oar an I ate t h e , Old Marple Presbylcrian d a s h e ~ fl'om h , o u s , ~ and ca ll ed

stars, personally autograph- Grant, are salon poi-traits, nicely week. Church, Broomall, was guest speal,- the ;Slyn . : M a ~ r File c",lolpany anI!and containing Individual Among other pictures received The accounting was filed becausfl Br RUTH EDGAR t tI Wednesday n igh t p l 'ayer Merion FIre C " m p a n ~ ' of Ardmol'c,

Jimmy Dur a nl e s en t by P eg gy a re those o f M a rg a re t of t he d ea lh o f a d au gh te l' , E mi ly ( Ed it or 's N ot e: Seven persons er at' Ie , who extingUished the blaze. Col-and kisses". and o lhe r s wish'o!d O'Brien, EvelYn Keyes, FI 'ank Sin- P. 'Vood, on May 19, 1946. and Ihe !leek the, Republican n()mina- mee mg, t on s ai d t he f la mi ng b ee f set tire

lUck and a speed recovery atra, AlanLadd, Larry Parks, Anne attainment of 21 y e ar s o f a g e o f h e r t io n f or three "l1c:lneies on the 1 to the woodwol'k.

the I1Iness which has kepi her Baxter, Mark Stevens, Red S ke l· son, Ciement B. Wood , Jr. I.ower 1\lerlon School Hon rl l I n RUTH ROBB ESTATE ---------------..:--------------

f o r eight months. , lion, Nancy GUild, Susan H ay wa rd , Ju dg e J. Burnett Holland dis- the Septemher 9 l>rlmnry } ~ I \ ' c . . UDICATED MANOA DREXEL HILL PITTEDJean Winters, who lives Richard Choate , Gene A ut ry ( wh o t ri bu te d t he $1,080,125 In personal tlon. T hr l' e o f t he s e\ 'e n ar e IS AD J , ,

Calif., s t a rt ed the ball s igned h i s "you r saddle pa l" ) , Van p roperty . $28,633 In r cal e s ta t e , and w om en. S om o persons believ\' T he b al an ce of $2813.90 in the

to get t h e p ictu r es f o r P eg- J ohns on , Belt.y Grable, Corn':!l $17,547 in income, as f ol lo ws : t o that g ov er nm ent a n d politic's es l at e o f Rulh M. Robb, Narber , th, FOR M. L. LEAGUE T'OP HONORSs ug ge st e d t h e I ~ e a t o h er Wilde, J i nx F al ke nb er g, "B ut c h" P r ov i de n t Trust Co" o f Ph il ade l - ar e n o p ln ce f or w om en . 'Ye who d ie d M a rc h 9, 1912, Is divided

Mrs. Margar e t W lnle rs , J enk in s, Do ro lhy Lamour, Maur een ph ia , Marlon B, Wood a n d J , Tyson disagree and belle"e it wlU be as follows according to an art-of In te rest to o ur re nd ers to 'd' t" b J d Holland In11as s ev e ra l a c qu al n la n ce s em- O 'H a ra . S pe nc er T ra cy , Esther Stokes, executol's o f I he e st at e of JU lea Ion y u ge "

. know w l l ~ ' these three women Orphans' Court.by mo tion p ic tu r e compan- W i ll i am s, June Allyson, L in da D ar - Emi ly P , Wood. one-half of t he ne l se ek election a s s c h' l ol l l ir e c- lone - th i rd Is a wa rd ed t o F re d-

pass ed a long the word 10 neil, Abbott & Costello, Bing Cros- Income to May 19, 1946; to Clement to - . Th e follo"'lnO' I'S t'lle tll',rl} d t . Ih bd d I dl .0 . . m'ic l , M, Robh, an wo-nm enc

s , who r espon e mme - by, Bob Hope, Judy Garland, Rosa- B. 'Vood, one- s ix th o f t he n et In- of a s er le H o f In te r vlcws with t o Ei i zabe th M, R. Wyn, l'rcder-a n d u na nimo us ly . W it h in a l ind Russell , D e an n a D ur bi n, R o h- c om e after May 19, 1946. a nd o ne - t he se cllmlldnt(\8. Artldl's on Ick M. Robb, JI·,. and Fredericlt M.

weeks 66 p lc lu r es a r riv ed at er t Cummings, Gregory Peck, C e sa r s lx l h of the p r inc ipa l ; to William Mrs. "' . G. Cuf t '. of Bryn Mawr, RObb , J I' ,. as gual'dian for Mal'-Romero. George Brent, Alice Faye, (Continued on Page Four) and 1\Irs. RIl'lIarc} Squires, of gal'et C. Robb, a minor. '

ADVERTISING El lzabe lh Taylo r, Peter Lofford, Gladw)'ne, have been llUbllshed

W al la ce B ee ry , L an a T ur ne r, auR '. TOWN previously.ClaUde Jarman a nd F la g, Rita Energellc Mrs. Rheva ShryockH ayw o rt h , D a n D ur ye a, V er on ic a sa.w h er t wo c hi ld rz n gradualedLake, Marguerlle Chapman, Bar- from Lower M edo n H i gh School,

bara Stanwyck, Janet Blair, Robert PRESENTS and hel' candidacy fo r the p o ~ i l l ' o nTaylor, Gene Kelly, El la Ra ines , of schoo l d lrec t!}r , ' she feels, Is,Glenn Fo rd a nd Greer Garson. A Weekly Ra di o P r og ram thel'efore, b a se d o n 11100'e than an'

, A neighbor, Mrs. A. Huckins, academic appreciation o f t h c prob-lems involved,

gave peggy a scrapbook for mount- At 4: 30 P. M. Mrs. Shryocl l, who l iv es at 317Ing the 8x10 pictures, The chlld Cherry Bend, Merion, was born In

g e ls m uc h p le as ur e In looldng at Eve ry Thur sday Af te rnoon Philadelphia, and educa ted In thet he p ic tu re s a nd hopes she will local g ra mm al ' a nd h ig h schools,

s oon be ab le to g et o ut a nd s ee r e al On WNAR 1110 Y D' II The University of Pennsylvaniamovies again. Peggy Is t h e daugh - ', ' on our la g a ve h er a d eg re e o f b a ch e lo r oftel' o f M r. and Mrs, Wilbur John- science In educaUon. and sh e wentalon. • n ew s .ummary of local event. on to Ohio Stale University, where

o lh er f a la l a c ci de nt w as a dd -

Ihe to ll taken by "Dead Man's

Rd, and B ryn

Ave,-when Richard Douglas

24, of 844 Fos: ! Ave. , Drexel

hurtled t o h is ' death On Mon-

afternoon, ,o f t h e c r a sh s e nl p a rt s

car scattering 50 feet in

Radnor police said

ust have collapsed at ,thel a nd l os t c on tr ol o ! t he c ar .

door was fOIl,nd w r a p p ~ dan 'eight-Inch t.ree trunk,

t he f en de r and muffler were

r ed o n t he g ra ss beside aclipped off at the

Radnor Fire Company assist-_

exlricating thp body, He was

ounceddead Dr. Lee Porter.

wh o w as m an ag er o f t he

Chase College Cleaning Shop,

E, Lancas t e r Ave., Villanova,

t heson

o f t he l at eHarold


p re si de n t o f t h e Kohler IlndPlumbing Company, Mr'l

died l as t y ea r of nalural All public s c ho ol s i n Haverford

lownsh ip, in cluding the s enio r andh a rd w as g r ad u at ed f rom t he ., . ,College and was discharged JUl110r hIgh schools, WIll open on

t h e U , S . Navy last year . Su r - S eplember 8, New pupils will be

are his mother , Dolores, and registered at t he e lement a ry a nd

Gloria, b ot h o f t he D re xe l secondary schools t h r oughou t the

address, week of September 2. Childrcn ~ v h owill b ec om e s ix y ea rs old before

February 1, 1948, m ay e nt er f ir st

BAPTIST CONVENTION grade, a nd m us t p re se nt vaccina-

R e ~ . J. Paul Faust , p as to r o f tion a n d b i rt h certlflcales, '

l Bapt i st Church, Ardmore, I Th e offices of all schools will be

Kenneth L. Wilson, 510 o pe n f rom Tuesday, September 2,ood Lane , Narbe r th, ed ito r un ti l F r iday , S eptember 5, f or r eg

Junior ' High PUblications, I Islration.Of Educa t ion and Publ i ca - All public schools in Lower Mer-

Nor the rn Bap ti s t convent ion , ion townsh ip , will o pen o n Septem

d ing the Radio Workshop, bel' 9, includingLower Merion High

In session at t h e Northe rn Bap· School. Ardmore J u n i 0 I' High

onvention, New York City, (Continued on Page Four)

D. Held

in Crash

Iander T . Foster Caldwell.

Nav y p il ot w ho w as b or n In, t h i s wee:, captured the

ional a i r speed record .

Ii Douglas-built Skys treak

the former Pacific ace fiewim es over a three kilometer

a t an average of 640.7 miles

at Murdoc, Cal if . The

Is jet propelled.

N av y p il ot b ea t t he f o r m ~ r~ a r k set last June by! an

man, Col. Albert Boyd, who

s ame course in a Lockheed

jet plane, a l a n average 628,8

per hour.

, Caldwel l Is I he s on of Monlgomery County RepUblican Primary Campaign Commiltee's

Turner Foster Caldwell, ticket f o r Coun ty offices in ,Primary Election Seplember 9, 1947:r et . , and Mrs. Caldwell . The I un t o r igh t , f r on t r ow: Fredcrick C. Pelers, Foster C. Hillegass,

was JIving In ~ a r b e r t h at County Commissioners; :Mary H. Beere r , f o r Reg is t er Of Will s ; J udge

of his birth, whIle his f a th - H a ro l d G. Knlghl, for, Judge of Common P leas Court; JUdge J. Bur

attached t o I hePh i l ade lph ia nett Holland, for JUdge of Orphans' Court.base.

h i s r e l lr emen t f r om ac live

d ut y, t h e 33-year-old pilot

n do ingdes k work In Wash

D ,C . After flying at a speed

than a ny m an has ever be

a tt ai ne d, h e sh ru gg ed hi s

an d told reporters , "I t 's Sl

after all that paperwork

been do ing !"p la n e he fiew has a wind

of 25 feet and an over-all

of 35 feet. The p il ot p ai d

10 the Army Air Forces,

l oa ne d t im in g devices and

ians to the Navy so Ihat[the Icould b e ma de. H e ma de hi s

approximately 75 feet off thefollowing a black strip ,1n

ir course, The f as le s t t im e

ed was 653,4 mph.

- - - - - - - - : - - - . . . . . . - - - ~ ~ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; - ~ - ; ; ; ; ; , ~ ; ; ; ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ; - : ~ ~ - - - - ~ ~ - - - - - - : ' - - - - - - - - - . - . ; . . . - P ; R 1 ~ - ; ; : C E ; - ; ; F ; , I V ; ; E ~ . C ; ; ; B N ; ; i 8 ; ;26-NUMBER 3:-1 N ~ B E R T H , PA., THURSDAY:. AUGUST 28, ,1941

8/7/2019 Our Town August 28, 1947

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-august-28-1947 2/6




to 12th.


. 2 t "T1


ImlIledlate openings

Fal l a n d W i n te r 'l'eI'IEnroll Now, Day& Eve, Beg, &Illdh'ldllul Inlltrll('t101l, (I. 1.l'ortralt-l.lIndllcape--AII I'ln

2007 Wa lnut S t , LO 7·3

T he mo st complete coursebeauty tl'alninf! Ifl America.ommended bv leading beautieverywhere.P hone , wri te 01' st op I n

modern tour-storv academy bi ng , D av l in d nIght classesformillg.NOTICE: RUdemar dormit

tor out-Of-town students. Fuformation upon request,ACCREDITED School for "V

ans, both Pupllc Law No. 16No, 346. New booklet now r

ST 4-4034

RUDEMAR8('11001 (lr Hellllty CIlIture

1300 l\. Urolld Sl. Phila"

. - - - - - - - - , - - - - . . . ANDY ARCARACCORlHOX !c'TUDIOS

also1'lullO - nolln - I ll lrmoby

Rt;XOWXf:O 'n;ACIll;RS

Np\\, &: L;SI'!I Instrllrrtl'lIts rorlR07 Chestllut St. 2d FI. 1.0 '-

, '

Por Information contGeI

Classes Now Forming

Fo r In fo rmat ion Telephone


St. Joseph's College • Evening Qivislon

54th Street at City Line Avenue

T.I.phon. TRinity 7,5400

Health a n d Pho to g ra p h i c L e c t u re s

and 42 other related courses in

• Social 'Science, Science andSubjects.

Registration D at es S ep t. 8 th

Classes Start Sept. 15th.

Saint Joseph's CollegeEVENING COURSES

For Me.. and Wo",...Bu.lness

Marriage anel the • •mBy

IngUsh • R.II.o

"Whitehall" Haverford, PaD




I n s t r u ct i o n s i n Make -up , Hai r Styling, Walk i ng an d

Ind iv idua l Grooming.


THE ttFFICE . ~ t t U I P M E N T1 1 . ~ P A I I I . SCIIOOL INC.

130 So . 11th St .

-ANNOUNCES----' l 'he op eni n g o f t h e m o st modern an d fu l ly equip

pe d Typewriter Hepair School in Pennsy lvan ia .

Ge t in to a n i n t er e s ti n g a n d uncrowded field. Learn

t he r ep ai r :m'd main tenance of all makes of

TYPEWRITERS . Classes fo rming now . Don ' t

de l ay -Wr i t e , Phone or Come in an d Look us

Over. PE 5-056l.AllprO\'ecl for "clerans 'J'ralnlng l;ndpr the 01 Bill


Alton, I l l inois"l lI l l ' l '!0:" "I. 1 ' . \ ( ' l I . l ' l ' n ; ~ enablesus to accommodate more students who qualify,

A I'Ol'I(-\'I ':-\K l.llU;U.\I. ARTSl:OI,LI-:<a: offering the folloWingdegrees: A,B., B.S., B.Muslc andB.S. in Rellglous r:ducatlon,Home Economics, Journallsm,Art and Mus ic a re e sp ec ia ll ypopular fields wIth girls,

CO-f;II 1:f,'NI' IO:".\1,Oll'L'S'I'A 111:"<; f'.\C nil'¥AI'I'ROnW by the Veterans ....d-ministration

IIm,\I.I.Y I,O('NI'1'U geographicallyTw('n ty miles frol11 Sl. LoUisan(l four hoW'S ' r ide 1'1'0111

Chicago.Opening Date - Sep t . 12

AIIllly t o: ' l' ln : HIWII'lTU.-\lt





Prellllres hoYs for cnllpJ::(' nr h u s h l p ~ S .Kmllll elllsseS. lIble !t,o. 'r.c.Flrpllroof blllr;s.-SporlM-I.owpr ~ r h o o l_pnra te bll\ldlnJ:;s; hOllse mothers.Goth Writp fur l'utulo!:.

Dr, ,J. C. W...kpr, I'n'"hlpntBOX I., 1"01'" \'111011, "II.

- : - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PA TRlelA MOOREJ)lrp('tor ot 8"'1001

P110ne •• •WrUe • •• Come In

COLUMBIAINSTITUTE112 S. 9th Street . PE 5·9712






• ACCOUNTING(PreP." for C. P. A,)


• SECRETARIAL(E . . . . IVhil. )'au L•• rn)

• COLLEGE PREP (I" LmTime! Fully Accredit.d)


L. " Tim.! Ful/y Accr.diled)

DAy..... on

EVENINGg)lploma eourses

A limited number of registra

t ions are s ti ll being accepted

f or the F al l S emes te r i n the

following Courses:



Refrigeration EngineeringCombustion Engineering


inclUding Math., Draf ting. BluePrint !tpallln!:' and t:lpctl'lclt:rSh"ll allcl 1.lIhlll'lIl 11Il'llIdp(1Cali or ' ' ' 'rite for Information

on FALL CT.ASSESEar ly Registrat ion Is advisable


KI 5-178:i

Phila. WirelesS Technical

Ins t i tu te

15.'U PINE ST. PIllJ.A,12,rPA.Founded 1908 Non-PI'oflt



.Rollo F . Ma it l an d , Mus. D.Felluw, American Oulld or

Organists"One of tile tlnes t 'concert organJsts 011 t i le Amer lr an continenttoday"Ottawa Citizen (Canada)

Piano, Organ, Theory,

Composition and Impl'ovlsation

S. Margue ri t e Ma i t la ndFellow, American Gui ld o r

OrganistsTeacher's CertU'lcllte and Ar ti s t' sDJploma. In Plano, Phlla, Musical

AcademyPI:\XO. O H ( J A ~ :\XO


Phlladelphla 3 , P a,_P hon e PEnnypacker 5-7956


I'RE8SER n l . D \ ~ .J714 ( ~ h e s t n l l t St.

C t fA11I1 nl'ulll'hps

1M ROSENBLOOMI onserva OI'Y 0 I 'h on p H l 11-01110

MAXOI'II0Nt, allli CJARISW1" MUSI·C ----1714 CHESTIH1T 1 .0 7-014111 Appro\'ed forVets' TralnwlI:

': "

c II e'g e 8.

for fALL· TERM



Phone BA 2-4T6J lor Catalolf

PENNA. INSTITUTE'42nd & Spruce Phila.Leedin2 Eleefrie'" Sehoal

WILFREDACADEMYWorld Renowned School

IOf Hai r & Bea l lt y C u l t ur e I

IWe wllI place yoU In a good poslilion 01' If desired help vou setIup VOUI' own business.

IDav & Eve, Classes

Terms A r r l l n ~ e dILO 7-8880 LO 7-2519


SEND FOR FREE BOOKLET "LM"1:lIth'c 1"1001' or I 'ox HIliI '.

I'hlla. :1 , 1 '11.

1612 Marke t s t r ee t

a n d


A!lllrO\'ed undl'r G. I. BlIJ of RIJ:;hts

o ' : ~ ~ 203-217 So. 20 th S t r ee t <Belaw W.I.aU LO 7·43188UtLDING' .



INSTITUTE, INC.155 GRf,EN ST.• PUlLA. 2:i. }'.-\.


LINOTYPEOperation an d Maintenance

G. I. APPROVED.Full time courses With full subsistence. Classes now forming, 1mmedillte enrollment. Morning,afternoon or eveninK classes,

r WRI'l 'E FOR nUH': I\OOKI.ETOR 1'110:-11, WA 2-81187

Announce Open ing

of ;

Prac t ica l School o f Th e at r e !

E n ro l l N ow fo r October I,'

Classes _

G . 1. AI'I'RO"ED IDay and E\'rnlnlr Classes Xow .

}'ormlnr;For APpointment Call

PE 5-4578 - PE 5,4618

17J!4 Walnut S tr eet , P hi l o. 3 . p a .

Brookside in th e Berksh ires21st yetiI'. Ages 6-16, An Iutel'1IatloualSchoo\. P repar e each child fol ' R

bealthy, llappy and purposetul life.Home atmo,pbere. T h o r o u ~ h academic training Arts, Spor ts, Catal . I. M.Altaraz. Ph. D.. Headmaster , GreatBarrington Mass.





Manhattan Technical Institute)(

x 7038 Garre t t Road, Uppel ' Darby

x BI."". 1586X',I( x-x. x }( x oX x X X Free

. - = = = ~ = ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; = ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; = ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ REAL ESTATE PRACTICE, LAW & CONVEYANCING

Equip Yourself . fo r a Successful Futu re(AFTERNOON AND EVENING COURSES)

Approved f o r t r ai n i ng unde.r th e Ac t of Veterans '

Vocational Reh abi l t at i o n a n d th e G. 1. Bill

Philadelphia Real Estate Board8, ." Cur, Ht h &: Locnst Sis.

Commencing Tuesday , Sep tember :lOth, 1947WAI.TER D. STI':WART, I>SI) .. IIpU11

Eslla.bllshcd in 190840 years of experience and n : c h l e ~ ' c m e n t are a 't your senlce when youenroll In these courses prepared with the cooperation of the National

Association ot Real Estate Boards and the Pennsylvania Real Estate

Association. ,.

t-.---Veterans Welcome. Send fo r C a t a l o g u e - - - - ~




'IRadio ElectronicsRadio Communications

, E lec t ro n i c C on tr o l s

T e ch n ic a l S e r v ic i n gDAY & 1':\'ElIiINH CLASS!>S

lU-:IlIiG I , ' O R ~ I M ' "KBYSTONE

ELECTRONIC SCHOOLS_8u._20t 11_ S t . ! _ ~ I I ! . l a . _ I , O _ 7 - 7 7 8 0 ,

1821 Chestnut Street, Phlla. 3, Pa.Phone

RIttenhouse 6-3156 LOcust 7-8442

' S c h o o l s


Take oUr complete course, covering all fields of

IIPhotogl'aphy .. . atten d day 01' evening classes.

Portrait - Press -Commere IIlI - Ad \,prUslng- FashionWriteor phone for frelil tolder S-104 givingcomplete details

, CO-EDUCATIONAL------• L icen sed by Penna. State Board for Voc,Ed,• Approved by Veterans' Administration,

School of Photography

Train .for One Year

At the New Day-Time



P h o ; o g r a ~ h y Pay s We"!


L e a rn B e a ut y C u lt u re

at Kar l ton Pos t -Wa r SchoolINDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTIONS


J)ay and 1,\'''lIlng CIllsBeaKARLTON

School Beauty Culture

1425 Ches tnu t ; LO . '1·50'18Come III or Write for Intervlewll

Lea rn Flora l Designing .

- PROFESS ION ALLY'flte onlY I,'IOI'lst In~ ~ ' h ' l l n h L whl'rc ~ · o u Il1Ur leurn thcArt o f I' i0 1':1 I Upsll:J1lu/t.All flowers, m a t l ' r l l l l ~ uml slllllllll'gIlIl'Iulle.1 III the tuilioll, "duulIlurtll'll'lltiou stlulents IIImakl'-up work.I"all & Winter-Iwo wprl.lIur ('llISSl'1l!'leill. 8th-Od. l : l th-O( 'L 2j th .f : \ ' e n l n ~ Classes stUI'( 1"('11(, :11'11,\'I't.ernlls Sllcl'lalf llu'pe ", ..eks('Ollrsc r\o,'pl1Iher Ill,

Phi lade lph ia School o f ·

Flora l DesigningAndrew H. strang, Dll'ector

2036 Sansom st" Phllll.,. Pa.RI 0-9438



A d v e r t i s ~ n g

Your' School

; Ie '·,

.. . •• ... ..

these columns

I12,000 I





IGarden Club i


f i ~ e t ' ~ ~ ~ ' : ~ ~ V : : I 1.. ,1 COMPLETE COURSES OF STUDY IN:• Business Admin is t ra t ion

s t at e s and Canada will • Indus t r ia l Eledr ic i ty

displayed September 12 and 13 It he m ai n c on co ur se o f P en ns yl - • Mechanical an d Production

Station, 30th s t r ee t , d u ri ng Tool DesignTwelfth Annual Dahlia and Au- \F lower Show of the P e n n s ~ ' I - TO HELP QUALIFY ' YO U 'FOR . JOBS IN :

a Rai lroad Garden Club, the Ad "l 'rt i. llI J: f: ll '(' t"h' al II1SI>I'('( II1K :\I'1l'1I;1Il' 1l.'.i;;lIln l:Garden ClUb in America. :\1l'I'l'lmndlsllll: Ell'drleal f:stimalllll: 'I'olll nl'sl!:lIhlK '

The club's 1,800 members , all em- ~ p J l l I I l : : POIl'I'r nlsputl'1I"":; 1'11::;lnperll1;:' .\Idhll:RptnlJllI1( E"'rtrh'al f'lIrl'lIIl1l1.h l ll

of t he P e n n s ~ ' l v a n i a Rall- _\('I'Olll1tllll: 1'PI'1I1I!1'1l1 ~ U 1 l ' S l l l l I l 1 s I l I 1 1 Drarlill/::are expected to exhibit mor.,e alld sll11l1ar 1lositl1lllS

600 entries In competition for Isilver sweepstake trophies, tWQ I

champion awards , one beau - 1'01' ('lIlllll"'.e Inr"nl1atioll COll-'i l'u1l I'l'l11pst",· 01lpn8 Srl.t..mhpr till'! : I

award and 340 class prizes. I 22 . 'Jhe 1"'III1"lnlllla Sinte CoJll'l(l' 1 1 . I l . J ; ~ ~ . ~ " ' . " ' ••••"'"In order that garden enthusiasts ('('1111'1' B I o I ~ . •,\llllllrlltlo11s XOI\' nplna:: ,\I'('I'lltl'd R:;:; llanaI'd .\Wlllle, FINISH HIGH SCHOOL

are no t employees o f the ralJ- ~ I \ ' a r l hmul'l'. I'a, Imay par t icipate i n t he s how, I All ('Iassps at 8;),; Hanunl .\le" ,\rthlll' IC \lp"'I'S IN LESS rIME~ I \ ' a r t 1111I"1''' .\dllllnlsll"uth'p '1I"IIlI"Op en f or All" divis ion, com· I I'honp: SI\'l11'llImorc ~ q ~ O • : ' J ! ~ ' ' ' ' \ ""' -Through Simplif ied Ins truction

three sections, dahlias, glad.-iii ·:3D m 1l!'



NDADMREES',S',' • • • • . • • • . . • • • • • . • • • • . • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• l 1.'.1 om Successful Preparation for College, Professions,a s a nd g ar de n flower arrange- R 'd d,: .... >,._ -lli or Secretarial pos it ions . ap ' progress un er

is being featured this year , -f ID 1'1'1' \ f F II D d' • I s•• , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , '1'1 '_ amous a cu y. ay an evenIng ca sos,

Following the eXhibition, the flow- , 'u Limited Enrollment. Act Now!will be distributed t o v a ri o us Coul'se I l l t e l ' e ~ t e d I'll I - . . . • I'" • .. • • • • • • • • .. • • • • .. • • •• • • • • • •• r;: I .. ' ~ 1 " < " i ' ; ' APPROVED FOR VETERANS' TRAINING

S ~ ; d a t ~ e S ; ~ ~ ~ \ ' : I ~ i e s ~ ~ : ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I \-¥iNCOLN 'PREP"sCHoOLII,.; 'X X X X X ) ( ) ( X ') ( X X x· X )( X X X X) ( X X X )()(' X )(' )()( ' ) ( ) I •

. , X






(I. UlOCK fl'om 6!lth Sl, TI'rmlllal) )(,

Trllli t o T es t Alltlt.lllie X X X X X )( X X .>,

Peirce School ot Business Adminwill begin It: 831'd year I)n

September 2, w it h t he

' X X X X X X ) ( X ~ X ~ X ) C ~ X X X X ) ( X ) ( X ) ( x x ) ( ' X ) ( X ~PAOLI-MALVERN AIRPARK CORP.

X One-half Mile S o ut h o f Malve rn , Pa . )(



e n ro llm en t i n t he s ch oo l' s X F';r Information LORRIN B, SELLERS )(

offlclals announced Mon -, X CALL MALVERN 2608 Chelt l'Uot )(X ,X

Add ed f ac i li ti es i n t he i n st r uc - X X x.X }( X X X X X X X X X )C X X )( X X X X X X X X X X X X ,.

area will accommodate abo!1tadditional students In the BusiAdminist rat ion D i v I s lon ,

i ng in g t he t ot al e nr ol lm en t' t o

l ove r 1200.

Openings are available In the

Journalism Course at BokSchool, 8th

Miff lin S ts" Philadelphia, it

announced Monday. .

All p ha se s o n newspaper work

e covered in this one-year cour3e

nsol'ed by tne Board of Educa

o n u nd er t he V et er an s Training

,Although a good background in I

Is essential, any veteran , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~qual l fi e s unde r t h e V, A, prois eligible fOl' the classes, All

should enroll now at theOffice, Fleisher School,

and Green sts., Philadelphia.

. -,'

X X)()( JC K. oX l<)( x x x x )( ')( )( x x )( )( x)( x X) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ' )( X X . ) ( ' ) t) ( ( ·XIX X) ( ' X ~ )( ) t ? t ) { ) ( ) ( x X'»)( X X)()C )( oXX)( X X X X )( )( X. x x )C)( xx )( X ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( Xl ' )t xxxx X )()()( JC K.x)( .x x x x x )(-X..x .)( - ) ( ~ - x X )( )t)(X)( x-xx Jr-" . - -. ' '

, .xx )( x x x x x x x x x )C x x )C x x x x x x X x X )( X X X X X )( X X XC' X X X X,x x )( x x x x x )( x x)( x x x )( x x x Xx x x X' x )CX X )C X X X X X x ?< x x )( x x x x x x x X xx )( x x x Xxx x X' x )C x x x x )C x x x x x x x )( x )C x x x x )(

A CAREER. CHOOSING A CAREER: I • tfl.Uons of ordinary o c c u p a t l ~ n s for , CHOOSING'A CAREER: that Is efficient in connect ion• t ho se who ar e interested i n p ar t. general instruction, so it is

T h· I Ed · T d M d 1· ' I PdP·f · time pin-money. R 1E standlngly imperat ive thatec nlCa ' llcatl0n 0 ay 0 e Ing s a rOll ro eSSl0n The s tandards . of modeling ea state who have i n m ind mak ing a C

" schools are based on high moral in the field of r e al e s ta t e sh

By A. K. MEYERS ., By .T1!NE McADAMS . • • code, and nOW that they are includ- By ROBERT M. WILSON, exercise the utmost care in se

A dm in i st r at i ve H e ad o f th e Pennsy lvan ia state College MISS AmerIca, 1943, D I r e ct o r o f th e PhI lade lphIa S tudIo i n g i n t h ei r cour ses f i n l ~ h l n g touch- P1'esident, Phi lade lph ia Real Es ta te Board ing cour s es by whi ch t h ey hop

Cente r , Swar thmore , Pa , O f t he many professions open to ~ a n d n ow w it h t he a dv en t o f te le - e s such as voice c ul tu re a nd ,Business o f a ny k in d is always train themselves, technically

me industr ial requirements Is m ad e u p o f e xp er ts trained In women today, modeling Is fast vision, added g r ace and cha rm ar e e t i9u et te , c e rt a in l y t h e r ea r e unl lm- i n te r es t ing I f s uccess ful . T h i s can otherwise, to successfully op, . I It h I stepping-stones as va luab le a s r ar e I t ed benef it s to be g ai ne d f r om s u c h b e said wi th emphasi s r eg ar d ing a real e ~ t a t e business. 'Before

shOwn the n ee d f or s pe cl a l- c l as sr oom p r esent a ti ons w i th year s g a in i ng In popu ar Y as s own !l Igems, Man y o f o ur f or em os t s ta ge training which Is available to all , the r ~ a l estate business, rolJlng In any ,course, car

workers In a ll l ev el s o f o c cu pa - o f engineering experiences b eh ln 'd a recent s ur ve y m ad e of h ig h a nd s cr ee n stars b eg an t he ir ca- age groups from a l lwa l ks o flife,' check shOUld be made as tofields, Roughly these l eve l s them. C laaa room procedu r e, there- Yes, mode l ing i s a p r ou d p ro fe s- ' T he re Is nO business that reflects background of the courses, the

I fschool and college students, career reel'S as models, I

t h re e ca tegor es: pro es- fore, feature the case s tudy method slon! 110 mUCh r omance o r s o f g r ea te r perlen'ce of the i n st r uc t or s andI t h I I d kill d It I gil'ls, ex-G. I .' s , hous ewives and Fo r t h e youngwoman who I s I n- th th t hi h i I thec n ca , an s e. s o f in s tr u tion , apply ing specific ex- scope an a w c nvoves e sponsorship.to all. famlllar with cur rent mothers, This uphllJ trend Is a t tr l b- t e re s ted In a business career, mod- development th urchase the

amples to bacl . up theo r et i cal as- u te d t o t he f ac t that modeling lays STUDENTS TO PA'RTICIPAT'E ,e l' , It may easily happen thathat the winning of the war pects of each subject. ' ellng alTords many opportunities . s a le , th e leasing and the manage- young man or a young lady

b d t t te t n the the groundwork for va ri ous ca r ee r s f o r advancemen t i n fashion des ign- t fit Thl b Iase 0 a grea ex no. Instructional procedm'es an d It t th IN WFIL RADIO PROGRAM men 0 rea propel' y. s us - upon becoming successful inpment of matel 'lals at an u n- m et ho ds at this level of training ~ : l ~ / s an out e 0 many 0 er lng, publicity and merchandising, ness olTers a career tha t can be real estate business migh t e

rate unsurpassed by our are unique In that courses are prac- and Is a mea ns o f self-fulfiJlment Students In Temple University's highly profitable, monetar i ly and In make an enol' In the selectiO

Bu t I t i s not so well real- I I E h I I I d I b Trained models ar e required and for t he s ec r et ar y a nd h er co-work- Depar tmen t o f Radio, Speech a nd e ve ry o th er respect. Young people, the school or the course wherthat Increased production rec- t ca . as ss p ace On a o r- u se d by fiction and f a s hion l I Iu s tr a - e r s, Theatre, will participate In 'VFIL'" who have their l i ves be fo r e them or she d es ir e s t o e nr ol l, O nc e

wel'e made possible b " w or k a to r) ' a n d pract,icumwork, Portablc tors, commercial p ho to gr ap he rs C on tr ar y t o m os t beliefs , perfec- "StUdio Schooo.lhouse" p r ogr am du r- d d I t ht t d d 0 .an are en eavo l ' ng 0 reac a rolled they should attend every

by technically t r al n cd appa r a us, eqUlpmcn an em n- a'hd advertising agencies for the tlon of f eatU res i s not a deciding i ng t he c om in g y ea r, ' it w as a n- d lu I n to th cal l'

in business and Industry. Istl'atlon k it s a rc s en t from t h e d r ama ti z at i on o f products a nd s er - f ac to r f or a successful modeling nounced this week. soun c ~ ~ c h s as h Ide la 'eel s l on and appl y t hemse l ve s a s

this'Impetus the post-" 'ar tool rooms ot modern Industry for upon w c ey s ou unc 1 o us ly t o acquire the full benef

, vices. Man uf ac tu re r s a nd r e ta il c ar ee r. GOod health , shining hall', They will take an active part In their elTorts s ho ul d n ot overlool. hit t d •d has c r ea t ed a need for posi- laboratory .and classroom Instru.c- d dl d t d' " tens ruc Ion imparte .d s ho ps a re epen ng more an subtle m ak e- up , g oo d g ro om in g, h e broa casts, both In a c ti ng a n d the opportunities offered by t h e real

generally ' found i n t he fields I tin, ExtenSive programs ot au 10- mOl'e on the use Of models In their b t t f th f .. writing, _and· wi ll a l so a id w it h r e - t t b I If th y h v the

drafting, developn le nt a n d de-I visual aids have been develo,ped for one s r u cu r e 0 e ace an", n es a e us ness, e a e FILMS OFFERED TO CL

th k M tI t establishments for the display a nd c ha rm in g m an ne r m ak e up t hc s ea r ch and evaluation. ap ti t ud e and t h e t r a in i ng fOI' such UB, inspection, f inancial contl 'ol , m,uch ot e wor, 0 on piC ures, sa le o f t h ei r merchandise, Familiar model's bluepr int for beauty, Also, The "S tud io Schoolhouse" series a business. BY ELECTRI C COMPANY

and maintenance super - shde films various types ot t o a l l is the fashion model whopa r - that wel l p oi se d appea rance and I t f fi As in ever y o t he r business edu-technl'cal sales, testing and graphic materials a,r e u se d to aug- t' d b d cons s s 0 ve programs, each pre- The depar tmen t Of publicity

t th f I tI ctl n In ticlpates In the shows sage Y e- f eel ing o f s e lt - con fidence jo in w it h p ar ed f or specific ages and gl·ades. cation, technical lIJld o the rwis e. i s the Phi ladelphia Electr ic Compot products , experimental men, e orma , ~ n s ·u .0. - partment stores and s.pecialty s ho ps t he o th er f ea tu rc s and t r an s la t e They ar e heard at 2,15 P, M. M ~ n - indispensable. The stl'ldes made ROBERT M, \WTYT·SONwOI'k, accounting, bus i- s p e c t J ~ n tours al e conducted t.o I .V I '...... has announced a f u ll l i ne of f

s methods , merchand i sing, and local mdu st rl es a nd t he ir l ab or a- Which. are continuous the who e themselves in tobeauty for all to be- day t h r ough F r id ay, and include wi th i n t he l a st one 01' two decadesI. ava il ab le to organizations of su

t I Th d ofth choolmarm year through, hold. . "Science Is Fun" "Radioland Ex- i n e du ca ti o n and technique have II T he m ea ns f or education and ban Philadelphia, for afternoo

occupations , 01' es, e ay . e s I ' 'i t th t I d

l I I f Modeling fortif ies the n eo ph yt e Mo de li ng i s lucrative as a full- I pl·ess." "The Magic o f Bool,s," "Thc gone a long way along essent ial t r ai n ing a r e abundan t , bu t j u s t liS evening programs, with equipmS in ce t e ch ni c al instruction III s p a s ; p:ac sc Jl es 0 Ispecific and more d i rec t than modern Amel 'l can t n du s tr y have In r ad io a nd t he t he at re w it h t he l im e profession and is an Illuminat- .Wigglesworths" a n d "Mu si c i n t he lines In the successful opel 'atlon of I t i s e ss en ti a l and pe r ti n cn t i n sc- and s e rv iceo f an operator prov

broad Or cu ltu l' a l cour s es o f Ien te r ed t h e classroom, necessary sel t-assurance and poise, ing contrast to t h e humd r um Iiml- Air." thc real estate business, ' lectlng an educational Institution without charge.

c ~ r r i c l l l a , c r ed i t Is,.•

in terminal units applying If..a technical diploma, Pro- , HOW TO PRoEPAREare scaled for ~ o t h fUll-time! .

s tu dy o r past - t ime even ing Ithe l aUer p rov ided to assist . £ GOOD J b'accumulate s ~ p p l , e ~ e n t a r y : or a 0 •while mamtammg the

wage earners, Thus an op-Iis offered ambitious peo- ,

who w is h t o s pe nd a minimum Ie a nd m on ey to Increase their I

wledge a long d i rec t and us efu l 1

es and to ca i' n r pcogni t ion ot the I,that t h ey have p rppared them- I

tor work ot greater rellpon

Technical i n st i tu t e t r ai n ing IsIn many areas to all highgl'aduates o r a ny a dul ts

by training, experience, or

to master the subjectmatwhich is conducted on a post

scbool level. The f acu l ty

8/7/2019 Our Town August 28, 1947

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Dellrned 117 •"omlUl to ful·JIll the demlUldaof sl1 "omen forComfort, GoodHealth. I t 7 1eIUld Polle.

Before After

Mrs. E. Maud Gould309 Delaware Connt7 "'stlonal

Bank Bldll,

406 MARKET ST.eall .Cbester 2-2441 ror an

.. . .APpolntment



For the Finestin Records-Radio

Television & Repairs

'215 City Ave MER 0520

,0' ,,;4

y;[:;; .~ : \ ~ : i l. c ~ i i i ' e i i f ; ~ J IC:

trY.B¥jJ/ , ',' . - L ~ , J





Mit K1.lure's Perfect Food

For Ov.r 30 Year.

BROOKMEAD.Gaernsiy Dairies







FRED D A N ~ E N H A U E R , Jr.F.,r the' Finest

in Records-RadioTelevision & Repairs'

102 E s se x A v e. N AR 2919'

No NEED for m o ~ e than one c;binet in the l i v i ~ o m "with this General Electric television set. It's a radiot

too. The brilliantpictures are big enough for everyone in

the room toenjoy. Yousee all theaction in na/llralclarity .

-hear every sound in natural tone. All 13 television channels-eachone factorypre-tuned. Beautifulmodern cabinet

v e ~ e e r e d in genuine Honduranmahogany.,




When Imet the New Owner ofthe MAIN LINEDELICATESSEN.... He was ever so pol ite,and my .. . such quick service, and i t' s all sospic'n span' looking. That young Mr. Schaeffer

certainly knows just what we wan t, and he' salways so nice about just everything. Hope hestays forever 'n ' ever. Oh . , . forgot the address .. . it's at 109 N. Narberth Avenue, and

the Phone Numberis Narberth 4414.



s L ~ < ~ t J i

-;-:' , :








PhoneNarberth 4182 NARBERTH


r. .....1iIIJIII5 (!4ItW.,.. 11M

••••-----_.. _ . _ , - , - , = = - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Electric or Hand operated.

•tia1 or Commercial.


• E .t lml t ••

• CAll• L Ol lk ri• ' ·4 91 1I... .

Whe n r ig ht , y ou can a ff or d t o

k ee p y ou r t em pe r. W he n w ro ng .

you can't a f fo rd to lose I t .-Frank

E. Polk.

SAVE THE MANWHO DRINKSGet a box of Brown'sDrlnkTreatment.It helps:destroy the craving for stronir4rInk. Glvlln in lIQUldllsecretiv. Tastelell8. fl . No C.O.D. On the market 36yeara. Dr. Bro"n 'formerly 113 No.10tb'st., DO" 1%37 Markl! t St.,\ lJept.Ie, BooIII Clo. l"bUade1pbla 7,

+ + + IMis/l Ann Talman, d a ug h te r o f I

MI'S. R. F . Ta tman, of 400 South '

Narberth Ave., Narberth, Is vlslt

Inll' t he R ad io , Drama and Visual

Eduoatlon Schools of the Northern

Baptist Assembly, In Green Lakes ,Wisconsin. Sh'e will return on Sep

tember 7.

+ + +Miss Isobel O'Sulllvan, daughter

of' MI'. and Mrs. Walter O'Sullivan.of !Ill 'Wlndsor Ave., visited thlllweek, Misll .Joyce Munder, of Meadow Brook Lane , Mer ion , who Is va

cationing In Ocean City.

'+ ., +Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Zwart,

and t h e ir daugh te r, Karen , of 109Iona Ave., Narberth, are leaving

September 12 for a vacation in

Wildwood at ' the s ummer home of

Mr. Zwart's parents Mr. and Mrs.

Peter Zwart.+ + +

Mr. and Mrs. James McCaffrey,

of Windsor Ave., Narber th, haverecently returned f r o ~ Saco, Me.,where they were vaca t ion ing .

+ + •Mr. and Mrs. FI 'ank G. Foltz, Jr"

of Chestnut Ave" Narber th , are 'goIng to. mov e t o their new home in

t h e Ba ir d Apartmentll.

+ + +Mr. and Mrs. James B. Owings

of t he Montgomery Cour t Apar t

ments in Narb.,erth, have r ecen t lyreturned f r om Ocean C ity, Md .

• + + IMrs. Alice Hopper andher daugn -

tel's, Ann and Susan , o f 109 IonaAve., have been v i si t ing Mrs. Hop-Iper' s pa r en t s , Mr. and Mrs. E. B'

IReyburn, of Pulaski, Tenn., • + +Alan Doty o f Iona Ave., Bob

Erickson I?f Antwyn Rd., Merion,

and John T. Dwyer o f Dudley Ave.will leave September 15 for a tenday fishing trip In Wildwood.



B r id e We a ts Gown of


COUNTY YOUTH WORKERSDelaware County wit: thank the

Ia d ul t s w ho h av e b ee n d oi ng volunIteer you th work In a special cere·

Imony F r iday , Sept. 5, in Media.

An "Appreciation 'DaY" ceremonywill be held at that time, with cer·

tl1j.cates o f a wa rd g oi ng t o t ho se

whOSe time' and e ff or t h a ve b ee nspent i n a id ing Coun ty youngs te r s.

Glenna SimonsWed. SaturdayIn St. Paul's

wholesale to

a nd H ea ti ng

& Oil Burner


HOUll t !

S y n onymous

with fine foods

and liquors for

a quart er o f a

century .

._ Phone Ardmore 1;80



Whyno l phon. u' your appli.cation-then completelhe Joan'n one wi. it to our oUic• . P a y..1'Ilent. can ),e ••d. by mail if

you prete...

Se('ond Floor O,'er Ii rl'slre"

ARJJMORF.. I ' E ~ ~ A .

You can borrow up to $300on no olher secur ity than

youI own signalure.

Repayment may be extendedover a full yeal or more,

6 W«.>st Lancas te r Ave.

KI:>iIll,'I' C.\I . I . Ardmore-F.nterprlse 10156

l\Iah'ern 2;77

'U.LIC "NA lie,___~ t J i c I . 1HC -

~ - - - P R O N E U S - - - - ~


P lumbing

Engine e r s

insta llers .

STAATSOil Heating



Oil Burners

.Begln8 at 8.15 P. M,Othcr Home Olunfs S tar t a t 2.00 P, M.


- - - . . . - -

The FinestFoodat Al lTime.



Th e f irs t :Monday in S e pt em be r h a s become e s ta b l i shed as

on e o f o u r im p o rt a nt hol idays , obse rved in all S ta te s. L ab or

Da y i s d e d ic a te d t o th e Amer ican worke r , bu t it is an event

of s ig n if ic an ce t o e v er y Am er ic an . Fo r t he i nt er es ts o f

work ing me n .and women ar e b oun d u p w i th i n du s tr i al

p rog ress an d prospe r i ty an d w it h o ur n at io na l welfare .


'I'he snle or 'Resern'fl !'Il'nt. !'Ienson Th·kl't. for}'oolllnll CI.OSE:oi 0:-; St:I 'TEMBER l ' ~ l h






228 Bala A\'e., C ~ ' n w ~ ' d







( ..



102 Forrest AH"" Narherth



Price Schedule for 1947RE SERVED SEAT Season Tickets for Footba l l $11).00

Adul t A l l -Spor t T icke t (No t Rese rved Sea t ) • • • • • • 7.50

Gene ra l Admis s ion to Foobta l l Game s -E a c h . • • •• 1.00

Adu l t F oo t b al l S e as on T i ck e t ( N ot Resel 'ved Sea t) 5.00·

Make All Checks Payab le to : Lowe r Merion High SchoolAth le t ic Associa tion, an d mail to : A. S. Benner, Treas u re r L ow er Merion High Sc hoo l A t h le t ic A s so c i at i o n,

A r d ~ o r e , Pa . .. '

Be happy when you

step out in the morn-

ing with a f re sh ly

cleaned, fresh look

ing suit.

62nd & WAI.NUT STS.

Moritgomery Avenue Narberth 2474

Miss S a l l ~ ' Lou Oaks , daughle ro f+ + + Dr. and Mrs. Wilbu r W i ls on Oaks ,

SANGSTER-SHARPI,ESS of "Five Oaks," Penn Valley, wasMr. and Mrs. Philip T. Sharp les s, f e ted Wednesday at a luncheon and

o f "Hol t Hill," Haver fo rd, announce s hower g iven by. Mis!! Elizabetht h e e n ga gem en t o f t h ei r d au g ht er . R id e no ur , daughter of Mr. andJoann Brin tOn Sharp les , to Har. Mrs. Victor Ridenour, of '92 V \ r y ~ n e v ey S an gs te r, o f 12 Montperi e r da le Ave., Narberth. The marl ' lage

Place, rAndon, and "Te rr e t c l ose ;' 1 o f Miss Oaks to R o be r t B ru ? eLongwittenham, Berks . Franklin, son Mr. and Mrs,Wil-

l iam H . Franklm, of 1118 Berwind


G R E N H A R T ~ R ~ P ~ T T O Rd. , Wynnewood, will take place

M d M Ph ' II L R tt On Saturday, September 6.r. an :s. I p . epe 0, • + +

lo f 6'28 Overhlll Rd" Ardmore, Miss Janet MaeLaren, daughterInounce ' the engagement of their of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert B. MacLarI d a ~ g h t e r , Margaret Eva, t o R o be rt en, o f 502 Beechwood Lane, NarIFhnn.Grenhart, son Mrs. Laura berth, and MillS Mal'ion J ones , o fF . G lenhar t, o f Overb look, and Dr. 200 Woodbine Ave" Narberth, re

George W. Grenhart , o f Colllng3' turned home Tuesday even ing f rom

wood, N. J. No date has b ee n s et Camp Oneka Pike County whel'e

for the wedding, they spent weeks. 'Mis Repetto is a Il'raduate o f t he • + +

University of Pennsylvania, where Mr. and Mrs. Mifflin Bunting- andshe majored In Economics. She 13 their s on C or k\ ' o f 504 Beechwood

a I )l ember o f D el ta Delta Delta Lane, N ~ r b e r t h , ' returned from the

Sorority. Mr. Grenhart Is attending s ho re Tuesday n i gh t a f te r a briefth e p r e-med ica l s chool at T r ini ty vacat ion.

~ ~ : : : ; : f i . ~ ~ : ; ; ; ~ ~ ~ E ~ :In ou nc e t he e ng l! gement o f their Samuel Williams, in Hollidaysburg,

Home Games, 1947 Idaughter, Mary Hampel, to Joseph Pa.E . C ou ch , s on of Dr. and Mrs.

Sept . I 9 -N o rt h e a st . • • Home';' IJames F. COUCh, of Glenside; P.l.

Sellt. 27 -Ove rb rook • • H om e IThe wedding wlli take place I n Oc·Itober.

oct. 4 - E a s i o n . . •. • •• Home Missl Hampel i s a g l· adu at . e of

ILower Merion High School, andher

Oct. I 8 - H av e r fo r d • • • Home fiance wall graduated from Chelten·h am H i gh SchOOl.

Oct. 25-R id ley T\\'p. ..Home' • + •·CLEEI,AND-EMBICK

Nov. 1 5 -Ch e s t e r •..• , Home Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Emblck,

N 2 2 -R a d n o r .. , Villanoya o f Northwood, f o rmerly o f Brook ,ov. line, announce the engagemen t flf

t he h' d a ug h te r, N al lc y Em bl c k, t o

T, Walker Cleeland, Jr., son of

Mr. and Mrs. T. Walller Cleeland,of East 1"alls, Pa. .M is s E mb ic k a nd Mr. Cleeland

are students at Pennsylvania State


• t f

HEADS PNG 1tiBerY Commander, has succeededd i er G en e ra l B r en to l t G. Brig. Gen. Daniel B .., Strickler,e , o f 76' Mount Pleasant D iv is io n Command er , a s h ea d ofr yn Mawr , 28th Division .Ar- the Pennsylvimla Natlo-nal Guard

RSDAY, AUGUST: 28, 1947 .' C ' i ± ~ t : " ' : ' j ; r , ; ! , ~ " ' P ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ t i l " ~ \ ! / - ~ ! ~ : ; ~ ~ ~ 1 \ \ r ! ' ~ ~ ~ , ~Jac;:queline Raskin !Majorie w ~ l i H a v e r £ o ~ d · M a n · r . ~ ~ : ' E E ~ ~ · t l · S T : l f Y ' ; F O · R . c·'M·.···.·>.

Becomes Bride on B ' B d Willl\JI,ar'ry" ·m·'· "ecomes.· r l e 'I of CHESTER

Sunda,y Afterno9n l it Sept.emher Berkeley, Calif.Weds C l ev e la n d Man

'Rece.ption to Follow Brothers Will Usher

i n Wynnewood ; toHe r Own Creation; R 'd . W fi Id In Lutheran Church; A t S unday C eremony;•. e51 e 10 ynne e T L' . N b . h T - Li . B M '

Reception at Home ' 0 Ive, m· ar el t . 0 ve 10 ryn aw r

. The marriage of Miss Jacquelinest . Pauls Luth 'eran Church. Ard- . R. R as ki n d au h te r f M ' d' In t he H ol y T ri ni ty L uth er an T he F ir st C o n g r e ~ a t l o n a ~ Cburch'I ,g.o r.. an \ Church Narber th MlslI Marjorie I B k I C IIf will b th

m or e w as the s ce ne o f a pretty Mn . David Raskin of 237 Stoneway " n er e y, a. , e e scene, , ' . E l izabe th Wol f, o f 205 Wayne Ave., \

Iwedding last Saturday, w.hen MlslI Lane, Merion, to Allan Nathanson, N b th d ""ht· f M d M" of a pretty wedding tnls Sunda)',f M d M a r er , au " er 0 r. an .S., ,Glenna Miriam Simons; daughter of son 0 r. an rll. Lol Nathan· IRalph S. Wolf of Altoona will b e- w he n Miss Chri s ti e Ann Weathe r -

o Mr. and Mrll. Leo Glenn S imons, o f s O t n ~ of c ~ e v i elaknds. Ohio, t ook P lace 'l come the b r ide 'of Francis Mears, 91 by, daughter of Mr. and Mrs., '" "ve 0 c oC; unday af te r noon,

230 Church Rd ., Ardmore' becamr. ,August 17. I n the Beth David T em- Narbrook Park, Narberth. formerly James Howe Weatherby, of 240the b ri de o f RA.ymond S. Wllklnll, pie, Wynnewood. of Plt,tsburgh, On Saturday ,after- H i l lc r est Rd ., BerJreley, becomes

Jr., son o f M r. Rnd Mrs. Raymond Th b Id h \ noon, September 6, at 4 0 clock.S. WilkinI', of Wayne . D r. A lb e rt ' e . r. e, w 0 was g ven In mar- The Rev. C le tu s Sen ft will p er fo rm t he b ri de o f John Victor Hastlngs,

C. Kanz l ng e r p er fo rm ed · th e c er e- r la ge bYithher fathter, Iwore a white the' 'ceremony. 3rd, son o f Mr. and M rs. Johp Vic-

• gown wane ,k rt and a satin I'm o n ~ . s trapless bodice,Her ne t jacket was Mrl!< Grant M at to ck s, o f N ar - tor Hastings , J r . ,of 505.0akley R d ~ ,The bride, w ho w a s e sc or te dbv . · berth w1l1 servl" as matron of D V

he father wore a whi te gO' - n o'f t ri mm ed w it h w hi te bugle beads h . ' d ltd t d M Have rf or d . T h e Rev. r Vere .

'r onOr an on y at en an , ·an r. .t her own cr ea t ion featuring A. chif- and, sequins, and fallhloned with II G t M tt k 111 t 'b t Loper wll1 perform the ceremony.fon-o\ 'er-satln sk 'ir t t ~ l m m e d with "lIqus.re neckline, pointed sleeves and ran A a oc Sth

Whac aS

111ebs Mrs H ar ol d F. Landon, of Molm·

, , I man. mong, d u s e rs we' ,

Chantilly lace; The ch if f on over - ' a l on g p ep um. A c r ow n o f b ug le Robert T r ip l cl a n o f Narbe r th and by H i ll s , L os Angeles, and Miss Jo·skirt wa s spht up the front llnd beads and s equ in s he ld her f inge r· '. ' s eph lne Delbe r t Hastings o f H a vcaught at the waistline with g ar - t ip veil of illusion. and sha ca rr i ed He r be r tMatthews, of Philadelphia. erford will serve as h o ~ o r atten-.l an d s o f o r an g e b l o s ~ o m s . Grad- a Bible and t h ree w hi te o rc hi ds . F ol lo wi ng the ceremony a recep- dants 'The brldesma.lds will be M i i l ~uated banclI o f Chan t il ly lace, on Miss Leanore Raskin who s er ve d t lo n fOr 100 guests w1l1 b e h el d In I n' Kn a d MI s Sara Tel·the lIatin pet.tlcoat extended around u maid of honor A.nd' only atten- the Social Hal l o f t he chur ch. Upon Valo e ox n k IS.the edge of her flowing train. H'!r t h ei r r e tu r n from a wedding trip f or d, b ot h o f Ber e ey.

= = = = = = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~Iveil of lIIulllon fell from a crown dant for her s later, wore a pink n et t he couple plan to live In N a r b e ~ t h . William 'Heyl, o f Wynnewood,of orange hlossoms, Ilncl s he ca r- o f f- the - shoulder gown. featuring a . Miss Wolf Is a graduate of AI- w il l act as best man. and t h e ushersrled an o ld- fas hioned bouque t o f t i er ed sk ir t , and a picture hat of toona' H i gh S ch oo l a n d S hl pp en s- will include J . C h a r l e ~ Hast ings andwhite roses ou tl ined in Ch:mtllly matching material. Her bouquet b T h' C 11 H fl E Earnshaw Hastings brothers oflace was o f p i nk roses and violet snap- i urg eac

ders 0 eFg t' · k le l

r H a ~ c h e t h e b r ideg room ' Jam;s B Helm.. _ s a g ra u at e of ran n Ig ,"

Miss Ruth Goebels,. of German- d r agons . School in Franklin, Pa., and is now Jr., of Southport, Conn., andJamestown, s er vi ng a s m ai d of honor, Mr. Norman Nathanson acted as t di I I t't t f T h D Bu rl ,e o f C o ra na Delmar Calif.

I bl t fT d I. h a ten ng Drexe ns I u e 0 ec·· ' '

wore a tee ue a eta mo e with best man for Is brother. , j' l '1 Following the ce r emony a recep·an ott-the-shoulder neCkline. tight Folfowlng the ce remony a recep- n o l o ~ , w h e r ~ he, Is ma 01 ng.l. tlon will be held at tl".e College

bod ice and a f ul l skirt. The b ri de s. t lo n w a h el d at t he B et h D av i d electrl!lal e n gm ee rmg . H e s er ve d t, s f th I t I Women's Club, Berkeley, af ermaids, Miss Joan Barret, o f W es t T em pl e A ft er t b el r r e tu r n from a or ree years as a n av g a o r n . h h I 'II I f

IC III d- d MI N .. th A Ai C whlc t e coup e WI eave or ao ngswoo, an .. ss o rm a t en -d ay h one ym oo n In Mexico, the e rmy I' orpS. I ' M I'b

ILose, of LEapord, Pa., wore ashes weddmg trip to Carmel and a I uo f r ose ta!feta g ow ns f as hi on ed c ou pl e plan t o l iv e In Wynnefleld. Beach, Calif. T he y p la n fly to

w i th b us tl e- ha ck s a n d matching , Rev. Holm to Celebrate IBryn Mawr, wher e they WIll make

Im it ts. T he y all carried fans of DREXEL HILL MAN B' th d S d Itheir home. I

Brandywine r o s e ~ and 'wOre Ir ,a y on un ay Miss Weatherby Is a g r a d u a t ~ ofw re .a th s o f m a tc h in g fiowers In TO TEACH IN NARBERTH The Rev, G lad s tone Holm: of 11;>. I the Unlvers tty of. California, and 8

Itheir hall'. T..Will i am Al lenbach, o f D rexe l Ben tl ey Avenue, Cynwyd, Will cele- member o fA lphaCh i Omega So ro r ·

N ea l W yn ko op a c te d a s b e st m a n H il l, will replace' Richard L ehman brate his birthday t hi s S un da y, I ty andPh i Be ta I{appa. He r fiance,

, a n d t he usher s I ncluded Theodor e a s t e acher of Latlra, English and August 31. who wa.'1 released from the Naval

IDavis , o f N o r f ~ l k . Va" and James Frf.nch in the sev.enth .and eighth Pastor o f t he Gladwyne Metho· Reserve In February was g r adua t -Baxter of Media. d' t Ch h R H I h h d '

I' ~ r a d e s . of the . Narberth PUblic IS urc , ev. 0 m as a an el from Deerfield Academy, and re-

School, it was announced th is week . ex ten sive pastorshlp in Ches ter , ce ived a deg ree in engineering from ILehman, who'lives at t h e Beech - Wellt Chester and a n um be r o f \

\. Engagemen ts wood Apartment s ,Narbe rth , r e sign- p rominent Philadelphia churches. NT~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,ed this summer to a.ccept a posl- A BUSINESS CONSULTA I


FORCF..-FANSLOW , t lon in the editorial department of If you aslt a question have thd SERVICE

Mr. and Mrs. Char les F ans low , o f the Saturday Evening Post, CUI'US c o u r t e s y ~ to l I ~ t e n to t h e a n sw e r lIP YOU NEED ADVICE IN EITHER

6 ChurCh Rd., Artlmore, announce Pub li s h ing Co. e ve n t ho ug h I t does p rolong the BUYING A BUSINESSthe engagemen t o f thf.lr daughter , Allenbach Is a g r aduat e o f Mil- visit a coup le p f hour s . SELLING ~ ~ U S I N E S SMisll Norma Fans low , to W il l iam lerjlvllJe State Teachers College, and BUILDING UP YOUR BUSINESS

N., ~ o r c e , Jr:, son o f M r. and Mr! Is working toward s h i smas te r' s de- Talk wi th Mr . McElHINNEY

IWilham N. Force, of Lansdowne. ~ r e e at Temple University, H e h as . IMiss Fanslow III a graduate of taught I n C ol wy n, Bristol and Acme Busm es s Brokers VISIT TilE DAIRY .. . AI.L PRODUCTS AT RETAIL

L ow er M er io n H ig h S ch oo l and Mount Pleasant schools. i Exclusive DISTRIBUTORS FOR Bulletin Bldl:.. .Junlpt'r & FlIbl'rt su . OPEN DAILY & SUNDAYEVENINGSDennison U n i v e r s i t ~ ' . Mr. F or ce ---- • ";Z/',. _AA j_,".. _ - - - - = R . = . . I . : : . 6 - - 1 ~ 4 = 2 = - 2 - - - - - . . . ! . . . . . . . : . . . . - - - - ~ ~ - : - : : ~ . - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - served for t h r ee yea rs as a member FIRESIDEo f t he A rm y All' Corps. . . ~ ~ ! I ! ! ! I INo d a te h a s been s et f or t h e ~ N e d


8/7/2019 Our Town August 28, 1947

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-august-28-1947 4/6

Phll .d ..lph la , c....... S... I. . . . .






Leading a dog's life ha s its bright

side, tOO •• • especially if there'.

plenty of hot water when puppy

needs a bath. And plenty of hot

water is always availablewith an

automatic Ga s Water Heater. En-

~ h i l a d e l p h i aElectric Company

Cooperation aMong party-line neighbors is theof good party-line service. Whenyou keep callsbriefwhen you space them out·so that others JDay UBe theline well ••• you'll find thatyourparty-lineneighbonreturn good for good. That means betkr servicefor aUwho share the line.

The Bel l Telephone Company

of Pennsylvania

• Each delicious, creamy-rich drop ofAbbottB nHomo A" is packed with the·nourishment that makes eyes sparkle andcheeks glow, And' how the children go forits 6ne, sweetflavor!

We pay ou r farmers a Premium forits extra richness and a Bonusfor their atrescleanly care.

Tell theAbbotts milkman to leave tfHomo A"

or ask for it at )'Our neighborhood store.

jo y the comfort and convenience

of dependable hot water at al l

times. Ask about Automatic Goa

.Water heating at our local oHice,

or see your dealer .or plumber.




ABBorTS 1 f l ) e ~ · ~ · MILKf?". ' l 1 s e F i r " . l A b o r a t o r y C O l i I r o J W M i I H n P ~ . I ....ni4 . ', '

" l in d S ou dJ er a Ne w I'BOJlOGENIZD * VlTAJIIN (;;i.t .

l .......,lf •

ABBOTT' ~ A n n E S , I . . . .


Rep. Dem. NP. Total


And So Easyto Keep . . •


if few oflht manyntw fall.fashions now availa51t.

.ELSEA COMPANY " \I '. , I • " ! ..... .1 , '.I

€Ve r9 rE' e" 6.503'1 "" .w


Masterpieces ofsimp/ic. '

it} that interpret the

elegant trend in Fall


" • That's r ight •••

some th i ng fo r absolutely

nothing! Of course, we hope

the sight of this new shovel

will remind you of unpleasant

hours and wasted t ime!

NOW •• • you c l n g e t a COM-PLETE OIL CONVERSIONUNIT at low cost! No more use

for that shovel-no more ashes

--no more worrying aboutheat

- f o r t h is un it is entirely auto-




P. S. The shovel is still yoursfor the asking Mr. & Mrs.


DOW located at ..

1 2 ~ 4 CHESTNUT ST.

I t7n1JJ 5349.50





THB ECONOMY CIIAI\IPIONNowAvailable for Hot Air, HotWater. s t eam and Vapor Heai



B E R N ~ R D V. MORRISON17 Waverl, Rd., Llanerch. Pa.




s u an t t o the provIsion at Act ofAasembly. No. 380. Approved Mav 24.1946. of'Intention to tHe In the omceof the Secretary o r t he C om mo nwealth of Pennsv lvanla , at Harrlsburt;. Pa,. a nd in t he omce or theProthonotarv ot the Courts ot Common Pleas 'of Montp;omerv County.on Wednesday. the 3rd d av o r Se' ptember. 1947. a Cert ificate for theconduct at a business In MontJ1;omervCounty Pennsvlvanla. under the ass um ed o r flctltlous name. style ordeslll':nation ot PENN VALLEY MARKET. with Its prIncIpIa place of busIness at 714 Montp;omerv Avenue.Narborth. Penna . The nllmes lind addl't'saes ot 1111 persons ownlnll: or Interested In said buslneSA are Lawrence Brll8cla. 1617 South Bancrot tStreet. P hl la " P a" a n d Ralph Rosa.2120 South 111th St.reet. Phlla" pa.ALVIN J. BELLO. SoUcltor.1003 Commercial Trust Bulldlnp;. Phllndelphla.Pa. . OT 8-28-47



Peg O' My Heart IsCurrent Production

At Berwyn Theatre. This week's production at theBe rwyn Theat re Is a quite como,mendab le pe r fo rmance o f J. Hartl ey Manner s ' "Peg 0' My Heart."With Louise Snyder, a newcomer

to the Berwyn fo ld , In the starringrole, t he c as t un fo lds the vicissi

t ud es o f an Impoverished Englishfamily In an Interes ting, If slightly

Americanized way.

M iss Snyder, in the role o f P e g.

does an adm ir able job as t h e p oo r

but l ovab le l i tt l e Irish g ir l f ro m

New York . France s Brand t makesa quite plausible d ow ag er w ho h a s

lost her f o rtunewhen her bank was

forced· to close Its doors. Paul

French and Ruth Carro l, aa herch i ld r enA la r i cand Ethel , do f a i rly

we ll . Wl ll l an 1 Valentine providesthe humoroua tou'ch as the pro

ve rbia l Engl iSh bu tl e r, Other llUpporting roles are played by Harry

K. Smith, David Titlow, John J.LoIll and Leagueay Phillips .

The play Itself Is o f t h e old fashioned variety and the character iza

tion Is almost trite In i ts conform

i t ~ · , but i t. I s rather refreshing anlicould perhaps b e st b e classified as

tair summer entertainment,Next week t h e theatre will pre

sent Leatr ice Joy In Mark Reed 's

comedy, "Ye ., My Dar ling Daugh

te r ."-J . 1.. D.

Principal speaker at t.he prePrimary Coun ty-w ide mee ting o fthe Republican Primary CampaignCommittee. will b e J ud g e John S.F ine, Nant i coke , seeking re-elec

Uo n t o t he S ta te SuJ,er lor Court.The meeting wll1 b e h el d Sep

tember 4. at Nor ri s town Ci ty HaIl .Announcement tha t Judge Fine

, h ad been ob ta ined as t h e p r inc ipal

speaker w as m ad e t od ay b y C am patgn Chairman , S enato r L loyd H .

Wood.Candida tes f o r Coun ty office aillo

will attend and b r i ef Ilddre!!ses wllIbe made by s ever al of them.


ARDMORE Frozen Food LOCKERS11!:.el!!!!3«.W5!••L ! E A E N ~ C e A i S i T E R AVE. ARDMORE 3138'= a. o. FVNJUlOVS£& = = = = i : = E ~ = ~ 5 : w ~ '



Narberth 9296

Estates (



Endorsement of Rocco J. Burdo

as a candda te fo r · th e RepUbl i can

nomination of t ownship comm is

sioner In t h e Pencoyd District of

Lower M er io n T ow ne hl p b y agroup o f v ol un te e r f1.remen, wasannounced !'hIli week.

·Mrs.·Shry04 ·1 26,805,EIig!ble(Continued from Pal 'e Oue) (Cpntlnued' from Page Oue) (ContJlDued from Page One)

Her.hey Hotel, Her.hey. :He 11'&1 WlUI uled &I a .tudy,project by. t h e Lower Me t lon 'Town .h l p I. a. fot-

bo"" In Germany and g r a d u ~ t e d University. tows:

from Heidelberg University. In ' 1933, s he w e nt t o EUrope andOne halt of the $63,:114.61 i n pe l' - spent ay ea r i n London, Hamburg North

sona! p rope rt y and' $20.751.76 In and Munich, studying progressiveI ArdmQre No.11128 91 18 1237re al e s ta t e ha , been. awar l !ed to teaching methods us ed i n n ur s er y Ardmore No.2 1093 126 36 12511 IS COMING ••• WHEN?

. the widow, Mary C. Antweller. A. s choo l s I n tho.e cltlell. . South - IOtto Antweller and Loulsl'. Petera, Returning to this country, Mrs. Ad N 1 675 72 10 757 FOLLOW THE PAGES OF THIS PAPER EACH WEEK!brother and .I.ter of the. deceased, c S o h u r r Y I I O e C ~ o r ttOeOckhnlctlhaens s a ~ P t e h r v . l s w o r ' s A ~ d : ~ ~ : 2; 988 182 . /I 1179 "-============================who live in AUner, Slegkrel., In the , • e 0- Imen' . Medical Center, and aerved A r ~ m o r e No.3 1740 143 32 1916Engllsb occupation zone, ar e t o r e- al 8 8 sl s ta n t o n the Ohio State allo 1 Socialistcelve $6,000 each, a nd t he residue Board of Health where s he w as Ardmore No.4 11108 134 36 .16781goe. to the t r u ~ t e l l l , Richard E. t co-dlrector a nursery .chooI. West Ardmore 1203 187 20 1410 I

Ennl. and' Mary C. Antweller. I During World Wa r II, .h e w as B al a 1010 1511 31 1196The money.for t h e German re.I ' / c o- or ga ni z er a n d d ir e ct or of the E . BI'yn Mawr .. 1042 152 26 1220

dent . wllI be turned over to the War J ob I nf ormat io n C e nt er s e t W.-Bl'yn Mawr .. 970 222 26 1218Allen Property Custodian. u p b y t he Amen c an Association of -In distribution of the' ellt a te o f , Un i ve r si t y Women. at the Un lve r- Cynwyd . . . . . . . . 1495 141 39 1675

Mr . Hope C. Henry Galdwyne,who l I lty ClUb, In ;Philadelphia. Ge neral Wayne.1641 136 51 1828• , Pos l tlonl l s he has held IM lnde G ladwyne •. . ;. : 978 72 18 1068

d ied May U, 1946, balance of $12:1,- thOle of executive director o f t he H av er fo rd . . • • . .1153 133 31 1317479.27 was awarded as foHow.: One- Health and Socllli Agency o f t he Merion No. 1. .. 1266 183 45 1494third eachl to her husband, C. S. s ta te of PennsylvanIa, f or w hi ch Merion No.2 . . . . 799 74 28 901Ashby Henry ; h e r d augh te r , Hope she p lanned and managed the bud- Pencoyd No. 1. . 97" 158 9 1140P. Hili, a nd h e r . on , R ic ha rd Hal l ' get; I n t er na tional p r esident of Pencoyd No.2 •. 41" 26 11 449

H ~ n : : ' b a l a n c e ofthe $63;508 In prln- ~ : ~ b ~ , r ~ t ~ ~ : n : t ~ : n ~ t C e : u o : i ~ ~ i ~ t Rosemont 891 91!\J 995

clpaland $4399 i n I nc om e o f the Kappa Kappa Gamma. 'The c o un t b y election districts In1\' f In 1941.\ s he took a course at t he N a rb er th Borough Is as follows:eatate of Jo n H. Locke, Haver ord, University of Pennsylvania In i. Rep.Dem. NP.Total

who died November 12, 19411, Wall subject she feels Is a "natural" for Fi r s t . . • • • • •• • • 963 112 16 1091distributed as follows: t o h i s widow, anyone with school board asplrs- Second ••••••••.1444 148 59 1651Virginia, all p e rs on a l a n d h ou se - t ions-personnel and Investments._ Third 602 93 15 711

: : : : e e ~ : : : : : : : s t : n t ~ ~ : a ~ : ~ I: ; ~ : e r ~ ~ ~ b l ~ ~ ~ o ~ O ~ t S t ~ ~ ~ : t v ~ ~ I t ~ Also 1 Socialist.

the wl1l;Vlrglnla 1.. Lathbury,. $2,- a nd h er d au gh te r was recently Po i nt i ng t h e way. to wisdom is000; J ohnH . Locke , J r . , $2,000; Real graduated f r om there .Estate Truat Co. Virginia M. 'Locke VivaCiOUS, o f m ed iu m h ei gh t, o ne thing; walking in tha t . way

, Mra. Shryock feels t ha t n ot t he qUite another.and John H. Locke, J r ., t r u st ees, least o f t he qus:Ilties she has to -------------$211,000, and t h e ba lance In t rust f or o ff er Is a s ince r e In te r est In the Ithe benefit of Mrs . L oc k e f or life. f u tu r e o f the local schoo l system.Adjudications In other estates With Dr. Shryock IIhe Is n ow v a -

were as follows: cationlng at Sachem's Head, Mass.S e lma R . Wes se l s, A rdmore , who She wll1 return home a f t er Labor

died May 24, 1946. ba lance o f $60,- Day t o m ee t w it h c iv ic g r ou ps snd3118.42 In p r inc ipa l and $1,530.89 In discuss the forthcoming primaryincome awarded to her husband election. .In t h e mean t ime , her

. ' campaign )s b ei ng h an dl e d b y aHenry W.. Wessels, J r. , t es ta me n- c om mi tt ee h ea de d b y M rs . T od d

tary trustee. Miller, of Merion.Wesley J. Ohl, Lower Merion, bal

a nc e o f $59,983.66 awarded: $2,000each t o E l se E. Ohl and Hermine

E. Benze; $1114 In personal property

and $2,270 i n s ecu r it i e s to Paul W.Ohl; $20,'306.13 I n s ecu r it i e s to Raymond T. Ohl, and balance, one-half

e ac h t o Raymond T. and Paul W.

Ohl.E ve li na H ea p Gleaves, Lower

M er io n, w ho d ie d S ep t em be r 10,

~ 9 4 6 , ba lance o f $26,741.29 awarded:to daughter;Evellna Porter GUlav2sCohen, specific bequests and one

half o f t es ld ue ; E v el i na G le av es

Van Metr e Thomson ,one- s lx th i)t

residue; Thomas Early Van Metr e ,

one-sixth of res idue; Albert Gleave8

Van Metre, one-sixth of res idue and

specific bequests.

Frank Wynn , Lower Merion, who

died September 1, 1946, ba lance o f$20,829.411 awarded t o Nel l le Wynn ,

testamentary t rustee with Ii. life Interest in the e s t a ~ e .B ri dg et M ar y Ha nl ey , L ow er

Merion, who d ie d August 13, 1946,balance Of $3,170.48 and Income ot$11.73 awarded; $500 t o Rev. J o sephE. McGuire to ca r ryon work

among orphans; $500 to Society for

Propagation o f t he Fai th ; $200 to

st .. Colman' s Ca tho li c Chur ch, and

ba lance to John Hanley, brother .

Emily A. O'Connell, Bryn Mawr,

who died July 19, .1926, balance ot$821.19 awarded to Patrick J.

O'Connell, husband, after s ix s on s

an d daughters renounced their

shares In b l s f avo r .

CarsPicked Up an d D ~ I l , e r e dCOI\IPLETE ATLANTIC SERVICE


We Salute Narberth On ' It " l I2 nd Yea r 01 Prollrell


John's Atlantic Service Station


We Salute N.!rbertb o n I ta Dn d Year or ProVft l8

VIlJK'S WILDGARDENS(Conservators of Natural Beauty)

Naturalistic L a n / l s C l l p l n ~Wild ...· Io tv er s - ShrUb " - free"

'I'n!e IhrrafrY - Bark Gardens - Pool". BOOIlTER FOR A GREATER NARBERTH RR .....TI.

632 AIONTGOMjgRVAVE. . SA r_ ,

\Ve Salute 1'\arbertb on . Its 112nd Year or Procress

H, J. MOSTELLERInferior and Exterior Paint ing and Paper Hanging

Shop-109 Forest Ave. Resldence-S24 Esse.'I Ave.n«uJ.'\ I .·:It I · ~ ( ) " · • I·· .. ··· " ' f ~ l t ,\K.n·:RTH .

Narberth 2:«10



Today . th e Pos t Office s er ve s a p - d ay . One of the t h ing s wh ich hasproximately 12.000 persons. It be- endeared the Post Otnee t o N ar came II. first class office o n J ul y I , b er th residents was t he s e r v l r l ~ In1944. augurated during the wa r 'by Po lit-Fo r many o f t he r es id en ts of master Kelley. Each Sunday, he

Narbe r th, th e Post Office Is much opened the doorsbetween noon andmore than a n i mp er so na l p la ce 1 P. M. for the delivery of mailwhere they bUy s t amps and m o n e ~ ' from. service men a nd w om en t oorders. their f am il ie s a n d f ri e nd s WhO,In t h e Amer ican c o m m u n i t ~ · tra- otherwise, would have had to walt

ditlon, ' I t 's a p lace where f l 'l end s If or t he p re ci ou s letters until Mon·mee tand exchange the news o f the day.

Do a l i tt l e more and a l i t tl e be tter work than o ther s and you Ilrebound to a r riv e.

Schools Open(Continued from Pal' . One)

S ch oo l a n d B al a- Cy nw yd ~ u n l o rHigh School. 'Narberth pUblic .chool. o pe n o n

September 8 for a haIt-day se llIon.Full da y seRllons beg in on Sep tem

ber 9. New unregls tllred pupils ma y

re/il"lster o n S ep temb e r 8, upon

p r es en t at i on o f v ac c in a ti on and

birth certificate•.Amo n g n e ar by private schools,

Haverford Friends School opens

September 9; Haverford School,

September 17'; Mater Misercordia

Academy, September I ll; St. Charles

S em in a ry , S ep temb e r 1 ; S t. Mat'

thias Sch oo l , S e pt emb e r. 2 ; Wal

dron Academy, September I ll; Ag

nes Irwin School, September 17;Baldwin School, September 23;Booth School, September 9, and

Episcopal Academy, September 17.Friend. ' C en tr al o pe ns f or U p

p er Fo rm pupi l s on Sep tember 17,and f o rLower Form pupi l s on Sep

tember 18; Harcum'Junlor CollegeOn September 23; MOintgomery

Coun ty D ay School on Sep tember17; S hi pl ey S ch aa l o n S e pt emb e r

3;, Miss Wharton:s School September 29. and thll Con v en t o f theSacred Heart on september 16.Bryn Mawr College open.I for

freshman c las ses on Sep tember 27,

and f or u pp er clusmen On Sep

tember 30. Haverford College fresh

men begin on September 22, and up.per c la ssmen b eg in o n S ep t em b er

U. Ro sem on t h as s ch e du le d S e p

tember 22 f or f re s hm en a n d S ep

t ~ m b e r 24. f o r th e three upper clas.

.es, and c la ss es f or a ll students atVlIIanova begin on September 23.





Mrs: Gail Evans

League Women(Continued from Page One)

are off t he p r es s a n d will be maile d t o e ve ry p ro pl lr t y own er i n thetownship, according to Mrs. JamesA. Lynd, of Merion, .who ed it s thedfrect.ry befor e each election.During the week o f S ep temb e r

1, the league will have a windowfn S t rawbr idge 's , t o r emind vo ter so f t he prlmariAIl. On display wiIIbe the poster which won f t rs t p l aceIn a leagut: sponsored COli testamong h igh s choo l s tudent s , publicizing the Candidates' M e e t l n ~ .The poster was m ad e b y Jack Cederstrom, o f t he Lower Merion Sen

Ior High School.Percentage records of votes cast

in the 19 t ownsh ip vo ting d i st r i ct sd ur in g t he 1946 p r imari e s s howsthe Pencoyd District No.1 . wi th ahigh of 40 per cen t , and Nor th A rdmore, No .1 . and Merion, No.1, tyIng for low with 16 per cen t each .

'11:..£ '



HARPER· J. GUINNWe Salute 1'\arberth on "Its 112nd l'car' or Prollre..

Publlahed every Thursday .Deadline for adnrtlalng andnew l copy: WednUday nooD.,

8ubllCrlption rate: $:1.00 per yeat in advance.

' oud ld 'm 191" b, . the lfiLrberth CiVic .&IIOGiation

btii 'ed as eecondcl.. . matter October. 11138, at tbe POiIt OMce ..Narbertb, Pa .. under tbe Act o f March 8. 18711.

We S.IOte Narberth on It . 82n" Yeu of PrOKres,

CELEIS. DE8IGNS 81' CELE. CUltom 1\IIOe J \ llIlInerv - I ) rapin ;:

iU.t1npllbel! OrJaIDAla. ' 1I00STEit I'OR A OREATERNABBBRTH


We BRlute Xarberth on Jts 52nd ¥.ar or Prorrell8


Auto RepalrlDJ : - Duco PalnUnr - R ef tn ls hlnKSinclaIr Products - I,uhrlcatlon - Gas - 011


We Salute 1'\arberth on Its 112nd Year or Procre..

CARTER,&TURNAU r ,Inc.C o m p l ~ t e Line of Electrical A p p l ~ a n c e s and Gas Ranges

Booster for a Greater Narberth2110 HAVBRFORD AVE. CalI NABBER'!'" 436'

We Salute 1'\arbertb on Its I I lnd Year or PrOKrela

WYNNEWOOD HOUSESEAFOOD Narberth'. I d ~ a l Famllv D1nlnK Room

. - BANQUIlTS •• • P ~ ' . \ ' I E 8 - COCKTAIL BAR


P\lbUclt.tlon omoe: 8 Cricket Avenue, Ardmore, Pa.Phone Ardmore 117'''''0:GR 3-7740. Member Buclt.-Montllomery Ilfew,paper Publtsher, Assn.

irst Narberth' Borough Post 0 ffice Opened in 1892

to First Class in 1944; Serves 12,000 Persons



A REPRESENTATIVEDonald W, Bretherick, of 12Golf

D a r b ~ ' . h as b ee n a pp oi nt e d

rict representative In t he P hi l

e lp hi a a re a f or P en ns yl \' an la

College.B re th er ic k. son o f D el aw ar e

u n ty R e gi st er o f W ll ls Arthur

Bre the ri ck, has been s e rv ing in

capac ity in the Pi t t sburgh. He wasg r adua ted f r om Penn

In February, 1947, complet

a college career interrupted by

war. -.'D'"

When the Narberth Post OtnceI The fil'st postmas t !' r was Mrs.

tlriJt opened back in 18112, as Eliza Ketcham, who began her job

t o u r t h ~ c l a s s o ~ c e , i t w as l oe at ed o nM a y 21, 1892. Shewas followed

t h e Pennsyha nl a R ai lr oa d S tn - b y MiSll Elizabeth H. Ketcham onon. 'T o d a ~ ' , a f i rs t c l as s office u nd er J an u ar y 27. 1905.dlreotlon of PostmAster Joseph George W . McCausl in took over

Kelley, it occupies a building on December 13,1908 to be followedI ts own o n E s se x Ave., near the on June 14. 1910 b).' .Joseph Mollin

of Haverford Ave. eax, Jr. On October 30, 1913, Ed-From thJ! r a il r oad s tat ion , t he w ar d S. Hawes becamepostmaster ,

Office was moved to the build- followed by Frederick C.}'ClUer ong now occupied by .the Nash July'n, 1922 and J . Be rt ram Nest e r

Company and la te r , in 1911, on JUly 21. 1926.207 Haverf!,rd Ave. It h81 oc· J os ep h L . K el l ey b eg an h is s er vi e d I ts p re s en t s it e s ln cr . 1 928; i oe as pOlltmastel' In .January, 1!l35.


omRO . A. WALEBR. Pre. ldent and Publl 'her: VINOENT B. PU1oLD,Manllller: NANCY B. BIlBLYi: Ec1ltor: 8t1ZANN'B Y. WINGAD,

Associate ditor.

(Continued from Page One)

and Chai'les, Jr., 24, were not at

home whe ... the shooting occurred.

A daughter. Mn . Harry Ml1ler,

IIveB In Newpor t New ., Va., whel'o

hllr hUBband Is titatloned a t t he U.

S. Naval Baae.·Summoned' to hlB mother'. bed

aide, Dona ld to ld police she 'had

been despondent and had threatened s ever al times to commit sui

cide. Captain Shaffer said the pres

enc e of p ow d er b u rn s o n M rs.

Evans' right temple led h im t o be

lieve the wound was self-Infilcted.Mr. a nd M rs . Evans moved ln to

the Avon Apartmenta when t h ey

were firat married. Neighbors saidthey subsequently inherited wealth

and wen t to live in Penn Valley and

later In Cynwyd befo r e returning

t o t he Avon. Fo r 13 years EvansWaB emp loyed by the state Liquor

Control Board In Ardmore, Bridgeport and e l sewher e. He ws s as si s t

ant manager of t he B r id g ep o rt

FOR CANCER SOCIETY IItore at t h e t im e he left the State's

Robert B. Parker, of GlynWynne' employ III monthll ago.

. , H av er fo rd . h as b ee n n amed 'and F reder i ck C. Wheel

408 MilI Rd., Wynnewood Manor,of the 1948 Cam

Executive Committee fOr theDivision, American

Society, I t w a s a n no un c ed

week. The 1948 drive wl1l be

in Apri l .

Otho r comm i tt ee member. Ine Brandon Bar ringer , o f Edge

n t ; W a lt e r W. Buck ley . o f 450

Rd" Wynnewood; Henry W.at 638 Loves Lane, ''Vynne

and Mrs. Henry F. Perot , o f

_ , .

It also hall been announced thatwill b e t h e g en e ra l c h ai r

f or t he1949

campaign, -and

Mts. WlI1lam M. Hoopea, o f t h el ton Cou rt Apar tmen t !l . A rd

r p. , w il l be chairman o f t he


Accounting(Continued from Page One)

W. Phll1er, one-ha l t o f t he n et Income; to Fidelity Philadelphia

Trust Co., Will i am W. Phl1 le r andWill i am Cla rke Mason , t r u st ees, Int rust two-sixths o f t h e n et Incomeafter May 19, 1946, and tlve-s ixths

of the p r inc ipa l to carry outl pur

poses of the will.Another accounting f il ed I n the

Orphans' Court revealed a total of

$883,510 In the t rus t e s ta t e created

in 1928 b y Cha rl es M cI lv ai n, J r. ,

M ai n L in e a rc hi te ct , w ho d ie d i n

August, 1938.Th e accoun t ing was filed on the

pe ti t i on o f D ickers on Mcilvain , ason and future heir, for withdrawal

of $7600 f rom t he p ri nc ip a l o f the

t rust to pa y for hospitalization and

medical expenses and to decide aquestion of a l lo cat ion be tween

principal and Income of t he p ro

ceed s o f s a le of certain stock hold


Dickerson Mcilvain. who lives atDr. John A. Noon, son of Mrs. 1408 Dorset Lane, Overbrook Hllls,

Henry S, Noon, of 4211 AnthwynRd,. Merion. a nd the latc Rev. suffered a compound fracture ofNoon . was this w ee k a pp oi nt ed t h e r i gh t leg On August 6. 1946. Inhead of the Sociology Dp.pllrtment v iew of a provision in the trust deedo f W i ls on College, Chamberflbllrg, authoriZingthe trus tee. to make anyPa. advancement from the trus t estateFormerly acting chief of the t o a ny ch ild o f the settlor " to mee t

U .S . State Depatment's intelligence any e m e r g e n c ~ ' , " J ud g e D av id G.r e se a rc h d iv is on emb ra c in g A fr i- Hunter Illlowed the $7600 advance

c a, h e w as a lso a membl'r o f t he f o r medical expenses.In ternat ional Labor Office.

. He has s c rved as. research usa- He a l so awarded $10,907 o f t he

CARETAKER ciate In the un lve rs l t. y o f P ennsy l- p roceeds o f 88le of stOCk holdings,

OF HEART ATTACKvania Museum, and ta.ught in the as Income, t o McIlvain 's former

Iuniversity'. North African lanru- wife, Mrs. Mabel D. McIlvaine.Ard-.Seventy-year-old Louis Uran.on, department. lie Is a graduate more, who Is entitled to an annuityr m an y y ea rs caretaker o f H al ' of the Univer si ty o f P ennsy lvan ia of $50,000, a'nd a n y a d di t io n al i n-

um Cemetery In Gladwyne, an d C olumbia University. come fro m t he trust for life.

as t h e r e s ul t o f a heart at tack I She d ivo r ced McIlvain , then 57,noon last Wednesday. LIGHTNING SETS HOME A FI RE i n March, 1929. I n Montgomery

John B. Lyn ch , G la dw yn e r ea l A b ol t o f l ig ht ni ng s tr u ck t he County Court, Norristown. A week

te man whose office a dj oi ns t h e h om e of Robert Cartlin, U4 Right- later he mar ri ed Mrs. Mary Pearce

told Lower MerionTown- e r ' s MIJ1 Rd., Gladwyne, during II. B un ti ng , w ho h ad d iv or ce d C ap

police that one of his employes freak electric storm Tuesday af te l '- t a in AUbrey. R. Bunting In 1925.strange noises In the b a ck o f n oo n. F i rem en s ai d it came through

otn.ce. Going outside, they foundIa second floor window, demoIlsheds onon the g round, gasp ing fo r a s ew in g m a ch i ne a nd .et t i re t o

llil.th. . , other furniture.

Volunteer workers for the ManoaAmer ican Red Cros s, have

600 hours of service'June and JUly, ,Mrll. Wil

m P . Bradfteld, branch Chair

annourtced lu t week.Chairman of the volunteer

Include Mrs . W i ll i am :Mlsproduction workers; Mrs.Mails. J un io r R ed Crc.lIs;

. V lctb r Musgrove . Gray I.lld

s ; M rs . A. R . B ec k, C an te enMrs. Char lea Wall e r, s t af f

Mrs. George Sharrer,an d skl1ls' c or ps, a nd Mr s.

community council forv ic e t o c am ps a nd h os pi ta ls ,Mrs. Bradfteld has also pobtedt ha t t h e Manoa Red C ro ss i s

u ip pe d t o a id local veterans andf aml les w i th their problems.

Mrs. Fred Dona i 'hy , home s e rv cha irman , wl1l give promptv lce In all· cue s involving illdelayed checks , requests for

erg/lOllY leave, a nd h el p In theof Government claiTns.

8/7/2019 Our Town August 28, 1947

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-august-28-1947 5/6









Hll1top 28U




PAINTINGInterior and Exterior

Quality MaterialNILSEN &: STARRBoulevard 5891·Jor Vietor 4-6915

and have oomp lete s e rv ice fosmal l month ly rental


51M 15 OIL COMPANYArdmore-Enterpr ise"1)158

West Chester 2400



Why 8uy When YouCan Rent?

OIL BURNERSWe ~ a r a n t e e h ea t . C om pl etOil Burne r Rent a l Service Installed In your present heate


Pruning , FeedlnrTrimming Tree Removal

, P ow e. r Saw

CHAIR CANING by expe r t wman; 10 yearll' exper ience .

:Wayne 2038-l\rt.





Estimates furnished• Re-rooflng our specialty

409 N Narberth Ave.



REFRIGERATORS..' ~ 1 A ' r E uilLifiBi .


Cemen tS idewalk s Wate rproof t

CellarCleanIng Wbltewaahl







Glass &: mirrors f or a ll p ur po seOld mirrors remodeled It; rellllvere

Wali mirrors made to order.TAGYE'S BOULE VARD 30

7315 West Chellter Pike

ANTIQUES WANTED-FurnI tuglass,old china, valles, brie-a.-bra

ligures, copper It; brass. If you havanything old call THE SP INNINWHEEL, WAYNE 2347.


ToP Soil, Mushroom Soli and Grading Work Done. All kinds o f D r ivewaysbuilt. Cementand Stone Wl!r

caU Darby 4764


Louis PetreUis I: Son• CONTRACTORS

BrIck - S tone and Cement WorSpecialize In Fla,stone Walks

and Te r racesAl80 Plalterlng

126 ROCKLAND AVE.West Manayunk

Cynwyd 0274

PATENTED and unpatented Inventions promoted, d r af t ed and d.

signed. M. Joyce Humphrlell , 1mLand T i t le B ldg , L ocus t 7-2134.

BUY BARTRAM BLINDS . Anorted tapes and co rd s .Meta l e n c l o c . ~ d

tops, baked duPont enamel. Oldb l ind s r enovated and laundered.BARTRA} MFG. CO., 5809 WOODLAND AVENUE , Ph i la . Selgrade6-2233 or 6-2158. .

CESSPOOLSSeptlo Tanks Cleaned

Modern Sanitary Methods. We 10anywhere at no extra charge.


oa new 18fT' electric ret r lgeratonwashing me,chinlll, electric ii'on;l'IIVacuum cleaners , both tank typeand upright.


248·2110 S. 60TH ST., PHILA..( one doo r. from 60th It; LoCUlt)

o pe n e v er y evening, except ' rUeday and Thur sday , un t i l • P. )( .

PAPERHANGING and paintingexper t wo rkmansh ip , r easonable

prlcell. No j ob t oo sma l l, Estimate.c he er fu ll y g iv en , T HO )f :A S a.BURROWS, 136 OAIQ:.EY RD .mGHLAND PARK. SUNSET 8181







17 Waverly R oa d L la ne rc h, P..




# J








ARDMORE .•• 5720GReenwood 3·7740

HILLTOP 0 ••• 3600







vered by Mail to

Is Low. and Your

umns. The

Message Is Deli-

You Have to Sell

Advertise What



CARS FORBENT1/1.80 PE R DAYDays or More

IlO-MILE . ~ I U Hspecial ratell for long termlt

A. -J. YACKLE CO..u E. Baltimore Ave.,

Lansdown.. Pa.


W ANT ED T O B UY-Se ra i ' Iron.old and wreckedcars . Tom Shank.

Phone West Chester 1617.

ANTIQUES-Household furniture.ch ina , p r int s , Victrola, records.

T op p r ices pa id . Try IUS. J. Davidson, 220 Sherbrook Blvd., UpperDarby, Pa. Blvd. 5029.




WANTED TO BUY WILL G ~ ~ ~ i M 1 : t . ; ' : YOU AN



DROPHEADS, $15 FOR LONG -------- .----







STEWART. SCHULTEImmediate Delivery!

ROY W . POWERS243 E. Lancaster Ave.

Ardmore, Pa.PHONE ARDMORE 06&5




L u ~ r l c a t l o n - I l t n i i : l o n WorkBIRD'S ATLANTIC SERVICE

-Lancaster Av. &W. Wynnewood Rd.ARDMORE 9529

cal l &: delivery lIervlco


~ C A T E R I N G



Every Tueaday NightAT 7 P. M-

A t t he Warehous e o f theBerwynFurni ture Company

Waterloo Avenue, south of Lincoln

Highway, Berwyn, Pa.RAIN OR CLEAR






WILLIAM- E ~ F L Y S H E RUpholstering and Decorating

5 Franklin StreetRosemont, Pa.

.CallBRYN'MAWR 1584

SANDWICHES, fancy, 87c dozen.$7 per 100; p lain . 11c and tile.

Ube r' s C at er in g, M ad Is on 1750.BElgrade 6-5039.

HOUSEHOLD GOODS-No deal-ers, In a dd it io n m uc h n ee de d

c ommode , u se d f or I nv al id s ands ick-room. Call Narberth 4373.

QUALITY ELECTRIC RANGE -Good condition, $40. Call NaT

berth 2799.

FRIGIDAIRE-6 cubic feet. In exce ll ent cond i tion. S ac r if i ce . Ca ll

Narberth 4341.

ONE 42" ki tchen sink with spigots.Reasonab le . App ly 915 YeadonAvenue,Yeadon,Pa. , or call Mad

ison 3683-M.

FURN I T U R E - Miscellaneouspieces. Full bedroom suite. Office

f u rn i tur e . B luep r in t Ille, 7-drawer36x42. small s t ee l s a fe . Ca ll H l lI top

2473. •

List Your Proper ty With U.

W.A.DUFFY8143 W. Cheste r Pike MASSAGE-Hand mass age, Cab l -

Sunset 2252 SH 7-2667'· net bathS, electrical exercisers .SUn lamps. Beat equipment. Department s f o r men &; women,Charlotte'lIReducing It; Health Salon. (OpllneVt!nlngs.) 126 Coulter Ave. Ard-more 4120.



PAOLI-Single, all c o n ~ with 3bas l 'ment garages , $7000,PAOLI-Center town n ea r s ta

t lon, dOUble, f r ame , l a r ge lot. $7400,FRAZER - Business property.

hauling, cement blocks ,wood work,e t c. S ing le hous e , a l l conv. six garages, warehouse, poss" $12,000.

MALVERN-New bungalow, allconv. ,vacant, $8500.

NEAR MALVERN-9- ac re plotwoodland, elect., $2000.MALVERN-Outsklrtll, bungalOW,

5 ro om /l & bath, all conv., garage,poss, $6250.


Phone Wayne 2367-R.








FOR RENTLARGE SINGLE OFFICEConveniently located In newmodernbuilding. .

FOI' Infol'matlon call

Narberth 2446 during dayNarberth 4109·R evenings

Employment Agency





E ~ C E S . WRITE K. M. W., ·P. 'O.,BOX 350, ARDMORE, PA. .

SMALL Family des ire unfurnished2-bedroom apar tment DC ,SOlan

home. Convenient transportation.Will pa y u p to $50 per month. .1.K.. Box 3110, Ardmore, Pa.

MANUFACTURERS' r e p r e ~ e n t a -t lv e a nd •family urgently need

suburban 2 or 3-bedroom houee orapartment. Must VACATE by September 1 st . Excellent references.Narberth 2529-J.

WOULD like-to rent house oraptr t -ment, unfurnished, 3 or 4 bed

rooms. WllI sign longl l eas e I f de sired. 2 children of school age,Maximum rent about $90 monthly. Refe re nc e s e xc ha ng ed . H om e p ho ne ,Ardmore 5871 - busines s phone ,KIngsley 5-3433,

BUSINESS Couple urgently need2-room kitchenette aparynent.

PI'efer ''Vynnewood or Ardlpore.Wi ll p ay u p t o $75 per month. CallArdmore 0655.

DAY'S WORK o f a n y kind wantedby reliable co lo r ed man. Hous e

cleaning, window washing. cellars.

W il l d o o ut do or w or k, d ls hw as hlng, w ai t in g o n t ab l e f o r par t ies ordinners, Call Robert,BAring 2-3908.


execu tive s ec re t a ry , typ is t d e s l r e ~Intel'estlng part-time position, preferably at home or Main L ine area.Complete manuscript t y pi n g e x pe ri ence . Soc ial secretary, campaign wor k, e tc . E xc e ll en t r e fe renc.,es. Wl'ite C. P. J ., Box 350, Ardmore, Pa,


H el p o f a ll k in ds . Best referencesfurnished. Call BRYN MAWR 021L

635-37 N. i l s t Street. Bar 2-8676

Philadelphia 4, Pa.

cLASSIFIED 'ADVERTISIN',G' f b W 8 a ~ u : . : : r ' ". _, t i . I 'OB1'0tJB PAP ' "


You may l e ndmone , order. ItamPI or penona l check. Addren aU communications

to Lower Mer loa Newspapen, Ardmore, PL (Special-Monthly aatel)

PHON}}: Ard.on 5720 - - GReellwood 3·77 40 - - Hilltop 3600





stenographer -Able to take BloodCount & Ur ina lys i s f o r Docto r 's

Office.Salesgir ls-Upper Darby.. $25 to $30Pa rt - Time S t enog r aphe r -9 t o 1. 15

days, Delaware County.Medical Technician - Graduate,


IStenograp'her - Doctor's office,

Downtown Philadelphia.W om an t o Manage StOl'e, Upper

D a r b ~ ' . Notover 35 years.Cosmetic Salesgirl-Experienced.Buyer -Excellent oppor tuni ty for

Dry Goods.

IBuyer fo r Women ' s Hosiery. Excel" lent opportunity. '

. Bookkeep ing Mach ine Operator-Will t r ai n r ecen t h. s. grad. Up-

pel' Darby.

You'll enjoy working with ~ r l s GREATEST BUY EVERyour 0"Pl age and t b e manyre -

creational activities .· ~ ~ : ~ElTOP I N FOR AN I NT ERVI EW W E W IL LBU ILD ONYOURLOT

. . a 4, 5 or 6-room bungalow. All ma-

45 I nderson ave" A:dmor" Isonry construction, ' $1500 cash re-Room 315 McClatchy Bulldln" quired ; balance Ilkerent. Allf tnanc-

89tb & Market sts., Upper Darhy Ing arranged. BOOK OF HOMES1631 Arch street. Philadelphia & FLOOR PLANS MAILED $1.00.

METROPOLITAN HOMES1321 Arch S t .· LO 7-3898

HAVERFORD, Stone & stucco Colonial that has'

n ev er b ee n o n t h e marke t. Veryla rge l lvlng room , te r race , 4 bed-

. r ooms ( al l take tw in beds ) 3 tileba ths , ma id' s quar t er s and ~ t o r a g e

HOUSEKEEPER-Experienced, IS room. 011 heat, 2-car .garage. Well-day s week ly Saturdays a n d S un - I planted lot, .$29,500 With possession

d., 830 A' M ' t 'l f t dl Iat t ime o f settlement

ays 01'. '. • • I a er n n e ~ · . C GEORGE' ~ ' l U H L YPlain COOklllg. No l au nd ry . C al l • IV

Hilltop 0756-R. • . 23 E .WynnewoodRd . A rdmoreMOO

HOUSEWORK or Mother 'sHelper , HlGID AND PARK"5-day week. :r.r.ISt sleep In. Suit- '

able salary for r ight pe rson . C al l S TA TE R OA D - Seml-detached,Narberth 2271. ' surrounded by single homes; 6 large

rooms, tile bath, h Igh a t t ic . E very t h ing i n pe r fe c t condition; $10,500.

EMPI ,OYMENT AGENC IE S P os se ss io n at settlement.


7040 TERMINAL SQUARE List YOUI' Real Estate With UII

UPPER DARBY - BOU. 4113717 MADISON ST., CHE STER N ARBERTH - Goi ng b us in es s,

CHESTER 8229 grocery, mea t m a rk et a nd pro-

MALE \ d uc e, a ls o s ix r oo m a nd b at hhome, good cond i tion. Ow ne r r e-

Young Man-G. I., for Window'DIe- t ir in g. M ust sell. Reasonable.play work, Phone Nar be r th 4275.

Lead Burners-At least 10 yearsexperience. Excellent salary. REALESTATE WANTE

Chef-Excellent references. Sub- -' D

urban restaurant .Young Chemis ts or Chemical Engineers. 5-day week. $225 per month

t o s t ar t .Window Decorator - Experienced.

$75 week.

ISalesmen with car to sell Welding

EqUipment. Earnings high,Office Boy to le'arn Insurance Busi

ness.Roofers-a t least 8 to 10 years' expo

Permanent job.



811l'rwood 7-70DZMadison 0234


Prompt Service

Skilled MenReliable Work

Get Ou r Es timat e



5554 Baltimore Ave.Philadelphia 43, Pa.




A U T O M ~ T ' C '.COALBURNER , C O ~

-6 Examine all doors ( I lr lnr ;

_ jtrate - eleanont and

ash pit) for close f1ttlnl l:

and adJust [f possible.

-7 l'olnt (spray or brlls11 on)

a li ext er io r d oo r wlt lt al-"

um lnum pa int all added

preTentIve against rnst. corro

sion etc .

_4 s en l a ll minor all' Inrn

(ration leaks ~ I l h Iteater

comllound .

-5 spray Inlerlor o r h ea te r

w[tlt oil,

H. L. YOUNG & CO.17 Myrtle Ave. Chatham Village

, Havertown

GRanite 2-7020 Wlltop 231M

-3 Apply new Il! lbes (os ce

ment and check tlglltnt'S5

of connection of smoke

pipe (0 chimney.

-2 e l l' au ou t smoke p ipe and

hase of elllmn(')·.

_I Remove tile aslles and

soot f rom Itentln j t surface

h y w ir e brUSh a nd v ac uum



c o m ~ l e t e only $8service


Penn Wynne NineHits 401 to Top

Cub-Scout LoopPenn Wynne 133, in cllnchln&, Its

third"straight Main Line Cub-Scout

B ~ s e b a l l League t i tl e , comp i led a!eam batting avel'age of .401, whileIts y ou t hf ul p it c he r s - JimmyFaunce, Paul McAlaine and h is k idbrother, Bobby McAlaine-held theopposition to a .18R average.

In n ine league games played (a10th was taken by for(ell), PennWynne p la ye rs w er e at bat 287t imes , scored 144 runs a,nd had 115h.lt.s. Their opponents, at bat 186tImes, scored 37 runs a nd h ad 34hits.

Penn Wynne's first baseman,Ronnie GreenleeRe, was theleague's leading batter with a . 522averag-e, while p i tcher - ou t fi e lde rPaul McAlalne had a healthy .476.Regu l ar s b a tt i ng be lt e r t b an .400. wer e Dave Savage, Dick Junge lsDick Goldbeck, Faunce and D a v ~Russell.

Among thos e ir. t h e s el e ct .300c la ss w er e Billy Shaw, JohnnyLyons, Ben Be n) ' a nd Bobby McAlaine. The last - named i s barely 10years old.

In competition outs ide the leaguePenn .WY1'!ne won eight practicegames, tWIce defeating the Juniata

~ o \ \ : h a w k s , Sandlot Sports Assoclahon s. MiC!get League leade r. PennWynne WIll entertain a league allstar t l 'am, chosen from the circui t ' sfive other teams, on Sept. 6.

naturaIly enough, hi viewing theI l l uatlon with satisfaction.

Among t h os e l os t b y graduationwere Capt. BllI Sulllvan, end;Vince McPeak , ha l fback, and ZigGory, center. SuIllvan WIUI a regular and r ecen t ly played In .lhe ColleR'e AIl-Star game,

Sixteen letter winners are Included among t h e . r et u rn l ng linemen.They inclUde f our ends , fOur tack les , s ix guar d s and t wo c e nt e rs .Three quarterbacks , four halfbacklland two fu llb acks who won le t te r alast year a l so will be On hand.- Ollvar, who' ill' starting bls fifth

s eason as 'V i l lanova head coach , IsmapplnR' out an Intens ive pre-season program, He Indicated the firstweek wl1l be limited to light workbut t h e W il dc a ts will d on f ul iequipment for" body contact nextweek.


Pre-war Quality Materials

H. EARL HUSTONlID Ilnde....on ...Y" .. Oweael Hili

Sunaet :IZ71'


Domestlo & CommerelalHILLTOP 1564

Uoed Refrigerator. BOuKbt .. 80ld.I. IL OAMILTON ti l Oarward ad.

Brookl in .

(. Service Directory Ia / ' " : ) e - . . 9 ~ ~ ; ;I UPHOLSTERING )t; FURNITURE RE PAIRING,



227' E. T.ancaster Ave.. ')WAYNE 1496 Wayne, Pa.

, . . . . . . . , ' - . / P l ~ ~ ~ . / ~


.095 l

L. Merion PlaysNortheast High

InGrid OpenerLower Merion High will opim Its


1947 f oo tb al l s ea so n b y meetinJl'Northeast Hig-h, city champion. in

Ia . non-Ieague dued on PennypackerFIeld On t h e evening o f September


19. T h e g am e, f ir st n o ct u rn a l t il teve r engaged in b y L . M., will beI the inaugural of an ambitious 10-

Igame schedule.Dick MaUis, who has directed the

Bulldogs since 1941. will r e tu r n a s. head coach . G len E tzweil e r, f o rmerWashington and Jefferson ace, willcoach the backs , w i th Marty Howell retuming as ch ief o f the r ese rveteam, assisted by Joe Quinn, ex'Vest Chester Teachers 'College end.

Last year, Lower M er io n w one i gh t o f 10 games to sh ar e t h e Bii:Sixchampionship. Of 10 games th isyear , s ix wlll be playedon the Ardmore g r idi r on and a seventh-the

. 51st meeting with Radnor - a t Vil-lanova Cotlege s ta di um . Thr ee o f

Ilast year's beaten opponents , VaHeyForge Military Academy, WestPhiladelphia and St. Joseph'S High,h av e b ee n r ep la ce d o n t he 19i7schedule.

In addition to Nor theast , t h es chedule Includes : S ept . 27, Overbrook, home; Oct. 4, Easton, home;11, Abington. away: 18, Haverford,home: 25, Ridley Township, home:Nov. 1, Upper Darby. away; 8, Norristown. away; 15, Chesler , home;

22. Radnor, Vallanova Stadium.For the f irs ttime In history, Low

er Merion has made arrangementsfor advance sale of reserved seatseason tickets f or a ll h om e g am es ,including t h e t r ad i ti o na l Radno rbattle. Reserved seat season football t ickets are $10, with adult, allsport tickets (non-reserved seats ).$7.50. Gener a l adm is s io r to a l l football games will be $1, with adultseason grid t i cke t , non- r es e rvedseat, $5. Ticket s a lew i l l c lo s eSep t.


1,- •• ,

25 L ~ f t e r m e n Are AvailableFor Villanova Footbtill 'Team

Coach Jordan Ollvar KI'eeted 49candidates a s V il la no v a Collegeofficially opened Its pre-seasonpractice fOr the 1947 football sea'so n M on da y o n the Ma in L i necampus.

The Vlllanovans merely were Issued equipment and underwentmedical e x am i na t io n s o n o pe ni ngday, but two·a-day drl11s were Inaug\lrated Tuesday, They wlll bes t ag eddu r i ng t h enex t t h r ee weeks,

Oliver s ai d t he s qu ad will tapero rr I n s ingle sessions the final weekbefore the Inaugui'al with U. S.Merchant Marine Acadamy, K ingsPoint, at Villanova, Sept. 20. Thegame wl11 f ea tu re th e a nn ua lAlumni Homecoming week-end,

In all, 25 l e tt e rmen f r om the1946team, which won of 10 Jl'ames,a r c r e t ur n i ng to Villanova. Olivar ,

Th e Mont-Del League wl ll c l os eo ut I ts s ea so n t h is w ee k so far all

the regular schedule Is concernedthere is a lot of 'worlt to be d o n ~

before the four f inalis ts can squareo ff I n the Shaughnessey playl'fs forthe league c rown .

~ v e r y team In the circuit hasraIDed o ut o r tie games remaininga nd a s the standings of five ofteams are so unstable that a gameo r two here and there cana l t e r theentire set-up, there Is every Indication that the loop heads will find itexpedient to extend the season atl eas t one more week .

The rains of last week didn't helpa ny, n or d id t hr ee games whichended in t i es c l a ri f y the situation.Ac tua lly on ly one R'ame was addedto the records , a 1-0 victory turnedIn by Good Counsel at t h e expenseIof the league-leading St. Laurence

Inine T u ~ s d a y night at Bryn Mawr.

In thIS g a m ~ I Freeman stoppedthe Laurentlanli ' witlJ three hitsw hi le h is mates solved Southpav.:.Tim McCabe for seven. They shovedf he o nl y r un o f t he g am e' o ve r Inthe second.

Th ree o t he r R'ames simply addedto fhe confu sion. Monday night St.Colman's, of ArdmoJ:e, c ame r oa r InR' back with t hr ee r un s in thefinal I nn in g t o t ie Good Counsel3-L '

Friday two 'games were staged,w i th n o r es ul t. St. Philomena andSt. Laurence f ough t to a 1- 1 stand-

I orr at Drexel Hili, Pitcher George

IH og ue t d ri vi ng i n t he st. Philomen a r u n with a t r ip l e behind awalk to Joe Martella in the thirda nd h is r iv al , B ob B ake r. s co ri n gt.he Laurentian run, also In thethird, after h e w al ke d, w e nt t o lIecond on I \n infield ou t and came inon O 'Brien 's single.

I n t he o th er F ri da y g am e Albie

IBe ck e r m ad e h is f ir st start of they e ar f o r the champion St. Margaret 's club, but bumped against AndvP al d in o o n o ne o f h is better nlR'htsand t he n et result was a 0-0 dead-lock. '

MONT-DET, J,EAGUEResults last weelt

MondaySl. Colman's, 3; Good Counsel, 3.st. Philomena-SI. L u cy ; r a in .

Tuellda.yGood Counsel. 1; St. Laurence, O.

FridaySt. Laurence. 1; SI. Philomena, 1.St. Margaret's, 0; St. Lucy's , O.

. SundaySt. Lucy's, 8; St. Charles, 7 ( 11 in

nings),H ow T h ey Stand

I W. L.St. Laurence ... , . . . . 18 7: St. Margaret's , . . . . . 14 6IGood C,ounsel 16 9


St. Philomena , . . . . . . 12 9s t . Thomas 14 11S t . L ucy ' s 9 14st. Colman's 9 15S t . Charl e s 2' 19

3Tie GamesAnd"'Rain Knot\Mont-Del Race



..\b :l9C\b 27 eIb 3SC\b Z3C\b ISC


~ : ; , 2 x4CN c ~ ' n 2 x. .~ ~ ; , 2 33C

3 ~ ~ - : s z 35 e

~ ~ ~ z 17e

~ ~ ~ . xge

~ ~ ~ .:& ~ : ~ : 29c

NC:·n2 7 .

bunch X9C

.2 IDs X9Ccolla ._pkg

Lemon Juice Cal/l. 5'/0'0' r.. 5cMott 's Jellies 10.ua''''17cPrincess Mustard Ib Ilr 11 cOlivar Olives PI.,n Nll" 37c

Peanut Butter II-oz tumblrr 19cTumblers Drlnkln, 6 lor 30cDec:nated Jugs lara' .a,.3 5cPickles L111t1Y H... . 5(JII pt lar 23c

Dill P ickles "Iar 19cSour Pickles Itlar 19cJumbo Shrimp H. - 65c


MAYODAISE 37eSeedless Raisins 7_pk, IDeASCO Tea Balls 16 1aPk'13cGevaert FUms Q-Z7 r o l l 2 ~ cRob-ford Rice 2- 11 Pk,Matches D...... Tip larao.... 6c

Flaked Fish _ 's 15 ·....0 23c

/lSaJ Vanilla z-oz bot 32cPea Beans II Pk, 21cLima Beans Drr.. II pk, 21cBread Crumbs QIlI SooI pk, 9c

TomatoSauce Hut'l 3- '17c


TEA BAGS l : ~ n 70ePenn Rod, Pur. Pa., Ind. Tax

Motor Oil 10 "'::or! '2.14




JARSpis 6SCdoz

:: 7Se


finer luluro. Slays fresh longof'.


Prices Are Effective in the FoUowingMarkell:

10........... atlll In 11.""11 nppl) ' . til ....... if . . . ,of t" .boyo ' lell'lS are aut .f stock In ,oar locol _1Ie...I............ t o a sk f or t'" u. . . . .- t .,wi.

Rob RoyPAll DRY


Z ~ : : : Z 9 CPric. Incl.Po.TaxPlus Bal.Depolit

Bala Club

BEVERAGES5 ~ ; , 1 : 38cPrice Incl.Po. Tax

Plul Bal.DepOsit


Ja r Rings do< ScJa r Lids All Mrlal 2 pk..2ScPickling 1.001 IIIls" 4·0.,k, 14cMustardSeed :':::.4-" pk, 11cAerowax pt ean 23c

Buy Enough to Last Over ,Jle 8ig Week-end Holiday

BREAD EnrichedSupreme

De Luxe cetay HeartsFall Pod. . . . u.a ._.laic!, Peniaa .....

Fancy, Northwestern, Fresh


gJltdBad Flour P U ~ " S 59C : XO 75C.

Nabi lco Ri tz Crackers Ib pkg 2. .., .Gitapetruit Sect io_ Florida • No.2 29 ' .

Whol. .. canl C

Sualldae Cheez-it 6·oz pkll X4C

WaadiD DevU's F e " Mix pkg :l4C

WilIOD'S Mor 12·ozcan 35 cCultivated Blae1Jerries Now 15;oz .S CPack tin ..

Wbole UDpeeled Apricots ... :I.c


Cu t Greea . . . . NowPackFarmdal.

I1saJ Faae!, Sweet PeasIdeal Asp . - " - N.w Pack

_- Cut, All Groen

Beiu To...t. SoUpGrapefrai t Ju ice Papular Brands


CaUfol'llia Tomato JaiceFlorida Bleaded JaleeApple Sauce Delicious


Bi l Low Beet Chips

TOMATO soUP 3 : n : ~ ! :Madewith fresh lomaloes. Enriched wilh LouellaBuller•

Our Marke' s Will Be


\'II! II 1 ) ~ ' ; 'J B AV, E •, : i ..... r v" ":!t q 1\.-.

Grade A, Hen, Extrcl FaricY

TURKEYS'resh.Killed, Grade A

FRYING CHICKENS( 81Wdeu Cedlis. mte. .

SEA ) FaacJ' 1loIeIIsII J'UIets

fOOD l GeaaiDe Sa. . . . Fi l lebVALUES Fresh VJraiaia Croaken

Larle 8estGa Mackerel

....k . . IIeeI T__ \b 41 eC• •ke d WIIele CIdck_ loady I. .Ib $1 7 .

SKYe ~ c a n •

Cooked Boae l.. . Cldck- All II> $1 es...- Meal con 0

Cooked Boaeless Ta rkq W ~ : I ' ~ n . ".Ueed Boiled Baa·.. Y4 Ib 2"

I: .rice .f leae ME&TSAcme meats ar e reasonably priced, aN

s u ~ . of quality meats at the lowest possibleprices at your nearby Acme market. TryAcme meats this week-end a nd b e convinced.


8/7/2019 Our Town August 28, 1947

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-august-28-1947 6/6



Ardmore 9431

Times Medical Bldg.Phone Ardmore 4114

AComplete, Convenient

Shopping Center



Phone Ardmore 2442

.59 81. James Place



(/)JU('jA, 9M.

Cigarette I, ightel 'sCome and Meet the Ronson

FamUySJleclal 'I'hls Week!

Ronson Lighters $5.50

Cleaners Since 1890



132-1 W. GlllAHD AVE.STevenson ".8700





A new cpach will make his deb

wIth Vil lanova 's foo tbal l team du

I ng the 1947 s es san . He Is John MKenn a , f o rm e r V il la no va c e nt

who coached Malvern Prepar

tory School prior to returning

his alma mater.

McKenna will s e rve as line coac

Rounding out the st.aff In additioto major domo Jordan OlivaI' aJerri Neri, ass is tant coach, an d ARaimo. backfield mentor.·

McKenna NewVillanova C'oach

Storo ID



Frank's Pipe Shop59 W. Lancaster Avenue

·1·.....·10 . . . . . . Mo•• Comple'e

'Cigarette HoldersBeaut i ful ly Chorme Plat('dKirsten $2,50

Alfred Dunhtl! DI-NlcotlneHolder. choice of colors.. $2,00

J)elh·er, . Anywhere

GILMAN Inc... . III. C . . .. l ' J :e . ROl ld A.rd 01130


· · ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ & f ~ t J M { ; . ~ 1,

saJe opened Wednesday at Villa·novL .

If th e number I of availablelettermen Is an y criterion. lookf o r U p pe r Darby H igh t o d om- ,I na te Subu rban BIll" Six footballrank. t h i s s eas on. No less than·10 returning Royals KJ'eetedCoach Dutch Loeb. I .ower MerIon has nine holdoveri', thouA"h,against live f o r H a ve rf or d .Abington, acco rd ing to advancereports, Is l o aded fo r b'ar, an dChe l te nh am f ig ur es t o be nopushover.

------'Bob Feller threw a baseball at

t h e f a s te st s pe ed t h us far recorded.

According to the Army chon/)

graph It was 98.6 mph.

Back to School and CampusChoose from our large stock of smoking',items for the

student and teacher.,Tohn Middleton Tobacco, Cigars andPipes including the Old Mariner Mixture of Tobacco. We. carry selectedbrands such as Mixture 79, LondonDock, Crosby Square, Bin56 and D&M.

Opening,Week's i \ , !. 24

Special in Pipes ..._John Middleton Pre-Smoked $2 Pipewith 'two packs of

Sugar Barrel or Regimental Tobacco . . . . . . • . . . . • • • , ••• , ••. $1.50$2.50 Imported FINE BRIARS $1.50KAYWOODIE, Straight or Full Bent Shape ...•• .• .• .••••••• .• ..• $3.50

IBo'· '. Fine Selection of Pouches to Select From

.•:: .. ,: Slleclal Th i s We ek l

:;:,: ,: Comblnatloh Pouch with Pipe Compar tmen t $1.19

FuJI line ofDUk-I tPIpeR.acks & Humidors, $1.25 up

Your Favorite Cigar in Boxes-Always Factory Fresh!THISWEEI{ 'S P hillie s, box o f 50 $4,15

SPECIALS! Del uxe Phi ll ie s, extra size. 50 $5.00

Prices start at $187


H e a d q u a r t ~ r s

M·· 1 1 u f f l l i r + ( ( ~ t '..a . , n a v , o ~

/i1,kJ- fk1ftt ...•'

Are Main Line Shopping

Suburban Square Merchants

65 ST. JAMES P t. .


~ u b U l ' b a n Square merchants are ready tos er ve you . You 'l l f ind it a t r ea t j us t tolook and see the interesting array o f newquality merchandise they have preparedfor your sp-Iection. A treat multiplied bymany f ine stores and courteous service.Come and shop • .• where it's pleasant • •.convenient .. . e·conomical.MERCHANTS OF SUBURBAN SQUARE ,, 1

~ ' ' ' ' ' . I . I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '....__~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I James I1 %ads l!z£ gisl I R i ~ h i e I

/or fratL u I *.5. A becoming Suit is a "must" for a I Fine Linem

Autumn. Our collection is young, I *i new an d different •• • expertly I

•Z9 Coulter Ave., Ardmore I

tailored in every detail. Ii si Smart fe lt hats f rom $18.75. ~ ; " " " " ' ' ' ' . I ' ' ' ' . I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~.5. Children'8 WearIIBDOROTIIY R. Foundation Garments

.s ULLITT INC. Lingerie

] [ Junior DressesARDMORF. CHESTNUT Hill

28-30 P.,kingPlara. S5U·16 G.,manlawn Aft . G.t Closed SaturdaysJuring August

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



I ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ t ~ S ~ T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D M ~ : c O S ~ R E ~ P L ~ A ~ C i i E ~



BOB WllEr,AN, Villanova's athle t ic associa t ion secretary, reports11 heavy advance s a le o f t i cl c et s f o rthe Army-Villanova game at "VestPoint on Saturday, Sept. 27. Severalt ho us an d W il dc at g ra ds p la n totravel to t he g am e. T he g en er al

By JACK FORDMarty Lyons, Blll' Boyle a nd t he

rest o f t he Drassle b r igad.e from

t hi s s ec to r t re kk ed t o Wildwood's

wind -wh ipped s easho r e cour s e on

Monday to compe te In thel annual

Philadelphia Profess ional Golfers'

Association championship. ,This bring to m ind t h e 1946 PGA

tourney test at Cedarbrook, whenSam Davis, an unher a lded , anem iclooldng l i tt l e guy. knocked off theb i g g un s to breeze h om e w it h t hetitle. That v icto ry vau lt ed Sam tothe head p ro post at Cres t Hollow,for he' had h i ther to been lmnotlceda s M at t Kowal's ass is tant at Phil·mont.

D av is d ef ea re d s om e o f thllldlfltrlct'li best llnlcsmen In la dlIummer's t o r tuous hea t .He andthe r es t o f the gang at lealltwon' t h a v e h o tw e a t h er t o c on tend with. f or e ve ry t im e w eever vlllited Wildwood th ewlndll allsured l\ cool, comfortable round.

In one o f l a st s umm e r' s s t lc k vmatChes, Davis and ve te ran AI MacDonald,

alikeable, lumbering Brit

ISh Nav y v e t er an o f t he f i r st Wor ldWar. h o pk ed u p In ·an extra-holeduel. If memory sel 'ves, t h ey w entt o t h e 20th or 21st ho lebefo re Davisf inal ly subdued t h e s tubborn M a c ~Donald. whose feet and war woundswere h u r t i n ~ h im m or e than a l it . t le th e longer match lasted.I t 's no t en t ir e ly Impo s si b le f o r

Lyons. the Istoutish, prematurelyIgray Llanerch Country C lu b p ro ,to win the PGA t it le . M ar ty , Whohasn't won a majo r t i tl e for someseasons. has heen playing excep-1tionally well this season.

He's a h l ' a ~ ' s hel'n a long hitt e r. a lt h ou gh n o g i an t killer onthe greens. Mayhap by t h e t im ethis Sep.fl t h e I igb t , J ' ~ ' o n s willhal'e heen eliminated along'wit,h half n hundred other dart-ers. lie Is perhaps a 300-to-lshot. Bu t I t c o ul d happen. AndIt couldn't happen to a nicergU)' .

,. . . ".C. B. Davis, Ine. I



INow is time to I

ICAN and FREEZE\Peaches .Tomatoes

'Sweet CornFull Supply at Brackbill's!


'ARDMORE: Suburban Sq,

VILLANOVA: Lincoln Hwy.

MALVERN: Lincoln Hwy.. .


IVeletable G r o ~ e r s 2S, YearsI

14 10 38[

Bill Sobczal" of. Narber th, t i ed arecord of seven r un s ba t ted In Inone g ame l as t week a g ai n st t he

s ame Wes t Manayunk nine. Team

mate Bob Tabor also equaled thatr ecord ea r li e r In t h e y e ar , as did

Manayunk's Pa t Elia.George Davidson, Narberth spp.ed

ball ace, led the l e ag u e i n strike

o l lts , wh iff ing 105 opposing bats


"Doc" Dem ar , A rdmo re ' s m o st

l oy al f ol lo we r. s li pp ed i nto th e

Lions' outfield fOr-a couple of Innings In las t . Sunday's curt.ain lowe r er a g ai n st ' V es t Manayunk . De

spite t.he g oo d d o et o r' s presence,

th e F i r emen toppled Eddie Hal'e's

crew, 8-7.

Overbrook RallyBeats W. Ph i l a ~Passers, 44 to 38'Vhile 600 spectators sweated un

der a suItI'y sun. Overbrook defeated West Philadelphia, 44 to 38. inthe fil'st game o f a playoff series forthe Narber th P layg round Leaguebasketball


night.OverbrOOk. victor over Lower

Merion In a semi- fina l p layof f test.wiped out a halftime deficit with asecond-half surge. The Overbroolcpassers trailed, 20-21. at t h e e n d ofthe f ir st t w o periods.Led b y Ma rt y Zipple a nd G re er

Heindel, f or me r L ow er MerionHigh star. OverbrOOk moved l lwayto a command Icading and wa s never headed. Hei nd el h u ng u p sevenfield g o al s f o r 14 points, wh il e Z i ppic dropped fOUl' for eight counters .B in k M an ni ng a nd Bob Hacl;;:ettalso cont r ibu ted e ight po in t s eachto Overbrook's t.otal.Previously. ' V es t P hi l ad e lp h ia

h a d e l im in at e d N a rb e rt h In anelimination playoff. West Philadelph ia and Overb rook c las hed aga inlas t Wednesday night. A t.hlrdgame. if necessary , will be playedon t h e Narbcr th outdoor cou r t F r iday evening.


Zipple, f. . . . . . . 4 0 8Heindel, f. 7 0 14Mullln, c. . ". . . . 0 1 1Manning, g. . . . . . . . . . . . • 4 0 8Hackett. g. 4 '0 . 8Resnick, .g. 2 1 5


G. F. P.Hannon. f. 3 2 8McGuire. f. 2 0 4Ph.el .nn. c . . . . . . . . . . . . • • 3 2 8Arlzln, C. .., .,•••••••• " 0 4 4McDonald, g. 0 1 1"Furey, g. . . .••• '•. . . . • b 1 i3

Nick DeFranks, o f Mano a , hung

lip his seventh l e ag u e w in b y b e at

Ing Gladwyne, 6-4, On Sunday, bu t

the West Cheste r Teacher ace was

hard-pressed t o su bd u e the "kids."

Gladwyne outhit Manoa, 9 to 7.

. Speedy l i tt l e Bernie Rosenfeld

tied a Main Line Lcague record on

S a tu r da y w he n he pilfered four

bases aga ins t Wes t Manayunk.

M. L. League

Playoff Series,Starts Saturday

(Continued from Page One)

C he st er . r es pe ct iv el y. o n ,Labor

Day. w it h t he t hi rd g am e to be

played at a f ie ld t o b e decided upon

next S a turday. i f n eces sa ry.

If. by anY,chance of fl'eak weath

er, the Manoa-DI'exel HllJ p lay-o f f

Is r ai ne d o ut b ot h S at ur da y a nd

Sunday, Manoa would p la y W es t

Chester at Manoa On Labor Day,

while' Drexel H ll J wou l d entertain

Berwyn In th e start of that series

on Labor Day.

Waync cemented first place In the

West by t r ounc ing Norr i stown and

West Chester. The 'W. C.'s creptInto the p la y- of fs , h owev er , wh er i

Collegeville, l o se r o f 17 s traight, upsct Norristown, 6-5, on Sunday.


Saturday'l ReluJ,tl

Wayne, 10: Norrlltown, 2.Wayne. 10; West Chel!er. 0,Berwyn, H; Collegevllle, 2,Gladwyne, 2; Ardmore, O.Drexel Hill, 19; W. Manayunk, 2.Manoa, II; Narberth, 1,

Sunday's Resultl!

Drexel Hill, 9; Narberth•• •Manoa. 6 ; GladwYne, 4.

. 'Collegeville, 6; Norristown, II.Berwyn, 7; West Cheat"r, 5.Wes t Manayunk, 8 ; A r dmo re , 7.


Eastern Division

W. r... ' :Pet.Drexel ,Hill •••••••• . • 20 5 .8ilOManoa . • • . • • • • • • • ••. 20 II .800Narberth . . . • • • • • • • • . 16 9 .1':40Ardmore 11 14 .440Gladwyne . . .. . . .. 10 15 .400Wes t Manayunk • . . . . 6 16 .304

lVestern Dlvl'llon

W. L. P ct .Wayne • . • . . • • • • . . • • • 15 9 .625Berwyn .. . . . . • • •• ••• 13 10 .!id5West C h es te r •••••• 9 14 .J91Norristown . . .••••••• 8 16 .333CollegevlJle . . . . • • • • . . 2 18 .100

"A G'O'oo' J0 8 FOR }O'U







MONTHLYSf rll RETIREMENTla:.,."!r INCOME AFTERtPer 20 Yearl' 30 Year.'

Master Sergeant Monfh S er vI ce S er vl c o

or FirstSergeant ~ 1 6 5 . 0 0 _107.25 _185.63Technical Sergeant. 1 35 .0 0 8 7. 75 151.88

StalI S ergeant 115.00 74.75 1 2 9 . ~ 8Sergeant 100.00 65.00 112.50

Corporal 9 0. 00 5 8. 50 101.25

Private F irs t Oaas 80.00 52.00 90.00

Private _ • 75.00 048.7.5 84.38

In Aclclif;on '0 Fooel,

LoJging, Cloth•• ancl

M.dlcal Car .





In Addition to co l umn one o f t h e Above:i ncre ase fo r overseD!. 50%

increase, if mernber of Hying crew.increase, up to $50 maximum per mnn th .If memberof IIlider crew. $50 permonthforparAchuti .t . (not in flyina-pey ltatUI)whil"enaolledupon p.rachute duty. 5% Incre• ..,i n p a y for each 3 yean DC service. I


AT SWIMMING MEETTwo n ew records were hrolcen nt

t he C ol on ia l V il la ge Swimming

Club's weekl y m ee t on Monda.r, LOU TRUDEL TO JOIN

s e ~ ~ ~ t ~ I ~ : " n ~ \ f Valley Forge, com- ARENA HOCKEY TEAM

Peting in t hc j un i or bOYS' 25-yard LOllis Napoleon (Loll)' Trudel,

wiclder of o ne o f t he m os t p o te n tf ree sty le, lowered h is p rev ious r ec -' s cor ing s t i ck s In professional Ice

ord of 15.4 seconds to 15 seconds . hockeyand one o f the a l i- t im es co rflat. Ing g r eat s o f the Amer ican League,Dick Trimblp. of Waynp. crossed is joining the Philadelphia Rockets., . , I The announcemen t that Trudel

the f in is h l in e i n the 50-yard f r ~ e had been purchased by the Rocke 'sstyle race in 25.3 seconds, b r eak ing f r om t.he Cleveland Baron s . washis own record lor the fifth consec- I made by Peter A. Tyrrell, preSIdent

. . and g-eneral manager o f the A rena .u tI\ 'e t ime. . 'Trudel has averaged 71 points pcrThe final meet of the season \\"111 s e aso n f o r t he l as t s ix campaigns .

he hp.ld on Lahor Day at 2 P. M" j In 1 9 4 4 - 4 ~ , when the Baronsafter which t h e P re s id e nt ' s Cup the A m e r I C ~ n Lp;ague an d CaJdel

. Cup championships , Lou sc t thewill be p r es ented t.o the season s s co ri ng p ac e w it h a ~ o t a l of 93nigh point swimmer. points.

M I R R 0 IS

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MAYBE it's t rave l you want-in exotic 'l

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W it h n in e e xp er ie nc ed p la ye rs H av er fo rd will h av e o ne o favailable. Lower Merion High wlJl i t s heavies t J in es I n r e ce n t y e ar sface i t s most ambi t iou s schedule:n du r ing the 1947 footbalJ season ' -buty ea rs t hi s s ea so n, o pe ni ng w it h .Nor theas t H igh on Sept. 20 and op- the fOl'ward wall will average on lyposing nine more SUbu rb an, c i ty 165 to 170 pounds, Co ach Bi ll Stlnan d up-State rivals. son annOUncea as 55 candidates re-Team cap tain w il l b c Len Shep- portcd at t h e Brook line field, Mon

h ar d, t he A ll -S ub ur ba n h a lf ba c li , d a y.w ho w il l h av e D ic k Oliver and ' "Tha t doesn ' t s ound like much,"Graham Hoppp.r as his r unn ing - S t in s on said, "bu t compar ed to thematcs in the backf ie ld. Oliver and l i ne s we ' ve h ad t o w or k w it h f orHopper played f u llb ack las t sea- the pas t few years , it 's an Improve90n. bu t Coach D ic k M at ti s m ay m en t. We f l gu r e to have a prettysw it ch the fo rmer t o h a lf . Ano th e r f n lr line, as a matter \ of fact, butletterman is Harry Ba rt on , h ai f- arc aWfully weak In backf ie ld ma-back. , terla!."One Of Ma tt i s' m o st pressinr, F ive le t te rmen were on hand for

problems w ll l b e thp. development t he F or d' s I n it i al d ri l l, Includingof a capab le quart e r back . Don t h re e r e gu la rs . T h e holdovers InTownsend, whose field g"eneralshlp clude Cap ta in Howard Pyatt, exfeatured in Lower Merion's drive- Upper D a rb y J u ni o r H ig h s ta r.toward a tic f a r t h e Suburban B ig guard; .Johnny Trickett, end. andS ix c r own , a n d o t he r s t an do u ts o f C ha rl ie Arnold, a halfbaclc. Otherthe 1946 eleven are u na va il ab le . I ct t. er me n who d ldn 't ' p l ay r egu la rlyAlso among- t h e m iss ing arc Ber- l a st s ea so n a r e D on Griffith, center,

n le S te ph en s, t h e A rdmo re Aces' a n dEn d E rI e Daniels.fleet ha lf back , and D av e M ar on ey , C oa ch S t ins on and Steve .Juenger,captain an d center. Bob DIMarco, assistant. also are counting on aBob Callahan and Rube TYson are dozen grldders who s\l:w servicelikely ce.nter cand.ld.ates, with Tom- wlt.h Allie Cornog's jun ior va r si tymy DaVIs a pOSSibi li ty at quarter- elcven l a s t y ca r. Among them areback. ., Norm Wilde a nd B ru ce Yelland,

~ : ) t h e r lettermen a . ~ e Bill BlIclc and'l e n ds ' N orm Car ls on a nd D av e L ap EI}l Ryder. t;nds; . hm Bar r, t ac ld e. : p i n. 'tacltlp.s: W ar re n H ut to n a ndMike Vene z ia .and Don Shavel, Pete P e leg rin i . gua rd s . and Haro ldguards. Shaver IS. f'xp'lcted to h a ~ - I ]":lyer a nd Tom J on es , c e nt er s.die most of t h e k lc lung chor es thiS I Among the junior va r si ty backseason. ' . field prospects are Bill Corbe tt andRet .urnees fn?m th«; v a r s l ~ y sqllad Ra y Morris. Three asp !J'an ts who

also, Include ~ I I I .MOI?"n and p layed fo r t h e J u n i or H i gh l a st sea

S ~ O I t . y Imes, g u a l ~ s , Bill P les s and '5on also arc be ing cons ide r ed : NedDlclc . Z e n g ' ~ l , ends, Al Adams and Ho ll lng swor th , Dick' Dagas t ino andCharlie Wilson, backs. Frank Cl'Ouse, backfield candidates.

In addition to the' 55 already drilling, CoaCh St.inson expect.s at leas t35 mo re f o ot b al l er s when schoolopens, swel l ing the Ford r a nl t s t oalmost 100.




2 lb. 19c3 lb. 23c

3 1b'19c

Ih 65cIII 73cIb 53cIb 55cIb 85cIb 49c

'I, Ib 32c'/, Ib 29cIb 65c

Ib -pkg 49c


3 pkg. 20c

2'01 pkg 13c10-0'10' 28cquort. 75cdOlln

pkg 01 12 5c

pkg of 12 1Ic



20 oz. l oa f 15c::: 16c:,k: 16c

:,kr2 21c6-0' bag 27cS'/,··.Ia. 37c

w ~ o l o' ~ . m s

2 ~ : - : : 23c


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Of .. .Ham'

or Th.. .



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ShankHalfButt Half

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Celery Crisp Pascal 2 ~ ~ : 1 k s 29cSeedless Grapes H ~ : ; ; rFreshLimaBeansSolidSlicingTomatoes

JuicyOranges' ~ ~ ' i ' , , ; ; ~ ~ a dOl 29cPotatoes u ' 1 ' s ~ ~ ' I 5 15c : 10 29c

Tea Bags




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Potato Salad Conwoy'. 16-0. I" 19c

Salad Mustard : . . ~ : 16-0'1"15c

Pretzels C.lopa S.Ity Thin 6-•• pkg 14c

Spam, Treet or Prem 12-.. <on 35c

CocaMColaPa. Tax Included-Plus 2c

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Ardmore Aces IFords to'BoastList 9'Veterans I'Heaviest' Line,