Organic vs Inorganic growth

Post on 14-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Organic vs Inorganic growth

  • 7/30/2019 Organic vs Inorganic growth


  • 7/30/2019 Organic vs Inorganic growth


    Globalisation Strategy and


  • 7/30/2019 Organic vs Inorganic growth


    Learning Outcome

    Understand the concepts of organic and inorganic growth

    Deliberate on the trends in organic and inorganic growth in recent past

    Discuss how some companies have successful used sustainable business

    strategies to pursue growth

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    Top-line vs Bottom Line Growth

    It is extremely essential for companies to maintain profitable growth to

    increase or maintain shareholder value

    To achieve this, a company must grow its top line (i.e.. revenue) and also grow

    its bottom line

    A company can grow its top line by buying other companies. A company can

    also grow by increasing its sales on its own without buying other companies

    This is called organic growth. Growing revenue by acquiring other

    companies is sometimes called inorganic growth

    Organic growth can be achieved by increasing the sales of existing products

    and developing new products for both existing and new customers

    Inorganic growth is achieved by adding the revenue of the acquiredcompanies

    Companies usually employ a combination of organic and inorganic growth to

    achieve their top line growth target

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    Growth Strategies for Companies

    Growth Strategy


    Asset Replication

    New Market

    New Technology

    New Customers

    Takeover/ Acquisition

    Joint Venture

    Strategic Alliance

    Horizontal Vertical Conglomerate


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    Terms And their Examples

    Takeover/ Acquisition

    Joint Venture

    Strategic Alliance


    Takeover/ Acquisition

    Joint Venture

    Strategic Alliance

    Horizontal Vertical Conglomerate


    Sony - Ericsson

    Tata - Corus

    Microsoft and Nokia

    Glaxo and Smithkline

  • 7/30/2019 Organic vs Inorganic growth


    Choosing Between Organic and Inorganic


    Developing new products

    and customers can also belong and costly

    A safer option as growth is

    closely controlled by the


    Acquisitions can be a costly

    proposition, often leading tohigh debt

    It may take a long time to

    integrate the acquired

    companies into existing

    operations Much faster way of growing


    Organic Inorganic

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    The Agony and Ecstasy of Growth Strategies

    Business acumen is critical in helping to weigh the advantages and

    disadvantages of each approach. Here are some questions that must be

    considered in deciding which approach to use:

    Acquisitions of big companies can be costly and it may take a long time to

    integrate the acquired companies into existing operations. HR practices, IT

    systems, and corporate culture are key factors that must be taken intoaccount. But acquisitions lead to immediate increases in revenue

    Organic growth avoids problems of integration and overpaying, but developing

    new products and customers can also be long and costly. This will delay the

    increase in revenue as well as profit.

    Cisco, a leading provider of communications equipment and services, is aperfect example of a company that uses acquisitions as the mainstay of its

    growth strategy. Over the years, it has acquired numerous companies, both

    large and small

    An example of failed acquisitions in recent years is Daimler-Benzs purchase

    of Chrysler

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    Good To Read.

    The New M&A Playbook

    Even though organizations spend trillions on mergers and acquisitions

    each year, the failure rate is between 70% and 90%. Authors ClaytonM. Christensen, Richard Alton, argue that the chance for success with

    a M&A strategy can be improved if target selection, how much to pay

    for the target, and target integration are better understood

    They discuss the reasons for mergers and acquisitions as well as how

    to realize the benefits of each strategy

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    Tata Group Case Study Learning Outcome

    Examine Tata Group's organic growth strategies.

    Understand how inorganic growth strategies played a crucial role in the success

    of Tata Group

    Analyze the issues and challenges faced by Tata Group while implementing

    organic and inorganic growth strategies

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    A Range of Recent Books Talk about how Sustainable Businesses are

    Adding Value for both the Society and their Shareholders

  • 7/30/2019 Organic vs Inorganic growth



    Sustainability is broadlydefined as meeting theneeds of the present

    generation withoutcompromising the ability of

    future generations to meettheir own needs

    But what exactly is Sustainability? And what are Sustainable


    According to a research conducted by the University of Michigan in 2002, Sustainable enterprises

    formulate new ways to create and capture environmental, social and financial value

    There are plenty of examples of entrepreneurs that have demonstrated that sustainability reveals

    opportunities to improve our natural environment, peoples quality of life, while at the same time

    creating economic value