Our day strats with a smile

Post on 13-Mar-2016

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Comenius project

Transcript of Our day strats with a smile

The project: “Our day starts with a smile” aims to:

- Create a positive and calm emotional environment for the children in the kindergarten; - Help the children overcome aggression; - Help the children adopt good role models in the spirit of the European values and morals; - Incorporate the parents with the aims and activities of the project.

2. We conducted a survey with parents about problems with aggression of the children.

1. Five senior teachers involved in English language courses at different levels, headmistress and two senior teachers - in a training course in English.

1. We dоn’t fight, don’t hit and scream.2. We don’t offend and don’t

speak bad words.3. We respect the teachers and

our friends.4. We are good and we help each

others.5. We are always ready to rescue

someone who is in trouble.6. We keep and set the things

around us in order.7. You and me-we are different,

but we respect the opinions of others.

8. Every day we gave away smiles.

27. Participation in a regional conference in Shumen "International Partnerships"

30. V National Conference "We lead the Future in Hand"

Veliko Tarnovo, 25-28.04.2012

33. Final party with all children “Good heroes from fairy tales and films for children”

• Thank you, friends! It was a big Thank you, friends! It was a big pleasure to work with you. We hope pleasure to work with you. We hope that could work again together in that could work again together in future common projects! future common projects!