Other translation method - Shift or transposition

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Other translation method - Shift or transposition


IONA shift (Catford) or transposition (Vinay and

Darbelnet) involves a change in the grammar/part of speech from SL to TL.

There's a reason for life! it could be translated as: ¡Hay una razón para la vida! However, the correct translation

is ¡Hay una razón para vivir!


The change from singular to plural, eg:

“Furniture” → “Muebles”

→ «des meubles»

this word in English is uncountable and singular, in Spanish and French becomes a plural word.


When an SL grammmatical structure does not exist in TL

“Working with...” → “Trabajar...”

“El trabajo..."

"Lo importante es" → "What's..."

"The important thing..."

"It's important“

"The important of the matter..."


Where literal translation is grammatically possible but may not accord with natural usage in TL.

He will soon return → Volverá pronto

Volvera en breve

Pronto volvera

Transposition, here, offers translators a plenty of possible versions.

There are a number of transpositions standardized English to Spanish worth noting that although all have more than one translation.


• 1. adverb + adjective → adverb + adjective.Ejemplo: Exceptionally large: "de una importancia excepcional".

2. Preposition → construcción preposicional.Ejemplo: After: "después de".

3. Adverbial phrase → construcción adverbial.Ejemplo: Gruffly: "de manera brusca".

4. noun + noun → noun + adjective of sustance.Ejemplo: Nerve cell: "célula nerviosa".

5. Verb of description + preposition → verb of motion+ gerund (Vinay y Darbelnet la llaman criss-cross)Ejemplo: He crawled to the window: "ganó la ventana gateando".

6. empty verb+ verb-noun → verb.Ejemplo: He gave a laugh: "el se rió".

7. Nombre + preposición + nombre → nombre + participio pasado o subordinada adjetiva + nombre.Ejemplos: The plot against him: "el complot urdido contra él",The tower on the hill: "la torre que se erguía en la colina".

8. - Oración subordinada o sintagma adverbial → construcción de participioEjemplo: when the time comes (at the right time) I'll be ready: "Llegado el momento estaré listo".

The replacement of a virtual lexical gap by a grammatical structure.

A la salida del teatro → "As we came out of the theatre"



"a change in point of view that allows us to express the same phenomenon in a different


La expresion es fácil de entender (it is easy to understand), no es complicado de entender (it is not

complicated to understand)


Positive for double negative (or double negative for positive) is a concrete translation procedure which can be applied in principle to any action (verb) or quality (adjective or adverb):

Don’t delay: “Date prisa”Get this straight: “No te quepa duda”He’s extremely intelligent: “No tiene nada de tonto”


‘Part of the whole’ is rather misleadingly described; it consist of what we call familiar alternatives.

“la ciudad Condal” (Barcelona).

Valle de las hamacas (San Salvador)


The other modulation procedures:

1. Abstract for concrete: Sit by the fire: "Sentarse junto a la chimenea".

2. cause for effect: You’re quite a stranger: “No se te ve el pelo”

3. one part for another: From cover to cover: “Desde la primera hasta la última página”

4. reversal of terms: Health insurance: “Seguro de enfermedad”

5. active for passive: It is necessarily performed when a language has not passive.

6. Space for Time: As this is itself (Space) presented a difference: “Como eso presentaba ya (tiempo) una dificultad”.

7. Intervalos y límites.8. Cambio de símbolos.




You should use the official or the generally accepted translation of any

institutional terms (or other) (e.g., international organizations).


Translation Label: an approximate equivalent or a new term that is usually a collocation for a feature particular to the

SL culture. This is a provisional translation, which should be made in inverted commas.

It can later be discreetly withdrawn.